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暁のヨナ [Akatsuki no Yona] #33

Yona of the Dawn, Vol. 33

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Forbidden from contacting Hak and the Four Dragons, Yona sneaks out of her room at Hiryuu Palace! But when she comes face-to-face with Su-won, what words will she have for her father’s murderer? Later, Yona uncovers some past mysteries about Su-won’s parents!

184 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 7, 2021

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About the author

Mizuho Kusanagi

80 books772 followers
KUSANAGI Mizuho (草凪みずほ) used to work as an assistant for Yoko Matsushita.

Circle(s): JAKE

Loves: drawing and considers herself to have a 'super fetish' for voices. As such, she loves seiyuu (voice actors) but also actors with good voices.

Favorite Food: Ramen. Prefers vegetables to meat.

Favorite Movies: Anything by Miyazaki, whom she loves! Also, The Sound of Music and Lord of the Rings.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 168 reviews
Profile Image for Alexandra Caine.
256 reviews40 followers
August 25, 2022
Akatsuki no Yona has been on my list of favourite anime for some time now but for some reason I was putting off reading the manga, I don't even know why... But I guess something good can happen in 2020 because it made me so bored while in quarantine that I rewatched the anime and finally picked up the manga where the show has left off because I just needed more content; needed more time with these characters which I came to love so dearly.

It's fascinating to see how much Yona has evolved, what a great journey she has been on and how she grew to be this brave, passionate girl, all the while keeping her kindness and love for her country. She's not the naive princess anymore who only cared about her hair and much like Hak, I do love watching her struggle and grapple with all the new arising troubles and horrors that she never knew existed within her kingdom. When I first started watching the anime, I wanted to drop it because of Yona being such a dense and bland character, though I'm happy to say that she surprised me and became one of the reasons why this series is so beloved to me.

Hak and the Four Dragons... What can I really say about them? They are such darlings who need to be protected at all cost (even though, realistically, they need no protection at all since they can kick ass and look fine while doing it). They each have so much baggage, tragedies and grieves from their past that they need to face and yet, their friendship, brotherhood really, is so honest and true and beautiful that I can't stop rambling about it, so bear with me... 😅 Jae-ha might be my favourite of the dragons, though honestly, I'd love to have them all.

Yoon... The best 'mother' this bunch could ever ask for. While he's an inevitable part of the group, I'd love to see him reunited with Ik-soo in the future.

Soo-won... I hated him for so long and I guess that I still can't entirely forgive him what he had done. He's such an enigma, though, a true mystery because, for the life of me, I can't figure this guy out. He's a great king, I'll give him that, however, there's so much darkness mixed with compassion inside him that I can't predict what he's going to do next, and it makes me sickly excited. And just by the way, I actually ship him with Lily, I think they'd make a lovely pair... But then again, I'm not sure I want this bastard to have a happy loving life after what he'd put Hak and Yona, and the others through.

And I particularly adore the way this series combines humour with drama, shoujo with fantasy, and how it deals with real, pressing issues and doesn't sugar coat it. All of this, along with a cast of interesting characters - whether they are main or supporting - and a well-thought fantasy world makes for an entertaining, amazing read.

The waiting for the following chapters is going to be hell, though...
Profile Image for Claudia.
1,496 reviews
August 5, 2021
188. Chasing Eyes
189. The Crimson Dragon King
190. Blood of The Founder
191. Yong-hi's Recollection
191.5 Let's Get Some Tea Before We Go Home
192. A Castle Where The Voice Of God Reverberates
193. The Price Of Being A Favourite
Profile Image for bee.
858 reviews46 followers
August 9, 2020
1) Akatsuki no Yona rarely ever disappoint, as always.

2) I noticed that the art quality is improving (or may I say, back to normal). It's so well done and insanely good. Hope Kusanagi-sensei got the rest she deserves.

3) Soo-won's backstory just keeps adding more layers, more dimension, and more textures as we learn more about his past. AND I LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT!

4) YU-HON! Holly shit he was MAD HOT. I always can't handle a male character who has attitude issues— ((p.s: yes I am gushing))

5) We getting near the important part of the history where we will finally find out the motive of Yu-hon's and Kashi's death.

6) So many speculation. ((I keep seeing many people changing theories after every chapter LOL)). We can't be sure what is true at the moment so let's just wait and see~


8) "Their dreadful oppresion began." [sigh] I really don't like this.

9) [breath aggresively] The ride is exicting and I'm looking forward to seeing where this series go!

((p.s: I like the extra short story!))
Profile Image for Chantaal.
1,164 reviews173 followers
July 17, 2023
losing my mind at how we're starting to go into the backstory of the previous generation and how the past storyline so far is just as tense and interesting as the the one following yona and all the characters i already love.
Profile Image for Laura Grace.
1,718 reviews223 followers
September 18, 2022
VIDEO REVIEW HERE: https://youtu.be/iT5HciwzgJw

I was SOOOOO very skeptical I would enjoy being in the palace, but I deeply enjoyed this volume!

I'm going to piggy back off the editor's comment of this volume being the closest to a girls' comic because I felt that comment on a DEEP level! LOL! Allllll that romance in that one backstory was AMAZING!!!! It was so so so good (even though I had to keep reminding myself that the character in question wasn't Ju-do just without the scar LOL)!!

Not only that though, I was struck speechless when Zeno comes out with some information!! And I will go ahead and say right now. I've felt that way since the beginning, but now I don't have to feel guilty about those feelings and can continue to stand strong behind them.

That opening was hilarious! Was SO thankful for the humor before diving into this volume!

Also GIJA!!! Man oh man did I LOVEEEEE that scene with him!! TELL IT GIJA!!! That was SO good!!

IK-SUUUUU!! Oh my goodness, I almost teared up because I was so very happy to see a cameo of him!! PRECIOUS LITTLE BEAN!!!

That bonus chapter was very good! Never thought I needed a

Very good volume and very interested in the next! I thought things would be pretty bland at the palace, but these volumes have proved me wrong!

(That chapter illustration of Shina was <3 <3 <3 <3)
Profile Image for H.S.J. Williams.
Author 6 books284 followers
March 30, 2022
Pretty sure there is not a single Yona book that won't receive 5 stars from me.

Although a good section of this story covers the backstory of Soo-won's parents, and they definitely aren't my favorite. I was very uncomfortable by the toxicity of the romance and was trying to see if the story was condoning it. But ah, that is the thing about unreliable narrators. When they themselves have been fooled, they can justify any sort of behavior until the truth hits them too late, as we shall see in the next book....
Profile Image for Lucía Cafeína.
1,794 reviews208 followers
January 2, 2022
Mira, canelita en rama todo este flashback con el arco de los padres, que pinta que se va a seguir alargando y estoy dentrísimo, pero estoy sufriendo mucho y YO SOLO PERMITO QUE ME HAN SUFRIR HAK Y YONA, ASÍ NO
Profile Image for Estíbaliz Montero Iniesta.
Author 61 books1,288 followers
November 14, 2021
Me han gustado los flashbacks y lo que han contado sobre esos personajes, pero echo mucho de menos tener a Yona, Hak y los dragones juntos. Lo de que cada uno esté por su lado no me gusta.
Profile Image for Rocio.
760 reviews47 followers
September 1, 2020
Aunque muchos estamos a la espera del final, Akatsuki no Yona se ha convertido en uno de mis mangas favoritos y Yona en el personaje. Me encanta la historia, la evolución de los personajes y las relaciones, lo trabajado que está todo el tema político, la fantasía, los momentos de acción, etc.

En este momento no tengo ni idea de lo que puede pasar, ni teorías tengo. Según dijo la autora no queda mucho y me estoy mordiendo las uñas. So-woon sabe más de lo que dice, los guerreros dragón y Yona están en una situación muy comprometida en el palacio y Hak lo siento maquinando todo el tiempo para volver con sus amigos.

¡Necesito más!
Profile Image for Julie.
2,157 reviews188 followers
February 4, 2021
SINHA IN GLASSES!! I REPEAT! SINHA!! IN! GLASSES!! Omg I'm most excited about that side story. He didn't say a word he just stood there and looked great in his glasses and hoodie. I love him.

I like that we're finally getting more info on the royal family and we're getting closer to finding out the why to Soo-won's betrayal.
Profile Image for Zoe Eicher.
27 reviews
March 11, 2022
I miss Hak and Yona being around each other in these last few volumes but I love Su Won's mom and dad. They were literally so cute and it made up for not having many Hak and Yona moments. The moment in the beginning when Yona has to hide from Hak was so heartbreaking :(
Profile Image for Luana.
1,427 reviews60 followers
March 6, 2024
La malattia scarlatta. La misteriosa malattia che colpisce i discendenti diretti del leggendario re Hiryu e che li condanna a una vita breve. Diciamo che a Yona, in quanto reincarnazione del re, è andata di lusso. Lo stesso non si può dire di Suwon che, come la madre, ha un legame di sangue con Hiryu. Ergo, il giovane re non ha molto tempo a disposizione per portare a termine la propria missione.
La parte più interessante del volume è la prima parte di un lungo flashback che ci mostra l'incontro tra i genitori di Suwon - Yuhon, all'epoca principe ereditario, guerriero dal grande carisma, e la povera Yon-hi, che vive isolata dal mondo portandosi dietro il segreto del suo legame con Hiryu (piccolo easter egg, la comparsata di Zeno che ha sempre vegliato sui discendenti del re) - e alcune dinamiche all'interno della corte di Kuto. In particolare il legame, non sempre facile, tra i due principi: se Yuhon è apprezzato da tutti, venerato per le sue abilità militari e per il suo carattere, Il viene spesso deriso, bollato come quello pavido, fifone, senza particolari talenti. A dividere i due fratelli, poi, c'è la questione legata al santuario, alla figura del gran sacerdote: Il è un frequentatore fisso del tempio, molto devoto al culto del drago rosso, mentre Yuhon non vede di buon occhio quel luogo, sicuramente non si fida del sacerdote. E vuole tenere la futura moglie lontana dal santuario, in modo che non si diffondano voci pericolose. Ma purtroppo le cose non andranno così. Nel prossimo volume ne sapremo di più (altro piccolo easter egg, la presenza di un piccolo Iksu, all'epoca apprendista sacerdote).
Molto carino il capitolo extra finale che ci regala il primo, fugace, incontro tra Hak e Jaeha (e scopriamo pure da dove arriva l'amata alabarda di Hak e il suo sogno di girare il mondo, incontrare i guerrieri migliori e allontanarsi da un sentimento non corrisposto).
Profile Image for Amalea.
105 reviews
June 17, 2024
i'm still very frustrated but it's getting super juicy
Profile Image for J.
663 reviews66 followers
October 26, 2020
Actual rating: 4.5 stars

Mizuho Kusanagi's so good at writing complex characters and multilayered relationships that I ended up shipping Yu-Hon and Yong-Hi in this volume.
Profile Image for Sarah Ryder.
786 reviews162 followers
March 30, 2022
Finally, the start to some answers! Though, yeah, this ain’t gonna be a fun, happy story… 👀😬

But first, my babies are still separated, and I’m so sad about that, but maybe they’ll be back together soon? Pretty please? (Because I nearly cried over Hak and Yona being SO CLOSE yet still too far away. 😭😭 Please give them a break, mangaka!) Though good for the dragons standing up to these people! Goodness, Adviser Keishuk thinks he can boss everyone around… 😒 And that CRAZY plot twist with Su-Won—I DID NOT see that coming!

Most of this story is focused on Yona and Su-Won’s parents in the past which so far has only been granted to us in TINY bits and pieces here and there throughout the series, and goodness is this a soap opera drama! While it’s only the beginning, I can tell this is gonna get much worse over time for all involved. 😬 And I don’t think Yu-Hon and Yon-HI’s relationship is exactly healthy—it kinda boarders on possessive to me, but others may feel differently, and it certainly fits with these characters.

Super interested to discover more, though I’m very apprehensive too… 👀😬

Also, the bonus chapter was pure gold. 🥰🥰🥰 I love the Wind Tribe. 🥰

Content: a shirtless guy; a character is nearly choked to death; characters suffer from an illness; violence (nothing over PG-13); a mention of concubines; a kiss
Profile Image for Emi.
726 reviews19 followers
December 9, 2021
La cosa sigue muy complicada para Yona ahora que está en la capital, pero casi todo el tomo es un flashback que explica cómo se conocieron los padres de So Won y más cosillas interesantes. El fashback no ha terminado así que, supongo, continuará en el próximo número.
Profile Image for Alexandra Elend Wolf.
629 reviews313 followers
June 3, 2023
“Hearts drawn together, and her own blood, even when shaken by conflict, fate marches on.”

While things have steadily been getting more and more complicated I was not expecting for things to get so heavy, twisted, dark, and oppressing terrifying any time soon. And yet, this volume made my stomach plummet to the floor and hollow out.

The hints and crumbs that have been dropped about the past are finally uniting and forming a fuller picture and I wish it would stop.

From the beginning, the story of Yona, Hak, and Soo-won has done little else than break my heart with how things break and tarn over time but realizing how much more twisted and heartbreaking this story really is, how it spans so much more than we ever thought, just makes of this the greatest tragedy I've read.

Certainly, there is nothing crueler than fate.

One thing I'm certain of is that I don't like Yu-hon one bit and my distaste for him is only making me conflicted feelings over his son all the more sour and bitter.

“She really is King Hiryuu’s reincarnation. At the time, I could only wonder how on earth one could prove that but ‘resounding with a soul’; with how the dragons said it, it must be true. King Hiryuu, the most unnecessary being in this world.”
Profile Image for sarah ♪.
122 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2024
4 stars!! I was about to rate this volume 3 stars like the last one (I'm not a huge fan of this arc)...but then we got the backstory I never knew I needed! I already love Prince Yuhon so much, and I love the fact that he waited MONTHS for Yonhi and still chose her over every noblewoman despite the fact that she could die at an early age. See, now that? That is true love right there. That is a man written by a woman. He is perfect.

Also, I have a feeling that Il murdering Yuhon has something to do with Yonhi coming from the Crimson Dragon King's bloodline. But I don't know, we'll see what happens.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tired Tiger.
182 reviews5 followers
September 22, 2024
This volume was gasp after gasp, I swear. I had some suspicions, but seeing things come together like this after 33 volumes is absolutely incredible. That paired with the emotional turmoil our main characters are facing is very effective storytelling.

The closer I get to catching up to the current story, the more excited I get, but also sad, because I know the end must be nearing. But if the story so far is any indication, we're in very good hands.
Profile Image for melhara.
1,554 reviews74 followers
December 28, 2023
In this volume, we learn about the Crimson Sickness and the story of how Su-Won's parents, Lady Yon-Hi and Prince Yu-Hon met. It's a pretty cute backstory story and provides some context on Su-Won's upbringing.

I love that he clearly looks like his mother and has her calm demeanor but also shares his father's values, coolness, and love for falconry.

The volume ends on a cliffhanger with tension rising between Yu-Hon and Il.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 168 reviews

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