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Firebird #1

The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes

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Eighteen-year-old servant girl Tambrynn is haunted by more than her unusual silver hair and the star-shaped pupils in her eyes. Her uncontrollable ability to call objects leads the wolves who savagely murdered her mother right to her door. When she’s fired and outcast during a snowstorm, her carriage wrecks and she’s forced to find refuge in an abandoned cottage. There, her life is upended when the magpie who’s stalked her for eight years transforms into a man, Lucas. He’s her Watcher and they’re from a different kingdom. His job is to keep her safe from her father, an evil mage, who wants to steal her abilities, turn her into one of his undead beasts, and become immortal himself. Can they make it to the magical passageway and get to their home kingdom in time for Tambrynn to thwart her father’s malicious plans? Or will Tambrynn’s unique magic doom them all?

328 pages, Kindle Edition

Published April 12, 2022

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About the author

Dawn Ford

7 books90 followers
Dawn Ford is an empty-nester who lives in a small town nestled among the Loess Hills in Western Iowa with her husband.

Dawn adores anything steampunk, is mesmerized by shiny, pretty things, hoards shoes & purses, and needs at least one good, strong cup of coffee to wake her up a day.

Dawn’s novel, The Girl With Stars In Her Eyes, won the 2016 ACFW Genesis Award. Her debut novel, Knee-high Lies was a finalist in the Grace Awards. And her flash fiction stories have been featured in Havok magazines.

Reach out to Dawn Ford via
her website: www.dawnfordauthor.com, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DawnFordAuthor/, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawn_ford_a..., and Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/dawnfordaut.... She’d love to hear from you!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Kimmie.
523 reviews18 followers
August 16, 2022
I do love a good YA Fantasy novel, so I was excited to read this one (a clean Christian fantasy!) from an author I had not previously heard of. With every fantasy book there is a bit of disorientation in the beginning as we wonder into the world the author has created. This one was quite easy to read and understand.

I LOVED Dawn Ford’s characters. I mean they were so very well executed, with great arcs, compelling storylines, and a fantastic moral. After reading the first chapter I was hastily held captivated by Tambrynn and her plight.

A very interesting story overall, and a series I will have on my reading list as it comes out!

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback.
Profile Image for M.H. Elrich.
Author 9 books107 followers
April 8, 2023
An action-packed fantasy with a sweet romance...
Told in first-person, this book follows the story of Tambrynn and her Watcher, Lucas. Tambrynn is as hot-headed as she is mysterious, trying to figure out her magical powers and get to her own land safely. Lucas is the perfect, charming, witty Watcher who can transform into a bird. Pursuing them is an evil man bent on using Tambrynn's growing power for himself. As Tambrynn flees, going from one danger to the next with little or no rest, she continues to become stronger. She is the epitome of the strong female character many readers love. And Lucas? Of course you love him. He is a gentleman to the core. If you like K.M. Shea's style of writing, I think you'll enjoy Dawn Ford. She has the same familiar elements: little description, world wind action, and swoony clean love scenes.
As for me, I tend to enjoy books that are in third-person and have more detail and development than this one does. I liked this book, but I didn't love it. However, I really think others who like K.M. Shea will enjoy it. So it is all up to your taste!
Profile Image for Julie Bihn.
Author 4 books24 followers
May 15, 2022
"Just a girl! With silver-spun hair and stars in your eyes? Not likely."

The Girl With Stars In Her Eyes is an imaginative fantasy adventure with a heavy dash of romance. Tambrynn is a determined, engaging heroine, and it's a pleasure to see her grow into her power. Her Watcher Lucas is a charming, likable shape-shifter. The author has envisioned multiple detailed worlds, and the villains are pure evil and intimidating.

It's marketed as a series, and at the end there are a few threats and some unresolved threads. But I was happy that the fate of the main characters was left as "resolved for now." (Which is good because I hate cliffhangers!) Amazon categorizes it a Christian book and I can see where that comes from, but I thought a general fantasy reader wouldn't take offense to the light religous content, either.

Perfect for readers who love quest/travel stories with characters who do a lot of magic.
Profile Image for Jessica Gwyn.
97 reviews10 followers
April 13, 2022
The world Ford created for Tambrynn, the girl with stars in her eyes, is one of epic adventure, mystery, and magic. The host of thoroughly interesting characters ranges from familiar to unknown. Tambrynn’s story of heartache and mistreatment, turns into one of unbelievable magic and power and even love. It was an enjoyable read and I cannot wait to read the rest of the story in the sequel.

Merged review:

I loved this one!

The world Ford created for Tambrynn, the girl with stars in her eyes, is one of epic adventure, mystery, and magic. The host of thoroughly interesting characters ranges from familiar to unknown. Tambrynn’s story of heartache and mistreatment, turns into one of unbelievable magic and power and even love. It was an enjoyable read and I cannot wait to read the rest of the story in the sequel.
Profile Image for Wren.
343 reviews3 followers
May 20, 2022
What a marvelous story! If you imagine the combination of a well-loved fairy tale with the magic and faith of the Narnia books, or Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring, you'll adore this tale of an orphaned girl, indentured for the last ten years, who knows little about who she is. (Only that her appearance is remarkably different from those around her; and that she has this ability that she doesn't understand.)

When a lying maid gets Tambrynn punished and sent to the stocks, her real story begins. An annoying magpie who's followed her around everywhere transformed into a man, Lucas, her Watcher; and then, her father (whom she's longed for) attacks. He only wants her magical abilities, and is willing to obtain them by wickedness and cruelty, no matter the cost to his daughter. And so, the journey begins, and Tambrynn and Lucas flee to new places they've never been; with dangers they cannot imagine.

Dawn Ford's magical novel, The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes, and her companions Tambrynn and Lucas will delight lovers of fairy tales and speculative fiction. Their dangerous journeys will require things from them they can't imagine; but the reader will be captivated page by page to a satisfying conclusion. I'd say it's not a true ending, because we'll find out more to the story in the remaining Firebird Series books!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

Profile Image for Catherine Richmond.
Author 6 books129 followers
May 27, 2022
Tambrynn's been working as an indentured servant. Her unusual appearance draws suspicion. When she loses her temper, is fired, and gets lost in a blizzard, she stalked by a magpie. It's the beginning of a journey of magical creatures, discerning friends from foes, and mastering her abilities.
Profile Image for Leslie McKee.
Author 8 books66 followers
May 26, 2022
This is the first book I've read by Ford, but it won't be my last! The author created a fascinating fantasy world, featuring mythical characters, danger, and magic. The cover is perfect! At the core, this is a story of good vs. evil. There's a religious element to the story, but it's skillfully woven in, and it's not overwhelming. I liked how Tambrynn (I love that name!) looked to The Kinsman for guidance, which is a nice reminder of how we can/should look to the Lord in the same way. The ending paves the way for a sequel. This book is appropriate for children (middle grade) on up to adults. This is a great option for anyone who loves Christian fantasy books.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy, but I wasn't required to leave a positive review.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
1,246 reviews40 followers
June 7, 2023
She has stars in her eyes and evil at her heels...

Back when I was teenager I much preferred reading romantic suspense and historicals. Now, I have a real appreciation for YA fantasy and I read as many Christian/Clean ones as I can get my hands on. The book titles for the Firebird series caught my eye right off. The Girl With Stars In Her Eyes just sounds so intriguing, especially when you read the cover blurb and find out that they mean the title quite literally instead of just being a reference to the old saying.

Titles aside, Dawn Ford's magical realms are vivid and imaginative. From the magic-bereft Tenebris to Anavrin with all of its magical beings, they completely captured my attention while I was reading. Even when I sat The Girl With Stars In Her Eyes aside, I was still thinking about the characters in this first Firebird novel and wondered where Dawn Ford would take them next. And there was a good reason for that, I didn't check the page count out before diving in so just when I thought the novel was winding down there was a surprise and away we'd go again.

The Girl With Stars In Her Eyes is definitely a YA book but the magic of story was so enticing that adult readers such as myself can enjoy the inaugural Firebird novel just as much. One of the things that I most appreciated was the way Dawn Ford blended faith with fantasy and did not sacrifice either one, thus making this book a pretty good read. Now, to see what adventures Tambrynn and the others will be up to as they continue to battle the evil that follows them...

(I received a copy of this book from the author/publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)
Profile Image for Kendra Neal.
1,390 reviews30 followers
May 15, 2022
Young Adult Christian Fantasy is not a genre that truly interests me. I have been expanding my interest a bit, and recently read The Girl with Stars in her Eyes by Dawn Ford, which is YA Christian Fantasy.

Tambrynn is an 18yr old who is very unique with unusual silver hair and the star-shaped pupils in her eyes. She also has Magic abilities and can call the wolves to her door. She has to take refuge in an abandoned cottage when she is fired and then her Carriage gets into a wreck during a Snowstorm. There in the Cottage, her life takes on some changes. She is shocked when the magpie turns into a man named Lucas. Lucas is there to protect her from her Father. Tambrynn's Father wants to take her Magically Abilities and become immortal himself. Lucas wants to do everything he can to get Tambrynn away from her Father. Will they succeed in getting to safety? Will Tambrynn's ablities prevent them from getting to safety?

I will admit that it took me a couple chapters to really understand the storyline. I think that is because I don't normally read this genre. I LOVE how Strong Tambrynn is and even though she has had trust issues with so many over the years, she has always trusted the Magpie. Lucas(former Magpie) knows Tambrynn has been wanting freedom and to discover who she is and he is very intent on leading her to freedom from her Father. I really enjoyed this book and I think anyone who LOVES Christian Fantasy will enjoy it also. This is Book 1 in the FireBird Series and I am interested in reading the series now. GOOD BOOK!
Profile Image for Ellen Withers.
Author 5 books18 followers
May 13, 2023
I adored this book and can't wait to get my hands on the second book in this series, The Girl with Fire in her Veins.

From the beginning, I was intrigued by the storyline. I enjoyed every word of this exciting story.
Profile Image for Amanda Wright.
Author 1 book6 followers
May 23, 2022
Without hesitation this novel gets a fivestar review from me. I absoloutely loved it! It has everything - magic, good versus evil, shape shifting, mutliple worlds, magical creatures, a 'God' type figure, and an epic heroine and her Watcher. Honestly, there wasn't anything missing from this story. This first book in the Fireborn series is called The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes and follows the story of Tambrynn, a slave girl with uncanny looks and abilities. This first story is an epic 'coming into power' tale as Tambrynn learns that the raven who has followed her all her life is her Watcher - and a shapeshifter. Her Watcher unfolds the crazy history of her orgin, and with hell hounds nipping at their heals the two set off on a highrisk flight to try and escape the world's most evil mage.

Tambrynn and Lewis (her Watcher) are literally in a fight for their lives as they struggle to escape the planet where Tambrynn has ben enslaved for the last ten years. With her bond to Lewis awakened and her 18th birthday growing nearer, Tambrynn begins to come fully into her power. As her power grows, so does the evil mage's fevered hunt for her life.

This story did not a have a single dull moment. I literally could not stop reading it once I started. Also, I just have to mention.... the love between Tambrynn and Lewis is heart melting. Love it! I can not wait for the second book.

Thank-you to Enclave Publishing for a e-version of this lovely novel in exchange for my honest opinion. It was indeed a pleasure to read this book.
Profile Image for Jane.
1,165 reviews35 followers
May 18, 2022
Dawn Ford is a new-to-me author. I loved The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes. For successfully created a fairytale / fantasy world - complete with mythical characters and places never before heard of. She takes her characters on an epic journey full of good vs. evil, magic, danger, and more. The story has many twists and turns and even some surprises which will keep the reader reading. This was a “can’t put it down” book for me.
I liked how Ford weaves Biblical values into the story. The Kinsman is a good example of Christ or God and Tambrynn relies on him for help often throughout the story.
Because the book ends without all of the “loose ends” tied up, I am hoping a book 2 is coming soon. I look forward to reading more by Dawn Ford in the future.
I think The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes would make a great addition to the fantasy section of a K-12 Christian school library. It is appropriate for older middle school and up.
I received a complimentary copy of The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes. This is my honest review.
Profile Image for Crystals_littlelibrary.
76 reviews2 followers
April 1, 2023
“Just a girl! With silver spun hair and stars in your eyes? Not likely!”
The Firebird Series follows Tambrynn, a former servant girl who discovers she’s so much more. In book one, she is haunted by more than her unusual silver hair and the star-shaped pupils in her eyes. Her uncontrollable ability to call objects leads the wolves who savagely murdered her mother right to her door.

My Review: 5 Stars
I was blown away by this magical YAFantasy! I hadn’t realized it was a Christian fantasy. I loved every minute of it! This Page turner ends with you wanting more! Guess what, We are in luck because the sequel to Firebird releases on APRIL 25th, 2023!!!

“For the first time in years, I feel safe and cherished!”

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Profile Image for Theresa Jensen.
Author 16 books4 followers
May 30, 2022
I could NOT put this book down! I'm not normally into fantasy and magic, but I was positively sucked into the world the author created. The characters are so compelling and my heart was just in my throat as the adventures unfolded! There are just enough moments of satisfaction, joy and comfort to tide you over during the many trials, struggles and pain. I almost felt exhausted just living them through the pages!

I just have to say that 1. I will never look at birds the same and 2. thank heavens this is a series. I can't wait for the next book!!!
Profile Image for Alicia Rust.
98 reviews3 followers
April 2, 2024
Great introduction into fantasy
This book was such a great read. If you're looking for a good clean fantasy book to get into with no spice (which is great for teens and adults a like) then this series is for you. In the first book by Dawn Ford we follow Tambrynn, a half mage half eldrin girl who doesn't know who she truly is, and her watcher Lucas, a shape shifting djinn. This book sucked me in right away and had me wanting to know more of what was happening. There aren't many twists or turns and most of it is predictable but it was still very enjoyable. Can't wait to read book two.
463 reviews
April 26, 2023
Excellent fantasy story

I saw the 2nd book on a new release list and it was featured as being a top release. It had me curious so I looked but book 1 and started to read. From the first page I was drawn in. The writing captivated my imagination and the story kept me up reading until late at night.
Tambrynn and Lucas are engaging characters. I loved their storyline with a bit of romance.

Now I cannot wait for book 2 to come out.
Profile Image for Mary Johns.
Author 3 books162 followers
April 28, 2023
A thoroughly enjoyable fantasy. Loved the main characters, Tambrynn and Lucas. The secondary characters were loads of fun--Siltworth the froggen, Audhild the dragon, and a host of others. The plot was believable--hooked me from the beginning. The love story was pertinent to everything happening but not overdone or mushy. Imaginative and different kind of read. I'm looking forward to more from this author.
Profile Image for Pamela Baker.
416 reviews14 followers
April 15, 2023
A wild ride from an indentured servant to a powerful half-mage who can turn into a firebird and hold her own against her evil father. Lots of action and adventure, a budding romance, and Biblical truths round out the story. It even had a helpful dragon—my kind of story! (I like dragons)
Now, I'm going to have to read #2 in the series.
Profile Image for Julia N  White.
49 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2023
Evil beasts, strange magic, loveable dwarves, powerful totems, and a creator known as the Kinsman fill this story with fresh adventure.

Here’s the score sheet:

Clean read department: Squeaky clean with an allegorical Christian message.

Romance: No spice

Moral department: Nothing questionable

Worldview: A Christian perspective.

Age Rage:14+
Profile Image for Jess.
39 reviews
April 28, 2023
Tambrynn is an outcast even among outcasts. She's led a difficult life, but it's about to become almost more than she can handle! If you like magic, adventure, fantastical worlds, and mysterious guardians, you might just fall in love with this book!
Profile Image for Rebecca Reed.
153 reviews3 followers
July 14, 2023

I love the concept and the world. Love the underdog raised up plot of the story. Tambrynn faces challenge after challenge but refuses to give up. Bit of a cliffhanger ending, but good nonetheless.
Profile Image for Jessica Tanner.
Author 2 books15 followers
March 18, 2024
*4.5 stars (I just don't know how to make a half star)

Full of magic, heart, and surprises - The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes is a great read! Perfect for fans of prophecy, adventure, and phoenixes with a splash of clean romance. I'm looking forward to digging into Book 2!
Profile Image for Donnesa McPherson.
88 reviews5 followers
April 1, 2023
I enjoyed reading about Tambrynn and her journey with Lucas, Audhild, and others. This was a page turning tale and I am looking forward to reading book two, A Girl With Fire in Her Veins ❤️🔥📚
Profile Image for Briana Briggs.
200 reviews13 followers
April 11, 2023
Good book, interesting world and magic system, love the characters! Can't wait to see what is in store for Tambrynn and Lucas in the next book!
Profile Image for Sarah Nolan.
121 reviews12 followers
May 1, 2024
This magical tale that starts out The Firebird series was utterly and completely captivating!

Tambrynn spends her life after her mother’s death working as an indentured servant, tossed around from place to place as many believe her silver hair and star shaped pupils signify that she is a mage. And mages and magic must be avoided in Tenebris. A mishap with her employer’s cook banishes her and she finds herself lost in a blizzard, only to be found by her Watcher, a shape shifter named Lucas. Together they embark on a dangerous and long journey to the land of Anavrin, in search of Tambrynn’s grandmother.
The evil mage Thoron and other deadly creatures following their very move, and Tambrynn and Lucas wonder, will they make it to Anavrin alive? Can Tambrynn discover who she truly is and control the magic growing inside her?

I loved every second of this story! From the blossoming relationship between Tambrynn and Lucas, to the magical and non-magical creatures, the lore, the dragon, and the themes of redemption and righting past wrongs that permeated throughout the story, I was left feeling so enthralled and excited to continue Tambrynn’s story in book 2!

Romantic Content: Clean, Mildly Descriptive Attraction and Kisses

TW: Fantasy Violence, Torture, Murder, Dark Magic, Abuse, Bullying
Profile Image for Kathy.
Author 5 books20 followers
April 13, 2022
Dragons, and froggen, and djinn, oh my!
The Girl with the Stars in Her Eyes is a delightful trip into a fantastic world filled with danger around every corner. Servant girl Tambrynn must travel from the non-magical world of Tenebris to the enchanted land of Anavrin to discover her roots and her destiny. Blessed with powers even she has yet to discover, she fights against all manner of evil beings, each group determined to stop her quest for answers. Most determined and powerful of all is her own father, the evil Mage, Thoron. Luckily, she has a faithful guardian, her Watcher Lucas, to accompany her on her journey. As they struggle to reach Tambrynn’s grandmother, their friendship deepens into something stronger. Fans of Young Adult fantasy will love this first installment of Tambrynn and Lucas’ story.
Profile Image for Crystal Roberts.
285 reviews11 followers
March 27, 2024
Told in first-person, this book follows the story of Tambrynn and her Watcher, Lucas.

Tambrynn is trying to find her way after loosing her memory. Tambrynn is firey and mysterious. Lucas is a Watcher who can transform into a bird. Pursuing them is an evil man bent on using Tambrynn's growing power for himself. As Tambrynn flees, going from one danger to the next with little or no rest, she continues to become stronger. She is the epitome of the strong female character many readers love. And Lucas? Of course you love him. He is a sweet cinnamon roll character . They are super sweet and have a ton of chemistry.

the world building is complex and very interesting I look forward to reading more in this series.
Profile Image for Beth Westcott.
Author 3 books24 followers
April 28, 2022
Her silver hair, eyes that glow like stars, and telepathic powers frighten the people of Tenebris. But when she turns 18, Tambryn will be free from indenture, and she's determined to find out why she's different and who she is. She trusts no one, not even the irritating magpie following her, who turns into her handsome Watcher, Lucas. He guides her on their journey to their home kingdom Anavrin. With plenty of action and surprises, if you like fantasy, I think you'll enjoy reading Dawn Ford's The Girl with Stars in Her Eyes. Be aware that this is Book One in the Firebird Series, so you may have some unanswered questions when you finish the novel.
42 reviews
August 22, 2022
Loved this story as do my 10 and 13 year olds. Below is the review from my teen.

It starts the adventure quickly and holds you captive until the end, with comedic parts sprinkled throughout; heavily sprinkled. I thought Tambrynn’s bouts of exasperation were hilarious, and while there was definitely romance it is not mushy, nor does it prevent the characters’ development. Unfortunately I will not live until the next book comes out because the wait is killing me.
Profile Image for Amy Anguish.
Author 15 books90 followers
July 8, 2022
So good! The author did a great job weaving together a world different and yet familiar. The lore and magic make sense and are revealed slowly enough to keep you guessing. The main characters are easy to root for and I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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