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This Woven Kingdom #1

This Woven Kingdom

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Clashing empires, forbidden romance, and a long-forgotten queen destined to save her people—Tahereh Mafi’s first in an epic, romantic trilogy inspired by Persian mythology.

To all the world, Alizeh is a disposable servant, not the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom forced to hide in plain sight.

The crown prince, Kamran, has heard the prophecies foretelling the death of his king. But he could never have imagined that the servant girl with the strange eyes, the girl he can’t put out of his mind, would one day soon uproot his kingdom—and the world.

Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Tomi Adeyemi, and Sabaa Tahir, this is the explosive first book in a new fantasy trilogy from the New York Times bestselling and National Book Award-nominated author Tahereh Mafi.

512 pages, ebook

First published February 1, 2022

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About the author

Tahereh Mafi

53 books57.8k followers
Tahereh Mafi is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Shatter Me series. She was born in a small city somewhere in Connecticut and currently resides in Santa Monica, California with her husband, fellow author Ransom Riggs. She can usually be found over-caffeinated and stuck in a book. Shatter Me is her first series, with television rights optioned by ABC Signature Studios; Furthermore, her first middle grade novel, is on shelves now, and Whichwood, its darker companion, will be on shelves November 14, 2017.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 10,935 reviews
Profile Image for Ayman.
266 reviews113k followers
February 14, 2022
Tahereh Mafi put her whole taHUSSY into this…

this was 40 chapters of badassey, ecstasy, and euphoria. this book singlehanded cured my depression. it’s been a hot minute since i picked up a fantasy book and after reading this book…i won’t be able to get enough.

this shit was gold. the writing? immaculate. the characters? i would DIE for them! the ending? TAHEREH if you don’t drop book 2 IMMEDIATELY 🔪

i was here for every minute of this book. from the Persian mythology that was woven into it to the lush romance. omfg like i was NOT disappointed once! our main girl Alizeh? badass to say the least. Kamran? deserves the fucking world!

the way Kamran is falling HARD for Alizeh… “You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you…i feel now, in your presence, entirely strange. i think i might fetch you the moon if only to spare your tears again.” like AHHHHH

this book reminded me why the forbidden love trope is my FAVORITE. we get this knife to the throat scene that had me screaming into the night sky. “speak the truth now or i will slit your throat” is a love language

tahereh deserves to get her ass ATE for publishing this masterpiece ngl. ma’am is THAT bitch!
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
April 21, 2023
this is very ‘an ember in the ashes’ meets ‘the city of brass’ and i couldnt be happier.

because this reminded me of two books that i love, of course i would subjectively enjoy this. but from an objective perspective, i think this also has all of the necessities for a strong start of a series:
- really interesting world (based on persian mythology)

- readable writing (good pacing, consistent flow/development, and engaging plot)

- characters you can get behind (who doesnt love a long lost queen, a dutiful prince, and good forbidden romance?)
all of the basics are there and TM has masterfully woven them into a really intriguing story - one i couldnt stop reading.

a massive thanks to harper collins for the ARC!

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Kat.
286 reviews748 followers
January 7, 2023
UPDATE: this book is a finalist in the Goodreads Choice Awards for Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction, y'all, this is my 13th reason
“And the Oscar for Best Actress in the new exciting drama Managing Not to Throw This Book Repeatedly Against a Wall goes to… Kat!”

*I pretend to be shocked over my win and squeeze out a few tears for the cameras while hugging my emotional support dog who is sitting next to me*

*I then get up, make my way toward the microphone, and out of my teensy tiny I-couldn’t-care-less clutch, I pull out my prepared acceptance speech*

“Dear readers, fellow friends. First and foremost, I would like to thank myself and my inner strength that have allowed me to push through, read this book until the end, and not abandon it 20 pages in. It was an incredible display of team effort, the team consisting of me, myself, and I. However, for the uninitiated, I would like to give a brief overview of This Woven Kingdom.

The fact that this book was promoted as “the explosive first book in an epic, romantic trilogy inspired by Persian mythology” without ever disclosing that it is your basic rags-to-riches Cinderella story, shows the marketing team was very good at their job; meaning: they knew exactly how to sell this as something NEW and ORIGINAL even though we’ve been fed stories like this a hundred times over. Published in 2022, This Woven Kingdom read like a novel that came out and should have been forgotten about in 2012.

Now let me give you a more accurate, spoiler-free synopsis: set in a patriarchal society, this novel is about an obnoxious, spoilt princeling who, through the course of the book and by meeting a “speshuuul” girl destined to become KWEEEN and overthrow his family, realises that monarchy is an unfair class-based system profiting off the hard, underpaid, and often unpaid, labour of the working classes. What he doesn’t realise is that women perhaps aren’t objects and that servants and lower-class citizens maybe deserve rights, too.

It's not that the author took a very traditional Western fairy tale and let it play out in a Persian-inspired setting. Our fairy tales are long overdue a more diverse, intersectional overhaul. Any kind of retelling set in a different society is welcome, but CAN WE PLEASE, PLEASE, then at least make those retellings worth TELLING? If we have to bear yet another YA Cinderella retelling, can people at least bring something new to the table? Is this such an impossible ask?

It surely seems an almost insurmountable task given that this book presents its readers with all those things you have already read time and time again:
the servant girl that is bullied, disregarded, and beaten by the evil, evil housekeeper. 😢 The same servant girl who has MAGIC 🪄 and can sew BEAUTIFUL gowns 🤩🪡👗 but knows she can never wear them. The prince who doesn’t want to become king and carry all those responsibilities. 😠 You have to understand; NO ONE in his life understands him! 😭😭 Women are all either simpering stupid little princesses or evil! 👿 JUST LIKE HIS MOTHER! But lo and behold, there is one girl, so beautiful, so mesmerising, so enthralling that he falls head over heels in love with her at first sight! 😍😍 BUT SHE IS FORBIDDEN! 😱😱 SHE IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE! 😨 Don’t you understand? She could be his family’s DOWNFALL! 😩

Bla-dee-fucking-blah. Someone hand me a red pen because Mafi seems to have written this with every single YA book published between 2008-2012 lying open next to her.
And it’s not just the insane lameness and utter unoriginality of the plot but that the book was lowkey steeped in misogyny. Except for our special self-insert 17-year-old main character ‘Alizeh’, there is not a SINGLE (and I’m not exaggerating here) likeable female character in this book. Except for one girl (who is portrayed as stupid, spoilt, easy to scare and terrify) that Alizeh befriends towards the end of the novel, every woman in this book is downright nasty. The MC doesn’t have any female friends; there are no female role models. Alizeh’s mistresses treat her like garbage, are jealous, frivolous, insensitive, or all three.

On top of that, our “his face looked like cut from marble” princeling Kamran does nothing but belittle every woman he meets (except for Alizeh, who, after having exchanged five sentences with her, surely must be the love of his life). All the princesses courting him are insipid, stupid, gold-digging little creatures. His mother is barely in the book (screen-time of maybe about two pages?), and of course, she is sort of insane and always plays twisted games with him.
I can excuse some things; this, I absolutely won’t. It’s wild that a book like this is part of and published in a genre predominantly geared towards teenage girls, but what do I know.

*The last sentence is uttered with every bit of irony my voice can conjure, and I enjoy the audience’s laughter for a few more seconds before I continue*

Now, if you like your romances well-developed, well-seasoned, with a good dash of character development, mutual emotional growth and maybe a little bit of slow-burn and tenderness, this book… IS ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR YOU as the only thing it “served” was luke-warm insta-love with a whiff of love-triangle. They see each other ONCE and already can’t stop thinking about each other. They see each other TWICE, and already they’re madly in love and obsessed. You don’t understand, I was laughing so hard, the Nokia phone I was writing my 1D fanfiction on nearly fell out of my hand.

If Kamran had been likeable at least, hell, maybe if even one of them had been likeable, this would not have bothered me THAT much, but our spoilt brat spends his days insulting his ministers, moping over Alizeh, being a petty misogynist, and delivering a page-long rant about how ANNOYED he is that he has to wear fine clothes to the ball. Mf wouldn’t even be able to distinguish between silk and corduroy, shdjdjdjjdss, get out of here.

Aside from the messy plot, the pile upon pile of discarded YA tropes which I thought we had left in the last decade; aside from the flat MC and unfeeling, rather repugnant male love interest, there was the WRITING.

If only I had known what frustration beautiful words used in the wrong context could cause, oh my. Mafi’s writing is nothing short of theatrically histrionic. If you don’t know what that means, don’t fret, that’s precisely what Mafi seemed to be going for when she wrote these whoppers:
“He felt his muscles were atrophying slowly in the suit of his skin, a silent litany of epithets perched in his mouth even when he smiled.”

“It was in fact at the king’s behest that Kamran was to continue his inquiries into the girl’s whereabouts, for Zaal, too, had seemed perturbed upon hearing a more detailed accounting of the morning’s events.”

“I might accept an explanation of idealism more readily were your actions symptomatic of a larger philosophical position, which we both know they are not, as you've never before taken an active interest in the lives of street children - or servants, for that matter.”

Shakespeare really ran so the author could crawl, huh?

This has the exact same vibe as letting everyone in House of Gucci speak English… but with an Italian accent because they are Italian, yk? It’s got to be authentic! Same as you can’t let those characters speak either Italian or English without any kind of ridiculous accents, the author couldn’t write about a fantasy world without using over-the-top language that, if read out loud to a 17th-century landlord, would scare the shit out of him. God bless thee, good Sir.

*I take a sip of water, adjust the microphone, and prepare to bring my speech to an end*

Dear Academy, friends, and fellow readers. It is with great pleasure that I accept this award. As you surely understand, it took immense self-composure and strength to act in Managing Not to Throw This Book Repeatedly Against a Wall, but I hope you can see that your votes and confidence in me are much appreciated.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my eyes, for they had to see, and my brain, for it was forced to comprehend. Thank you, for not dumbing me down in the process.
Profile Image for Clace .
726 reviews449 followers
July 21, 2024

“You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you,” he said to her. “I feel now, in your presence, entirely strange. I think I might fetch you the moon if only to spare your tears again.”

This book was so well written like the writing in this book was beautiful that I actually fell in love. The way she described everything, the dialogues, the worldbuilding and the characters all of them delivered! I honestly went in waiting fall for Cyrus but warmed up to Kamran?? I wont lie for 150 pages I was so lost as to what was happening but the vibes were there and I was enjoying this book solely based on vibes but then the plot started to progress although slow the payoff to the build up was very well done.

“Never before had he been so consumed by the thoughts of anyone.”

Alizeh is among one of the best written fmc's because I loved reading about her point of view and not once was I bored because I wanted to know more about her and there was this sense of mystery like the characters were hiding something and you just wanted to know what was happening so, I think the way she executed that was very well done. Kamran, I don' know what to think of you because on one hand I was at the start really bored of him and wanted to get rid of him but then his story became more interesting and after 150 page mark when both the main characters meet he gets more interesting also the way he would describe Alizeh and the things that he would say were so swoon-worthy and he was actually worthy of being a king because of his heart....Im so conflicted because I like him but then there's this other guy who shows up near the end and now I AM CONFUSED. Cyrus the other guy who showed up at the end and left my emotions in a state of disarray. How do you plead for your crimes? The crimes being making me choose between Kamran and him and also for being charming and changing my perspective of the story in just the last 50 pages. Hazan cutie but also sus??

“He'd forgotten how beautiful she was. This revelation was astonishing to him, for he'd spent more time than he cared to admit thinking about the girl, conjuring her face when he closed his eyes at night. He did not think of himself capable of forgetting anything about her, and yet he must have, for he was struck stupid anew, drawing near her now like a hungry flame to tinder.”

The romance is why I hate love triangles because the way we got the trope forbidden romance between Kamran and Alizeh...it was lusty but its one of the rare cases where I liked it just because of the way he talked about her, it was so beautiful. So we get this Cinderella type forbidden romance with angst and swoon-worthy dialogues being built up between them and I am rooting for them and then came Cyrus with his lush copper hair and cocky one liners and drops a mega bomb on us in the final page and im just sitting there staring at the wall trying to process what to think of it.

“He realized, with some despair, that everything would now remind him of her. The very sun and moon, the shifting of lightness and dark.”

The plot was so fucking confusing like I literally was so confused that I had to ask Roxy about some stuff but I absolutely loved the Persian mythology aspect of this book and it was so similar to Arabic (the language) that I mistook at times for that but nvm that, back to the plot, but I loved when it started making sense, it was giving City of Brass and I love that book sm. I also loved how it was being built up and we thought the the payoff would be in the next book but a part of it literally happened in the last 70 pages and it was so satisfying because there's this character whom I hate sm and also Hazan you were playing mind games with me and that was not appreciated because the ending had me shooketh.

Overall, Tahereh did not disappoint at all!!
Cyrus- written by the same author who wrote Aaron Warner??? I NEED THIS!!

(Besides, it's been a while since I've read Tahereh's works and they tend to be among books I love and Roxy really liked this one so 🤷🏻 I'm bound to love it)
Profile Image for sama ୨୧.
77 reviews706 followers
May 6, 2024
3.50 stars ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
⟶ bye this was so much fun <3

first of all, kamran supremacy >>

🌷 “You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you,” he said to her. “I feel now, in your presence, entirely strange. I think I might fetch you the moon if only to spare your tears again.” 🌷


i do think naturally i will be team cyrus just bc I never get second lead syndrome. but omg he has such a special place in my heart for how sweet he was to her when all the odds were against him.

💐 dedication to my love 💐

i read this with my precious, gorgeous, hilarious, beautiful best friend kangna who i love so so so much and oh my it was the most fun i’ve had in a long long time idk how I’ll read a book alone ever again. i would wake up early and have something to look forward to when i came home bc it meant we could giggle and scream about this book together heheh.

ngl i am not the smartest LMAO this book was very very confusing to me like if i read this alone i would not have survived ask kangna i’m not even exaggerating. she explained like half the plot and meanings help. so thank you my dear (if you even see this) ily so so much <33

🧸 plot 🧸

oki i’ll try my best but again, I didn’t understand it much so…

so there are jinns and clays. jinns are devils, clays are human. alizeh is a jinn kamran is a clay. jinns have it very hard to find work bc, well, no one likes them. so when she finally finds a job as a servant, she’s very grateful and will do anything to not lose her job — although she is very very mistreated. and the prince (kamran) is obsessed with her. very insta-lovey he sees her defend herself once and falls in love help. it is a cinderella retelling after all though so it makes sense. oh and his grandfather, the king, wants to kill her (just as much as i’d like to kill him 🔪🔪) so forbidden romance woo !!

then one day whilst she’s just minding her business, she recieves a package. and this is where the cinderella part plays in but she gets invited to a ball~ i’m so jealous me and kangna were literally fantasising about attending one and having those huge flowy dresses🙁 the dream fr. and who does she get invited by?! this copper-haired beautiful stranger 🤭 who is the enemy apparently— but most of this happens towards the end bc the book is soooo damn slow.

🎀 the romanceee 🎀

honestly tahereh is so cruel for this. setting us up like that. kamran is so so so perfect and amazing and swoon-worthy rn but all our hopes will be crushed bc he’s not even the male lead. the male lead only shows up like in the last 5 chapters of the book and for the smallest amount of time ever 😭😭
i like kamran so far but she’s gonna pull an adam and make us hate his guts probably by book 2–

He only knew that she seemed apart from this mundane world; above it. The mere sight of her had paralyzed him.

like come on, it’s not everyday you find a man who will almost pass out because he’s too captivated by your beauty. how can one not love him is my question!?!?! 🥲💗

👑 alizeh 👑

she’s a legend, she’s an icon, she’s the it girl.

tahereh knows how to write a good baddie fmc like she is gonna have juliette’s exact development i just know it - starts really fragile, small and shy, and comes out a baddie who will not take crap from nobody 💅

she’s so brave too, she’s the only person who ever spoke her truth, and she was nice to people even when they were so rude to her 🙁 she’s so precious im obsessed with her.

😿 Never was she spared a moment of peace; never would her demons leave her be. She was always fatigued, always tense. She couldn’t even change out of her miserable, sopping clothes without being besieged, and now she would be pitched out into the winter streets. 😿

i wanna give her a hug and tell her everything will be okay 🫂

One day, her father had said, this world will bow to you.

i look forward to seeing when this actually happens 🙈🙈 it better or i’m suing. I want this series to end with everyone at her feet, begging for mercy and forgiveness for the horrible disgusting things they put her through

OH AND THE FANART !!this is her and cyrus and omg crying it’s so beautiful🥹

👩‍🍳💋 kamran 👩‍🍳💋

bye they made him too perfect.
he’s gonna be soooo hard to let go of I can’t
cyrus has some serious standards to live up to

no but for me, it was when she had a knife to his throat and all he could think was:

Was it terrible that his heart pounded in his chest at the soft sound of her voice? Was it worrisome that he felt nothing but pleasure to be held at her mercy?

like plz and you’re telling me I have to hate him!? no. it’s not happening (no but watch me take back all my words in book 2 HAHA)

💗 bye bye now 💗

ok i’m really sorry for all the rambling help. thank you to those that stuck around to read this and thanks to my pookie kangna for tolerating my dumbness for so long 😽😽 this book does have a pretty low rating only bc whilst i loved the story so so much it was a very slow book. something crazy would happen and then it’s followed by a whole bunch of nothing for 100 pages. but the second has potential to be a 4 or 5 YAY 🎀
(looking back at this omg I use so many emojis wth it’s looking a little hectic ngl)

also guys do you like this format? or the one from my last review😭 im so indecisive plz H E L P 💌

ily all i would definitely definitely recommend you read this asap and tell me all about it <33

happy reading 🧸🌷
Profile Image for Maditales.
611 reviews32.5k followers
March 28, 2022
Omg how can I even explain how much I love this books. I went into this with high expectations just because shatter me is one of my favourite series of all time and I was positively surprised.

Not only did I love the third person writing style but the world building was great. KAMRAN, Alizeh and every other character like Miss Huda had amazing characters and detailed story lines. I loved Alizeh. She had such a amazing backstory with so much mystery and I cannot wait to find out more and more in the next book.
Kamran's position in this book, as the nice prince is also quite great. I loved his perspectives and his role in this entire story.

Now the romance was good. This is definitely not slow burn but more love at first sight but oh wow that first kiss was amazing.

The plot twist was also great and the introduction of the enemy was very detailed and still I have questions.

I absolutely have no idea who the love interest will be since we have so many options and the theories in m head are running wild but I cannot wait to see what Tahereh does with this amazing first book.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,681 reviews53.9k followers
September 13, 2024
Wow, "This Woven Kingdom" blew me away! Tahereh Mafi weaves a spellbinding tale that's part Persian mythology, part forbidden romance, and all kinds of amazing.

The main character, Alizeh, is a total badass - a secret queen forced to work as a servant, hiding her true identity and incredible powers. And don't even get me started on Kamran, the crown prince who gets tangled up in her world. Their chemistry is off the charts!

Mafi's writing is pure magic. She paints such a vivid picture of this fantasy world that I felt like I was right there, feeling the icy chill of Alizeh's touch and the heat of the growing tensions in the kingdom.

If you're into epic fantasies with strong heroines, swoon-worthy romance, and enough plot twists to keep you up all night, grab this book ASAP. Trust me, you won't regret it!

Profile Image for Azanta (azantareads).
247 reviews411 followers
January 6, 2022
wait……..this was actually so good? ignore anyone who says this is like Game of Thrones tho bc that’s very much not true at all lol, this book is straight up a fairytale/retelling with very, very strong Cinderella vibes — but in the best way. truly i enjoyed this from start to finish and that’s saying a lot because i don’t love any of TM’s other books. i want book 2 now tho

this is a Persian YA fantasy through and through and i’m glad to see that Tahereh is finally embracing the culture and not writing for the white gaze anymore. it has Islamic influences re: the history of jinn which was very exciting to read

the fairytales that this reminded me of were: Cinderella, Rumpelstiltskin, and Aladdin
September 24, 2023

🏜️ Yay! :D It felt soooo good to come back on reading your favorite author's book. Not just that! It's even beyond exciting to take an adventure in Persian Fantasy world with giddy romance among the sun ☀️ sand, and sea and Mrs. Mafi's new hot, HOT boys. xD

Not that I'm familiar with Persian culture, I told you first. lol That's why I'm nervously excited to dive into this. *hehehe*


Okay let hear my story. lol I began my adventure at Ardunia. Here I met the crown prince of the empire 'Prince Kamran' who is instantly interested in my jinn friend Alizeh just a few times they met! This fast, mannn!! Even though she's just a servent!! 😲 I don't know why?

Then, there is Iblees who pop up in and out of Alizeh's life. Always tell her of that riddle I didn't understand! and made me skeptical in everyone in this dangerous empire! *ugh*



Why I say it's trouble? Because not just this prince! You guys will meet 2 boys here and SERIOUSLY! Both boys have our Warner vibe. One way or another. Prince Kamran is obsessed with Alizeh ( just like Warner's obsessed love for Julette, you remember? ) While another is oh my gosh bad, bad boy..

And I'm curious who your heart will lean to?
I don't know what people say..

🐉 Now my heart flew to Tulan already..


*Shriekkkkkkkkkkkk kk k k k*

Again!! This Tulanian guy swept me off my feet!! Cyrus. Cyrus. CYRUS. Who is this??? Hahaha I know who he is. :P BUT I just want to know more about him. His reputation is really interesting. And I think.. there might be something behind that dark background, I didn't know. 🤔

Cinderella-ish, my friends. Just read it! Though, I need to complain.. the romance is too few for me. I want moreee!!


ONE QUESTION : Which TEAM are you on, I'm curious? 🤭
Profile Image for Krysta ꕤ.
577 reviews279 followers
July 12, 2024
”What worlds he might be inspired to give up, he wondered, in the pursuit of knowing more of her mind.”

the world building based on Persian mythology is this book was so interesting. Alizeh is a jin and because of this she’s forced to hide her identity, along with some secrets she withholds about her where she comes from. Kamran is the prince of Ardunia and finds himself infatuated with Alizeh, despite everything working against his wishes to pursue her. the writing is beautiful and i enjoyed the story but i must admit that i feel like not much happened until the last quarter. i know this series has multiple books though, so im looking forward to getting more movement in the plot and im so curious about Cyrus after that ending 👀

been meaning to get to this one for a while, the covers are all so gorgeous im obsessed!! 💛✨
Profile Image for hailey:・゚✧.
99 reviews108 followers
September 9, 2023
Feb 1, 2022: Don't walk, RUN, to your nearest bookstore and get this book now!

Jan 3, 2022: never ending thanks to Netgalley and HarperCollins publishing for providing me with my first arc
publish date: Feb 1, 2022 preorder now!!

➝ 4.5/5 stars

"Though, if you mean to take me captive, you need only ask. I would come willingly."

"I think I might fetch you the moon, if only to spare your tears again."

*clears throat* Ms Mafi, this review is personal. You hear? personal. Because who told you to write such a literary masterpiece...and then not immediately give me the next book? My jaw is on the floor right now, I don't even know where to start.

I want to start off by saying that her writing style is just so amazing- and the more she writes, the better it gets. It really was amazing watching her writing develop throughout her books, especially this one! The writing was beautiful, the world building was immaculate, the plot twists?. And the characters?

Don't even get me started on Mr Kamran, he reminds me so much of Warner<33 He is everything you want in a dark-haired-morally-grey prince who fell so damn hard for the forbidden queen destined to destroy him🥰. NOW ALIZEH the ultimate badass with a heart of gold and the strength of ten women (yes, women). Her character is just amazing and SO SMART?? Like, usually the fm main character would make all the wrong decisions and not trust their instincts and be oblivious to everything, but NOT ALIZEH. And that's one of the main reasons I loved her!!

The story might be kind of slow for some people at the beginning, though that wasn't the case for me. I was hooked from the very beginning, and hardly wanted to put it down. Everybody and their mothers- go read this!!

Profile Image for Sahil Javed.
295 reviews280 followers
Want to read
February 2, 2022
if there's any characters like juliette or adam i'm gonna fucking shoot myself
April 19, 2024
・:*:・゚⁀➷ 3.75/5 ★

This was such a fun read omg!! 🤭🤭 I love tahereh mafi sm, her books always hit so hard 🥹💐

🥀 Middle eastern fantasy
🥀 Love triangle vibes (but not in a bad way)
🥀 Enemies to lovers
🥀 Multi-pov

I loved the shatter me series by this author so ofc i had to give this series a try! And this actually really surprised me with how much i enjoyed it. I can tell i’m really going to love this series! 🫶🫶

ೃ⁀➷ Writing & plot:

Although i love shatter me with my whole heart, i must admit that the writing in that series wasn’t the best. However, i could see some serious growth in tahereh mafi’s writing in this book!! 🥹🥹 Her writing felt way more polished & the more descriptive style suited the story so well. Also, loved the middle eastern inspiration! The culture woven into the book was done so well 💐

I also went into this book fully convinced that i would find the worldbuilding super hard to understand and that i would be really confused, which i hate in a fantasy book. But i actually didn’t find the world too hard to understand at all & it was so easy to get into!! I found this sooo addictive and i really couldn’t put it down once i got into it 🤭🤭

However, how much actually happened in this book…? The pacing was definitely a bit all over the place lmao and kinda nothing happened but it was also so entertaining?? Idk how to explain it 🙈🙈

ೃ⁀➷ Characters:

I definitely need to spend some more time with these characters before i become obsessed with them, but i really like them so far! Hopefully they get better and better 💐

➵ Alizeh: i really like her so far! 🥰🥰 She kinda reminds me of juliette (from shatter me) but a less whiny version of her. Alizeh has honestly been THROUGH it and i really admire her resilence. I hope she’ll get stronger in the future books 💛

➵ Kamran: yeah… i’ve seen so many people obsess over him but i really didn’t like him i’m so sorry 😭😭 From the beginning he felt like he had very little personality other than having anger issues and being obsessed with alizeh over one second of eye contact. Like…? I love a man who’s obsessed but his obsession just came off a little creepy to me 🙈🙈

➵ Cyrus: omgg when he appeared i think i screamed!! 🤭🤭 I was waiting for him hehe. I can already tell i’m going to obsess over him in the next book. His dark, mysterious villain vibes are so hot already 👀😮‍💨

ೃ⁀➷ Romance:

‼️ potential spoilers in this section ‼️

➵ Alizeh & Kamran: sooo… i was never particularly invested in their relationship 🙈🙈 From the beginning it felt very much like infatuation and they both went on and on about how attractive the other was. And then their first kiss just didn’t hit!! 😭😭 they feel very much like juliette and adam from shatter me and i’m really hoping kamran isn’t endgame 🙏

➵ Alizeh & Cyrus: why do i love them already?! 🤭🤭 Their chemistry from the very first interaction was so good and i can already see them having such a stunning enemies to lovers 🦋🦋 I actually can’t wait. Team cyrus all the way 😚

‼️ spoilers have ended ‼️

ೃ⁀➷ In conclusion:

This was soo enjoyable! 🥹💐 I would definitely recommend if you liked shatter me and want:

➛ Middle eastern culture
➛ Interesting characters
➛ Very addictive
➛ Intriguing world

I'm so glad I gave it a shot 💛💛

《 2024 Challenge: Book 52 of 115 》


ೃ⁀➷ prereview:

➛ stop, this was sm fun?! 🤭🤭 Definitely not as good as shatter me, but i had a great time with it & i can’t wait to read the rest of the series 🥹💐

rtc 💛
Profile Image for SHOMPA.
471 reviews266 followers
March 10, 2023
Is this the same author who wrote the "Shatter Me" series!? UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Let me just digest a few more minutes of what I actually got from the first book in this new series by Tahereh Mafi. It's been days since I finished it, still digestin.

Okay, when I first saw that it's a story about Jinn, Iblis, and dark magic, I was eagerly waiting to read the book and see how it would be arranged with these intriguing topics. But sadly, this whole book didn't focus too much on that. Even though the book has been standardized, it uses weighty sentences to make the world of the story believable. Still, it seemed to me that the author was focusing more on her writing than on improving the story or characters. I don't know what happened to this great writer. Is it possible that someone else is writing her book? Ehh.. I know it sounds very ridiculous. Never mind.

Despite my general dislike for the love triangle trope, I have to admit that the second half of the book was quite enjoyable. The author has a track record of handling this trope with great finesse, and even though it's not my cup of tea, I found myself drawn to the story. The final page left me with a hint of what's to come, which has piqued my interest even further. All in all, I'm more curious now than I was before.
Profile Image for Lindsey♡ (Semi-Hiatus).
141 reviews162 followers
June 5, 2024
“You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you,” he said to her. “I feel now, in your presence, entirely strange. I think I might fetch you the moon if only to spare your tears again”

Okay hmmmm what to say about this book🤔
❌Enemies to lovers
❌Forbidden romance
❌Love at first sight
❌Prince x servant
❌Clashing Empires
❌Long-forgotten Queen

I went into this book with really high expectations and found myself disappointed. Main reason being is I feel this book was basically a prequel..a 500 page prequel that at times was boring. I am convinced that you are meant to read this before you go into the actual story....book 2, or at least thats what I am telling myself. Nothing happens in this book for the first 400 pages, the author strategically begins to unravel the action in the last 100 pages so you want to read the next book....aka CLIFFHANGER!!! Thankfully, Tahereh Mafi's writing and short chapters made it easy to quickly read through this. I did not connect to the characters and I found the most interesting one to be Cyrus...who doesn't even show up until the last 100 pages. However, with all that said, will I read the next one in the hopes that it is better because it sets up for Cyrus to be the MMC.....absolutely!
“What is your name?”
“Of all the non sequiturs. Why do you need to know my name?”
“So that I may hate you more informally.”
“Ah. Well, in that case, you may call me Cyrus.”

“What a strange girl you are...to behold a rose and perceive only its thorns, never the bloom.”

“Was it worrisome that he felt nothing but pleasure to be held at her mercy?”

“For she had learned long ago that when a home was not found it was forged. Indeed it could be fashioned even from nothing”

Can't wait to start this buddy read with my loves Bella P and Noi!💗
Profile Image for Tilly.
1,519 reviews223 followers
February 2, 2022
3 Stars

I was really excited for this book as I am a huge fan of Tahereh Mafi, especially her Shatter Me series. Sadly, this book didn't live up to my expectations.

This Woven Kingdom is just under 500 pages and for over half of that, I was incredibly bored and didn't have any attachment to the characters or excitement for the book at all. I nearly DNFed so many times but luckily had seen a review that said the story got better in the second half, which it did. Why we needed 250 pages of nothingness to get there is beyond me. There was no worldbuilding, no interesting scenes or characters and the pace was SO slow. The first half could easily have been condensed into 100 pages or less and it would have been a better book. Luckily the story did pick up and get interesting but there was only real excitement in the final 50 pages of the book. There wasnt enough magic or fantasy aspects so the fact that Jinn can communicate via fireflies was the most exciting aspect for me for most of the story!

I found the lead female character Alizeh (who is the lost queen of the Jinn and who has magical powers) to be incredibly dull and lacking in any real personality. She gets a little more interesting towards the end but I just didn't connect with her at all. I also desperately wanted to see some of her magic but we barely saw anything.
The lead male is Kamran who is also pretty dull but thankfully his personality does pick up quicker than Alizeh. The side characters were all 2D apart from one who does become interesting. There was noone who I was excited by until right near the end.

I found the romance to be a little ridiculous. It is definitely filed under "instalove" and I just didn't feel the connection between them at all. I adore romance so am swayed easily but the spark just wasn't there for me.
I felt the writing was not up to Tahereh's usual standard and the pace was way too slow to the point of boredom. I also thought the storyline was lacking in imagination and the politics, romance, magic and worldbuilding was all pretty basic. The dialogue at the start felt stilted and cringe worthy but thankfully that became much better by the end.

The final 100 pages saved this book for me. We finally got some mystery, twists and turns, action and a new exciting character came into the mix. The story ended on a cliffhanger and because I finally felt myself interested in the story and characters, I want to know what happens next and so I will be picking up the next book.

Overall, a story lacking excitement and individuality. There was potential but it wasn't used to it's fullest and so I often found myself bored. The story did finally pick up towards the end and this saved it from being a 2 star read. I am sad to write such a negative review and gutted that this book didn't wow me.

Please note that I was gifted this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for kangna ♡ .
30 reviews133 followers
March 21, 2024


when I tell you, I have been WAITING to read this FOR SO LONG. ALSOOO my first ever br🤭🤭rightfully so with the my fav and prettiest girl samaaaaaa🎀💞

YES I am ditching one of us is lying🥰🫶🏻 its trash
Profile Image for HalointheSkye.
160 reviews5 followers
February 21, 2022
"You are quite good," his grandfather said coldly, "at taking clear and logical arguments and elevating them to a level so esoteric they are rendered ineffectual."

It's also true that this book is quite good at taking clear and logical storylines and elevating them language-wise to a level so esoteric they are rendered ineffectual.

I am filled with disappointment. Seriously. Absolutely filled to the brim with it. I had previously put this as a 3 star read... but the more I think about it, the more I think it deserves a 2 star. I know this book just got released at the time of me writing this review, so I'm actually going to put a lot of care into this review and state my case as to why I believe it deserves my terrible rating.

1. Writing style
I've not read a book from Tahereh Mafi in a long time, so I'm not sure if it's a consistent issue I personally have with her writing (not all authors suit all readers - and that's okay!) But while I tolerate most writing styles, this one was really grating on my nerves. It was filled to the brim with tedious, superfluous language - the kind that made you want to tear your hair out after only reading the first chapter, because you realise that the whole book is exactly like it. I found it incredibly boring, slow-paced, lacking in tension and pretentious. I understand why it was written this way (idk... old ye english, medieval fantasy style???), sure, but I disliked it all the same. It made my reading experience horrid, honestly. I thought it was a me problem at first, but then I was so bewildered by it that I read out a sentence aloud to my sister and even she had to ask me to repeat it to make sense of it. (The sentence, if you're curious, was this: "I might accept an explanation of idealism more readily were your actions symptomatic of a larger philosophical position, which we both know they are not, as you've never before taken an active interest in the lives of street children - or servants, for that matter".) It felt like I was drowning in a pool of what the author deemed *Big Words To Throw Into My Book*. And then there were other issues, such as-

Oh. Wait. Where was I? What was I saying? Are you confused? Me too, because another aspect of the writing style I could not stand was the use of interruptions or dashes at the end of a paragraph. Once or twice, okay, I'll accept it. But if you use it consistently, then you have issues with wrapping up sentences and actually introducing tension effectively in your writing without resorting to cheap devices. It confuses the reader and makes the writing feel lost and disjointed. The amount of times that it happened was astonishing, and was a clear sign of poor writing.

2. Plot
What did I say about the storyline before? It was clear and logical. Well... it should've been. It did nothing new in this genre, only serving old tropes in a remix. Flying carpet? Check. Dragon getaway? Check. Secret princess? Check. A royal ball? Check. Annoyingly obvious Cinderella plot mirroring? Check. Which is why it annoys me more when a book fails to execute even an unoriginal plotline well. It was bogged down by the lack of pace, associated with a terrible writing style, and characters that served to inspire absolutely nothing in me, the reader. Talking of the characters...

3. Characters
I'm supposed to root for Alizeh, sure. Poor girl, living a life of forced servitude, spending out her days in absolute abject misery and torture to earn some coin in order to fend for herself. She's meant to be Cinderella, the lower class girl we pity and empathise with. But the thing that really bothered me with this whole concept was that she KNEW the entire time that she was destined to be the Queen of the Jinn. She knew she was special, she had ice in her veins, yadda yadda yadda. It makes absolutely no sense why she'd debase herself to the lowest levels of society while life goes on around her and she knows of the cruelties that her people suffer, but she doesn't do anything to help them (WHEN IT'S LITERALLY IN HER DESTINY). I think the author at some points tried to justify why anger wasn't a solution, sure, but Alizeh ultimately reeked of cowardice and self-pity and scored an absolute zilch in the queen material department. And then you expect me to believe she can just kill 5 men when she won't even fight back against the housekeepers who beat her? Please.

Kamran is an insolent child prince. I understood that was his character arc, of becoming king and learning about his duty, but GOD there was a bit he said about suffering and how he too was going through it and I really felt like I needed to punch him in the face. Like boohoo, you need to find a wife and produce an heir instead of traipsing back to battle! Of course instead he goes and acts all softly around Alizeh because he sees how she stoops so low for her level! She's a queen and yet she is a servant! And then he gets praised for literally the simplest of actions - showing basic human decency to HIS OWN people. In reality he's an angsty, angry little dude who doesn't know what he's doing in life.

Everyone else was cardboard material, AKA 2D prints of side characters. Honestly I'm not even sure I can really exclude the main characters from that either.

And the romance? *Sigh*. My God, the insta-love was heavy in this one. When you have a nightmare/vision about the devil prophesising something you don't want to hear about and then suddenly you're looking at the face of a stranger, would you immediately be taken away by their attractiveness? (I just know some of you might say yes... but you get the point! It's still ridiculous!) In actual fact, the whole thing is ridiculous. They keep describing each other as the sexiest, most beautiful, most handsome person alive etc. etc. and you expect me to believe their love is founded on valid grounds of trust and friendship and genuine, deep connection? A big nope from me. Nothing was compelling about their romance whatsoever. I did not root for them in any way nor do I think that they did each other any good.

4. Final thoughts
I said before that I'm immeasurably disappointed in this book. That's because the blurb had me hooked! I was willing to lay down my life for good old favourite tropes of mine. I wanted to love this book so badly. And yet here I am, writing this review at 4:30 am, because I'm exasperated that I had to go through 500 pages of it.

But as the king says, "I clear away the darkness, so that you may enjoy the light." So I'm here to tell you that this is no Ember in the Ashes and no Game of Thrones. Go read them instead because they're far beyond the reach of what this book tried to accomplish.
Profile Image for ❀ Rose ❀.
338 reviews236 followers
Want to read
June 9, 2021
“Inspired by Persian mythology” — say no more
August 18, 2023
“𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝑰 𝒎𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒇𝒆𝒕𝒄𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒇 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏.”

First of all, I want to admit that my expectations were high. I am a little disappointed. The story is more focused on politics than romance. I would love it when there was more romance but the politics were still ok.

“𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒍, 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒆; 𝒊𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒗𝒆”

What I really love in this book was the world-building. It was interesting to know about the jinn and clay. I also loved that the names were Persian names which I can pronounce correctly. I felt proud when I knew the names.

The book itself is very beautiful. I love the cover and the fact that the chapter numbers are written in the Persian language. It looks so beautiful 😍

The book was a little slow. Sometimes I forced myself to read it and I got distracted. But the last pages of the book were really thrilling.

“𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒔𝒌. 𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒚.”

● Characters:

Alizeh is a very interesting character. I want to see her character development. I mean she could be better. Sometimes she can be a badass but there isn't so much I could say about her.

Kamran is a sweetheart. I like him. At the end of the book, I felt so sorry for him. I love that he always cared for Alizeh.

Cyrus is...well interesting. I think I'm going to fall for him. Although I love kamran I want Cyrus to be the end game. He gives more enemies to lovers.

“𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆?”
“𝑶𝒇 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒔. 𝑾𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒎𝒚 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆?”
“𝑺𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚.”
“𝑨𝒉. 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍, 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝑪𝒚𝒓𝒖𝒔.”
“𝑪𝒚𝒓𝒖𝒔,” 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒊𝒅. “𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓. 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈?”

● Just random
The fact I have waited for Cyrus so long is killing me 😭 but I guess it was worth it 🤭.

● Read it if you like:

✔️Forbidden romance
✔️Prince x servant
✔️Persian mythology (kind of 🤷🏻‍♀️)
✔️Enemies to lovers
✔️Amazing world building

I can't wait to read the next book! The ending left me speechless. So excited 🙈

"𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆...𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒂 𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔, 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒎.”

Hehehe I couldn't wait any longer since I have seen that gorgeous cover 🤭
Profile Image for Zoe.
338 reviews2,057 followers
Want to read
June 1, 2022
my god not even im half way through this but Kamran is so obsessed with a girl he doesn't even know the name of i love this man with my whole heart
Profile Image for Sîvan Sardar.
134 reviews1,523 followers
January 29, 2023
there is something about middle eastern muslim authors that write fantasy like they r really gnna eat every single time.
Profile Image for Gillian.
211 reviews308 followers
March 31, 2023
“You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you,” he said to her. “I feel now, in your presence, entirely strange. I think I might fetch you the moon if only to spare your tears again.”

This book was so good! This was an enchanting and interesting young adult fantasy about forbidden romance, power, magic, love and betrayal. Alizeh is the heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom, but to humans she is a servant and is not treated well. Alizeh must hide herself and her powers, until she meets Kamran, the crown prince. Kamran is suspicious of Alizeh at first, but as he learns about more about her he can't stay away.

The pacing was inconsistent, in the beginning the pacing was slow, then it picked up and then it slowed down again. The plot was very interesting. The world building was so good, I loved learning about the Jinn and the unique magic. There were several surprises and betrayals that I didn't expect. I loved Alizeh, she is strong, resilient, kind, a badass, and brave. Alizeh's character development was excellent, she learned so much about herself and realized that she is lovable and worthy. I really liked Kamran, he is strong, intelligent, brave, very handsome and protective. Kamran's character development was great, he changed so much and grew as a leader from the beginning of the book till the end. I enjoyed learning about Kamran's childhood and his past experiences. Both Alizeh and Kamran faced many challenges throughout the book and had to solve them on their own. I also really liked Huda, she is brave, strong, and kind. I really liked Huda and Alizeh's friendship, they protected each other during tough times. The romance between Alizeh and Kamran was so good, although it felt like insta-love on Kamran's side. The chemistry was so good, I really felt the connection between the main characters. The author is a great writer and storyteller. The writing was so descriptive and engaging. I was transported into this world through the author's writing and felt all the emotions that the characters felt. The ending was great and so exciting! I can't wait to read the next book!

I recommend this book to anyone who loves young adult fantasy, great characters and awesome world building.

Thank you so much Deema for agreeing to buddy read with me! I had so much fun reading and discussing my thoughts with you!
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