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Todo el mundo ha tenido una de esas noches en las que, por alguna razón, no puede pegar ojo...

Escabullirte en mitad de la noche para quedar con la chica o el chico que te gusta, a esa hora solitaria en la que el paisaje familiar cobra un aire extrañamente distinto.

En esta historia ambientada en Noto, dos estudiantes de secundaria, Isaki y Ganta, que sufren a causa de la ansiedad y el insomnio, luchan por encontrar un espacio propio en el que poder sentirse a salvo.

192 pages, Paperback

First published December 12, 2019

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Makoto Ojiro

57 books51 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 190 reviews
Profile Image for Elena Rodríguez.
916 reviews475 followers
June 18, 2022
“A picture of the stars you can only take at night, you and me, a couple of insomniacs, are gonna go out and take it. It’s all kind of amazing, don’t you think?”

Que cucada todo. Me gusta como se está desarrollándose. A ver, tampoco es nada del otro mundo, pero leyéndolo te dan esas sensaciones de paz y amor, y yo es lo que necesito en este momento.
Me gusta también mucho que el manga trate sobre la fotografía de las estrellas y el espacio. Te encuentras al igual que los protagonistas, que, de repente no sabían nada a descubrir un mundo totalmente diferente en plena noche solo mirando hacia el cielo.

“The best sleep that I had was the time when I slept right up against you”.

Destacar, además que el mangaka no solo se centra en mostrarte el cielo iluminado, sino que encima te dan instrucciones sobre como hacer buenas fotos de noche así como los parámetros que debería tener la cámara para mejorar la calidad de imagen, entre otras cosas. Yo ante estas explicaciones, me pierdo, pero me parece increíble porque se nota que al autor es algo que le fascina e intenta transmitírnoslo.

“Hey, have you heard the legend of the seven bridges ? It’s said that if you and your crush can, withour saying a word, cross all seven bridges along misogi river together, then your love will become whole”.

Qué monadas, todos. Por Dios.
Profile Image for Jen (Finally changed her GR pic).
3,048 reviews27 followers
September 4, 2023
I just love this series so far. This was just as good as the first one. The characters stay in character, nothing OTT, just a sweet, gentle, slice-of-life story of two teenagers with an issue that is invisible. They continue to support one another and they start to get...closer. Spring is in the air, but just a whiff. No drama, no love-shape; it's refreshing.

I'm really enjoying this series and recommend it as a nice palate cleanse if you are tired of Drama Llama Queen HS manga.

5, relaxing and enjoyable, stars.

My thanks to NetGalley and VIZ Media LLC for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Krysta ꕤ.
578 reviews281 followers
July 23, 2023
this series continues to be so relaxing and comforting even though not much happens since it’s more slice of life. I just love the art and seeing Nakami and Magari’s bond grow 🥹🥹🥹 they’re so cute with their little astronomy club lol
Profile Image for Nicolo.
2,831 reviews168 followers
November 4, 2020
This series got more interesting with the second volume. This slice-of-life manga remains at a relaxing pace, and it is still well drawn. It is the developments with the two main characters that makes it a more engaging read.

Romance may be in the stars for our two insomniacs, as they start to enjoy their time together rebuilding their school astronomy club so that they can keep their napping sanctuary. The pace which this develops remains the same pace as the story so its nature as a relaxing read remains the same.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
June 22, 2023
The Astronomy Club (of two) is up and running, but to keep their space to themselves, Ganta and Ikari have to actually do club stuff. Except Ikari has swim club as well, so Ganta’s got his work cut out for him, all for a girl he swears he doesn’t like. Which is, of course, a lie.

This is a story of romance, but I think I’m the one that’s falling in love. Building on the very strong foundation of the first volume, I was utterly charmed by the continuing story of two people who don’t mind not sleeping, provided it’s with one another. Whereupon they usually sleep anyway.

While this captures the incredible awkwardness of youthful relationships, that isn’t the real draw for me. No, this story captures the stolen glances of this sort of burgeoning feeling so artfully - witness Ganta sneaking looks at Isaki’s neck, or how her expression changes around him.

It might be a particularly stylized reality, but it grounds itself more than your average shojo does and it has so many little touches throughout that just kept me smiling as I went from page to page. The art is perfect at getting all the expressions and little details across.

I still love how Isaki is a fully functional human being even with minimal sleep, but Ganta is barely alive when his insomnia drags on over the course of a few days. Ganta’s definitely runs hotter than she does and that gets him into trouble a couple of times this volume.

And, phew, gym teachers. Don’t get me started. The one in this story is a particularly annoying slab of beef who seems like his big thing is not bothering to understand that the things he says might hurt others or considering points of view. Ganta really lets fly here, but he’s got such a huge chip on his shoulder about not being normal that it’s not surprising that it’s become such a sore spot for him.

Isaki consequently acts as the calmer of the two, but she clearly likes Ganta just as much as he does her, she just isn’t as vocal about denying it. The night they spend on the beach is perfectly emblematic of how comfortable they feel about sleeping together, but how awkward they feel about also liking one another.

This whole volume just gets it right. It has a light, hopeful feel to it that I love, mixed with a little drama and some laughs. That girl who cannot stop competing with Ganta, even as he is totally unaware of it, made me chuckle very hard during home ec class.

And that’s without counting the incredibly satisfying array of other adventures. Ganta learning to do photography properly, the alumnus who gets roped back into everything, the unending drama of the fireworks festival. This story has such bog standard stuff as the dang fireworks and school trip and I just loved it.

It is the story of two people finding something they need in one another and being more comfortable in one another’s company than anywhere else. I mean, that’s love right there, frankly. The wobbly first steps and the quiet joys of a shared moment are all here and done very, very well.

4.5 stars - nope, more please. I stopped watching the anime because I wanted to experience this story via the manga and I have yet to regret that decision. This one is, so far, incredibly special.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
212 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2023
I think Magari and Nakami are both short. Like under 5'3 short. Magari seems like she could be 4'10 and Nakami 5'3. They both give me short vibes. In the last picture, with Magari standing like that, there's no way she's over 5'1. She's got short legs, like me. 😌
Profile Image for Rod Brown.
6,383 reviews235 followers
July 21, 2023
Caught hiding in the school's shuttered observatory, Ganta and Isaki find themselves leveraged into relaunching the defunct astronomy club. With the help of an odd alumna, the sleepless duo fill their nights getting serious about stargazing. And any doubts about a developing romantic relationship between them is removed.

It's all quite nice, but it also feels like it should wind up in the next volume instead of still going strong with thirteen volumes already out in Japan. I'll stick with it for a while, but it's going to have to work a little harder to keep me tagging along for the long haul.
Profile Image for Emi.
726 reviews19 followers
July 8, 2021
Tiene un ritmo que me encanta y me ha recordado, de forma lejana, a Nodame Cantabile. Es un tipo de historia que va sin prisas.
Profile Image for Bailey.
1,093 reviews77 followers
January 16, 2024
So cute! I love how they're actually getting really into astronomy and photography :))
Profile Image for Adam.
621 reviews19 followers
June 1, 2023
Adorable, endearing, enchanting, quiet, peaceful, joyful, soulful....

This is outside of the sort of thing I normally read and I really enjoy this series. I would recommend this to just about everyone, it's a really nice change of pace.
Profile Image for liv_melodi.
151 reviews4 followers
February 11, 2024
Bezsenność po szkole ✩ [tom 2-4]

Kółko astronomiczne zaprasza!
Interesujesz się kosmosem oraz tym, co dzieje się we wszechświecie?
Chcesz odkryć nową gwiazdę, galaktykę albo jakąś nieznaną ludzkości planetę?
Pragniesz zostać w niedalekiej przyszłości najlepszym astronomem?
Jeśli odpowiedziałeś chociaż na jedno pytanie "tak", to niezwłocznie dołącz się do naszego niesamowitego kółka astronomicznego!
Oferujemy Ci niezapomniane chwile i mile spędzony czas z fajnymi osobami ^^
Zapisy już trwają, więc nie zwlekaj!
Będziemy na Ciebie czekać!
Po więcej informacji zapraszamy do obserwatorium na samej górze naszej szkoły.

„Księżyc jest w nowiu, więc gwiazdy będą dobrze widoczne”.

Kiedy Ganta i Isaki zostają niespodziewanie przyłapani przez jedynego z nauczycieli w szkolnym obserwatorium, decydują się na desperackie posunięcie.
Aby zachować dostęp do swojego zaciszonego miejsca, oboje zgadzają się na propozycję szkoły i podejmują się poprowadzenia kółka astronomicznego. Jednakże jest mały problem, bo zarówno ani jedno, ani drugie nie ma bladego pojęcia o astronomii, a tym bardziej obserwacji gwiazd.
Od tej pory nasi bezsenni bohaterowie będą mieli ręce pełne roboty...

„Ostatnio kiedy nie mogę spać...otwieram okno i szukam gwiazd”.

Jeśli poszukujecie komfortowej serii, która otuli was niczym potulna pierzyna i wywoła na waszych twarzach szczery uśmiech, to zdecydowanie sięgnijcie po mangę Pani Makoto Ojiro.
Zapewniam Was, że „Bezsenność po szkole” to tytuł nadzwyczaj wyjątkowy, nietuzinkowy i jedyny w swoim rodzaju, który z pewnością zapamiętacie na długo...

„Bicie twojego serca mnie uspokaja. Z jakiegoś powodu czuję się wtedy bezpieczna”.

Kompletnie nie wiem, ile razy będę się powtarzać, ale kocham całym sercem Gante i Isaki - to tak cudowna parka, że aż ciężko ich nie lubić.
Relacja tej dwójki między sobą jest urocza, piękna i co najważniejsze nienachalna!
Tutaj wątek romantyczny jest poprowadzony stopniowo i ładnie widzimy, jak ich uczucia rosną na sile - nie tylko jedna strona stara się o uwagę i to naprawdę duży atut tej serii.
Bardzo lubię śledzić dalsze poczynania tej wyjątkowej dwójki ♡

„Nawet twój uciążliwy charakter... może pewnego dnia rozkwitnąć”.

Ilustracje w dalszym ciągu mnie zachwycają.
Narysowane przez mangakę nocne krajobrazy gwieździstego nieba, ukazują dość precyzyjnie pełnie błogiej ciszy.
Dodatkowo same rozterki życia są bardzo spokojnie opisane, więc czytelnik raczej w niczym się nie pogubi.
Jak już wspominałam w pierwszej opinii - nie otrzymamy tutaj niespodziewanych zwrotów akcji, ani też jakiś gwałtownych zmian, które mogłyby nami drastycznie wstrząsnąć.

„Od tamtej nocy...jesteś dla mnie kimś wyjątkowym”.

Jeśli nie mieliście jeszcze okazji przeczytać mangi i wciąż się wahacie, to serdecznie polecam obejrzeć anime:
„Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia” - uwierzcie mi na słowo, to kolejna wspaniała pozycja, którą jak najbardziej warto mieć na uwadze ★

„Jeszcze do niedawna oddałbym wszystko za odrobinę snu...ale teraz trochę mi szkoda zasypiać”.
Profile Image for B3kjw.
157 reviews
April 11, 2023
Salgo a 3,5⭐️ perché ho gli stessi dubbi dell'altro volume sui disegni, che trovo ancora semplici e non caratteristici, ma la storia continua a piacermi. Loro dolcini e il tema si sposta sull'osservazione delle stelle, che io adoro. Però vale più di 6€ come volume? Cavolo, per me no. L'edizione mi sembra curata per quanto ne capisco, ma certe pagine sono praticamente vuote, con solo un disegno piccolo o altro. Sarò io, che sono ancora nuova al genere, boh.
Profile Image for apilune.
129 reviews9 followers
November 29, 2023
Je suis un peu en panne de lecture en ce moment et je dois dire que ce manga c’était exactement ce dont j’avais besoin ♡

Un deuxième tome toujours aussi doux : des chats, des bubble tea et des étoiles, quoi de mieux pour me définir finalement ?

Bref, c’est réconfortant comme je l’aime, j’ai hâte de lire la suite
Profile Image for Katie❄️.
1,429 reviews
January 16, 2024
I think that if you have two young kids that have insomnia I'd be checking blood work for deficiencies just to even rule it out. Since they both can fall asleep together it might be more of a psychological thing. I know insomnia is something that gets overlooked a lot. I know exactly how these kids feel without proper sleep. It's miserable.
Profile Image for Irene ➰.
885 reviews85 followers
June 23, 2023

Still a super duper cute and light read, even if it's still very slow.
But we do get some plot progress and events.

What bothers me tho, is that there are almost no backgrounds when the illustrations are not meant to be at least half page big. In fact there's a lot of difference between the texted drawings vs the non texted ones.

I loved how the author was able to deliver the feeling of total relax just through images, especially during the end of the volume, the drawings at the beach during the night time, those were so beautiful to look at that makes me so mad seeing how empty most of the other tables were.
Profile Image for Isa González.
Author 22 books154 followers
July 19, 2021
El tomo baja un poco el nivelazo del primero, pero me ha encantado igual. Los dos protas son super cutes <3
Profile Image for hənē.
153 reviews
June 12, 2022
I'm starting to think this volume, this manga passed the vibe of high school teen romance. Chill vibe something. Perfect for when you're in a reading slump.
Profile Image for Sandy.
76 reviews2 followers
August 24, 2023
So unbelievably cute and wholesome. I love reading about these two and the people they come in contact with. Can’t wait for volume 3
Profile Image for Brandi Lynn.
57 reviews
November 29, 2023
The series is cute, and I'm enjoying the fluffy, budding romance between the main characters. But I'm really particular about the Slice of Life manga, and this one isn't quite a "love".
Displaying 1 - 30 of 190 reviews

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