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Introducing Antonia Scott - the most compelling and original detective since Lisbeth Salander - in the international bestselling thriller that has taken the world by storm.

Red Queen is the first book in a trilogy that has sold over 2 million copies in Spain, sold to seventeen countries, and is the basis of an Amazon streaming series to debut in 2023.

Antonia Scott—the daughter of a British diplomat and a Spanish mother—has a gifted forensic mind, whose ability to reconstruct crimes and solve baffling murders is legendary. But after a personal trauma, she's refused to continue her work or even leave her apartment.

Jon Gutierrez, a police officer in Bilbao—disgraced, suspended, and about to face criminal charges—is offered a chance to salvage his career by a secretive organization that works in the shadows to direct criminal investigations of a highly sensitive nature. All he has to do is succeed where many others have failed: Convince a recalcitrant Antonia to come out of her self-imposed retirement, protecting her and helping her investigate a new, terrifying case.

The case is a macabre, ritualistic murder—a teen-aged boy from a wealthy family whose body was found without a drop of blood left in it. But the murder is just the start. A high-ranking executive and daughter of one of the richest men in Spain is kidnapped, a crime which is tied to the previous murder. Behind them both is a hidden mastermind with even more sinister plans. And the only person with a chance to see the connections, solve the crimes and successfully match wits with the killer before tragedy strikes again...is Antonia Scott.

384 pages, Hardcover

First published November 8, 2018

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About the author

Juan Gómez-Jurado (December 1977 Madrid, Spain) is an award winning journalist and bestselling author. He is one of the three most successful contemporary Spanish authors along with New York Times bestselling authors Javier Sierra and Carlos Ruiz Zafón. In 2016, Juan celebrated the mark of 6 million readers worldwide.

Juan is the author of nine international bestselling novels: GOD’S SPY, THE MOSES EXPEDITION, THE TRAITOR'S EMBLEM, THE LEGEND OF THE THIEF, SCAR, RED QUEEN, BLACK WOLF and WHITE KING. They have been translated into more than 40 languages. He is also the author of the young adult science-fiction series, ALEX COLT SPACE CADET.

Juan is an avid reader and traveller. He lives in Spain with Sam, his bad behaviored dog.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,519 reviews
Profile Image for Yolanda.
666 reviews186 followers
February 11, 2019
Ha sido una descarga de adrenalina total y absoluta. Te hace no querer soltarlo y pedir más.
Unos personajes tan bien perfilados, profundos y una trama muy muy bien desarrollada, adictiva y de una coherencia que me ha parecido espectacular.
La manera de escribir el autor no da tregua, ha hecho que me meta en la historia desde el minuto cero, en los personajes.
No quiero contar más, vale muchísimo la pena leerlo.
Ha sido un disfrute de lectura total, MAGNIFICO viaje. Mi debut con Juan Gómez-Jurado ha sido GRANDIOSO.
Os lo recomiendo muchísimo, fuertemente.
Profile Image for Libros Prestados.
450 reviews987 followers
February 17, 2019
Quería una novela ligera, de esas que entretengan y no te hagan pensar demasiado, y es obvio que el autor la ha escrito sin tomarse la historia muy en serio (lo cual se agradece, dado el alto número de clichés), pero la novela está estructurada de una forma que me ha puesto nerviosísima. Que seguro que soy yo, pero sentía que el ritmo se cortaba todo el rato con flashbacks inútiles y escenas que no venían a cuento. Era como ir conduciendo y encontrarse contínuamente con rotondas.

El tono de la novela es un poco raro, pasando de la comedia ligera al thriller escabroso entre unos capítulos y otros, y casi daba la impresión de ser dos libros distintos. ¿Se puede meter comedia en un thriller? Sí. ¿Se corre el peligro de que haya un problema de tono en la historia? También.

Hay dos palabras en euskera mal escritas (un editor para eso hubiera venido bien, así como para señalar qué cosas son poco comunes o raras en un bilingüe).

El giro que se ve venir a 3000 kilómetros (y eso que yo para estas cosas soy más corta que el rabo de una boina), aunque tampoco tiene mucha importancia, porque este tipo de novelas se leen por el entretenimiento o para pasar el rato, pero sí que existe otra especie de, digamos, "giro" a 100 páginas del final que me pareció tan absurdo que casi abandono la lectura. Como no me quedaba mucho, terminé la historia. Lo siento, dicho así parece que seguir leyendo hubiera sido una tortura y no es cierto. A veces mi gusto por la exageración es merecedora de colleja.

Me da coraje y me siento un poco ridícula por ser tan crítica con una novela que no tiene más pretensiones que entretener, pero de verdad que el ritmo hizo que me costara leer el libro mucho más de lo normal. Me da rabia porque tiene partes graciosas y algún que otro momento de tensión bien conseguido.

No quiero que quede la impresión de que es una novela horrible o malísima. No. Por favor, he leído bastantes libros peores que este. Estoy convencida de que gustará a muchos. La rara soy yo, que a veces soy una nazi con cómo se estructura una novela (sobre todo cuándo se corta un capítulo, en eso soy una maniática insufrible).
Profile Image for Pablo Estévez.
5 reviews10 followers
November 12, 2018
Highly addictive.
Not recommended if you have some task to complete!
This book can spoil your social life for 2 days.
It's a great adventures novel.
Profile Image for Will Byrnes.
1,338 reviews121k followers
March 14, 2024
The weight on her chest lightens, her breathing slows. The ‘monkeys inside her head screech a little less loudly. That’s what is so brilliant about certainties, even fleeting ones. They offer us respite.
Police Inspector Jon Guttierez of the Bilbao PD, 43, is a large person, a weightlifter who lives with his mother. He ran into a spot of trouble recently when he attempted to plant evidence on a well-known drug dealer, only to be filmed in the act, said film going viral. Oopsy. He stands to lose a lot more than just his badge. When what to his wondering eyes should appear but a get-out-of-jail-free card, in the form of a mysterious personage known as Mentor. But Mentor has a tough, if unusual ask. He wants Jon to persuade someone to return to work. Someone who really, really does not want back in.

Juan Gómez-Jurado - image from Zenda

Antonia Scott (her father the British ambassador, her mother a Spaniard) spends three minutes of every day contemplating suicide. (Whatever works for ya, dear.) Her comatose beloved husband has been in a hospital bed for three years. She has been by his side throughout, clearly feeling some responsibility for his condition. (Antonia’s struggle is reminiscent of how JGJ felt when his father was dying during the writing of the book.) Antonia has regular chats with her English grandmother, who encourages her to put her particular set of skills to good use, instead of letting them go to waste. She has some superpowers, but also some limitations, one being a need for a certain medication when she is overwhelmed.
The inspiration for Antonia and Jon inevitably stems from Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. Antonia is that idealistic being, she does not hesitate to face the windmills, because she believes in a better world. Jon, on the other hand, is that pragmatist who has a dreamer hidden inside of him. - from the Hindustani interview

Vicky Luengo plays Antonia Scott in the Prime series – image from InStyle

Jon clearly succeeds in drawing Antonia out, or we wouldn’t have a book. And he becomes her partner. Not spoilers. It appears that Antonia is quite special indeed, with a mental capacity well beyond the norm. She had been a member of an elite international police organization, Red Queen, a network across Europe, one unit per country, each led by a Mentor. They exist outside the usual police structures, relying on the local constabulary for on-scene access and intel. Each unit uses a person with special gifts to help solve major crimes. Red Queens are selected for having a set of particular characteristics, which Antonia has. Uber-smart, amazing memory, analytical capacity just this side of a super-computer. (very Lisbeth Salander) But will she be smart enough to foil a criminal mastermind who has already murdered one child of the uber-rich, and has kidnapped another?

Hovik Keuchkerian plays Jon Guttierez in the Prime series – image from his Twitter profile

Alvaro Trueba, a teenager, has been dead several days, drained of blood, and laid out with bizarre religious iconography that is clear to the particularly perceptive. The kidnapper calls himself Ezekiel. The house in which his body was found, in a gated community, was one of several owned by his one-percenter parents.

Antonia and Jon must contend with the Abduction and Extortion Unit. (AEU), led by Captain Jose Luis Parra. Far too often, police stories have a dickish supervisor, tacking to political winds at every breeze, and getting in the way of actual investigators. Parra serves that role here, although as someone in a parallel, instead of superior role. He is not a totally incompetent team leader. Still, very dickish.
Just because we’re a unit created to avoid competition and secrets being kept between different police forces doesn’t mean we don’t repeat the same old mistakes.
Carlos Ortiz is the wealthiest man in the world. When his daughter, Carla, is kidnapped, he receives a call. His next call is to Red Queen, and Jon and Antonia are brought in, seeing the obvious connections between the cases.

The story is told in the 3rd person, primarily following Antonia and Jon as they track down leads in pursuit of the baddie. Once Carla is taken hostage, we flip back and forth between the investigation and her experience. There are occasional sidebar chapters in which we get a closer look at some of the supporting characters.

Red Queen is a particularly fun thriller to read. JGJ has a wonderfully droll (snotty?) sense of humor which permeates. Do not expect rolling on the floor hysterics, but you will smile and titter a lot. Jon gets all he knows about children from Modern Family reruns or When his sandwich arrives, Jon confirms that the hospital follows tradition: the grill they use must never be cleaned. Because she is fluent in many languages, Antonia often brings in obscure words or expressions from diverse cultures (aboriginal, South Ghanaian, and others) when that word is particularly descriptive of a situation. This is a wonderful bit, speaking to the limits of communication in a single language. There is also some intel on the ancient, unseen, infrastructure of Madrid, a nifty Dan-Brownish touch.

The supporting cast is also a plus. Corrupt security guards, a feisty nonagenarian granny, a tattoo artist who delights in disrespecting tourist customers, the testosterone-poisoned Captain Parra, an oily reporter, a mad scientist (I am not crazy; my reality is just different from yours.), and an evil baddie. The portrayal of criminal motivation and history was thin, but hopefully later volumes will flesh those out a bit more.

I was hesitant at first to read this one, as it is the opener of a trilogy. Would there be resolution at the end or a cliffhanger? The answer is yes. There are some things that remain to be resolved, but there is enough of an ending here to make it a viable stand-alone read. Every adventure requires a first step.

There are twists and turns aplenty, which always helps. And questions to be answered. Will Carla escape? Will Antonia and Jon uncover who is behind these crimes? Will the usual competitive misery from other forces interfere with the investigation? What is it the kidnappers want and why are those demands not being met? Will Antonia completely fall apart before they can complete their mission? (We’re all mad here)

You will want to know as you flip-flip-flip-flip through these pages. Red Queen is a good beginning at which to begin. I would urge you to go on till you come to the end, then stop. But of course, that will not be possible for most of us. We only received an English-language translation of Reisa Rosa in 2023. It was originally released in Spain in 2018. There are three books in the series. For those fluent in Spanish there will be no waiting, but for those of us who do not speak Spanish, let the panting begin for volumes two (Loba Negra or Black Wolf, due 3/12/24 from Minotaur) and three (Rey Blanco or White King, presumably a year later) in English translation. The trilogy has been a huge international hit. Prime has optioned the series for a Spanish-language production. In the video interview linked below, we learn that primary shooting has completed for at least five episodes. I would guess a probable release in late 2023 or in 2024. I wouldn’t wait, though. Red Queen is a perfect summer read, whatever color roses you might prefer.
A spasm of pure fear convulses Antonia’s body. Fear and loathing. Because she finally understands—with piercing, icy clarity—what has been going on from the very start.

Review posted – June 30, 2023

----------Hardcover - March 14, 2023 – (English translation)
----------Trade paperback - March 12, 2024

It was first published in Spanish on November 8, 2018

I received an ARE of Red Queen from Minotaur Books in return for a fair review, and releasing my hostage. Thanks, folks.

This review is cross-posted on my site, Coot’s Reviews. Stop by and say Hi!

=============================EXTRA STUFF

Links to Gomez-Jurado’s personal, FB, and Twitter pages

Profile- from EAE Business School
Juan Gómez-Jurado was born in Madrid in 1977. His interest in literature led him to pursue a career in Information Science. No one at TVE, Canal Plus, La Voz de Galicia or COPE Radio Station —where he has worked— could have imagined what he would become in time. It wasn’t until 2006, when he published his novel, God’s Spy, that his talent became known, not only in Spain, but all across the globe.
Since then, he hasn’t stopped writing. Contract with God, The Traitor’s Emblem, The Legend of the Thief, The Patient, Scar... Year after year, his books keep on coming out. No time to rest. And his success keeps on rising and he keeps on breaking records. The trilogy made up of Red Queen, Black Wolf and White King, was the first to have all three books among the best-selling books in Spain simultaneously. In fact, Red Queen has been the most read book in Spain for two years in a row now, which translates into more than two million copies sold.
-----Murder by the Book - Live from Madrid: Juan Gomez-Jurado Presents, "The Red Queen" Hosted by Sara DiVello - video – 35:08 – almost all of this is about his writing process, with bits about this book here and there
-----Hindustan Times - Interview: Juan Gomez-Jurado, author, Red Queen by Arunima Mazumdar

Item of Interest from the author
-----Crime Reads - Excerpt - Jon trying to persuade Antonia to return to work

Items of Interest
-----Gutenberg - Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
-----Gutenberg - Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
-----Gutenberg - Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
-----Bookroo – quotes from Alice in Wonderland

The epigraph of the novel is a quote from Through the Looking Glass, the book title having been taken from that. So, it seemed fitting to sprinkle throughout the review quotes from that and from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I used the Bookroo site above for that.
Profile Image for Ines.
13 reviews4 followers
March 14, 2021
I really enjoyed reading this book and fully intend on completing the series.
Antonia and Jon form an unlikely pair but that works beautifully, although it’s a relationship a little bit unbalanced! Maybe it’s what makes them believable...

I also really enjoyed having the author’s research notes at the end, it gives contexto that just ties up the story and it makes for a cool little tidbit.

As per the author’s requests, no spoilers in this review but If you love a mystery and unusual characters I think this will make for a good read.
8 reviews1 follower
July 15, 2022
It has been a while since a book trapped me like this one. Non stop intrigue, unexpected plot twists, love the characters and their dialogs. It also has a lot of references to popular Spanish music, like poems, sayings and songs, which as an expat Spaniard I really appreciate. I started reading another book after finishing Reina Roja, but I had to come back to their world, so here I am, now reading Loba negra.
Profile Image for Inna Shmeleva.
55 reviews5 followers
February 15, 2020
Easy to read, very intriguing, interesting and I would agree with reading community- it’s highly addictive.
Horrendous crime scenes, power, personal dilemmas, special’ super-secret police efforts, challenging crimes and constant danger.

I enjoyed the book because I thought it was a good combination - of the characters and the pace was rapid enough to keep me reading with excitement.

Recommended for people who want to read in Spanish - it was my second book in Spanish and it went through just fine (B2-C1) while I don’t feel yet to tackle any serious classics.
Profile Image for Lydia.
88 reviews15 followers
March 1, 2021
Honestly? I couldn't ask for anything else. Good plot, good characters, excellent writing (I laughed a few times reading this) and a few plot twists to make the storyline really interesting. Can't wait to finish the trilogy!
Profile Image for Minimerecensioni .
144 reviews14 followers
July 1, 2021
Regina Rossa di Juan Gómez - Jurado 2018 (Fazi Editore 2021). Traduzione di Elisa Tramontin.

🆕 Domani 1° luglio nuova uscita di Fazi per la collana Darkside.

♥️ Questo thriller ha tutte le carte in regola per diventare uno dei libri più letti dell'estate (e oltre).
In Spagna il suo successo dura ormai da tre anni e per due anni è stato il libro più venduto, con ben 50 ristampe.

♣️ Si tratta del primo volume di una trilogia che ha per protagonisti Jon Gutierrez, poliziotto basco, elegante, omosessuale, robusto -ma non grasso (come ci tiene a sottolineare) e Antonia Scott né poliziotta né criminologa, ma in grado di risolvere i casi più complicati, grazie alla sua intelligenza e ai suoi metodi anticonvenzionali.

♦️ Nel loro primo caso si troveranno a indagare sulla morte del figlio della presidentessa della maggiore banca spagnola, ritrovato cadavere sul divano di casa, con un calice pieno di sangue in mano. A questo si aggiunge la scomparsa della figlia di un ricco imprenditore. Non sarà facile arrivare alla soluzione e a capire le ragioni che muovono il misterioso Ezequiel, anello di congiunzione tra i due casi.

♠️ Un thriller ritmato, scorrevole, pieno di azione, di suspence, ma anche di momenti di introspezione psicologica. Il tutto condito con la grande ironia di Juan Gómez- Jurado.

🔝 Se amate i thriller non potete perdervelo! Io l'ho letto tutto d'un fiato e già non vedo l'ora di iniziare il secondo (sperando che l'edizione italiana non si faccia attendere troppo).
Profile Image for Rebecca.
393 reviews517 followers
March 14, 2024
‘it’s human nature to be dismissive of people beneath you, and hate those above you, until you go up a rung and the cycle begins all over again.’

Set in a world where nothing is as it seems, the novel follows the journey of Antonia Scott, a brilliant but troubled woman with a unique ability. As she teams up with Jon Gutiérrez, a former intelligence agent, they unravel a complex web of secrets and deception.

As Antonia digs deeper into the case, she realises that the killer is not who they seem, and that they have a twisted plan that could put the entire world at risk. One of the things I enjoyed most about Red Queen was the characters. Antonia is a complex and well developed protagonist, and I found myself rooting for her from the very beginning. She is intelligent, resourceful, and determined, and she never gives up, even when the odds are stacked against her. The supporting cast of characters is also well drawn, and I especially enjoyed the relationship between Antonia and her partner, Jon Gutiérrez.

However, the plot of Red Queen is problematic. I found the first half of the novel well paced and suspenseful, but the second half becomes increasingly convoluted and unbelievable. The ending of the novel is particularly disappointing, as it is both unsatisfying and unrealistic.

Overall, Red Queen was a bit disappointing. The first half of the novel is gripping and suspenseful, but the second half falls apart. I would recommend this novel to those who are new to the genre as I don’t see anything fresh here for seasoned readers of crime/thriller fiction.

3 reviews3 followers
September 3, 2020
Amazing book.
Contains great vocabulary to make the reading of this book more fluid and enjoyable, the message and overall plot suit excellently the well developed characters who play a key role in making the reader smirk without noticing and also forcing an empathy for both in every page and in every new problem that pops up between both.
Fresh and bold, definitely not your ordinary detective novel.
Profile Image for Ofelia.
3 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2020
I enjoyed every moment I spent reading this novel. It is a great option if you love mistery and noir detective novels. It is full of references to language which enriched the development of the plot. Many details that make you love the main characters. It took me long to read but it is so catchy that it can be read in a good weekend marathon. I strongly recommend this novel.
Profile Image for Ivonne.
106 reviews
July 1, 2020
This is a complicated thriller, narrated with humor, even in its hardest points, which can be off-putting. But Antonia Scott, and, especially, Jon Gutiérrez, the former police detective, are a great pair (not a couple, for really cool reasons). Creative and innovative definitely a great read, if you enjoy the genre.
Profile Image for Overhaul.
399 reviews1,124 followers
October 21, 2022

Antonia Scott es especial. Muy especial.

No es policía ni criminalista. Nunca ha empuñado un arma ni llevado una placa, y, sin embargo, ha resuelto decenas de crímenes.

Pero hace un tiempo que Antonia no sale de su ático de Lavapiés. Las cosas que ha perdido le importan mucho más que las que esperan ahí fuera.

Tampoco recibe visitas. Por eso no le gusta nada, nada, cuando escucha unos pasos desconocidos subiendo las escaleras hasta el último piso.

Sea quien sea, Antonia está segura de que viene a buscarla.

Y eso le gusta aún menos...

No terminé este libro en dos días porque me impuse el disfrutar leyéndolo a los pocos. Es uno de los libros con más enganche que he leído.

Antonia y Jon menudo equipo. Forman una pareja poco probable, pero que funciona muy bien, bastante. Es digamos una relación un poco desequilibrada. Pero a su vez creíble.

Son Antonia Scott y Jon Gutiérrez. Un impagable equipo tanto como imparable y unos personajes que uno se lleva por dentro y no olvidará.

Las notas de investigación del autor al final, le da un contexto que simplemente une la historia y lo convierte en un pequeño detalle genial.

Fácil de leer, muchísimo, muy intrigante, demasiado y muchas risas con ambos a medida que avanzan y se conocen, más. Interesante a puntos excesivos y estoy de acuerdo con las amistades: es una putada adictiva. Incapaz de parar de leer.

Escenas del crimen complicadas, poder, dilemas morales y personales, esfuerzos por descubrir la verdad y salvar vidas a través de crímenes desafiantes y un peligro constante.

Por no hablar de ese final, ¡ESE FINAL! Ahora entiendo porqué hay que leer "El Paciente" que personaje ha metido Jurado.

Una excelente combinación. Los personajes y el ritmo fueron muy rápidos, perfectamente acompasados.

Se nota, Jurado es un director de orquesta exquisito. Me mantuvo leyendo con un entusiasmo excesivo.

Gran narración y prosa, es una máquina, escribe tan sencillo pero a la vez tan ágil que te comes las paginas. Una lectura fluida y agradable, el mensaje y la trama en general se adaptan excelentemente a unos personajes únicos y muy bien desarrollados, juegan un papel clave en hacer que el lector sonría y también forjar una empatía en cada página como en cada nuevo problema creando la debida tensión.

Muy fresca y audaz, definitivamente no es una novela de thriller ordinaria. Qué personajes, una jodida gozada.

Ambos personajes principales tienen sus cosas, son reales. Jon es un buenazo, y no está gordo sólo fuerte, es policía y homosexual, le da un juego a la novela y algunos momentos geniales. Con el añadido de un 100% pura sangre vasca con los brazos a juego, como le toques las narices ya puedes correr. Antonia, una de las personas más brillantes del mundo si no "la persona" con un mente que surfea a la velocidad de la luz. Esos monos en su cabeza. No la envidio.

Pero todo esto tiene un precio y el de Antonia lo paga cada día, cada hora, cada segundo. Ambos lo hacen, por sus cagadas o formas de ser. Por sus acciones. Pues por encima de todo son humanos, buenos, especiales y únicos como Antonia, y Jon también, pero humanos.

No son personajes comunes y la trama tampoco. Ideas, diálogos, personajes y giros muy frescos. Entiendo que Jurado rompiera con el techo del género. Merecido cada pequeño halago hacia un libro de 400 páginas que he leído en 2 días y no pudo ser menos.

Aquí comienza el trabajo en equipo se conocen poco a poco y vemos el curioso y raro equipo que forman. Se enfrentan a un secuestrador a un asesino misterioso cuyos motivos son secretos y se hace imposible adivinar nada hasta que se te revela todo.

Un precio, un desafío grande para las familias de esas personas decidir cuán importante son..

Este es un thriller maravillosamente escrito de principio a fin, es atractivo, es adictivo y está lleno de curiosidades raras lo suficientemente extrañas como para sentirse nuevo y original.

Una historia absolutamente adictiva de ritmo frenético y difícil de prever. Muy interesante, Jurado no me falla. Esta es sólo la primera entrega de la trilogía.

Desde el principio hasta su conclusión estamos ante una historia ágil que nos lleva a hacernos muchas preguntas de las que necesitamos con impaciencia las respuestas.

Un camino a recorrer desde la primera página que no deja indiferente y unos personajes a los que vamos conociendo, sobretodo en sus peores momentos. A su vez los quieres más.

Me encanta la forma en la que Jurado narra los sucesos y cómo habla a través en este caso de los personajes principales, lo que ven, piensan y sienten. El ritmo y el suspense es hasta palpable.

Una vez que empiezas a leerlo, es difícil parar. Siendo sincero, es imposible. Es un libro muy entretenido en el que no siempre sucederá lo que creemos o queremos, pues nada esta claro en los libros de Jurado. Algo que me encanta es los giros que pega sin que los veas venir.

Las respuestas te dejan aplaudiendo.

Lleno de tensión. Es una trama intensa, bien escrita, y te deja con ganas de una página tras otra. Palomitero.

La acción es genial, adecuada, construido con frases y diálogos sin florituras pero muy ágiles y realistas, controlando bien los tiempos y las expresiones. Muy equilibrado y tejido a cada paso.

Qué final, qué personaje puesto como la guinda del pastel.. la recomendación necesaria de leer "El Paciente" lo que está por sucederles a Antonian y Jon, ya me estoy frotando las manos y relamiéndome.

Que gozada. 5⭐️ y🍿de narices..✍️
Profile Image for Xabi1990.
2,054 reviews1,168 followers
November 20, 2018
El corazón me pedía ponerle 5 ESTRELLAS, pero finalmente ha ganado la cabeza y le dejo en 4, que igualmente dice que es una muy buena novela para pillarla y quedarte enganchadito a la lectura.

Voy por partes.


Comienza nueva saga de tándem detective-perfiladora. Si veis series de TV la idea no es que sea muy original, lo sabemos. Pero Jon, detective del mismito centro de Bilbao, levantador de piedras (harri-jasotze) ( soltero, cuarentañero homosexual y que vive con su amatxo no puede dejar de caernos bien (y no es que esté gordo, conste).

Antonia, la perfiladora, bien, vale, cumple. Características atractivas para la historia y que no está mal. El resto de personajes no los veo. Nombres que hacen cosas y poco más (Parra sí me ha gustado, mira tú). De todas formas si habéis leído más de Gómez-Jurado ya sabéis que los personajes no son su mayor virtud.

Ritmo narrativo

Intenso, la cosa es un no parar. Ya os digo que pillas la novela y hale, a meter horas y a ver si te libras de familia, hijos, amigos o lo que sea para poder seguir leyendo. Mucho diálogo entre personajes que agiliza la lectura (a mí me gusta eso, pero no a todo el mundo)


Bastante buena. Te mete en la intriga y esta está bien llevada de comienzo a fin. Hombre, ya puestos me hubiese gustado que me rematase al final algunas conversaciones pendientes entre personajes pero bien, vale, que le compro esta moto con agrado. La cosa va de muertes y como pillar al asesino (no nos deja el autor revelar nada de nada, lo dice al final del libro) y si ya he dicho que original no es, al menos está bien construida.

Le quito la última estrella por lo que he comentado de los personajes sobre todo. Y por no haber podido disfrutar de esas conversaciones finales que se me han quedado en el “debe”. Y porque aunque las series de novelas nos llevan a territorios cómodos, conocidos, donde el siguiente le empiezas a leer y ya tienes la ambientación hecha … pues que me parece un poco hacer “trampa”. Como lector me gusta descubrir mundos, situaciones, personajes; te arriesgas, pero también descubres de vez en cuando alguno del que te enamoras. Y las series se cargan eso. Aún así ya estoy desando leer más historias de Jon.

Y no puedo acabar sin darle un millón y medio de “gracias” al autor por su compromiso de poner un precio a la novela que hace obligado comprarla sin pasar por descargas alternativas. Creo que ese es el camino para que se le caiga la cara de vergüenza a quien defienda descargas alternativas si el precio está por debajo de 5 euros. Y fijo que si alguien no puede pagarlo y se lo pide al autor, este se lo regalaría.

Gracias una vez más, Sr. Juan.
July 15, 2020
Podéis leer la reseña completa en mi blog: https://lapeceraderaquel.wordpress.co...
Novela vertiginosa que se desarrolla contrarreloj, con un tic tac como un péndulo en forma de granada a punto de estallar encima de las cabezas de los protagonistas y víctimas, grandes giros, pero al mismo tiempo hay escenas que se desarrollan a cámara lenta, muy detalladas propias de películas americanas de acción, muy rápida de leer porque alterna capítulos de Antonia (de los personajes femeninos, mejores construidos de las novelas de thriller policiacos, que sin ser policía investiga casos concretos, muy determinados por unas especiales características de Antonia, es fuerte, decidida, muy inteligente, compleja, angustiosa, traumática, atormentada, misteriosa, neurótica, madre, casada), Jon (policía, de unos cuarenta y tres años, soltero, vasco, gay, fuerte pero no gordo, metido en problemas, gordos, de los que salen en prensa y hacen memes en Twitter), los dos protagonistas principales, de la investigación y de secuestros, del presente y del pasado, un hilo cronológico discontinuo, además ha incluido versos de las canciones de Sabina, y la guinda de la novela son los toques humor hacen que en conjunto me haya encantado.
Profile Image for Patricia Bejarano Martín.
442 reviews5,563 followers
March 14, 2019
Pues me ha gustado un montón.
Conocí este libro en la librería donde trabajo, y desde que lo vi tuve ganas de leerlo. La gente siempre volvía diciendo que el libro les había encantado, así que tenía que comprobarlo por mí misma para poder recomendarlo con más razón y ¡no podría estar más feliz!
A ver, no podemos leer todo lo que llega a la librería, es imposible, pero hay algunos libros que te van llamando poco a poco y que no puedes evitar caer en la tentación. Y este ha sido uno de ellos.
La historia me ha atrapado por completo. Engancha muchísimo y los dos personajes principales hacen que conectes aún más con ella. Es alucinante como se complementan. Antonia es un personaje increíble. Me encantan ese tipo de personajes con una inteligencia por encima de la media (muy por encima jajaja) y ese poder de deducción que tienen. También debo decir que es uno de los mejores personaje femeninos que he tenido el placer de leer.
En este libro nos vamos a ver inmersos en una trama con mucha acción, con personajes que no hacen lo correcto ni son los comunes pero aún así, lucharán por resolver el caso que tienen en las manos.
Si os gustan los thrillers, creo que Reina Roja es una opción increíble. Es adictiva, trepidante, los capítulos son cortos y hay grandes giros de trama que te quedan patidifuso... y no quiero decir nada del final porque el autor lo pide implícitamente en la nota final. Tendréis que descubrirlo leyendo el libro vosotros...
Profile Image for Labijose.
1,069 reviews601 followers
December 9, 2018
Acabada su lectura, y habiendo leído tan buenas novelas de este autor, creo que esta no está entre sus mejores. Principalmente por ese final hollywoodiense (del que por supuesto no voy a decir ni mu, como bien solicita el autor, para que no le destripen la novela). Creo que JGJ escribe ya más pensando en el futuro guión, sabiendo que la industria cinematográfica está ávida de materiales como este.

Sí que me han gustado los protagonistas, Antonia Scott y el inspector Jon Gutiérrez (no es que esté gordo), aunque el inspector puede dar mucho más juego, y supongo que el autor lo tendrá presente para futuras entregas, que haberlas, ya ha confirmado que las habrá. Y eso es otro punto que me deja con dudas. Hasta ahora, al autor le bastaba con los “standalone” para cosechar éxito tras éxito, con alguna honrosa excepción. Engancharse a una serie me parece muy arriesgado, y espero que las intercale con otras. Por ejemplo, el género histórico se le da muy bien (La leyenda del ladrón), y me ha dejado con ganas de más de ese estilo.

Que la novela engancha está fuera de toda duda. La extensión de la obra es engañosa. Se puede leer en dos sentadas si las posaderas lo permiten. Capítulos muy cortos y directos al grano, sin grandes recovecos temporales. La trama es interesante, aunque no muy original. La mención soterrada a dos grandes corporaciones españolas, y a cómo han forjado su imperio está bien traída, aunque algo manida a estas alturas. Pero quedan desdibujadas las motivaciones del “malo” (ejem) de turno, por no decir que no están muy bien explicadas.
Para concluir, tampoco le vendría mal (al menos a la edición digital) una revisión ortográfica, aunque he visto casos mucho más graves.

También es de agradecer que el autor ponga sus ejemplares a un precio muy asequible (los digitales, me refiero) y se evite en la medida de lo posible los estragos de la piratería. No es de recibo que un ejemplar digital valga casi lo mismo que uno en edición impresa, (Sr Pérez Reverte, tome nota, por favor).

Lo dicho, aunque me gustaron mucho más “El paciente” y “Cicatriz”, a Gómez-Jurado hay que seguirlo, pues, cuanto menos, con sus novelas tenemos el entretenimiento asegurado. Y si las redondea, la lectura se convierte en una auténtica gozada.
Profile Image for Diane S ☔.
4,893 reviews14.4k followers
March 30, 2023
As a reader I can sometimes act very contrary. When a book has released with a great deal of hype, I often decide not to read until the buzz has died. It was, therefore, not until last year that I read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and the others in the series. I loved them, loved the uniqueness of Lizbeth. In Red Queen the reader is introduced to another female with unusual skill sets. How these were enhanced by the agency that employed her, was creepy indeed.

A shadow unit, a disgraced cop and an unusually talented operative are thrown together to solve a series of crime. Not for the faint hearted but oh so interesting. Translated from the Spanish, this is the first of a three part series. The other two are currently in translation.

Listened to the audio which was wonderfully done.
Profile Image for Aitor Castrillo.
Author 2 books1,180 followers
January 17, 2019
Todo lo que ha escrito Juan Gómez-Jurado me ha cautivado (he leído todas sus novelas) y sabía que Reina roja iba a ser espectacular. No como aquel que lo intuye, sino como aquel que lo sabe.

El personaje de Antonia Scott es carisma en estado puro y su genial alfil Jon (¡de Bilbao, pues!) es para darle de comer aparte... ¡aunque no es que esté gordo, eh!

Me ha gustado tanto que solo puedo gritar al viento: "¡Larga vida a la reina!".
Profile Image for El Librero de Valentina.
308 reviews24k followers
May 6, 2021
2.5 estrellas, me decepcionó muchísimo este libro. Una mezcla de todo aquello que funciona en un thriller sin ningún tipo de propuesta.
Profile Image for John Kelly.
190 reviews122 followers
April 11, 2023
Picture a female Adrian Monk crossed with Lisbeth Salander but way smarter than both…

Book Information

Red Queen was written by Juan Gómez-Jurado. It was published in the US on March 14, 2023 and is 384 pages. The audio book is Narrated by Scott Brick and is 13 hours and 27 minutes. This is the first book in a series of 3 that are already out internationally. Thanks to Macmillan Audio for providing me with an advanced reader copy for review.


A boy has been murdered…not just any boy and not in a typical way—he is left completely bloodless and staged in the family home. This is followed by the kidnapping of the daughter of one of the richest men in Spain. Enter a secret group that works in the shadows to resolve crimes that are highly sensitive. The person that really makes it all work is Antonia Scott. Her mind functions in ways that others can’t fathom and her ability is legendary—but after paying a high personal price, she refuses to work.

Jon Gutierrez, a suspended police officer, is all but blackmailed to find Antonia and convince her to help.

Antonia is the key if they are to solve these crimes and save lives...but no one has any idea of what is really going on....

My Thoughts

I love this book. Love it. Spectacular.

Destined to win awards in the States mirroring its already critical acclaim internationally.

It’s a mystery and a thriller and does both equally well (few books pull that off). I was engaged from start to finish—I wanted to know more about Antonia, enjoyed learning about Jon and needed to know how the story would resolve itself. It has fantastic pacing and will keep you on the edge of your seat from the first chapter to the last….you won’t want to put it down. Kidnappings, murders, car chases, subterranean pursuits, bombings, gun fights, and shadowy figures on both sides of the action. There is also a good exploration of what’s important in life and some powerful psychological drama throughout.

We are introduced to a fascinating duo in Antonia Scott and Jon Gutierrez. If you are from outside of the States, perhaps you already know them as the book was originally published in Spanish in 2018 and has won numerous international awards. Antonia is billed as, perhaps, the smartest person on the planet (and was based loosely on a woman with a 200+ IQ). Jon is a seasoned, if not great cop. His huge frame is maybe only outsized by his heart. The two characters balance each other exceedingly well.

I listened to the audiobook and I promise you that no one will ever accuse Scott Brick of just reading. Brick performs this book and spares no effort in trying to translate the excitement. If anything, I almost got tired listening to the amount of energy he put in. You won’t fall asleep listening to him—he does a great job.

My only complaint (and it’s really not a complaint) is that the other two books aren’t yet published in English! I want to read them right away! I can’t wait for them to be available.

If you're looking for a thrilling and suspenseful read, Red Queen should be on your shortlist.


Without hesitation----get it and read it. Or better yet, listen to it.


5 Antonia & Jon Stars
Profile Image for Angel 一匹狼.
864 reviews55 followers
July 18, 2023
This book has so many plot holes/things that make no sense that I don't know where to start. So let's make a list:

And then you have the poor writing style, pedantic, repetitive and with a five-year-old vocabulary. With Gómez-Jurado having to tell you when characters are using sarcasm because, if not, we wouldn't understand that the characters are using it. And some drops of '10-foreign-words-that-can't-be-translated' thrown into the mix just because.

And let's not start with the characters descriptions and personality: poor, with the personality of a three-year-old, they get mad for no reason and their arcs are stupid; going from happy to enemies, to whatever without any reason but to further the plot. And we have to believe that Antonia is a genius, with a super-high IQ? With that behavior, personality and decision-making? Ha!

And then, with a cliffhanger so we know we will have to suffer further adventures of Antonia and Jon. Well... not me.

Sarcasm? The cover of the book telling you that you have never read a thriller like this one.

One of the worst thrillers ever. Keep at a distance.

The best: you can read it in two days?

The worst: every single thing

Alternatives: anything, bar the triumvirate of worst novels ever, is better than this, so... "Gone Girl", "The Girl on the Train", Dan Brown... Anything


Profile Image for Luis.
141 reviews20 followers
April 4, 2021
Menudo vértigo... Tol rato con la lengua fuera...
Me ha gustado, primera vez que leo algo de Juan Gómez-Jurado y me deja una magnífica sensación. Thriller con todas las características del género, que no aporta nada que no hayamos visto o leído antes, pero que no decepciona. Gran desarrollo de los personajes, una gran Antonia Scott, pero a mí me ha gustado todavía más Jon "no estoy gordo" Gutiiérrez.
Pero lo mejor de todo es que el libro conecta con el lector, mantiene el interés y hace que no puedas parar de leer. Para mí, lo mejor de todo, esto último.
Profile Image for Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤.
889 reviews1,616 followers
August 18, 2023
I'm not a big fan of mysteries or thrillers but I'm a sucker for characters that remind me of Lisbeth Salander (the genius MC in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series). 

When I read the blurb for this book, I immediately thought of Lisbeth, super smart and reclusive and "weird" (I once had a patron at the library say Lisbeth reminded her of me - I took that as a compliment, though it would have been the weird part she was referring to, not the super smart). 

I miss reading about Lisbeth - the Lisbeth Stieg Larsson wrote, not the others. The other authors don't get into Lisbeth's head like he did. They don't become her. She's not their invention and it's obvious.

I digress. 

So... this book's blurb reminded me of Salander and I immediately placed a hold. I'm glad I did even though it's nothing like the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo books and the MC Antonia was not very believable as a character. There were too many things about her that didn't make sense, too many contradictions and way too many cliches.

She also wasn't very fleshed out, and neither was her sidekick, Inspector Jon. They are likable but not believable. I found much of the story ludicrous as well, and yet I couldn't DNF it.

It's fun to read and fast moving, with short chapters that kept me swiping the pages. 

I should be irritated by it; instead, I really enjoyed it. And if the next in the series is translated into English, I'll be reading it as well - sans any hope of a Lisbeth-comparable character.
Profile Image for Mª Carmen.
743 reviews
August 7, 2022
Leída en noviembre de 2018.

Adictiva hasta decir basta. Deseando la continuación.

Estamos ante un thriller de manual, priman el ritmo y la acción en detrimento de los personajes. Sin embargo en esta novela los dos protagonistas sí están magníficamente trazados. Antonia Scott es tan especial como se la describe en la sinopsis y Jon, ese policía de Bilbao es un pedazo de personaje que se gana al lector.

La trama no da tregua. Ritmo frenético, engancha cosa mala. De las que empiezas a las 12h00 recién llegada al Kindle, dices aquello de la empiezo, leo un poquito y lo dejo y te dan las cuatro de la mañana.
El desarrollo es bueno. Promete continuación y ya se me hace largo.

¿Recomendable? Si os gusta el género ya estáis tardando.
Profile Image for Lorena.
183 reviews
January 10, 2019
Quizás tenía demasiadas expectativas con este libro porque había leído opiniones buenísimas sobre él. A mí no me ha parecido para tanto. Una novela entretenida, sin más.
Profile Image for Theresa Alan.
Author 10 books1,138 followers
December 16, 2022
Antonia Scott is a genius who lost her way three years earlier and become a recluse. Jon Gutierrez is a detective that had tried to do a good deed but instead landed himself in a heap of trouble. Together, they are tasked with solving high-profile crimes in an off-the-books, extremely low-profile way.

The first crime is a teenage boy from a wealthy family whose body is left without any blood in it. Then, the adult daughter of a billionaire goes missing, and they have limited time before she, too, is executed.

I liked both these characters and the whole last third of the novel is extremely fast paced to the point it’s a little stressful seeing if they would survive and if they’d be able to save the hostages along the way.

This is the first novel in a series, and I look forward to reading the next books.

NetGalley provided an advance reader copy of this book, which RELEASES MARCH 14, 2022.
Profile Image for LolaF.
399 reviews355 followers
January 14, 2019
Podría haber sido ....

Es un libro que empieza con buen ritmo y una trama interesante. Dos personajes variopintos: Jon y Antonia, que la primera impresión es que a ver cual de los dos está peor y un cadáver cuyo asesinato hay que resolver por estos dos personajes fuera del sistema, con todos los medios disponibles y unas capacidades "especiales".

No me ha molestado que el libro sea un poco fantasioso. El personaje de Antonia Scott, casi que podría haber pasado por la hija perdida del doctor Xavier, de los X-Men, aunque al final en los apéndices del libro intenta justificarlo.

Es un libro que me estaba gustando mucho su lectura, que estaba deseando llegar al final para conocer el desenlace y cuando estoy llegando al final, me encuentro que el autor, en lugar de lucirse, ha cerrado más o menos la historia de forma precipitada, dejándose algunos cabos sueltos, con poca continuidad en las escenas, introduciendo la existencia de nuevas variables y otros personajes, ... porque parece que su objetivo al final del libro, no era rematarlo, era otro, y eso Sr. Gómez-Jurado, no se hace. Para cumplir "tu objetivo" tan descarado, primero haz bien el primero y si me gusta y me convence, seguramente continúe con el resto de tus libros.

Me da mucha rabia, más que si el libro hubiera sido un tostón desde el principio, porque podría haber sido un gran libro y me he quedado con la miel en los labios.

Mi valoración habría sido 8,5/10, pero teniendo en cuenta el final y algún pequeño detalle:

Valoración: 6,5/10
Lectura: Enero/2019
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,519 reviews

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