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Daizlei Academy #1

Heir of Shadows

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There’s only one rule in the world I come from.
Keep our existence a secret. Period.

The day my sister broke that rule one too many times, I knew there would be consequences. I expected us to be sent to one of those schools for “troubled” kids—and maybe Daizlei Academy was, in a way. But really, it was far more complicated than that.

You see, I thought that world had forgotten me. Forgotten us. For years we were left alone, and one day . . . we weren’t.

It was only when I got there that I remembered the second rule:
Trust no one.

Because in our world? They would kill me if they knew the truth of what I am.

Daizlei Academy is a school for Supernaturals.

And me? I’m so much more.

*This is a YA+ Academy series with slow-burn romance and a strong but flawed heroine. It is labeled YA(+) for stronger language and some mature situations. As the heroine ages and grows so does the content of the stories.*

380 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 8, 2016

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About the author

Kel Carpenter

63 books1,853 followers
Kel Carpenter is a master of werdz. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s traveling the world, lovingly pestering her co-author, and spending time with her family. She is always on the search for good tacos and the best pizza. She resides in Maryland and desperately tries to avoid the traffic.

For subrights or media and film inquiries, please reach out to [email protected].

To keep up with Kel and her books, join her Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/thecrowsnestr...

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113 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 296 reviews
January 7, 2019
Selfish and bitchy main character. Yawn worthy for 2/3 of the book. Flat romance. I could not get over some of the crap that came out of this girl's mouth. The big-headedness and arrogance she displays is downright monumental...and laughable. She's so indestructible and special that after reading the whole book, I'm almost convinced she farts sparkles.

Example # 1: "I’m your roommate, not your friend. Oh, and one last thing, don’t ask questions and don’t borrow my stuff. I take it personally.”
5 minutes later while she's taking a shower...
'I’d forgotten to buy shampoo, so I just used theirs. I mean, they wouldn’t notice, would they?'

Example # 2: "I would show them the animal inside. The one whose gaze inspired fear in grown men."

Example # 3: "I’ve always had your best interests at heart, and the fact that you still question that… Frankly, it pisses me off. I didn’t choose to be the strong one."
Example # 4: "They didn’t know what it was like to be different. Truly different. When you were so powerful that it could put you on the edge of losing control."

I mean...COME ON! She thinks she's so high and mighty, yet one of the only skills she has was snapping people's wrists. Literally. It was one of her favored moves in boxing, the repetitiveness of that specific move made that fact known. I don't care if she had to "feed the beast", it was downright brutal and cringy. I'm all for characters that are shitty people in the beginning, take Celaena Sardonian in TOG for example, because it's amazing watching them grow into better people. Unlike Celaena, there's no growth or redemption for Selena in Heir of Shadows, and I don't believe there will be in the other books either.

Then there was the inconsistencies. At one point the author was stating that the supernaturals only live, what was it, 160 years? And then later on, she's stating that the headmaster is "several hundred years old". Which one is it? Did I miss anything about the headmaster being special because of his powers? And don't get me started on the relationship between the all of the sisters, it was absolutely dreadful reading through all of their interactions which only ended in bickering about stupid crap. GROW THE HELL UP LADIES!

Once you get passed the MCs terrible qualities, the story sadly doesn't get much better. It was all nonsense and only one big thing happened that peaked my interest. The foundation of this story had promise, but failed in the end.
Profile Image for Al *the semi serial series skipper*.
1,659 reviews792 followers
February 8, 2022
This book was awful. I kept expecting some kind of growth with the characters but they stayed awful the entire book. Selena was so whiny, OMG! I was patiently waiting to discover what she was that made her bore us half to death about how she can't let the "darkness" outside and let me tell you it's absolutely not worth reading the entire book to find out. It was so anticlimactic, it was laughable. Good thing this book was free because I would have been pissed if I had spent money on it.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
June 3, 2020
Even though the main character was almost unbelievably unlikable, I still really did love this story. And with the way it all ended, I'm seriously hoping she and her sisters, will grow on me more and I just might end up liking them all. If it wasn't for Tori and Lucas, I would wonder if any of the characters were redeemable and likable at all.

Even with that not love for the characters, I still really enjoyed this story and had a hard time putting it down. Will definitely continue with at least book two.
Profile Image for anjuli.
406 reviews21 followers
February 28, 2017
This book could have been a lot more than what it was. Sadly, it did not get me all excited or anything like the blurb did. I am all for sups and schools set up etc. I find it very interesting to read. So, I grabbed this one hoping to love it. But, I did not.

The book started as if it was the middle of the series. There is no world building at all. We're supposed to accept as is - sups and other creatures there. The story begins with a confusing scene and then before we know it the sisters are off to the academy. Selena, our MC, is supposed to be all this badass sup but we don't know her powers. Like the entire book we've been told how much dangerous she is that she could kill. She's battling with her self control yada yada. The build up for it to the very end. I found Selena actually very annoying. Yeah, she is strong and she may have reasons for being rude etc. But, I totally did not feel ANYTHING for her. She is part of the triplets and there were times I honestly thought she was like 5 yrs. older or something instead of one of the triplets. She and her sisters are supposedly strong and manifested with powers earlier than norm. And on top of everything, the bickering between the sisters and stupid fights. Ugh, I felt like they were 5 yrs. old and not 15. Maybe, it is just me? Cuz, my 5 yr old twins do fight and bicker. But, they are 5! I expect that. Selena spent most of her time in the gym boxing. She was good at it. Then she trained with her partner Lucas, the only person who could train with her apparently. Since, she had the "killing gene" in her. Again, no idea what that means.

The big reveal of Selena's power at the end happens and all it left me thinking, SO? why is that particular power a dangerous power? It is not as bad as it seems. I mean, yeah it is a powerful skill. But, why is she a prodigy? Again, no back story about powers or their relation to the story in context to who some are considered powerful etc.

There were some italicized paragraphs which were supposed to mean something, I believe? I have no clue what it meant? They were her dreams maybe, but there did not seem any reason to write them without any explanation.

Romantic interest, I guess? with Lucas. Also, flat. I could care less about them. I didn't see any supposed tension or even interest. They were boxing partners and she finally came down her high horse and started talking to other people, Lucas being one of them. She does consider him her best friend. Again, I'm left to wonder where did that come to be as it wasn't there was much interaction between them besides training.

Anyway, I will not be continuing with the series.
Profile Image for Brend.
691 reviews1,156 followers
March 20, 2024
Why bother writing a paranormal story if in the end you're just gonna focus on petty drama and bitchy teenage girls being assholes?
Profile Image for Sharon Mariampillai.
2,217 reviews93 followers
April 24, 2018
Thank you Sharon J for recommending this book series to me. This was an incredible read. The first book of the Daizlei Academy series. The world building and characters were really amazing. Selena has secrets that not even the readers of the story know about, and it was engaging because I wanted to figure them out. I really felt like she was a complex character and I am intrigued to see where her story will take her. There is no action in the first 75% of the book, but the ending 25% was where the book won me over. It did end in a cliffhanger, so I am excited to see what the second book brings to the table. I am now a Kel Carpenter fan. Overall, an amazing read.
14 reviews
September 21, 2018
Couldn’t finish it

This book was truly awful. Have you ever started reading something and thought that maybe somehow your kindle app threw you in the middle instead of the beginning because you were so lost by what was happening? That how this felt. You have no clue what’s going on and why the characters are acting the way they are because even the internal dialogue doesn’t elaborate on anything. The character relationships make no sense, there’s no real character development, the interactions are just plain bad, and not one of the characters is likable. I tried, I really really tried to read it.
Profile Image for Mona  Brown .
1,593 reviews12 followers
January 19, 2021
Heir of Shadows

This is an interesting book that will suck you in without you even realizing it. And I admit, at times I wanted to smack Selena upside the head and tell her to just ask for help... I mean seriously girl, but I can also see why she's so protective but damn.
Ok, the storyline is interesting and will leave you wanting to know what is going on. What is it about these sisters and their powers that makes them so special.
I listened to the audiobook and really enjoyed the narrator, she did an amazing job.
Profile Image for Nallie❄️.
31 reviews24 followers
August 3, 2019
“I have my secrets,” he replied, a ghost of a smirk on his lips. That bastard. Quoting me? Fuck him.

LOVEEE Selena and Lucas I totally ship them. The book was intriguing, I loved the concept of selenas power and that she is a fucking BADASS! I loved alexandras fiery temper, I didn't mind lilly but she sort of pissed me off at points, not my favourite charcter.

Overall this was a pretty good book, i'll probably even end up re reading it.
Profile Image for Romance Schmomance (Malia) .
1,222 reviews103 followers
January 28, 2021
A new to me author and I went in totally blind, and I came out really enjoying this one.

Throughout my entire read, there was just so much intrigue of what Selena was truly capable of. There's a constant dark cloud looming over her and she holds sooooooo much in. And I get it, I understand why, even though so many others don't ... sometimes even her sisters.

Not going to lie, the entire book I was just waiting for her to unleash it all because that would be a huge stepping point into understanding and possibly controlling what she can do.

First books in series especially a paranormal/fantasy one, the story really has to stick for readers to go on. Definitely true when the series evolves around the same person.

Lucas! Oh, I totally ship them, it's a slow burn for the both of them and we get a little taste at the end, but with how the book wrapped up, I'm interested to see what's to become of them.

With Selena only being 16, her behavior is as I expected it to be. My favorite thing to see within a series is the character development, so I can't wait to see how she'll grow into herself.

The narrator was great, kept me hooked the entire time! I can't wait to dive into book 2!
Profile Image for Tiera McMillian.
1,160 reviews40 followers
September 16, 2019
Sigh this is my second time to write this review as the app crashed during my first attempt and I lost all my thoughts..

3-3.5 stars. So I’m a little on the fence here at the end of book one. I love Kel carpenter and her no holds barred writing style so I was excited to start this series. I thought the story was interesting... once we finally got into it. It was good enough for me to want to read onward and see how everything plays out. I was actually a little surprised by some of my grievances with this book.

I am a sucker for bad A FMCs, however, there apparently is a line that I didn’t realize even existed until this book. Some heroines are a little too bad A it seems, well it’s either that or the author just spent 75% of this book not only telling you the FMC Serena was dangerous but showing you as well. Not only that but she’s super introverted, and also a super biotch too lol. Only in the last quarter of the book does the FMC finally start shedding some layers and opening up even to the reader. It made it hard to really love her I’ll just be honest. She was interesting though. The author keeps her ability so secret for so much of the book that the suspense by the time the reveal came was freaking killing me. Then the reveal came and not going to lie I was like wha? I mean I get the ramifications and it is awesome but for some reason I was thinking she was going to have a way more “apocalyptic” ability. Not only that but the the constant reference to the “killing gene” never gets really explained. I mean I don’t get it what is that really?

I think all in all this story could have really benefited by some explaining and less build up, but I think the author did it on purpose to drive people to answers in the next book. Some answers would definitely be great lol. I guess I’ll see them in book 2? Hopefully...?
Profile Image for Devz Milady.
326 reviews5 followers
October 23, 2019
This book rambles and rambles and makes no sense.

We have a set of 3 powerful triplets.
But one , Selena is apparently more powerful than most - how and why is not explained till very later.
They are orphaned early and they have to maintain some secrecy.
Again why? Left to be a mystery till later.

I am good with some mystery in novels - what bugs me is the horrible portrayal of the lead characters and their interactions.
There is no sense to it.

The 3 sisters have no sensible, normal or even polite conversations.
They are always snapping at each other.
More than that, Selena is such a crazy b*tch.
She is judgemental, bossy, bullying and cruel.

The problem is she thinks she is great and everyone treats her as special.

This type of a persona is okay, if there was even a single lovable quality to her.
There is none.
Selena is 15 but she acts like she is a psycho 25.
Its hard to like such a heroine and it is hard to make sense of a story where all interactions are literally crazy.

There is no fantasy, no romance, no friendship, no good relationships, no intimacy and no real enmity as well.
It is all just here and there.
Profile Image for Kel (Faerie-bookworm).
773 reviews61 followers
March 1, 2017
Title: Heir Of Shadows
Author: Kel Carpenter
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Format: Ebook
Pages: 258
Rating: 5
Heat: 1

Thoughts: Wow, where do I start? This was obviously the first book in the series, it mostly just dealt with the building of the world and getting to know the characters. I'm not complaining, it was hard to put down. Selena has secrets that are kept from everyone, even the reader. Which of course keeps me glued to the page hoping to find out. There isn't much action until close to the end but it was one of those "oh crap, it's over?". And then there's the crash when you realize the next book isn't due until later this year, argh. I emailed the author as soon as I was done asking when the next book came out. Dang book hangover, I want more! I loved the characters, the sisters are loyal and the differences in their personalities was so realistic. I can't wait to get my hands on the next book!

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work and chose to write a review.
Profile Image for KLynn.
1,414 reviews18 followers
December 11, 2022
This book wasn't bad, but it was a little long with a labored plot progression. I still have no idea what the title might mean or what the MFCs species would be.
Another point of frustration for me was that you have this girl, who by all accounts is more powerful than anything (this is tricky), but doesn't want to use her power because she's afraid? But then has this overdeveloped concept of protecting her sisters (before herself) ... I'm just not sure it logically added up.
Finally . The triplets are 15/16 and the author did a good job with this. They are all immature and bratty.
I'm debating on continuing or not, will probably look at reviews and ratings for book 2.
Profile Image for Melliane.
2,065 reviews347 followers
August 13, 2023
Mon avis en français

My English review

J’ai plutôt apprécié tous les romans que j’ai lus de Kel Carpenter, aussi j’étais curieuse de découvrir cette nouvelle série.

Nous suivons dans cette histoire trois sœurs, et plus précisément Selena. Ce n’est pas un personnage facile, parce qu’elle est plutôt détestable que ce soit avec les autres ou avec ses sœurs. Elle est différente des autres : une entité sombre sommeille en elle, une entité qu’elle tente tant bien que mal de garder en laisse. Mais ce n’est pas si simple. Aussi quand elles se retrouvent dans une nouvelle famille, chez une tante qui connait l’existence des surnaturels, parce qu’elle en est une, les trois sœurs espèrent avoir enfin trouvé l’endroit pour elles. C’est ainsi qu’elles sont envoyées à la Daizlei Academy, une école pour les surnaturels. Une chose est sûre, Selena sait qu’elle doit cacher ce qu’elle est vraiment.

Nous allons apprendre à connaitre Selena au cours des pages, une fille qui se fiche des autres, sauf ses sœurs et encore si elles vont dans son sens. Elle va tenter de contrôler ses pouvoirs, même si rien ne sera simple.

C’est très difficile d’apprécier son personnage tellement il est hautain et égoïste, mais j’ai aimé découvrir l’histoire de ces trois sœurs, voir comment elles évoluaient. J’ai eu du mal à accrocher à l’histoire au début et j’ai eu un peu de mal avec la traduction, mais finalement je suis plutôt curieuse de lire la suite.
Profile Image for Artemissia G.
1,134 reviews26 followers
September 3, 2024
Je ne m'attendais à rien de particulier avec ce premier tome. Je pensais lire un young adult sympa et sans prise de tête dans le genre urban fantasy. Eh bien, j'ai beaucoup aimé cette entrée en matière ! Selena, l'héroïne est intéressante. Un personnage aux multiples facettes et qui s'approche même dans l'anti-héros. L'intrigue en elle-même reste basique et on sent qu'on est juste au début, c'est une entrée en matière. La romance m'a beaucoup plu, car pour une fois, l'héroïne ne se laisse pas faire et a ses convictions bien à elle. J'ai aimé ce côté-là qui change un peu. Seul bémol, j'ai eu du mal à me dire que j'avais affaire à des gamins. Ils ont tous à peu près 16 ans et on leur donne au moins dix de plus. C'est un peu perturbant. Quant à l'univers, même s'il n'y a rien de neuf, ça m'a donné envie de poursuivre avec la suite.
Profile Image for NyxShadow.
2,260 reviews72 followers
August 3, 2023
En lisant ce titre j'ai pas mal pensé à la série "Mythos Academy" de Jennifer Estep qui commence à être traduit chez nous.
Toutefois, on est ici sur quelque chose de bien plus sombre et violent. Moins de mythologie et on retrouve davantage les sociétés "secretes" codifiées de romans comme "Vampire Academy".

D'un point de vue personnel j'ai aimé l'ambiance, l'histoire et surtout les psychologies des personnages. Même si je dois avouer que j'ai été prise au dépourvue par la fin. La révélation finale et le twist amoureux m'ont paru un peu creux, léger. Un peu décevant par rapport à tout le reste de l'histoire.
D'un point de vue "professionnel" je ne le recommanderai pas pour mon CDI. Pas adapté à des collégiens car porteur de trop de violences et de souffrances psychologies que des élèves de leur âge ne sont pas à même d'appréhender et de lire "correctement" si on peut dire.

C'est une série sympathique, avec quelques faiblesse bien sûr, mais que j'ai tout de même pris plaisir à lire. J'aime l'intrigue et je suis suffisamment intriguée pour avoir très envie de lire la suite, mais ce sa plus pour mon plaisir personnel que pour le conseiller à mes élèves.
Profile Image for Fae✯.
190 reviews2 followers
October 5, 2021
because the MC's attitude is very annoyingㅡbrat, arrogant, the other b word, self-absorbed (only sometimes it is justified), and she's too believing of herself to the point that she's making it look like she's protecting everyone but she's just protecting herself 🤷‍♀️

i'll still continue the series though hoping her too much of an attitude gets toned down
Profile Image for Kassi.
259 reviews
June 12, 2018
I love Kel Carpenter's books, I started out reading her 2nd series and fell in love, so I thought to myself why not read her other series too?! Okay, to be completely honest, it took a couple to a few chapters to get into the story; after that though, I started to enjoy this series. To me, I felt it started out slow then began to really pick up towards the end, thus leaving of on a cliffhanger. Nonetheless, I look forward to reading books 1.5 and 2 then so on.
Profile Image for Fran.
958 reviews10 followers
February 4, 2017
intriguing, amazingly, well written young adult book in the history of the YA genre. the characters are complex, the subject matter is creative and an entirely new spin on everything we thought we have read before. The plot flows without a single hiccup. everything about this book is perfect. obviously as I am up at 1:30 in the morning writing this review as soon as I had finished reading. If you love supernaturals, fantasy, young adult, action, sports or the possibility of romance this is for you. a must read for literally everyone in the whole world....I am not joking!
Profile Image for Lovebunny.
413 reviews13 followers
December 29, 2017
I LOVED this book, and I had no idea what was really going on with the MC until the very end - I still am not totally sure what she is or why she is so dangerous. I cannot wait for book 2.
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
August 11, 2022
I can’t get passed the bratty attitude. 🤷🏻‍♀️ DNF
Profile Image for Rasa Ievkalne.
1,069 reviews12 followers
August 23, 2022
A very weird book. For one it feels like written by two different people. One writes well, makes good world building, nice build up of tension and conflict and then another author comes along and "tells not shows" and does information dumps. Like there is a growing conflict between sisters that slowly builds up and just when you expect to have some interesting solution, you literally get told " i solved it and everything is ok now". In nearly those exact words.As a reader you are left gaping, confused as hell. This trend continues through the whole book. Does author have split personalities with different writing quality? Because it sure feels like it. I'm saying it not to offend, but to point out how different writing is from chapter to chapter.
Now for the rest. Main characters are mostly really unlikable. I am not sure author actually ment them as sutch as from time to time reader is given excuses and reasonings ment to make them relatable, yet ,somehow, it flows over a readers heads and just leaves a bad aftertaste. Selena is arrogant to the extreme. At the beginning she came across as calculating and smart, so I was willing to dismiss the arrogance and expected some smart, convoluted and calculated moves. However, when push comes to shove, Selena didn't live up to it. At this point I probably should point out that the triplets are teenagers so some acting out, overconfidence and arrogance could be expected. But. Author also tried to paint Selena as very mature and serious person. At this point I should probably write these inconsistencies off on the dual writing. I don't know. The huge culmination in the book was very anti climactic. It didn't add up no matter how author tried to spin it. Either Selena is strong or she isn't. You can't put both capability and incapability in the situation. It didn't make sense and was cringy.
The romance. It was kind of room temperature without any chemistry. Meh, at best. Lost potential.
The big secret was pretty average as well. Maybe because there are so many books with this ability in obundance that making it a rarity in this one just didn't rang true. Maybe it is just me. I don't know.
I started this review with 3 star rating, but as I thought over everything I liked and disliked about this book, I lowered it to 2 stars. This is another case where decimal rating would have been more precise.
Anyway. After all this ranting I will still move on to read the next book in the series in the hopes that author will pull her writing together. If I have to give a recommendation for this one, I am stumped. It definitely is not good, yet I did like a few things in it. Maybe? Maybe if you are in a mood for angst teenager paranormal book and have very low expectations? Maybe if your standarts for books are very low and you don't get annoyed easily? If you are still considering, read other people reviews and if you are still intrigued then ,maybe , give it a go.
Profile Image for Amber Keller.
70 reviews5 followers
October 22, 2019
Amazing has you on edge of your seat

5.0 review
Selena and her sister unfortunately are alone in the world moving from place to place in the human world due to them having powers. The last situation landed them at an aunt they never met. She tells them they are going to a school for the gifted. They don't like it but don't have a choice. The girls and their cousins go to this school and its hard adjusting. They found out you shouldn't manifest until your basically a teenager and they get worried they all manifested before the age of 13. Selena has a power so great no one compares. Alexandra is a fire user. Lily is a healer. They heal fast and have great fighting abilities. Selena is struggling with fitting in and her sisters are pulling away. So takes on boxing and she is undefeated and usually it's a blood bath. They don't know fighting keeps the demons at Bay. They go to a royal ball and her and her boxing partner get closer. Then at her last match she gets a frantic call from her sister. Saying she has been taken by demons. Her sister suits up to get her sister back. Then everyone knows what she is. She was afraid of this and now it's out. Lucas though her boxing partner isn't scared and makes a move only to be rejected. She is going home for the summer hopefully she can keep her demons at Bay.
April 19, 2017
"A Riddle, Inside A Puzzle, Wrapped In An Enigma"

That pretty much sums up Selena. She knows even less about herself than we do, even though she thinks she knows it all. Having taken care of the other 2/3 of her triplet-hood since the death of her parents, all the while keeping the secret of their heritage and amazing power from everyone around them... Wow.... between the set-up and the voice work of Keylor Leigh, I was hooked right from the beginning. This first book of a series is something that teens, new adults, and even oldsters like myself can get into. They capture the sibling relationship perfectly and the required secrecy even better.... Through twists and turns, emotions, and total surprises they lead us through a very enjoyable literary experience. Now I have to find out what the next book is and somehow get hold of an audio-book edition. You will want to, as well...
Profile Image for Teri.
290 reviews73 followers
October 14, 2021
Interesting story/plot but heroine was just really unlikable. I think she's definitely got some sort of personality disorder and her outer actions belie many of her inner thoughts. Plus this is really really unrealistic for high schoolers. Certain sequences are more action hero fight scenes... It also seems like the book was written with "spoilers" taken out, so there are a lot of actions/behaviours that don't make a lot of sense. Maybe there were "spoilers" that would have explained this, but since they're missing, it just seems really unrealistic.

I didn't totally hate it, but I did want to punch her.
Profile Image for ROMEOISNOTFUNNY.
535 reviews5 followers
March 20, 2024
15 year old supernatural females. FMC is one-third of triples.

No smut, but the blur explains as they grow the steam grow. Was not totally comfortable with how young they are... but then reading this, I realised they are not human and have not been brought up in the usual human brain frame. More power, more life changing events, and more secrets than most humans can ever have.

The FMC is hard edged, arrogant, cocky and has a right to be. We get to find out why as the story develops. But the 1st book is still just a peek into what is coming, I can tell.

3.7 stars
758 reviews8 followers
January 5, 2017

This is literally the best book ever......I absolutely loved the characters especially the main Selena.....oooh and Lucas....Together....Lovin it!!!! This book had it all. Cannot wait till the next one soooo pls hurry!!!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 296 reviews

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