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Locked in Love

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For the love of God, why didn’t I swipe left?

If I had, then I wouldn’t be trying to gracefully flee my disastrous online date’s apartment. Simple, clueless, but oh, so pretty, with his unhealthy snacks and lack of basic hygiene, this guy was nearly the second biggest mistake of my life.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Just as I make my escape, the first responders descend. There’s been a chemical spill in the area, and the whole building is under quarantine. The same building where Rory, my ex and current biggest mistake of my life resides. That’s a plot twist I didn’t see coming.

Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.

Now my choices are to live in the building’s lobby, return to disaster date where I’d be expected to Netflix and chill, or stay with my ex until this whole nightmare is over.

My ex wins because there’s no way that backstabber will tempt me again. Fool me once and all that.

Unless I learn he’s not a backstabber at all.

If only I’d swiped left.

84 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 1, 2021

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About the author

Jami Albright

17 books1,684 followers
I'm a born and raised Texas girl and am the multiple award-winning author of The Brides on the Run series--a fun, sexy, snarky, laugh-out-loud good time. If you don’t snort with laughter, then I haven’t done my job.

I'm also a wife, mother, and an actress/comedian. I used to think I could sing until someone paid me to stop. I took their money and kept on singing.

I love my family, all things Outlander, and puppies make me stupid happy. I can be found on Sundays during football season watching my beloved Houston Texans and trying not to let them break my heart.

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Profile Image for Serena Loves Books.
1,678 reviews98 followers
March 8, 2021
'a veces, una decisión terrible puede convertirse en algo muy bueno'.

•Mi opinión puede contener Spoilers

•Esta destinada a ser un descargo personal no para que alguien más lea pero si lo haces y te ofende, me disculpo porque sé lo que es que te guste un libro y otros lo critiquen

Locked in Love, A Quarantine Novella de Jami Albright


Por el amor de Dios, ¿por qué no me deslice hacia la izquierda?

Si lo hubiera hecho, entonces no estaría tratando de huir con gracia del apartamento de mi desastrosa cita en línea. Simple, despistado, pero oh, tan bonito, con sus bocadillos poco saludables y su falta de higiene básica, este tipo fue casi el segundo error más grande de mi vida.

Fuera de la sartén y en el fuego.

Justo cuando escapo, descienden los primeros socorristas. Ha habido un derrame de productos químicos en la zona y todo el edificio está en cuarentena. El mismo edificio donde reside Rory, mi ex y el mayor error actual de mi vida. Ese es un giro de la trama que no veía venir.

Maldita si lo hago, maldita si no lo hago.

Ahora mis opciones son vivir en el vestíbulo del edificio, regresar a la fecha del desastre donde se espera que vaya a Netflix y me relaje, o quedarme con mi ex hasta que termine toda esta pesadilla.

Mi ex gana porque no hay forma de que ese traidor me vuelva a tentar.

Engañame de una vez y todo eso.

A menos que me entere de que no es un traidor en absoluto.

Si tan solo me hubiera deslizado hacia la izquierda.

Mí humilde opinión:

Divertida, sexy y dulce historia de segunda oportunidad en el amor.

Ellos quedaron en cuarenta en el mismo edificio, no por el Covid, sino por un derrame de productos químicos en el vecindario. Kara estaba en una cita con alguien que vive allí pero se da cuenta que fue un error y está por marcharse. Rory vive en el edificio y se encuentra con Kara, luego de que terminaran su relación ocho meses después cuando la echaron de dónde ambos trabajaban. Ahora él ve su oportunidad para explicarle porqué no se fue con ella pero Kara no quiere saber nada de él.

Rory quedó a cargo de su hermana de 13 años cuando sus padres murieron. Con esa responsabilidad no tiene la vida común de un hombre de 26 años. Él no va dejar ir de nuevo a Kara pero para empezar de nuevo tendrá que ser honesto con ella como debió ser hace meses.

Kara no tiene familia pero lo desea. Sin embargo, teme acercarse demasiado a la gente porque luego perderlos significa sufrir. Pero cuando descubre la verdad sobre Rory se da cuenta que deberá bajar sus barreras si quiere tener lo que su corazón desea, seguridad, familia y amor.

Los personajes eran agradables, me llegó cada uno y me emocioné una o dos veces con ellos.

Sally, la hermana de Rory con síndrome de down era adorable y me reí mucho con su personalidad atrevida.

Rory y Kara me gustaron juntos. Al comienzo tuvieron ese momento de tensión que me dejó pensando cómo podrían arreglar las cosas cuando la traición era tan grande. Pero no todo era lo parecía y Rory tenía una buena razón para lo que los separó en el pasado.

Sin embargo, a pesar de las escenas sexy, les faltó química. Me hubiera gustado ver su relación desde el comienzo, ocho meses atrás, para saber cómo comenzó todo. Sentí que me faltaba historia.

Igualmente eran una linda pareja y entendí que seguían amándose luego del tiempo separados y fue lindo verlos superar los obstáculos hasta su HEA.

Primer librito que leo de Jami Albright y la verdad lo disfruté mucho.
Profile Image for B. C. Booklover.
750 reviews50 followers
February 19, 2021
Feeling a little lost these days and in need of a wonderfully warm, low drama but high on romance book hug to bring you a burst of joy?  Jami Albright's sweet, sexy Locked in Love is the solution, waiting with some fun twists and ready to deliver everything you need to bring a huge smile into your world! 

A quarantine, but not the 2020 kind, serendipitously brings a woman who is lonely, a bit lost and somewhat jaded by life these days and a man she apparently didn't know at all, a second chance at a new beginning. Could this be fate??? Wait and see!

There are only a handful of main characters in this standalone story, but each plays their part, with flair and wit, to bring star crossed, meant to be Kara and Rory, back to where they undoubtedly needed to be.  Keep an eye on sassy Sally as she attempts, and often succeeds, to steal the show one funny line at a time!  What a little spitfire she turned out to be!

You might shed a tear or two, laugh out loud many times and fan yourself silly as the heat builds up when Kara and Rory find themselves...Locked in Love!  One thing you won't feel is regret for setting aside a couple hours to relax and enjoy, thanks to Jami Albright and her talent for bringing her readers another uplifting story, complete with a enveloping virtual hug and a guaranteed happily ever after.  

This is my unbiased review having read and enjoyed a complimentary copy of this book.
Profile Image for Frances Hernandez.
744 reviews5 followers
February 22, 2021
I received this ebook ARC from the author on the condition that I write an honest review.
Kara has made the mistake of dating a guy with that is extremely handsome, but he is a slouch. She attempts to leave, but the building is in quarantine. She has no place to sleep, except for the lobby, until an ex boyfriend decides to save her.
They had once dated, but broke up because they were caught having a relationship, and it was restricted by their place of work. Rory let’s her stay at his apartment, where she learns the real truth about the firing at her previous job. She forgives him, and they develop a relationship, and Kara becomes close friends with
Sally, Rory’s Downs Syndrome sister.
Kara is offered a job at the same place that Rory works and she is scared that once again, she will be fired if she continues the relationship with Rory. This business is more understanding and eventually Rory and Kara reach their HEA, with a beautiful epilogue.
I’ve read several books written by Jami Albright and have loved each one. Her sense of humor shines in her stories. She always has great characters with great backgrounds. I’ll always recommend her books.
Profile Image for Booklover Judy Lynn.
1,418 reviews24 followers
February 21, 2021
A fast and heartwarming read.
This novella began as a serial after the author was inspired by a tweet during lock down 2020 for the pandemic. The story follows Kara and Rory. It is written in first person from dual POV.
Kara is surprised when events transpire that require her to be locked in place. Through a series of events, she ends up spending several days with her ex in his apartment. I appreciated that her history with Rory dictated a certain reaction. I love that they both persist until they have open communication and understanding of the past. I love that though they are locked in, it is for a good reason that is not pandemic related. I adore Rory. He is a great guy with a heart of gold. I love that once Kara sees the truth; she cannot resist him. This story has humor, heat, heart-warming moments, and a perfect HEA. Enjoy this quick read that takes a lighter look at lockdown and both the best- and worst-case scenarios.
I am voluntarily leaving this honest review after receiving an advance review copy of the book.
1,001 reviews
February 20, 2021
This is a second chance love story. Even though it is short, it has everything and you aren't feeling like it was a rushed story. Rory and Kara worked together and dated for a short time. Kara was fired and she felt Rory let her down by not staying by her side. Now a few months later, she's stuck in his apartment building after a disaster of a first date. The area around the building is now in lock down because of a chemical spill. Rory offers Kara a place to stay but she's stubborn and won't take him up on it or even listen to his side of the story about their relationship ending. After Rory takes her to his apartment anyway, she meets Sally, Rory's younger sister and finds out the real reason he couldn't quit with her at their job. They try work through their problems and their attraction to each other, but Kara keeps putting up roadblocks. I love Jami Albright's sense of humor and the way she writes. I received an ARC of this book and I'm leaving my honest review.
Profile Image for Anna.
291 reviews3 followers
February 20, 2021
A fab little novella taking place during a lockdown brought on by a chemical spill, though we can all relate now!!

Despite being short there is a depth to the characters and we get to know them very well.

This is a fun short read which I thoroughly enjoy!!

I received an advanced reader copy from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Profile Image for Ellina Waldman.
64 reviews2 followers
February 22, 2021
This was a short and sweet read. Plenty of tension and resolution including character development. This novella hit the mark for a quarantine mess for singles.

This story was originally published in newsletters in 2020 but was mildly edited and a perfect epilogue duo added for closure.
Profile Image for i_hype_romance.
1,114 reviews47 followers
March 10, 2021
This wonderful love story unfolds in the middle of a quarantine.

He's the man Kara used to share a cubicle with-- or at least a workspace. But their budding romance cost her a job she loved and now she's unemployed. It's all his fault, and she lays the blame completely on his shoulders. He's the reason she's looking for a hook-up with an overgrown slob of a fratboy. He's the reason she feels unhinged and untethered.

To make matters worse, the frat boy hookup that didn't happen means she's stuck in HIS apartment building for the foreseeable future.

Rory was saddened that the work fiasco wrecked his maybe with Kara. Though she seems to hate his guts, he had reasons for staying at the company that he felt too vulnerable to share. Those reasons will become evident if Kara takes him up on the offer to stay in his apartment until the quarantine ends.

Why this book was the perfect mini- escape from the quarantine that has become a stifling cocoon:

1. The banter and sparks between Kara and Rory sizzle off the page.
2. She has to wear his clothes--- and they smell like him. You know we've all stolen that t-shirt just so we could get a surreptitious sniff whenever we needed it.
3. There is a sweet, sassy side character who will steal your heart.
4. Rory may have an 8 pack and seem like a tiger, but he's actually a kitten.
5. Forced proximity. And all of the uncomfortable, arousing, impossible to ignore feelings it forces out in the open.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jaime.
33 reviews
February 19, 2021
Locked in Love is a feel good love story that is perfect for those looking for a quick heart happy read. Rory and Kara show that even during quarantined times good things can happen when you give love a shot.
Profile Image for Sharon Noble.
1,999 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2021
This book was written in lockdown from the virus, Covid 19. In the book its a chemical spill & a lot shorter lockdown. Kara has a one night stand & can't leave the apartment block & she runs into her ex Rory!
Well written & a great short read!
Profile Image for Savannah Medina.
653 reviews25 followers
February 19, 2021
Oh my goodness this was such a fun, sweet, quarantine story! I immediately connected with Kara & love her! It took me a second to get a read on Rory, but once you know, there's no mistaking how loving & kind & selfless that man is! This is one second chance story you won't want to miss!
9 reviews
February 19, 2021
I loved this book! Rory and Kara were so sweet and wonderful together. And Sally could be one of my favorite all time characters!!
Profile Image for Jacki.
1,044 reviews4 followers
February 18, 2021
A cute, quick read.

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Dual POVs

I always look forward to Jami Albright's next book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC.
Profile Image for RateTheRomance.
952 reviews120 followers
March 2, 2021
I'm not a reader who usually likes romance novellas, but LOCKED IN LOVE is a really great read!

This sweet story combines Enemies to Lovers and Forced Proximity (two of my favorite tropes) and it does it well.

Despite being short in length, LOCKED IN LOVE is a steamy and sweet romance that weaves in topics like workplace inequality, loss, and found family, without feeling like a heavy or sad read.

You should definitely this quick and satisfying read to your TBR!

Immigrant reporting, fatal car accident (not MC), death of family member, fire
FEELS-O-METER: 2/5 *some drama, but still a light read.

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

BUY IT HERE: https://amzn.to/2PgwVDK (aff.)

Profile Image for Stephanie.
113 reviews3 followers
February 20, 2021
Locked in Love was a quick warm read. Kara and Rory's story is sweet. Kara had job that she dreamed of of things went wrong. Six months later she runs into the person who made her lose her dream job. After a chemical spill she is locked down in the building where she had date that went wrong and then come to find out the person she never wanted to speak to again is there as well.
Rory is this sweet, charming and good looking guy who has been in love with Kara. When he finally saw her he wanted to explain why he could not leave his job with her but she blocked his number and moved. Now he finally had a chance to explain things and he was not going to miss his opportunity.
She was stubborn so when he carried her to his apartment after finding her sleeping in the lobby he knew he would finally have his chance.

This was such a sweet story and I will say Sally was a riot. You don't want to miss this read.
I voluntary read this book for an honest review.
Profile Image for Pauline.
825 reviews
February 24, 2021
Ever since Kara was fired from her dream job because of her inter-office relationship with Rory, who didn't lose his job, she has ghosted him, refusing all his efforts to explain. When yet another online date goes south, Kara tries to leave only to discover that the building is in quarantine due to a toxic leak, and she is going to be stranded for several days. Forced to sleep in the lobby, Kara curls up on the couch, which is going to be her home for the next few days. Or it would be if Rory didn't live in the same building!! Rory decides to take advantage of being quarantined with Kara to try to win her back. Will he change her mind? Fun, quick read - loved it ☺️
Profile Image for Kristen Lewendon.
7,991 reviews49 followers
February 28, 2021
When Kara and Rory are stuck together during a lockdown, will they finally have the chance to clear the air between them or will they just prove that the reasons they’re exes are all valid? This was a fast and fun read. Though she be little, she be mighty. There are some sneaky powerful lessons in this quick second chance romance. Things like sharing your truth and the nature of family. This story is also filled with fun, funny moments as well as some steamy ones too.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book from the author.
9,055 reviews120 followers
March 3, 2021
This is a well written second chance romance between Kara and Rory. The author does a great job bringing an entertaining story with all the feels. I loved the humor and enjoyed watching them come together. The story moves quickly and smoothly with her descriptive and detailed scenes. I loved the ending and reading their story. Highly recommend this book.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. All opinions in this review are my own and freely given.
378 reviews1 follower
February 19, 2021

This was a sweet, second chance love story, two orphaned people find a family with each other. I loved that Rory and Kara found each other again. It just goes to show that good can come from bad.
Profile Image for Mia.
338 reviews
May 11, 2021
“For the love of God, why didn’t I swipe left?
I stand stock-still in the middle of an apartment “that I’m pretty sure has never met Mr. Clean or any of his associates”

This was such a cute, fun and warm short story that gave me all the feels.
A lockdown love story, during a pandemic, sign me in. Honestly I tend to steer clear of lockdown romances or anything that reminds me of this pandemic. I want an escape, not to be reminded of misery. But the burb pull me in and I’m so glad it did.

“Oh, and good news, the sofa makes into a bed. I know this because it’s unfolded, and I’m staring at the bare mattress with the sweat outline of a body on one side. There are also other unmentionable stains in the middle.”

Kara, has been single for a couple of months, so she decides to get into the world of internet and app dating! Big mistake!
She meets this guy, super hot, drop dead gorgeous (her words) and she decides to go to his house after the date, only to be confronted with reality... Luckily she dodges the bullet, but his obliged to stay inside the building, since a near by chemical plant had a leak.

“Thirty-nine days.”
“What?” they ask together.
I drop my hands from my waist and clench them into tight fists. “We dated thirty-nine days. Then she ghosted me, blocked me, and refused to let me explain anything.”
The cop looks like he’s wishing for a gunfight to break out, so he can escape.”

Rory is Kara ex-boyfriend and ex-college. Their past is turbulent, to say the least and he’s also a resident in the building.
So you see, Kara is confronted with 3 opinions: go back to her “reality check” date, stay in Rory’s apartment or sleep in the lobby! Guess which one she choose?

I absolutely loved this book! Sweet and funny delicious.
Jami Albright is a new author to me and I loved her style.
Profile Image for Kayla Busch.
343 reviews5 followers
July 22, 2021
Oh how I loved this sweet romance. Quarantines can be scary and daunting to individuals, so I really liked the positive spin on this one about how two individuals who share a past were able to reconnect during the quarantine that they went through and have their second shot at love. Rory is such a swoon-worthy man. I loved how he puts his family first and is honourable and has the best of intentions where Kara is concerned (he really just wants to love her and build a life with her). Kara for her part can be a little impulsive and jump to conclusions before stopping to consider things and she tends to shut people out, but throughout the novel she begins to work on this and once she lets people in, she ends up living her best life. Together, Rory and Kara are such a cute couple and I absolutely loved Sally (Rory's sister), she has so much personality and is so sweet. The three of them really build something special and the epilogue will have you tearing up. I highly recommend this book.
465 reviews8 followers
February 28, 2021
*I received an arc from the author for an honest review.* Jami Albright has written another fabulous, funny, entertaining book with all the feels. Kara goes a date who turns out to be a loser (such a funny scene) only to end up quarantined in the building due to a chemical spill when trying to leave. It turns out her ex Rory lives there & he offers for her to stay with him. During this time she finally listens to him to clear up any misunderstandings about their break up & gives their relationship another chance (he wasn’t totally honest with her & she wouldn’t give him a chance to explain). Rory has his sister Sally to raise and she is such a sweet & funny character!! There are sad moments, laugh out loud moments & happy moments that make you cry in the book. They finally get their HEA that they deserve & you will love reading about their journey!! Such an amazing book (with two great epilogues) that I highly recommend!!
Profile Image for Deanna.
1,072 reviews18 followers
March 1, 2021
To say her day started off well would have been an understatement. She ends up with the date from hell, literally. His hygiene left a lot to be desired along with the rest of his apartment. She couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

But just when her escape seems imminent, the guard at the door stops her. The building has been locked down due to a chemical spill. She is stuck here and he tells her to go back to the room she came from. Hell no. The couch in the lobby is more inviting than that prospect.

Is this the end of her disastrous day, oh no, that would be too easy. No she is stuck in this apartment complex with her ex, the one who stabbed her in the back to keep his job.

But all is not as it seems. And she will learn that there is a whole lot more to her ex than meets the eye.

The characters were entertaining and endearing especially his sister. The chemistry undeniable. A fantastic fun read to give you a giggle during this fun time
Profile Image for Laura.
399 reviews
February 25, 2021
Kara and Rory's story gave me all the feels, had so much humor, love, heat it was perfect! 

After a date goes bad (she really shouldn't have gone back to her date's place with him) she tries to escape the building as quickly as possible only to realise the building has been lockdown for the next several days! Could Kara's day get any worse? Oh but it can when she runs into her ex who also happens to live in the building and who she blames for her losing her dream job!

Rory has been trying to speak to Kara for months to explain maybe now is his chance! 

I instantly loved both Rory and Kara, you will too!  

It might just be a short novella but it doesn't fail to deliver everything I love in one of Jami's stories. 
Profile Image for Zoe.
478 reviews6 followers
February 27, 2021
Locked In Love
A Quarantine Novella
Jami Albright
A novella written in the pandemic times, being locked down due to a chemical spill when a dreadful tinder date goes horribly wrong. The lobby couch looks inviting.
“For the love of God, why didn’t I swipe left?”
Ending up stuck in an apartment with an ex was not high on Kara’s list of things to do. She soon finds it hard to hate Rory.
This novella began as a newsletter serial but has turned into a fun short story.
“Rory’s warm lips slide over mine, and all of the chaos, heartbreak, and uncertainty of the last six months fades into the background.”
If only it was that easy.
Jami Albright brings the sass and fun to quarantine.
This novella is a stand-alone short with hea.
Profile Image for Stephanie Hutchison.
480 reviews7 followers
March 1, 2021
What happens when a Bumble swipe goes bad? You end up quarantined in a building that you don't live in and that you know no one other than the bad swipe. Oh, and the guy that broke your heart and stabbed you in the back six or so months ago.

This is Kara's life. No way will she take Rory up on his offer to stay with him.

But when Rory won't take no for an answer, Kara discovers there is much more to Rory than she originally thought. Add in his sweet sister and the swipe gone bad might end up being the right choice in the end.

You will love this novella by Jami Albright. As with all her books, expect that bit of humor mixed in with the romance. You will be smiling through your own quarantine times.
112 reviews3 followers
March 4, 2021
This is such a quick read with delightful characters. Have you ever gone on an online date and it went terribly wrong? Then the main character is quarantined in the online date's building due to a chemical spill. Can things get any worse? Oh, yes! Guess who else lives in this building? The sleazed of an ex that did our main character wrong. Should she or should she not stay with the ex or stay with the disgusting date she met on line? It's a no brainer! You cheer for these characters through out their path of discovery about each other. I enjoy anything written by Jami Albright as she never ceases to entertain. Thank you to the author and publisher of this novella for the advanced reader copy. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Relyn.
3,807 reviews64 followers
August 20, 2022
I really appreciated the inclusion featured in this book. Plus, Jami Albright's books are always fun.

I love rom-coms, romance novels, and love stories. So I read a lot of them. This is great fun for me, but it means that my personal "market" is oversaturated. It will take a truly great romance to get more than three stars. In case you are interested:

Relyn's personal rom-com & romance novel rating system
5 stars - This book is excellent. It stands out from the hundreds of other love stories I've read, and I loved it.
4 stars - Oh, I really, really liked this one.
3 stars - This was a good, entertaining book and I'm glad I read it.
2 stars - Meh - boring, or overdone, or in some other way just not a good fit for me
1 star - This one stunk.

Profile Image for Schellie.
736 reviews
November 26, 2022
Finding Love In Lockdown

Is it possible to find a second chance love in quarantine lockdown? Rory is about to find out. Standing down the hall is Kara, the one that got away, well, the one that ghosted him. Kara has no intention of talking to Rory, let alone have any kind of relationship with him. That is, until they are stuck in quarantine together. Close proximity and the secret he was keeping from her just may be their saving grace. You need to read this feel good story! If you haven’t read a Jami Albright book(um, why not?) you should definitely check this and all her other stories out as well! She is a phenomenal writer, with an easy going manner and a funny bone to boot! Don’t miss out!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 90 reviews

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