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Kennedy Rain #2

Bound by Bloodsong

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When Kennedy bans the werewolves from The Rain Hotel, she threatens the stability—and secrecy—of the entire paranormal world.

Tragedy forces Kennedy back to The Rain Hotel, a magic-free haven for vampires and werewolves and all things other. She might have been reluctant to return to her ancestral home, but now that she’s running things, she will use all her resources to discover who betrayed her family and why.

As the clues pile up and evil forces threaten Kennedy and her friends, three powerful individuals compete for her trust. But things aren’t what they seem, and each man has ulterior motives. She’ll need to build strong walls against their magic and manipulations, and she’ll especially need to be cautious around one charismatic werewolf who seems determined to tempt her into his bed.

Can Kennedy unravel the mystery and find her place in the paranormal world? Or will her decisions lead to The Rain’s destruction and the loss of innocent lives?

312 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 13, 2022

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About the author

Sandy Williams

12 books1,043 followers
Sandy Williams writes urban fantasy and science fiction, both with a strong shot of romance. She's a fan of the enemies-to-lovers trope and loves books with high stakes and fantastical settings. When she's not being a bookworm, she loves playing board and card games like Dominion, Quacks of Quedlinburg, Dungeon Petz, etc (but not Goblins because she ALWAYS loses that damn game).

20% off your first order when you buy direct at www.sandy-williams.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
September 27, 2022
Not going to lie, I'm devastated I have to wait for book 3!!!

Sandy Williams has done it again, her beautiful writing and magical way with words has produced another spell binding book that captivated me from the first page!

Book 2 shows the development of the characters and the progression of the storyline, it is tense, mysterious and often sad but the building up of feelings between Kennedy and Blake is eating away at me... I can't believe that final answer... gutted!!!!

Bring on book 3 pleeeaaassseeee!!!!
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,136 reviews3,076 followers
August 26, 2024
✅ Pace and action
✅ Plot
✅ Main character
✅ Politics
✅ Murder investigation
✅ Paranormal creatures
✅ Sexual tension
✅(🆗) Love interest (is he though?)

“Cut here.” He pointed to a spot on the inside of his sleeve-covered forearm, just a couple of inches below his elbow. “It will bleed profusely yet be easy to mend.”
A vampire was giving me instructions on how to cut myself. My life was so normal.

This book picks up a few weeks after the end of A Void of Magic. Kennedy is now in charge of The Rain, and she still doesn’t know who killed her parents. She is also fed up with Arcuro and Lehr deciding who gets to stay at her hotel, so she decided that no one would have access to The Rain for the time being, which is a sure way to make enemies real fast. Arcuro and Lehr are threatening Kennedy because they want to have access to the hotel, but they also want her to fire Jared so they can kill him, and they want to make sure that there will be no wedding between Jared and Nora. Thankfully, Kennedy is no pushover, but she sure is in for another crazy adventure as she tries to figure out who killed her parents and why, while also dealing with the paranorms’ politics and intimidation tactics and trying to keep her friends and employees alive.

I was so tired, tired of hurting, tired of searching for answers, tired of paranorms and their twisted motivations.

Kennedy decided to ban both werewolves and vampires from her hotel until she figures out who betrayed her family and killed her parents, meaning both Arcuro and Lehr are pissed at her and threatening her. For someone who wanted nothing to do with paranorms politics and who tried to distance herself from their world, poor Kennedy is now stuck in the middle of it all. I am really happy that remained strong and did not let Lehr or Arcuro bully her. Even better, she threatened them back whenever they tried to push her too far and I loved that. We could see in the first book that Kennedy had strong convictions and a strong sense of right and wrong, but in this one, we can really feel it in her decisions and her everyday behavior.

“A vampire, a witch, a werewolf, and a”—I looked at Christian —“something else walk into a bar.”
Christian’s jaw clenched.
“At least you still have a sense of humor,” Astrid said.

Kennedy spends more time with some of the secondary characters we met in the first book, and I have to say that I really like Christian and Deagan and want more time with them in the next book. There are also more witches involved in the plot of this book, and while Kennedy managed to figure out who killed her parents, there are still many unanswered questions, and the whole tense situation between Lehr, Arcuro, and Kennedy is far from being over. Especially with the way the book ended, Kennedy threw oil on the fire and I can’t wait to see what the repercussions will be. Faes are also getting involved in the situation, and I am pretty sure that we will see more of them in the third book.

While Kennedy is making some powerful enemies, she is also collecting powerful friends. Jared and his scions seem to be loyal to Kennedy, especially since she saved Jared’s ass, and she now has some pretty kickass witches on her side, on top of The Rain’s staff that seem to finally accept her and are willing to fight to protect her. Back to Christian though, I feel that there might be a revelation about him coming in the next book. There were some hints dropped about the fact that he knew in advance some of Kennedy’s choices, and while I trust that he is on Kennedy’s side, he is hiding things…

“I’m not willing to risk your life based on an assumption.” One side of my mouth lifted into a humorless smile.
“My life isn’t yours to risk.” I stiffened when he stepped closer.
“It’s mine to protect.” His voice turned rough, and a foolish flutter ran through my stomach.

“Your wolf shit doesn’t work on me,” I said, scraping up a good dose of bravado I didn’t quite feel.
“Oh, it definitely works,” he said, his voice dropping an octave. “I can smell—”
“You’re going to smell my fist in your face if you don’t let me go.”

Kennedy and Blake have this sexual tension between them, but at the same time, I am not sure if Blake will be the endgame. For now, I don’t know who else it could be except maybe Christian? There is something weird going on with him and he seems to know Kennedy and care for her more than he should for someone who’s known her for a few weeks only. Back to Blake though… I am not impressed with him. I like that he and Kennedy didn’t just fall into bed together simply because they were both attracted to each other. Kennedy does not want to get romantically involved with a paranorm, and Blake cannot go against his alpha. On top of that, it would be a breach of the treaty since the Rains are supposed to remain neutral, and getting involved with Blake would put Kennedy on the werewolf side of politics… So while he has been the obvious potential love interest since the beginning of the first book, it would be very complicated for them to get involved.

So yeah… I am not sure if I want Blake and Kennedy to end up together. I want them to do something with all this sexual tension, but while I do like Blake, he also annoys me half of the time.

While this is a very entertaining and fast-paced read, I also find that it lacks some substance when it comes to the characters. A lot of the plot is about Kennedy trying to figure out who killed her parents and running around to find new clues, but I would have also loved more depth and development of some of the secondary characters and their relationship with Kennedy. Still, I really enjoyed this book and flew through it, and I am starting the next one right now!

1. A Void of Magic ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for Namera [The Literary Invertebrate].
1,325 reviews3,495 followers
November 3, 2022
Now that it's been over a month, I find I don't have an awful lot to say about this book.

It's a decently well-written urban fantasy with a romance that looks promising but hasn't really developed yet. Fans of a slow burn, this one's for you - I'm getting Kate/Curran vibes (plus the hero's even a shapeshifter).

Overall, I plan to continue with this series, but I'm reserving full judgement until the plot gets somewhere. This book was quite filler-y.


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Profile Image for TJ.
3,029 reviews207 followers
October 3, 2023

Rounding up because the things I had trouble with in this story are not necessarily things that will bother others.

Ms. Williams writing is wonderful and I thoroughly enjoy diving into any book of hers for that reason, alone. But, I am a character driven reader at heart, so I have to like the characters - or at least understand and sympathize with them - in order to truly invest in the book. And, in this book (and series so far) I'm having trouble doing that with Kennedy. I do understand the grief of losing her parents and the search to find the killer and understand their deaths. But, I just can't connect with a character that is ALWAYS (seriously every single word and thought) short and nasty to everyone! We are two books in and she is still lamenting her poor life with paranormals and is still treating every single person in her world like they are crap on her feet. Again, I understand her reasons but seriously folks, could she not at least try and be considerate once in a while? The final straw was when, at the very last, she had the opportunity when a hand was extended, to even smile or say "maybe". But, nope. Just another put-down, the end.
Like I said, some people might enjoy this character type, so.... *shrugs*

If you pull out the disagreeable, miserable main character and ignore all the people she treats poorly, the story is super engaging and hard to put down. I'm just not sure if I, personally, want to gamble another five or six hours of my time hoping she will soften enough to root for. We'll see.
Profile Image for Sandy Williams.
Author 12 books1,043 followers
November 11, 2022
Update: It's finished AND published! lol Onward to the next book!

It's finished! And here's the official blurb! (Just one week until release day!)
When Kennedy bans the werewolves from The Rain Hotel, she threatens the stability—and secrecy—of the entire paranormal world.

Tragedy forces Kennedy back to The Rain Hotel, a magic-free haven for vampires and werewolves and all things other. She might have been reluctant to return to her ancestral home, but now that she’s running things, she will use all her resources to discover who betrayed her family and why.

As the clues pile up and evil forces threaten Kennedy and her friends, three powerful individuals compete for her trust. But things aren’t what they seem, and each man has ulterior motives. She’ll need to build strong walls against their magic and manipulations, and she’ll especially need to be cautious around one charismatic werewolf who seems determined to tempt her into his bed.

Can Kennedy unravel the mystery and find her place in the paranormal world? Or will her decisions lead to The Rain’s destruction and the loss of innocent lives?
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews482 followers
September 27, 2022
*Source* Amazon
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 4.0


Bound by Bloodsong is the second installment in author Sandy Williams Kennedy Rain series. When Kennedy was 18, she turned away from her family business and decided to live a normal life. But a normal life also included helping paranormals who owe no loyalties to either Arcuro, the vampire caretaker, or Lehr, the werewolf Alpha. After learning about her parents murder by unknown paranormals, Kennedy has taken a stand against the werewolves and vampires.

*Full Review @ Gizmos Reviews*

Profile Image for Kreela.
552 reviews18 followers
December 1, 2022
22% of the novel and I still cannot empathize with the main character, Kennedy. She is on the warpath, is stubborn and argumentative. I don’t understand how anyone can care for her. And there are a number of other characters to love:
• Blake= the Beta (OMG, not an alpha! But still a strong, dominant wolf shifter). He drives a deathtrap and loves to tease her. Probably because he can smell past her obstinacy.
• Nora= Tells it like it is. Gruff but trustworthy in that she won’t lie about her feelings.
• Jared= the kitchen king of Vampires.
• Deagan=the flamboyantly charming vampire
• Christian and Melissa= Finally, we hear about other “political” opponents.
• AstridHer bestie from her youth
• Etc. But all these characters don’t overwhelm me.

This also has the feel of a mafia urban fantasy, and you will want to be familiar with the first novel. I struggled for a while to remember the story because I read book 1 a year ago.

As a woman investigating her parents murder and tortured by the loss of her dreams to escape the hotel she inherited, Kennedy has every right to be angry, but I feel for the others.

I spent a sleepless night thinking about all the characters and theme. I want to know how Kennedy is going to change society to treat immigrants better, to give the dispossessed, the non-conforming, a chance to live and love.

That leads to the ROMANCE:
Agh! Kennedy and Blake are a Queen and King at war! They bicker. They refuse to capitulate to the other’s demands. Kennedy stubbornly refuses to show her attraction, and Blake makes some concessions but acts like he doesn’t. It is all confusing and sexy without any sex. It all climaxes in a wedding reception where a dropped hand means so.much.more. If Sandy Williams spends another year writing the third novel I will die, I tell you!

° One favorite scene: the midnight dance
° Could be a James Bond fan movie
Profile Image for Barbara.
1,212 reviews55 followers
November 11, 2022
Kennedy Rain is still reeling from the murder of her parents, and is determined to find out who killed them. Now that she’s running The Rain Hotel, she will not continue the agreements with the vampires and werewolves until she gets some answers. She’s not sure who she can trust, but must use every resource she has in her mission to find the truth. Every time Kennedy finds the answer to one question, more questions come up. We see some new characters, including witches and fae, along with learning more about recurring characters, especially the mysterious Christian. There was a lot going on, and when it got to the final showdown, wow, I thought there was no way they could succeed against an evil witch coven and rogue werewolves, but Kennedy and her childhood friend, Astrid, really surprised me with their daring plan. Although we did get the answers to a great many questions, there are still some things left to discover, so I’ll be impatiently waiting for the next story to find out what happens next for Kennedy and her friends, including sexy, irresistible werewolf, Blake.
Profile Image for Barb Lie.
1,974 reviews4 followers
September 14, 2022
Bound by Bloodsong by Sandy Williams is the 2nd book in her wonderful Kennedy Rain series. Refresher: Kennedy Rain, our heroine, returned home to her family’s unique Rain Hotel, to run it while her parents were on vacation. With the death of her parents, she is now in sole control of the hotel. What makes the Rain Hotel unique? The hotel is a null zone for paranormals, with a treaty that has been in effect for hundreds of years; a place to recover, be at peace, or just time to relax with no pressure; a werewolf can avoid the full moon or a vampire can see the sun, or recover from an injury. The Werewolves and Vampires, plus some other unknow species take turns to come and stay at the hotel.

Kennedy is determined to find out who killed her parents, and bans both werewolves and vampires from the hotel, at last until she can find who betrayed her family. At first, Kennedy feels the werewolves are behind the murder, but things change when an evil enemy becomes a major threat. Kennedy is also determined to keep her human friends safe, as they never knew about the hotel. She’ll need to build strong walls against their magic and manipulations.

I liked Kennedy, who was a great heroine, though I thought she was a bit unreasonable at times. Blake, the second in command, for the werewolves was a hunk, who truly liked Kennedy, and I expect a possible romance in future books; but she never allowed herself to succumb to his advances. It was nice to see Nora (werewolf) and Jared (vampire) again, with the leaders of the werewolf/vampires determined not to allow them to marry. Kennedy learns her family was trying to help Astrid, a lone and ancient witch, who was Kennedy’s friend, and soon suspicions arise about a major coven trying to force Astrid to their group.

What follows is a wonderful fun, tense and exciting story, with Kennedy in the middle of it all. There is a dark enemy out there who will stop at nothing to sabotage the treaty, including causing her harm, and she has no idea who to trust. But as we race to the climax, we learn more about the powerful coven, who want to destroy everything. Kennedy must come up with a plan to stop the enemy, keep the hotel safe, and get magical friends to help her. Can she survive?

I do not want to say too much more, as it would spoil things, since you do need to read this book from start to finish. Bound by Bloodsong was an excellent addition to this series, which was very well written by Sandy Williams. I for one cannot wait for the next book.

The Reading Cafe
Profile Image for Lou-Lou Belle.
565 reviews5 followers
September 16, 2022
Excellent as always, love this author.

I like Kennedy. She is not a stupid heroine. When a stranger tells her to follow them down a dark alley, she just says no. No silliness, no random justifications for stupid actions.

I also felt really sorry for her in this book. No one, not a single friend of hers was looking out JUST for her. They all had ulterior motives, they all had someone pulling their strings.
Profile Image for Johanna.
593 reviews1 follower
October 8, 2023
Read that too fast, as usual.
While this second instalment gave us a lot of answers, it also raised a lot of other questions. This book was much more about witches and faes than the first one.
While we had more interactions between Blake and Kennedy, it still felt like things are always too slow.
Now on the bright side, still loved it, the story, the concept of the null and all the magic beings. It was so easy to read and so much fun. Waiting for the next book will once again be a struggle.
Profile Image for Kate Anders.
Author 3 books24 followers
January 8, 2024
Finding Answers

This books picks up right where the first one left off, but while so much has changed so much is also still big question marks just like in book one. The huge overwhelming theme with this book is the death of Kennedy’s parents. Her plan prior to their death was to find a way in the human world and avoid paranormals, only now here she is in charge of the Rain hotel that caters to paranormals. And worse she’s positive the death of her parents was at the hands of one of the paranormal groups. Now if only she could figure out who is behind it.
Kennedy really shows her backbone in this book. She is so stubborn and determined, sometimes to the detriment of herself. She wants answers and she has one major bargaining chip, access to The Rain. So no one gets to come to Rain until she knows who killed her parents. Needless to say no one is happy with the new status quo. The werewolves and the vampires keep trying to push her into getting back to way things were while also trying to be clear it wasn’t them. There are a lot of people in this book who are clearly only in it for themselves and Kennedy really has to figure out her place in this world as well as convince everyone that she is going to enforce her will and she will not be pushed around by anyone, no matter there title or power.
The hotel also gets itself a new employee, one of the oldest vampires, Jared. To say he is not used to be in charge is an understatement, and Kennedy is also still trying to fix the forbidden relationship between Jared and the werewolf Nora. Jared also brings Deagon into the equation, who is a good protector for Kennedy, he’s funny, and he’s loyal. Basically, as a character I really enjoyed him. Blake is back with more sexual tension for Kennedy to deal with and also an obsession with keeping Kennedy alive. There is a lot of push and pull between these two, and the scenes between them are some of my favorite.
I really enjoyed this book, and I am looking forward to book three and figuring out more of the answers to the unanswered questions.
Profile Image for Marsha.
2,994 reviews55 followers
September 16, 2022
"Bound by Bloodsong" begins with Kennedy struggling to come to grips with the death of her parents. She has decided that nothing will stop her from learning the identity of the person or person who is responsible for their deaths. Meanwhile, the vampire and werewolf factions are trying to put pressure on Kennedy to sign the treaty giving only their clans or seethes the right to stay at the Rain Hotel. Kennedy is refusing both until the identity of the killer is revealed.

When Kennedy is presented with a list of the last phone numbers her parents were contacting she goes on a search to speak with the people. She is reunited with a long lost childhood friend, Astrid, but where does this person stand now? Is she friend or foe. Also Kennedy receives information that is sealed from a fae. Unfortunately he did not leave her with a key and in order to get on she will have to go to Beltrane with Blake no less to get one.

Jared is struggling because he wants Arcuro dead and to marry Nora, the woman he loves. They have been separated about a month and it's severely depressing him. My, my, my so much is going on in this little read and so many situations that will have the ability to destroy Kennedy and her friends. War may be on the horizon. It is just a matter of who will win in the end.

While I enjoyed this book it suffers from what I am finding a lot in other reads right now: too much running around looking for something and not a lot of real substance. I would have given this book four stars had it not been for that. I hoping to read less of this in future installments.
909 reviews2 followers
January 8, 2023
This book got a lot better as it progressed. However, too much of it was bogged down by my annoyance with the main character, Kennedy. She may be in the throes of grief, and she may have logical points, but she comes across as a melodramatic teenager throwing tantrums at every turn. Her communication skills are severely lacking. Most of her problems are real and mortally significant, but her lack of preparedness for them makes my unsympathetic to her. She is determined to deny her current life, just as a scared teenager would do. I honestly couldn't figure out why so many characters in the story still like Kennedy and I assume most everyone is using her for her status in society.

Despite my utter frustration with Kennedy, I still enjoyed the writing. I do think too little progress was made in the plot for this book, but on the whole, the greater arcs and even the book arcs were intriguing and captivating. By the end of the book, Kennedy was turning calculating and smart again, so things were becoming more enjoyable.

In light of the plot improvements at the end of the book, I'm tempted to continue reading the series when the next book is published. However, I don't want another story that turns Kennedy into a whiny teenager just to slow down the plot. I don't think I could handle that again.
Profile Image for Caroline.
9 reviews
February 9, 2024
One of my favorite urban fantasy series ! I loved every second of this fantastic read ! Each book is better than the last.

I love Kennedy. Sometimes she makes choices that can make us cringe, but it's during these moments that we see her human side in a world of paranormals. She is authentic, strong and will do anything to discover the truth or to protect the people she loves. The moments of confrontation between her and the paranorms were really funny. She never lets herself be walked on.

I also love Blake. A dominant and attractive werewolf. He is someone who is not used to not being listened to when he gives orders. Being the alpha's second in command, he is used to others doing what he says. And Kennedy is not one of those people. He's protective of her and it's really cute to see.

Their relationship is just adorable. Between their verbal sparring and their concern for each other.
Above all, I love the slow burn between them. The romance doesn't happen too fast and we have time to get attached to them and see their chemistry.

And then, each character in Kennedy's friendship circle is endearing and funny. I loved them all in their own way.

So, if you want a nice urban fantasy with a romance slow burn, vampires and werewolves, this series is for you ! Good reading time.
Profile Image for Carrie.
2,403 reviews18 followers
May 16, 2024
This book has been on my wishlist since I read the first in this series. I got a little distracted and didn’t circle back until now. This is a series with a rich world and really unique, fun, paranormal bits.

Kennedy is kind of a jerk. I get it, she’s thrust into a life she doesn’t want to pursue and it’s all because her parents were murdered. She’s being told what to do by just about everyone around her and she wants no part in it. And then there’s Blake, a sexy werewolf stalker type who she is equal parts attracted to and scared of. He’s definitely got an agenda, but by the end of this I’m kind of convinced that he just wants in her pants. To add more love interests to the pot, we’ve also got Christian, who knows more than he says and hides all sorts of secrets. He also seems to be sort-of in love with Kennedy.

The big sweeping story of who killed her parents is continued here (and resolved?), but we also get more bits of Kennedy’s past, previous friends, introductions to yet more paranormals out there, and lots and lots of Kennedy saying no to really really powerful people. By the end, I was on her side, but it definitely takes a lot to love her. I will 100% be continuing on to see where we go with all the drama she stirred up at the end of this book.
Profile Image for Cary Morton.
891 reviews42 followers
November 24, 2022
I was excited to pick up the second book in this series after how much I loved the first - and this book didn't disappoint. Kennedy Rain and her quirky null-zone hotel are unique and enthralling. Kennedy is such a strong character, but not infallible. The romance was subtle but steamy between Kennedy and several of the characters, and though I do wish the book had leaned a little more heavily into the romance subplot, I can sort of understand why it didn't.

My only real complaint about the story was… I'm not sure where it's going to go from here. The mystery of what happened to Kennedy's parents is more or less solved. Big parts of the plot were taken care of and wrapped up in this story that now doesn't have far to go in subsequent books. I do hope the romance picks up eventually, but overall, this was a great addition to the series.

I would highly recommend this book and this series to anyone who loves urban paranormal stories with strong female leads. There's a lot to this series that is unique and well-written. I'm looking forward to further books by this author.
349 reviews24 followers
September 13, 2022
Good installment, disappointing love interest

Kennedy gains some agency in this book but still makes quite a few bad decisions. The plot moves along nicely and we solve some part of how her parents died.

I am more than disappointed in the love interest. I hope it changes, because Blake's behavior has been toxic since they met. He's been rude, condescending, selfish, entitled, and the way he's attempted to manipulate her and force her to want him with his magic qualifies as sexual assault. He has a long road shedding his male entitlement before I will like him as a romantic partner, and a shallow "I'm sorry" isn't going to cut it. I expect more and hope the author delivers a change with him that is modern and woke. Alternatively it can be another person all together than Kennedy ends up with and I would be ok with that. I am tired of her endless mooning over Blake because he is "hot" and "dominant" and she wants to submit. Its limiting and sexist.
Profile Image for Sandra.
3,123 reviews12 followers
November 2, 2022
I found this lacking in many ways in comparison to the first book - from Kennedy's constant anger & mistrust especially towards Blake, her lack of meaningful interactions or connections with any of the characters, and very little follow thru with in developing the interesting relationships she built in bk 1 esp with Nora, Blake & Jared. Sure her attitude was understandable given her parents murder, all the secrets, her experience with paranormal and the complete upending of her life but it was constant, unrelenting and annoying. I was also underwhelmed by her relationship with Blake. In book one they clashed but you could really see the potential for something more, in this one we get nothing or rather it goes backwards rather than progressing which was also frustrating. I still think there is more to Christian - there seems to be some hidden connection hinted at that I keep waiting to be revealed but we don't get anything. Declan was a treat as always and Astrid was a nice addition.
222 reviews2 followers
September 20, 2022
Unfortunately I did not enjoy this book as much as the first one. I think because it was more predictable. I knew what the “key” was from the beginning. I also knew what was in the envelope. I knew what the end result between Blake and Kennedy would be.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eva.
128 reviews5 followers
October 4, 2022
Why I didn't like this book - repetitive internal dialogue, with the following key topic:
- "Who killed my parents"
- "Blake is so hot, but I shouldn't touch" <-chemistry = 0
- "I like my human friends", but "I can't protect them"<- a bit selfish here

Take all of these ingredients, mix them up randomly, and you get 80% of the book. The rest is plot and it happens at the very end of the book, after I had decided to skip read the rest. I don't care how the story ends anymore and I wouldn't be staying along for the ride for the next books.
Profile Image for Deborah.
232 reviews5 followers
October 18, 2022
I enjoyed the first book more, but I really liked the details of grief that are throughout this book. I'm glad the author doesn't have her just move on from her parents death as if it's really easy. I'm eagerly anticipating the next book.
Profile Image for Marcia Wilson.
24 reviews2 followers
January 16, 2023
Another fantastic read from this author. Believable heroine, interesting characters circling, plus a mystery to be solved.

I have all books by this author and have never had one if her books fail to deliver a great read!
3 reviews
October 6, 2022
Can't wait for next book

Loved characters in this book, can't wait to read next one. Too bad it will be so long till new book comes out.It was amazing!
Profile Image for Piseog.
1,559 reviews7 followers
December 18, 2022
Another great read in this series. I loved it and the mystery, but I wish the romance moved forward a little more. The stubbornness from Kennedy towards Blake is getting a little tedious, so I hope book 3 will be more satisfying there.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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