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Dueling neighbors, baby fever, fake boyfriends, and pizza... Life in Bliss has never been better!

Pepper Blue wants a baby. Forget the husband. She’s better at training men to be good husbands for other women than she is at getting one herself, so she’s doing this on her own.

But she hasn’t exactly shared the news with her family, and they’re determined to find her a date to the next family wedding. A date that won’t leave with one of her sisters or cousins. This time.

Which means Pepper Blue needs a fake boyfriend. A fake boyfriend that she has no chance of actually falling in love with. A fake boyfriend like her obnoxious neighbor.

Tony Cross is a pizza god with a sausage problem. He’s putting on a good show—a different woman at his house every night, flirting with all the right customers, flexing his muscles when called upon—but since his divorce, his meat has been more on the undercooked side. If you know what he means.

Except, unfortunately, when it comes to his annoyingly perfect, always put together, too good for him neighbor. Pepper Blue. Who is not a viable candidate for fixing his “little problem.”

So he’s not sure why he’s coming to her rescue, pretending to be her boyfriend to save her from a bad date at his pizza joint. He just knows it’s fun. And it irritates her. And it turns out, she might be able to help his flagging pizza sales as much as she’s helping his flagging… you know.

So long as this is just business, he’s happy to keep pushing her buttons.

All night long, if he has to.

330 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 3, 2018

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About the author

Jamie Farrell

18 books703 followers
Jamie Farrell writes humorous contemporary romance. She believes love and laughter are two of the most powerful forces in the universe.

A native Midwesterner, Jamie has lived in the South the majority of her adult life. When she's not writing, she and her military hero husband are busy raising three hilariously unpredictable children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,703 reviews25.1k followers
March 5, 2018
spiced jamie farrell

Spiced is book six in the Misfit Brides series by Jamie Farrell. I have come to know in advance of starting a book by Jamie Farrell that it is going to make me smile, laugh out loud even. And at the same time, she is going to make me fall in love with her characters. All of this happened with this book and so much more. I’ve loved this series from the start. Maybe I think this with every book but this one just stole my heart. It just might be my favorite.

Pepper Blue’s relationships have been cursed for as long as she can remember. The last fifteen boyfriends she has had have all ended up marrying the very next woman they met after her. She was never enough for them. So she’s given up. But her biological clock is ticking. And she wants a baby so badly. It seems like everyone in Bliss is pregnant. Everywhere she turns are babies. Oh how she wants one of her own.

“For fifteen years, she’d been looking for a man who wasn’t intimidated by her. Now, when she’d finally removed the need for a man from her life, life had handed her an obnoxious neighbor who just might fit the bill. Life was evil like that.”

sexy man cooking

Tony Cross loves pizza. His first restaurant was successful so now he has opened another restaurant in Bliss. He thought a brick oven pizzeria would be perfect for the town. To be honest, Tony just needed to start over in a new town. Tony is divorced, but more than that, he is hurt, broken even. Broken in that certain parts of him haven’t worked since his divorce. But then he delivered pizza to his neighbor’s house and when she answered the door, his broken parts suddenly woke up!

brick oven pizzeria

Both Pepper and Tony have given up on love, on finding a happy ever after. So they agree to help each other. Pepper needs a fake boyfriend and Tony needs someone to help spread the word about his restaurant. Business hasn’t been picking up as quickly as it should be. The more time they spend together, though, the more real this fake relationship feels. They made each other smile and feel things they had long since given up on.

“The man was wiggling into those cracks in her soul, filling them and making her feel whole.”

pizza is life mug

This book had every element for me that makes it perfect. Plenty of crazy humor, plenty of sweetness, a little bit of steam, and a whole lot of wonderful. Both Pepper and Tony have secrets, things they haven’t shared with anyone. Together they just seemed to fit like two puzzle pieces that finally found each other. Will this fake relationship’s time run out? Or is there something there, something worth exploring?

couple ice skating

Pepper’s family is certifiably crazy, every single one of them. But they love each other which is evident. Tony seems to fit in fine with them, since he’s used to crazy, his own family not being any different. He didn’t want to give his heart to Pepper, but she’s fast becoming his second favorite thing, his first being pizza.

You can definitely read this as a stand alone. But keep in mind, as in most series, all of the characters from the previous books are present. If you haven’t read any of the previous books, Jamie Farrell was kind enough to provide us with a family tree to help us with a who’s who in the family. I fell in love with this book. The ending was perfection. Not only was the book funny, though, it was sweet. The characters felt so real to me, like I could go into town and visit Tony’s pizza shop. I hope you’ll give this series a try, if not this book than one of the others in the series. Truly, you can’t go wrong with anything this author writes.

“Vivi, Ridi, Ama
Live, Laugh, Love”

Profile Image for Ursula.
601 reviews166 followers
September 27, 2021
My first book from this series, and yes. I know, it's not #1, but it came up on Bookbub so I thought I would check it out.

An interesting story. I was not too sure at first, with the cast of thousands (I think there are 13 siblings? Not sure how that was even possible, but I guess mum was just pregnant her whole adult life) and the grandmother from hell, who seemed too think it was ok to sexually harass any male under 65. Would it be so funny if an old grandpa was doing that to young women? I don't think so.

Leaving that aside, we have these two screwed up people who have been dealt a bad hand by life, and it is actually sweet how they come together and finally help each other to heal.

The MMC Tony was a bit hard to take at first, especially as the heroine Pepper kept saying how much she loved the way he smelled like a combination of things that included pizza sauce! Yes, he ran a pizza restaurant, but I don't know if that would be how I would want my man to smell all the time!
I did like that he could be quite alpha at times, especially in bed, while still fragile and sensitive.
Pepper was a perfectionist who struggled to accept that her own body was not so perfect .

It took a while for both of them to get their heads out of their respective arses, but the epilogue was beautiful.

Don't know if I will read any of the previous books in the series- that wedding cake town in which they all lived called Bliss was a tad too much for me!
Profile Image for Isha Coleman.
7,889 reviews154 followers
February 23, 2018
Spiced (The Misfit Brides) by Jamie Farrell  
Jamie Farrell has a way with words. She make me laugh as she encourages deep thought. Be careful or her charming reads will still the heart right out of your chest. The appeal of Spiced is Pepper and Tony find a way to deliver a truth we've all heard many times in a heartfelt way without being obvious. That is the beauty of the Misfit Brides series as a whole. The entire series is about being true to yourself, heart, body and spirit. Pepper wants to follow her heart, but her pride and family keep getting in the way. Tony puts on a show, but is much deeper than anyone knows. Ms. Farrell is at the head of the class with her temptingly sweet feel good reads. Addictive entertainment.
Profile Image for Andréa.
786 reviews
July 23, 2022
3.5 stars

I thought I would like it more seeing as it has one of my favorite trope : fake relationship.

I liked it well enough but I would have like for Pepper and Tony to get their act together a bit sooner. Still they made for a cute couple and I’m glad they got their happily ever after.

I would have liked some closure regarding Tony’s ex but it was just not meant to be and in a way it’s good that she was just forgotten as it’s all she deserved.

I really enjoyed the idea of a town focused on all things wedding as it made for a fun environment. Some of Pepper’s family member were a bit too pushy for my taste but I understand it came from a place of love.

All in all an okay read.
Profile Image for Jaime Fiction Fangirls.
1,637 reviews155 followers
February 2, 2020
Pepperony 4-ever!

This book was both hilarious and heartbreaking.

Tony and Pepper both have so much baggage from previous relationships that their cynicism and insecurities are completely warranted. I adore how they eased into this comfortable friendship so easily and how it morphed into so much more without them having the opportunity to second guess everything. Until their baggage catches up to them and everything seems to fall apart. It was devastating to read because you could feel their pain. But just as easily as my heart was broken, Jamie Farrell parched it up on the best way possible.
Profile Image for TheDailyKaylee.
358 reviews68 followers
January 25, 2021
Worth the read!

This was such a good read! Standalone M/F romance!

Character development was great, relationship building was excellent. Because these two start out in a fake relationship, they start as friends. So we really get to see them spend time together and fall for each other. I like that the characters had real world problems that weren’t just magically solved for a HEA. (Spoiler so stop reading now if you don’t want to know anymore) Pepper has PCOS and has found out she can’t have children, when that’s all she’s ever wanted. We really get to see her thoughts and feelings on struggling with the news and her feelings of being “a failure as a woman” which is something that many women struggle with. She was honestly breaking my heart. Tony is a divorced man who found out his wife cheated on him and their daughter wasnt his. So we have two good people who are struggling with their own issues that find comfort in each other. And they didn’t magically get pregnant in the end like a fairytale, and I’m so glad the author didn’t write that because THIS is real life too. Yes some women end up pregnant when they’re told they can’t, but a lot of women don’t, unfortunately. Throw in some angst to the story, some sexual tension, a hilarious grandma, obnoxious families, and you have a funny, sweet, romance novel! I’ve read several books by this author before, and I’m happy to say this was another hit for. Was it perfect? No. There were a few times I got a little lost in all the dialogue between the siblings and keeping up with who was who (there’s a lot of secondary characters), but overall it was definitely a good read!
13 reviews
March 7, 2018
Order a pizza before you read this book.

Seriously, when your leading man owns "Pepperoni Tony's Pizza" certain readers (*ahem*) might find themselves fixating not only on Pepper and Tony (will they? Won't they? Who's gonna get hurt? Who will Gran find for Pepper's next blind date?) but also on the ubiquitous presence of pizza. In fact, I think a pizza is the perfect companion for this spicy, quick read!

This is the 6th book in the series, so I did occasionally scratch my head to remember the particulars of certain couples. But it was nice to see everyone again--like a mini-reunion of my best book buddies.

The romance between Pepper and Tony is well drawn. They have major baggage in the past and clouding their future. Their actions ring true and even when you know something awful is going to happen, you hurt with them anyway. Their actions flowed from their decisions and them striving for goals that are at cross purposes (at first, at any rate!). All of which leads to a very satisfying happily ever after.

Jamie Farrell's prose is so fluid and funny, I found myself chuckling into my kindle. The book is tightly paced, so you breeze along at a good clip (except for the pizza breaks....but maybe that's just me!).

I fully enjoyed this book and I bet you will too!

Full disclosure: I was provided a free copy for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nicole.
3,888 reviews48 followers
March 5, 2018
Another winner by Jamie Farrell! I can never get enough of this series. I so enjoy the humor in this series and this book was no different. Pepper's family is hilarious especially her Gran. Gran reminds me of my grandmother so much so that made it even more funny to me. Pepper and Tony couldn't have been more cute together even though it's a fake relationship. They're both a little broken on the inside, but they never counted on finding the one who would make them whole again. It's going to be a tough hurdle for these two make this fake relationship real. Pepper believes she's cursed in the boyfriend department and Tony thinks his previous marriage has broken him. The epilogue was soooooo good. I couldn't have asked for a better ending for Pepper and Tony. It made my heart happy sigh so much. Don't pass this book up or any of the books in this series!

Profile Image for Debbie Does Books.
553 reviews9 followers
June 26, 2023
This is actually my 2nd time reading through the Misfit Brides series. Each one is better than the one before.

Pepper Blue has been more than unfortunate in relationships. All of her exes have married the next woman they dated after, and she's done. Tony is her neighbor, and he was burned in his last relationship and doesn't know if he'll ever feel whole again - and of course, he's sure he'll never get married again or have the home and family he'd thought he would.

She asks him to be her pretend boyfriend to get her interfering family off her back. He needs a pretend girlfriend of his own for an upcoming family wedding.

It's a thing of beauty, watching them learn to love again - even when they want to deny it to themselves.

I do have a bit of an issue with the overly interfering family trope in books. It's just not something I enjoy. Some family interference is expected and realistic. But sometimes it's just too much.

But it's not too much for me to enjoy the story - this is another gem in Jamie Farrell's collection.
Profile Image for Linda Dossett.
940 reviews5 followers
January 7, 2022
My favorite in this series, so far.

This story has it all. The quirky humor of one of my favorite authors and the heart aches that make this a great read. Grab this one, even if you don’t want the whole series.
Profile Image for Kari.
258 reviews5 followers
February 6, 2020
Realistic and fun.

I love the little town of Bliss and the perfectly woven relationships between the characters of the books in this series. Pepper Blue is strong, smart, and independent, but deals with the most unimaginable pain in secret. Tony Cross is recovering from heartbreak and trying to pave his own way in business in a new town. They’re a wonderful match and their HEA was so hard earned. Love this book.
817 reviews5 followers
February 23, 2018
There are some authors that you just know that when you pick up their books you are going to go on this amazing ride they've put their heart and soul into, which is pretty incredible for the reader, because we reap the rewards of a great story.

Spiced is the 6th installment of Misfit Brides, and after a long wait to finally get my hands on a copy of this book, it was sooooo well worth the wait. Once again, Jamie Farrell, hits it out of the ballpark with her hysterical characters, this time it's Pepper and Tony's adventure, but what's really great is she has incorporated all of the brothers, sisters, friends and family into this golden nugget of a book. Gran was absolutely hysterical, can I just say false teeth and hearing aides, which is just a couple of examples of what had me rolling on the floor. I don't know quite how she does it, her humor and wit shine in her books, and this book is no exception. Pepper is the half owner of the only Bridal Boutique in Bliss, Tony is her PITA neighbor whose cat is terrorizing her bunny hopping dog (hysterical), and the owner of the new Pizza place in Bliss called Pepperoni Tony's. With the impending family wedding coming up, Gran is on a mission to find Pepper a boyfriend to help break her streak of relationship failures (you will need to read the book to get the details), with a side mission to get more great grandchildren, but Pepper wants nothing to do with it, especially when she is secretly going through IVF treatments to get pregnant so she can finally have a baby. In comes Tony, the perfect solution to get Gran off her back, so she proposes a plan to make him her fake boyfriend until the wedding. What unfolds in this story is heartbreak for both Tony and Pepper with their separate relationship issues, hysterical relationships with Pepper's very large family and surrounding friends, then you throw in George, Sadie and Lucky you end up with yet another hit from this incredibly talented author that has you engrossed from the first page to the very last word in the book. Absolutely loved it, will definitely have you doing the ugly cry at the end, the girls just topped off an already great story.

I don't know how Jamie Farrell does it, but I would give my left arm to have just one day in the life of this hysterical author and her family. Will definitely be adding this book to my growing library of her books. Very well worth the read!!!

I voluntarily review an ARC copy of this book!
Profile Image for Amy R.
589 reviews2 followers
February 25, 2018
If you haven’t read Jamie Farrell yet, you are missing out. She writes wonderful stories filled with humor, heartache, passion, and hope. Her characters are always unique and I love living life with them. Spiced is the latest in Farrell’s Misfit Brides series and as you can imagine from the title is deliciously sassy and entertaining! Pepper and Tony, the main characters, had me both laughing and tearing up at times. They are both such fighters but even the best fighter can feel defeated sometimes.

Pepper and Tony are two people I did not imagine working out as a couple based on my idea of what a romance hero and heroine should be, but I should not have doubted Farrell’s storytelling. Spiced just goes to show that what one thinks they need in life to feel safe and secure and what their heart needs can be different things. I ached for what Tony and Pepper were going through personally as they battled demons and feelings of failure and inadequacy. The story of these two characters alone was amazing. When you put the two together into a romance, it was fan-freaking-tastic.

One of my favorite things about the book was watching Tony interact and handle Pepper’s family and Grandmother. What a riot they all were! That alone kept me turning pages. I like my romance books to have some heat physically and Farrell didn’t disappoint. The intimacy between Tony and Pepper was hot, perfectly timed with just the right amount of show. Farrell has quite a talent at balancing out the sweet and sexy scenes.

I have read the other books in this series and loved seeing many past characters in Spiced! What a treat especially my favorite couple – Will and Lindsay! I also give Farrell a thumbs up for picking Tony’s career. So much fun. If you like contemporary romance that is light-hearted, makes you laugh, sexy, and leaves you with a smile on your face, give Spiced a read!
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,732 reviews18 followers
March 3, 2018
Just when I think I’ve already found my favorite Misfit, Jamie Farrell introduces us to Pepper Blue! Coming from a large family of “spicy” characters, Pepper is that does-it-all, never-fail gal that could be easily overlooked in a town full of quirkiness (Gran alone had me literally doubled over with laughter). Endlessly kind and supportive to everyone, she that rock that everyone else leans on.
But who can she lean on when trying to hide a secret, while fending off the matchmaking machinations of her outrageous Gran? Nine other than her pizza making neighbor, Tony...the one with the seemingly revolving door of women. Neither is impressed with the other, but circumstances throw these two together and the result is delicious fun.
But along with the fun and frolics comes the serious, and many times, heartbreaking reality of PCOS. Having friends and family deal with the reprocussions of this often little known or discussed disease, I was extremely pleased with how Farrell handled it. While not heavy-handed in any way, the reader nonetheless felt Pepper’s heartbreak as she dealt with this potentially life altering ailment alone.
Sound too heavy for a romance novel? It’s really not. Spiced is still full of laughter, love, sexy times and family...all my favorite elements of my favorite genre. But I also enjoy realism and honest, everyday, human issues in my readings. Spiced delivers on all fronts!
While part of the series, Spiced can definitely be read alone. We see familiar and beloved characters from earlier books, which if you’re an in-order series reader, like myself, will only add to the fun of Spiced.
So, stop reading my review and grab your copy of Spiced. You’re in for a great time!
Profile Image for Liza.
1,370 reviews150 followers
March 9, 2018
Spiced is the newest release in the Misfit Brides series from Jamie Farrell. Any book my Jamie Farrell is going to be filled with emotions, love, and laughter, and Spiced fit the bill perfectly.

First I must thank Jamie for giving us a list with all the Blue siblings and their order of birth at the front of Spiced. It gets seriously hard to keep up with that many siblings at times, so I loved having a place to check on birth order. Spiced is Pepper Blue's book and I have to say that while there were times I was almost moved to tears, most of the time I was laughing out loud as I read the story.

Pepper wants a baby but not a husband. I love she is such a strong and take-charge woman that she is willing to do what it takes to make her dreams come true. To keep her family from setting her up with every single guy in the area, she makes a deal with her next-door neighbor Tony Cross, who happens to own Pepperoni Tony's Pizza in town. Let me just say that Pepper and Tony were so freaking funny together. Neither one of them really wants to be in a relationship, yet they each need help from the other right now and the more time they spend together, the more time they want to spend together. They both come from crazy families, and I have to say I fell for them as a couple long before they really thought they were a couple. I thought they had great chemistry and loved seeing them move from adversaries to friends to lovers.

I loved we also got to spend time with so much of the Blue clan in Spiced, especially Gran. That woman makes me laugh so hard, with only Kimmie making me laugh more in any book. We also got to spend time with many of my favorite characters we have met over the course of the series and that makes me so happy as I love revisiting with favorite characters. The Misfit Brides series really is my favorite series of books from Jamie Farrell and I usually end up rereading at least a few of the books after each new release. I highly recommend Spiced as well as the entire Misfit Brides series of books to readers who adore emotional romances filled with laughter.

Rating: 4 Stars (B+)
Review copy provided by publisher
Profile Image for Anna.
425 reviews10 followers
February 28, 2018
I love this series! So many feels in this book. It has so much humor and passion. With two total opposites there are some crazy moments. And some laugh out loud ones.

Pepper has always dreamed of having a family. But with time running out and no prospective husbands in her future she must take things in her own hands. She will have a baby one way or another. She is successful and put together and everyone looks up to her. But no one knows the struggles she holds within.

Tony owns the new pizzaria in town. But what he's really doing is running. Running from his past, his problems. But when he's sees his way out of his league neighbor, Pepper Blue things change fast. With a proposition to be her fake boyfriend until a family wedding passes he finds himself wishing it was real.

Feelings change, passions ignite. Passions neither have felt in a long time. When their secrets are poorer out to one another the understands they have more in common than anyone thought and it only brings them closer. But when hurt from his past comes back to haunt him will he believe the worst of Pepper? Will he throw up the one thing she can't have to save his heart from being shattered again? And will Pepper be able to survive her tragedy and life changing news? Will she ever have even a portion of her dreams come true??

Profile Image for Marti.
3,090 reviews1 follower
February 24, 2018
Spiced by Jamie Farrell is book number 6 in the Misfit Bride series. Once again Jamie Farrell has written a book that has made me laugh. The Blue family with all their children is full of busy bodies where no secrets are able to be kept. Pepper Blue lives with one of her younger sisters and her outrageous grandmother. She is secretly trying to get pregnant through in vitro fertilization. She has given up on a husband, but desperately wants a baby!

Her neighbor with the vicious cat, is the new man in town. Tony Cross has opened up a Pizzari and lives next door. She is absolutely not interested in him, especially when her grandmother thinks he is a stripper coming to the door with pizza! However, Pepper needs a date so her family stops setting her up for her sister’s wedding. How pathetic… Not as pathetic as the number of men she dated who then proceeded to marry the next woman they met (practically). No way she will fall for the pizza guy next door, who happens to be hot and hot and hot...

Jamie Farrell’s newest book is a hoot! The love story with all the characters in town and especially the Blue family is a fun time. I loved the main characters and really rooted for the HEA ending! Spiced is a fun, romantic novel and a great read!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
581 reviews14 followers
March 3, 2018
OhEmGee I am head over heels in love with Spiced!

Jamie Farrell gives each and every one of her books it’s own heart. You can feel it beat like a living breathing thing. She fills her pages with so much love and soul. Her stories really come to life and give you a kind of happiness very few authors can succeed at. I wish I could jump into one of her stories and live forever!!

As I opened Spiced and starting reading, it wasn’t long before I was laughing out loud and falling in love with each and every person in this book. No one gives a story as much personality as Jamie Farrell does. I could not put Spiced down but yet I wanted to savor each and every world! I’ve never been so confused in my life. Lol. When a book is so good you want to hurry up and read it all till the end, and then you want to cry because it’s the end. You don’t ever want it to end. Gah! I miss it all so much already.

I don’t know if there is anything I love more then Pepper and her big crazy loving family. Maybe Gran, because OhEmGee, wait till you meet Gran. She’s my hero.

I can say without a doubt, Pepper and Tony’s story is absolute PERFECTION!! Spiced is an absolute MUST READ!! Like what the heck are you waiting for??? READ IT NOW!! Sigh... I have so much love for this book and you will too!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
113 reviews1 follower
March 12, 2018
Where to start? I love all of Jamie's books and I keep saying the last book was my favorite but this book is my favorite. Her stories are all about love, passion, humor, and a happy ending. If the characters only knew what they were getting into.

Pepper desperately wants a family and sees that everyone has what she wants. She can only dream that one day she will have that fairy tail. She thinks she is cursed because after dating a guy they go on to marry the next girl the date. What a slap in the face! I don't know why they would pass up this gal. But unlucky for her she has a family wedding to go to and she knows her family will want to set her up. Pepper can get a boyfriend all on her own. What better way to prove that than by showing up with one. Even if it is a fake boyfriend it will get her family off her back.

Tony comes to Pepper's rescue. Although he isn't sure why. It's not like he owes her anything. He is happy just running his pizzeria. And running from his problems and his pain. Him and Pepper are such opposites it bound to not work out. But maybe if he puts his heart and soul into it things will take a turn for the better. Maybe, just maybe Pepper will get the family she wants.
70 reviews1 follower
March 6, 2018
I love Jamie Farrell, she is one of my very few "must read" authors and "Spiced" , overall, doesn't disappoint.
Pepper and Tony are next door neighbors who are fighting past relationship demons and each other. It becomes apparent to them that they can use each other to get their families off their backs by pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend. An extra benefit for Tony is that Pepper can help him get on "The Aisle's" good side.
Gran and other secondary characters (including a few animals) are scene stealers. In fact, I've decided I want to be Gran when I grow up....I've already got the sneezes down!!
The only problem I had with this book was a couple of times where I was jolted out of Bliss and back into the real world. The biggie was when Ms. Farrell first wrote about Pepper's medical condition she only used initials and no explanation to it. I had to leave Bliss and look up the initials and hope I had the right diagnosis (I did).
Overall, I love the town of Bliss and its colorful residents and love reading about them.
I received an advanced copy of this book for my honest review....all of the above thoughts are my own.
Profile Image for Kristy Dean-Veen.
1,192 reviews13 followers
December 18, 2023
book 6 good read

This was book 6, it’s Pepper’s turn with Tony. For me this story hit home hard. Pepper is dealing with infertility, something I myself have struggled with and could never have kids. Bring on a few more tears and hard feelings there. But the story was very good and I would read it again.
Overview: Pepper was from a large family and always wanted a large family, but when she found out her ovaries were not good and IVF was the only option. After secretly trying for 3 cycles, it didn’t work. But when her neighbor shows up delivering pizza to her sisters bachelorette party, he realized something bigger was happening to him when he seen Pepper walk into the room in her pajamas. They didn’t really know each other or get along, but crazy grandma set him up, and gooses him good. Tired of it all he tells Pepper to drop off his stuff later and left. Next day Pepper asks Tony to be her fake boyfriend so grandma would stop setting her up. Tony agrees, but wants more since she was bring live back into his body in more ways than one. Friendship to lovers to real boyfriend/girlfriend. But when one of Peppers sisters gets involved and breaks them up.
Profile Image for Cynthia.
2,095 reviews20 followers
March 19, 2018
This author never has any trouble keeping your attention with her witty humor and her spicy funny characters. As one of my go to authors I know when I pick up one of her books it will always leave me laughing and smiling throughout. The author gives you a delightful group of misfits with turmoil, there is always something going on in this town that has the brides running in circles. I have loved Pepper for a long time, it really is wonderful to see her get her own story and watch how things play out.

Tony is something else more show then go if you ask me that is until Pepper gets a hold of him. She needs a fake boyfriend to keep the family at bay for a few days. Oh she has plans of her own which doesn’t include a man just a baby who she can love. You might think hummm no man well you will just have to read this funny, funny story and laugh your way through to the end as you watch how Tony handles Pepper family and how Pepper handles him.

I am totally in love with this series.
Profile Image for Claire.
136 reviews4 followers
March 8, 2018
What do you do with a handsome, easy-going, next-door neighbor who happens to also cook, have a great sense of humor, and cuddle with his rescued kitten? You make him your pretend boyfriend, of course. How else do you keep your nosy family out of your business? Since giving up on finding long-lasting love, Pepper has decided to make her own family, on her own terms. Tony lends a hand in throwing her family off the scent of her secrets. But Pepper's nosy (but hilarious) grandma and huge family isn't deterred, so Tony ups the game--and in the process finds out that even Pepperoni Tony could use a little more spice in his life. This rom-com hits ALL the high notes of love, family affection, family conflict, steamy romance, quirky characters, and lots of hot, cheesy pizza. This is part of the Misfit Brides series, but definitely works as a standalone. Doesn't get much better than Spiced!
Profile Image for BB.
503 reviews7 followers
August 13, 2020
So skipped the 5th one(it said it was 500+ pages and about two randoms)

Didn't miss much by skipping it. Pepper and Tony were good together. But, they had potential to be... a lot better than they were. While they didn't spend most of the book dancing around each other, it still managed to drag.

Pepper's obnoxious but lovable family members came across a whole lot more obnoxious and a whole lot less lovable. And a lot more in the way.

The character cameos from the rest of the series teetered towards too much/unnecessary/part of what dragged this book down.

The writing was fine, but I feel like each book has consistently struggled with pacing- and it detracts from whatever couple it's about. Like a slowly leaking balloon.

It might end with a HEA, but it still felt like a letdown.

I think I'm done with this series. I def don't want to go back to the one I skipped, and I don't super feel like being disappointed again the next one.
Profile Image for Susan McClintock.
833 reviews11 followers
April 24, 2021
I loved this book! This is the sixth book in the Misfit Brides series by Jamie Farrell/ Pippa Grant. Pepper Blue and Tony Cross are two people going through a lot of emotional and physical issues. They live next door to each other and just begrudgingly get along. The last fifteen guys Pepper has gone out with have married the next woman he dated. Her grandmother has decided that she needs to set Pepper up to get past her curse. While on a disastrous double date with her grandmother at Tony’s Pizzeria, Tony steps up and pretends to be Pepper’s boyfriend. Since both of them have weddings they have to attend in the next couple of months, they decide to continue their ruse to keep their families off of their backs. I loved both Tony and Pepper, they are characters with a lot of layers. I also loved all of the side characters and hope Jamie/Pippa will write more of the Blue family stories. I received an advanced reader copy of this book from the author for my honest review.
3,493 reviews14 followers
March 3, 2018
Jamie Farrell has done it again! Spiced is a must read for romance lovers that appreciate a bit of humor in their books. Ms. Farrell has delivered a well-written book and populated it with characters we know and love from previous books. Pepper is a business owner and she wants a baby enough to go through IVF to get it. Tony is her neighbor and the owner of a pizza shop. Their story is packed with drama, humor that will have you laughing out loud and of course, you can't have a romance without spice. This book hooked me at page one and held me hostage until the end. I loved reading Spiced and look forward to my next book by Jamie Farrell. Spiced is book 6 of The Misfit Brides Series but can be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Gerald Hamm.
2 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2018
The title definitely defines the book. The flavors of the twists and turns kept my attention along with the hot and spicy scenes.
This book definitely touched on several personal subjects for my husband and my relationship.
I did appreciate the introduction list of characters. I'm not knew to the Bliss scene, but loved the refresher and for the friends I've recommended to catch up.
I was told by my husband Gerald to make sure and not suggest reading this in bed unless you're alone. My laughter woke him up more then once.
I really loved all the couples coming together for the support and friendships. But I really loved the roll and hands off approach Lindsey took. Just need to throw in a few of those pizza recipes!
Thank Jamie Farrell for yet another fun read. My emotions are still wrapping my head and heart around all the "aw's and NO!'s
I couldn't have asked for a better ending.
Profile Image for Jackie Wright.
5,344 reviews125 followers
March 1, 2018
If you love romance novels with the perfect mix of banter and humour the Misfit Brides by Jamie Farrell is a must read, this author knows how write amazing stories with wonderful characters. Every book in this series is full of love, passion, witty banter and loveable characters.
Spiced is Pepper and Tony’s story, Pepper has always dreamed of having a baby but her body click is ticking way to fast and time is running out, Tony has just opened up the new Pizzaria in town he is not looking to settle down, two people who are damaged from past relationships can they mend each other’s broken hearts........
A perfect addition to a great series once again this author has given us a beautiful written love story that had me hooked from the first page. Great read loved it.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
Profile Image for Mary Jo.
2,373 reviews58 followers
March 3, 2018
Wonderful! Finally, Pepper gets her story and boy does she have a rocky road. She seems so in control and composed all the time but we finally get to see her fears and insecurities, the things that truly make her a remarkable woman. She has a new neighbor, Tony the pizza man, and his cat is terrorizing her dog so they really don’t get along but when she needs a save from the worst date ever, he jumps in which is a mystery. Tony is new to Bliss, running from his own pain. An unlikely alliance is formed to save each other from well-meaning family members but could they find something more together. The family dynamics are hilarious and heart wrenching at times but provide the glue to what shapes both characters. Truly another fun, sexy and exciting journey into the world of Bliss. I voluntarily read an ARC of this book and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Diane.
2,432 reviews18 followers
March 5, 2018
This book is a fabulously entertaining read with quirky and lovable characters and a storyline that is witty, charming and undeniably endearing in every way. Pepper and Tony are feuding neighbors who agree on a pact to be each others’ plus one in the week leading up to the wedding of Pepper’s sister. They don’t like each other but necessity is the mother of their invention to avoid the drama that comes along with the obnoxious attempts at matchmaking on the part of Pepper’s feisty and outrageous grandmother. Expect ludicrous family dynamics and lots of witty repartee but be prepared to lose your heart to these characters who will stay with you long after you finish their story. I read an early copy of this book and all opinions expressed in my voluntary and unsolicited review are completely my own.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews

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