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Tent Revival: Book One of the Rebecca Mythos

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Salt Flat, Kentucky is a sleepy town where very little happens. But the illusion will be broken when a tent mysteriously shows up with a charismatic preacher named the Sage. He invites people to an old-fashioned tent revival, touting the word as no one has ever heard.Everyone is mesmerized by his presence, entranced by the magic he performs. But Sy Sutton isn't fooled. He can tell things aren’t right. He’s lived in this town for years after all. He wants no part of the Sage and his snake oil salesman approach.He may have no choice, as his son falls into the same trap as the rest of the town. He must save him but finds himself up against more than just the preacher.Unknown to him, something lurks below. An ancient being with an agenda. When she comes to the surface, the stakes get higher and Sy finds himself in a battle not only for his son, but his life as well. Full of colorful characters and craziness at every turn, Tent Revival delivers a wild romp into small town weirdness and a frenzy of epic proportions.There will be blood, as all hell breaks loose on the night of the Tent Revival.

244 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 8, 2021

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About the author

Edmund Stone

9 books38 followers
Edmund Stone is the author of seven books and a part time boat captain, living on the Ohio River. When he's not on the water, he spins nightmarish tales of horrific proportions.

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Profile Image for Lexxi.
236 reviews
May 28, 2024
Why were there so many S names??? Sy Sutton, Sadie, Sally, Samson, Sage, Sam x2, Stephanie

It was an interesting premise but I was bored through most of the book. It would have become a DNF if I weren't reading it for the 2024 Brawl of Horror competition.

The dialogue was super awkward and felt unnatural. The author would refer to someone's "bottom" which was weird.

And of course we have the lesbian..... jk, she's into guys too and luckily our main character fits the bill and they have insta-love. I know I have time to fall in love when my son has gone missing

The book had numerous spelling and grammar errors and needs a good editor
Profile Image for Stitching Ghost.
1,056 reviews240 followers
January 30, 2024
The ideas were great, the imagery was sometimes really cool, but the execution really wasn't it for me. The bouncing back and forth between characters and their weird relationships was annoying and for me it really ruined the tension.
Profile Image for Princess Waifu.
40 reviews2 followers
May 16, 2024
One of the worst books I've ever read

Where to even start? I read this for the Books of Horror 2024 Indie Brawl and it was incredibly difficult to get through. Usually I am a sucker for a unique concept but when its as convoluted, full of holes and not thought out well as this one, even I am bored by it. This author has managed to take horror and make it dull...the characters were one dimensional and flat, all of their dialogue sounding the same as the other characters (awkwardly written and soulless). The lore was vague in a bad way, not leaving clues that make you want to know more, but just things happening with no explanation behind it. It seemed like it was written by a 16 year old boy, what with the lack of eloquence, weird comments about women, and graphic sex scenes that seemed out of place and added nothing to the novel. don't even get me started with the love story where the main character meets a hot lesbian but it ends up she does it with him anyway and they fall in love overnight after he's impressed by her ability to consume moonshine. Just all around a trash read.
Profile Image for Tammy Riner.
19 reviews
May 23, 2024
I read the kindle version of this, and it is in dire need of an editor. The errors in punctuation, the repetition in sentences, there was just so much that kept pulling me out of the story.

Descriptions were overused. I don’t know how many times it was mentioned that the ghosts flicker in and out like a black and white movie. And I think 3 different times the Cadillac was described as something the president would ride in.

The dialogue was just so strange. I don’t know how to put it. They didn’t sound like realistic conversations at all. Almost like a computer or alien trying to mimic human conversations but not knowing how to use emotion or something. Just felt really odd to me. It was hard to care for the characters or their relationships when nothing felt believable.

Speaking of relationships, I strongly dislike instant love in books. And this one has one that was just ridiculous. Two characters barely know each other. Man and woman. Woman is a lesbian, even tells the man’s daughter “you don’t have to worry about me and your dad, I like girls”. The woman gets drunks, stumbles around, almost falls on her face. They go for a ride. Woman pees her pants in the car. They go back home and she drinks some more and passes out on his couch still in her pee pants. He thinks about how she might not even have a hangover the next day because she seems to hold her drink well. Dude. She peed in your car. Anyway, the next day she says she likes guys too, they have sex, and they’re in love for the rest of the book.

Things I didn’t understand:

I have no idea what Rebecca is, or what makes Sy’s family so special that she wants to kill all the members. That could have used some backstory.

I don’t know why Alan was in a state mental hospital at the beginning. He was in a coma after falling into a sinkhole. So why was he in a place full of mental health patients? Need more details. It didn’t seem like it was an attempted suicide or anything so I don’t understand why he was in a mental place.

There was also a big reveal that made no sense to me. Pregnant wife was killed. There’s a vision of the wife, rubbing her pregnant belly and looking in the mirror before someone comes in and shoots her in the head. So she was killed while pregnant. Ghost of wife and dead baby show up. Ghost wife says that the dead ghost baby isn’t the only baby, that it was actually twins and the other one lived but no one knows about her, not even her family. The baby is a Jane Doe in the city of Lexington. Okay. How? If the mother dies the fetus dies within minutes. So who popped in and rescued that baby immediately? I guess she’d have had to been cut open, the coroner didn’t notice? The family didn’t have questions? It also seemed like she wasn’t very far along as no one knew she was pregnant, so that baby would have needed some serious medical intervention to survive.

Maybe these questions are answered in the sequel but I’ll never know. If you have read the sequel and can clear the baby thing up for me, please leave a comment because I’m not gonna read it but this will bother me forever unless there’s a satisfying explanation.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Holly Horror.
127 reviews40 followers
March 28, 2024


That hashtag is what pushed me to order the book. Edmund Stones' daily hashtag about Tent Revival is what made me move it up in my TBR. This is the first book I've read by this author, and I feel it was a pretty damn good one to start with.
Sy Sutton lost his wife, his daughter in law, and almost lost his son, Allen, after he fell into a sink hole. Comatose for almost a year, Sy makes the brave decision to bust Allen out of the hospital, believing that Allen would have a better chance of survival at home. Upon returning home, a nurse from the hospital stops by and is given the job of caring for Allen. Within a couple of days, Allen is up and walking around, looking better than before his accident. A bit odd, eh? Could it be the medication the nurse provided? Could it be from being at home? Or could it be linked to that big circus like tent on old Owen's farm at the end of that woods where an attractive, mysterious man named Sage spreading the word about the Tent Revival that seems to be the talk of the town. One thing is for sure. Since the newcomers' arrival, Allen and the rest of the town sure are acting strange.
Profile Image for Heather Blikle.
19 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2024
I have never in my life wanted to DNF a book before as badly as this one. I pushed through but unfortunately it feels like so much time wasted. The story is interesting, but I found the dialogue very unbelievable and mundane. I also grew very tired of the Cadillac being referred to as a vehicle like a president would ride in over and over again.
The story didn’t feel like it flowed smoothly either.
Profile Image for Kay.
17 reviews
June 23, 2024
I would have DNF'd this if it wasn't for the 2024 Books of Horror Brawl. An actual sentence printed in this book: "She stepped into the grass and ran to the car, her large breasts flopping in her shirt, threatening to hit her in the face if she didn't slow down." The story never clarified itself, I still don't know who Rebecca is and all the unnecessary male-centered sex had me cringing in the coffee shop. I could not wait to return this to Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Lacey Devane.
311 reviews19 followers
May 9, 2024
Well then!!

So note to self….when a tent revival comes to town it’s time to leave!!! 😆

I enjoyed this book, it was different but it was a fun, fast, easy read to me. It has small town horror, cosmic horror, ghost, some mystery, creepy smut and gore! With all the twists in this one I need more answers so I’m gonna have to dive into the other books soon!
Profile Image for Jon Cohn.
Author 14 books320 followers
May 6, 2024
You know in those early seasons of American Horror Story there were like 8 different wild elements going on, and you would wonder how on earth Ryan Murphy would be able to pull all these crazy things together, and then it turned out he couldn't and it all fell apart like 2/3 of the way through?

Ryan Murphy could stand to take some lessons from Edmund Stone. This book has EVERYTHING, and it absolutely nails pulling all the mixed parts together. I considered listing a few examples of the multitude of absolutely outrageous things going on in this book, but at the same time part of it’s charm for me was discovering just how far Edmund could up the ante in inventive ways as all of our characters careen toward an inevitable showdown at the mysterious Sage’s Tent Revival.

I’m really torn on how to approach this review, because on one hand I want to shout from the rooftops that everyone needs to read this book. On the other hand, I’m terribly afraid of spoilers by explaining why. So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to list some other movies/books that I felt like had some comparable elements, and if any of those things are your jam, maybe you should read this book.

Twin Peaks, Midnight Mass, Ghostland, IT, Clive Barker in general, American Horror Story (Freak Show and Asylum in particular), Doctor Sleep.

There's also some light political and religious commentary that feels properly communicated without beating you over the head with it, which I always appreciate. Like all other elements in this story, it all comes together in a blender of “mixed parts” that results in the most delicious smoothie of a book I’ve read in some time. As far as Trigger Warnings go, I would say this book has a bit of gore, some sex, but not really an excessive amount of either.

This book is the first in a series known as The Rebecca Mythos, and I CANNOT WAIT to get started on book 2!
Profile Image for Sara Ferrarese.
131 reviews3 followers
July 22, 2024
Not for me

I didn't love this book. There's not really anything I can point to as being wrong with it, the story just didn't really grab me.
Profile Image for Heather Brock.
257 reviews40 followers
April 11, 2024
This book has a fun premise, but the execution missed the mark with me personally. Sometimes, events felt rushed, and details appeared from left field. What, exactly, is Rebecca? What is there to this symbiotic relationship between her and the parts? They seem to power one another, unable to function without the other. Why do the parts have to be just that, parts? What purpose does it serve? I'm left mildly confused by this story. And while not important, the fact that two characters are "in love" after two days feels contrived. This book could use another could edit as well, but the typos and errors weren't necessarily enough to fully pull me from the story. I think with some better construction and a final polish this book could be great.
Profile Image for Jamie.
32 reviews
January 19, 2024
I finished this book a couple days ago and I've been trying to figure out how to review it. The story is very bizarre and unlike anything I've ever read before.

Sy Sutton is a 55-yr old man still grieving his wife who passed a year before, and now has his adult son recovering from a terrible accident. Before we can even figure out what the son, Allen, is suffering from, he gets taken into this bizarre camaraderie of people(? term used lightly) who worship a humanoid tentacle sex monster vampire thing called Rebecca. Turns out, Allen has a special role to play in this cult(?) and it's up to Sy to figure out what is going on and save him before it's too late.

This book has gore, cosmic horror, ghosts, lots of weird sex, cannibalism, sinkholes, and an extremely fast pace. Be prepared to completely suspend your disbelief because most of this book makes no sense from a logical standpoint, but it can still be entertaining.

I have lots of story questions that the author hopefully summed up in the two sequels, but I have no desire to continue the series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Brandy.
2,028 reviews
July 5, 2024
I would have DNF this book if it weren’t for the Indie Brawl. I made myself finish so I can accurately vote but the writing was truly awful, sophomoric and jumbled. This book needs an editor in a major way, there’s so many grammatical errors and repetitive sentences. There were WAY too many characters and the storyline bounces all over the place with no direction. The dialogue sounds like it was written by someone who has never had an actual conversation with another person. When there’s a lull in the story, he throws in a gratuitous sex scene that sounds like a 14 year old boy wrote it. There’s little to no backstory on some of the major plot points. That said, the plot HAD potential. It’s a unique premise but in serious need of a good editor.
Profile Image for Amanda Ruzsa.
Author 5 books45 followers
June 17, 2024
This did not go how I expected. And that is exactly why you should grab this book. Religious horror gets a fresh addition, one where the characters are vividly painted and easily liked or hated. The book starts off with tension and doesn’t really ever slow down, just a steady unfolding of wtf in the best way. The relationships between characters are relatable and realistic, making this an immersive and unsettling story of what you see isn’t always what’s important… it’s what’s unseen that you should worry about. Especially when it’s revealed. Def recommend.
Profile Image for Ben Young.
Author 3 books82 followers
April 8, 2023
Fans of small town horror will love this one. It has elements of Black Mouth, Revival, plenty of gore and a touch of cosmic dread. Loved it! Onto book two now…
Profile Image for Sophie.
181 reviews17 followers
May 11, 2023
I was given this book in exchange for an honest review. I loved tent revival by Edmund stone it was great, entertaining and a great flowing story, It was a super creepy read that leaves you totally unsure at whats going on and who to trust, all of the charatcters were written really well, I loved sy that man was boss! I didnt really find it to be that gruesome as I read lots of extreme horror but I very much enjoyed. I found the enemies and their 'powers' to be quite fun. All in all a great read and a little wacky.
Profile Image for Angel Medina.
Author 12 books92 followers
April 18, 2024
This was the second book I've read from Edumnd. I have to say this was even better than the first book I read. Let's just say you won't see a carnival tent the same ever again after reading this one. I couldn't stop reading as I couldn't see myself trusting any of the characters, expecting the big twist at the end. The end has the biggest twist of all.

My only complaint... I have to wait for book 2, damn you Edmund, why did you do this to me?
Next time you see a tent, you might want to think twice before entering it, hehe.
Profile Image for Rhonda Bobbitt.
399 reviews33 followers
February 7, 2024
Book review
Edmond Stone
Tent Revivial
This was a strange combination of small-town horror and crazy cosmic horror. I loved the plot of the story and the amazing writing. There were so many twists in the book that I didn't see coming. And that ending 🤯... um, what the heck just happened there, Mr. Stone.
Profile Image for ScarlettAnomalyReads.
158 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2024
I'm front the Bible belt x where tent revivals are all over.
I've never been a fan, and now I will be giving them a wide berth.

I KNEW it I knew it all I'll say lol

Loved this, and as my first book by Stone, I will be returning
Profile Image for kristy.
38 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2023
This book was amazing! It has the right amount of horror and kept me turning pages. I was glad I grabbed the rest of the books in the series! Definitely recommend!
Profile Image for Asia Brito Guerrero.
Author 8 books93 followers
March 21, 2024
What a story!

This was such a fun, gory, weird (in a great way!) story and I absolutely loved it! I've never read anything like it and that ending was great.
Profile Image for Leah.
68 reviews2 followers
June 29, 2024
2024 Indie Book Brawl Review:

A man tries to save his family from the weird events at the Revival tent that has been set up, seemingly randomly, in town.

The pacing, structure, and writing made it very hard to get invested in the story. The dialogue feels robotic, and there is a lot of telling vs. showing, leaving no room to really grow to care about any of the characters or the storyline. A lot of details didn't make sense, outside of the usual cosmic horror sphere of things not making sense.
Profile Image for Catherine Whitaker.
220 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2024
Just no.
For a start, this book badly needed editing and proofreading. It felt like no one had ever laid eyes on the text before publishing.
I should have known how things were going to be when I encountered the following sentence at the very start of the book:
"A few cars belonging to the night shift workers who carpooled to jobs in the next county over remained in the lot at McDonald's, belonging to the night shift workers who carpooled to jobs in the next county over."

Unbelievable content errors throughout, in punctuation, spelling, grammar, and words which were mistaken for similar words.
Potentially the worst of the worst was "Marshall law" instead of "martial".
Plenty of "peaked" instead of "peeked". People were "implemented" in murders rather than "implicated".

Overall it just screamed "someone should have fixed this".

The plot could have been decent, and some of it was entertaining when the text wasn't tanking it. Unfortunately though, a fair bit of it was just nonsense. There was an attempt to build a lore but it was half hearted and as a result, when brought into play for the big showdown, nothing made any sense at all. Seriously disappointing from start to finish.
Profile Image for Candace Nola.
Author 67 books248 followers
October 1, 2021
Tent Revival follows Allen Sutton as he miraculously recovers from a horrible injury after his young wife passes away. His father Sy, goes to see Allen at the hospital, where he had been wasting away for weeks, determined to bring him home and care for him there. Within a day of bringing him home, against medical orders, young nurse Rhonda shows up offering to care for Allen in exchange for room & board. Within 24 hours, Allen is awake, walking and talking as if nothing had happened. Rhonda admits to knowing Allen from before his accident but Sy and Allen’s sister, Sally, are too overjoyed to be suspicious of her sudden appearance or Allen’s sudden recovery.

Meanwhile, the small town of Salt Flat has been preparing for an event, a tent revival of all things, the likes of which the small town has not seen in years. Flyers are everywhere and the whole town is buzzing with gossip of the mysterious magic man known only as “The Sage”.
Sy Sutton and his new friend Patty quickly realize that things are no longer what they seem and become determined to save Allen from an ancient evil intent on claiming him for her own.

Tent Revival is cosmic horror at its best, mixing in fresh concepts with ancient beings, dynamic writing with relatable characters and subtle terror on each page, each more graphic and intense than the last, so expertly done that you no longer remember when you first began holding your breath as you read, page by page. I look forward to the next installment in this series.

4.5 stars for Tent Revival by Edmund Stone.
Profile Image for J.D. Edwin.
Author 6 books40 followers
December 16, 2021
Tent Revival a is a mix of small town mystery and cosmic horror, an unusual combination that makes for a unique and interesting read. As a long-time horror fan, I quite enjoyed the occasional gory imagery, though is definite not for the faint of heart. While the story is a little slow to start, it's easy to become invested once the story once the action and mystery ramps up. Recommended for fans of classic horror and Lovecraftian horror.
249 reviews2 followers
April 25, 2024
3.5/5 Stars

An old-fashioned tent revival has swept through a small town and sunk its claws deep into the ready-to-prey townies. Before it takes place, Allen, a young man in a coma from a terrible accident, awakens and is drawn into a plot darker and more ancient than he dares imagine for something else is also rising from a long slumber, and she's hungry, powerful, and ready to remove all obstacles in her path.

At its heart, this is a cosmic horror between an ancient horror aching to fully awake and the underdog good guys made up of an assortment of odds and ends folks. The characters are an interesting collection and you get an intimate view of their storylines.

Things roll too fast with this one. You have a woman who tells one of the main characters that she's into girls, and then changes her mind to fall madly in love with the drunken old father after a couple of days of drinking moonshine. This bothered me because they mentioned after the fact that oh, she likes boys too, she's just more selective with them... but um, she states multiple times she's into women and then somehow getting drunk enough to pee herself is a good indication that this hunk of a drunk is the right choice to change who attracts her? I don't know if this was a throwback to old cliche horror, but there's a mention of a big-breasted woman running with her breasts threatening to give her a black eye. My man, that better be a nod to something and not serious, cause no, just no.

The fact that it only took a couple of days of drunken, juvenile intercourse and running around town to create a long-lasting romance between a straight drunk and a lesbian, at least bi, drunk really summed up the speed of the story. It just tumbled too quickly forward, not fleshing out what needed fleshed, maybe there were too many characters being explored, something missed the mark.

Additionally, deeper into the story, the editing became rougher and rougher.

I like the story idea, but this still needs polishing and further development.
Profile Image for Jordan.
593 reviews24 followers
August 24, 2024
After reading this, I can say with absolute certainty that I will not be attending any tent revivals! All of my parts need to stay exactly where they are, thank you very much!

Tent Revival was an interesting book. A big white tent suddenly appears in small town Kentucky with a sign proclaiming a tent revival the coming Friday. Meanwhile, Sy Sutton breaks his son out of the mental hospital, where he's been in a coma since his fall into a large sinkhole near the mine, but not all is well with Allen Sutton. Rebecca has her hooks in him, and this small town is about to have a revival the likes of which they've never seen before

Parts of this were a touch clunky to read. The execution of Patty's character was the most egregious for me, though. She presents herself as a lesbian who just got out of a relationship to come to Sy's place and make amends for what happened with his son at the hospital. In the same night, she impresses Sy with her moonshine drinking skills, and within the next day or so, they fall into bed. If you are a lesbian, you don't just decide one day that you're not. And if you're bi, as Patty further states, sure you might lean more towards one gender more than the other, but you certainly don't represent yourself as a lesbian then decide later just kidding! Any good will I felt toward her character to that point evaporated.

Some of the relationships were a bit rushed to me, but I've never really been a fan of the instalove trope in general so that may not be as major to some as it is to me.

Tent Revival was still a fun read despite the above. I loved the found family aspect of it, and the glimpses of what living in a smaller town is like, where everyone knows everyone and everyone's business. This is book 1 of a series, and I am definitely interested in reading further to see what happens next!
Profile Image for A.J. Humphreys.
Author 6 books14 followers
May 9, 2024
DNF @ page 120

I loved the idea of this story, but the execution of it was far below what I expected.

Maybe I somehow ended up with an unmarked ARC because the story was littered with grammar and syntax errors. These constantly pulled me out of the story, snapping any mysticism that lingered.

I ultimately lost my appetite for Tent Revival not long after the tentacle porn scene. Felt like a gratuitous addition. The focus didn't seem to be on what it should have been, power. Instead, it felt more like the tentacles' big break in the story.

But the final dagger came shortly thereafter, as the lone lesbian/homosexual character in the novel was set up to be the love interest of our drunken hick MC. She drinks moonshine, unprompted, says she is into women, and then seems to flirt with Sy as he begins his attraction to her. It was plain as day where that story arc was going, and far from a dignified case of representation.

Not to mention the mundane vocabulary for much of it. I would find myself re-writing scenes in my head to make this more creepy and develop the ambiance, which fell short as it seemed to lean more character driven.

I will say, maybe things could have come together if I finished the story, but over 1/3 of the way through, and I still couldn't understand the timeline for Allen's life and accident.

And the characters were very blase.

Dialogue was stagnant and often felt essay like rather than conversational.

Lastly, I think the story takes for granted the difference between mysterious and insufficient information.

Details. Details. Details. That's what this one lacked.
Profile Image for Summer R Jones.
169 reviews6 followers
March 22, 2024
Thank you to the author and the publisher or publishers for all your hard work! I'm leaving this review voluntarily and happily!

What is there to say about this book? It's definitely different, and there's plenty of death. Reading the title, you'd think it would deal with preaching and lots to do with the church, but pleasantly it wasent. Of course, it did deal a little, but not so much I was cringing, and I admire that. This was interesting in the way it was set up, and the entity described in this book certainly had me intrigued. The entity is sensual in a way, but not so much this book is filled with sex. If you're looking for that, this isn't the place to look. This book is about faith in yourself and your family. Blood is thicker than water.

The pacing of this book switched between medium and fast. The chapters were decently spaced, and I had no trouble figuring out what was going on throughout the book. An evil entity building in strength and wanting more to join its ranks decides to set up in this town. What's going to happen to the people, what are its plans, and can anyone stop it? Read and find out.

All in all, I enjoyed this book. It does leave you on a cliffhanger and wanting more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 93 reviews

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