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As a wildlife photographer, Journey “JJ” Sutton never stays in one place too long. The world is his classroom, and he’s living his dream. His only regret is that he had to sacrifice the love of his life to do it. But as the saying goes, you can never go home again. That’s until there’s a family emergency, and he has to…well, go home again. His easy breezy lifestyle gets complicated fast. It certainly doesn’t help that his ex-fiancé has bought the house next door.

After an unstable childhood, Cameron Foster loves small-town life. He has everything he needs in his vet practice, his friends, and his animals. Despite what numerous exes seem to think, he’s not still in love with Journey. And so what if they add “benefits” to their friendship? As long as he keeps his heart out of the equation, everything should be fine.

Too bad Journey's not onboard with that plan. With summer ending, he has to convince Cameron that this is more than just a fling. This time around, he knows what he wants. He wants a second chance. He wants forever. Most of all, he wants Cameron’s heart.

Journey may have put away his passport, but things are just getting interesting.

296 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 11, 2021

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About the author

S.E. Harmon

21 books1,599 followers
S.E. Harmon has had a lifelong love affair with writing. It's been both wonderful and rocky (they've divorced several times), but they always manage to come back together. She's a native Floridian with a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters in Fine Arts, and used to spend her time writing educational grants. She now splits her days between voraciously reading romance novels and squirreling away someplace to write them. Her current beta reader is a nosy American Eskimo who begrudgingly accepts payment in the form of dog biscuits.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 430 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,396 reviews1,546 followers
April 23, 2021

This was my first S.E. Harmon book and I'd definitely call this read a winner for me.

The story was well-written, well-edited, and extremely compelling, never leaving me bored.

Upon hearing Journey's story of him becoming the caregiver and person responsible for his three younger brothers and his dad, after Journey's mother died, while he was still a teenager himself, my heart went out to him.

Everyone that he loved leaned on him so heavily at such a young age, requiring him to essentially sacrifice his hopes and dreams in order for his family to realize theirs.

So trust me when I say that I *totally* got his feeling that he'd "done his time", once his brothers were adults, and didn't begrudge him his need to escape and see the world, finally allowing himself to follow a path that would make him happy.

[My take on Journey...]

However, I also sympathized with Cam's desire to settle down and grow roots, after being constantly relocated from place to place, as his father tried to marry his way through the female population in hopes of finding the happiness that he'd had with Cam's deceased mother.

[My take on Cam...]

With that kind of background at play, I couldn't really fault one MC or the other, when their happy relationship had ended all of those years ago. To put it simply, Journey had to go and Cam had to stay, so they parted ways.

Over a decade later, when Journey's dad had a stroke and he had to return to his small town, only to find that his ex-fiancé had bought the house next door, well, that's when things got complicated for them again. And also almost immediately felt as though a previous wrong was being put right.

I loved both the familiarity between the MC's and, also, their process of reconnecting, which was only as friends to begin with, but the possibility of "more" (again) continually bubbled just under the surface. That was delicious.

One thing that continually made me laugh was just how invested (and nosy) Every. Goddamn. Person. in their small Florida hometown was in regards to their possibly-rekindling relationship. It would've drive me nuts in real life, but when it's happening to someone else, and in such a funny manner, color me all over that.

But the story was also, in large part, that of Journey repairing the bonds with his father and brothers, who were resentful that he'd "abandoned" them -- after sacrificing his own happiness for them on countless occasions for years on end. Selfish much?

I especially enjoyed how Cam, although he was the jilted ex, still stuck up for Journey with the angry brother, finally helping him realize just how much Journey had given up to support his family.

I'm not going to get any more spoilery, but I will say that the angst was mostly mild and the humor was there, but a little drier and more controlled than my typical reads.

And that there was almost a Big Misunderstanding, but it was blessedly short-lived.

Also, with Journey being a wildlife photographer and Cam being a vet, the book was pretty animal-centric, with two dogs on page about as often as not.

With the story being a romance, of course our heroes got their HEA, including a lovely epilogue from 3 years down the road that helped cement their relationship in my mind.

Unlike some reviews have said, I didn't get "Best Book of the Year So Far" vibes from it, but it was a good, solid read that I constantly enjoyed, so I'd rate it at around 4.25 stars and recommend both the book and the author to any S.E. Harmon noobs, like I was, looking for something new to read. : )


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Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
October 9, 2023
reread - October 2023

4.25 stars

Freaking enjoyed this one. Another win from S.E Harmon. S.E. is now is officially one of my favorites authors.

- I loved Journey and Cam. Enjoyed their banter, their chemistry, their sacarstic way of talking to each other. That's my jam.

-The sex scenes were hot and hilarious.

-I loved the animals. Cam interacting with the animals, sometimes I forgot he was talking to animals. Those were the best hilarious conversations.

-Journey's family and the gossipy small town. Lawd! these people are all in other people's business.

This is exactly what I needed. I had a good time with this book.
Profile Image for Snjez.
884 reviews806 followers
April 17, 2021
3.5 stars

Overall, I enjoyed it. It was fun and sweet, the banter was really good. I just didn't love it as much as I expected.

Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
December 28, 2021
Verbivore. I’m told this is a person with a voracious appetite for words. Sounds cool to me! I don’t know Harmon well (this was my first adventure with her) but I would imagine she may fall into this category. Which is only one of the many reasons I adored this story. Did you feel that curious tug with the title? I sure did. How about a zap from that striking cover? Me too! I was excited before I began and my jangling nerves never calmed. I was caught up in their simple everyday tasks as if they were in the midst of a great race. I was biting my nails, cheering, and holding my breath when I fully expected the outcome. And I don’t know about you, but I’d call that a mighty good book.

What's to like: Journey and Cameron are easy to like. Journey has a wandering spirit and followed his dreams trekking the world to catch the perfect shot. As a wildlife photographer, he’s spent more time living from a pack than from his flat. Quite the opposite, Cameron longed to plant roots and did just that. Also drawn to animals, he’s a small-town vet who doesn’t fully understand the meaning behind ‘fostering animals’. There are probably as many paws as people in these pages and I didn’t mind one bit. Journey lost his mother and his childhood in one tragic day. He was forced to grab the reigns and navigate his three brothers through early years that he was denied. If given the option, he would do it again because, despite his grumbles, he loves them all dearly. However, raising them wasn’t easy or without sacrifices. Falling in love with Cameron was easy. Fighting the urge to leave the nest which began to suffocate him was another battle altogether. And one day, he just gave in and did what he wanted. If he ended up alone that was okay. Sometimes you have to put your own happiness first and that’s what he did. Until a call home brought him back to the place he thought he was free from. And to the man who stole his heart all those years ago and apparently, never gave it back.

What's to love: Second chance love is one of my favorite tropes for good reason. There’s something powerful about reigniting the spark between two hearts. Many things can split the course between a couple and sometimes it’s no one’s ‘fault’. This time Journey catches himself wondering if he should stay or go. He’s always been attracted to Cameron but it’s deeper than lust and more than scratching an itch. They don’t just fit they are tailor-made. They aren’t merely comfortable but are each other’s safe harbors. The problem is, Cameron knows he’s still knee-deep with his feelings for Journey and doesn’t want to find himself in over his head, drowning, when Journey leaves again. Which is certain. Journey will leave and Cameron can’t bear to have him take half his heart with him…again. There’s plenty more to enjoy besides the incredible pull and slow burn between Cam and Journey. I was charmed by JJ’s ornery father and Cam’s incredible co-workers. I was rather taken with the doggos too. But what I loved most was the reminder that you can have more than one dream and you can still fly while having a nest. There was a solid balance of humor, heat, and heart. And I can guarantee this won’t be my only Harmon journey.

Beware of: Feisty fun, flirty fire, and finally, forgiveness. Sometimes the most important shot is the one missed, only to be captured later. Memories and dreams are precious but twice as valuable when shared with someone you love.

This book is for: If you fantasize about faraway places and love course corrections, this trek is just what you need.

Book UNfunk
May 10, 2023
re-read May 2023

I’m still so so very IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK. So very in love with Cam’s and Journey’s love story. ♡

4.75***** stars

Coddiwomple — to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination

I so love me a book (a romance) around the topic of photography - getting into the POV of an artist. I truly admire professional photographs, and not just for the image itself but for the dedication and the talent of the person behind the lense. I just love it.

When everything worked together—the lighting, the timing, the subject matter—it was pure magic.

And this one’s even better bc it’s a second-chance *total heaven This whole book was totally and wholeheartedly right up my alley.

After his mom died Journey had to take over a lot of responsibilities for his three younger brothers while still being a teenager himself at that time. He sacrificed a lot of himself until it was just too much and he just felt too trapped in this life and left, pursuing his own dreams. And Journey loved the life he chose for himself, the photography and traveling all over the world.

But there was also the matter with his ex. The man that was his first everything. The man that was his fiancé back then. The man he left behind. The man he never really gotten over - even after more than a decade.

Cameron had tried to move on. He really did. But failed as well. And now that Journey was back he couldn’t resist him for very long. Even though he tried like hell, wanting to protect his heart. Seeing him leave again was something that was not supposed to break him again.

But when had that ever worked out, right? The protecting the heart from falling in love (again)? *lollll And gawd these two had chemistry for miles!

But here they were, wanting totally different things in life. Cameron wants stability and a family of his own while Journey did his time (that’s what he said to Cameron) and just wants to get lost in the world. (I struggled a few times with his family, his brothers and father and also Cameron to not getting this about Journey. Instead he got all these low-key accusations for not being there. I felt so sorry for Journey.)

All these intense feelings, the hang-up on the past… all of it was so fucking delicious!! Their love for each other was still so strong and beautiful but also heartbreaking to witness. I was rooting so hard for them to make it work. To find a way to be together. Forever this time.

Truly, nothing has me in a chokehold or makes my heart pound a mile a minute like the hopelessness and the hurt feelings we get in a second chance or troubled-relationship. And this one sooo did it!! ♡♡♡

“My whole world is here. Here. Not across the globe.”

Why was it so hard for everyone to understand that? She shook her head as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. I watched impatiently as she tapped on the screen for a few moments.

“Your whole world,” she finally said, turning the screen around to face me. “Is right here.” I stared at the picture she’d taken of the two of us at her kitchen table.

And don’t get me started on that talk Journey had with his dad. It was so surprising and so wonderful it nearly made me sob.

SEH’s writing was fantastic. It had the perfect pacing, was so very entertaining in the way of storytelling and I loved the banter so so much. All in all this was a more than an enjoyable read. I loved it. From the first page up until the last. I’m so thankful for the recommendation!
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,871 reviews272 followers
May 15, 2021
I loved this book, so damn much! SE Harmon's writing always seems to gel with me. I love the banter and the MCs and their families and the stories. Never disappointing. To paraphrase my friend, Renee, I just didn't want this book to end, but I couldn't stop reading it.

Journey Sutton (how awesome of a name is Journey?!) has a bit of a wanderlust. For 15 years, he has been travelling the world, photographing its wondrous beauty. He left his very close knit family and the love of his life because he wasn't ready to be what they expected of him. Always having shouldered more responsibility than he was ready for, he finally decided to take something for himself, and in the process, he hurt the person he loved the most.

Cameron Foster is the person Journey loved the most, and the feeling was quite mutual. Cameron didn't have a lot of stability when he was a kid, always moving around because his dad was always looking for the next Mrs Foster. Stability was something that Cam always wanted and needed, and Journey was his anchor. But Journey also needed to fly.

Coddiwomple is about life's journey and finally finding what you didn't even know you were looking for. It's about second chances and love. It's about coming home again. And it's so goddamn beautiful I kind of want to cry right now.

As with every SE Harmon book I've read, the banter is top notch. I'd find myself laughing at random times and these boys, I just love them.

And a very special shout out to Kona -- you found your people. Never let them go.
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews166 followers
May 19, 2023
Reread May 2023

This book is absolutely brilliant! This is most likely going to be right there on top of my top reads of the year. There, I said it. Absolutely brilliant. I was sold from the very first page and had to stop myself from reading too fast since I didn't want it to end. Journey and Cam were perfect for each other and I loved seeing them slowly fall in love again (or admit to it). I loved seeing them get to know each other again and breaking through the walls. I loved the second chance. And the slightly dysfunctional family. And the noisy town. And the humor. And the heat. And the dogs. And... okay I loved everything about this book.
It's a perfect example of why this author is an automatic buy for me.

(I might come back for a more fleshed out review when I'm a little more clearheaded.)
Profile Image for Candy M..
65 reviews850 followers
April 19, 2021
⭐2.7 "this was a well-written book, but it just happened to majorly piss me off" stars ⭐

Accurate depiction of me while reading.

WARNING: rant incoming.

In all transparency, if I was solely rating this based on enjoyment (as I usually do) this one would be closer to two stars than rounded up to three. I felt that it would be unfair, however, considering the quality of the writing itself and how much I ended up loving Journey as a protagonist...

Yet that also happened to be part of the problem as well. Because it was my love for Journey, for his aspirations and his authenticity, which ended up being what powered the rage that kept on building with every page I flipped.

As one of the MCs, I started to fall in love with him from page one. It was hard not to, seeing as how he was portrayed as a passionate man with a big heart who had given up so much for his family until he finally decided to try and achieve his dreams (even if those came at a great emotional cost and with plentiful heartbreak). With myself being an artist as well, Journey's love for photography also played a big part in endearing him to me. The writer did a beautiful job of selling his vision through the narration, that's for sure, and there was an undercurrent of love for his craft itself which was stunning to experience.

What was not so appreciated, however, was how it also felt from the very beginning as if the book was punishing him for ever daring to dream. His family was toxic and ungrateful despite all Journey did and continued to do for them, and it had me rolling my eyes each time. Even when they were admitting wrongdoing, it felt as if apologies were forcefully pried. Journey, in my humble opinion, deserved better than continuously being taken for granted by them. Time and time again.

He was an adult man nearing forty, yet they blamed him for pursuing his goals just because those happened to take him far. He was there for emergencies, for paying college funds and even loans, yet they still treated him as unreliable and volatile…

As a reader, it genuinely hurt me. And what made it all worse was that even Cameron, the other MC, didn't seem all that set on taking a chance on Journey until the very end. He kept saying how much he loved him, how much the other man meant to him, yet when it came time to actually show it…

*Sudden crickets*

By the time the last chapter and then the epilogue came, I was already checked out from relating to his fears of abandonment. Even if I could understand where he was coming from (Journey had already broken his heart once, albeit unintentionally), when he finally snapped out of it, it felt like too little too late for me.

Besides, the miscommunication was WAY too severe considering these were two men in their forties. All the revelations and milestoness in their relationship development seemingly all happened through either "accidental eavesdropping" or meddling townsfolk. Actual talking was clearly overrated for these two.


*Cue more eye rolling*

Will definitely check more books from this author in the future however, and hopefully I can appreciate the witty prose and characters more in those.
Profile Image for JAN.
1,197 reviews917 followers
April 17, 2021
**** 4.5 stars ****

I was hooked from the Preface!
What a great story!

I found this so relatable, the kind of plot that the drama flows organically, not something made up just for the sake of it. It presented a genuine struggle from both MCs sides regarding the second-chance romance.

Cam looking for stability after a "lifetime" of moving places as a kid.

Journey looking from freedom after years of caring for his family.

📍 I loved following their journey,
📍 their witty banter,
📍 all the animals,
📍 all the nosy funny side characters,
📍 and I had fun especially with Journey's dad, so grumpy and always about "to expire".😂🤣

I had a tiny issue with the chronologic part. Perhaps, I missed something? they met when they were kids, they were their firsts, got engaged, broke up, Journey left and didn't show up for 3 years and now Cam is 39. Add to that the fact that Cam was moving around too much as a kid "lifetime" a word used to describe it in the story and how many times his dad changed wife only made me more confused the few times I tried to get my head around this. But, you know what? Whatever.🙊🙉🙈
I really liked this one.

Profile Image for Layla .
1,326 reviews17 followers
April 17, 2021
3.5 stars rounded up...
I wanted to love this book. It's SE Harmon and I adore her writing, but there was something missing for me.

What I loved..
- The trademark humor and dry banter
- Journey's Dad. He was a hoot
- Both MCs were lovable if a little frustrating
It seems like we were going in circles the whole book. I didn't feel the connection or the epic love between the two MCs. It all felt very Surface-Deep... the original breakup, the friendship, the FWB situation going on and then again with the same issue of Journey wanting to travel.
There were also inconsistencies with the characters... like Journey saying that Cameron was an animal in bed which we don't really see, and then him blushing about everything which doesn't really seem toppy for me. The sex scenes were all a bit weird and off.
The whole family drama stuff was also superficial and glossed over. Journey being a doormat one minute and obtuse the next.
I dont want this review to seem ranty so I'll stop here. I'll just say that I expected more and it fell flat.

ETA... this book was in desperate need of editing and proofing, and even formatting issues.
Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,923 followers
April 13, 2021
Just as awesome as I thought it would be. Love this author! 4,5 stars and full review to come real soon. But for now: go and one click people!!

Arc kindly received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,509 reviews70 followers
April 16, 2021
This is a total winner.
Heart-warming, humorous and teaming with a variety of feels.

S.E. Harmon’s writing is witty, snarky and Oh.My.Goodness! THAT dry sarcasm and sharp banter is simply stellar and made me very, very happy!

The second chance romance is brilliantly done.
Cameron tries so hard to keep Journey at an emotional distance, but it’s challenging to listen to your reason and common sense, when your heart and body pull you into a completely different direction.
I loved how the author lets us witness both men’s turmoil and feelings, with each of them really weighing up what their relationship means to them. They come across as completely genuine, with all the confusion and hick-ups you'd expect that falling in love with your ex will bring.

Throw in some ‘meddlesome’ people with a small town mentality, a couple of adorable animals, a big, noisy family (no worries, that bit was not overdone!) and Journey’s cantankerous, pretty hilarious dad, and you have a highly enjoyable romance you’ll definitely want to come back to.

Delightful, feel-good and a really fabulous read.
And what an original title and lovely cover!
(Did I mention the chuckles?)
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews380 followers
August 30, 2024

4.5 stars!

Loved every second of it. It's full of Harmon's trademark wit and banter. And it was the perfect second chance love story that tugged at my heartstrings. This may be my favorite of hers to date. It's a toss up with P.S. I Spook You.

Read it!
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,259 reviews261 followers
April 7, 2021

Coddiwomple by S.E. Harmon is a second chance, best friends to lovers romance. When I start a SE Harmon book, it always feels like I've been reunited with a beloved friend, and I miss her as soon as I'm done. Her stories evoke so much joy, and this book was no different.


-It's got banter
-Dual POVs
-Great pacing
-Hot as hell chemistry.
-Endearing characters. Not only will readers fall in love with Journey and Cameron, but they'll also fall for the Sutton family and the townspeople.

It's a story about family, trust, and taking chances.

Coddiwomple is beautifully written, and think readers are in for a treat with this gem.

Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
720 reviews85 followers
November 17, 2023
Re-read on 11/17/23 (audio only) 4 stars for Narrator.
Story still a 5 star

5 Wow-just-wow stars!! 🤩❤️ I loved this so much!!💓 I'll be honest and say that the title was a huge factor on why it took me so long to pick up this book. But I ended up loving the characters, loving the humor and wit in the writing, the many animals.... I just loved the overall flow of the book. I'm noticing that I'm loving these mature M/M romances (I've read so many this year) where the characters are more mature in their age and I feel more invested in their stories because it doesn't feel transitory.
This was a second chance romance; Journey having spent the last decade & a half roaming around the world as a successful wildlife photographer comes home in a rush to take care of his father after a medical emergency. Home is a small and nosy town in Florida where everybody knows everybody's business, where for family he has his father, three younger brothers, their spouses and his many nephews and nieces. The home-town also includes one really hot vet, the owner of the vet clinic called Happy Paws ; Cameron. When Journey (or JJ) left town to chase his dream, not only did he leave Cam, but in breaking their engagement he also broke his heart. But now that JJ has decided to stay till the end of summer to take care of his father, can Cam resist the attraction he still feels for JJ? Will JJ ever be ready to give up his jet-setting lifestyle for love and stability that Cam offers?

"It didn’t matter that we’d been apart longer than we’d even been together. It didn’t seem to matter that we wanted different things out of life. I just looked at him and I wanted. The end."

This is a mix of slow-burn with hot sizzling passion and a lot of humor and sass thrown in. I love how SEH writes the POVs of her MCs, it's almost like gaining access to the character's mind and all the unfiltered thoughts that are flowing through. The self-deprecating humor gets me every time. This is going down as one of my favorites ❤️ Highly recommended!! 👍👍
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,717 followers
April 24, 2021
Sooooo.......liked it, but maybe didn't looooooooooooove it. But definitely liked it.

Cam stuck his foot in his mouth a few too many times for my liking and some of the drama felt a bit contrived. But it wasn't too over-the-top and was resolved quickly.

I did feel like they went in circles a bit. Can't say I felt the deep connection they supposedly had but I did like Journey and Cam both individually and together. Journey more so than Cam (see above re: sticking his foot in his mouth).

I liked Journey and his dad's relationship and how that evolved over the book. His brothers on the other had were turds.

The animals were a fun addition.

All in all a solid read that I did enjoy.
Profile Image for Lau ♡.
449 reviews468 followers
June 13, 2023
A family emergency makes Journey have to come back home after years traveling around the world as a photographer, but he’s not ready to face everything he left behind. Especially his fiancée, Cam, whom he still hasn't forgotten and who seems to feel the same way. But Journe’s visit is temporary, so trying something again will only lead to two broken hearts, right?

Coddiwomple is a second chance romance about a photographer divided by following his dream or staying with the person he’s in love with. I loved Journey, and that may be the reason why I couldn’t enjoy the book more. I felt nobody truly deserved him. 😭

After the death of his mother, Journey was the one who had to step up despite being only a kid. He was the one taking care of his siblings, of his dad, making sure everyone was okay and carrying their problems as if they were all his own. He didn’t have time to enjoy his childhood, to go to college, to follow his dreams. Nobody should blame him for finally putting himself first when his siblings were older and his dad was better. I understood Journey, his need to try what he wanted to do. He has sacrificed so much for them, yet his family was all pissed off because he had ‘abandoned’ them by running away.

Whenever he came into town, they fell into the same old patterns of looking to him for guidance and expecting him to do everything. That made him start feeling () like his life wasn’t his own.

I hated how they treated him. I hated how nobody seemed to stop and think how much he had done for them. When his dad got sick, Journey left everything to come help. He was the one who had to take care of their father by himself, since ‘everyone else is busy and you have nothing to do’. I hated how they treated his job as a professional photographer as nothing-and they didn’t even have the excuse of not earning enough, he was making good money. How could Journey stay with them, when every time he came back, he had to automatically take care of everything for them? I felt pressured and I wasn’t even there!

I’ll stop because I could do an entire essay about how unfair their actions were, but you get the drill: Journey wasn’t someone who ran away when he was needed, so they could try remembering he was their brother, not their dad.

As for the romance, I have to admit I felt a bit disappointed. I loved the second-chance romance between Dani and Rain in The Spectral Files, so the expectations may have been a bit too high. In this case, I didn’t find the conflict as interesting: they both loved each other, Cam wanted to stay in the town and Journey, to keep traveling as a photographer. They could try to make it work or they could keep missing the other, but there wasn’t anything to develop. Maybe if I was suffering with them it could have worked, I didn’t feel the angst I would have expected from that conflict. I remember having that angst when it was about Dani and Rain.

I appreciated that at least Cam didn’t treat Journey badly. Being left behind by the love of your life because he wants to finally feel free isn’t pretty, but Cam was the only one who at least understood Journey’s decision. In any case, they made a good couple, but I would have been happier with:

1) Cam being less stubborn at the last part nobody deserves Journey
2) the cliché of ‘i’m talking about my feelings for this person and said person is standing behind me’ was overdone.

Overall, I love the author’s writing but this left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. It was probably my fault since the bar was high, but I really loved the humor, Journey and seeing them together.

Rating: 2.5/5
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
July 14, 2022
Still a 5 star read. I liked it even more this second time around.
*4.5 stars*

This was outstanding. It's exactly the kind of angst, banter and romance I want in my books. What a talented author.
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews166 followers
April 18, 2021
3.5 ⭐️ I really liked this book, but I didn’t love it. I loved Cam and Journey separately but I didn’t get the intense feeling that these two had to be together forever. Their banter was hilarious, they had good sex, but where were all the feelings???

I felt like they were too quick to give up on each other, both the first time around and in their current romance. The reason they broke up the first time didn’t make sense to me. I get wanting different things in life, but when it’s the love of your life, you make it work. If you’re so quick to call it off, maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.

So I had a hard time connecting. Even though I had fun reading, my heart wasn’t involved until the last third of the book. And even then, one if them had to be a fucking idiot and make me want to scream.

That being said, it was cute and funny and sexy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ky.
589 reviews81 followers
April 15, 2021
* 5 stars *

Let's start with the title. How perfect and unique is this title! How intriguing and interesting. How fitting for the story and Journey's way of life.

The cover. The cover is amazing. It's Journey at his core.

As for the story, it's a second chance and lifelong friends to lovers romance along with some family drama and the small town way of life.

The plot unwrapped seamlessly and through the course of a summer Journey and Cameron stopped fighting their feelings and gave in to what they always wanted. The only thing that didn't go according to plan was their feelings.

Journey is a wildlife photographer, basically living with a pack on his back and his camera in his hand. He has itchy feet that take him all over the world many times over and he loves his life just the way it is. He can't stay at one place for too long, and that craving to go out there and explore, see the world and capture its beauty with his lens, is what put and end to his relationship with Cameron in the past.

Cameron, on the other hand, is happy in his small town. Being a vet is his calling and he loves what he does. He spent his early childhood forced to move all over the country with his father, so once he grew up enough he just wanted to put down roots and stay in one place.

At first, I was frustrated with all the small town meddling and Journey's family's attitude towards him, but as the story moved on, I started reading about those well meaning meddlers with a fond smile and Journey's family's disapproval became less frustrating. However, I don't think I have forgiven John quite yet for what he said to Journey when he was a teenager.

The pets in this story, hands down, stole the show! Each one more adorable than the last, they were integral to the story and offered many light and funny moments. Pets are everything!

So far, I have loved every single book I have read by S.E. Harmon. She has a way with words and her humor style is just the right kind for me. This book was no exception, I loved every word of it.

Highly recommended!

~ I read an ARC of this book. ~
Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
April 19, 2021
I really enjoyed this. S.E Harmon writes some of the most hilarious banter I've read, while still mixing that up with all the feels I could want.

I loved both Journey and Cam, and I loved them together though they had some genuine, complicated issues to work out. I had my own issues with both guys but in the end, what I really wanted was for them to both be happy.

Not all of Journey's issues were with Cam. A great deal of the biggest ones were with his family. But family is my other favorite thing that this author writes and she didn't let me down here with that either. Not everything is easy with them and they're often the ones that take the worst advantage, or make Journey want to bang his head against the wall. A lot. But the bond between them all is real and warm and it shows up sometimes when it's least expected. And most needed.

I also loved the growth in the story, and this was not just growth for Journey and Cameron but for Journey's family as well. I was so happy with where they all ended up.

And I also have to mention my very favorite parts, the furbaby members of the family. I adored every single minute with them in the story.


In addition to the gorgeous wolf-hybrid, there's a tiny lost & found pup with a weekly name change, chinchillas, baby raccoons, senior dog adoption days and a whole cast of patients through Cam's animal clinic. 🥰 SEH makes it clear with this story that she's an animal lover and that's just another point in her favor with me. As usual, I look forward to whatever she writes next!
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,366 reviews554 followers
April 18, 2021
4.5 stars!

I absolutely adored this. Harmon's works have been really strong lately. Like the Spookology series, especially the third book, I find amazing, and this was amazing too. I just loved this second chance romance.

Journey Sutton has been a wildlife photographer for about 13, 14 years, ever since he left the love of his life Cameron Foster and his family behind.

But Journey had to grow up fast when he was about 14 years old when his mother died, and his father checked out for awhile, didn't take care of Journey and his three younger brothers the way he should have.

But the one constant for him was Cam, who he met when they were 14, and who was his best friend before they became more.

They have always loved each other, but sometimes love isn't enough, and also sometimes people are too young to get how to work at a relationship.

And well...when one wants to all the sudden up and leave and communication isn't used the way it should be, you get two people who are meant to be...break up. Even though they remain friends over the years, if distant, they both know that deep down they were the one that got away.

I think they both made mistakes in their break up, even though I do put most of the blame on Journey. Cam was blindsided and while Journey asked him to come with, that's a big ask, especially with such short notice, and when other factors come into it - like Journey apparently not wanting kids and Cam wanting them, and Cam being the opposite of Journey and wanting to stay settled and have roots - they just didn't make it.

But 13 or so years later, they're more mature, and when Journey is back in his hometown for the summer, the longest he's been around for probably more than a few days - because his dad has a stroke and he has to take care of him - they can't help fall back in love...or reconnect, as it were. I don't think they were ever really out of love with each other.

But the same problems are still there, and Cam is scared to get his heart broken again, so they agree to "casual" sex, even though they don't ever really have casual sex, not with each other.

And Journey wants to make it work this time, to compromise and make changes, so it doesn't have to be the be all, end all for either or. It just takes awhile for Cameron to get past his walls, his defenses and his fear to be ready to give them another chance.

I only give .5 off for the fewest of niggles. Just basically that I still had questions at the end. Like, when did they first get together all those years ago? Was it when they were teenagers and then they were together until they were 25? How long were they engaged? And also, I can't quite remember, but I don't the book did mentions if Journey and Cam figured out the issue of children.

Because it seems to me like Journey was so opposed to it just because he basically had to be a parent to his three younger brothers, but he teaches kids photography and seems to like them and maybe be changing his mind? But we don't know if he did for sure. It just would have been nice to know how these two figured out the kid issue.

It just some questions left dangling that I wanted answered and left me feeling a tad bereft at the end, so .5 off for that.

But other than that, I adored this, and seeing these two get that hard fought for HEA meant everything. I loved them, I loved their connection, I loved their chemistry and I just loved this book. It had me sucked in from the beginning and only much needed sleep made me put it down.

Two MASSIVE thumbs up from me. Highly recommend it. I wouldn't mind more of these two, as well, just saying. I couldn't get enough of them. Absolutely loved this! ❤️
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
June 21, 2021
Coddiwomple- to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination

[4.5] Wow. Just...wow. An absolute gem of a second chance romance in a small town setting that's low-angst and dual POV, has S.E. Harmon's trademark witty banter, and includes many furry friends (man do I love it when one of the MCs is a vet 😊). I loved Journey (JJ) and Cameron (Cam, Foss, Fossie—what cute nicknames!) as individual characters as well as a couple, and the side characters were all a bunch of fun! Cameron in particular felt almost eerily relatable to me in his thoughts and actions (great minds think alike lol). This story hooked me from the start just like P.S. I Spook You.

I appreciate second chance romances where the MCs don't immediately fall into bed together and instead take the time to get to know each other again first, filling in the gaps of knowledge given their time apart. This was executed so well here, with each shift in their relationship coming about organically. Yes, The Big Misunderstanding could've been shorter, but the resolution has that lovely Cam-spin to it that ties back nicely with the progression of their relationship XD

But while of course this story's an account of their "journey" (heh) back to each other once Journey's back in town after he'd left to pursue his dreams, it's also about family, grief/healing, and making amends. We gradually learn about Journey's history through artfully placed flashbacks, and the glimpses into how he, as the oldest sibling, was forced to grow up overnight after his mother’s passing to keep his family from falling apart hit me right in the heart.

Poor guy denies himself the ability to grieve because everyone's depending on him now, yet we also see several instances where he's taken for granted (the memory of John saying that and Journey agreeing with him had me tearing up so badly 😭). THEY REALLY TREATED HIM LIKE DIRT. It pissed me off quite a bit hence the 4.5*, but ugh.....father/son heart-to-hearts are my kryptonite (no rest for my lacrimal glands it seems). While I was left an emotional wreck, it was a much-needed and long-overdue conversation for the both of them.

I would've liked some family heart-to-hearts with the brothers (considering we only got a peek at brotherly relations on the slow mend through Cameron's POV) or some more concrete examples of them picking up the slack versus making Journey do everything. Give them a chance at redemption on page to quell my irritation XD It's realistic how we often do take family for granted though..... Don't forget to appreciate your loved ones, folks!

I must also add that I absolutely adored the epilogue! It warms my heart to know that

All in all, I HIGHLY recommend that everyone check this one out! And sending all the cuddles to the best dog-wolf Kona!! <3
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,754 reviews379 followers
August 15, 2021
Utterly brilliant romance

This book was just gorgeous, I couldn't have loved it more if I'd tried.

I am a big fan of S.E. Harmon's writing anyway but Coddiwomple blew me away.

Cameron and Journey were just so good, both as individuals but as a pair, even when denying that's what they were, they were spectacular.

It's funny, heart-warming, steamy, sweet and nearly made me cry at one point for goodness sake!

I adored the cast of secondary characters, the setting, the plethora of animals and the sense of rightness about Cam and Journey's love.

This book could have gone on forever, I was sad when I ran out of story!
Profile Image for Ami.
6,041 reviews491 followers
April 16, 2021
Coddiwomple (v.) To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination

OMG, what a delightful book this is. THIS, is, ladies and gentlemen, is how an author writes my favorite trope (ex-lovers, second chance, reunion) SPLENDIDLY. Harmon creates characters that I absolutely loved, FEELINGS (!) laced with her trademark humor, and in the end, gives me a reading experience that is absolutely... utterly... perfect

What I loved the most about this was how both Journey and Cam learned through their separation and reunion. Sometimes, what you think is important when you're in your 20's is not the same when you're in your 40's (or late 30's in their case).

More than a decade ago, Journey and Cam broke their engagement because they wanted different things. Journey wanted to travel, to see the world, to live his life without being "sackled" to the life of commitment and staying at one place. Cam was altogether different. He loved Coral Cove, Florida, he wanted to put down roots there, and he had responsibilities too. So they separated but they stayed friends.

Through this reunion (and laugh, and emotions, and bunch of busybody friends, and parent, and siblings) they both learned to COMPROMISE. Journey and Cam both loved one another still, they were IT for each other, but Journey found his true North, and Cam learned to delegate and that even when he travel, he could always come home.

Harmon's humor is the best, by the way. It shines through her previous books as well.

All in all, it's definitely one of my FAVORITES of the year.

"Maybe you were right. I was looking for something, and I didn't even realize it. That's coddiwomple in a nutshell, isn't it? Traveling without a specific destination. Looking and searching for something that you can't quite put your finger on."

"And now?"

"Found you"
Profile Image for ✵Damjana✵.
428 reviews68 followers
April 19, 2021
I started this book because I liked idea of Journey being photographer (also for Nat Geo) traveling around the world and wait for right opportunity to capture the wildlife.
I also liked small town vibe, noisy inhabitants and Cam to have no desire to go into the world (also being vet and took all this care for animals was super cute).

Buy my initial enthusiasm started decreasing soon: the miscommunication is just stupid and unneccessary. The whole story is based on Cam's fear that he will be left alone with broken heart again, it is too obvious that author just wanted to create unreal and forced drama before HEA.

Book needs some real editing, timeline was also confusing, something didn't add up. So if you are sucker for details, as I am, you will have some problems with this book due to its inconsistency.
Profile Image for MarianR.
229 reviews68 followers
April 18, 2021
I struggled with writing in the first few chapters, but then in the middle, I enjoyed the dynamic between Cam and Journey. It was funny and cute. Journey's father is a bit tough, but I liked the relationship between the two of them. I also liked the parts about their work and the animals.

Now it's probably just me, but in the last chapters (before the epilogue) I didn't like Cam's attitude. He was very closed to the idea of ​​other possibilities, until they had to intercept for him to think about it. Also, I didn’t like the brothers attitude. And I wasn't a big fan of gossip people, lol.
But despite everything, I liked it⭐
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,788 reviews295 followers
April 15, 2021
Totally adorable!!

Super sweet, fun & flirty!

Don’t let the somber cover fool ya, this 2nd chance novel is angst-free.

Slow burn

A few typos didn’t detract from this feel-good delight!

My rec? Yes, with a cherry on top!
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
983 reviews141 followers
May 5, 2021

Enjoyed this one! It was a second chance romance that left me grinning from ear to ear! :)

Journey and Cameron were great.

Journey's dad and brothers kicked this story up a notch for me.

The furry four legged characters an added bonus too.

If you are looking for a easy on the heart M/M don't pass this one up!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 430 reviews

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