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The Noh Family

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A sparkling K-drama inspired debut teen novel by Grace Shim, THE NOH FAMILY introduces irrepressibly charming teen Chloe Kang, who is reunited with her deceased father's estranged family via a DNA test, and is soon whisked off to Seoul to join them...

When her friends gift her a 23-and-Me test as a gag, high school senior Chloe Kang doesn't think much of trying it out. She doesn't believe anything will come of it--she's an only child, her mother is an orphan, and her father died in Seoul before she was even born, and before her mother moved to Oklahoma. It's been just Chloe and her mom her whole life. But the DNA test reveals something Chloe never expected--she's got a whole extended family from her father's side half a world away in Korea. Her father's family are owners of a famous high-end department store, and are among the richest families in Seoul. When they learn she exists, they are excited to meet her. Her mother has huge reservations, she hasn't had a great relationship with her husband's family, which is why she's kept them secret, but she can't stop Chloe from travelling to Seoul to spend two weeks getting to know the Noh family.

Chloe is whisked into the lap of luxury, but something feels wrong. Chloe wants to shake it off--she's busy enjoying the delights of Seoul with new friend Miso Dan, the daughter of one of her mother's grade school friends. And as an aspiring fashion designer, she's loving the couture clothes her department store owning family gives her access to. But soon Chloe will discover the reason why her mother never told her about her dad's family, and why the Nohs wanted her in Seoul in the first place. Could joining the Noh family be worse than having no family at all?

384 pages, Hardcover

First published May 3, 2022

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Grace K. Shim

2 books127 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 344 reviews
Profile Image for Bookishrealm.
2,793 reviews6,019 followers
May 31, 2022
This was a pretty interesting read. I’m not going to lie, I was really drawn in by the cover. 3.5 stars rounded up.

The story itself follows a teen by the name of Chloe who’s just recently graduated from high school and is headed for community college. After taking a 23 and Me DNA test, she connects with someone who claims to be her cousin. As a result, she’s reunited with the estranged family of her father. She learns so much more than anticipated once she makes it to South Korea.

What attracted me most to this story was definitely the inspiration that it takes from K-dramas. I’ve actually never seen a K-drama so it was nice learning so much about them and how the writer used similar tropes and plot lines found in them to develop this story. Although, I’ve seen the “long lost family” trope before, I liked how this one was developed in some ways. Chloe is definitely struggling with her identity and the role that her mother plays in her life so part of this journey is really about her discovering more about herself and appreciating what she has instead of chasing what she doesn’t have. It’s a big lesson to learn at such a young age, but definitely one that she needed so she could move forward in life.

Unfortunately, there were moments where the story did drag a little bit. Chloe is really into fashion and fashion design and a huge part of the plot is related to her possible attendance at FIT. I wish that we would have spent a little more time on this and how it tied into her family. Instead, we were introduced to character after character who weren’t necessarily well developed and were mostly unlikeable. This through the pacing off just a little for me as a reader. As a result there were moments when I was really invested in the story and others where I wasn’t.

Overall, this was a solid book. I would love to see reviews from people who really enjoy K-dramas and see how the story holds up for them in comparison. This definitely did make we want to try out a K-drama in the future.
Profile Image for Jesse Sutanto.
Author 19 books5,877 followers
August 5, 2021
THE NOH FAMILY is a vibrant and charming trip to S Korea. It’s filled with intrigue, suspense, and tons of fun. I couldn’t put this book down and basically inhaled it in 2 days, and what I read wasn’t even the polished version! I can’t wait to buy it once it’s out and read it all over again.
Profile Image for Emma.
977 reviews1,045 followers
August 5, 2023
An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Well, if you want a look into the chaebol world this might be the book for you, let me tell you. At the start of the book Chloe takes a plane to South Korea so that she can finally meet her dad's side of the family and understand what happened all those years ago when her dad moved to the States.
Being in Seoul is definitely a totally new experience for Chloe and I honestly enjoyed seeing her discover some of the amazing things the city has to offer thanks to the help and the company of her friend Miso.

The whole deal with her family was quite absurd in some aspects and I must admit it was also very predictable. To me it was pretty clear what the endgame of the family was and that's why I found Chloe to be a bit naive since she didn't realize it for quite some time. It was obvious that there was something the family wasn't telling her and she just didn't get the clues. The same goes for her cousin Jin Young and all that happened with that situation.

Moreover, I would have loved to see her learn something more about the father she has never met, the family could at least have given her that, but unfortunately it did not happen.

I guess the ending leaves the door open for a sequel, I'm not sure. If so, I honestly don't know if I will continue on reading this story since my interest in learning more about these characters is pretty slim.
Profile Image for Monte Price.
787 reviews2,337 followers
September 14, 2022
Objectively this might not have been a five star experience, maybe it's more in the four star range. But I think that it takes massive courage to attempt to execute the plot that Shim swung for here, and to make it as entertaining and compulsively readable as this was.

It was the cover that initially drew me to requesting an arc, but in a year of so many disappointments it really did take me quite a bit longer than I would have liked. But all things have their time, and the universe knew that I was coming off a string of middling reads and needed something that was going to gag me. This did that.

Do I think that Grace was a little naïve? Maybe so... I mean, I clocked what the family was up to in the first ninety pages. And I do think that there are many a story where a character with a dead parents i looking for connection to a side of the family they never got to know, it's a well worn trope for sure. I think that Shim was able to use that trope to make the naïvety believable.

I don't even think that all of the side characters were all that well realized. At points they did come across as a little flat. Though I hesitate to see it as an issue when the narrative really made it read as though it was a deliberate choice and not a question of skill.

This book was for me the same way that the American Royals books by Katharine McGee are for me. They contain a little heart but are at the center just fun pieces of entertainment that tell a good story.

I don't think that this book is for everyone, but it was for me, and today that's really all I'm concerned with.

More thoughts found in my reading vlog.
Profile Image for ash.
376 reviews539 followers
August 7, 2023
eARC received in exchange for an honest review, and honest i will be. i genuinely feel awful writing a bad review for a debut author, so i will be as kind as possible in my review (and posting this more than a year after i've read it lol).

i was taken aback by the quality of the writing. i knew that it was YA contemporary, but the writing style is too juvenile, and while i understand that the author may want to reflect the age of the main character, it just made the mc appear so immature and annoying. the narration is so amateur and the mc's thought process is so shallow; it was exhausting to read. what's worse is that she is such an annoying banana. she does and says the most awfully White Tourist things, not being conscientious of the cultural differences at all. watching k-drama made the mc think that she knows a lot about the culture, and yet she doesn't show it! she's so ignorant and irritating about it, and it's honestly so stupid and naïve of her to only realize that what you see on tv is not reality. i need the author to understand that 18 year old's are not that dumb.

the plot progression is too slow. i get that information was intentionally held back to keep the mystery and intrigue, but it was done so gracelessly. the overall execution of the story was so inelegant, and it felt like i was reading a 10 year old's writing on wattpad 2012. the lines are awful, the conflict is ridiculous—which i expected because it's inspired by k-drama— but here it's just done so poorly. i think the only thing i liked in this book is that it is unapologetically korean, but that's it.

like even if i had read this when i was younger, this would not get a rating higher than 2 stars. as an uncorrected copy, this should be gone over a few more times, and it needs very thorough editing (i found several grammatical errors and incorrect romanized hangul spellings).
Profile Image for Fer Bañuelos ✨.
798 reviews3,745 followers
May 30, 2022
*Thank you PRHInternational for a fee copy of this book!*

Cuando me dijeron "K-drama en versión libro juvenil" grité y supe que lo quería leer. The Noh Family es una oda a estas historias, a la exageración, dramatismo y sentimentalismo que son muy característicos de ellas. Y sí, me gustó, pero me quedé con ganas de más.

La trama es muy entretenida. Es básicamente Crazy Rich Asians versión juvenil mezclado con Kdramas. Me lo leí en nada porque francamente no podía parar de leer y porque estaba muy inmerso en la lectura, empezando por la ambientación en Seul y que esté enfocado en la alta sociedad. Si hay algo que me gusta leer, que ustedes ya saben muy bien, son los problemas de la gente rica. Pero, por más que haya disfrutado eso, si tuve algunos problemas.

Los personajes fueron DEMASIADO planos. La autora no hace un esfuerzo por enseñarte que hay más allá de la superficie, por lo que en su mayoría terminan siendo unidimensionales. Por dar un ejemplo, Soo Young se te pinta como la mean girl... y eso es todo lo que es. No hay momentos donde se te explique más sobre ella, tal vez mostrar el porqué es así. Se llega a mencionar pero nunca se da evidencia. Y lo mismo con los demás. Había tanto potencial para explotar un cast ecléctico pero se quedó muy corto, incluyendo a la prota.

En cuanto al estilo de escritura le doy el beneficio de la duda porque leí una copia avanzada, pero en general me pareció algo simple y muy repetitivo. Por ejemplo, fácil se dicen como 30 veces que a Chloe se le llenan los ojos de lágrimas. Y digo, puede que haga sentido con su personaje (que, reitero, ni siquiera me pareció muy bien desarrollado) pero pasaba cada 10 páginas. Esto se pudo haber cambiado en la edición final, pero si fue algo que note mucho.

Me da pena no haber disfrutado tanto de este libro porque de verdad le veía muchísimo potencial. Es una historia sumamente entretenida y adictiva, pero también tenía para dar un poco más.
Profile Image for Lindsey (Books for Christian Girls).
1,837 reviews4,196 followers
August 7, 2023
Being a huge K-drama fan, this book has been on my radar since I first heard about it. I enjoyed all of the K-drama notes and mentions and it was a mostly entertaining read. Chloe did really bug me at times, though, especially towards her mom and the end. (I don't want to call her stupid or a brat because that sounds mean, but if the shoe fits...) (Also, there was some unbelievable parts, like what big-name fashion designer would let a teen from America touch his stuff?) I was decently happy with the ending, but I could see every "twist" that was approaching.

I'm particular about the content in books. This one had some content I wasn't personally comfortable with hence the no-rating. This book wouldn't be one that I recommend, personally, because of the content listed below.

Main Content:
Having the start of a panic attack; A car accident (up to semi-detailed); A guy forces Chloe is drink even when she's uncomfortable; Going to a nightclub; A side-character is lesbian and talks to Chloe about her father's hard time accepting her coming out, Korea being conservative, and asking if someone else is gay (also a couple mentions of gay couples in K-dramas); Many mentions of a fortune teller & curses (Chloe is very weirded out by the fact her grandmother trusts one so much); Mentions of love motels & couples going there (Chloe is uncomfortable with knowing that someone she knows went there); Mentions of drinking, underage drinking, forcing others to drink, & alcohol; A few mentions of car accidents & a death; A few mentions of a suicide; A mention of rapists.
Language: God's name is taken in vain 22 times and Jesus' name once; 2 'damn's, 3 forms of 'hell', 4 forms of 'crap', and 5 forms of 'sh*t'.
Profile Image for Nursebookie.
2,553 reviews388 followers
May 10, 2022
I LOVED The Noh Family!

I loved the KDrama vibes in this book and where every chapter is like an episode of a drama. It just keeps getting better and better, and you just cannot stop! The addiction is real. This book had it all.

Chloe is an 18 year old senior raised by her single mom, a workaholic nurse from Tulsa Oklahoma, where she is the only Korean in the school, and fitting in and belonging was all she ever wished for. As a prank, her friends bought her a 23andme DNA test. This lead her to discovering her long lost family in Korea. She is invited to get to know her new found Noh family. What she discovers is that her family are chaebols - an ultra wealthy family of department store owners.

The Noh Family is Kdrama at its best! It’s not only centered on Chloe, the future clothing designer, who longs for a family and acceptance. But there is also an element of thriller and suspense.

This was an emotionally charged read, that had me longing to visit Korea once again. Shim really highlighted the vibrant food culture from the street stalls in Myong Dong, the Chimaek and KFC - the crispiest double fried Korean Fried Chicken with ice cold beer, and the life of the Uber wealthy.

I loved how readable the book was and how easy it was to get immersed into the beauty of the characters and great side characters. But more importantly, Shim really captured the strength of the bond between the mother - daughter relationship, finding your passions, and ultimately following your dreams and being true to yourself.

I highly recommend this awesome book if you want to learn more about South Korea, the Korean food and culture, and of course fashion!
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,682 reviews213 followers
May 20, 2022
At first glance, I was really excited to get my hands on The Noh Family. Then I actually dove into it and my opinion quickly changed. Don't get me wrong, it was likable but not necessarily memorable. The characters themselves were interesting but, and it's a huge BUT, I honestly wanted to slap each and every one of them. I definitely wanted to punch the one guy at the club though.

The overall mystery and family dynamic was so weird. Not in a good way either. They just seemed like selfish assholes, and I didn't want to waste my time on them. It was clear in the beginning, that they didn't really care about Chloe. Yet, she just wanted to get that family tingle she has been lacking lately. In a lot of ways, she was annoyingly naive about every little thing. She was never suspicious of what was going on around her and that really frustrated me.

Other than that, the romance really did nothing for me. I liked Mr. Kim but I was just so done with this trip. The friendships were the best part for me. In the end, it was an okay book but really predictable and sort of frustrating to read. I guess it had potential to be better but I'm glad that it's over.
Profile Image for Maya Joelle.
548 reviews81 followers
July 25, 2022
Read because I have an extended Korean family by the name of Noh. This is the book equivalent of a K-drama. About as silly and unrealistic as I expected. I did enjoy the little look into Korean culture.
Profile Image for Inah (Fueled By Chapters).
480 reviews117 followers
May 2, 2022
I was excited to read this book since I’m a huge K-drama fan. The trope of long-lost family is very much cliché and overused but it didn’t really stop me from reading the book. It’s not my favorite trope either.

The book started out fine, I like the intrigue and like Chloe, I was excited to meet the Noh family. And I guess that was the only thing in common between me and Chloe. Sadly, I couldn’t connect with her.

I’ve learned to cut YA characters some slack when it comes to naivety, but Chloe was too naive that her character’s decisions seemed absurd at times. I don’t know if it’s just because I’m older and wiser, or it’s me being a K-drama fan, but if I was in her shoes, I’d have a little skepticism in me.

And speaking of the characters, I wish they were more developed. All of them just felt too flat, even Chloe. No one really stood out, except maybe for Mr. Kim, but even he had an underdeveloped personality.

The writing style wasn’t for me, as the tone felt too omniscient. There was too much telling and exposition that the characters felt too distant. It also got wrapped-up quickly at the end, that it somehow feels rushed. There wasn’t anything big, although I liked how Chloe realizes that a family doesn’t always have to be a conventional type of thing.

I also wished Chloe really had the chance to learn more about his Dad, but the spotlight keeps shining on the others, like Samchon, who she doesn’t even meet!

Also, the budding romance between Chloe and Mr. Kim was a little off-putting. I wish the author stated his age first because I kinda imagined Mr. Kim as a middle-aged guy. I mean, I don’t mind the age gap that much (Hello, Twenty-Five, Twenty-One!) but it’s hard when the characters aren’t described enough to leave so much in the reader’s imagination.

The book really had a potential, but sadly it didn’t live up to my expectations. I like the incorporation of Korean culture and how Chloe tried to adapt, but for the most part, this book was predictable and formulaic.

Dedicating one star for mentioning two of my favorite K-dramas: Prison Playbook and Hospital Playlist. LOL

For more book reviews, check out my blog, Fueled By Chapters.
Profile Image for Dr. Andy.
2,529 reviews247 followers
June 19, 2023
Thank you to Penguin Teen for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I struggled with this one. But it's not bad by any means.

This book was such a chore to read. I wanted to like it because the premise does sound really interesting, but oh my god this was not for me. I kind of wish I had watched a K drama before because that might have kept me from requesting this. The book is not awful, it is just not for me. It was so over the top in ridiculous ways I could not get with it. Also her extended family was just awful! I felt so bad for the MC.

Rep: Korean-American cishet female MC, Columbian-American cishet female side character, white cishet male side character, Korean lesbian cis female side character, various Korean side characters.

CWs: Fatphobia, medical testing without prior knowledge, medical content, classism, emotional manipulation, abandonment. Moderate: Blood, body shaming, car accident (no injuries), chronic illness (liver disease), past death of parent, grief. Minor: sexual content implied (side character).
Profile Image for Jess.
774 reviews43 followers
May 5, 2022
Devoured this basically in one sitting - please tell me there’s a sequel coming!!
Profile Image for Anniek.
2,233 reviews830 followers
March 3, 2024
I've been wanting to read this ever since it came out - I even preordered it - but it took me almost two years to read it. I'm so glad I finally did though, because this was so much fun to read! It was filled with so much family drama, but it never felt too heavy. The main character is a huge K-drama fan and this book read so much like one! I just found out the author has a new book out literally this month, so I will definitely be picking that up. And maybe, hopefully there might be a sequel to this one eventually, because it definitely has the potential for one!
Profile Image for Anomaly.
523 reviews
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
May 29, 2023
DNF @ page 12

Yeah, no. I'm really not into the insanely young-sounding narrative voice for an 18-year-old character, but I was willing to give it a try anyway because the book blurb made this sound like an intriguing story. Unfortunately, I'm 12 pages in and bored to death already by the mundanity (so far, we've basically only been shown a sleepover type party where the main character and her friends are watching a K-drama and being inexplicably bitchy to one another about a DNA test).

What made me stop, though, is the main character's horrific sense of entitlement. She's having a pity party over her single working mom taking extra shifts at work to pay for her upcoming college tuition. (And make no mistake about it, as she even whines to her mother: this is community college not 'real' college.) Her mom's already been forced to take extra shifts to pay for this girl's laptop for school, and when their car broke down. Is any appreciation shown? No. There's a throwaway line about it 'not being fair,' but the self-pity party and gross way she treats her mom about it overshadow that. You see, it's graduation, and Mom must not care about making it up to her for missing the ceremony due to work because she's also working an extra shift in preparation to fund community college instead of coming home and cooking for her...

I want to slap this girl. Right across the face. With the stinkiest dead fish I can find, to add insult to the injury.

I have no interest in reading a story about such an awful, entitled, uncaring, spoiled brat.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,975 reviews
May 19, 2022
I haven't seen a K-drama, unless Squid Game counts (probably not), but they seem really interesting and I think I'll check one out. This book felt like a K-drama in novel form, starring Chloe as the main character who finds out she has family in Seoul and travels there to meet her relatives. Unfortunately, her family are all pretty terrible and might be manipulating her for their own reasons.

Chloe is a pretty typical eighteen year-old girl. She doesn't see eye to eye with her mom, is afraid of losing her friends when they go to college, and wants to go on an adventure. There were times when I was frustrated that she couldn't see that her "family" was using her, but I also understand that she wanted to see the best in everyone and longed for a connection to her late father. I still think she was a bit too naïve and easily led by others and wanted to see her stand up for herself sooner in the story.

Miso is the start of this book and I love her! I would totally read a spin-off featuring her finding an awesome partner and keeping in touch with Chloe. Please consider this! :)
Profile Image for Brinley.
1,100 reviews73 followers
March 28, 2022
I've never watched a K-drama. So really, i have no idea why I picked this one up. I thought it had a pretty cover, but I don't even think I read the synopsis. Long story short, I went into this one with no expectations and no idea what I was getting into. I ended up enjoying it though!

I think that's partly because I was in the right mood for something like this. If I read it a month from now, I mightve hated it. But right now, I needed pure fluff/drama. I needed a thoughtless read, and this was perfect for that. It was wildly entertaining, even though it had its flaws.

And really, it used those flaws to its advantage. It was predictable, sure, but it used that predictability to build anticipation and capitalize on the drama. Our main character wasn't exactly likeable, but she was an interesting character, and her growth was awesome. Even the "bad" things about this one were good, which isn't something I say very often.

Another thing - the setting of this one was tons of fun. The clothes, the sights, the people, it was all so vivid. Picturing it all was so fun, especially because it was as foreign to our main character as it was to me.

Although the relationships frustrated me until the end, I loved the way the resolved. Chloe was a character I grew to love, and I supported her decisions at the end with my whole heart. I loved watching her mend her relationship with her mom, it was super touching, and probably my favorite part about this book.

Although I went into this book expecting a romance, and didn't get one at all, I still really enjoyed it! Can't say I'm a huge fan of the cliffhanger, and probably won't pick up the next book (if there is one) but this was still a fun read

Thanks to TBR Beyong Tours for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,103 reviews346 followers
June 12, 2022
A k-drama inspired YA story featuring a Korean American young girl who discovers she has relatives in Seoul after taking a 23 and me DNA test. I wanted to love this story more but I found it a little too predictable and was hoping for a bit more of a romance for the MC. Recommended for fans of the Tokyo ever after series. Okay on audio.
Profile Image for aurelie *ੈ✩‧₊˚.
163 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2023
am i ever so slightly triggered by this book? yes. was it extremely unsatisfactory at the ending and made me question why i spent a few days on reading this? yes. DID I ORIGINALLY GET SO HYPED FOR MORE ROMANCE AND A REBELLIOUS PROTAGONIST? yes. DID I GET WHAT I WANTED? no. 🥲

it started off so good. IT WAS JUST LIKE, I WAS GETTING KDRAMA AND I WAS INVESTED AND I WAS ALL IN LOVE AND AWE 💗 until i wasn't and i just got super angry and just so agitated. i was actually taken aback by the quality of the writing, like yes it's ya contemporary, but all the touristy stuff, and the 'im not Korean in completely white' was a trigger for me. I COULD SLAP 🫱🏼🫲🏼🫱🏼 ALL THE CHARACTERS IN THE BOOK AT LEAST ONCE, while reading this.

the only thing that could possibly work was her besties back home. hazel and seb. YES. coupled goals because they're the only thing that literally kept me sane. and the little comforting relationship with shin ramyun?! 🍜🍜 bless for the food, for no food would've made this book go down the drain already. or more like down the wrong side of the Korean bars.

a few hours that i want back from my life, this book started off to be so good, main girl realises that a DNA test takes her to Korea, in which her dead father's real family is rich. as in k-drama conglomerate heir rich. and of course, she doesn't fit in. it's a bitch fest with everybody ganging up and hating on her, suspicious cousins and their friends, a highly judgy grandma 🙈 and a suspicious fortune teller lady that seems to hold more power than she thought. then there's a hot driver that we all thought was good.

the fact that the ending was just her leaving the country was horrible. she didn't get a dramatic goodbye, she wasn't ditched or loved or anything. it was just 'see you never'. and then THE FACT THAT SHE WAS SO ANNOYING AT ONE POINT? 😡 she started rambling on about how much she hates her mum and then is just such a conceited bitch ?! chloe why. WHY. i wanted you to be a bit more, not that..

Overall rating: 2/5
Genre: fiction, new adult, young adult, romance, cliche, wholesome, chick lit, contemporary, Korean, ya
Dates read: 7/9/2023- 11/9/2023 (4 days)
Time period: 2-3 hrs
Amount of pages: 384 (online book copy, borrowed, rectangle, small font, big size book)
Profile Image for Mobyskine.
1,028 reviews153 followers
August 22, 2022
Inspired by a kdrama premise, 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙤𝙝 𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮 was centered on a chaebol love story and the after-event of an incident that followed an adventure of a granddaughter to find her long lost family in South Korea. Chloe Chang lost her dad when she was a baby, living with only her mom in Tulsa she always wanted a bigger family and been wondering about her dad's family lineage after her addiction to kdramas. Knowing that her mom was hiding a secret from her, Chloe did her own research and find out a connection with her dad's family in South Korea. A series of emails came afterwards inviting her for a stay, and Chloe's new change of life begins.

Despite the predictable storyline (you don't need to be a kdrama fan to make a guess), I love how the theme explored on both chaebol and Korean culture; of conflicts and rivalries, the dark side of having the status, on lifestyle, those etiquette and their conservativeness. Tense and engagingly narrated with both fast pacing and plot development-- a love-hate to this as the scenes changing too quick that somehow the emotional part felt quite lacking.

Riveting dynamics on the characterization even though they were all unlikable to me-- from Chloe (her naivety doesn't sit right with her claimed of being a kdrama fan, the urge to feel accepted and her passive attitude really irks me so much) to her secretive mom (I want to understand her but it won't go this far if she could just sit and talk), the Noh family and chairwoman's real intention (I guess Chloe didn't watch Marriage Contract drama to know this) and how Mr Kim messing up his character that it frustrates me a lot. Not really a fan to Seb and Hazel parts but I appreciate the highlight on Hazel realizing that she won't be getting her Lee Min Ho in reality.

A great end lesson with an open ending epilogue; a sequel perhaps(?). Not much of kdrama charms in here to me but this would still be a great light read if you fancy the theme, do take note for bits on TW of panic attack, underage drinking and emotional harassment. 3.2 stars to this!

Thank you Times Reads for sending me a complimentary copy for review!
Profile Image for Naadhira Zahari.
Author 3 books87 followers
July 20, 2022
The Noh Family by Grace K. Shim is a K-drama mania centered story where the main character, Chloe finds out that her deceased dad comes from a chaebol family. She travels to Seoul on a whim and momentarily live in the blitz of luxury until the real truth is revealed. This book wins the most dramatic and twisted plot that was finally revealed towards the end of the book and I'm so glad I'm over this drama of a book.

Let me just start of by saying, I now dislike the word k-drama by the sheer amount of times it was repeated throughout the book. I get it, Chloe lives in a k-drama and it gets so annoying for it to show up multiple times in one chapter alone.

The plot. This book's plot could win an award by the most twisted plot. I actually had it coming and I always have a bad feeling by the family. But I get Chloe's concern and wanting to be surrounded by family but if it were to happen to me, hypothetically speaking of course, I would have run away and never looked back. Because to have those you call family lie to you to get what they want, with an ulterior motive to get you to be a live organ donor is seriously so messed up. It it not okay and it never will be.

I'm so glad Chloe is so over the Noh family and decided to ditch them, heading back home where even if her circle is small, at least they really care for her. I like it when she even knew her worth and let Mr. Kim go because he really isn't worth it. Like yes, Chloe you go girl!

If you like to watch a k-drama with a really peculiar and twisted plot then this book may just be the one for you. But because I really dislike certain aspects of it, I cannot recommend you to read this book.
Profile Image for esther ✨.
66 reviews5 followers
September 12, 2024
* this book drew me in right from the very start, i was absorbed and could not put it down
* it was a really good read and i enjoyed it, but felt that the writing was lacking a little something for imagery
* the characters are all loveable and adorable 🥰
* although i felt the romantic parts of the book were not that great
* the plot is interesting but some of the scenes were a little extra
* 4 stars mainly because i was super captivated by it idk why too 🤷‍♀️ but yes lol
April 20, 2024
good book
I like the author's writing style, and the cover art is very cute!
Hmm, what else... Oh yeah, this book was nominated as a Sakura Medal book at my school (good choice, lol). The character development in this book was pretty good, and the romance was good too!
What else... I also learned some K-dramas I could watch too lol
anyways good book 5/5
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author 15 books508 followers
Want to read
November 22, 2021
this sounds fabulous and I'm loving how kdrama vibes are seeping into books now please give me all of them
Profile Image for Iris.
126 reviews7 followers
September 6, 2023
As I love k-dramas, I just had to pick this book up and I loved every second of it.

In this book, we follow Chloe just living her normal life with her mother in the US. She loves watching k-dramas with her two best friends and gets a DNA test as a joke. Well, it was more than a joke, because she finds out she has an entire family living in South Korea. As she never knew her father and wants to know more about him, she goes to Seoul to meet her family. She finds out that they are super rich and well things start to happen from here on.

If you're not into k-dramas this book might feel a bit unrealistic, but I ate it up. It has all the tropes, from the umbrella scene to long lost family and everything in between. What I really loved was that Chloe and her friends also make fun of what is happening to her and saying it was just like a k-drama. Chloe is really struggling with trying to fit in with her new found family and wants to know more about her father. Her struggles felt very genuine and I appreciated that the book was not just all happy and over-the-top vibes, but also showed the difficulties of friendships and family. They are all struggles everyone experiences, just in a k-drama setting. Because of all the K-drama tropes and the writing, I could see it all happening in my head. which does not happen a lot.

This book definitely took a twist I did not see coming and I loved how Chloe decided to make her own choices at the end, even if it was difficult. And the friendships in this book! I loved Miso (yes to queer rep!!), she has just such a bubbly personality and I loved seeing her being a good friend to Chloe even though they had just met. Hazel and Seb were also great friends to her and I loved seeing them really talk about their feeling with each other. This really shows that great friendships are just as important in books. And her relationship with her mom was also a journey I loved reading about.

All in all the perfect read if you love k-dramas :)
Profile Image for Angela Y (yangelareads) ♡.
499 reviews132 followers
June 26, 2022
I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Copy provided by Penguin Teen and Kokila.

The Noh Family is an a sparkling K-drama inspired debut novel, It introduces irrepressibly charming teen Chloe Kang, who is reunited with her deceased father's estranged family via a DNA test, and is soon whisked off to Seoul to join them. She visits her new found family in South Korea, but she is surprised to see they're rich! She tackles a lot of problems throughout the novel, dealing with family, loss of close relatives and friendship.

There’s tons of family drama and was exactly what I needed. Chloe’s struggles and the way she was trying to balance her own wants and needs as well as respecting her mothers choices was a really interesting dynamic and made Chloe a really captivating character. I enjoyed seeing her evolve throughout the book. I absolutely loved the setting of Seoul and learning about the culture. Jin Young and Soo Young are also good additionals because their characters presented a good contrast between what it's like growing up with a privileged background versus living a normal life. I also liked how it stayed true to its K-drama vibes and there were a lot of mentioned K-dramas. The pacing of the book was so well done. I was not even once bored. I kept wanting to know more about the Noh family and learning about the truth of her father. This was a journey Chloe didn't expect to take, and one she’ll learn more about herself than she ever thought she would. A self discovery I would love to read again. If your a K-drama or love to learn about Korean drama, I recommend reading this book. Such a great book to start off my Asian Heritage Month/May read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 344 reviews

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