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Curse of the Cyren Queen #2

With Dagger and Song

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An empty crown. A perilous journey.
Will she answer when darkness calls?

Against all odds, Roh survived the harrowing Queen’s Tournament, but now something far deadlier awaits her: a formidable quest for the three magic birthstones of Saddoriel.

The gems have been scattered across the realms – and only when Roh retrieves them can she take her place as queen. But surrounded by hostile companions and tormented by the dangerous secret she carries, Roh begins to realise that the pursuit of power may prove more destructive than she ever imagined.

Nothing can prepare her for the nightmares that fester in the shadows of Akoris, a fanatical cyren territory, or the twisted games of its cunning leader...

Can Roh win the first birthstone without sacrificing everything she holds dear – and without losing herself?

Packed with heart-pounding action and layers of intrigue, With Dagger and Song is the second epic instalment in Helen Scheuerer’s Curse of the Cyren Queen quartet.

378 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 13, 2021

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About the author

Helen Scheuerer

40 books2,522 followers
Helen Scheuerer is the fantasy author of the bestselling series, The Oremere Chronicles, the Curse of the Cyren Queen quartet and The Legends of Thezmarr. Her work has been highly praised for its strong, flawed female characters and its action-packed plots.

Helen’s love of writing and books led her to pursue a creative writing degree and a Masters of Publishing. She has been a full-time author since 2018 and now lives amidst the mountains in New Zealand where she is constantly dreaming up new stories.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Sofii♡ (A Book. A Thought.).
406 reviews442 followers
November 25, 2021

I want to thank the author for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

I really enjoyed this book, the author has done an exceptional job to take an already fantastic plot to another level and I confess that I might enjoy this sequel even more than the first book, both are great, though. I really appreciate being able to see even greater growth and development of the characters, especially Roh, the plot also continues to be super dynamic and I loved the world-building which this time I feel is an even stronger point, with a lot of attention to detail. An incredible job!


4.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

You can find more of my reviews & fun content on my blog A Book. A Thought.

In this installment, we continue following Roh, who against all odds has survived the Queen's Tournament. But now, another dangerous quest awaits, a journey she must undertake with her allies to obtain the three magic birthstones of Saddoriel. Haunted by terrible secrets, Roh begins to realize that the power she so desires could be far more destructive than she ever imagined.

Of course, being a sequel I must always be very careful not to give too much information, even so, I'll allow myself to touch on some points that I think are amazing and tell you how I felt about this great sequel.

This book itself is much more ambitious even than the previous book, and I think it works even a little better since I, as a reader, already know the world, its politics, and how it works, so immersing myself in this adventure again has been more simple and more enjoyable. This book is also full of action scenes, which also has the first book, and I think I'm always saying the same thing about this author, is just great, and, in general, I don't usually enjoy action scenes, I like them to be fast and not with too many details, I guess I just don't care lol, but with this author, I read and enjoy every second. I really can't recommend her books enough (go and check out Heart of Mist, as well, you won't regret it!).

As I mentioned before, the growth of the characters is something I always appreciate in my books, so finding this factor has been great, not only Roh continues to develop her character, but this time we have a more personal approach to the secondary characters, as well, especially now that there begin to be many cracks and tense situations within Roh's crew, that's where we see the best development of these characters and there are conflicts that open several possible paths, among these: betrayal? REALLY GOOD!

Another thing I would like to point out about this is just Roh as the main character, I love that we can follow someone who's so grey in many aspects of her personality morally, I think she's a kind of character whose reactions are unexpected and all past situations that we already know a little bit in the first book torments her and has created a lot of her character. I think she's not the typical heroine, and that's very entertaining to read.

This story itself also has many characteristics that make it an epic dark fantasy, not only because of the setting, which in my opinion is brilliant and super well detailed especially in this book but also because of the characters and the tone of the writing even makes it seem mysterious. All the time it gives you that vibe that anything could happen, and that hand in hand with the betrayals, lies, secrets, and morally gray characters, is a combination for solid plot twists and breathtaking scenes.

The ending was great, I really liked it! I can't wait to continue reading this story, really guys, I highly recommend it, the author is wonderful, super talented, so I hope you decide to give a chance to any of her books, at this point I've read them all and I can recommend them very confidently because I know you'll love them. Within the fantasy genre, I think she is one of the most original and addictive authors to read.

Curse of the Cyren Queen is a series that promises to be amazing, so far with these two books that have already been released I can feel that it will only get better and better, so don't waste your time and run out and get these books to devour them, I know you'll love them! This is a story full of twists and turns, revelations, intriguing and dark characters, and a plot that will have you on the edge of your seat. Not to mention that the setting is so original! PS: I had to raise my rating while I was writing this because I remembered how much I enjoyed it! lol

Profile Image for Dee.
400 reviews35 followers
November 22, 2021
I wasn't overly impressed by the first book overall but I did really, really like the fast- paced, intricate writing, details never taking away from the experience and boring me. It's the major reason why I was looking forward to the sequel and I hoped I would come to like the characters and everything else as well, but that was not the case.

Same exact thoughts as book one. Finished it in two days signifying its litheness, flying through the pages, not requiring too much brain power but sometimes, some work from the reader is a plus point in making it's impact last longer because I know I'll be forgetting I read this after this review.

There wasn't any specific character that stood out to me. Roh is still on shaky waters. I'm close to liking her then she does or says something that makes me frown. Same with everyone, really. I'd say Odi is close to be my favorite but he was sparse in this book. After playing such a major role in A Lair of Bones, he took a backseat here, emerging now and then to give words of wisdom now and then. Everything was sparse. Too many questions arising, too many conveniences, too little consequences. Roh has to face a hundred more trials that pop up out of nowhere with no justification and no one really challenges WHY she has to compete again when she has already proven herself five times. Maybe to build plot. Idk. I didn't care for them because I knew she was to going to win and the only complication she would face later would be a bruise or a scar.

You can tell I'm pretty disappointed. The author's first series is one of my favorites, naturally I had expectations. I think it could be improved by adding more details to plot and working of events, adding more chapters and building the relationships more too. The crumbs dispersed throughout were kinda annoying. It's book two. Some things should've been set in stone but alas.
Profile Image for Christine Hutton.
179 reviews32 followers
November 2, 2021
With Dagger and Song by Helen Scheuerer

Helen Scheuerer has done it again! I could not put this book down. I read while I cooked, cleaned, fed the dog, and even vacuumed. I believe I read it in a day and a half. With Dagger and Song is the sequel to A Lair of Bones, Curse of the Cyren Queen series.

The main character Roh survived the Queen’s Tournament only to be tasked with an additional quest. She must travel across the lands with her companions to collect the gems taken from her crown of bones. Roh will not be able to take her place as queen until she collects all three.

The bulk of the book took place within the cyren territory of Akoris. Roh was challenged several times throughout the book and had to win the trust and eventual friendship of her companions. The book is packed with suspense, action, and mystery.

I loved watching Roh grow as a character. She is no longer the lowly bone cleaner but a queen in all the ways that it counts. She commands respect and is willing to learn what it truly takes to rule the cyrens of the realm.

I believe there is also the possibility for a romantic interest later in the series. I am very interested to see what adventures and harrowing traps Roh will face in the next book in the series.

I highly recommend this book! You will go on an adventure with the cyrens and never come back the same.
Profile Image for Maura.
74 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2022
I have sooo much to say about this book, but my thoughts are jumbled, so I will do my best!

Another AMAZING book by Scheuerer. The second book in the Curse of the Cyren Queen series delved deeper into the world Roh lives in, her relationships, and into herself.

I absolutely loved the world building. Roh travels to another cyren society which is much different than her homeland, and it was interesting to see how she navigated the place, and what her thoughts were on it. Roh is leaning so much in this book about the world around her, and cryrens in specific. This book was a page turner because I kept wanting to know more. The introduction of the Warlock descendants made it even more interesting, and even more of a glimpse at humans. I can’t wait to see how the societies will play a part in future books.

As Roh is learning about the world around her, she is also learning more about herself. Her wants and needs. What should she do? Why should she do, or not do, certain things? I love reading her thoughts. She is such a compelling character, and I believe she could become a marvelous queen. Her growth over the course of the two books, really makes me cheer for her, and believe in her.

Roh has many more relationships within the second book, and I liked exploring them. I am still a die hard #rohdi (Roh x Odi), but I definitely see her and Finn ending up together. I did enjoy Finn’s character development, and getting a glimpse into his life/past. Roh realizes being a high born isn’t all it’s cut out to be. They would make a good enemies to friends to lovers. I was kind of sad that Odi took more of a backseat in this book, but I loved every second that he was around. His and Roh’s relationship is so special to me, it’s my favorite whenever they’re together. I hope more happens with Odi in the future books! I feel like he might get his own intense storyline in the future books. He is definitely my favorite, other than Roh.

I loved reading about Roh’s friendships with Yrsa and Harlyn. Yrsa is such a good person, and I see her and Roh taking care of that baby drake together, and it’s such a wholesome thought (side note: the ending where the egg hatches? Had me screaming, I am so curious to see how that plays out!). I liked how despite having a rocky patch, Roh and Harlyn still stayed strong. Finding out Orson challenged Roh made my jaw drop! I couldn’t imagine her being so cold and calculated, and I have a feeling she will make it out of the cave with those snakes and be even angrier than before. I could definitely see her being a challenge for Roh in the future!

Now for my favorite line (although I had so many):

“Birthed by a cyren, fathered by a warlock, named for a human girl… Maybe you are the one to bring us together, after all.”

This line blew me away. It brought me to tears. It hit me hard. Roh encompasses everything, everyone, and I think it’s beautiful. And her repeating this line to herself? Amazing. I definitely need to know about the Rohesia she was named after.

Overall the progression of Roh’s story in this book was really good, and I couldn’t put it down. Now I am so thankful that April is coming soon, so I don’t have to wait too long for the third book!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Megan Rivera.
421 reviews65 followers
October 2, 2021
This was a great book and I enjoyed reading it. I enjoyed the storyline and the characters.
Profile Image for A Mac.
1,060 reviews185 followers
February 6, 2022
After a strong first book, I felt that this one majorly fell short. Not a lot happened related to the plot and even less happened related to the character development. Odi, who was a pretty strong character in book one, only popped up to provide some one-liner encouragement or wisdom here and there. The other characters were also lacking in depth and development in this work. There was a lot of dialogue without anything really being said, and the same goes for the exposition.

This book felt like an unnecessary filler between books one and three. There were paragraphs of questions listing things that Roh was unsure about, and these repeated throughout the work much more often than necessary. Instead of providing any new information or resolving any of these things, they were just constantly brought up.

I felt that this book probably only needed to be about 50 pages at the most. It was a fine read, but it was disappointing after how much I enjoyed the first one.
Profile Image for Emily | bookswith.emily.
331 reviews22 followers
November 18, 2021
I loved this book! I always love every book Helen has brought out. I was delighted when she asked me to review the second in the series, I couldn’t wait to get stuck in.

This book continues on from A Lair of Bones and follows Roh and her allies on the next journey. There was some unexpected events that happened in this book along with Roh learning a lot about herself. I thought the tasks set by the former Queen for Roh were very intense and unfair. But we all know with a fantasy book and an ‘evil’ Queen, things are never going to go as smooth as we first thought. Saying that, we do begin to see changes in some characters which is very unexpected. With Roh winning the contest in the first book, we can see a lot of jealousy from characters who she once considered friends.

I really enjoyed this instalment of the book, it was very detailed and action packed. I think we knew when Roh was now set this new quest to find three magic birthstones, it wasn’t going to be easy. We got to meet new characters, as well as meet characters we have met before. These new characters are important to both the quest and Roh’s journey to discovering more about herself, which I didn’t think she was expecting to learn more about.

There is so much to talk about in this book because it was very eventful. I do want to say how Helen makes reading these books so easy to understand. With some other fantasy books, they can be hard to follow with having to much information to take in and remember. However, in these books, they are highly detailed but I feel Helen explains everything so well and the characters and events are so memorable, it is hard to get confused with them.

I am looking forward to the next adventure in this series. I am looking forward to the continuation of the quest. I highly recommend this series and Helen’s first series! I also wanted to mention the beautiful cover, I loved how the different elements of the cover represent a different part of the book.
Profile Image for Anne.
270 reviews16 followers
October 18, 2021
Within the pages of With Dagger & Song, Helen Scheuerer gives us a beating heart...

In fact Helen gracefully, masterfully, lures us in with each word until we no longer see the world around us. I didn't come up for air, because it wasn't as necessary as reading the next page.

This novel, the second in the Curse of the Cyren Queen quartet, has elevated my love for Rohesia & her allies. I adored the first book (A Lair of Bones), but With Dagger & Song has taken my heart. Set near-impossible tasks before Roh will be given the crown she rightfully won at the end of ALOB, danger comes from all sides. More of this world's history is unfolded, & tough experiences lead to unlikely bonds being forged between characters.

I often praise Helen's writing, because I truly love everything she's released. But With Dagger & Song has completely blown me away. The craft of writing has been sharpened, to the point where it would be a lie to say anything but that Helen is a genius. This is epic dark fantasy. This is a book of danger, betrayal, companionship & love. This is a new fairytale, one that decades from now will continue to call to new readers & make them fall in love with the Cyren Queen. They won't be able to resist.

Helen is the Queen of Fantasy. And I am so, so excited that soon the world can read this book and readers can continue their journey beside Rohesia. You can't go wrong, diving into this quartet. Trust me. Let the cyren's call drag you under. Don't hold your breath. Just immerse yourself.💕
Profile Image for Rachel Osborne.
1,092 reviews19 followers
November 15, 2021
What a fantastic and amazing second book in this fantasy series. I was absolutely drawn into the story and boy did it take me for a magical ride. I loved the character developments in this book. I really felt I got to know more about Rohs companions and the story really complemented those developments. The writing was beautiful, giving us those scenes we want to immerse ourselves in. It had a steady pace, giving us the mystery of the trials and tasks as well as watching them play out beautifully. The end had me itching for the next book, I need more. I absolutely loved it!
Profile Image for Jayse.
134 reviews8 followers
April 29, 2022
an exceptional sequel

This book offered everything I wanted in a sequel.

It offered further insights into the world, the characters and the past.

Roh as a character has really grown on me, I loved her growth throughout this instalment.

I loved the adventure, I loved the intrigue, and the developments and relationships between characters.

I’m so so excited to continue reading this series 😍
Profile Image for kortni.readsbooks.
136 reviews9 followers
November 21, 2021
Mind. Blown.

Book 2 in the Cyren Queen series had me on the edge of my seat.

The writing. The delivery.
The world building.
The scheming.
The revelations!

🤌🏻♥️ I loved it.

Impatiently waiting for book 3 @helenscheuerer 😂
Profile Image for Nims.
123 reviews
November 14, 2023
Now THIS is the author I know and love. One thing about madam Scheuerer is that she knows how to build a romance cause I was eating up those little bread crumbs yesssss. And also the plot was very gaggy!! My theories were right but that betrayal was omggggg even tho I don’t like that character I was still like wowiieeee ouch!!

The plot is finally fun!
Profile Image for Jenna.
5 reviews
February 1, 2023
I always love a perilous quest beset upon by friends. It reminded me of another famous series with a ring rather than a crown. Thoroughly enjoyable, great writing, and loving the character development. About to start the 3rd book right now!
Profile Image for Rach.
144 reviews1 follower
September 19, 2022
5 BLAZING stars. Oh my gosh. The second book was even better than the first.
Helen has a way of creating a world that feels so original, new and captivating. I never once found myself bored or lost.
Not to mention, no filler chapters full of unnecessary plot. It’s so rare to find a quality book that is original, has such likable characters and isn’t chock full of sex and profanity. Newsflash, not everyone wants to read books like that 😂 and it’s awesome to find a book that has so much more to offer.

Also can we talk about the character development here!? Roh has become such an awesome character. She was iffy to me in the first book, but I think her flaws were very purposeful.

Okay and Finn?? I’ve loved him since the first book (I felt there was more to him than meets the eye) and I’m SO happy he’s getting such amazing character development as well. This is what we need more of - original stories, captivating action and amazing character development. The slow burn between him and Roh is amazing. Goodbye instant romance trope, THIS is what I love to see. Romance that is written so well and realistically.

I don’t know how this series is not more popular. I’m so happy I stumbled across Helen’s books. It’s been a while since I’ve been this engrossed in a series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nikki.
701 reviews17 followers
October 24, 2021
I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

My Thoughts

I am pretty sure Helen Scheuerer is a Cyren.

Her stories are woven with magic that sinks its claws into you until you are so immersed in the world that you find yourself at the final page entirely too soon.

With Dagger and Song picks up right where we left off in A Lair of Bones, with our crew at the start of a dangerous quest. If you have not read ALOB, check out my review here. Before I dive into potential spoilers for book one I will just say, if you love fantasy and have not started the Curse of the Cyren Queen quartet... run and start it today! There is even an audiobook for my fellow audio readers. This series is incredible but dare I say... I may have loved With Dagger and Song even more than ALOB. gasp.

Okay potential spoilers for book 1 ahead...

Lies and Hidden Agendas Everywhere

As Roh and her group set out on her quest to earn the crown she wont at the end of ALOB, they quickly learn that the world outside of the Lair is even more dangerous than their life inside with lies, betrayal and hidden agendas at every turn. Scheuerer is an incredible writer and With Dagger and Song brilliantly adds new layers, intrigue and depths to the magical world she has created and the characters who live there. The expansion of the world flowed so seamlessly along side the growth of the characters.

My absolute favorite part of the story was the changes in the group dynamics over the course of With Dagger and Song. We saw some unlikely friendships develop, histories shared, and some absolutely perfect moments that planted the seeds of what I hope becomes an epic enemies to lovers relationship. PRETTY PLEASE HELEN?!?

And the twists... THE TWISTS. There is at least one that will leave you gasping and questioning everything you thought you knew. I will be on the edge of my seat waiting for book 3.


Overall, With Dagger and Song is an epic continuation of the adventure stated in A Lair of Bones, introducing readers to new dangerous places and characters while slowing revealing more history. There is definitely more going on than meets the eye and it is so captivating. Scheuerer is a master storyteller and builds an incredibly immersive world full of intrigue, beauty, danger and mystery. I absolutely loved the development of each character and the new relationships developed between Roh and her companions. Curse of the Cyren Queen as quickly become one of my favorite series and I cannot wait to see what is to come next in this story.

Recommended for fans of: dark fantasy, twisty reads, YA fantasy, sirens, mythology, fantastic world building, complex characters, and high stakes competitions.

A Lair of Bones is out now!

With Dagger and Song is out November 13th!
Preorder your copy here

Profile Image for Yolanda.
813 reviews
December 30, 2021
~3.5 STARS~

This is book two of the Curse of the Cyren Queen series and it picks up from book one. Roh survived the Queen’s Tournament and we find out she’s a future queen, not just a bone cleaner. Of course they won’t let her be Queen until she goes on a quest to get the three magic birthstones of Saddoriel. Then and only then will it prove she is worthy.

Roh chooses her companions on this quest – Odi is a given but Harlyn was a curious choice since Har hates Roh with a passion after learning about Roh’s deception. Also Roh picks warriors Yrsa and Finn to come along. Finn is another one that hates Roh. A lot of people hate Roh! haha…but at least being thrown together on this journey, we get to learn more about Yrsa and she’s a good person. Finn, well…we shall see what happens there, it seems he’s warming up to Roh. It’s Harlyn and Roh’s relationship that I was hoping would be repaired somehow in this sequel. It’s rough but they get there.

The group travels across Saddoriel to Akoris, where the fanatical cyrens reside and their ruler, Adriel is pulling the strings. So somehow Roh has to appease Adriel by passing more tests in order to be acknowledged as queen. I am really enjoying the journey they are taking through these different lands though. I also like that the story moves forward with Roh trying to get the birthstone plus doing her best trying to find out more about her mother’s past. We find out a bit more about Roh’s mysterious background as well.

I think Roh has a lot of character growth in this sequel. She still has trouble trusting people with her secrets, even though secrets are what messed up her friendship with Harlyn and Orson, the two people who knew her best. But Roh is starting to learn that she needs allies and good advice. I’m sure Roh will make more mistakes before we get to the end of this series, but seeing progress is a good thing.

Content Warnings: drugged, violence

They did a bunch of traveling but once they were in Akoris they stayed put for the bulk of the story. Akoris was an interesting place but I thought Adriel would have been more sinister – Roh handled him quite well I believe.

I’m looking forward to see what happens with Finn and Roh. An enemies to lovers thing? Or not? Haha…I like seeing them bicker as potential friends or lovers. I’m also eager to see what happens with the water drake egg that Roh has in her possession! That ending made me wish book three was going to be out soon.

Why you should read it?
*story about betrayal and forgiveness
*you like an underdog story
*Roh’s character development – she has a lot of things to fix and I”m glad she’s facing it head on

Why you might not want to read it?
*not into fantasy
*wait until the whole series is out

My Thoughts:

I thought this was a good sequel as we follow Roh and her companions to Akoris. We learn about the water warlocks and their beef with cyrens. Also, we get to know more about Roh’s background. I’m looking forward to more adventure in book three and I hope we get more of Finn and Roh and the water drake egg!
Author 2 books45 followers
November 16, 2022
WITH DAGGER AND SONG sees Roh set off on her quest to find the three stones (my guess is a book a stone, given this is a quartet.) To find the first stone, she must make her way to a city ruled by a despot in the name of religious fanaticism, and contend with him as well as the desire of the ruling council who set her the quest to see her fail.

The heart of the book, though, is Roh's relationship with her companions. There's Odi - the human she was paired with in the competition of the first book, who wants his freedom but can't get it until she's queen -, Finn - a noble she beat who looks down on her -, Harlyn - the best friend she cheated to get into the competition -, and Yrsa - another highborn she beat. Finn and Harlyn in particular hate Roh, either for personal reasons or because of what she represents, and WITH DAGGER AND SONG is really about Roh trying to build (or re-build) relationships while contending with the secrets that have broken them. This theme is mirrored nicely in the final showdown of the book.

They also gain a new companion, Deodan, a water warlock with secrets and agendas of his own. His involvement helped flesh out other parts of the cyren world, including those who oppose the status quo. The warlocks are a group who have been all but removed form the main city, pushed the the edges and for centuries. And now the survivors are splintering into those who want change by any means - violent or otherwise - and those who want a more peaceful approach. And Roh is key to both sets of machinations. It seems to be setting up a conflict for the end of the series, Roh having to face down not only the ruling council (and the queen she's defeated because I simply don't trust her - she's too kind and helpful!) and these warlocks.

Even though this book very much feels like the first part of three of a quest, the emotional core of the story gives the book enough resolution for a satisfying ending.
Profile Image for Brooke Ellen.
51 reviews
June 21, 2024
This book picks up pretty much right where the first one leaves off. Roh is setting off to retrieve the gems with Finn, Harlyn, Odi, and Yrsa, and at least 50% of her companions currently hate her.

Emotional conflict/conflict between characters is my favorite type and this book did that so well.
Roh has to deal with the aftermath of her betrayal of Harlyn and try to find a way to try to rebuild the trust and friendship. This is very well written and you can feel both Roh and Harlyn’s struggle to come to terms with it.
Finn goes through so much growth from the villainous Jaktaren that he was in the first book to a deeper, more developed character. He quickly became my favorite after Roh.
Yrsa and Odi continue to be likable characters, but don’t have as much growth as the others.
We also get to meet a new character, Deodan. He is a worthy addition, but his personality seemed like an afterthought and the author didn’t go through much effort to show us who he is. For example, Roh describes him once as flirtatious, but this is never seen in his actions or dialogue.

I enjoyed the plot and action more in this book than book 1. Their time in Akoris especially kept me hooked and the action scenes served a purpose of having them grow as a team. I was still more invested in the characters than the action, but I found myself more interested in what was happening in this book compared to book 1.

Finally, there was some hints of a possible romance blossoming and I am here for it!

Final thoughts: this is a great, character driven book. Despite being around 450 pages, it is a quick read that makes great use of the space and doesn’t drag on. The book serves its purpose of moving the plot along and developing the characters and does not suffer from sequel syndrome. What an enjoyable read!
Profile Image for Sara Lawson.
628 reviews58 followers
November 19, 2021
It is rare for me to be able to answer when someone asks me about my favorite book or even the best book I've read this year. But this year, I've been telling everyone about A Lair of Bones, an incredible first book in Helen Scheuerer's new series, Curse of the Cyren Queen. Hands down, best book I've read all year. Until I read book 2. And once again, Helen has outdone herself.

After winning the competition and being crowned queen, or actually no, the council found a loophole and didn't crown Roh queen after all. Instead, she was tasked with three additional quests and had to set out on a journey with four companions, friends, enemies, there might not be a difference this time since no one seems able to forgive her for her misdeeds or accept her due to her mother's crimes. And yet, the journey continues, the stakes are higher than ever, and Roh learns more about herself and her past. There are so many unexpected twists in the story, horrible and incredible, and whenever I thought nothing else can surprise me, I was hit with another change. There are cyrens, warlocks, religious fanatics and overlords, and sea drakes, and Roh is more amazing than ever! My gut feeling that she had picked exactly the right companions was proven, and she is joined by others. And throughout everything, she proves that she might be exactly the right cyren to wear the crown.

Maybe you are the one to bring us together, after all …

This was an incredible, breathtaking, fantastic adventure, and I'm only sad that I can never read it for the first time again because I will absolutely be reading it again. I cannot wait for book 3. I received an ARC from the author and have reviewed it freely.
Profile Image for B.L. Callaghan.
Author 9 books110 followers
September 24, 2021
Scheuerer has done it again!
The second installment of the Curse of the Cyren Queen series is, dare I say it, even better than the first. The action picks up immediately where we left of in A Lair of Bones, and wastes no time in throwing the reader into danger and mystery.
Intrigue, betrayal, lies, and hidden agendas run rampant here, and I was often as caught out as the group when the twists sprang up from the pages.
I loved the deepening world-building that flowed alongside the character growth, the slow release of history and truth that changed Roh and her group the further into their quest we read. I enjoyed the interactions and changing dynamics of the group itself, and the constant unknowns of the epic surroundings they found themselves in.
With Dagger and Song introduces us to new places and people, each with secrets of their own, and challenge Roh in ways that make not only our MC, but the reader wonder if her quest is worth the pressure and strain it puts on her. The descriptive language used to paint the scenes are incredible, beautiful, and deadly. If you thought the Lair was a dangerous place, just you wait until you've visited the places in this book!
Scheuerer is a master storyteller, a weaver of magical song that snakes its way into your soul and does not let go. She is so good at immersing the reader in her worlds, that you find yourself lost, unable to put down the book until the final page is turned. I want - no, I NEED more of Roh's story, and after the incredible conclusion of this installment, I can only guess where the story will lead next.
Profile Image for Ella (The Story Collector).
536 reviews7 followers
November 18, 2021
In book #2 of the Curse of the Cyren Queen series, Roh and her companions set off on their quest to gather the birthstones of Saddoriel. The first part of their journey will take them to Akoris, where Roh will face its fanatical leader in a battle for the first birthstone, or lose everything she has fought for so far.

Although I thought A Lair of Bones was good, With Dagger and Song is better. The characters and the general plot are well established by now, so this book is able to place more emphasis on the story rather than world-building (not to say the world-building isn’t still very strong). I liked seeing Roh develop further as a character – you can really start to see how this lowly bone cleaner might actually be able to pull off being queen – and I thoroughly enjoyed the hints at a possible romance to come later in the series. But my favourite aspect of this book was definitely Roh’s companions. I loved that we got to see a different side to Finn and much more of the others; they’re really fun characters and it was great that they got to play a bigger role in this book.

With Dagger and Song has strong Fellowship of the Ring vibes, with a good amount of intrigue, lore and attention to detail. The pacing is good, with plenty of twists and action, and the story is set up perfectly to continue in book #3.

I’d highly recommend this book for fans of fantasy with strong-willed heroines.

I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Danae.
525 reviews4 followers
December 6, 2021
Finn has been redeemed 🥳 oh good word I love the banter amongst all the characters and the interactions between Finn and Roh. I will gladly jump on that ship if they ever get together. (Too dang cute).
I liked this book better than the first one. It gives me Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly vibes and a bit of Hunger Games (although the first book was more) and it gave me all the feels.
The twists I never saw it coming like it is such a mind game. I would have loved to be given more about the religion especially since they were in a monastery with a bunch of religious fanatics (like I still don’t get what the religion is or the significance of wings). I was a little confused with the timeline because to me seven moons sounds like seven nights not whatever the heck seven moons means in the book (I think it’s months but again wasn’t explain very well).
The one thing I loved most about this book is watching the characters grow especially Roh. I will admit I didn’t like her as much in the first book, but dang girl, I’m so proud of her for taking the step back and questioning things. For trying to make things right no matter the cost. She’s finally starting to grow into being a Queen and it made me cry happy tears. The ending had me crying sad tears because it tugs at the heartstrings.
If you are a fan of Deep Blue, Hunger Games, and other books like this (it’s like riddles my mind is blanking. You’d understand this if you read the book). Read this series. If you like a different twist on sirens then read this series. You won’t regret it.
💧all of them.
Profile Image for Emily Rainsford.
429 reviews133 followers
January 3, 2022

I enjoyed A Lair of Bones well enough. The unique worldbuilding and setting was great, although I didn't quite warm to Roh, the MC, in that book.

But I feel this second book is where this story really comes into its own. It begins with some classic fantasy travelling and then a lot of time is spent in a creepy monastery and so help me, I love a creepy monastery as a setting. The world is expanded on even further, the plot grows in complexity, and there is a lot of character development, for Roh as well as her companions. Alliances and friendships change and shift, and Roh's relationship with her own self and the truth of her own people gains a lot of depth. There are plenty of twists and turns, both in the story and the interpersonal relationships, and overall this one just feels a bit more rewarding emotionally.

While the blurb for this series invokes Maas, I would actually describe this one as Riordan meets Holly Black. It really delves into the murky waters of the morally grey and explores the concept of ambition. If you need your MC to be a squeaky clean chosen one beyond reproach, you won't find that here. But if you find it a little more compelling to read about an MC with a complexity that deals more in the grey areas of human (cyren!) nature, you should definitely give this one a shot.

Each of these stories has their own subplot that gets resolved within the book, while also leaving you with a hook for the next part of the overarching story. I'm definitely eager for the next installment and to see where it all goes!
Profile Image for Brooklyn ♡.
54 reviews8 followers
July 11, 2023
★ ★ ★ ★ 4.5

Book 2 of this series did not disappoint! The characters are yet again on another harrowing journey to fulfil Roh's goals to secure the crown.

Firstly, I loved this second journey through the Lower Realms, and Akoris as a setting. Was the monastery creepy as shit and preying on everyone's darkest fears? Yes. But I feel like this really lent to the whole situation Roh and her new companions were facing. It also served as an excellent plot device for character development, especially between Har, Finn and Yrsa. Not to mention, the immersion was once again spot on. Every new scene or setting change had me beyond enraptured with its descriptive imagery and the beautiful landscapes.

This book really has us seeing Roh come to terms with a lot of her past and her future to come. The trials and tests she faces, both for the crown and for the sake of her companions' safety, really gave us some insight into how she is growing as a person, while giving us a newfound understanding of how much of the pressure she is now feeling as she comes to terms with her decisions.

With Dagger and Song, as is a theme in this series, has some major betrayals, secrets, drug-addled confessions and familial revelations that will most definitely make book 3 VERY interesting. I am beyond excited to see where this next instalment leads!
Profile Image for Denise.
189 reviews2 followers
November 15, 2021
The second book of The Curse of the Cyren Queen begins with Roh and her companions leaving Saddoriel, the only place Roh has ever known, and venturing to Akoris to begin her quest for the gems to accompany the crown she won in A Lair of Bones.

On their journey to Akoris, the group encounter different situations that they must endure before joining the fanatics that await them in the cyren territory. Upon learning the lay of the land and the differences between Akoris and Saddoriel, Roh and the others do their best to fit into the routine while awaiting the challenge that awaits Roh in the hopes of obtaining the first birthstone of Saddoriel.

Helen adds some additional twists and turns throughout the story that keep the reader hooked in the story and in the future of the Cyren race. The world building continues as we learn about the fanatical territory and the character development is just so perfect. This particular story ends perfectly set up for the next part of Roh’s story and the story for her companions. I personally cannot wait til we get to see what awaits us in the next installment!
Profile Image for Danielle.
475 reviews7 followers
December 14, 2021
A fabulous addition to the Curse of the Cyren Queen series!

In this, the second book, we get to see more of Roh's journey to find not only the jewels of her crown, but her journey to find herself and what it means to be a queen.

I was hesitant about this book at first. I really enjoyed A Lair of Bones and I was worried that this book wouldn't follow through on the amazing foundation that book laid down. Yes, there were some predictable parts, but there were a lot more surprises than I expected since the first book laid out the general path Roh and her companions would take. Yes, this is only the second of four books, so we don't get all the answers, but I was satisfied with how the plot and the characters progressed. I often feel that the second book in a trilogy or quartet is merely there to set up the later book(s), a while that is partially true, I feel that Scheuerer does a great job of balancing the mystery and keeping the plot from feeling stale. She also does a great job of making you examine all the characters and keeps you looking for hidden agendas.

I really love this series and I think that anyone that enjoys a good story would enjoy these books!
Profile Image for Becca Mee.
904 reviews29 followers
November 15, 2021
The CURSE OF THE CYREN QUEEN series just gets better and better with Helen Scheuerer's WITH DAGGER AND SONG. Right away, the plot takes off running and never stops or slows as we find Roh and her team attempting to obtain three magical birthstones of Saddoriel so that Roh can become Cyren Queen. On their journey, Roh must deal with the divisions in her own team as well as untrustworthy allies as the former bone cleaner fights for her crown, but capricious gods and vengeful foes threaten to end her reign before it begins. I really loved this sequel and thought it was even better than the first. The premise of this story is so unique and you can't help but root for Roh as an underdog. The character development in this book is stunning as Roh must draw on all her abilities and cunning to achieve her victory. Roh is smart and morally grey in the best way, but in this book we see a more vulnerable side to her I couldn't get enough of. Talk about complex and multidimensional main characters! And we see an extension of the worldbuilding that is just so well done and breathtaking I couldn't get over it. WITH DAGGER AND SONG is a story about forgiveness and taking what is yours in the face of opposition and deep betrayal, and forging your own path.
344 reviews10 followers
November 14, 2021
This is a sequel to A Lair of Bones and it is a very worthy one indeed!

While doing my best to avoid spoilers, I suggest readers read the A Lair of Bones first to catch up to the adventures of Roh and her company of not-so-much-friends but traveling companions as she continues the challenges from the first book. The Bone Cleaner who would be queen has been set difficult tasks and the first one is detailed in lush splendor in this book. But nothing is as simple as it seems as Roh is quick to discover.

More cunning and twisty plots abound as does the lyrical writing of Author Scheuerer. From the sweep of a world to the focus on characters and their growth, this book ranks high for me in epic dark fantasy.

There’s attention to detail in this world building and I was pleased to see the attention to character growth and description. The story moves at a good pace and while there will be more in this series, this book ends the storyline within it while leaving room to continue the story arc of the series.

I can’t wait to read the next one!
Profile Image for Marisa.
13 reviews
February 24, 2022
If you like YA Fantasy, this series is a must!

Absolutely love this series, the mystery, the darkness , her quest, so much good to say, that I am jumbling it all!

The characters are great. I can't WAIT for the next in her series, these books seriously hold you so well.

I love how everything isn't so easy to figure out, most books I read, you can see the plots and twists coming, and in this series I didn't! There are still mysteries that I'm trying to piece together and can't! So I'm excited to see how everything plays out.

Characters are amazing. Love the whole Cyren twist to it. Haven't read a series like this before and the author truly captivates you right from the beginning.

Highly recommend you read all the books and sign up for her emails because then u can get a couple of novellas that prequel this series and they are GOOD! But only those getting newsletters can get access to these, for free! So do it! It's worth it!
Hope you enjoy them and much as I do, and can't wait for the next to come out!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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