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Rail Riders #1

End of the Line

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When a boy who has everything meets a boy who has nothing, life will never be the same again.

Leopold Van Eschen is in big trouble. All the money in the world won’t save him from what he’s done. On the run, desperate to get away, Leo finds himself seeking help from a wrangled bunch of vagabonds he meets in the rail yard.
Leo has no idea his whole world is about to change.
Killian has been homeless and living on the fly for nine years. The closest thing he has to family is a group of fellow freight-hoppers. With the wind at his back and the whole world stretched out before him, he’s happy. It’s not an easy life, but you can’t put a price on freedom.
A chance run-in with a wealthy stranger turns Killian’s world upside down. Leo’s cute and desperate to get away. Without knowing a thing about him, Killian and his friends help Leo escape the city.
It doesn’t take long before Killian realizes the boy he’s slowly falling for has dark secrets.
Who is Leo running from?
What happened to make Leo want to give up a life of wealth to live the life of a vagabond instead?

**End of the Line is the first book in a queer romance series. It’s a story of two men from vastly different worlds who fall in love while on a journey of self-discovery. It’s a story of friendship and found families. No cliffhangers. 100% HEA**

393 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 28, 2021

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About the author

Nicky James

68 books1,963 followers
I live in the small town of Petrolia, Ontario, Canada and I am a mother to a wonderful teenage boy (didn't think those words could be typed together...surprise) and wife to a truly supportive and understanding husband, who thankfully doesn't think I'm crazy.

I have always had two profound dreams in life. To fall back hundreds of years in time and live in a simpler world, not bogged down by technology and to write novels. Since only one of these was a possibility I decided to make the other come alive on paper.
I write mm romance novels that take place in fantastical medieval type settings and love to use the challenges of the times to give my stories and characters life.

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Profile Image for len ❀.
381 reviews4,238 followers
January 30, 2023
“I promised I would be with you until the end of the line. I won’t abandon you, Leo. I’m with you.”

A story of two boys who find love in the most unexpected ways.

Leopold Van Eschen is running away. All we know is that he is being followed, there is blood on his hands, and he needs to get away as far as he can. Unfortunately, the money he saves for himself won’t save him, and it’s only a matter of time until he is caught. While running away, he comes across a group of vagabonds who are rail riders. While they don’t know him or his story, they decide to help him escape. In a matter of weeks, Leo finds himself discovering the beauty of having freedom for his life. While being given everything one can imagine growing up with, Leo’s new friendships with the group make him appreciate life more, especially Killian, who has been homeless for nine years. Coming from a family who lived in poverty, he escaped as a teen and has been living on the fly since then. With his group of friends and the help they give each other, Killian comes to discover that the rich but desperate boy changed his life, and possibly for the best. The only problem standing before everyone is the past Leo is running away from.

I have to give it to Nicky James for starting this book the way she did. By stating, Between the blood roaring in my ears and the steady slap of my oxfords hitting the pavement, I couldn’t tell if they were still following me., she knows how to grip the reader’s attention. With my attention captured since the beginning, I knew I would be getting myself into a story of different emotions: hope, angst, despair, laughter, and love. From the beginning, we’re thrown into Leo Eschen, who is running away, although we don’t know why. You want to know what is happening, why, and what will happen. Considering Leo has everything, we, as the readers, wonder why his “lungs burned” and why “every muscle in his body ached.” Throughout the first chapters, we follow Leo as he tries jumping on the trains, which leads to Killian and his group of friends seeing him, getting to him, and letting him go with them. Leo finds himself experiencing many different emotions and feelings throughout their journey, those being a mix of fear, sadness, happiness, joy, hope, and, most importantly, love. Because that is what Leo had been missing his whole life.

People like us knew better than to poke into someone’s personal life. We all had our reasons for skipping town and hopping freights, and the general rule of thumb in our community was to ask but never push. If someone was willing to share, great. If they weren’t, we knew enough to let it go.

Coming from a wealthy family and having his life dictated from the moment he was born, Leo ends up finding a sense of comfort in the group of strangers he came to meet. We have Kilian, who ran away from home as well and has been living as a rail rider for nine years; Willow, who has a talent for music and is one of Killian’s most trusted friends; Dodger, who is the oldest member of the pack and hiding his own demons; and Tyler, who has his own story to share soon. While all different yet similar, these rail riders take Leo in as their own and treat him with kindness, although it’s difficult to trust him throughout the process. Nonetheless, Leo finds himself feeling comfortable around them as time passes. While they are secondary characters, they are important to the story itself and carry it with them. They make a big impact on the lives of Leo and Killian.

Not only that, but Leo is afraid his father will disown him for being gay. While he’s out and has tried approaching his father about the topic, he worries and fears what he will think. His father thinks his sexuality is only a phase, and Leo has had to hide it from him to convince him he was right. His fear of this is one reason why he hasn’t been honest, and Nicky James shows his emotions, from his fear of still being in the closet to running away, in many different ways. As the reader, you feel every emotion he depicts, and it’s easy to love him while feeling anger for his father and the people who make him feel inferior. I don’t think I’ve said this enough, but the found family trope is so fundamentally beautiful. Maybe it’s the sheer joy you find in strangers that took you in as a brother. Or the underlying love they give you without judgment for your past and present. Or unconditional love they present to you to make you feel welcomed, loved, and appreciated. Maybe it’s all, and more. It’s all present in this, which is one of the most prominent themes of the book. Leo’s lack of family love makes him discover a lot about himself and life as a whole. He starts appreciating the smallest things, wonders thoughts his father would disapprove of, and finds love in a boy utterly different than him. He finds his love for McDonald’s cheeseburgers, collects Transformers toys, has a sweet tooth and addiction to jolly ranchers, experiences being high for the first time, jumps off running trains, panics over a cow stampede, and appreciates things of life such as nature, the sky, and clothes. He has to change his background completely and get used to the life of someone living on the edge, but he does so with the help of his new friends.

While I first thought Leo’s self-discovery, as mentioned in the blurb, would be his sexual awakening, it ended up being a discovery of his worth. Leo quickly adapts to the lifestyle of his new friends. He knows he has money that can be used to start a new life, one way or another, and he knows he has a privilege they don’t have, but he doesn’t use it against them. Instead, he uses it to help them, using the money for food and other necessities, clothes, and hotels. He learns not to take things for advantage but instead to appreciate the smallest things he has. He also doesn’t complain about anything, even if it was something challenging to adapt to, such as the thrift clothes he bought, the fast-food he ate, and the constant running away he had to do. I found his character growth to be developed nicely. It showed his optimism and determination to be trusted by the group.

“You’re one of us now. The past is the past. Don’t look back. Keep looking forward. I’ll teach you everything I know. We’ll ride together until the end of the line, okay?”

His relationship with Killian was tender, soft, and beautiful. It was not slow, but it wasn’t quick either. While it developed in a matter of weeks, it’s lovely and trustworthy. We're aware of how much time they spend together, and what starts off as a crush blooms into a relationship of trust and love. With an abusive past that he hides, Leo’s relationship with Killian develops fantastically. James forces no emotion or action within the two, and instead, she provides development by taking it slow in its way. While Killian has never had a life similar to Leo’s, he’s supportive in every way and always listens to him. James gives a very in-depth backstory about Leo, giving us an overview of what he has gone through, how it has happened, and why every present event has happened. When Killian asks Leo for information about him, he’s cautious, does not push, makes sure not to cross any boundaries, asks for consent about everything, and makes sure Leo is aware he can trust him. Not only that, but even when they shared their first kiss, Killian slowly brushed his lips with Leo, stepping back and looking at Leo for any reaction. This was one of their most tender moments because it showed how Killian knew he didn’t want to scare him, especially after knowing what happened to Leo. From strangers to friends to lovers, both Leo and Killian started opening up to each other, and we see how much admiration they have of one another. It's all wholesome and lovely. Hell, even the first time they had sex was tender. I mean, sex on the rooftop under the stars? Nothing beats that.

I have to add that I loved how Killian and Leo communicated with each other no matter what happened. When there were conflicts slowly developing, such as arguments between the two or moments where Leo and Killian would argue (or come close to arguing), they handled their emotions like adults. They didn’t let them get in the way of their relationship. It is simply refreshing. It showed how communication is critical for everything, and it allowed the two to grow with each other and learn more about one another as they began to unfold events to the other. I also found their pacing to work well with the story. The rest of the members were supportive and adorable with their relationship, teasing them and making them feel loved.

“I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here with you. I want to ride the rails with the wind at my back. I want more of this. You.”

This reminded me a little about N.R. Walker's Galaxies and Oceans. While very different, both books depict dark themes but still present a positive message all around. End of the Line is angsty, and while there is sadness and anger in between, there is positivity all around, encircling the story. Nicky James writes about abuse and parental neglect, and she does it so well. It’s emotional and never dull. It carries vibrancy as well as disparity. It shows the reality of assuming vs. knowing and why it’s important always to listen. She shows misunderstanding, especially with Leo and Killian’s parents and their sexuality, and how common it is for parents to either judge or not realize how striking their words are to their children. It shows how common it is for parents to mess up and know they messed up. But, it also shows the beauty of support in people you just met. While both Killian and Leo misunderstood their parents and their reactions to their sexualities, there are also people like Paul.

Paul, a believer of God who decided to help the gang by taking them to his house with his wife. Paul, who showed no judgment anywhere but instead embracement. Paul, who told the riders that “The good Lord must have wanted our paths to cross. I’d say he wants me to help you folks out.” Paul, who smiled at the young love Killian and Leo showed. Paul and his wife, Matilda, who took them in for a day, fed them, and sheltered them. Paul, who gives hope to young queer people like Killian and Leo. I mentioned to my friend how beautiful this was and how happy it made me. I may not have the relationship I wish I had with God, but seeing this positive and overall beautiful representation of a believer in God taking in these runaways and vagabonds without a second thought was heartwarming.

Parents weren’t perfect. I think in our misguided way as children, we expect them to be. But they were only human. They made mistakes. They shouldn’t be punished for them indefinitely.

End of the Line is a new favorite, and my hope in Nicky James keeps growing and growing. Unfortunately, though, all good things come to an end. The only fault I found in this is the lack of backstory I found in Killian. Killian was a helpful guide for Leo. His curiosity about Leo got the best of him, and we slowly see how he comes to care for Leo in a way more than friends. Killian is blunt, determined, and even care-free. He's been living his current lifestyle for so many years now and doesn't allow himself to be stopped. He gives Leo a chance at leaving with him and his friends, and from the beginning, we're introduced to this happy but caring character. He reminds Leo he can trust them and how he's not being left behind. As he opens up to Leo, we learn enough to understand him, but it still felt like there was more to tell and show us. We’re told so much about Leo (which I appreciated), and it made it easier to understand where he was coming from, but sadly that didn’t happen with Killian. While we know why he ran away, and other moments in between, I wish we learned more about how he had lived the past nine years as a rail rider. We know so much about train jumping and migrating this way from Killian, mainly as he describes it all to Leo, but I still wished we could have seen more about his story as he made his way through. Considering he ran away at the age of 16 and is 25 when we meet him, I feel like there was a lot more that we could have been told about him as he survived all those years. Adding on to that, I wish we also got to learn about how he came across meeting the rest of the group. Considering they each will get their own story, I’m glad we didn’t get too many details about them but just enough because it makes the wait for their stories more exciting.

With that being said, End of the Line made me slightly tear up. It makes you think about how grateful one should be for the life we have and how easy it is to imagine what we have right now be taken away in an instant. But, it is a reflection of life, both easy and complex, and it shows the reality of what it’s like to choose your freedom.

“End of the line?”
“End of the line… and beyond.”

Special thank you to Charee for buddy reading this with me.
July 31, 2021

It's no secret that I love Nicky James. For months now, I've been (im)patiently waiting for her to write something other than romantic suspense, a genre that holds little appeal for me. And finally she did!

End of the Line is the first book in the new Rail Riders series, and, if this story is any indication, we're in for quite a ride.

I'd never heard the term "rail riders." It's more common in the States to use the term "train hoppers." But regardless of what you call it, rail riding is not for the faint of heart. It takes athleticism, skill, quick thinking, and fearlessness.

The entire story rests on the shoulders of five characters: Killian (Killer), Leo, Willow, Tyler, and Dodger.

Leo and Killian are the MCs, but I hesitate to call the others secondary characters because they are very present in the story and as complex as the MCs.

Leo is running away from something. He has bruises all over his body and like Lady MacBeth can't get the damned spots of blood off his hands. Nightmares plague him. What Leo is running from is initially a mystery to the other characters and to readers too.

Killian is also running and has been for many years. He never sees his family and doesn't want to talk about them. Killian has rough edges, but he has a tender heart, especially when it comes to Leo, the rookie who would have face planted in front of a moving train if Killian hadn't saved him.

Leo and Killian are from opposite sides of the tracks. Leo grew up posh and cultured; he has two university degrees. Killian grew up lower-middle class and never graduated from high school. But they are inexplicably drawn together, and their relationship is a breath of fresh air.

They spend every minute of every day together, sleeping in freight cars, eating McDonald's (hey, it's cheap and filling), playing euchre, and talking, always talking. It's not the flick of a light switch, but a slow fire burning.

There are moments of languor and moments of tension. Nothing happens and then everything does (the scenes of jumping on and off trains had me on the edge of my seat). The pacing is spot on, and I was never bored, not for a second.

The story shifts around the 80 percent mark. The resolution feels inevitable, but I like the way it played out. The MCs get a solid HEA (it's not everybody's HEA, but it's theirs).

Dare I hope that Tyler's story is next?
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,437 followers
November 6, 2022
4.5 stars

“You're one of us now. The past is the past. Don't look back. Keep looking forward. I'll teach you everything I know. We'll ride together until the end of the line, okay?”

i've read two Nicky James books prior to this and loved both so i was excited when i heard she was coming out with a new series and this didn't disappoint. freight hopping was such an interesting concept to read about. although it's not something i'll ever see myself doing (even if it was legal, the idea in general just scares me lol), i loved how we had so much information about it bc i was surprisingly fascinated with the rules Killian informed Leo on what to do and what not to do. with that aside, both the romance and found family aspects of this book was why the story worked so well for me. they were written so beautifully and i honestly teared up on a couple scenes throughout the book. ♡


“I want to see what else is out there. I want to go at the end of the line. I don't want to go home to the life you chose for me. I know that probably disappoints you, but I have to be my own person. I have to live my own life. And I want to discover it all on my own.”

Leopold Van Eschen (H):
↠ i adored Leo so, so much. he's been through a lot with having dealt with a neglectful mother, his father dictating his entire life the moment he was born and thinking Leo coming out as gay was just a 'phase' and being in an abusive relationship with one of his bodyguards, Barrett. he's that character you just wanna protect from the world bc, if anyone deserves happiness, it's him. i was so happy we were able to have closure between Leo and his father towards the second half and it made me cry when Leo revealed to him what Barrett had caused while also finally standing up to him, saying the words he feared to say out loud all these years.

“It doesn't matter. When you're a rail rider, you live in the moment. It's about here and now. The past is the past. We all have one, and for most of us, they suck. It's why we ride. It's why we keep the wind at our backs. The future is wide open. I like you, Leo. Whatever happened to bring you here doesn't matter to me. I wish you could believe that.”

Killian "Killer" (H):
↠ although i loved most of the characters in this book, i think Killian is my favorite. i loved his humor, the way he's blunt and tells things how it is but never in a rude way, the way he's so patient and loving towards Leo (before and after they became official), the way he never leaves anyone behind and the way he believes so much in his friends. we learn some things about Killian's backstory (such as he ran away at the age of sixteen bc he assumed his parents didn't support him being gay when their attitude changed towards him once he came out but, in reality, they were just concerned about his happiness), but the reason i didn't give this five stars was bc i wish we had more of it. the story mainly focused on Leo's story and that's fine, but i was hoping to have a bit more build up with Killian and his family bc, yes, we were able to get closure with them as well towards the end, but it wasn't until the very last chapter. :(

“I'm not abandoning you, Leo.” I whispered by his ear. “Do you hear me? Unless you kick me to the curb, we stick together. I told you that, and I meant it.”

the romance:
↠ i loved the romance so much!! it was wholesome, sweet, hopeful. i loved the development of their relationship bc the pacing of how they went from strangers to friends to lovers was chefs kiss. the way they opened up to each other and we were able to witness sweet moments between them caused the romance to feel more realistic rather than rushed bc i personally love emotional connection and it was done well here, imo. i also loved how they had no miscommunication whatsoever bc they were able to talk things through for any disagreements they had. 🥺


side characters: (*note* although Leo and Killian are the 'main characters', the other three friends honestly don't feel like side characters bc they were such a huge part of the story and i think that's a found family trope done well if you're able to do that with characters who aren't the 'main')

Tyler. lemme tell yall. i was swooning hard learning about Tyler and Elian's past bc i thought it was so fucking cute the way they would leave each other letters. 🥺 yes, it's sad that Elian is currently missing but, just like Tyler, i have hope he isn't dead. i really want him to be Tyler's love interest bc 1) we know a little bit about the history between the two so we're aware they have an established friendship/relationship (whatever it was they had going on) and 2) omg imagine Elian was kidnapped (thanks, Elena, for this theory bc now i can't stop thinking about it lmao) and Tyler finds out and he burns the world down just to find him. i'm a sucker for characters who are the 'jokester' in the friend group but can fuck you up if you hurt any of his friends/family or the love of his life. 😩
Willow. i loved her so much (ok i love everyone in the group, sue me 😭)! i wanna know her story bc it seems like she's been through something similar to Leo and it's possibly why she's able to see both perspectives of a situation rather than assuming before learning the truth. after all, the fact that she gave Leo this advice, "Don't assume to know how he'll respond. If you assume, you might spend your whole life running from a family who would have decided to embrace you in the end because they love you. Sometimes it takes our parents an extra minute to accept who we are. Believe me, I know." makes me wonder what she's had to deal with in the past. also, i remember Killian mentioning someone named Billie to Willow, who i'm guessing will appear more in Willow's book? 👀
Dodger. as the oldest in the group, Dodger was the most cautious about Leo in the beginning and the only info we know about him are his parents live in Moose Jaw and they don't approve of his freight hopping lifestyle, but that's it. i'm curious of a couple things, such as why doesn't he like his real name, Troy? is there more to the story on why he goes by Dodger instead? does he prefer freight hopping bc he's searching for something in his life that will make him want to settle down? although i loved the friendship between Leo and Killian, Willow and Tyler and how each one developed, there was something about seeing Dodger eventually giving in and becoming close to Leo that warmed my heart. 🥰

sidenote: br with Elena. i appreciate you for dealing with my rants and spams LOL. i'm glad our second br was a success, unlike the first one. 🤪
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
509 reviews447 followers
August 9, 2021
“Whatever you choose, we’ve got your back.”

I have nothing to say except I loved this book. So much. Absolutely completely 100% utterly fucking loved it.

I went into this with 0 expectations, I didn’t even read the synopsis. So I recommend going into this completely blind.

Starting off, we see Leo killing someone and being forced to run away from his home. His Multi-million dollar home. He almost got himself killed, hopping onto a train without knowing what he was doing, but was saved by Killian and his gang.

We follow the gang as they hop in and out of trains and basically survive under the radar to get where they want. A group of people who know nothing about each other. No background. No past. No future. Just support and loyalty as they run together.

Dodger : as the name says, never gets caught. Johnny Depp wannabe 🥴. Toughest nut in the group. Protective as fuck 😻

Tyler : My soft boi. Heartbroken. Searching for his long lost love. 😩

Willow : only girl. 🤷‍♀️

This story had the most interesting plot line. Because there was none. We watch how these people protect one another and slowly bring Leo aka Green (nickname) into their fold, it has a found family element that was so beautifully incorporated into the story. Over the course of the book, we watch them begin to trust with their secrets and tell bits and pieces of their life.

The romance was not exactly slow burn since there was flirting and commentary between Killian and Leo. But honestly the romance wasn’t even the highlight of this book. Both the MC’s had an amazing bond since page one, filled with respect and loyalty. There was actually no push and pull in my opinion, they kissed when they confessed their feelings and kept kissing ever since.


Both Killian and Leo ran away with reasons regarding their sexuality. Their families didn’t take their coming out all too well, but it was our MC’s that let their fear get the better of them and run off. Leo ran killed his security guard for almost assaulting him and ran off with the fear that his father wouldn’t understand him. Killian ran off because both his parents remained almost indifferent towards him after his coming out.

But later we see such heartwarming scenes where both the MC’s finally accept that they were wrong. That they didn’t give their parents the years they had to figure out and understand their sexuality. The pain and ache and longing we feel when they reunite with their parents was one I wasn’t expecting. I cried a little too much as I read the interactions between Leo and his dad. As well as Kill and his parents.

Overall this book was fantastic. I love Nicky James but this is one I’ll probably compare her upcoming books with.
Profile Image for MarianR.
229 reviews68 followers
August 3, 2021
Guys, this one is really good! I loved how Nicky started with a BOOM. From the beginning, I was immediately hooked on the story. It was great and sweet.
Leo is running from his past. What happened and what he did haunts him. But they are looking for him. They want to find him. He may not escape and he knows it. But then he meets a group of rail riders. And soon he finds himself discovering what it is to have friends, to enjoy the landscapes and the pleasures that were taken from him, like eating at a McDonald's and collecting toys. And he also finds himself looking at Killian, a risky, patient rail raider and with whom he finds more than friendship...

"I lived wherever I landed. Wherever my feet took me. Home to me meant freedom. Home was the wind at my back and the unknown stretched out before me. It was the ability to go anywhere or do anything I wanted."

The ride they make, has a rhythm between hurried, slow, frustrated, nostalgic, hopeful and with many thoughts and actions to learn and give opportunities.
The friendship between the group is amazing. You get to know them, and yeah they are secondary characters, but they are part of the story and it is what makes the ride more dynamic, familiar and enjoyable.
I can't wait to read their stories. Tyler's story is next, and I'm excited!!!! ❤️❤️

"I like this freedom.” He waved a hand at the horizon. “I like not knowing where we’ll end up.”
“It has its pitfalls.”
“Everything in life does.”

The writing style is great! I loved it. The romance is cute and even though it only happens in a few weeks, it was lovely. These guys support each other. Once again, Nicky does a GREAT job with character development.

When we came apart, he rested his forehead against mine. “The end of the line.”
“The end of the line,” I whispered.

I found myself smiling in moments of friendship and love. In the end I was between smiling and crying. 😭❤️

Niggles: well, it is just me, but I couldn't help but think that none of them at first thought of hiding Leo's identity when they went to places with a lot of people? I mean, the news showed his face.
Some solutions felt a bit rushed, but I guess Nicky didn't want to drag the story down.

I highly recommend it!!
Profile Image for Marci.
478 reviews293 followers
April 17, 2022
I loveeee me some found family goodness and this delivered plus I’m so excited to see that everyone has their own book!! Yay!🤩 I laughed when the characters laughed and cried when they cried. I just cared so much about these people. I got ~slightly~ bored sometimes but overall this was great!!
Profile Image for drew.
216 reviews104 followers
August 6, 2021
a solid 4-star read.

i did enjoy this, but for practically the whole book i was just thinking in the back of my mind, “who would willingly choose homelessness over being a billionaire???” that stretched my suspension of disbelief just a bit too far, i think lmao. it was good, tho.
Profile Image for Amina .
866 reviews545 followers
July 4, 2023
✰ 4.25 stars ✰

“I’m not abandoning you, Leo,” I whispered by his ear. “Do you hear me? Unless you kick me to the curb, we stick together. I told you that, and I meant it.”

“End of the line?”

“End of the line… and beyond.”

Amina, can it actually be true that you read End of the Line, the first book in a series, without jumping into the series from Book 2 or Book 3? 🙈🙈 Yes, I can't believe it's true, either! 😆😆 Jokes aside, I am very glad that I did, because, the first book of the Rail Riders is a prime example of if I had not started from the beginning, I would have been completely unaware of the character's backgrounds, down the line.

“I got the sense Leo had never had so many people fight for him before. And that made me sad.

Money could buy a lot of things, but you couldn’t put a price on friendship.”

Killian, my precious misunderstood child, you have the most giving and trusting heart, you wreck me so with your feelings. A boy who cares as much as he gives - a man who loves with all that he has - a friend to those who are in need - a savior right from the start, it's no wonder he stole Leo's heart. 🥰🥰 He was so honest with his emotions, outgoing and confident, yet thrumming with an innate kindness that showed how deeply affected he was by Leo's past, how much he ached to make things right for him, knowing deep in his heart that this wasn't the ideal life for him. A wonderful character that had me rooting for him, because, even if it's the life of freedom that he wants, the thrill of never staying still, I always felt that he was just searching for someone to belong to. And with Leo, he found that. 🤍🤍

“I wanted to draw Killian’s hood down. I wanted to see what lived under the surface of the man who’d rescued me without knowing a thing about me.

What kind of person helped a stranger escape from a city and didn’t ask questions?”

I loved how the story started with Leo in distress - I loved how palpable his fear was. I loved that he got to experience all the little joys of childish delight that he had been deprived of. I loved the little moments of friendship that he forged with each of the rail riders. I loved that he as he grew to love the thrill of jumping, he grew to love being part of this little family. I loved that he got to know what it's like to have a true and pure and meaningful relationship with someone else. 🥹 I loved that he was so earnest in being true to himself, despite how much trouble it caused him with his father. I loved that he finally had the courage to be honest about everything and find a way to have a life that he could make his own. He is the definition of someone who you must protect at all cost. 🥺🥺

“I wanted to crawl inside him and never leave. I wanted to soothe his aching heart and protect him from any more pain.

The world and all the troubles that had found us faded away. It was Leo and me and nothing else. I could kiss his silky, soft lips until the end of time.”

Killian and Leo's attraction to each was undeniable from the start, but knowing how much Leo was still struggling, I'm glad Killian didn't just force the idea of intimacy on him, all the while not realizing that it was actually mutual! So, when they're together - uff, so much tender care and comfort to each wound - it's not even opposites attract or worlds apart for these two, it's simply meant to be. 🫠🫠🫠

Even with all their teasing and flirting, there's something so much more intimate into the understanding of each other's pain and history that swells something from inside of you. Their confession was not even a steady progression, it was an honest realization that they just felt so comfortable embracing all the kisses and touches and feeling of belonging. And their reunion with each other- my eyes were smiling and my heart was crying - (yes, this is intentionally worded, as such) because it was so sweet and soft and just perfect, argh. 🥰🥰

“It doesn’t matter. When you’re a rail rider, you live in the moment. It’s about here and now. The past is the past. We all have one, and for most of us, they suck. It’s why we ride. It’s why we keep the wind at our backs. The future is wide open.”

This is my first Nicky James book and I have to say I enjoyed her writing style. Emotional wreckage aside with her characters, she described really well the imagery of riding the rail-tracks - the whoosh of the car door as it slides opens - the palpable hesitation before jumping off - the inherent fear of being caught by the police, made it all the more authentic and real in my eyes to envision. I appreciated how much detail Nicky James did into explaining the significance of how the rail road system. I could tell that she had done a lot of research into it, although, I would have to actually Google Search if the train hopping is something that is publicly advertised on social media, as well. 😊😊

“Whatever you choose, we’ve got your back.”

The found family vibe with Elian, Dodger and Willow was absolutely precious. They each had their own original history and unique personalities to them that made them stand out in their special way. I loved each little interaction they shared with either Killian or Leo, but you know me, it's the ones with the traumatic pasts that lure me in, so I'm very much excited and looking forward to reading more of Elian's story. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

“Aren’t you the one who said the past doesn’t matter, and you live in the present, and the future is basically whatever you want to make of it?”

One thing that did peeve me, though, was that while I do get that Leo feels that his place is with Killian - that he finds that he can only be himself with him, I didn't know if I agreed with his decision to follow Killian into a life of freight-hoppers, because isn't it often 'the poor boy usually follow the rich boy into a life of wealth and privilege?' But, the wayward life of a wanderer doesn't really count, if your father is going to be providing you with money and stability, to ensure your well-being and health.

“This train was the ticket to a future I couldn’t imagine. Was it a beginning or an end? Only time would tell.”

I also understand that it's something that Leo wants to experience for himself - a strange sense of a gap year that youngsters would take - but, I just found it a bit disrespectful to those, who actually have no choice, but to live in this situation. Based on the conclusion, however, I am cautiously hopeful that Killian and Leo will find a way to have a home that they can permanently call their own. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
August 8, 2021
The fact that I didn’t connect with this story had nothing to do with the writing or the characters.

I used to be convinced I had to be like any other person and be all social and outgoing and that I had to constantly go out or visit friends, or go to restaurants and bars.

Well, I’m almost 40 now, and while I can look back at my younger years and think yes, I did have a lot of fun, I am now at a point in my life that I can admit that all those activities are way out of my comfort zone. I’m happiest when I’m at home and don’t socialize too much.

So the idea of not having a home to be all reclusive in scares the crap out of me. And to be a rail rider and to go with the flow? Anxiety inducing.

So while I could enjoy this story and while I really did like Killian and Leo, I had a hard time being comfortable with the whole rail rider's world.

It deserves 3 stars, because I kind of enjoyed it. I’m just never going to read it again.
Profile Image for alyssa.
960 reviews194 followers
November 16, 2023
*Nov 16: i’ve been waiting for this series to be narrated since its first release and now the first book is here! i’m also so stoked for my babies Tyler and Elian to get their chance to shine auditorily in the near future ✨

[4.25] woah this seriously started off with a (literally) bloody bang!! i had a blast learning the ropes of train-hopping vicariously through our privileged boy-on-the-run’s pov, and the writing had me picturing every scene in vibrant detail, as if i were there with the rail riders squad myself (my brain trying to turn everything i read into a movie/tv series haha)

i won’t lie, at the very beginning everyone read younger to me than their 20s for some reason, but then it went from your average sheltered disney princess out of his ivory tower and exploring the outside world for the first time with the help of prince charming (aka the crazy world of rail riding) to that but with a darker twist and smexy times so okay pretty obvious we’re not in ya territory anymore 😏 possible triggers : .

the aforementioned disney princess is Leo, who has a childlike obsession with mcdonald’s cheeseburgers and happy meal transformers toys, candy, etc. because poor boy was deprived of some basic (& admittedly unhealthy lol) joys in life 🥺 his Prince Charming is considerate, free-spirited, and spontaneous Killian, also running but from his own past (although i do wish we had gotten more insight into his past overall). their relationship can come off instalovey but not unbearably so, and they were very sweet together!!!

the found family aspect absolutely shone through with our lovely group of vagabonds. the way they had each other’s backs, sticking together through the worst, TRUE BONDS RIGHT THERE Y’ALL 😩💖💖 i loved each and every one of them (esp Willow 🥺), quirks and all, and i can’t wait to read more!!

in a time of exhaustion & little hope for our group of characters, i was also pleasantly surprised by how Nicky James gave us Paul and his wife to restore some hope in humanity. (side rant: now this is entirely on me, but isn’t it sad that when a new character with benevolence written all over their face is introduced, i still can’t help but feel anxious that it’s going to bite them in the butt later?? same thought process with Washington in Goodbye Paradise, like the stranger danger alarm doesn't discriminate even if there are genuinely good people out there *le sigh* 🙈 i get so nervous!!!)

the ending wraps up the mcs’ troubles in an arguably too perfect bow in true disney hea fashion and serves as a great jumping off point for future installments ✨

now for my personal niggles with the story:

we’re left on a few cliffhangers (Elian??), but i’m also curious how Leo and his father plan to work out everything in the future.

anyhoo, keeping my eyes peeled for the next Rail Rider adventure currently planned for october! 👀
Profile Image for hope.
391 reviews223 followers
January 10, 2023
4.5 stars!

“You’re one of us now. The past is the past. Don’t look back. Keep looking forward. I’ll teach you everything I know. We’ll ride together until the end of the line, okay?”

Leo is on the run. The only thing we know is that something happened to him that resulted in blood on his hands and he can’t get caught or he’ll go to jail. Leo is from a rich family and from an outsider perspective it would look like he has everything he wants and needs. But he felt trapped, his father doesn’t accept his sexuality, and he’s be raised in a way where his life doesn’t feel like his own. He was constantly surrounded by bodyguards, raised by nannies, his mother wasn’t really present in his life, and he didn’t get to have a proper childhood. Killian is a freight train hopper/railroad rider. He loves that he doesn’t have to stay in the same place for too long and he has the freedom to be who he wants and to go where he wants. Killian told his dad about his sexuality but he seemed to accept it at first but then his dad ended up changing. So Killian decided to leave and now has been on the rail roads for 9 years.

Despite them being literally on the run, Leo and Killian’s relationship was very wholesome and healthy. They actually communicated and where honest with each other, like we know this is rare when it comes to a lot of romance books lmaooo. I adored their connection. I wouldn’t say Killian and Leo’s relationship was a slow burn but it wasn’t quick either. I loved the pacing of their relationship, you really get to see their connection build. Leo always laying his head on Killian’s shoulder and snuggling up next to him had me smiling to the point where my cheeks hurt. We also get found family goodness in this. I loved seeing how Leo intertwined himself with all the characters and how he started to become a part of their world. Seeing the characters warm up to Leo made me heart feel full 🥺❤️ I know nothing about freight hopping so it was hella cool to see Killian teach everything to Leo. Some of the scenes actually had me on the edge of my seat. Also this book is set in Canada. Being a fellow Canadian, it makes me love the book even more because I actually know the places that are being mentioned in the story. So that’s a huge plus for me 🥰

“You’re a rail rider now. We stick together. We’re family.”  

So we have Dodger. He’s the oldest in the group and probably takes the most for him to warm up to somebody out of the whole group. He was the least accepting of taking in Leo. Then we have Willow. She’s a singer and has a beautiful voice. I thought she had a really hard shell like Dodger but she showed her sensitive side very much. She really wanted the best for everyone despite her being a little intimidating at first. Tyler, his story made me heart hurt 🥺 I don’t want to say anything because I don’t want to spoil but I can’t wait to start his book. And Killian, he was so sweet. Just with how he started helping Leo with no judgment from his part. Clearly something not very good happened to Leo, but Leo needed help and Killian did that. He was always honest and so loyal and loving towards Leo and towards Willow, Tyler and Dodger too. They all have their own stories and struggles. But they all take Leo on and Leo starts to realize that he this is what he wants, this freedom.

“It doesn’t matter. When you’re a rail rider, you live in the moment. It’s about here and now. The past is the past. We all have one, and for most of us, they suck. It’s why we ride. It’s why we keep the wind at our backs. The future is wide open. I like you, Leo. Whatever happened to bring you here doesn’t matter to me. I wish you could believe that.”

Story on point. Romance on point. Found family on point. Everything on point. So yes this is going into my favorites!
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
724 reviews42 followers
December 25, 2021
Money could buy a lot of things, but you couldn't put a price on friendship.

Truer words were never spoken!

Of course this book made me cry again, so of course I loved it. What can I say? The masochistic streak is strong with this one here. 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
July 31, 2022
Wanderlust. I’ve heard the term and link it with the saying, “not all who wander are lost.” The true definition is; “a strong or innate desire to rove or travel about.” This motley crew is ruled by their wanderlust. I wasn’t sure where we were going with Killian and the ‘rail riders’, but I was beyond excited to find out. If you aren’t familiar with rail riders, don’t worry, you’re not alone. This was brand new territory for me. Isn’t that the best? I think so! I anticipated this group to walk to their own tune. They resist social expectations and do what they want when they want. It’s more than opposing the typical nine to five. They refuse restraints and are deeply proud of their wings. Roots are for others; as they live drifting from one moment to the next. However, this makeshift family does not simply surrender to their itchy feet. Their urge to explore the vast countryside is not based on some proclaimed life purpose to travel. No, they just haven’t found what they are looking for…yet. They aren’t lost or found. Until they are.

Four quarters make a whole, and in this case, Killer and Leo are the first part. If I have discovered anything from Nicky’s stories, it’s to expect the unexpected. And Killian and Leo are not only startling but impulsive. The adrenaline and veil of uncertainty cloak every page. Leo is scared and running. I was confused and nervous but pushed along. Killian is cocky but caring. I loved his instant ability to read Leo. He’s not only fiercely attracted to Leo, but he sees him, something no one has ever done before. But as much as Leo wants to drop his guard and bear his secrets, he can’t. He’s afraid. Leo is a man on the run, and it’s more than just his skin on the line now. He has inadvertently dragged Killian and his family into his mess. And life on the rails with Killer, Willow, Ty, and Dodger has taught him many things, including the importance of true family.

Leo and Killer are mismatched in almost every way. Leo was born into wealth and many expectations from his father. He has lived a comfortable yet miserable life. His sexuality is an annoyance for his father. His money is assumed. His path has been laid for him, but suddenly, he decides to take another. Killer has been homeless for almost a decade with no path or plans. He has few creature comforts. He works hard during the stationary winter but counts the days until he’s back on the rails. Then Leo bursts into his life and makes an offer he can’t refuse. Killian has a course correction. Unbeknownst to him, the tracks are shifting and his future shimmers like a dream. But wait! Their journey is far from over and you will want to check out Ty and his mysterious Elian next.

Beware of: The power of family, blood and found. A steady clip with a wild crew. And an opposites-attract collision romance with a fanciful ending.

This book is for: If you’re searching for something different, I suggest you hop onto this electrifying ride. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll immediately snag the rest of the series afterward. See you at the crossing!

Book UNfunk
Profile Image for NicoleR.M.M..
612 reviews146 followers
November 29, 2023
"He's right." Willow's voice was softer than I expected. "We have a lot to talk about, but we're with you."
Dodger released him and wrapped an arm around Leo's shoulders, pecking his cheek. The terrified look in his eyes remained. He glanced at each of us in turn.
I ruffled his hair and smiled. "You're a rail rider now. We stick together. We're family."

That's what my main feeling was about this book: the found family and it felt really good. It was as if I found my own new circle of friends. They almost felt like family, and in the end, I didn't want to leave. I really look forward to meet them again in the second book in this series.

I loved everything about this book. The main characters, Leo and Killian, and their friends Willow, Dodger and Tyler. I loved how Nicky James did her research. Everything about this story felt genuine and real. The slang, the explanations of how things worked when you are a rail rider. It was interesting to discover this world that I didn't know anything about. How courageous you have to be to be a rail rider! Even if the freedom of it sounds appealing, I don't see myself hopping off and on trains like they do!

The romance between Leo and Killian was so sweet! It didn't feel like insta love, even though they have an instant connection. It was lovely to witness how their relationship developed, how they fell in love. When Leo has to try to escape the people who are following him - an exciting start of his story! - and Killian has to save him from getting himself killed when hopping on a train, you immediately feel there's an interest there, even when Killian follows the rail riders code and doesn't ask for more information when Leo doesn't want to share. But eventually Leo finds himself surrounded by new found friends, a new family of people whom he soon learns to trust and love for who they are. And they make clear they feel the same about him. They teach him everything, they're protective and willing to do what has to be done in order to keep him safe.

This book is entertaining and well written, but I've come to expect that from Nicky James. She's one of my favorite authors and I still haven't read a book by her hand that I didn't like. I look forward to read Tyler's book!

Highly recommended!

*adding to tell that I started reading the audio version of this book by the masterfully talented narrator Nick J. Russo and if anything, I’m really happy they used the original cover because I love that one way better than the one that came later.

Profile Image for Kaity.
1,666 reviews20 followers
November 17, 2023
Audio: 4.5 stars, Nick J Russo’s accent for Leo wasn’t my favorite haha
Book: DNF @51% aka page 184

Um. Well. I thought that this would be better. I had higher hopes especially seeing all the high reviews. But I couldn’t connect with either character and knowing why Killian left to be a Rail Rider didn’t make any sense… and I didn’t connect/feel bad for Leo…

Idk, I am bummed it seems like the only Nicky James’s books that have worked for me are “Love Me Whole” and the “Trials of Fear” series. Any other Nicky James book I pick up I end up not loving/DNFing..

Ugh. Oh well, can’t win them all. Maybe I’ll try book two when Nick J Russo narrates, but as of now I’m not feeling this book. I was interested in Tyler’s book, and Dodger… so I might try this group of characters again later.. but not anytime soon haha
Profile Image for Maisha  Farzana .
619 reviews406 followers
February 21, 2022
"The end of the line wasn’t a destination. It was a journey. A road to a future that hadn’t been written.
And we were going there together."
Profile Image for Gabi.
678 reviews115 followers
November 9, 2021
Not what I expected when I heard Nicky James was writing a book with the homeless trope. I love that trope, but this was something else. A different and original take on it. I loved it, it was new and exciting and not at all sad, at least not for the reasons you might think.

I was mostly enjoying myself up until the lest lag of the story, when it all turned a bit like a fairy-tale. And the ending was rushed.

Also everyone was too nice. Let's bee honest, if you see a homeless person on the street, most people ignore them. But here, not only were they picked up on the side of the road, but also invited to people's homes. And even if the old couple was religious and were saying things like "the Lord led me here...", nooo we not gonna even think anything bad, coz we are being thankful. So I was annoyed that everyone was so nice. :/

I think this one didn't work for me as much because of the rich/poor trope. But I have hopes for the rest of the series.

3.5 stars

Profile Image for Aimora.
330 reviews61 followers
January 11, 2022
First, I want to say I enjoyed this book. I didn’t love it. I think the characters are idiots and do not think that opting for homelessness should be a happy ending. Also, Killian destroyed his family over a misunderstanding and refused to contact his father for 9 years.. How incredibly selfish. I just didn't buy the whole story.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Shannon.
250 reviews35 followers
March 18, 2022
I LOVED this. I started this at 10 at night and finished it at 3am. WHO AM I?

I keep picking up books I wasn’t really excited for and have them surprising me with how good they are. I hope it keeps happening lol. Killian and Leo were so sweet, I love how they respected each other while trusting the other wholeheartedly.

Also, the found family between the rail riders was wonderful, they weren’t just 2D side characters, they had background and felt real.

UGH I hope to see more of them in the next books I love themmm.
Profile Image for Jada.
17 reviews4 followers
January 12, 2022
I loved this. Do you ever read a book that was not what you were looking for at the moment, but it was exactly what you wanted/needed? This was it for me. It was definitely an emotional rollercoaster. I was laughing throughout, and towards the end, sobbing. You get so connected with not only the main couple, but all the members of the group. I’m so excited to read the others in this series and more by this author! Definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Ana  Nimity.
1,159 reviews63 followers
November 28, 2021
This book captivated me from the first paragraph and didn't let go until the last. Nicky James introduced me to a world I did not know existed and I had no clue I needed in my book life - train hopping. I went into the book blind, without reading the blurb or anything, because it's Nicky James, and I came away with an epic book hangover that forced me to switch subgenres to be able to start another book.

The tension and suspense starts on the first page and doesn't let up until the end. It's first-person, dual POV, with a nice amount of steam and while the true angst-meter gets pegged (angst as in the feeling of deep anxiety or dread), the tear-your-guts-out kind of angst Nicky's known for is at about a five, I think. It's not fluff, but it's not the Trials of Fear, either. There are some descriptions of assault that happened prior to the start of the book which are intrinsic to the story.

With impeccable world-building and a cast of characters who each won my heart, I can't wait to see the Rail Riders each get their books. Found family at its finest! Leo and Killian suit each other perfectly despite their completely different backgrounds.

I won't give spoilers, but I'm glad Nicky didn't take the easy way out and make their fathers into caricature, stereotypical homophobes. These are all complex characters. The story moves quickly and the book ended well before I wanted it to, but with a lovely HEA. Fortunately, Nicky writes fast!
Profile Image for Heather.
837 reviews6 followers
July 28, 2021
Wow!! This was an amazing action packed story and I absolutely loved Leo and Killian’s story! I was sucked in from the start and my heart was racing by the time I finished the first chapter! I loved reading the story of Killian and his friends who came together by rail riding and made a found family. The group came across Leo running for his life, and took him under their wing. No one more so than Killian. I was pulled right into their immediate friendship and chemistry. I loved the way Killian took care of Leo and how present he was for him when he needed him most. I was so there for the way their relationship developed. It was organic and swoony and made me smile. I felt their connection immediately and I loved how open they were with each other. I loved how the group rallied together to get through some heart stopping scrapes! I was so drawn into the action I found myself wondering how they were going to get out of some pretty sticky situations. I had no idea about rail riding before reading this book. Nicky did such an amazing job painting the picture of rail riding that by the time I was done I felt like I could catch my own train! I know I will never look at a freight train on a railroad crossing the same again! I loved getting to know all the friends in this story. The amazing sense of friendship created here was wonderful to read! I know there are some amazing stories behind these friends, I can’t wait to learn them all!
Profile Image for Denise C.
781 reviews160 followers
July 13, 2023
3.75 Stars

I did enjoy this but it's not going to be a favorite of mine.

Killian and Leo are as different as two people could be but they find peace within each other and finally feel at home. I thought they were very cute and sweet together. This story is pretty emotional/angsty due to what the MCs are going through, so the two of them have to battle through a lot.

I'm not sure why, but I found myself losing interest a bit in the story. I liked the plot, the MCs, the friendship group, etc so I don't know why. The rail raiding stuff was a bit boring IMO and I found the resolution of what happened with Leo's father to be unrealistic. Their future together also felt unrealistic with not enough closure, but I'm sure you find that out throughout the series.

All in all, I enjoyed this and plan to finish the series.

Standalone - Other books within series:
Book 1: End of the Line → 3.75 Stars
Book 2: Lost at the Crossing → tbr
Book 3: Catching Out → tbr
Book 4: On the Fly → tbr
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,293 reviews482 followers
July 30, 2021
A Joyfully Jay review.

4.5 stars

This book is intense from the start and continues all the way through and author Nicky James creates something special in the story of Leo and Killian. The book opens in the middle of the action as Leo is running and hiding and desperately trying to clean the blood from his hands. There is an immediate sense that Leo is not a bad guy, but in an impossible situation, and it’s also not difficult to be able to piece an idea of happened to him from the start.

Leo has lived a wealthy and privileged life and he is unprepared in every single way to be in the situation in which he finds himself. There is a physical component, as he is visibly injured, and a psychological component of having been traumatized. It takes only a moment for Killian to jump into action to save Leo and then continue to help him.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.
Profile Image for QuietlyKat.
616 reviews
August 2, 2021
I REALLY enjoyed this one. Loved the characters, the plot, the adventure, basically the total package. But… *cringe* I hate that I have to write a but in there… but as much as I enjoyed the rail riding/train hopping in the story, I have a bit of a problem with it in real life so I don’t feel comfortable wholeheartedly endorsing End of the Line. It was really interesting reading about the rail riding lifestyle but I don’t think I’ll continue the series just based on my discomfort with how dangerous and reckless it is. Rail riding/train hopping as a necessity, I’m ok with, as a lifestyle for someone of means and privilege, not so much.

It’s a fun story though there are some really hard, painful elements and despite my personal misgivings, I do recommend it.
Profile Image for S.R. Harris.
Author 1 book65 followers
October 15, 2021
3.75 stars.

This is only my second book by Nicky James, but i am starting to become a fan.

I really did enjoy this, my only issue with the book was the reunion with Killian and his parents, they had been looking for him for years, i wanted a bit more in the reunion part.

I was completely fascinated by not only the story and the characters, but also the lifestyle. The way they lived was just so interesting to me, i often wondered how my life would have turned out if i would have made a different choice when i was 18, and while I for sure would not have been freight train hopping, i can see myself going from place to place, never really settling down in one spot, living the nomad lifestyle.

I saw in some reviews that Leo picking the hobo lifestyle seemed unrealistic but i don't think so, I love the choice he made at the end and i cannot wait to read the next one because I need to know what happened to Elian.

A good read.
Profile Image for Ash&#x1f349;.
565 reviews118 followers
August 27, 2021
This was so good! I really enjoyed it. I didn’t know what the expect since I knew nothing about rail riding but it was really interesting to learn about it, and it added some adventure to the story too which I loved.
Profile Image for Manfred.
789 reviews48 followers
August 16, 2021
I knew this would be good, not only because I already loved the blurb but also because of the great reviews from my GR friends.
This is not a steamy romance, I`d rather say it is a slow burn but the character development was outstanding.
You really get to know those guys (and I couldn`t help falling in love with all of them). In one review I read that this book does not have side characters and that is really true and makes it even better.
Leo- the rich boy who has to escape a bad situation(we only learn more about it later on) tries to jump on a running train and is rescued by Kilian (or Killer how he likes to be called). Killian travels Canada by rail, but not as a regular passenger- he is a rail rider - meaning he jumps on freight trains, which is not only forbidden but also quite risky. Together with his friends, he takes Leo along and it is soon clear that they gravitate towards each other.
Their relationship develops in a very genuine and believable way and it was so much fun to follow the whole group on their journey through Canada.
Everything was spot on, with no unnecessary drama and still enough action to keep the story going and the reader invested. It was very hard to put the book down, I loved every single page- I laughed and cried and had a great time with those guys, one of my favorite reads and one of a very few 5-star books I read this year.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 211 reviews

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