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For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond

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Kayleigh McEnany describes her path to the White House podium, bringing the reader behind the scenes in the world’s most powerful building and illuminating how faith got her through.

If you would have told me that in the year 2020 I would stand at the White House podium and communicate with the American people as COVID-19 ravaged the globe and violent protests beset the nation, I would have told you that you were crazy. But Jesus Christ had this very plan for my life.

From White House intern to White House press secretary, from production assistant to national television host, from Catholic all-girls high school to Harvard Law School, God has guided my path through uncharted territory. In For Such a Time as This, I will chronicle my journey to the White House and offer never-before-told anecdotes about what really happened within the Trump administration. You will experience some of the most high stakes moments in the West Wing right alongside me as I reveal how faith got me through.

7 pages, Audiobook

Published December 7, 2021

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Kayleigh McEnany

5 books176 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews
Profile Image for Tammy O.
655 reviews33 followers
December 24, 2021
Kayleigh McEnany is whip smart and incredibly determined. Her academic achievements are amazing….Harvard Law School, Oxford University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service…usually graduating in the top of her class. She does her research, listens carefully and watches closely.

In “For Such a Time as This”, she shares her deep faith in God and her belief in His plan and purpose for her life. Each time she questioned her next steps or worked through problems, the words from her daily devotion book, lyrics from a Christian song or a passage from the Bible gave her fresh direction, comfort and confidence.

Kayleigh’s dad told her, “Maybe you were made for such a time as this” when she was asked to be President Trump’s press secretary in 2020. Those words from Esther 4:14 have been her inspiration and are important for all of us to consider.

🇺🇸Just a few points she made in her book as she wrote of her conversations with President Trump before his final Presidential Election 2020 debate:

On national security, voters needed to know what the media refused to report: Joe Biden’s family took $ 3.5 million from Russia; took millions from China with a 10 percent cut for “the Big Guy” (presumed to be Biden); and Hunter, of course, took millions from a corrupt Ukrainian firm with Joe himself bragging about firing the prosecutor prodding the company.

On climate change, my top-line point for the president was this: “Joe Biden cares more about appeasing radical left environmentalists than protecting the jobs of American workers,” noting that Joe had said he will ban fracking and that he had endorsed the Green New Deal. In other words, AOC was totally in control.

And, on the economy, I wanted voters to understand that a Joe Biden presidency would cost American families $ 6,500 in median household income. Under President Trump, real median income rose by “nearly 50% more.

“Biden’s playbook is China’s playbook,” I told the president.

As I mentioned earlier in this book, we now know that even the Biden administration has debunked the Russian bounty story. But the truth didn’t stop Biden from using this lie on a presidential debate stage. And as it pertains to Afghanistan, the facts on the ground also did not stop now-President Biden from recklessly withdrawing our troops, causing the entire country to fall to the Taliban and leaving thousands of Americans behind. As I write this at the end of August, in the span of a few days, President Biden managed to undo the good work that our servicemen and women had done over the span of twenty years. Underscoring just how big of a cataclysmic failure the Biden withdrawal actually was, President Biden had to deploy more troops than he withdrew in order to fix his self-inflicted mess.

We also know that Joe had no desire to stand up to Putin as he tried “to destabilize all of NATO.” No, in fact, we now know that Joe would greenlight the Nord Stream 2 pipeline between Germany and Russia—a project his own press secretary described as a “Russian geopolitical project that threatens European energy security.”
David Harsanyi of the New York Post posed this question on the matter: “What does Vladimir Putin have on Joe Biden?”
*President Trump knew, and he revealed it in that very moment in the final presidential debate: “Joe got three and a half million dollars from Russia. And it came through Putin, because he was very friendly with the former mayor of Moscow and it was the mayor of Moscow’s wife…. Your family got three and a half million dollars…. I never got any money from Russia. I don’t get money from Russia…. There has been nobody tougher to Russia…. Between the sanctions between all of what I’ve done with NATO. You know, I’ve got the NATO countries to put up an extra one hundred and thirty billion dollars, going to four hundred and twenty billion dollars a year, that’s to guard against Russia…. I sold tank busters to Ukraine.”
President Trump went on to hold Biden accountable on China and Ukraine, reiterating the points I had listed out for him:
*I don’t make money from China, you do.
*I don’t make money from Ukraine, you do.
*I don’t make money from Russia. You made three and a half million dollars, Joe, and your son gave to you. They even have a statement that we have to give ten percent to the big man. You’re the big man.”
Profile Image for Mary Williams.
111 reviews4 followers
December 14, 2021
This was so, unexpectedly good. I couldn’t stop listening. There were a few parts that were sort of “cliche” feeling, but I loved reading about how faith led so many of the White House leaders and staff throughout the past few years.
Profile Image for Bridget.
3 reviews3 followers
March 12, 2022
It’s difficult to understand how a well educated, hardworking young woman like Kayleigh McEnany can reconcile the strong Christian beliefs she professes to hold as a follower of Jesus with the positions, policies, words, and actions of her beloved boss, Donald Trump. She clearly works hard and loves her family, including her young daughter. When her daughter is old enough, will she understand her mother’s support for a man whose leadership style showed he believed: that people don’t matter (unless they can help you ‘win’); apologizing or admitting a mistake is weakness; everything is about you; compassion is a flaw; you must demonize and/or fear those who don’t look like you; that women are less worthy of respect; that it’s ok to cheat or lie in order to win; whiteness is superior; your convictions are for sale; laws don’t apply to you; and when in doubt, lie? Ms. McEnany protested the election of Clinton at age 8, and started listening to Rush Limbaugh shortly thereafter (and that’s who her co-cheerleaders got to listen to when they rode with her to cheer practice). Maybe she will raise her daughter not to think about or worry about these pesky questions. I hope that won’t be the case.

If you are familiar with McEnany’s tenure as press secretary, this is the book you would expect it to be. Heavy on colorful descriptions of her wardrobe choices, praise from and interactions with her hero boss (“Kayleigh, you’re great”), and positively spun (and carefully selected) anecdotes about a few of the events during her short tenure as the press secretary for the Trump White House during 2020. She praises Trump’s churlish performance at the chaotic first debate, describes his bizarre Bible photo op after ordering the clearing of Lafayette Square as him ‘proudly displaying the Bible’, and describes his ‘jesting and fun personality’.

There are also quite a few references to the unfair questions and focus of the media (maybe Ms. McEnany has forgotten Fox News, her previous and current employer?). Shouldn’t a press secretary understand that in a system of government like ours, the leader works for and answers to the people- even (especially!)- the hard and uncomfortable questions- and that the free press asks those questions on our behalf. Aren’t we glad that we aren’t dependent upon state sponsored media (like the people of Russia or China)?

Even at the time of writing this book (published 2021), Kayleigh McEnany was still all in on the cult of Trump, despite the cognitive dissonance between many of the positions he and his administration allowed and stood for, and her love for the One who was the inspiration for the scripture references throughout her book.

If you can ignore this, as well as all the presidential firing by tweet, demands for loyalty to him above truth, strong arming, failed lawsuits, lack of credible evidence, and the Trump appointees like Bill Barr, Chris Krebbs, Republican Secretaries of State, Republican appointed judges, et. all who have told us that Trump truly lost this election, or if you’d rather not get to the bottom of who was behind Jan 6 (all those Trump allies taking the 5th! What’s THAT about?) then you’ll probably really enjoy this book. It’s a NYT bestseller, after all.
Profile Image for Kristina  Wilson.
1,296 reviews69 followers
April 17, 2022
I enjoyed reading McEnany’s story of how she came to be the Press Secretary under President Trump. In this position, she implemented an “offense only”strategy in an attempt to combat the ridiculous questions and rumors perpetuated by the liberal media, both of which were alarmingly ubiquitous during this administration. Prior to reading this book, I had no idea about the author’s extensive educational background, but was impressed with her academic achievements at several prominent institutions. Her intellect and organization style were both on display during her role at the White House, but her insights in this book made me appreciate her approach even more than I had previously.

While this is marketed as a book about how McEnany’s Christian faith helped her to navigate what I’m sure was an incredibly stressful and, at times, frustrating, job, this book seemed to be more about specifically her time working within the Trump Administration. There was a great deal of time devoted to correcting the errors made by, and later barely corrected, if at all, the mainstream media. This was interesting, but opinions had already been formed about these instances, some of which are continually widely perpetuated even after being debunked. While I wish there had been more faith content, I was also rather shocked at the sources McEnany cites as helping her proceed in faith. For example, she shares she listened to false teacher Joyce Meyer, and several times cites the Jesus Calling devotional. This is also a false teaching, as the author claims to be speaking for God. Of the latter, she writes “ It had become a source of strength for me and also a way that I felt God communicated with me during times of adversity like this”. God communicates through His Word, which alone is sufficient, not through an authored devotional. I would think with McEnany’s clear level of intelligence, that her discernment would be far better than what is displayed by her choice of Christian teachers and authors.
Profile Image for sarah.
69 reviews2 followers
April 27, 2022
Don't let the 4-star rating throw you off. For Such a Time as This is a very worthwhile book, and I did enjoy it. Keep reading if you want to know why I still knocked a star off.

I'll be completely honest, I didn't know who Kayleigh was before I saw this book here on Goodreads, since I wasn't very interested in media and politics before. After having enjoyed this read, I have newfound respect and adoration for Kayleigh and her bravery. When I have more free time on my hands, I'll watch all of her press briefing streams.

I had to knock off a 0.5 star because this wasn't really a Christian memoir/biography, it was an unusual combination of political correction and Christian testimony that I wasn’t quite expecting... I just wish there were more of a faith-based aspect to this than politics-based, rather than both of them being equally there, considering the title of this book. Also, I feel that the book tapers off a little strangely. I had no idea that the book would end in the middle of Kayleigh’s story in the White House, and wish it had gone on a bit more and perhaps ended with her being removed from her position. I had to knock off another 0.5 star for that. I did love looking through the several pages of photos at the end though, and I spent a lot of time poring over each one. (Blake is soo adorable!) I noticed the hard work Kayleigh put into her Acknowledgments- I could tell she was truly grateful for everyone she mentioned.

Now for Kayleigh herself. I was impressed by her unusual resilience. To have been a young Christian conservative mom serving as White House Press Secretary in the midst of so much persecution from the media takes a lot of courage- and unwavering faith in Christ. I loved reading about how her devotional readings and Bible verses helped her get through the toughest of times during COVID and the BLM movement. I thought her constant mentions of her baby girl Blake was adorable too. It must have been hard to be away from her so much.

The concluding 2-3 paragraphs were so touching and encouraging. Kayleigh is convinced she was placed in the White House “at such a time as this” by God's grace, not according to her own merit. She wants us readers to know that we all have our own roles to play here on earth- God has beautiful plans laid out for all of us.
I hope Kayleigh continues to be an excellent representative of Christian conservatism wherever God places her. She's gained a supporter in me. God bless you, Ms. McEnany ♥️
Profile Image for Vibliophile.
1,569 reviews127 followers
July 16, 2022
A tremendously gifted young woman of great faith

I generally avoid political books, but Kayleigh caught my notice as press secretary because she's one of those rare people who so impressed me that I actually enjoyed listening to her speak in her feisty, clear, no nonsense way.

It's enlightening - and frustrating - to read about the media's disgusting & disgraceful betrayal of their profession & this country. While not new, from this book's vantage point, their stark & infuriating malpractice are more fully exposed.

I did not know about her medical issues. What a beautiful witness to her faith & trust in God! It's rare nowadays to feel encouraged & uplifted by a public figure's story - this is a very worthwhile read!
Profile Image for Linda Galella.
749 reviews69 followers
December 9, 2021
An inspirational backstage pass to the last 9.5 months of the Trump Presidency.

I have read and reviewed so many political books the last few years and almost didn’t bother with this one; what more could possibly be said? Kayleigh McEnany’s “For Such a Time as This” is an unique combination of autobiography, motivation/inspiration and political record correcting. At times it feels like having a conversation with a good friend over a cup of coffee and other times it feels like an highly exacting jurist is setting the record straight prior to a critical decision being made.

Kayleigh writes in an affable, flowing style and is very open with her personal information. She shares all of the victories, fears and foibles that have formed the foundation of her very successful life in politics and currently, television broadcasting. Family and faith are her anchors and they are foremost in this volume.

All of the major events that occurred while Kayleigh was WH Press Secretary are spoken about in this book: the church incident, Floyd, COVID, disparaging veterans, the campaign trail, debates, and more. She has an unique position to report the facts for how these items were falsely reported or squashed and now shown to be completely different. There’s nothing inflammatory, just factual accounting.

While I’m happy to have read this book, it does tend to be less informative on the political aspects she was part of than I was expecting. Rather than seeing all the thank you notes in the acknowledgement, it would have been more interesting to read about those relationships. Maybe she’s planning another book📚
Profile Image for ⢄⢁✧ CheyAnn.
109 reviews51 followers
August 23, 2022
Thank you Cara for asking me if I would like to buddy read this book with you!! I enjoyed reading this book with you. ❤️

I really loved this book! Kayleigh is such a great role model. This book was so we'll written. She wrote about her challenges with mainstream media. She has tons of proof that the media is trying to hide stories like for example the Hunter laptop story. She talks about how Twitter banned her for retweeting a article about Hunter Biden. She mentions all the times she went to God through all the difficult times. Her book shows the side of Donald Trump that the media doesn't want you to see. She talks about all the time Donald Trump acted like a proud father. He always encouraged her, he called to make sure she was okay after her surgery.

Profile Image for Page Turner .
118 reviews
January 3, 2022
Such an inspiring story! Kayleigh is not only brilliant, but humble about her great successes in life. She is a woman of great faith in Jesus Christ and shares her walk with God throughout the book. A great read and 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Profile Image for Misfit.
1,638 reviews318 followers
Shelved as 'no-thank-you'
December 3, 2021

Former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany claims she didn't lie in the White House briefing room.
She writes in her upcoming book that she never lied because she went to Harvard, Oxford, and Georgetown.
She also writes that she was not deceptive because she's a Christian and a mother.
Profile Image for عدنان العبار.
477 reviews121 followers
December 22, 2021
This is such a girly-girl book, it's a cute and fun read. I have listened to the audiobook read by her in her quirky voice. She's obviously president Trump's biggest fan. It doesn't seem at all that she's a professor from Harvard, nor that she served as an official in the White House from how this book is formed even though she tells us that on every occasion. I say this not in derogation, but in description. This IS a weird book.

My favorite part about this book is when she exposes the lies of the NYT, CNN, CBS, CNBC, or many other media outlets that throw blatant and silly (and sometimes obvious) lies about Trump. I personally do not like Trump. If it was up to me, I would vote for Trump ten times before even thinking of voting for Biden or Hilary Clinton, both of whom are absolutely horrible persons and stupid tyrants. One of the lies I remember Trump being slandered about is when they said that Trump advocated for injecting oneself self with bleach. He has NEVER said such a thing. In fact, what he said was so broad that it could have been interpreted in many ways. And still, that interpretation would definitely be imprecise or inaccurate. Another clear lie is when they said that Trump said there are very fine people on both sides implying white supremacists. This lie actually made it to Ibram Kendi's How to Be an Antiracist's which made it very clear to me that he's a race-hustler and a pathetic fraud.

I remember once asking on Twitter why people themselves hate Trump, and one friend said that he's stupid. Now obviously Trump is a fool, but I want to know why my friend thought he was a fool, to which my friend sent me an article claiming that Trump thinks people have a limited reservoir of energy for each day, and that exercising diminishes that energy. The article is brimming with faulty extrapolations and bad inferences. The article further cites medical experts who deny that claim even though Trump never said it. Trump is a great barometer for fools, besides being a fool himself.

Back to the book: This is simply a memoir of Dr. McEnany in her days as the White House Press Secretary, and it's fun to see how she lived those days. It's so cutesy and girly-girl that it's actually funny, but that all adds to its charm.
Profile Image for Manny.
300 reviews27 followers
December 31, 2021
McEnany has forever raised the bar for the role of Press Secretary. In all my years I have never seen anyone in that role come out and slay the media; not just any media, but the most toxic, unfair, and aggressive media.

She is an accomplished Harvard grad that set her mind to be in politics and media and executed on all cylinders. From most of the people close to 45, she paints a different portrait of the boogie man the left loves to do.

Not only is she a smart and an amazing person and press secretary, she is also a brave woman that had elective, double mastectomy to avoid cancer that plagued the females of her family. She is also a Florida girl which is nice as well.

Great book. She is an amazing person regardless of her politics. She is beautiful inside and out. God bless her and her family and I expect to see great things from her in the coming years.
Profile Image for Shelley Krupa.
16 reviews4 followers
December 20, 2021
As a person who never had an interest in politics prior to last year, I took an interest the moment Kayleigh entered into the president's press secretary role. I was impressed with her ability to take on the reporters' questions with such grace. And that binder she had. Amazing. She took the role seriously with her team and she also took it all on in unprecedented times. Her faith journey is shared eloquently in this book. I remembered many of the days she references, so I enjoyed learning the background stories. Her faith and devotion to doing a job well done are inspiring. I cried tears of joy and hope reading the book. Well done, Kayleigh!
Profile Image for Regina.
789 reviews15 followers
May 4, 2022
I've been a huge admirer of Kayleigh and her debating skills during her tenure as White House Press Secretary. However, the book is not very well-written. It is redundant at times and the timeline is all over the place. She often spends pages quoting speeches that are public record so everyone pretty much already knows them. The whole purpose of a book like this is to show us what happens behind the scenes. I did appreciate how she brought God into every aspect of her life. It was wonderful to see how much prayer went into the events surrounding the presidency. If only that would continue!
Profile Image for Meagan Andersen.
66 reviews16 followers
December 17, 2021
From her first press briefing, Kayleigh McEnany captured my attention with her poise and professionalism. I knew this book would be a must read for me. I loved reading about her ”offense only” game plan and hearing even more of her sharp rebuttals that I had missed! Her story further instilled my deep admiration for her faith, character, and the excellent job she did as White House press secretary for President Trump.
Profile Image for JennyLG.
58 reviews
May 24, 2022
So pleasantly surprised with this book! So refreshing. Kayleigh conveys strength, fortitude, hope, and humility throughout, while not admonishing anyone. She sticks to facts, not in an egocentric way, but with humbleness. I will be turning to this book during the times I see a “red sky in the morning.”
Profile Image for Cassie Davis.
44 reviews1 follower
December 24, 2021
I truly loved this book and it only increased my respect for the admirable Kayleigh McEnany.
The insight into her all too short term at the White House reveals a wealth of information that most news sources failed to cover or even acknowledge. In the middle of it all, McEnany was a new mother and expertly balanced the extremely important job of being a voice of the White House with raising a delightful newborn child, "Baby Blake." McEnany's expertise is a result of her professional determination and strong faith in Christ and she has never wavered from both.
Kayleigh's clarity, information and debate skills are sorely missed at the White House press briefings. If you read carefully, all of the bad reviews are from biased "progressives" who did not even touch the book.
Profile Image for Stephanie Hitchcock.
60 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2022

Such a great book! I chose to listen on audible because it was read by Kayleigh herself. I have such a respect and admiration for Kayleigh, who is a brilliant light in the political world. I love how her Christian, conservative values always take the forefront. She truly cares about people, our country, and Jesus Christ. It was great to get a peak into her time at The White House and I really loved hearing the stories about how President Trump and his family treated her like family and embraced her role as Press secretary, but also as a mother of a small child. I hope to see more of Kayleigh because her intelligence, her heart, and her unshakable faith is exactly what we all need.
94 reviews1 follower
December 19, 2021
Heart warming and transparent

This is a very personable story of a high energy woman in a high pressure position attempting to live a reasonably balanced life. It offers some personal insight in to the caring personable nature of President Trump. Light read and worth the time. Having read the 1 star reviews, I can only pity people with such animosity.
Profile Image for Jodie.
91 reviews5 followers
January 23, 2022
Politics is my least favorite subject, but Kayleigh McEnanys story is impressive and inspiring. It’s neat to be able to get a behind the scenes look at the Trump White House and how she personally had to handle the problem of a constantly lying and slanderous press.
Profile Image for Missy.
13 reviews
December 16, 2021
awesome read

This is such a good book. It was interesting getting to hear about what went on behind the scenes. I love how she shared her personal feelings and faith.
Profile Image for Jennifer Fluegge.
357 reviews
January 14, 2022
I appreciate her testimony of faith and the little peek she shows into what it was like to work in Trump's White House.
Profile Image for Addison Dixon.
Author 4 books90 followers
October 19, 2022
For Such a Time as This is compelling, informative, and motivational. I had a hard time putting it down.
Profile Image for Blessing Bloodworth (naptimereaders).
348 reviews149 followers
September 29, 2022
Kayleigh is a good writer & amazing storyteller, but I think she’s an even better narrator. This is the second book I have listened to that she has both written and narrated and I immensely enjoyed both.
Kayleigh shared how her roles of Christian, Academic Scholar, and wife + mother impacted her career journey and various positions adjacent to president 45. Her goal was to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and be a voice for the forgotten people of America - and this memoir chronicles how she did just that.
Profile Image for Allie.
26 reviews
May 19, 2022
Kayleigh is such an inspiring woman! I love her faith, hard work & generosity. I very much enjoyed reading her insight into President Trump’s character, her experiences at the White House & how God had guided her through it all!
Profile Image for Anna || annareadsnshares.
72 reviews11 followers
April 27, 2022
“I will never lie to you. You have my word on that.”

Kayleigh McEnany was a favorite of mine from the first moment I heard her at a White House press conference. She’s a force to be reckoned with! Her confidence, eloquent words, and no-nonsense demeanor captured the press and amateur audience (me!). I can’t remember a time I listened to an entire White House press conference until her!

This book is a quick overview of her faith in Jesus, early life, schooling, time in the White House, and even touches on her health battles. You’ll be touched by how well she represents Christ and her desire to make known His faithfulness in her life. I loved the personal stories of her life in politics as she faced some very tough circumstances as press secretary.

I knocked off a star because I felt like we were kind of left hanging, but perhaps that was her plan? As her life is certainly not finished and I’m confident we’ll see her again…
Profile Image for Wayne Jackson.
27 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2021
A great woman of God

What a time it was to be the White House Press Secretary of the United States of America..... With the unscrupulous state of the mainstream media, ignoring truth and relentlessly attacking the President of the United States, Donald Trump. God chose this amazing woman of God to show the truth to the American people. And I know, with absolute certainty that when there was only one set of footprints, it was God carrying you through those tough times so you could stand in front of that podium.
He blessed you with a loving and caring husband and a beautiful child and I do believe that the Lord is not done with Kayleigh McEnany. If you are looking to read an inspiring story of faith, hard work, and dedication you don't have to go any further than "For Such a Time as This: My Faith Journey through the White House and Beyond" by Kayleigh McEnany.
So good! 💜
Profile Image for Amanda.
10 reviews2 followers
January 17, 2022
I decided I really wanted to read this book. Kayleigh stood out to me as a press secretary for DJT. She was organized, professional and intelligent. She was tough when she needed to be tough, something you have to be with those journalists and I imagine hard to seem tough when you are as beautiful as Kayleigh inside and out. But she’s got it, she is the whole package.

This book is mainly about her personal life and how she got to the White House. She touches on some of the behind the scenes of major events during DJT’s time in the White House but the book isn’t overly full of information on each subject.

I read this book not expecting to hear too much about DJT, so I think that’s why I can give the book 5 stars. It was what I was expecting to be. About Kayleigh and her experiences as the Press Secretary.
Profile Image for Rhoda.
100 reviews1 follower
March 31, 2022
By the time Kayleigh McEnany became Press Sec. for Trump, I was kind of over the MSM and all the false narratives so I admit I really didn't know much about her. I like that a woman of faith was in this position. Her attention to detail and excessive research and preparation for her work is beyond admirable. It seemed she needed a word count and many ideas were repeated even if in slightly different situations. I get it, she had a baby that she constantly referred to as Baby Blake rather than just Blake, her mother either kept Baby Blake in FL or brought her to DC, and Kayleigh hated to leave Baby Blake every time she went to work. I also thought there were too many details about her mammograms, ultrasounds, and dense breast tissue. This is a quick and easy read but as is typical for me, my evenings were choppy to complete it very fast.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews

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