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Survival demands more than blood. It demands souls.

Alone and afraid, the time has come for Dyna to be her own savior. She will use every skill and spell her Guardians taught her to survive. Because the damsel is dead. This time, she fights.

Cassiel and the Guardians are desperate to find their Maiden. Except they cannot do it alone. The journey to cross Troll Bridge proves harder than ever as they race against the impending winter. When the High King summons him to answer for his crimes, Cassiel will sacrifice everything in order to save the one person he can’t live without. Even if it means his fate will end in exile—or a throne.

Dyna and her Guardians will all face a trial by fire as they confront their greatest threat yet. Themselves. And when ice meets flame, will they pay the price?

The hunt for Mount Ida reaches new heights and dark lows as the Guardians of the Maiden continues in this heart gripping tale about the bounds of love, duty, and power.

1054 pages, ebook

First published September 27, 2022

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About the author

Beck Michaels

6 books790 followers
BECK MICHAELS is the author of the YA epic fantasy series The Guardians of the Maiden. She has been working on the Guardians series for over fifteen years, so she’d like to believe her characters exist in some tangible dimension, even if it's only in her imagination.

Beck lives in Indiana with her husband and two children, where she spends her time reading and daydreaming of adventures in faraway lands.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 263 reviews
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
October 16, 2022
this book is way too long for a third installment that isnt the conclusion. over 1000 pages is insane. it definitely could have used some better editing revisions to take out the unnecessary filler scenes and make the narrative tighter and more succinct.

buuuut holy smokes - the creativity of the plot! in terms of storyline, this is for sure the best book in the series. i found myself much more interested and invested in the plot this time around, mainly because im not the biggest fan of journey stories, which is what the first two books were. the quest is on pause in this installment and we get much more court politicking, swoon-worthy bond magic, heartwarming character development and exciting moments that will both heal and shatter your soul.

the ending of this is absolutely wild and had me on the edge of my seat. i am dying to read the next book, which is something i havent felt yet with this series, so things are definitely looking up!

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Koisty.
310 reviews818 followers
March 18, 2023
5 Lev Sheli Stars ⭐

Hold on to your feathers, this might be a long one... If you don't wanna read it all - KNOW... THIS BOOK IS AMAZING AND DESERVES ALLL THE STARS IN THE SKY!

This book is the third book in the Guardians of the Maiden Series and I don't really want to get into spoilers around what happens in this book, but just know that it is action-packed. It is beautiful. It is high stakes. It is epic and it is really inspiring to see how our characters have grown from who they were in book one to where they have come to now.

Reading this book was like an extraordinary out-of-body experience that I SWEAR... I have ascended to a new level just as the story ascended to a new level! This is an amazing piece of brilliance with its cleverness, complexity, and interwovenness. To see how excellently the puzzle pieces were laid out in previous books; so intelligently, that something that was just almost a passing sentence from the first book became this big plot point of importance in this instalment! Eeeeeek!

In terms of the writing, I absolutely adored this. It was easy to read and easy to devour. The scenery was amazing but the worldbuilding and just how everything fit together, was PERFECT. You have to be really excellent at writing to be able to manage to do that and captivate and create such a complex story that's still really easy to understand while still being able to keep a reader entertained. It's a skill when a writer manages to create a world and create characters that will crawl into your heart, and that will make your heart burn if anything happens to those characters.

I felt so many emotions while reading this book and to say this book concretely overshoots the previous two in amazingness is probably the understatement of the year, the decade, and the century. Beck Michaels has completely surpassed herself in this novel. Do not be daunted by the length because I admit that I was... but rather go into the story thinking that it is three novels interwoven in one. The story is split into three distinct parts and each has its own almost smallish story that contributes to the main overarching story in a really brilliant way.

The other aspect that should be touched on is books one and two, were very YA. You don't really get anything steamy and in general, the plot previously wasn't as rough on the "dark side"or emotional triggers. That is not the case in Shattered Souls. This book does up the ante quite a bit in terms of steam and trigger warnings. It is steamy, almost to the point that it is bordering on NA and my gosh, did these characters go through a lot of hardships as well! The emotional rollercoaster, as much as that is a cliche term that I felt reading this...

There were some moments that I was screaming at myself frantically thinking, Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. There were some moments that I saw coming and had speculated about quite a while before they came. (Lila can confirm with all the messages that I guessed a few things way way before and according to her left her astounded how I "knew") There were times when I was a gushy mess of sunshine and rainbows and squeals and happiness and joy. It was just absolutely adorable and heartwarming at just how cute and fuzzy some of the things were, especially with Dyna and Cassiel. But then there were also times my heart was broken and shattered into a million little pieces... and that ending might have left it as a shattered mess on the floor to be stepped and trodden on.

If I take a moment to look at the characters, I absolutely love them. They are all amazing and even the NEW ONE's WE MEET are EPIC AND AMAZING!

What I also truly appreciate is that Michaels has a way of really playing with your emotions with the characters. She can make you feel for the villain, in a way that has you totally sympathizing or understanding their motivations making it really difficult to hate them. She did this beautifully with Tarn. The elusive Mastermind. You really see who he was and what made him the way that he is.

Zev...that little cinnamon roll is still coddled in my heart and absolutely I adore him. He is so strong, fierce and caring and while he is still broken inside from the despair of what he's gone through and the trauma that he's experienced. How he puts that aside to be protective of Dyna is so admirable and beautiful.

Lucenna is still my role model, and I have MAJOR aspirations to be her when I fully grow up. Girl power exudes through everything she does. She is a boss! Truly feisty and knows what she wants. She's a powerful bitch and she owns it. I love how she has taken her role as a guardian really seriously and how loyal she is to Dyna.

Rawn that gentle, wise calm and sweet Legolas lookalike! I really need him to see his wife soon because the fact that all he wants to do is complete his quest for his family and get back to his wife, is HEARTBREAKING!!!! Give him a chance to hold his wife!!!

Von. I'm sorry I did not like you. I didn't understand you and to see more of you and see a completely different side of you was really eye-opening. It locks home the message that you shouldn't judge somebody by a couple of experiences because you never really know what is underneath and what is motivating them to do what they are doing. And you are one of the people that have now crawled themselves into my heart, and I cherish you. You and Yavi are going nowhere because your relationship is beautiful and so endearing.

Then we have Dyna and Cassiel! Those two are what I mean when I say I love a slow burn with a fantastic payoff. Because, my God, I have had to go through three books before these two actually got together in any sense that actually mattered. And boy was their relationship sweet, naive but incredibly intricate. It was a beautiful relationship that transcends "soul mates" to a whole nother level. To say that these two would go to the ends of the earth for each other and would do anything to protect and be there for each other is almost an understatement of how much these two value each other.

I absolutely adored Dyna and how she grew and how she comes alive as she finds her power in this book and finds out who she is and who she needs to be. She is no longer that small, innocent and powerless girl that left North Star all those months ago. And Cass, as much as he puts on the brave face of being that broody, dark prince. He is no longer that Prince either, even though he still has some of the scars and the trauma from that time. The two of them just bring out a strength in each other that defines what a romance should be.

As much as this book is long, It felt like this book had the right pace. And even though we still had quite a lot of POVs because we have spent so much time in those smaller stories, they kind of feel like part of the bigger story now. This was a big change as normally I do not like so many POV's but I didn't feel as if the story dragged. I was now invested in every character and everything going on and I just wanted to spend more time with each of them to find out what was going to happen.

I can not get over the fact at just how BRILLIANT everything culminates together and came together in an absolutely stunning, stunning, stunning (did I say stunning yet?) addition to the story.

All in all, this book was a wild ride. I loved it. Don't be scared by the length. Take it slowly, take it in stride, and just enjoy the excellence for what it is. BECAUSE it is a freaking perfect piece of literature and is amazing.

More people should read this!


I do not know if I am ready for this because Lila 💗 said this is going to break me!!!!

Cannot WAIT for this part of Cassiel and Dyna's journey!!!

BUT OMG 1054 pages!!!!
Profile Image for Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up).
395 reviews1,232 followers
October 4, 2023
"Even if my body was broken, I would crawl my way to you. And if I was no longer part of this realm, I would have found a way. I will always come for you."

WOW!! I can't even wrap my head around how AMAZING this book was! It gave me everything, romance, adventure, intrigue, betrayal, healing, devastation and SO MANY SHOCKING TWISTS!!! Stop sleeping on this fantasy series and pick this up! We begin right where we left our Guardians after the events that happened in book 2. Dyna has been taken, the Guardians are scattered and at odds and if they don't find Dyna soon and reunite her with Cassiel, he may not survive bc of the demands of their bond. It's a stressful time ok! This book has leveled up the whole series and raised the stakes to the millionth degree and I LOVED EVERY PAGE!! The way every single character has the most amazing growth and development that has been laid out over these last three books is brilliant! This book is a TOME ok, and I didn't even notice bc I was so absorbed in the storytelling. My only regret is that I should have waited bc that cliffhanger!!😭 Now I have to wait a month for the next one!

"Completing her mission would be her only, goal, and no one would stand in her way anymore. Because she would be the beast. The blade. The one who drew blood first."

Dyna-My girl has finally bared her teeth and it was GLORIOUS! I loved Dyna in this book, she was still herself, kind, empathetic and good but also no longer the meek innocent girl that left her village in book one. She is a fighter and not waiting around for anyone to rescue her anymore. She is shielding herself and those she cares for and stepping into her own power and speaking her mind. It's such a beautiful coming of age development for her and I really am enjoying it so much.

"Dynalya, you are my dawn. Without you there is no sun."

Cassiel-Ahh this man! Getting to see Cassiel in a new light and interacting with other Celestials and all the politics was thrilling and even though that ending was brutal, I loved every one of his chapters and how he started to embrace his own power and rightful place among his people. But really, it's all about his obsession with Dyna!! The things he says to her!!! I know he makes mistakes but I don't care I love him.

"We are women. The strength finds us."

The other Guardians
Lucenna-Still a Queen, I love her she is the big sister that Dyna needs and her "hate/love" banter with Klyde is 🤌I can't wait for more of them in the next book. There is so much story left for her she could almost have her own book bc she is so compelling.
Rawn- Still the dad of the group and the voice of reason. He is just the most wholesome character and I need him to be able to go home to his family.
Zev-I love where his story is going, if anyone deserves a HEA it's Zev. I love how he is making peace with himself and finding community with others like him.

"He loved Yavi like the night loved the moon. Never would he stop. Leaving her wasn't a possibility. It never was."

Von- I can't even talk about it. 😭 BM I will never forgive you!!

This book really surprised me in the best way. I didn't expect the heartbreak or the twists and turns and how masterfully even the supposed villains were humanized and started to grow on you and attached how I became to them. Every book gets better and better and I am so excited for the conclusion!

More Quotes I loved:

"No matter how hard you try in life, there is no guarantee of a perfect ending. Living is the greatest adventure there is, and it would be a great shame for oyu to miss it."

"They took her from me. They will all burn."

"I will protect her with everything I have. She will always come first in all that I do, even at the expense of myself. I will shield her with my very life until my dying breathe."

"No matter the rise of the day or fall of the night, I find my lips will always seek yours."

"You oen every part of me. I will prove it to you all night long, if that's what it takes. For as long as you will have me."

You are the air I breath, Lev Sheli."
Profile Image for SHOMPA.
471 reviews266 followers
March 7, 2023
O M G! The last few chapters caught me off guard, with an emotional impact that was truly soul-wrenching. I should have seen it coming, given the title, but I was pleasantly surprised. This story has been the perfect blend of fantasy and romance, delivering on all fronts and even exceeding my expectations. Very impressive the way each character was developed and the way everyone's point of view was shown throughout the book. Even the thought process of the villains intrigued me lol. There are very few authors I've come across who have succeeded in crafting every book in a series so brilliantly. I can’t wait to see where the story goes after this 3rd book.
Profile Image for Leonie (semi hiatus).
341 reviews208 followers
December 31, 2022
"I will protect her with everything I have. She will always come first in all that I do, even at the expense of myself. I will shield her with my very life until my dying breath."

This is a six POV book, told by the POVs of Dynalya, Cassiel, Von, Lucenna, Zev and Rawn.

I simply love the character arch Dyna is getting and I loved to see her transform into the fierce warrior woman she is becoming. I loved her and Cassiels relationship, although I am sad to announce that Cassiel downgraded from my number 1 to second place. Even though the book has six different POVs, it´s clear that the main characters of the story remain to be Dyna and Cassiel. I liked how their relationship developed and got more intense over the span of the book. I´m a bit sad over the lack of smut and then when it seemed to start to have smut, it was a fade to black scene.....

Absolutely loved the side characters, especially Klyde (Hi new Number 1, please honor this title) who was newly introduced. I loved his banter and his background story which got teased a little bit. Lucenna is as glorious as she was in the last two books and I just absolutely love her. This book really said we want loads of strong women....and then there is Yavi. As much as I love her and her character, at some points I caught myself wishing she would be a bit stronger and fight back a bit more, instead of just accepting what is happening to her.

Plotwise this book takes the journey to a whole new level and the world building is amazing. There are several realms and new creatures that get introduced. I loved the aspect of trolls in this book as well as the new icey/snowy realm that was introduced. The subplots and the mainplot are woven together quite beautifully, although it made the pacing of the book feel a little slow to me at some parts, otherwise the pacing feels fine. I guess we all know the feeling of "oh that is my least favorite character´s POV".

Overall it was a great read to end my 2022 reading year and I am looking forward to the fourth book in the series.

trigger warnings: torture, attempted suicide, mentions of rape and attempted rape (not caused by any of the love interests), war, murder of a pregnant woman, murder, slavery
Profile Image for Books_and_Crafts.
402 reviews1,884 followers
November 24, 2022
I am upset. This book thoroughly pissed me off with the ending. 95% of it is phenomenal but the end literally had me wanting to give 1 star. I finished it last night- went to bed mad. Woke up mad. That's how f-ing frustrating it was. over 1000 pages for that?!


Overall the book was great. If the last few chapters didn't happen, this series would still be top tier YA fantasy romance for me. However the author has fully lost my trust with the main characters and all interest and investment I had in their story is gone. One of my biggest pet peeves is smart characters making stupid decisions. It's not relatable, it's not trauma for character building, it's not good. It's an excuse and a cop out to write a longer story.

Now that my piece has been said about them... I really loved the side characters and their character development. The world was broadened and over all plot was still there however sidetracked it got with certain events.

If I decide to continue this series it will be for the side characters and their progression. I'm done with the main.

Giving this a 3 star due to most of it being good but completely losing me when it counted most.
Profile Image for Alexiani G.
306 reviews31 followers
October 1, 2022
I don’t know how to write a review for this book. I’m in grief because the book is over, because I don’t know the ultimate end, because everyone suffers in this book, because everyone has happy moments, because THAT FREAKING ENDING LEFT ME IN AN INDUSE COMA AND I CAN’T SEEM TO DO ANYTHING ELSE BUT THINK OF WHAT COULD OR WILL HAPPEN! This is too cliché BUT this book really shattered me, I thought about it when the title came out but now I’m going to be REALLY scared when the other books come out.

So, how to begin? This book is a masterpiece, it is marvelous, exceptional, it is an eminence and I am not joking people. This book is divided by three parts and I usually don’t pay attention to it, normally the books are one big piece for me but I had never felt the split of them like in this book –it was amazing-. I said it in my updates and I will say it again, the first 30% of this book is called Captive and reading it was like reading a complete book, like, when I finished that part it felt like I had already read a book and I wasn’t even halfway through, that feeling was THE BEST because my heart and emotions were all over the place while reading it and it just continue to get better and better.

One of –in my opinion- the best features this book has are the characters. Yes, of course we get more world building –because this world is AMAZING and I love everything it gives me to learn- we get more celestial realms information, we get to finally know Hermon Ridge which is beautiful btw, my imagination ran wild while reading how this place is we get A LOT of romantic and beautiful moments there with Cassiel, Dyna and the guardians, a bunch of back stabbing, a lot of history lessons, we get to know about wolf packs, YES you heard me right, there is hope for Zev😍 We get even more characters, we get to know Tarn’s camp and the people in it, we get to read about Dyna there and her crazy relationship with Tarn and all of the people there. Don’t even get me started with that part because I’ll go nuts. Tarn freaking played me, he is cold and calculative, this dude is not stupid and he knows what he’s doing, I felt bad for him at one point but like Dyna I FREAKING FORGOT WHO HE IS NOW. So, that being said, this book has everything, but the thing that prevails over the rest is them, the characters. Boy do they have a journey here.

Zev is broken here and even though he takes his mantle of guardian first and foremost he is still struggling with the Other and his past, the amazing thing about this book is the fact that he is a secondary character but still has an amazing growth in the few chapters that he has. Rawn got ASTONISHING AND HEARTWARMING chapters that made me love him even more, I think he got like two or three but those were enough to show he is more than an unbreakable leader, his vulnerability made me LOVE HIM! And of course we have Lucenna, who finally made herself part of the family and who had a lot of vulnerable moments with Klyde and vice versa, loved that . We got more of the new characters and the old, like our dashing Klyde, the dubious Von –who I like more- Yavi, Geon, Dalton, Elon, our cute but deafly Azulo, Lord Jophiel, Asiel, Sarrai, Eagon, Gale, Tavin, even Dyna’s lady maid was amazing in this book. The big spotlight here is for Cassiel and Dyna, there is no doubt in that. Their growth made me weep and happy and sad and angry and excited and anxious. This book has it all, I really have no words to say how amazing it is. I haven’t felt like this for a book in a very long time, the fact that I have to wait for YEARS to get the answer of “how will this end?” is a torture.

They looked clean and unblemished like the snow in his dream. It was all wrong. Zev sank to the ground, hunching over his knees. The hands of a killer shouldn’t look this way.

Kneeling in the snow, Dyna hugged the warrior and cried with him.

“I will be the one who kills for you,” Cassiel said. “I will guard every part of you, Dyna, including your soul.”
“And what of yours?”
“It only lives because you live. When you were taken, I felt as if I was dying. I would have if Lord Norrlen did not convince me you were alive.”

From now and through the ages, I will forever be yours, until I fade among the stars.

Also, I need to make this a statement. The amount of wisdom and EXTRAORDINARY lines we get here is unbelievable, here you can get a few:

“Pain is not meant to break you. Enduring it is in itself a cruel trial of strength. It will take some time to heal, if that is what you wish. It’s not an easy road, nor a short one, but do not dwell on how long the journey is. The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next. Therefore, keep climbing. Eventually, you will arrive where you are meant to be.”

“I know now no matter how hard we try in life, there is no guarantee of a perfect ending. Living is the greatest adventure we are given, and it would be a great shame for you to miss it.”

“Your pain is no less real, simply because others don’t understand it.”

There was scheming, funny moments, cute and romantic moments, heart breaking moments –not just with the guardians but with EVERYONE- and Beck gave us this with a perfect balance. Nothing feels out of place.

His smile brightened and he puffed his chest, wagging his tails. “I am at your service. Whatever you desire, your little one will provide. My thanks for saving me.”

Klyde grinned sheepishly at Eagon’s glare. “All right, I know we’re in a bind, but never fear. I have a grand plan.” He reached for the crossed swords at his back, each pommel adorned with a polished blue skull. “There is a wee chance we might die, but if we live to tell the tale, it will be the best one yet. You’re with me, aye?”
“No, not aye.”
“Good. Glad to hear you’ve got my back, mate.”
“I said not aye,” Eagon grumbled

When I finished this book, I was hurting in a way that nearly made me hate everything but then I realized that this kind of emotion is only produced by a perfect book. This book delivered and I know it will continue delivering more and more.

The characters went a long way in their growth, as I said, but they still have A LOT to learn from themselves and others. It is amazing how we can read and know they are getting better –or worse- and still acknowledge they will go on growing. It is the best thing ever.

One of the other things I LOVED about this book was how the title and cover fell into place without problem. I mean yes, we readers search for the meaning behind both of them but the accuracy with which they fell into place was amazing, they weren’t there to encompass the book, they ARE the book and I loved that beyond words.

Dyna’s crown laid half buried in the snow some distance away. The glinting sapphires stained with her blood.

Another thing that must be highlighted was the sex scenes between Cassiel and Dyna, this is no spoiler, we knew this was coming and if you didn’t I’m really sorry but I need to say this. There are so many bombarding and crude sex scenes in books nowadays that reading this made me the happiest person ever. The word Beck used to describe it was “magical” and it was, intimacy between people that love each other is not just wild sex, it is a moment where you share your soul with another and Beck did an amazing job describing that.

“Yavi?” Dyna fidgeted with the lace on her neckline, feeling her cheeks burn hot.
“Can I ask you something?”
“W-what’s it like?”
A sly smile took over Yavi’s face. “What is what like?”

And it was pure magic

I only had one teeny tiny objection with the book and I don’t know if I noticed it because my previous read had that. There were some repetitive declarations and statements throughout the book, not many but they were there. They weren’t a problem for me at all but I did noticed them.

So, if you haven’t read these books PLEASE pick up Divine Blood - the first book- and give them a chance because they are majestic.

P.S. I’m still hurting so yeah, there’s that.

Well, I did it. I finished the book today on September 26th, 2022. I write this record as the evidence of my grief, I will take my leave and mourned everything that happened in this book.
Thank you.

Review to come...
I GOT AN ARC!!!!!!! OMG I'M CRYING!!!!! I'M SOOOO HAPPY!!!!! this series has got my attention from the very beginning and it is perfection, can't wait for more readers to give them - the books- a chance 🤍😎

P. S. I better be happy now because I KNOW I'm about to suffer a lot🤣
Update: August 30th, 2022

As part of the newsletters team of Beck Michaels I received a sample of chapters 1-3 of this gorgeous book and let me tell you they are AMAZING!!!!! It was funny to read a lot of the sneak peeks she has shared with us in these three chapters.

Of course I have to share my thoughts on these pages because how could I not? That first chapter almost killed me, reading how Cassiel is suffering because he thought Dyna was dead was awful, I wanted to get inside the book and hug him. All the attention to detail about how he reacted and the fact that he thought of her in the darkness was SO PERFECT it made me love him even more than I do right know.

Cassiel’s chest felt as if it was caving in, but it was the fragments of his soul that had collapsed. Tears he had no control over endlessly spilled.

He finally had his mate only to lose her on the same day.

Dyna was alive. She had to be. If she wasn’t, then he truly had nothing left in this world.

“She is alive.” He dropped his face into his hands, wetness slipping through his fingers. “She is alive.”

It was his turn now to be forcefully separated from her. He hated it. How could he keep his promise to never leave her alone in the dark if he wasn’t with her? He hoped there was light wherever she was.

Also, seeing how Dyna is suffering but at the same time growing stronger is the best thing ever. She has grown SO MUCH in such little time, and her growth is believable not some random maturity that came to her overnight. This girl is on and I can’t wait to see more of her, more of her future friendship with Yavi, Geon and Sorren.

So, yes, these three chapters were AMAZING!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! it's blue!!!! my favorite color!! IT'S GORGEOUS! I am dyyying for this freaking book ahhhhhhhh!!! The crown is PERFECT, does it mean what I think it means??? don't get my hopes up Beck, I'm warning you!!!!! I was worried for a second there because the cover has blood but every cover so far has had blood on it so I shouldn't worry... right?... RIGHT???
Profile Image for Ruby.
208 reviews63 followers
October 12, 2022


I can't tell you how much i loved it but absolute best.

Just saying, Beck kept her promise and indeed shattered our souls. Idk what to think or feel anymore. Unlike I've ever been. I'm not sure if I'm happy or angry with her. But be very prepared for a whole new level of heartbreak and emotional rollercoaster. That's all!
Profile Image for Yeg.
707 reviews295 followers
December 4, 2022
A 1000 pages book is insane y'all!! Whoever does that and make me read that book(execpt for mr Sanderson obvs!) Has to have a good gripe on me. Anyways, I'm so proud of myself to actually read this book, and holy fuck, shit happened!! Literal shit 🥲

while I do think this book could use some editing and cutting out content, The plot never really bothered me much. I read this book in 3 days, and that should say a lot already.

I have no idea what to say, what to feel right now because that ending, was CRUEL AND SHOULD NOT HAPPENED, and the reveal??? I dunno someone give me the next book please! I refuse to speak more for now.
Profile Image for Mandy.
310 reviews620 followers
November 24, 2022
I am not ok. What was that ending?! I need to sit on this to form a proper review. So much happened over these 1,000 pages. So good, but now I understand the title…
December 30, 2022
Beck Michaels has done it again!!! I’ve taken a couple of days to get my head back on straight after finishing Shattered Souls before writing my review. If you’ve enjoyed Divine Blood and Bonded Fate, you’ll absolutely enjoy Shattered Souls (and by enjoy I mean you’ll cry, laugh, swoon, cheer, and feel every other emotion under the sun).

The adventure continues for Dyna and her crew in Shattered Souls. I will never get enough of Dyna and Cassiel but at the same time, I was really excited to have a lot of chapters from Lucenna, Von, Zev and one more character’s POV. I got to know them a lot better and understand more about their personal journeys and motivations. I loved Zev’s growth this book and the support he received from Cassiel #bromance 🥲 Dyna and Cassiel have grown so much since they first started out on their journey. I loved all of their moments together in SS. Lucenna and Dyna have become such great friends - I love the teasing and support they have for one another. There were multiple times I wished I could have given Rawn and Von a hug🥺 I can’t wait to see what comes next for everyone!!

So much happened in Shattered Souls - there was never a dull moment. We got a little bit of everything - the shocking or heartbreaking revelations, intense action, and tender moments. It wouldn’t be a Guardians of the Maiden book without a gut wrenching, heart breaking ending so don’t worry - Beck definitely delivers! I already cannot wait for book 4.
Profile Image for lookmairead.
650 reviews
October 22, 2022
Wow. Michaels continues to surprise and delight with this series.
And I don’t care if I just read something unedited, this felt like a love letter to her fans.

When is book 4 going to be released? I will need to clear my schedule. I can’t believe this is going to be a 7-book series!

My only request is if we have another 1k pages to gobble up- please give us a little more spice.

Profile Image for Emma Felicia.
97 reviews28 followers
October 4, 2022
I don't have any words. The ending. I need some time before I can bring myself to write any type of review.

5/5 ⭐️ This whole series is purely addictive.

2/5 🌶️ Really sweet.
Profile Image for Sowmya (bookishelflife).
487 reviews42 followers
October 3, 2022
I should have known better because the title……shattered! Absolutely wrecked!! 😖


"I will love you through whatever darkness may come, through the ice, and through the flame"

Thank you so much to dearest Beck for the gifted eARC and also for allowing me to be part of this epic journey, Shattered Souls true to its promise delivered two things- shattered hearts and an epic continuation to the story which you absolutely should not miss. Beck Michaels had poured her heart and soul into this massive beauty that is divided into three parts, it is chunky but trust me when I say you can't get enough of it, because it is the author's best work yet. I completely forgot that I am reading as I am transported into the world with her stunning world building and easy to follow writing. I was skeptical about how I would keep up with the story as I forgot so much of the detail from the previous books but I can't help but appreciate how Beck had done a great job of bringing the readers up to the speed without info dumping and redundancy

The two biggest plus points for Shattered Souls are the multiple POV's and phenomenal character development, the world of Guardians of the Maiden had always been impressive but you will appreciate the world building more in this book, all the buildup from the previous two books helped Shattered souls tremendously. As for POV's, anyone who loves a great multiple POV book would know how it is NOT at all easy to pull them off but Beck Michales does a fantastic job by not writing two but FIVE different POV's with an effortless ease and all these characters and their back stories is a true chef's kiss, their stories are heartbreaking yet pivotal for the plot to move forward. While I loved all the characters I want to mention a little about these one's below-

I can keep talking about our morally grey antagonist Tarn, I dare you to NOT fall in love with this human for all his antics lol, what I loved the most is how Beck placed Tarn and Dyna in the same space for almost a quarter of the book to draw parallels between the two main characters who had been head butting from the very start, this is not only a risky move but I imagine it a great gamble but it works perfectly for this book as you become more and more invested in each of their encounters

oh my! oh my! her character has the biggest and the most brutal arc in this book, I have seen multiple reviews from other readers for the previous books about how Dyna is too naive and comes off week- well you got what you asked for LOL, we have successfully broken this girl to create a fierce heroine and that is all I would say to avoid spoilers

Oh Klyde, your next favorite character who is one of the main carrier of the plot. A shameless flirt with a dimple and an effortless charm, need I say anything? I lived for his bromance with Cassiel and his banter with Lucenna, he quickly crawled to my favorite characters list but don't let this charmer fool you because he has a massive intentions of his own under all those dimpled smiles. I absolutely cannot wait to read more about this character

All in all I am quite satisfied with how much this book has unpacked, it is definitely a turning point for this series. If you love epic fantasy, you should give the series a go!

Strong points
-Multiple POV'a
-Characters and their development
-Stunning world building
-Easy to follow writing without info dumping
-Brilliantly narrated action sequences
-Plot and Character driven
-Best of the series yet!
Profile Image for Ashlee » libraryinthecountry.
784 reviews728 followers
February 6, 2023
I love this world, and liked this book quite a lot, but I feel very strongly that this book was far too long and this review will have critique on how the length of the book impacted my reading experience.

In fact, I can easily see the perfect spot for this book to have been split into two different books, and the length had me enjoying the book less as it progressed. Again, I really liked this book, and where is takes the story and the many characters I’ve come to adore, but the length had me constantly setting it aside, feeling like I wasn’t making any progress (which is compounded by how much time is spent in some locations, that could have been edited down a fair bit).

The “big” moment later in the book between Dyna and Cassiel, that we’ve all been waiting for, also read a little too perfect and whimsical for my tastes. I know this series is YA and I am not saying it should be explicit, but the relationship between Dyna and Cassiel has been getting placed on a higher pedestal as the series progresses, to the point that it all just feels a little too conveniently wonderful at times. I don’t know how to put it, but I just couldn’t believe a lot of what Dyna was feeling and thinking, and would have appreciated something that felt more grounded and realistic.

The ending and the revelations that come with it simply weren’t very impactful for me and also seemed to drag on past where the ending felt it should have been. I found myself more excited over finishing than feeling any depth of emotion toward what transpires. Even once I reached 95 percent, it still took close to an hour to finish the rest of the book, with no breaks. (Also, the big decision at the end felt very reactionary, selfish, and illogical, and gives me red flag vibes.)

I still wholeheartedly recommend this series. I love it a lot, and I am fairly happy and impressed with this book, despite the length! The strong points in this book for me were Tarn, Von, Yavi, and their whole company (and the time Dyna spends there), as well as Lucenna and Klyde, and my dear, wise Rawn. At this point I think I am far more invested in those characters than Dyna and Cassiel, and am looking forward to seeing where the next book takes them!

I would maybe recommend listening to the audiobook of this one (when it releases), as I think that will soften the length quite a bit.
Profile Image for elfishpresley.
175 reviews70 followers
October 10, 2022
I needed time to truly process my thoughts before writing this review because this is truly one of the best book series I’ve ever read and I can’t put my feelings into words but I’m going to try. Some spoilers

I truly don’t know how Beck Michaels keeps doing this to me every book, but this one she really REALLY got me. First of all this book is over 1 thousand pages, and with most books I would be so bored throughout half of it but with this one, there were only a few chapters where I thought “this chapter feels unnecessary” but then once I got to the end of the book, I realized they were indeed necessary because of how they EMOTIONAL MANIPULATED YOU?????

I’ve said this in every review and I will say it in every review going forward, Dyna’s character growth is absolutely astounding in every single book. She continues to grow physically and emotionally and it’s so refreshing to see the trials and tribulations of that.

The deaths in this book absolutely broke me because there were so many that made me so sad. Why did dalton have to die? AND YAVI???? NOVO??? No. No. I refuse. Yavi’s death specifically broke me not only because she was pregnant but she truly was just such a sweet character and the only good thing in Von’s life and to see him so broken is absolutely devastating.

Getting more into Tarns villain origin story was a little cliche with the wife and child dying, but learning the ins and outs of how it happened and who is family is was so interesting. Especially…


I’m a little sad we didn’t see Keena at all in this book, I mean I know she’s the last guarding so like come on home girl, get to guarding!!!

I wrote in my last review how Len and Elon were such interesting characters to me, so the fact that I went through 45% of this book where Len was knocked cold and Elon was supposedly dead is an absolute crime. I actually gasped and jumped out of my seat when Elon saved Von in the very end.

Overall, best book series I’ve ever read, 10/10, 100000/100000. I actually needed a therapist after
Profile Image for ⚡Diana ⚡.
317 reviews16 followers
October 1, 2022
“All my life, I had been searching for something, never knowing what it was...until now. My soul was waiting for you.”

Actual rating: ∞ /5 ⭐'s

Genre: Upper YA Epic Dark Fantasy
Age Level: Recommended age 17+
TW's: strong violence, gore, murder, drugs, heavy grief and loss, language, assault, child abuse, indication of suicide.

I'm not ok.
First of all, I knew the ending would kill me based off reactions from other readers, some reviews and of course - the title. But holy mother of fantasy! It's been couple of hours since I finished this chunky book. When I say chunky, I mean bit over 1000 pages (in AMZ it shows 1054pages) of pure magic and emotional roller coaster. Beck has truly outdone herself - It. Was. PHENOMENAL! Author masterfully continues to write multiple pov's, thought which we fall even more in love with all the characters and their world.

Shattered Souls is divided by three parts and it felt like you are gifted 2 books at once. It is effortlessly balanced between all parts, plot and character growth. There was never a dull moment for me while I was reading it. I basically inhaled whole book in one breath and still craved more. What is sleep and eating? Don't know what you are talking about! If you could see me while I read it, you would see me often smiling like an idiot, giggling, cursing, gawking at some scenes or looking like a sad potato, because emotional damage.. you know? I highlighted so much, that I could probably create a novella. This book was full of wisdom and inspiration. And some cruel truths, despite story being fantasy.

Anyways, ''going on a long journey'' plot continues with some great twists and perfect pacing. We got more information about realms, celestial politics, dealings with childhood trauma, character backstories and, in my opinion, clever hints in of what is to come. And so much more. Oh, and more romance, because we are shameless creatures that have been waiting far too long for this to finally happen haha

And then we have THE CHARACTERS

So damaged. So deliciously damaged, in such wonderful ways.

Dyna and Cas. Two souls cut from the same cloth of stars. They don't care about riches, titles or lands. They just want to be together. But it fear of losing each other, they are willing to do whatever it takes. And that can be a dangerous thing..
I just wanted to say how absolutely beautiful rite scenes were. To be so open and vulnerable is not easy. And their confessions - lovely. I was swept off my feet with their love for each other. Swoon!

It was marvelous to witness how Dyna becomes stronger and fiercer than before. Especially after camp. She has been trough so much and it will not be the end of her journey of self-discovery. You can see her growth and struggle with each chapter. Particularly after scene involving feathers. She is getting braver and more clearer of what she wants. She flourishes just like a flower. There were many moments where I agreed with Cas about 'stupid human' statement. But at the same time I get why some reactions are like that. We love our brave human, who often (I mean often) finds herself in danger and makes reckless and poor decisions. I can't wait to see what she will do next.

Dyna attacked with everything she had. She beat down the frail, naïve girl that left North Star. Tore apart her weakness. Kicked down her failures. Punched through her fear. She shredded it all away until her flimsy shell crumbled into itself. And with each strike that followed, that frail girl slowly began to perish.

Art by @petit_kitsune

And Cas - we love our overprotective prince aka softie. But others can't know it, because he has a reputation to uphold. We finally learn more of his backstory and boy it is a rough one. Before Dyna, his spirit was broken. He was lonely, but he grew stronger - if only in spite of those who wronged him. But then Dyna came and slowly, oh so slowly he came alive again. Bit by bit. It was adorable and sweet to witness him being more free and not guarded with his emotions. It all poured out of him. Many new things will be discovered about him and I can't wait for you to learn them. I also appreciated how the gang came to be together for him after Dyna was taken. It was very easy for Cas to lose all his hope, but he received strength from companions.

“They took her from me.” His voice sounded strange to him, like a monstrous beast speaking from his mouth. “They will all burn.”

Art by @petit_kitsune

Zev - I adore Zev and want to bath him in happiness, freedom and love. He is kind, selfless and still struggling. Broken. Protective. They way how he talked about his scars and what they mean to him - I needed tissues. He puts others in first place, disregarding his own happiness. Scene in the woods with him and Other was much needed. And how funny his and Cas's bromance was lol I need more of that. It was refreshing.

“Sometimes we may need hardships in order to appreciate the good. ”
“There will be days more trying that others, but I want to experience all of it, live trough it all. With them.”

Lucenna - She has become such a vital part of their group. She is a friend you can confide in, someone you trust with your private thoughts, and who you're sure can keep a secret. There are still a lot of things we don't know about her, so I am intrigued to learn more. And her banter with Klyde - Ma'am, I would also be staring at those dimples and chiseled abs, day and night. No need to lie. And Klyde is comedic legend. Don't argue with me.

“I have no interest in using such a crude weapon. It's too long and heavy.”
“Aye, not the first time I've heard that.”
“Oh, one would think you were raised in a barn. Why do you continue to vex me?”
“I can't help myself. You're prettiest when you're mean.”

Rawn - I was happy to get more chapters about our leader. His confession scene with Zev was heartbreaking. He always has this silent authority that is full of wisdom and guidance. And to see him before portal scene - so hopeless, it was sad. But he is strong, loyal and fierce. Nothing will stop him to reach his goal.

“Pain is not meant to break you. Enduring it is in itself a cruel trial of strength. It will take some time to heal, if that is what you wish. It’s not an easy road, nor a short one, but do not dwell on how long the journey is. The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next. Therefore, keep climbing. Eventually, you will arrive where you are meant to be.”

Tarn - We get to spend time with this twisted persona. He's a complex, calculating, cold and merciless villain. The path how he came to be is so somewhat humane. It could have happened to any of us.. How foolish I was to believe in some things.. But that aside, his childhood backstory - bring the tissues again. I don't know what to expect of him in the next book. But I have a sense it will be wicked.

“No one is ever purely evil, as no one is ever purely good. We all have darkness in our hearts, Maiden. Even you.”

Von - I wanted to shake and slap him since the beginning. Some hidden truths and past events were unraveled. I don't know what to write now about him without giving away too much. I just hope he achieves his new goal and promise..

He failed and failed and continually failed. His whole life was constructed of failures, and he knew nothing else. There was no end to it.

As much as hurtful the ending and particular moments in this book were, I congratulate author on her best book yet! 🤍 IF YOU STILL HAVE NOT READ GOTM - PLEASE DO! Start with Divine Blood and be amazed, my friend! It starts slow, as any multi-book story would. And then boom - third book takes you to another realm of crazy. Enjoy!

Reasons to pick up this series:

* World filled with angels, sorceresses, mages, mercenaries, elves, fae, trolls, werewolves, and literally anything else you can think of
* Found family
* ''Who hurt you? and ''Mine/Yours''
* Witty / sweet / classic ya fantasy banter
* Layered and Character driven plot
* Politics and scheming
* Childhood trauma
* Heartbreaking moments
* Betrayals
* Sweet and tender first real intimacy moments (if you know what I'm talking about *wink)
* Lyrical and lush writing
* A well done 'prophecy trope'
* Action packed scenes with magic, brutal fighting and quiet moments in between

“It was a dream,'' he whispered. ''Now we have to wake up.”

Thank you to Beck Michaels, for gifting me an eARC in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts are my own and left voluntarily.
Profile Image for Madeline.
98 reviews50 followers
October 15, 2022
I got the lovely opportunity to receive an ARC of this amazing book. This is a voluntary review and I am very excited to share my thoughts. This is book three in the Guardians of the Maiden series. Divine Blood is book one.
There are not enough words to describe the beauty Beck created. She gave us so much in this book. More than we deserved. This book is over 1000 pages on kindle people. It was like receiving two books in one, but boy did we pay for it at the end. It was like she ripped my heart clean out of my chest. This book picks up right where book two ended. A search has begun that has you reading at the speed of light for it to be found. Pay very close attention in this book as there are so many hints throughout of what is to come. You are going to visit new places. Meet new people. Discover new secrets. Fall so madly in love with these characters and their stories. But the world can be cruel to everyone involved. This book was phenomenal. This author does such a great job writing in multiple POVs. I love seeing everyone views and I hope we will gain more in the future. She had me on a rollercoaster of emotions. Falling for men I probably shouldn’t. Hold my kindle so tight I might break it half. Skipping meals. Staying up way past bedtime. Fated mates. Adventure. Magic. Love. Found family.

“They took her from me.” His voice sounded strange to him, like a monstrous beast speaking from his mouth. “They will all burn.”

And somehow, everything seemed to align in that moment as if at last he had found his home.

“Where do you find the strength to be this strong?” “We are women. The strength finds us.”

“I beg your pardon.” “You’re more than welcome to beg for it.”

“Who hurt you?” The question was a growl, raspy and thick.

“Sometimes we may need hardship in order to appreciate the good,”

“Mine,” he growled, his fingers digging possessively into her waist. She sighed and arched her spine so his lips found her throat. “Yours.”
Now if you haven’t started this series start it. If you have, continue on.
October 21, 2022
Okokok I’ve had a few days to get my thoughts in order after finishing cause phew, it was a LOT.

It lives up to its name and is indeed shattering. You go through the ringer with this one but it’s soooo worth it. There’s so much character development in this book and I love it for it. Dyna is truly starting to come into her own and we see the guardians become they’re own little found family.
You get to explore more of the world and learn more of how it works politically.

As for Tarn, I was talking with my friend about it and she said “you’re story is only as strong as your villain”, and my gosh I love to hate that man.

5 ⭐️ and I want the next book but also don’t because I’m not emotionally ready after that ending!💜
Profile Image for Bess.
165 reviews1 follower
March 8, 2023
First off let me right a huge wrong.....I RESCIND MY REVIEW OF BONDED FATE!!!!

Shattered Souls is by far the BEST book in the series (so far). So much happens I just can't review the entire book on its own. But basically in a book-world full of CW content this book is PEAK HBO content and I hope you understand what I mean by that, and no I don't mean spice level! I also understand the epic tale Beck is weaving and the third book truly is high stakes, more character development and new characters. I don't know how she does it but it all flows seamlessly. In a world of instant gratification this book truly cements the journey these characters are going through and you are reading the journey step by step and honestly how journeys took before technology.

I'm a romance in a novel kind of gal but the ending felt sooooo right to me. I want Bad Bitch Dyna to burn it all down and I want to give Cass the biggest hug ever. I love the Guardian's friendship and Loyalty to one another not just to Dyna. Beck also lays more foundation down while building on top of her storylines and this is why this book surpasses any books I've read this year. A lot does happen in the book, so take it slowly... it is split into parts making it easier to really absorb all that is taking place and believe me A LOT happens.

PLEASE READ THIS SERIES!!! The first two don't even compare to Shattered Souls and they were written by the same person AND there's 4 more after this!
Profile Image for readwithnikkie.
86 reviews21 followers
May 21, 2023
“The dawn is gone. The sun had set on his world and it wouldn’t rise again, not for him.”

Dynalya has really started to come into her own and wanting to not only protect herself but others around her.

We find out more information about Von & Tarn, and even feel sympathetic of their past. Von is living with a lot of guilt, which is misplaced but nonetheless he’s got that as a burden. Tarn was horribly mistreated his entire life and it really explains who he is as a character. Once you get a peek into the past you really see why he is the way he is.

Lots of sweet moments with Dyna & Cassiel.
Lucena & Clyde 👀

Out of all the books in TGOTM series I find this one the best !! It was so well put together and I loved every second of it. I couldn’t find anything it was lacking.

The ending was sad, and I felt so bad for Dyna and Cassiel. I am really excited for the next book but also a little scared to see how Dyna is going to act.

Spice 🌶️
April 11, 2023
“Walking this world for an endless age alone will never outweigh one lifetime with you. And if a mortal life is all we have, then I will spend an eternity searching for you in the next one.”

Actual rating: 1000000000/5 stars

Let me just say for now that Beck Michaels played with my feelings from the get go, had me losing sleep just to read more, and kept me guessing with every single page in this book. This is her best writing to date for sure and no, this is not a proper review yet. I need to let things settle down a bit and actually digest everything she put me through.🤧


This book is intimidating because of the size, but don’t let that discourage you and make you miss out on one of the best character developments I’ve read in a while. Shattered Souls started off strong and it was sustained, and even exceeded, the tone and expectations I set long before I dived into it. The title isn’t enough of a foreshadowing to prepare me from the hurt that Beck loves to inflict on her readers, but we love her for it anyway🤣 The entire book was a reminder of how much one can accomplish when they believe in themselves, as well as how people would go to lengths in order to secure a loved one’s happiness and safety. She managed to capture those and made me bawl (yes, not just get teary eyed🤣).

“Take my title and whatever wealth comes with it, but you cannot have him. He’s mine. By your sacred laws and that of the Heaven’s, nothing will change that.”

I can’t help but be excited on how she’ll follow this up with Rising Dawn, but from what I’ve been reading from the very first pages of DB, I just know it would be so much more that we could hope for.
Profile Image for Rahil Is Booked.
180 reviews3 followers
October 3, 2022
Remember when i said i was ready to break my heart?? Yeaaaaa, i was so naive, wasn't i?
Nothing to see here folks! Just another Shattered Soul, Ha! Joke's on me i guess.

Beck Michaels, I don't know if i want to kiss you, hug you or snap your neck more... difficult to choose.
I love you... but like, limits.

For someone who's LIVID, i feel very calm tbh, sigh...

Congratulation, you have succeeded in breaking me Beck! But i have a request and i hope you don't use this as a leverage in the future... give my Klyde some happiness. PLEASE, And thank you.
Profile Image for Js_Book.
115 reviews90 followers
December 6, 2023
Je suis vide omg je me remettrai jamais de cette fin 😭💔
J’ai besoin du tome 4 maintenant.
Profile Image for Katie Brewster.
88 reviews7 followers
February 12, 2023
I think I’m dead. Truly dead. 💀

I feel like I’ve just gone to therapy and am having to come to terms with what happened. My mind doesn’t want to believe the train wreck of emotions I feel. Beck Michaels — how could you do this to my heart?? 😭💔 I don’t think I’ve cried this much in a book, ever!! You have dragged my heart in every direction, stomped on it, nurtured it back to blissful happiness, then took it all away again! 😭😂 I cannot do this, and now I have to wait till the end of the year for book 4?!? I think I will die 🤪 (but seriously, I might.)

Okay, enough of the tears — because as is obvious, this book did serious THINGS to me. I was so invested in every minute of it and was actually thrilled that this book was as long as it was. That’s how much I love Beck Michael’s writing and characters. You are amazing and I am so incredibly blessed that an author like you exists and is putting out this beautiful story (even though you broke my heart into a million pieces 😂😝).

I don’t know what’s with me and bonded mates, but I eat that shit up like whipped cream 🤣🤣
Rhys and Feyre who?? Why is no one talking about Cassiel Soaraway!?!? Please, people, get with it!! This guys is amazing!! Him and Dyna are such a power couple, and their relationship is so beautiful.
His love for Dyna is boundless, and it melts my heart at every turn. There are too many scenes to count when Cassiel Soaraway captured my heart. For instance, when his wings were broken, but he still dove for Dyna off that cliff… 😭❤️ without any thought except that he needed to get to her. That he was ready to die, so long as it was with her by his side, for he cannot live without her. I cannot count the amount of emotional scenes that Beck Michaels creates, but boy, does she have me wrapped around her finger. But can we please talk about that scene with the painting of vows!!? Omg, I was dying. It was so beautiful and vulnerable. To see Cassiel in that way was such a stark contrast to how we was in the previous books, and shows how far he has come and the growth and trust he has created with Dyna. She chips away every broken, hardened piece of his heart and it makes me melt alongside him. But the entire scenes with the rite of flesh, mind, etc. was everything I ever wanted in love scenes. It was pure goodness, and I was clutching that book like a high schooler whose crush has just admitted feelings for the first time 😂. So embarrassing, but I'll own it! LOL. She creates PERFECTION in Dyna and Cassiel. I mean, seriously. Cassiel is incredibly loving and devoted to Dyna, but guys, let's be honest -- he's not perfect (the ending scene between the two proves that). But that's what I love about him. He's flawed, just like we all are in the real world. But Beck has created a story in which I will root for Dyna and Cass till my last breath. She has a great way of getting you to understand each of her character's motives and desires, as well as their heart-breaking upbringings that molded them into the person on the page. And she destroys me every time, because at the end of the chapter of those pivotal moments, I am left with tears in my eyes and an aching in my heart. Because I at least understand them, even though I may not agree with their choices. And that's what cuts so deeply... because I can now sympathize with them.

Which leads to... Tarn and Von’s story.
Tarn — How dare you make me understand him and mourn with him about his past?! Throughout the whole book, my heart was so broken for what happened to his childhood and the love of his life. I kept clutching the book, praying, hoping that he would make a change… but we end up coming to realize (with Dyna) that he was too far gone, his pain too unbearable to ever go back. It had blackened his heart and clouded his vision. He has killed, manipulated, and stolen too many things to turn back now. And when I realized this, I broke some more. The way he keeps Von in his service is truly heart-breaking. Dammit Beck, she makes me understand every side, muddles my mind and makes life so utterly hard to fault anyone for becoming who they have. After everything that happened in the past, and then Von's prophecy about his wife, I can understand why he felt he couldn't leave Tarn's side. The guilt he carried was sometimes too much for me, because I felt it so deeply. As gut-wrenching as it was to read, I understand why he felt like he had to do what he was doing. But can I at least talk about when he killed Dalton (Beck Michaels, WHY!?!?!) I had to shut the book and just stare into space after he killed Dalton. And I understand it because Tarn would have made him suffer, but WHY!?!?!? As if Von doesn't have enough guilt on his conscience. I think I was literally crying out loud (my poor husband, bless his soul when he has to deal with me like this LOL -- I went on a rant talking about how angry I was that Von had to keep enduring pain after pain and that I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't finish it because my heart hurt too much haha. My husband reminded me that the best books make us feel this deeply and that it proved I needed to finish it. He knows just the right things to say ❤️). I cried for Von's soul and his pain, because this was one of the moments that really started to break him. But let's also talk about the scene that started it all... finding his sister dead on the ground with her stomach ripped out. Seeing Tarn break at finding his wife mauled and his son ripped from her stomach was already unbearable enough, but then it follows Von stumble outside. Hearing Tarn blame him for what he had done was next-level heartbreaking, but the scene that followed was soul-shattering. Watching Von crumble to the ground and scream to the heavens, then collapse when his voice gave out, and curl up on the ground like a child... I don't think I've read a more heartbreaking scene. I love how Beck Michaels shows that Dyna cried with him. It shows her goodness and pureness of heart, and I don't know why, but it comforted me slightly knowing that she was there with him in this grief-ridden moment. I realize it was a memory, but it comforted me all the same. Their backstory was so traumatic, but I felt like I finally understood them.

Rawn — you beautiful angel full of guidance and wisdom. You're the father of this found family, and I love your dedication and steadfast will. I love that we got to have a few chapters with him in this novel. I didn't realize how much I was missing it until I read them. His love for his wife was beautiful and the bond he has with his horse, Fair, was so wholesome. The scene with them going over the cliff... oh, my heart. I love how in that moment, he said he was not letting go of his friend. That if they fell, it would be together. Rawn is so powerful and majestic and a true cinnamon roll in this world. ❤️

Lucenna -- I hated you at first LOL but have come to love you. Your fierce loyalty to Dyna and the budding friendship with Rawn is heart-warming. I love how much she is beginning to trust this crew and care for them all. Her trust isn't easy to come by, but by the looks of it, once you have it then you have it for life. I also love the developing romance with Klyde. I was really rooting for this in book 2. Klyde was instantly one of my favorite characters when I met him. He is so charismatic, witty, and sharp with a blade. I love him so much, and would absolutely love these two to come together. They fit so perfectly. They are both such strong-willed characters, and needed someone to match that energy. They definitely do that together. I just want to say I KNEW this was Tarn's brother, even back in book 2 lol. I had high suspicions, and I am really glad it's going in this direction. I also highly suspect that the love that will be Tarn's undoing is the love of his son (who I think is Klyde's nephew that he has been raising as his own). 🤫

Zev -- my second favorite character ❤️. I count Dyna and Cassiel as one, since they're True Bonded, and one soul anyway haha. His story is another heart-breaking one to read, but I loved that he battled through it in this book, and conquered the guilt and grief from his father's death. I loved that we got that! It was about time he had a win. I also love the hint at a romance with that Lycan girl 🥰. I desperately hope this is explored in the next book. Zev, you deserve the world, and you also deserve a woman so helplessly in love and devoted to you. I know it will come!! I trust Beck Michaels won't let us down hahah!

Last thing -- don't think I have forgotten this, but that ending has destroyed me in so many ways. The ONLY thing that got me through the pain of that scene was reading Beck Michael's acknowledgements at the end. Don't let me down, girl! Because right now I am broken beyond repair. FIX THIS! LOL. 🥺

Wow, okay I think that was the longest review I have EVER made. That should show you how much I adored this story.
5/5 ⭐️ -- I will shout it to the rooftops: GO READ THIS SERIES!!!!! IT IS PERFECTION!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
92 reviews
December 13, 2022
This book series has blown me away! What an amazing original story - I could not put it down, truly. Heart wrenching in so many ways. There are also the most loving moments - the most soul searching events that test the loyalty of friends and family. Most of all, the test of strength and encourage to face the human condition!
I so look forward to the next book. Thank you Beck for sharing this journey with us.
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