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They say I’m troubled.

They tell me I’m damaged.

They ridicule me, point fingers at me, and send me away.

Tory’s School for the Troubled is supposed to be my redemption.

Instead, it’s my new hell.

In this school, I’m surrounded by the broken and the hurt. The liars and the psychopaths.

Everybody at this school is hiding behind a mask, including the professors.

They say monsters roam the halls of this academy at night, and I think...

I think they might be right.

This is book one of a horror/bully reverse harem romance. It contains strong language and sexual situations. Reader’s discretion is advised. If you like your men a little broken and psychotic, your FMC a take-no-shit badass, and a plot that will leave you guessing until the very last page, then this book is for you.

342 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 25, 2021

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About the author

Katie May

83 books2,274 followers
Katie May is a romance writer of numerous genres! She writes everything from horror to fantasy to contemporary. #whychoose

She has a gorgeous tabby cat who she adores, and she’s obsessed with coffee and horror movies.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews155 followers
January 12, 2022
I hesitated to get these books. I wasn't entirely sure if they would be for me, if this was the kind of story I want to read. But, it's written by Katie May and so far I loved every book she gave me. Even the stories out of my comfort zone. Even the books I didn't think I'd like. So, last week I got my big book haul for January and I ordered the first two books (since the third hasn't released yet) in this series and today I decided to just get started.

And once I started I simply couldn't stop. I forgot the entire world around me. I forgot the time. When the telephone rang I almost hit the ceiling because it scared the crap out of me. I was so into this story and the atmosphere that I wanted to stay there as long as possible, while I also attempted to reach the end of the book as quickly as possible. I have to admit that the ending didn't surprise me. I might have read a certain classic not too long ago, pointing me in the right direction.

The plot and setting also reminded me a little of Eva Chase's "Cursed Studies" series, although eventually both stories take an entirely different turn. I quite enjoyed the mystery here though. I mean, because of all the flashbacks and because of what was going on, I had in inkling what could be happening, but it was exciting to see the characters trying to figure it out, while also dealing with their own pasts, demons and issues.

Because even though the school is awesome, the mystery is awesome and the horror is awesome, it are the characters making this story into the awesomeness it is. They're all damaged, they're all dealing with stuff from their past they don't really wanna talk about, they're all coming from terrible and painful backgrounds. It sometimes makes their reactions and actions slightly messed up and yet it's also easy to understand where they're coming from and to still root for them.

I can't wait to read the second book!
November 13, 2022
Usually becoming an adult is a right of passage where you spread your wings and start your future. For some this equals college and when heroine Bianaca is packed up and shipped away she imagines her future will be no different. (I truly thought her name was a spelling error at first but color me surprised it kinda grew on me). From the moment she arrives things are weird. It made for a sometimes confusing but immediately gripping read for me. Things were out of place, characters were just odd and glitchy. Almost nothing really made sense unless you're paying close attention. There are quite a few nearly invisible moments that may not even register until you reach the end. I really enjoyed this book and surprisingly finished in a couple hours and I’m not even mad I figured it all out far too early. I think it’s a decently plotted out RH read that steps outside the average academy read box, quite literally in fact. So much of the book is a deception. I actually kinda dig how messed up everything and everyone is, their flaws make them human. While it is an academy for troubled, I wouldn’t classify this as a bully read. Everyone including the heroine has a chip on their shoulder and Bianaca is not one to take shit lying down. On that note it does touch on some heavier topics like sexual assault and more so heed the authors notes. Off to the next one….
Profile Image for max.
402 reviews39 followers
November 5, 2023
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
• Self-harm
• Sexual assault, rape (off-page but mentioned frequently)
• Suicide

Please heed the TW before diving in. It was particularly hard for me to be in the FMC’s mind when she was thinking about SH, so it’s just something to keep in mind. I get that the story was intentionally confusing, but I found myself not really liking the lack of communication amongst the main characters and was just unhappy for majority of my time reading this tbh. The scene where Lexie Grey Bianaca confessed to loving Mark Sloan Beau felt super familiar to me, as if whole lines were straight up yoinked from that scene in Grey’s Anatomy (Season 8, Episode 22). I don’t think it was intentional. But that kind of took me out of the story a little. I didn’t really connect with any of these characters, but Bianaca is interesting to me. I desperately want her to get some revenge on Dylan, and for her and Beau to work their shit out.
Profile Image for Heather Gilbert.
1,629 reviews75 followers
December 8, 2019
Becomes clear

I love Katie May, but this book took me far too long to get in to. It just felt all over the place and confusing, both action and emotion wise. However, that starts to clear when you start figuring out what is REALLY going on - and you will, long before Biananca hears the truth. The revelation starts slow, weaving through the disjointed narrative, then suddenly, you just know - and everything else makes sense. It is supposed to be confusing. I won’t spoil it, but trust me, it’s worth it.

First person, multiple POV, Slow burn RH, PNR
Rating = R (trigger warning for mentions of rape - nothing is described, but you get the picture)
Upper YA
Romantic dynamic = MMMMF (M?)
Character age range = 17/18

- Twist makes everything ELSE much clearer.
- Beau... Love him, despite himself.
- Intriguing concept.

- So Disjointed at first.
Profile Image for Mrslive43.
116 reviews
May 16, 2020
Loved this and can’t wait for next book, what a cliffhanger

Totally loved this story , complete change to my normal RH, excitedly waiting for book 2 loved Katie Mays writing .
Profile Image for Angel.
1,012 reviews14 followers
August 27, 2021
Spoilers. That's your only warning.

The reason that I gave this book two stars is because one, it's my genre. I love the whole reverse harem. And I love the guys. After that we're pretty much a fail.

It would have been nicer to have a more constructive storyline to follow. There is other confusion for the entire book until you get to probably about 75% of the book completed.
And even then, unless you are a part of the story, well not a part of the story, more familiar with these types of stories, then you are going to be completely lost.

There's potential here. With a few added statements, and if you extra direction, then possibly it could be a great story. There's just things lacking. Once you start to understand a little bit of somebody's feelings, it changes and works. And I understand that's what purgatory is. A complete mind fuck. But in this story, I think we needed a little bit more substance.

I was disappointed. Maybe it's just because I just got through Reading 15 books by an amazing author, Alex was out, but I don't think that's it. I just couldn't connect to each of the characters. Once it started to connect, the author changed the story completely on its head. in other books that I've read about purgatory, they at least let you connect to the character so that way when their story unfolds you understand the faucets behind it. Would this book you cannot connect to anyone.

Also there were too many characters to follow. You had the harem. Four guys. Then you had the female character, main character. Then you had this mysterious little girl running around talking about the in between. Then you had another girl who looks like the main character. Then he has a bunch of other people. Yeah it was just too much.

I really wish that I could give this book a higher rating. And I would really love to know what book other people are reading to give it such high ratings. When I was looking through the ratings, there is a average of four stars from all the ratings. But I honestly have no idea what they were reading. It took me about 12 hours to read this book. Normally 200 300 Pages only takes me about 6 hours. Or less.

I really liked Kace... But even his character started to drive me insane. And beau... It would have been nice if she had put explanations on why he wouldn't speak to bianaca. That is another thing that pissed me off through the entire book.

I'm still going to read the rest of the series. I've already invested my time, I want to see the end. But I am not going to kiss anyone's ass, and give them stars that I don't believe they deserve. And you guys can hate me for it all you like, this is not a popularity contest, this is a review to share my personal opinions of a book. Plain and simple. This is no reflection on the author, obviously other than the fact that it's not a great review, but it doesn't mean that the author is a poor author. It just means that I think in this particular book they need improvement.

I hope you stick by me, and wait for my end review. As in the series overall but I understand if you want to curse me out, and call me a bully, etc etc. I know the truth. And if you know me at all, so do you.
Profile Image for Rebecca ellis.
96 reviews6 followers
January 21, 2020
She did it again

Katie May obviously hates me because she keeps putting out these amazing books but ending them with cliffhangers!!!
I have a love/hate relationship with her.
Between blew my mind. This was such a creepy book and super hot. I loved it.
Just when I started to think I knew what was going on something else would happen and I was left scratching my head in confusion.
Read this book.
It is so amazing!
Profile Image for Tranese.
1,660 reviews8 followers
November 15, 2022
Interesting start

First book to be read by the author Katie May. All I want to say is that the author she warned us, because my mind is literally blown. Once I figured I had an answer to a question Katie threw me for a loop. I can wait to read book 2.
Profile Image for Kay.
172 reviews40 followers
November 30, 2019
A mystery wrapped in a nightmare!

Well, well, that was one deliciously confusing book.. At first. But the more you read, the more things start clicking into place, however slowly. And yes, there are several unanswered issues and mysteries by the end of the book, but at least the name of the school will finally make sense, if nothing else.

I don't think I could describe the plot even if I wanted to.. The only clue I can give you, without spoiling anything, is that even though things won't make sense all of the time, the book is still totally worth the read. I have a feeling that surprising things, people, and events will somehow be connected to each other when all is revealed.

Oh, and just four notes in the minus column:

1) The FMC is called Bianaca. Not Bianca. Be-ana-caaahhh.. Which, in my opinion, has one unfortunate letter too many, and really needs to not exist.

2) Bianaca is supposedly a gymnast who trains a lot, and yet she has big heavy boobies. Because why not! And speaking of boobies.. The book starts off by featuring many sexy/sexual scenes, and then somehow forgets all of that for most of the rest of the book.

3) Bi-friggin-ANA-ca (ugh) keeps insulting one of the guys' (Tanner's) manhood. I believe she calls his penis small (or something to that effect) on several occasions, and/or questions if it works properly. For some reason, this bugged me. I get maybe one tiny dick joke, but she just keeps at it like it's her mission to put him down and make him miserable. Perhaps there's some secret reason for this, too, but if not.. Then perhaps she's just a bit of a sucky person.

4) The weird initial hostility between the guys and Bianaaaaaaca seems a tad forced, and it feels like there's no real reason for them to hate each other, not really. And the guys don't even really hate her, but she seems to hate them (or at least she mentions it a few times). I'm not letting this oddness disturb me, however, since I have a feeling that it, too, will be resolved and explained somehow in the next book(s). Hopefully?
58 reviews20 followers
November 8, 2022
boring, confusing, and filled with triggers

I feel misled. I know it was meant to be confusing, and twisty, and I was supposed to be shocked by the plot twist at the end. I wasn’t, but that’s not really a big issue. But it was really confusing in a way I’m not sure the author intended.
Like why does Bianaca get so angry at all the guys all the time? This is marketed as a bully reverse harem. But there was maybe a tiny amount of bullying and a whole lot of her being angry for no reason. I guess Aiden was a jerk the first time they met, but even that was pretty tame. And Kade was really friendly, and she had literally never spoken to Tanner, and for some reason, after she has this whole -our souls call out to each other thing, she is angry and at them for...reasons? But sits with them and has an incredibly cringey conversation about sex with them. She just flips back and forth all the time and lamenting about how they are such bullies to her, but really, they’re kind of fine and she’s a brat.
And why doesn’t Beau talk?
And if she trains for five hours a day five times a week, why is she exhausted after doing her floor routine once?
And why are they dreaming about her? I get that some of these things may be answered in the next book, but I would need to care enough about the characters to read the next one and I don’t. The fmc was annoying and none of the guys were developed enough for me to be interested.
Also, like, a couple chapters in she’s masturbating in front of one of the guys, and then literally nothing else happens between any of them. It felt inconsistent.
And there was a lot of triggers (sexual assault, self harm, suicide) that were not mentioned in the book description and definitely should have been.
Overall this just felt disjointed and immature. I would not recommend this at all.
Profile Image for LssBookLounge.
1,225 reviews31 followers
October 8, 2021
The author was going for a tale that’s a mind fuck and I must say, she certainly succeeded at that.

I actually enjoyed the fact that the story in a lot of ways doesn’t seem to make much sense. It’s done in such a way that it enhances the general mystery surrounding the school. There isn’t much in the way of depth to the male characters at this point, but I’m hoping that will change in the next book. I like that our FMC has some pluck to her and stands up for herself even when at times she’s quaking inside.

I wouldn’t say the guys are psychotic per se. They’re an enigma and Aiden is straight up unhinged at the start. This makes the fact that they’re taken off guard by Bianaca and her audacity to insert herself into the horsemen group from the beginning, is rather satisfying. Though for Aiden his fascination comes across as a bit clinical in some ways even though he describes it as catching feelings. The main thing I didn’t care for was how one day Beau was just the guys tagging along with Bianaca and practically overnight he’s seamlessly worked into the group as if he’s always been there. All horsemen interactions with him happen off page so that screws with the flow of the last maybe 10-15% of the book. I also think the first mention of Heath should have been by Maria the first time everyone was in the cafeteria the first time. His character being introduced in that last 10-15% contributes to the choppy flow of that part of the book.

I’m not sure that the “plot twist” suddenly makes things that happen earlier to become suddenly clear. In a way it does, but it also raises the question if the twist is correct, how is there anything that can remove the blinders so to speak?

Should be interesting to see where the adventure goes from here.
Profile Image for Jennifer G.
2,621 reviews50 followers
December 2, 2019
Bianaca was sent away; sent to a school for troubled teens. Except she doesn't remember how she got there or what she did. And nothing at the school is as it seems. The professors, the classes, even the other students. Something is wrong. Her best friend, the one she's secretly in love with is there. So is her tormentor, her step-brother. Then there are the Three Horsemen. They target her, accuse her of crimes she couldn't possibly have committed, destroy her belongings, lie to her. Even her best friend betrays her. But they also tempt her. They want her, she wants them. But does any of it matter? Students are disappearing.

I loved this. It's unusual. It has such a creepy vibe. The school is a mystery. The guys are bullies but aren't typical. Bianaca can definitely hold her own against the three. They never saw her coming and she manages to one-up them more times than not. It's fantastic. Her step-brother and her best friend are different matters, however. One has the ability to make her spiral back into her trauma; the other has the ability to break her heart. This is a slow-burn RH but not too slow-burn. You could feel the connection. Her bestie disappointed me. He was cowardly with his feelings and hurt her. I had loved him from the beginning so this was hard to handle and he will need to make up for multiple things when he gets the chance. The big, not-so-surprising reveal at the end sets up book two beautifully. I can't wait.
302 reviews4 followers
November 21, 2023
Wow, that was an amazing experience.

The unease, the confusion, the feeling of standing on shrouded ground that could tear away at any moment taking the lead (and you) to a worse, more sinister place, all added up to an eerie, suspenseful visceral read.

The female lead was tough and bull-headed with a serious (and understandable) achilles heel, the love interests all dealt with their trauma in subtlety different (although definitely hostile), ways and the secondary characters' behavior added to feelings of disorientation and disbelief.

And the relationship-building was amazing. There is no insta-love, sexual attraction never takes over or interrupts the story and bonds are developed slowly with plenty of bumps and bruises along the way.

My only complaint is I can't get this in a mass market paperback because I would love to add it to my library. Even if I hate the other books, I could read this one again and again as it does have a legitimate conclusion.

If you enjoy a dark subtle mystery with overt horror elements, I hugely recommend this.

(I also highly recommend Prodigium Academy by the same author [but not Afterworld Academy and Fae Revealed which s/he wrote with other authors]. Prodigium is more of a fun and funny read although it does contain dark elements.)
Profile Image for Anne .
405 reviews32 followers
January 13, 2020
The plot is actually pretty exceptional. It's twisted - probably the most twisted I've read from Katie May (to the extent that everything will only make sense at the end). Imo, it definitely has more potential. I really think it even deserves 5 stars.

The execution, though...let's just say readers who didn't finish are not exactly to be blamed. Personally, I went through the end out of the fact that I love most of the author's works.

My biggest problem is the characters. I know, I know. It's just the first book and I have to let them grow out in due time. True enough. But they're why I have to take 2 stars off my ratings. I'm not really sure if the wonky, seemingly drugged-like behaviors from the characters are supposed to be as is.

Pretty much all of them annoyed me to no end.

Is it bad that the most interesting one I find is Heath? (It tells a lot about me...or this read)

Shame, really. I imagine myself being fully mindblown if I enjoyed the characters and not just the story.
147 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2020
Oh my God. Within the first couple pages I was hooked. The action, twists, Mystery, flirty and carnal banter all came together to make one amazing cocktail. It was steamy and just fantastic. I can’t get over the amazing fantasy factors that went into this book. The weird messages, all the creatures, the almost horror movie way it was written. I just love this beginning! I can really tell this is going to be a fantastic series. This will definitely have you guessing if the narrator is reliable or not. What is fantasy, what is reality? What is in her mind and what is true. It’s just so intriguing. That ending had me wondering for days. Actually this entire book did. Immediately starts off with like several bangs in a row. The meeting of the characters and just everything. Not everything has a reason and because of that you just want to know what is happening and why. That ending was unbelievable! can’t wait for book two! Katie May you rock!
362 reviews5 followers
May 21, 2020
This is one of the weirdest books that I've read but a good weird. While reading this you never know what's real and what's not, making you confused about what's going on and where exactly they are at. I liked Bianaca but I didn't necessarily enjoy this book just for her, she still has much development that needs to happen but when she does I think she'll be a pretty kickass chick. The guys on the other hand are interesting to read about, obviously they all have some sort of feelings for B but are mostly still in denial (maybe not Beau) and how they treat her is a strange mix of distrust and possession that they don't know if they wanna hurt her or be with her. The main reason I liked this book was due to the mysterious nature that surrounds the school. I think I have some parts of what's going on figured out but others are still a mystery that I can't wait to have solved.
Profile Image for Marisa.
775 reviews35 followers
February 28, 2021
My heart is still broken from the emotion I went through near the end of this book. I was able to figure out the “big reveal” but my heart hurts from the character developments.

I like the mystery surrounding the plot, can’t wait to learn more about it and see what happens. You definitely figure it out before the main character but the reveal is very climatic. I also can’t wait to learn more about the characters, how they are connected and their history. I loved the use of multiple POV.

I liked the pace of the book. I think the author was able to fit a good amount in while leaving us wanting more. I would have liked a bit more time with the characters but I think that will happen more in the next book.
December 26, 2021
Meh is how I feel about this one

So I can honestly say that Bianaca is irritating as all get out. She is so irrational about everything. Her fake bravado. Her likes and dislikes. It all doesn’t make sense. The male leads aren’t as bad. They are pretty consistent but B is sporadic. Almost like an acid trip on drugs. It’s irritating to say the least.

Now I kind of pegged that they were dead. Or in some kind of after life situation. It just made sense. But I don’t know if the story is developed enough for me to want to find out more. I mean I quite literally am over hearing about Bianaca and whether or not she trusts the guys or believes or wants to sleep with them. But I might read book 2 in hopes it gets better.
Profile Image for Aimee.
228 reviews5 followers
December 2, 2019
Overall I found this story fascinating! The plot keeps enough mystery and flow to keep me interested without boring me. The characters all have their own secrets that we get little hints of but not enough to reveal everything as of yet. The cliffhanger I liked and does have me excited for the next book. My only issues came from at times being a bit confused on the story jumping around but that may be on purpose for the plot. Also I found the use of the word succinct too frequent for a description on the way people were speaking. Need more diverse ways of expressing character's tones. Otherwise, I enjoyed the story and look forward to more.
Profile Image for Michelle Sutton.
34 reviews
January 15, 2020
Interesting story but fell flat and drug out

I actually enjoyed the story concept at the end. I felt it was drug out while nothing happened. Felt that it got interesting only on the last words and then it was over. Do not like the lead female and it annoyed me on the "teasing" romantic concept. I do plan on reading the next one and hoping the intro to this story was just that, an intro into this world. The story is set up, now I'm hoping it gets better. So far, the lead female is just irritating and acts kind of dumb. Hopefully the author will "smarten" and strengthen her up in the following books.
Profile Image for Simone.
328 reviews
December 8, 2019
Another amazing horror/rh/mystery thriller from Katie May that left me wanting more!

Between is one of those mystery set-up novels that poses a lot of questions and questionable scenarios. I loved the intrigue set up scene by scene, and how the little elements of the genre mix poked through unexpectedly.

However, this book felt too brief and quick for me. I finished before I was done, and that left me a bit frustrated. I felt the pacing and movements were perfect when reading it, but the ending left me feeling underwhelmed. Hopefully book two makes it feel more complete and explored.
2,168 reviews12 followers
March 30, 2020
Well written book by an author I've come to appreciate since I've read several books from this author by now. It's a bit on the shorter side so anxiously waiting for book 2. It is a paranormal slow burn RH so if this is not your cup of tea don't read it but I was happy to read this book. There is a bit of a possible trigger for rape but I don't have issues with it, not described or anything but it's there.
Profile Image for Ronda .
147 reviews4 followers
November 21, 2020
Talk about attitude!

I actually liked this book, Bianaca is a force to be reckoned with indeed! The guys? Aiden, Tanner, Kace, and her best friend Beau are a tad bit baffling, but likeable. Though I wanted to reach through the screen and smack Beau a few times. Aiden, now he's a clever one. I feel there's more to his character, but the book kinda left me hanging which I really really detest. Hopefully there will be a continuation to change my mind.
Profile Image for Rosa Lee.
Author 21 books1,178 followers
July 8, 2021
Wow! I literally kinda went in blind here and I'm glad I did because I was in a delicious state of confusion for most of the book.

Katie's writing is extraordinary, she's so descriptive you feel as though you're right there, living in the book alongside her characters.

The sexual tension is of course top notch, although this is a slow burn so things don't really get hot and heavy. But the story is so good you don't notice.

Will definitely be reading book 2!
486 reviews1 follower
July 27, 2022
Not a fan

I’ll preface this by saying that I guessed the twist just before 50%. The ‘suspense’ over what was happening dragged on and then Bianaca claims that the guys are awful and are bullying her….how??? I don’t get why what they have done is so awful but she alienated herself from them which is probably the most confusing thing about this book. It got a bit dull and repetitive so I’m not sure if I’ll read the next though I usually love the authors books.
Profile Image for Esmee.
1,863 reviews2 followers
September 5, 2022
Ja 80.procent uitgelezen. Ik begreep eigenlijk niet echt goed waar het over ging. Eigenlijk zou ik het maar 2 sterren geven tbh. Maar Brianaca was echt hot... Jeetje hot en sexy...

Trouwens dat pesten klopt niet hoor.. ze word helemaal niet gepest! Geplaagd misschien, maar ze heeft een grote mond en geen schaamte.

Dus de school gebruikt de leerlingen als aas? Offers? Ik begreep er weinig van en had geen zin meer
Profile Image for Avia Shelton.
155 reviews
September 8, 2022

I’ve read many of Katie May’s books and always loved them. I figured this one would be just as good and wow, is it ever! This book was like taking drugs and not knowing what’s real and what’s not. The world building was amazing, and really got me intrigued. The ending was not what I was expecting, which is exactly what Katie May wanted. I’m excited to see this story continue and what will happen next.
Profile Image for Rebecca Norvitz Norvitz .
674 reviews22 followers
September 11, 2022

Katie May tells us in the very beginning of this book that this story will be confusing and will be a complete and total mind trick.

Well, she was definitely not lying. This book is so good that I haven’t been able to put it down since I started it yesterday.

I love everything about this book. Now excuse me while I go download the next one and continue to fall down the rabbit hole.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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