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The Habits of Squirrels

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The journey of a thousand miles begins with an irate squirrel.

In this charming, thoughtful meditation on all of life's journeys, Brian Livingston finds humor, grace, and sunburn on one of America's great hikes. Gabe Jenkins spent his career driving in circles. For thirty years, his life revolved around his mail route. Upon retirement, this accumulated inertia steers Gabe onto the Great Eastern Trail, the meandering pathway running south to north through the sprawling Amicola Mountains. As he walks, he encounters the Trail’s eccentric inhabitants, who will help him, challenge him, and ultimately shape his journey. As a new Gabe ambles toward the Great Eastern Trail's northern terminus, he is forced to reckon with how he has lived his life and to determine what kind of person he wants to be—as a husband, as a father, as a human being—and how he wants to spend his remaining years.

353 pages, Paperback

Published March 2, 2022

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Brian Livingston

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews
Profile Image for Sandy T.  Scott.
58 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2023
After the first couple of chapters I could not put it down. Great novel about i image is the AT but in the book is called the Great Eastern Trail. I felt connected to the hikers. Great visual description. Enjoyed Brian’s use of words and turns of pegases. Mongrel is a wise mostly unseen character. Brian will be at REI in Greenvile SC in early August. All of you living in the towns off of The AT or any major trail be kind when you see these folks in your town. They deserve respect and admiration. They have great stories to tell.
December 23, 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed Habits of Squirrels! It’s a humorous and compelling story of a man that feels like he needs to try to lose himself to find himself. He meets characters along the way that are as charismatic as they are realistic. Brian’s humor really shows through in the all the descriptions and dialogue. Truly a great read!
125 reviews10 followers
January 17, 2023
The Habits of Squirrels by Brian Livingston

Every journey has something to present to its sightseer, it can be a great experience or a full of wisdom adventure. It teaches us, makes us happy, and also prospers the spirit of humankind.

So, It's always a good idea to spend the wealth on adventures that help us to connect with nature and crusade our imagination to new altitudes.

To be honest, I have never hiked or been on a trek. I spend my time in my home, looking through the window, glaring toward the beauty of a sunset, and reading books. Besides, I had no problem with this lifestyle until I started reading this book. This book made me so envious of everyone and everything about hiking and trekking.

Book Blurb-

Gabe Jenkins spent his career driving in circles. For thirty years, his life revolved around his mail route. Upon retirement, this accumulated inertia steers Gabe onto the Great Eastern Trail, the meandering pathway running south to north through the sprawling Amicola Mountains. As he walks, he encounters the Trail’s eccentric inhabitants, who will help him, challenge him, and ultimately shape his journey. As a new Gabe ambles toward the Great Eastern Trail's northern terminus, he is forced to reckon with how he has lived his life and to determine what kind of person he wants to be—as a husband, as a father, as a human being—and how he wants to spend his remaining years.


The habit of squirrels would be one of the best books that I have read in recent times, it's fiction that makes you wanna pack your bags and go on a trip with your family or friends.

We always adore a story with a journey that is a parable for the growth and enlightenment of a character. From the lowest lows to the highest highs.

As you go deep into the story you start to feel familiar with Gabe and his family. A witty and charismatic tale that makes you happy and teaches you wisdom as the character apprehends it during his journey.

A well-written fast-paced beautiful story that hugs you throughout its course and grabs your attention with thoughtful characters.

This is the debut novel of the Author and he has done a splendid job of taking us on this trail. I would genuinely recommend this book to everyone. Please read it, it's beautiful.
Profile Image for Tim Mathis.
Author 5 books11 followers
July 5, 2022
First off, full disclosure - Brian, the author, sent me a free copy of this book because I do a bit of writing about the outdoors. I didn't promise a review and there were no strings attached, but I just thought you should know.

With that out of the way, the book honestly is a good read. I just finished it up in the middle of a big trip, and I found myself gravitating towards it rather than the other books on my phone (Which, in case you're wondering, are Tracks, Fight Club, and a travel book called The Sinner's Grand Tour).

Livingston has an endearing and pleasant writing voice, the story flows well, and it's a unique approach to the thru hiking genre, as a fictional account of a hiker's journey on the Great Eastern Trail (a lightly fictionalized version of the Appalachian Trail). While there are a lot of similar non-fiction accounts of thru hiking experiences that this book reminded me of (it has a memoir-esque feel, flows chronologically and focuses a lot on the characters encountered a bit like Thru Hiking Will Break Your Heart, for instance), telling a fictional story gave the author freedom to work in fun anecdotes and humor that reality sometimes doesn't allow. Long trails are their own little universes, and it's a good venue to create a fictional world. Brian did a good job with it - it was lots of fun, the protagonist was relatable, and the characters he created were good caricatures of the actual (often eccentric) people you meet along long trails.

It's an independently published book by a first time author, in mostly good ways. It has an indie feel - not super polished, likely to appeal primarily to a niche audience, with a typo here and there - but it's also a well-told story that keeps you engaged and reads as a believable account of the type of physical and emotional experience that people have on thru hikes. Overall, it's worth a read - particularly for people who've hiked long trails or enjoy the hiking memoir genre.
Profile Image for Amber.
117 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2022
Let's start with the obvious.. this title is a conversation starter! I was asked by friends and strangers what this book was about and loved the curiosity! I also love the simple and clean watercolor cover and think it's a perfect match for the story and our MC's journey.

We are following Gabe who becomes "Mister Gabe" on his hike along the Great Eastern trail in what seems to be a post retirement existential crisis. I am not a hiker by any means, so while the plot sounded unique and intriguing to me, I was not sure how interested I would actually be once I started reading if hiking was the main focus. I can tell you-the author really made this book for everyone! The characters met along the way and experiences Gabe has with wildlife and his wit keep you very entertained. Everyone needs a Jezebel/Charlotte in their life! I also found myself googling to see if these crazy protein bars exist and wondering if I should try one😂. They dont. We are safe from them...

Possible discussion topics could include father/son and spouse relationships, how we see ourselves vs how others do, the great outdoors and what it means to our mind and bodies, our post retirement goals, guilty pleasure foods, and how comfortable we are or aren't with strangers. I enjoy thinking through how I think I might react in some of these scenarios.. even though I don't think we can really know unless we are in the situation.

I really enjoyed this one and will recommend it especially to those who need something a little different in their rotation!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ rounded to 5 on GR

Thank you @brianlivingstonbooks for the copy and I look forward to what you write next!
Profile Image for LucyLui.
464 reviews20 followers
June 26, 2022
Title - The Habits Of Squirrels
Author - Brian Livingston
Genre - Coming Of Age Fiction
Published - April 2022
Pages - 367 Pages

Gabe Jenkins has retired, he spent thirty years driving around in circles as a mailman. Now he's retired he's decided to head out to the Amicola Mountains, along the trail he meets the inhabitants who live along the way, these characters will help him, challenge him, and ultimately shape his journey. As Gabe begins to change and become a new version of himself he finds himself at the Great Eastern Trail's northern terminus where he is forced to work out who he wants to be, as a father, a man and how he wants to live his life and how he wants to spend the remaining years of his life.

An outstanding read, the characters are so relatable, you find yourself seeing a little bit of yourself in each of the characters. It's obvious from the book the author has extensive knowledge of the trail within the book, making it easy to read and very believable.

The vivid writing and eclectic characters kept me turning the pages and needing to read on. Equal parts humorous and inspiring, and will absolutely put a smile on your face, a definite must-read.
Profile Image for Kariane (bookish.introvert_).
70 reviews4 followers
July 20, 2022
I'm not going to lie, it took me a really long time to read The Habits of Squirrels, but not because it wasn't good. In fact, I quite enjoyed it. It's simply the kind of book that you take your time with. A couple chapters here and there. You savour it. You let it lead you where it leads you. It is quite easy to dip in and out of it, and is a nice reflexion on life in general, but through a long hike that lasts for months. I think that's part of the reason it felt okay to just take it slow, since so much time passes in the book.

I absolutely loved the dialogue between the characters. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there was just something about the dialogue. My favourite character was probably Monroe. And maybe Jezebel too.

Thanks so much to @brianlivingstonbooks for sending me a copy of your book. And thank you @alexandria.in.wonderland for convincing me to go for it!
March 30, 2022
What an impressive debut from a talented young novelist. For those (like myself) who have always been curious, Livingston gives the reader a detailed glimpse into what it could be like to hike the entire Appalachian Trail in one go. But this is no mere memoir from the trail. It is a nuanced work of literary fiction with a warm beating heart at its center. Gabe the protagonist’s journey toward mending his strained relationship with his estranged son is what drives this tale. His love for his son is complicated yet pure, and their ultimate reunion is a tender climax indeed. Along the way, Gabe encounters many interesting characters, and Livingston’s portraits of each are very well fleshed out. Weaved throughout is Livingston’s wry wit that will have you chuckling in your armchair. Loved this book!
119 reviews1 follower
May 18, 2022
I was impressed. It is not often a novel by a first-time author captures my interest. The story is excellent and well-paced, and the characters are outstanding.

There was a little bit of me in every character but there was a lot of me in the main character, Old Gabe. He lived his whole life as a mailman. Doing one thing every day, day in and day out. And now that he is retired, he is looking for what he missed. What he missed in himself, his career, and his closest relationships. On the trail, he finds some excellent guides to show him the wonder of his life.

The backdrop for this book is an Appellation Trail-like hike. But you don't need to be a hiker to take this walk.

Great read. The characters will always be with you...like old best friends. Enjoy.
1 review
June 3, 2022
The lifelike characters and events are somehow both fiction and non-fiction; fiction in the sense they are fabricated, but non-fiction in the sense that they are very very real (or could be). Every one was completely viable in its context, and to anyone who thinks some might sound exaggerated, I can assure you are not.

I felt the phantom blisters and hunger pangs from years past. I rejoiced in the tiny- and not so tiny- triumphs of survival. And, I cherished the warmth of camaraderie that can only come from such experiences.

Thank you Brian, for giving life to a transformative experience that, for many, lives on only in one’s memories, and now on your pages.
Profile Image for Anthony Strong.
Author 3 books4 followers
February 5, 2023
What a surprised! You'd think that the retelling of an upper-middle-aged guy hiking for months at a time would be tedious, BUT...
I couldn't put it down. Mister Gabe/Nameless Gabe is a character that you just want to shake - he has so obviously sabotaged his own happiness but can't manage to get out of his own way - with his wife, with his son, and with the people he meets on the trail. But slowly he begins to get it and the dawning of his own foibles on him happens slowly - like the hike - but inevitably.
His personal growth happens at the same pace as his walking. But, as with the hike, he ultimately gets there.
Highly recommended, and not just for those who enjoy a walk in the woods.
Profile Image for Fraser Perrett.
19 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2022
This is a humorous and exciting, yet introspective and sensitive take on the adventure novel. Livingston’s personal experience with the Appalachian Trail shines through and brings color to the absurd task of walking from Georgia to Maine for fun, while exploring themes of introspection, purpose, relationships, and the human existence.

This book lived on my bedside table for only a few days before being banished to the living room, because I couldn’t read just one chapter at a time and my laughter kept my wife awake.
Profile Image for Michael Landstrom.
8 reviews1 follower
May 9, 2024
Such a great read. The imagery of Gabe and his wife as she is sending him off/trying to get him to stay is fantastic. I could picture it as I was reading. The detail of things down to the Dank Sauce is amazing. There seemed to be dysfunction of some sort in each character which is very important. Not rainbows and butterflies. I don’t read much fiction. More factual books, but this was so enjoyable to read. My wife bought it for me while we were in REI Greenville. I like squirrels so she picked it up for my birthday. I look forward to the next book. Maybe a sequel?? 👍🏻👍🏻
Profile Image for George Scott.
Author 3 books29 followers
June 15, 2024
This is an entertaining stroll up the "Great Eastern Trail." Enjoyable and interesting. I've never hiked the Appalachian Trail except in short day-hikes. Doing the whole walk would be epic.

The main character explores a bit about his family life; I could have stood more of it, and the resolutions to some of his issues.

What I missed most about the adventure was the dearth of fellow hikers. There are only about seven named, and no others appeared; that seems unlikely.

It was an enjoyable read and I recommend it.
Profile Image for Christine Reed.
Author 2 books74 followers
September 29, 2022
Unlike the myriad trail memoirs out their, this takes a fictional version of the Appalachian Trail and brings a sense of comical unrealism to the Thru hiking experience. Livingston does an admiral job of bringing elements of the trail experience and turning them up a notch. It’s funny and leaves the reader wondering— wait, did that really happen?
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
95 reviews2 followers
April 12, 2023
Perfect book to read on an actual hiking trip, or if you just need to hike your own hike in any way.

This allegorical story of a retired mailman through hiking a famous trail was lovely- I loved Gabe, his friends, and his journey. I read this book on a trip to Big Bend NP 🌵⛰️ … great book and great trip.
101 reviews1 follower
May 4, 2023
Just could not relate to this book. I found the main character annoying and shallow. Supposedly, he found himself in the end, but changing his self centeredness seems unlikely. The only redeeming parts of the story were the characters he met on the trail. The hiking descriptions got tedious as well, I was very pleased when he reached the end of the journey.
Profile Image for Jana Abbott.
37 reviews
July 10, 2024
The hiking portion, especially the first half of the book, was fantastic, couldn't put it down. The family dynamics were real life frustrating as relationships proved selfish and childish--sadly as families sometimes do. Great characters, scenery, storytelling. Gabe, with all his human vices, is so terribly likable. A truly enjoyable read!
2 reviews
March 23, 2022
Great debut novel from Brian Livingston! The coming of age tale of Mr. Gabe as he hikes the Great Eastern Trail and learns what the next chapter holds for him, his wife, Claire, and son, Billy. The vivid writing and eclectic characters will keep turning page after page!
1 review
March 23, 2022
Just an excellent read. Equal parts humorous and inspiring, and will absolutely put a grin on your face. Livingston’s lived experience on the Appalachian Trail shines through. This book is an uplifting reminder that it is never too late to discover your purpose.
June 3, 2022
I thought this book was amazing. Not at all what I expected from a book about hiking. This book speaks on several levels, interesting people, great story with adventures, and personal growth. It is just a wonderful complex story I just can’t say enough about how enjoyable this was.
June 19, 2022
The Habits of Squirrels is a whimsical and fun book! Perfect for anyone who loves a little outdoor adventure story or is contemplating a mid life crisis lifestyle change! The characters are lovable and make you want to hear more about their stories.
118 reviews1 follower
July 26, 2023
It’s an interesting read, based on the author’s own trek on the Appalachian Trail. Names have been changed but it is the Appalachian trail . Add a star if you are a hiker. The author is a good story teller. He had me hooked from the beginning.
Profile Image for Allison Lizer.
29 reviews
March 16, 2024
I liked the book and would recommend it! Just felt the end was a little rushed and wanted more resolution with Gabe’s family. Really enjoyed the early-mid chapters and the variety of characters. Enjoyed the self-growth experienced throughout and the descriptions of the trail.
March 22, 2022
Great read, a true page-turner that shows self-discovery can happen at any age. I personally identified with Mongo and found his little pearls of wisdom particularly enlightening. Highly recommend!
May 20, 2022
Great read! Highly recommend! Thoughtful, introspective, and fun -- what more could you want? Into the #squirrelverse you go. Now I need to hike the AT
Profile Image for Lynn.
95 reviews
March 2, 2024
A fun read, but why fiction?
(and hire a proofreader, lots of typos)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 31 reviews

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