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After a lifetime of feeling alone, Kellan Kyle never thought he’d end up with the girl of his dreams. Now that he knows true love, he’s determined to keep his future with Kiera, no matter how many times his past creeps back in.

But Kellan’s life is quickly changing … and trusting one another will put their love through the ultimate test.

Kellan swore he’d do whatever it took to never hurt Kiera again, but he soon realizes he might not have a choice. Can their love withstand secrets and lies … especially when telling the truth is just too painful?

~Please note: Painful is a retelling of the book Effortless. It is that story told from Kellan’s point of view.~

634 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 19, 2022

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About the author

S.C. Stephens

39 books17.1k followers
S.C. Stephens is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who enjoys spending every free moment she has creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance.

Her debut novel, Thoughtless, an angst-filled love triangle charged with insurmountable passion and the unforgettable Kellan Kyle, took the literary world by storm. Amazed and surprised by the response to the release of Thoughtless in 2009, more stories were quick to follow. Stephens has been writing nonstop ever since.

In addition to writing, Stephens enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading fabulous novels, loading up her iPod with writer's block reducing music, heading out to the movies, and spending quality time with her friends and family. She currently resides in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her two equally beautiful children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,244 reviews1,309 followers
April 23, 2022

Kellan could read/sing the phone book to me and I would love it. But this book was a tiny bit challenging. Poor boy. He's so broken inside. Matt or Evan should've sent him to therapy years ago! You could've cut 50% of the book and you wouldn't have missed anything of the story - only Kellan's fear of being left, of not being loved, of not wanting to tell Kiera about his dad et cetera. It was a bit too much. But Kiera is just the same - they are both so effing insecure and immature and whatnot. But still it just somehow works for us. We love Kellan Kyle like no other bookboyfriend. It doesn't matter what he does or says or thinks. He's our boy.
Can't wait to get the 3rd book from his POV - I might read Kiera's 3rd book now, because I just can't leave Kellan yet.

💜 💜

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Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews237 followers
May 19, 2022
I have loved Kellan Kyle since I read Thoughtless for the first time and I still do. If you have read the series you will know how tough an experience it was. All the to-ing and fro-ing, the frustrations and so much angst. Also a lot of pain for everyone.

Painful is Kellan’s POV of the second book in this series, Effortless. It is nearly double the length of that story because there is way more going on inside Kellan’s head that we realised. He is so desperate to hang on to what he has with Kiera that he constantly doubts everything. When their relationship is put to the test with long distance pulling them apart for six months, it takes a lot of trust and effort to hold it all together.

This relationship was born out of mistrust initially but what they now have is something they both want to keep. However, they will have to overcome a lot of insecurity and fears if they have any shot at making it.

I love how we get to see what truly happens when the boys go on tour together, all the fun and antics that happen between them all. We see a bit more of each of them and their personalities. I particularly enjoyed one scenebetween Kellan and Matt.

It was really sad to see Kellan angsting over decisions and how he carried so much on his shoulders. And then with Kiera, it almost feels too good to be true, like he is waiting for the other shoe to drop and once again he will be alone. He underestimates how deeply she loves and cares for him and it is truly beautiful when he realises that he is unconditionally loved. Not just by her but other people in his life.

This is a very long book but I really enjoyed the walk down memory lane and being back in the D-bags world.
Profile Image for Bookreader87(Amanda).
1,118 reviews41 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-now-but-might-finish-later'
April 23, 2022
OMG!! Idk why but I love this series so much. I randomly find myself looking up the author to see if they have any new books coming out and today I find this! To say I am excited is an understatement. I get more of the story through Kellan. Pre-ordered and ready!!😆
Profile Image for Steph .
652 reviews11 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
April 19, 2022
It hurts to do this with my first and favorite book boyfriend.

dnf @ 5%

Look. I know that's an early call. But this is a 634 pg book and I'm already annoyed. In the decade since I've read the original books I've forgotten how much I hate Kiera. She's probably my least favorite female MC ever. I refuse to read over 600 pgs of Kellan's internal monologue (because I also forgot how much this author likes to get wordy but have nothing happen) on a character I loathe.

I'll just stick with my happy memories and never read any of these books new or old again.
Profile Image for Louise.
1,062 reviews23 followers
May 22, 2022
I was in the mood for rereading the Thoughtless trilogy then noticed that this bad boy was released last year and what better way to reread a trilogy than from Kellan’s POV?
I actually felt like I could have reread the original trilogy and still have a pretty good idea about what Kellan was thinking - I’m not sure this added much to anything. Having said that, I really loved revisiting this second book in the series. It did feel like a reread. And it’s probably a 3 star read to be honest as sometimes it’s just didn’t feel like I was reading from a man’s POV. However it’s Kellan. And I love Kellan. So
Much. So he gets his own star.
Profile Image for Iris.
343 reviews64 followers
April 21, 2022
“We’re the D-Bags…in case you didn’t know.”

I was very excited to read this book. The Thoughtless series was one of the first series I read back in 2013, when I got into reading again. It has a special place in my heart.

Kellan Kyle had a terrible childhood, so it was very lovely to see him be happy for the first time in his life: he has a job he loves, awesome friends and a girlfriend he adores... eventhough things with Kiera can be a little rough. So when the amazing oportunity of touring the country for six months arises, he is hesitant to go, because he doesn't know what it's going to do to his relationship with Kiera. Their relationship will be, once again, tested.

I am part of the minority that enjoys reading the same book told from the guy's perspective. I think it adds other layers to the story and I enjoy reading more from some of my favorite books.

I have to admit tho that being in Kellan's head could be... challenging sometimes. It seemed that he had a sort of co-dependant relationship with Kiera. It was sweet at times but also, my God dude, find a new hobby. From what I remember from Effortless, Kiera is also the same. It was very cheesy sometimes.

The best parts were the interactions between the D-Bags. I absolutely love them; they are so funny and loving towards each other. They have each other's backs and I thought it was really cute. My favorite part was . When I first found out of the news of this book, I was expecting that part the most. I wished we had more interactions between .

Overall an enjoyable book.
Profile Image for Hayley.
215 reviews7 followers
February 1, 2023
I just love this world and Kellan Kyle has always been my number 1, I’ve read some fantastic books but no leading male can live up to Kellan for me.

It was such a gift to us fans that the author went back into this world years after finishing and continuing this trilogy from Kellan’s point of view, and to read in her author’s note that she is working on Reckless from his point of view as well, has me so unconditionally grateful to her!

This book did not disappoint, the characters were just as loving, angst, funny, charismatic and romantic, as I remember them and in fairness I have reread this series countless times, so it wasn’t that long ago 🤣

The next book from Kellan’s POV is going to kill me during that music video scene as I have to skip over that scene whenever I reread it, as I hate reading it! However I can’t wait to read their HEA from his POV and can only wish the author maybe gives us a further epilogue into Kellan and Keira’s life?! 😂 Hey if you don’t ask you don’t get, and I won’t ever be ok with their story ending, which is why I reread it so much, their story is not easy, and it doesn’t start with them being seen in the best light, but oh are they worth the journey.❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Olja.
24 reviews
April 20, 2022
I thought Thoughtful was the most painful book. I was wrong, it was hard to be in Kelan's head, to feel all emotions and pain.
Profile Image for Tracy Reads.
719 reviews41 followers
June 19, 2022
As always with SC such an amazing read!
I loved the original books but I love kellans too
You get to see an even more vulnerable side to him and how he actually viewed Kiera where as in her books you kinda guessed his pov so it’s great to actually read it loved loved loved it bring on the next one!
Profile Image for Grace.
55 reviews1 follower
April 19, 2022
Kellan Kyle is back and i thank my lucky stars for it. I missed him immensely and this book was everything that i ever hoped for. Kellan was hot, vulnerable and such sweetheart. I love this series only for the sake of Kellan Kyle and his D bags.

It’s going to stay with me forever.
Profile Image for Katherine.
465 reviews34 followers
April 20, 2022
DNF @ 25%. I have no idea why I even tried to read this book - I forgot how much I loathed Kiera. I do like Kellan, and I enjoyed the first "in between the numbers" novel, but between all the gag sex and and the mooning over Kiera....no. Just no. I'm done with this series. 1/5, do not recommend.
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,100 reviews55 followers
May 19, 2022
It's hard to give Kellan Kyle anything less than 5 stars, I mean c'mon now, it's Kellan Kyle! But Painful just didn't live up to the expectations I had, especially since I loved Thoughtful so much. There was something truly painful for me while reading this book, cringing at just how insecure and dare I say, whiny, our favorite rock star became. I know he was desperate to hold onto Kiera. But after all they had been through with Denny, and now that they were seemingly on the other side of that crazy, you'd think he would be more confident in her love for him.

But these two keep secrets from one another that almost destroy their relationship over and over again. And trust me, I remember it all vividly from Effortless but somehow it made more sense then? Or maybe I just accepted it much more easily. I don't know but Kellan's constant doubts, his inner thoughts there in italics where he is full of despair really did drive me crazy.

I have to admit that I skimmed a good part of this book just to get to the scenes I was curious about...hello, bathroom sex at Matt's, "I'll have a Denver omelet", and Christmas with her family...and that saddens me. However, the positive is that the last 20 percent or so really picked up and maybe it's because they finally figured out how to be together since the DBags' first tour was coming to a close and Kiera was nearing the end of her college career. But the moment they finally knew what they had would last and Kellan faced his demons wrt his parents and his real father, things felt good and I enjoyed how this story ended.

Stephens gives us a glimpse into what Kellan dealt with as a child with horrible parents and my heart broke for his young man. The fact that he is such a wonderful person and truly cares for those closest to him is a testament to what one can achieve despite their upbringing.

Overall, I will always love Kellan Kyle and he will have a place in my heart no matter what. But I may be finally done with his and Kiera's story since to be really honest here: I hated Reckless and never thought it was necessary. I was satisfied with how Effortless ended and honestly didn't need more.

I will also add that it was great catching up with the DBags and the loyal crew at Pete's Bar. There are some great moments featuring that wild man Griffin and his brand of levity helped when times were rough. In the end, my fondness for all of these characters, with my surprise at actually kind of liking Kiera in this version (lol), will never waver, and that isn't painful to admit at all.

2.5 stars.
Profile Image for Katie&Haley.
295 reviews8 followers
May 12, 2022
I'm so torn here. When I first read these books I LOVED them but now going back and reading through Kellan's perspective, I'm not sure what I loved so much? There was so much unnecessary drama that could have been avoided with just a liiiiittle communication.

Do I still love KK? Absolutely.
Will I read the next one? You know it.
Profile Image for Beeg Panda.
1,444 reviews490 followers
Shelved as 'nfm-or-on-burner-list'
June 18, 2022
For the love of God 🙏🏼Kellan Kyle, my beautiful beautiful man, have you STILL not found peace? 💔
For THIRTEEN years you have loved this woman and now another bump in the road?

PAINFUL: <--the title of this book sums up his whole existence with her.
The ONLY reason I want them together is because he needs her almost as much as Travis needs Abby. Like Roarke needs Eve. Like Mateo needs Mia.

She is the barometer against which I have measured each and every unworthy heroine for the past 7 years; since 2011, when I read this book, iirc.
She always comes out tops in that department. Right next to Meg.
I cant recall what I read yesterday but I can clearly recall my utter abhorrence of Keira and her antics from 7 yrs ago.

I adore the rest of the crew but she takes the enjoyment out of re-reading their books as well.
I wish he cheats on her with someone he loves more than her.
But he wont be the Kellan I know and love if he does that.
452 reviews15 followers
April 23, 2022
5+ stars

"Stay. Stay with me. Work it out with me. Just don’t leave me…please."

I have been waiting and dying for this book and my fav BFF Kellan Kyle and i absolutely loved every freaking second of this book!! I have always been obsessed with this series and would go back and reread it whenever. And this is everything i had hoped and wanted and MORE! Kell stole my heart away as always. The feelings and emotions this book evoked in me gahhhh😭😭 Adore it so much! Seeing things from Kellan's side made it so much amazing. And Griff omg that guy i was dying laughing 😂i really enjoyed every second of it and i never wanted it to end!
I really can't wait for more!

"Kellan Kyle, you're my hero."
Profile Image for Penny Harbaugh.
661 reviews3 followers
April 21, 2022

Wow. This is my favorite trilogy series. Start to finish it’s the best. I love both books point of view. You can never get enough of Kellan and Kiera. They grew so much through this series.
Profile Image for Wendy.
34 reviews2 followers
April 25, 2022
Painful was absolutely everything. I laughed, cried and my heart felt every emotion.
Kellen Kyle has always had a piece of my heart and with this book he took a little more.
SC Stephens has once again proved why she is my favourite author.
Profile Image for Mary Mooney.
2,490 reviews58 followers
April 28, 2022
Kellan Perfection

Love revisiting the D Bags, getting Kellan's POV was great. It brought back all of the things I loved from the original story.
I would love to see move on the band members in the future, who got married, had kids, and more.
If you loved the original series, you will love this one from Kellan's pov.
Profile Image for C.
985 reviews8 followers
May 13, 2022
Loved reading Kellan’s POV and catching up with the D-Bags. Kellan Kyle 4eva!
Profile Image for Amber White.
319 reviews12 followers
May 12, 2022
I don’t know how because I already loved Kellan more than humanly possible, but there are no words to describe how much love I have for that man.
Profile Image for Anna.
1,521 reviews18 followers
May 25, 2022
I tried so hard, I really did. I absolutely loved this series and was SO crazy excited to get more Kellan! But this book turned out to be aptly named. It’s painful to read.

I struggled and struggled and struggled some more. Put it down and went back several times. But I finally gave up at 50%. Life is just too short. The book is mostly inner musings from Kellan, and while I wanted his POV, this wasn’t what I had in mind. It became mind numbingly boring.

I’d say let the series lie where it finished and while you may be tempted, don’t.
81 reviews2 followers
May 31, 2022
Wanted to love this...

I loved Kellen Kyle in Kiera's eyes, but I don't think I would have felt the same way had I read this book first. I feel like I just spent hours reading through pages and pages of repetitive nonsense. And if Kiera is described as "adorable" one more time...
This book dragged for me, nothing happened other than painful, long-winded descriptions of the same thing. This book is not something I would recommend.
Profile Image for JudyCa.
1,157 reviews
April 25, 2022
Kellan was one of my very first bbf's and still holds a piece of my heart 😍 getting his POV was painful but so, so good! Fingers crossed for Kellan's POV Reckless!!
Profile Image for Emeres.
204 reviews
May 28, 2022
3 stars for nostalgia.
I wanted to love it. I loved the original series. I even loved the previous KK POV bits the author treated us with later, but... not this. This was....hard to read. I'm gonna forget I read it and leave Kellan as my top book BF.
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 2 books252 followers
May 30, 2022
This took nearly a month to read. I just could but get into it. Too much in Kellan’s head that it got annoying. How many times could he self sabotage? How many times was Kiera ‘so cute’. Ugh. I liked seeing other aspects of the band.
Profile Image for FS Meurinne.
Author 4 books127 followers
April 21, 2022
Everyone knows how much I love Kellan Kyle, so of course I had to read this book. Being in Kellan's head brings a lot into the original story. I simply ache for everything Kellan had to go through with Kiera. It was not easy, and yet even though I know the story, the emotions are a bit new, it's just so different at some parts from what Kiera thinks. After a decade of having read the original story, it seems surreal that these characters marked me in a way that I still remember how it felt to read it the first time, when sometimes I just forget what I read last week, yes I read a lot so they blend and mix for me these days. I can't wait to get the audiobook to hear it again and for the final book from KK POV. Kellan Kyle still on my list of top book boyfriends.

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Profile Image for Ann (Literary Lust).
1,406 reviews22 followers
July 11, 2022
Effortless is my favourite of the three books that make up the original Thoughtless trilogy, so being aware that I’d learn Kellan’s thoughts and feelings about scenes from that book, I expected this narrative was going to be painful reading at times….. and it was.

I adore Kellan Kyle. If I’m asked to name my top three book boyfriends, he’s one of them. He’s actually probably up there in the number one spot. He has had such a tough upbringing, and I absolutely hate every single insecurity and moment of feeling unworthy that he reveals about himself. I know where it all comes from and that just hurts my heart even more.

Revisiting my favourite scenes from Effortless brought on all the emotions I experience every time I read those parts – and I loved this. I have laughed, cried and swooned lots! I love the D-Bags together. They truly are family and I love their contrasting personalities and the different relationships they have with each other. I’m rather jealous of Kiera… who isn’t! She’s one lucky lady and as much as there are moments when I have disliked her behaviour, those scenes in Painful when she’s there for Kellan during difficult situations, showed me how much she loves and cares for that incredible man. He deserves nothing less.

If you are a fan of Kellan and Kiera then this book is a must-read. It’s quite lengthy but there is so much covered. I am already looking forward to reading Kellan’s POV of Reckless once it is written and released. I’d love one day for an update on what Kellan and Kiera are doing now. I sincerely hope all is well with them.

5 stars.
Profile Image for Paula.
382 reviews25 followers
January 20, 2023
Man oh man... I will admit it took me some time to actually start reading Painful; months, really. The reason, I think, was because when I read Thoughtful it kinda disappointed me and I guess that made me really lower my expectations with this one. I should've known better because I freaking LOVE Effortless and Reckless, so I should've known whatever the case I would've liked this version just the same. And I did -I do- so much. I am truly grateful that the author decided to give us Kellan's perspective.
Even though I fell in love with Kellan in Thoughtless, when I read Thoughtful I was kinda heartbroken because I felt like the author had written a completely different character, he didn't seem like the same Kellan I fell for; and yet with Painful it was like I got my Kellan back, the one that stole my heart and never gave it back. And that makes me beyond happy.
I loved pretty much every single part of this book. My favorite were the scenes with the guys, obviously. LOL and OMG Griffin had me dying all the time!!!! There was only one part that I was really looking forward to, a HUGE moment for Kellan, that felt odd in the way it was developed, but save for that the whole book was an absolute joy to read. Loved all the new insights into the band's life on the road and, of course, seeing everything through Kellan's eyes. Such a treat!
Now I cannot wait for Kellan's take on Reckless. I've a feeling it's going to seal the deal and solidify him as my #1 book boyfriend for good.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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