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The Lifestyle

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Don't miss the beach read of the summer! A heartwarming and hilarious novel about swinging, marriage, and complexities of the heart.

Georgina Wagman has it all—a great marriage, a great job at a prestigious law firm, and great friends. She’s living the life she always wanted, and everything is perfect. Until, that is, she walks in on her husband Nathan in a compromising position with a junior associate. Georgina has a moment of crisis. But divorce is not a part of the five-year plan, so she comes up with an idea to save her marriage and recapture the spark. She and Nathan are going to become swingers.

Georgina isn’t going to embark on this adventure alone, though. Her friends Felix and Norah and their respective partners decide to tag along for the ride. They’ve got relationship woes of their own that swinging just might fix. Georgina, convinced Felix and Norah belong together, is thrilled. What better place to reignite romance between two people destined to be together than a swingers’ party? Her plan is foolproof, until she runs into a college ex at the first party. When they reconnect, Georgina will find herself torn between her head and her heart, with her very happiness hanging in the balance.

336 pages, Hardcover

First published June 7, 2022

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About the author

Taylor Hahn

4 books228 followers
TAYLOR HAHN is the author of the novel The Lifestyle and the novella The Wedding, the Winery, and Will. She is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University and Fordham University School of Law, and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter. Visit her online at www.taylorhahn.com or find her on social media as @taylorsheahahn.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,321 reviews
Profile Image for emma.
2,248 reviews74.3k followers
September 6, 2022
this book contains two affairs, an entire friend group swinging, multiple breakups, marriage-threatening behavior, blackmail, company-wide food poisoning, secret exes, long-term deception, and, in the worst sin of all, one person having to cook dinner for everyone AND do the dishes.

and no one gets mad at each other even once.

WHERE is the DRAMA??!

perhaps this is because of our protagonist, O Perfect One.

O Perfect One catches her husband graphically cheating on her, WITH HER MENTEE, at their SHARED WORKPLACE, and she is never anything but nice to that girl. including in that exact moment.

she IMMEDIATELY and COMPLETELY forgives said husband, and so in spite of reconnecting with the Love Of Her Life approx 17 pages into the story, she doesn't even THINK about him until after he was already unfaithful and she STILL is tormented by guilt because of her perfect true-north moral compass.

and least relatable of all, she cooks everyone stir fry on the first night of vacation AND washes the dishes and wineglasses when they go to sleep with not even 1 bad thought.

this book is so f*cking boring.

everyone is okay with everything!

it's ostensibly about swinging and about affairs, but it's uncomplex, cartoonish, and ill-conceived, so we land squarely in snooze city.

bottom line: i honestly don't know how you make a book that sounds this interesting this moment-to-moment boring.

tbr review

i don't want to be mean.

but this cover is terrifying.

(thanks to netgalley for the e-arc)
Profile Image for Elyse Walters.
4,010 reviews11.4k followers
April 7, 2022
“The Lifestyle”…..is written by the gorgeous lawyer/ writer from Los Angeles….Taylor Hahn.

It’s no secret…..this novel is about the Swinger Lifestyle…

Why I wanted to read it? ….. it’s also no secret— not even with our adult children - [judge me if you want] — but Paul and I had a few years experience in this Lifestyle….
Our stories are better 😉
but I had fun reading Taylor Hahn’s book.
It made me feel zippy, sexy, and playful (even if I’m almost entering the official old fart age of 70 next month)…

…. Quick facts about Paul and I…
We had been married 22 years - as straight and ‘vanilla’ (a term we learned)….as any American couple could be.
Our relationship has always been great….with love, and respect….neither of us has ever cheated. We were never not NOT happy….as a monogamous couple.
But one day we became introduced to ‘The Lifestyle’.
Paul and I ‘did’ engage in this world for a few years.
Those late night -crazy fun days were a kick.
Our ‘own’ stories are juicier, funnier, as well as more intriguing depth, truth and growth ….
But Susan’s storytelling was fun!

The dialogue and discussions were good. Watching the characters evolve were done well.
The entire book is charming, hilarious, adorable, lovable, messy, and even a little insightful without being too serious.
It’s not perfect - but I wasn’t looking for perfect.

A few tidbits….
After Georgina caught her husband having sex with another woman at the law firm where they both worked —[before they entered the swinging lifestyle together]…..That naughty husband, Nathan of hers….
Georgina told her best friend, Norah that….
“And it wasn’t their first time!”
“How do you know? Norah asked”

Another great line:
“When your wife says she wants to swing, you don’t say no, you say when”

Three G rated vanilla girlfriends talked about setting boundaries before swinging… they were all about to be newbies-stepping into the dark side of swinging.
Norah said to Georgina and Alina,
“I want you guys to come to my kids’ birthday parties without remembering what I look like naked. You guys are off limits for me”.
Alina said,
“personally, I have never had a problem engaging in the experience with friends. It’s better in some ways, because you trust one another already”.
Georgina chimed in. She agreed with Nora, her best friend. She didn’t want her best friend having sex with her husband Nathan.

The couples (all in committed relationships) were invited to their first swingers Saturday night party.
They talked about what they might be afraid of. Was it touching a stranger? Or fear of their own desires?

Georgina joined the lifestyle to save her marriage after catching Nathan - in the act of cheating.
But everyone wanted something different.
Marco wanted to trade fantasies.
For others it was the pulse of anticipation, the thrill of newness, the audacity of desire.

What was ‘really’ funny to me —was watching how swinging fit into a mother’s busy life with children to care for the next morning after a late night of erotic sexual escapades.

Norah and Ari had three young children.
Their daughter Hannah was allergic to everything. A porridge of mashed banana and rice milk was about the only food she could tolerate.
Their five-year-old son, Simon was in a bacon face and would only eat that.
And their oldest daughter Rachel had recently become a vegetarian.
“Norah had to use a different set of pans for Hannah’s porridge than those she used for Rachel‘s eggs, which couldn’t dare touch Simon‘s ‘evil, drug-peddling meat’”.

There were many funny scenes in this book that were not only about swinging ….
but how swinging fit into their every day lifestyle.

In the end ….this book is a little teaser look into the swinging lifestyle….
….ways it strengthens a relationship and ways it doesn’t.
….the dangers, the joy, the benefits, the growth into oneself.

I enjoyed the ingenue spirit.

Thank you Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, Netgalley, and Taylor Hahn

Profile Image for Chelsea (chelseadolling reads).
1,519 reviews20.3k followers
June 9, 2022
2.5 stars. For a book that is centered around couples getting into swinging, this sure did end up being a bit boring. It feels harsh to say that because this was well written and I didn't hate or really even dislike anything specific about the book, but more than once I found myself to be bored during what were supposed to be pretty pivotal scenes. I also felt like this book was a lot more...tame??? than I feel like the synopsis would lead you to believe. I kept waiting for the sex party scenes or the sex club scenes to really pop off but, while not being entirely fade to black, they were just kind of underwhelming and not nearly as dramatic as I was hoping for. With all that being said, I would still try reading more from Taylor Hahn in the future because the writing itself had so much promise! Unfortunately the plot of this one just ended up not quite being the right fit for me and I am pretty bummed about it :(

CW: cheating
Profile Image for Lauren Reads Romance.
428 reviews55 followers
March 18, 2022
3.25 stars

Georgina Wagman is a 30-something partner at a law firm who catches her seemingly perfect husband, Nathan screwing a first year associate/mentee. In a desperate attempt to save her marriage with not-so-perfect-anymore husband (and by extension her sham of a perfect life), she suggests they invigorate their mundane lives (sex and in general) by becoming swingers and embracing “the lifestyle.”

At her first such party, she randomly runs into an ex boyfriend, Whitaker Nolan, her first love in college and whom she left to go to law school. As this is a book based on Jane Austen’s Emma, Georgina rather unhelpfully tries to matchmake, fix and meddle in all of her friends’ lives. Frankly, I found Georgina annoying AF, even with the best of intentions. She realises (thank fuck) after many, many chapters that she should really mind her own beeswax.

Overall, this was an interesting read because it offered a unique retelling of a beloved classic romcom. However, I would not rush to shelf this book in the romance section, rather Women’s Fiction with a romantic subplot. The focus of this book was Georgina’s evolving sense of self and the confidence she eventually finds in being messy, taking risks and ultimately happiness on her own terms.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review!
Profile Image for Renee.
1,213 reviews24 followers
March 25, 2022
What I didn't like was, well a lot. I think we can judge a book by the cover, which was awful. This trend of cartoon type characters on a cover is completely lost to me. Why? It is not appealing. Almost immediately, I like Georgina, a lawyer who is married and they both work at the same firm. Climbing the ladder and billable hours gives me the background. Then the friends, who I liked a lot., have been around since college, keeping close contact, all superficial. All of the friendships she has are surface. She even tries to sabotage her friends marriage, because she always wanted them together.

Georgina meets with a client and bam, I want to be a swinger. The reasons given, the story lines and me questioning "what the hell am I reading?" It would seem to me that highly educated people can not fix a marriage based on sex with other people. If you are in a relationship or married like Georgina, and you are not fulfilled, it seems like like something to address way before you chose this activity.

I didn't give it a chance to get explicit or into details. I gave up when the characters are SO easily swayed into this type of activity. The fact that one couple thinks over night and texts the next morning that they are in, is mind blowing.

I labeled it a DNF by 42% and could care any less what happens to Georgina.. I wasn't invested in it at all.
Profile Image for Michelle.
255 reviews23 followers
June 5, 2022
It takes a lot of guts in a post-Clueless era to write a modern retelling of Emma. Unfortunately, that’s all this book has going for it. Dry YA prose and paper doll characters with zero interiority; look, I knew this book was not for me when within the first thirty-pages the main character is described as looking like a Disney princess, and specifically which one. It only got worse with the constant fixation on….the Matthew McConaughey film The Lincoln Lawyer??? I mean, I GUESS. (Not to mention half this book is just explaining what outfit a character put on, what transportation they took, and the street and name of the restaurant they went to, including an interminable scene at a Times Square Applebees. We get it, you’re in New York, and you, the author, have been places in that city.)

Beyond the fact this book, like most of contemporary romance I try to read, is decidedly not for me, I was bothered most by the weird-ass old-fashioned gender-essentialist sex shame-y energy throughout and how comically prudish it read. And, beyond that, it’s just, the missed opportunity of it all. There is so much to potentially mine from a story about non-monogamy! But this reads like a caricature (and lets not even get into the fact that girl walks into a sex party and walks out…….wanting her Stock Romance Novel Rugged Hot Ex™? ugh, boring, boring, BORING), and honestly it’s giving bad network sitcom vibes from at least a decade ago.

All I really have to say is, ladies and gentlemen, we are in a crisis. It is a crisis of horny [/Jimmy Carter voice]. But, for the love of god––where are all the sexy books???? And why are the ones that purport to be sexy……..this? IT’S A FAMINE OF SEXY, MY EYES ARE STARVING FOR SEXY (sorry André Leon Talley).

ONE LAST GRIEVANCE: In the year of our lord 2022, I am expected to believe that amidst all these swingers and all these people she knows in New York who wanna fuck around at fuck clubs, not a single blessed one has any interest in the same sex? No one wants to explore that? Please.
Profile Image for Taylor Hahn.
Author 4 books228 followers
March 10, 2022
Book lovers, New Yorkers, Applebee's diehards, and swingers alike...THE LIFESTYLE is available on NetGalley and publishing June 7, 2022! It's WILD to even type those words. Writing a book has been my dream since I read ANGUS, THONGS, AND FULL-FRONTAL SNOGGING in 1999, which I maintain is the best book ever written. Check it out. We're never too old for full-frontal snogging, though we might someday be too old for thongs.

ANYWAY, I digress. THE LIFESTYLE is Jane Austen...but clothing optional. Grab your appletini, set your mood lighting, put on Janet Jackson's greatest hits, and prepare yourself for one indoor hot tub with a lot of naked bits. Who needs couples counseling when they've got sex parties?

Thank you all so much for reading and making my dream come true <3

Profile Image for Cheri.
1,991 reviews27 followers
June 7, 2022
I had my reservations about requesting an ARC of this story. While I love the description, the use of an illustrated cover had me questioning the actual content. I should have stuck with my gut. The story is not bad. It’s also not at all what is advertised. Quotes from other authors saying it’s hilarious and sexy. Calling it heartwarming and a beach read. I found none of these things to be true. Like I said, it’s not bad. I went into this book expecting a whole other story than what I got.

One of the things that had me interested is the reference to Jane Austen’s Emma. I love Jane Austen. Emma is by no stretch my favorite, but still. Now, I will say there are certainly times that it’s obvious that story was an inspiration for this story. Yet somehow, in this day and age, the way the MFC was written did not work for me. I even thought, at first, I was being too harsh on Georgina. I did the little test with my self whenever she would annoy me asking, “if this was a MMC would I still have issue with her actions?” The answer was always yes.

This is marketed as a contemporary romance. In my mind it is women’s fiction. I never felt the romance was central to the story. At one point, I wondered who I was supposed to be rooting for to get their HEA or HFN. While it would seem this story would be about Georgina and her marriage, it really wasn’t. Only in a peripheral way.

I love Georgina’s best friends. While I think there are times they should maybe be a bit more blunt with her, they are really what kept me reading this story. At times, I still didn’t know who or what I was rooting for in their situations since we see everything from Georgina’s point of view, but I knew her viewpoint was skewed. (That is not a knock on the storytelling, it is obviously intentional for the reader to see Georgina has her own way of viewing her surroundings.)

Now let me get to the meat of this story…the lifestyle. The swinging lifestyle that is. After what I’ve said so far, it may surprise you that I feel the author did a good job of laying out the “rules”, so to speak. Georgina is told on multiple occasions that in order for the lifestyle to work for a couple they have to be open about what they want and need, they have to be honest about what happens while they are at a party or other lifestyle situation, they have to communicate above all else. At no time in this story do Georgina or her husband actually communicate. While I’m pretty sure that’s intentional, it isn’t ever really addressed by any of the other characters. Not even the old-timers who have been swinging for years and years. While Georgina is crumbling not only her own life and relationship, she’s wreaking havoc on the others in the group they were invited to join. I understand being patient and giving newbies leeway, but it goes beyond that and it was annoying.

There is a distinct lack of intimacy in this book. I’m not just talking about sex, although that was extremely tame. I mean, it barely banged and it’s supposed to be about a woman exploring the swinging lifestyle. But even putting that aside, there were not many moments of intimacy. Not between Georgina and her husband. Not between her and her friends. Not even much between her and her old boyfriend. This story is really about a woman who has to make some discoveries about herself and learn what she really wants in life and what will make her happy. It’s not about romance, her marriage, or the lifestyle. It’s not a funny book at all. In fact, I found it quite depressing.

Although time got a bit wonky in this book (mostly because nobody seemed to talk to one another), it had a decent flow for the most part. I would have loved to see more of a connection between all of the characters. I want to believe they actually care about each other and not just themselves. So much could have been done with this concept and it just fell flat.

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

You can find more of my reviews at All In Good Time.
Profile Image for Phoebe (readandwright) Wright.
499 reviews307 followers
May 29, 2022
Thank you Knopf and Doubleday Publishing for my copy. All thoughts are my own.

Some books end up in my inbox and I immediately want to read them. Some I’m confused why the publisher thought I was the right person to send it too. And some, leave me intrigued. That was the case with The Lifestyle by Taylor Hahn. It’s an Emma retelling…with swingers. Yes, you read that right: swingers.

And you know what, I didn’t hate this book. It was entertaining, sexy, but also deeply thought provoking when it came to friendship, marriage, and what happens when we have everything that we want but not what we need.

I read this book in less than 24 hours because it kept me wanting to know how on earth this situation was going to work out. Georgina is flawed and messy but loves so hard. I’ve always felt a kinship with Emma because I used to be a huge meddler when it came to my friends’ love lives. I learned the hard way, like Emma, that you can’t protect everyone.

So I have to say, I think this book is worth the read. It won’t be for everyone, but if you can go in with an open mind and accept these characters for their flaws, I think you’ll find yourself deliciously entertained.


What I Liked:

The Pacing—This book is perfectly paced. I really just wanted to keep reading it!

The Writing—The writing is accessible but also sophisticated. It reads as an elevated Women’s Fiction with the spunk of a Rom Com.

The Tone + Stakes—It’s bold and irreverent at times but wow are the stakes HIGH. I loved how Georgina went on a journey to discover and own her sexuality and where it brought her.

What Didn’t Work:

While it didn’t bother me, I know there will be readers out there who judge these characters. Perhaps it’s the actor in me but I don’t find that productive. So, if the synopsis turns you off, I would not recommend this book because you really need to just go along for the ride.

Character Authenticity: 4.5/5 Steam Rating: 0.5/5 (Lead up + Fade to Black)

Overall Rating: 4/5

Content Warnings:

Profile Image for Larry H.
2,792 reviews29.6k followers
August 5, 2022
As Taylor Hahn shows you in The Lifestyle , sometimes you have to shake up your life to figure out what you really want.

Georgina has always gone after what she wants. She has a great job as a partner in a law firm, a great husband, and she’s always trying to put other people’s needs and wants above her own. (Even if her selflessness isn’t always as generous as it seems.)

But having it all means nothing when you walk in on your husband having sex with an associate at your law firm—the associate you’re mentoring. Georgina is devastated, but divorce isn’t part of her plan. When a client tells her that swinging saved her marriage and added the desire and passion back in, Georgina is determined that getting into “the lifestyle” (swinging is such a 70s term) is what she and Nathan need.

She’s excited when her two closest friends and their spouses/significant others decide to join her and Nathan on their foray into this new world. And while she finds her encounters immensely freeing, it’s not having the effect on her marriage that she had hoped. Do they have to try harder? Is this not the issue?

When Georgina runs into her college boyfriend at a party, she’s reminded of the path she chose not to take. But the more she thinks about her future, she’s not sure if the life she’s living is the one she really wants. And what does that mean for her marriage, her career, her future, her friends?

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book, but I really enjoyed it. It’s funny, poignant, and a bit steamy, but it’s also thought-provoking. Swinging isn’t something I’ve ever thought about so it was interesting to learn more about how people go about it.

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Kim Loves Reading!.
265 reviews47 followers
November 29, 2022
I know this book has mixed reviews, so I was surprised how much I liked it. It was a creative romantic rom-com. I think it is relatable, we have this picture of what our life should look like and when it gets messy, we can get desperate to fix it. We all have a different journey when it comes to our love life. I think that is what the author was trying to portray. We make mistakes but what we do next is when we realize what we really want. Relationship problems are different for everyone and as a friend we can't assume we know what is right for their relationships.

Georgina believes she has it all, perfect job, perfect husband and great friends, so when she catches her husband cheating her perfect life is turned upside down. She is fixer, so she wants to get her life back because divorce is not part of her five-year plan. Taking a bold step, she decides that they will become swingers, it has helped her client's relationship. This is the perfect plan, or so she thinks until she runs into college boyfriend. Old feelings come to the surface; she can't let these feelings get in the way of her plan. Can she fix her marriage, or does she just need to follow her heart?
Profile Image for Chelsey.
348 reviews4 followers
May 28, 2022
I wanted so badly to like this book but I just did not. It was just…meh. Very slow, surprisingly dull, and I’m honestly glad it’s over. This is not a fun, sexy rom com about swinging. It is a book about a bunch of unhappy marriages and there is some very mild swinging in it. I’d give it a 1 out of 5 on the steam scale. The bad matchmaking didn’t seem to fit with the rest of the plot and I felt like it was just thrown in there so the author could say it was an Emma retelling. The only interesting thing in this book was the relationship between Georgina and Meredith, the woman her husband had an affair with. Instead of firing her, Georgina continued to mentor her and they each learned something about themselves and each other. That would have made a more interesting book than the ‘I don’t love my husband and miss my ex’ trope. 2 stars for a slow, boring and depressing read kind of about swinging.

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for reid.
77 reviews1 follower
January 31, 2023
honestly what was this… it had so much potential but felt so rushed and was somehow also dragged out 🤷
Profile Image for Nursebookie.
2,558 reviews377 followers
July 23, 2022
I am so excited to be a part of @heyitscarlyrae and @heyitscarlyraebookclub influencers. For July, I chose THE LIFESTYLE for my pick since I have seen this book chosen by @booksparks as part of their #SRC2022 June Book Club pick and Carly Rae’s gorgeous post!


A heartwarming and hilarious novel about swinging, marriage, and complexities of the heart.

AUTHOR: Taylor Hahn
NARRATED: Christine Lakin
LENGTH: 10h 48 m @prhaudio
PUB DATE: 06.07.2022 Now Available

I absolutely love a wonderful retelling of a cherished classic! Taylor Hahn’s debut dabbles on a well beloved Jane Austen character - the wealthy, beautiful, smart, and whose well meaning and meddling ways always seem to get our lovable Emma in a pickle.

In The Lifestyle, Emma is rendered as Georgina Wagman, whose perfect life - as a partner in a law firm, and whose marriage - to a handsome attorney Nathan, suddenly implodes. But even more, Hahn interweaves the complexities of marriage and friendship by adding a fun twist, and that is, swinging aka the lifestyle.

I enjoyed the writing - it’s fresh, very modern, and enjoyable to read. Though I had my qualms about swinging, Hahn wrote it with utmost care and compassion for the characters going through their own bumps in their relationships. In its core, The Lifestyle is a second chance romance, that inevitably, true happiness is found when you follow your heart, and learn to take care of yourself first above others.
Profile Image for Sammie Reads.
962 reviews148 followers
January 4, 2023
I’m surprised at how much I ended up liking this book, because I struggled big time in the beginning and almost didn’t move past the first 10%. Cheating is a trigger for me because I’m terrifying of it in real life, and I felt all of the desolation and heartbreak that I imagined Georgina felt when she walked in on her husband Nathan cheating on her with their junior associate at their law firm.

Instead of immediately dumping his cheating ass, she decides that her perfect life and perfect marriage doesn’t have to hit a snag. She can fix this! So she takes the advice of a friend and signs them up for a swingers club. And for good measure she brings along her best friends and their significant others too. Because she hates their spouses and knows that she can get Norah and Felix together at the same time she’s fixing her marriage.

So the motley crew of six faces the swingers club with emotions ranging from excitement, nerves, trepidation, and resolve. Nathan is shocked when Georgina designs a “cheater” scene for him to walk in on and it turns out, Nathan doesn’t like the shoe being on the other foot. And when Norah’s ungrateful husband Ari realizes that Felix and Norah have chosen each other as partners, he’s even further upset. Maybe Georgina’s tactics are working…that is until the love of her college years walks into the party, reminding her of everything she once loved and held dear. Whitaker is back and better than ever.

I actually ended up loving this. I cried, I laughed out loud multiple times, I fucking SWOONED (looking at you Whitaker) and I really appreciated the journey that all of these characters went on. They were varying degrees of likable and redeemable, all of them coming into their own in some way, shape or form, even the temptress Meredith who I initially wanted to draw and quarter! So yeah, there is cheating. There is also a huge dose of humor, heart, and realism. Really enjoyed it!! Whitaker for life!
Profile Image for Jessica Paige (Exercise_Read_Repeat).
1,475 reviews227 followers
July 29, 2022
It seems like this book is a hit or miss for many readers. I listened to the audio and thoroughly enjoyed the story and was entertained throughout. Yes, it’s about swinging and a lifestyle that is a bit unrealistic, but I definitely recommend going in with an open mind! Also, contrary to what you may think, there is really no steam! The dialogue is great, there’s humor sprinkled throughout and I found the writing perfectly paced! I also appreciated the theme of relationships all working out differently and watching the characters figure out how to navigate their marriage and friendships.

Audiobook is 100% the way to go!
Profile Image for Ali.
976 reviews25 followers
October 5, 2022
Although the premise had the potential to be very cheesy, this book was a pleasant surprise. Personally, I am not sure that swinging would be my go-to solution for saving a marriage, but I liked how Hahn made this book more about self-discovery and taking risks not just physically, but also emotionally.
Profile Image for Kitty Gheen.
83 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2022
I will admit that I’m not the audience for this book, but I picked it up because it was marketed as contemporary fiction. It is not contemporary fiction. This is a straight romcom with cheesy, unbelievable plotlines and one-dimensional characters. The protagonist is unironically "girlboss-y" and much of the storytelling is just cringe.

But if you're looking for a mindless romcom, I guess it's not bad.
Profile Image for Nada Hosny.
332 reviews85 followers
June 4, 2022
I can guarantee that you will not get Bored for 1 second reading this book.
Phenomenal writing, perfect proportion between scenes, thoughts, dialogues.
Relatable, loveable, flawed characters.

The book’s idea is foreign to me, never read about anything remotely close and my life never pulled me into that direction
But somehow the author pulled me knees deep into their life, i felt like i was one of those 6 friends!

Moraly Grey characters are people in our life, they are us, and it’s kind of liberating to read about not so perfect put together characters ❤️
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,001 reviews34 followers
April 3, 2022
I’m not an Austen reader so I can’t compare this to Emma, but I can say that the premise was interesting - Georgina’s husband has an affair, so she decides that they should become swingers to save their marriage. What ensues should be funny and sexy and entertaining, but unfortunately it fell flat for me. I never connected with Georgina. She spent all her time trying so hard to manage everyone else’s lives that I felt like she was herself one-dimensional. The writing also had a stilted quality that might have been partially because that fit the character, but made it hard for me to get swept up in the story because it all felt so clinical. I did enjoy the concept, and I liked the way that other relationships in the book changed and developed, so it might just be that Georgina wasn’t the character for me. If you enjoy a portrait of a marriage trying to figure itself out, New York City, and the idea of checking out “the lifestyle” vicariously, this book might be right up your alley even though it wasn’t up mine.
Note: I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are of course my own.
Profile Image for Shannon.
6,111 reviews345 followers
June 8, 2022
3.5 rounded up

A fun story about a woman who takes control of her life after discovering her husband cheating on her. Rather than go straight for divorce, Georgina convinces her husband Nathan to try swinging in an attempt to revive their marriage. What she doesn't plan on is running into her old college sweetheart - the one who got away - and having to choose between her heart and her head in this highly entertaining women's fiction book about the complexities of modern marriage. Great on audio, this was an easy read that I was sad to see end!
150 reviews115 followers
July 24, 2022
Fun, vibrant, creative, perfect beach read but not for me who much prefers the original Jane Austen’s Emma.
Life Style by Taylor Hahn is on its way to my 52 year old daughter and her younger more swinging book club!
Profile Image for rachel.
798 reviews162 followers
December 28, 2022
Early on in The Lifestyle, main character Georgina admits that she wanted to be a lawyer because of Ally McBeal, and that is the observation that rings truest in this entire book. This novel is such an oddity, in that I think it's intended to appeal to elder millenials like me but it has this sort of late 90s/early 2000s retrograde sexual conservatism that feels very dated. 50 Shades of Grey was written 11 years ago and looks downright racy compared to Georgina's experiences at swingers' clubs.

For example: early in this book, when Georgina walks in on her fellow law partner husband, Nathan, performing oral sex on her hot 20-something mentee associate Meredith, Georgina deduces that this is not their first encounter because the room is well lit and either they've done it before or Meredith is "the bravest woman in the world." A line that would read clever in an episode of Sex and the City in 1999, sure, but not any story set in 2022.

Aside from its weirdly tight-buttoned approach to sex in a book partially set in sex clubs (!), The Lifestyle is super ridiculous. Right before Georgina walked in on her husband, she had a restaurant meeting with a female client who got way TMI with her after a few drinks about how she is now a swinger (or, in "the lifestyle," as hip, modern swingers say). I do client work too at my job and imagining this happening is...something else. But I guess partners in a private law firm might have different conversations with their clients.

So, within 48 hours of Georgina catching her husband cheating, she actually reflects on her client's swinger soliloquy. Rather than cringing in secondhand embarrassment and trying to forget the poor judgment of talking about your sex life as a business woman to your attorney, she decides that partner swapping is the thing that will save her relationship, too. Then she approaches her best friends from law school about it and decides, without ever actually attending a swingers' event herself, that roping them all into "the lifestyle" with her will solve THEIR problems. Especially her best friend Norah needs her problems solved, because Norah has kids you see and not a career, so she is HAPLESS and Georgina is clearly on a PEDESTAL for this woman.

At the point where Georgina tells Norah she found Nathan cheating on her and Norah responds with "only you would turn your husband cheating into a woman's rights issue," I found a piece of scrap paper and started to record all of the Gen Xisms. The only way this book makes sense to me is if it's not set in the present day. This is straight up 90s historical fiction.

And even THEN it would be totally eye-roll worthy that Georgina,of course, happens to join the swingers' group that her hot and heavy college fling, The One Who Got Away, is also a part of. That's right: she just happened to run into her ex-boyfriend in a small sex group in NEW YORK CITY. Give. Me. A. Break.

I don't need to tell you what happens, because, you know. Plot lines resolve in corny, improbably ways. There's very little actual sex for a book that purports to be all about exploring sexual non-monogamy - which is fine for me. In truth, I only read this book out of curiosity how the subject would be approached. I'm disappointed but not surprised that the answer is "barely," and that it mostly consists of the main characters talking about being in "the lifestyle" and going to clubs and saying "this is it, we are in the lifestyle" and then most of them going on to have very limited interaction within "the lifestyle" as if it is still, deep down, something that's a little shameful.
Profile Image for Allison Speakmon.
434 reviews86 followers
May 30, 2022
I love a good book that will make me laugh out loud, so I was stoked to get a copy of The Lifestyle after reading that Jasmine Guillory said “This book is fun as hell. Hilarious, addictive, moving, and sexy. I lost track of time reading it, and I couldn’t get enough!” In addition to supposedly being hilarious, it’s a lose retelling of Jane Austen’s Emma. Alright, count me in. Now I’ll admit, it’s been years since I’ve read Emma, so maybe I don’t fully remember the story but to say this is a retelling or based on Emma, seems like a stretch to me.

Georgina has the perfect life, or so she thinks. That is until she walks in on her husband cheating on her with a junior associate at their law firm. In an attempt to save her marry, she convinces not only her husband but also her two best friends and their partners to join in ‘The Lifestyle’ as well. Except, the plan goes awry, when one of the swingers in their group turns out to be Georgina’s college boyfriend, who she has never gotten over.

So this book is about swinging, and contrary to what you might think, there is basically no steam. Hahn has focused more on the setting and the rules around swinging, than actually depicting any acts. This is being marketed as a romance and is fully about people having sex with each other, so I was expecting just a little more steam. There are a few encounters in a sex club and the mention of naked people but that’s about it. I mean this is a 1 out of 5 on the steam scale, in my opinion. It’s more a women’s fiction though, because even though it starts with her husband cheating, it’s really about Georgina realizing what’s important to her.

Character wise, Georgina is a hardworking lawyer who always knows what’s best. Except she annoyed me more than anyone. Especially that she felt she knew everyone elses relationship better than they did. What type of best friend actively wants to make her best friend get a divorce and instead get back with her ex. She wants to be a good role model and mentee for her junior associates, but she makes a ton of ridiculous decisions.

Norah was my favorite and though she’s Georgina’s best friend, we get such surface level description of her. Actually, deeper character development for all the characters would have helped this book out. I couldn’t find it in me to really have a strong reaction for any of the characters.

Past the lack of actual romance, I didn’t find this book funny. I had not one ‘laugh out of loud’ moment, which is a bummer. This felt as it it had a ton of potential but ultimately fell flat for me. Georgina was not a very likeable main character and I needed more substance from the story. I finished this one to see how it ended, but it was a bit of a chore.

This was a 2.5 read for me but rounded up to 3.

The Lifestyle comes out June 7, 2022! Huge thank you to Anchor Books my advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion. If you liked this review please let me know either by commenting below or by visiting my instagram @speakingof_books.
Profile Image for Rose.
65 reviews10 followers
January 27, 2023
Lol omg this was super fun and super cute
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,495 reviews315 followers
December 7, 2023
I got this from BOTM, AND then I didn't know why I bothered ordering this one. I was thinking, "why on earth was I interested" then I started reading just in an effort to not waste, was hooked, realized I was reading an Emma retelling (Dust cover but it becomes quite clear that the main character is in everyone's biz.)
3.5, bc it doesn't meet my reread criteria.
I really enjoyed this, far more than I expected. What s nice surprise, it was funny and addictive.
Profile Image for shannon✨.
1,461 reviews44 followers
June 25, 2022
What I would like to say first is that just throwing in some POC side characters does NOT make a book diverse. Seemed to me that the author just wanted to hit some kind of quota with it and it really rubbed me the wrong way.
Besides that, I really disliked Georgina as a character, she gave herself way too much credit for things. And I also think that she was way too focused on deciding what was best for other people. I mean, in the end she made some progress and she was a bit more likable, but still. The plot itself was very interesting though, I've never read about swingers before so that was nice. But to be honest, it felt a bit bland.
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