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The Boss Project

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The first time I met Merrick Crawford was during my job interview.

Well, technically, I’d met him 20 minutes earlier when he’d barged into a fitting room a few doors down from my appointment.

I yelled. He yelled. After an argument while standing in my bra, I proceeded to smash the door into the gorgeous jerk, trying to yank it shut.

As you might imagine, I was freaked out when I discovered that the rude guy was my potential new boss.

Yet he didn’t seem to recognize me. Or so I thought.... Until we wound up bickering again during my interview and he told me to go sniff my armpit.

Okay, so maybe I hadn’t exactly been changing when he walked in on me. In my defense, I’d been stuck on a hot train for two hours and wanted to make sure I didn’t smell.

I obviously didn’t expect to get the job. But somehow an invitation to a second interview arrived in my inbox.

Before I left, I asked to see Merrick. I needed to know why I was even in consideration after our disastrous start.

Turned out, Merrick only wanted to hire me because I was the least competent candidate. It seemed his board was making him fill the position, against his wishes.

I didn’t really want to work in a place where my boss expected me to fail. But I figured maybe I’d enjoy proving him wrong. It was a little thing I dubbed the boss project.

What I wasn’t prepared for was that there would be other things I’d enjoy doing to Merrick Crawford.

Getting involved with the boss wasn’t the smartest choice.

But you know what they say about choices: Some we regret, some we are proud of. I just had no idea where this one was going to land.

10 pages, Audible Audio

First published July 11, 2022

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About the author

Vi Keeland

104 books32.9k followers
Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author. With millions of books sold, her titles have appeared in over one hundred Bestseller lists and are currently translated in twenty-six languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six.

Stop by and meet Vi in her private reader group on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/groups/ViKee...

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Profile Image for Vi Keeland.
Author 104 books32.9k followers
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July 10, 2022

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Profile Image for Natasha.
332 reviews551 followers
July 10, 2022
Ahhh i just knew when everything started on a good note something was about to happen.
It wouldn't be VK's book if it's not lol.

Office romance✅
Funny and awkward meet cute between Evie and Merrick✅
Semi-decent chemistry✅
Playful banter✅

and then a signature VK move : the dead fiance.

But actually and surprisingly i didn't have problem with the dead ex trope since she cheated on him and he wasn't that hung up on her like in some of her previous books. yes there was also a child in play like i said it's her favourite conflict lol.

It was the storyline. It was soooo boring.
I normally like office romances but damn the whole wall street/therapist thing had the potential to be at least entertaining but ended up being so repetitive and dull that i needed to skim paraghaphs bc nothing was happening.

I wanted more of an enemies vibe and that lasted like 2 chapters since they soon developed kinda like a friendship? And tbh the H or Merrick wasn't an asshole, he was pretty decent and an okay guy and i'm sorry but he was so boringgg to mee😭😭 he also lacked dirty talk skills.💀 he needed more seasoning.

Idk it was very difficult for me to connect to their relationship because the chemistry they had in the beginning slowly began to fade and i stoped caring about them and only continued reading for my favourite character:

grandma Kitty. The icon. The legend. She's my spirit animal and she was hilarious.

“Goodbye, Grams.”
“Later, masturbater.”

“I’m busy running my business, Grams.”
“Bullshit. Life gave you some lemons. Stop sucking on ’em and make some lemonade. Then go find a girl with vodka.”

“How’s Kitty?” I asked.
“The nurse told me that right before she went under the anesthesia, she asked the doctor if he could fix her up to be like a fifteen-year-old virgin again.”

Overall another disappointment from VK and i'm not even surprised.
Profile Image for Penelope Ward.
Author 88 books25k followers
July 4, 2022
Such an amazing office romance! A five-star read with quintessential Vi Keeland banter, humor and scorching chemistry. And it wouldn’t be a Vi Keeland novel without an emotional twist to shake things up!
Profile Image for Paula.
722 reviews15 followers
July 12, 2022
This review will container SPOILERS so read at your own risk!

First of, I am SOOO tired of authors ruining their own work to incorporate crap that has no relevance to the story but only ruins it! Apparently this is this author’s MO and this is my first & last by her.

So this started really good with 2 MCs that I liked and zinged with chemistry! It had humor (Hello Granny!) and a slow burn which is my fave. But where it ruined it for me is the equal amount of storytelling that focused on Hero & his dead ex.

First of though, the backstory. Evie (heroine) on the eve of her wedding to her Fiancée found out he was cheating on her with her BFF. Instead of kicking the asshole to the curb, she decides to go through with the wedding the next day and marry him – only for her to humiliate him & her ex BFF afterwards by showing everyone the video of him & OW having sex the night before. THEN she decides to annul the marriage! Huh?!! WHY did she have to marry him in the first place? She learned this the night before. She could have humiliated him at the church service and then walked away from the douche, not marry him!

Then we have the Hero… Unlike heroine who is not obsessed with her ex and completely over him, he on the other hand is not and this is why it ruined it for me.

From the start, we get his POV about his romance with the dead ex fiancée. How he met her, what attracted him to her, how hot he was for her, how he pursued her, etc. Chapter after chapter, we get his life with her of when he met her in College and pursued her, to how they became business partners, lovers, engaged couple and eventually their ending.

The OW was someone he fell hard in love with from first sight. She was a complicated character who had trust & abandonment issues but with beauty & brains. He worked hard to pursue & catch her. We are shown that he loved her and how heartbroken he was to find out she had cheated on him, but also given an excuse as to why she cheated when she loved him – not OM. He stayed by her bedside for MONTHS knowing she cheated on him and unable to leave her side. Then he learns the OW is pregnant and decides it’s his kid because OM said they used a condom each time - but he & OW did not! (Good to know! Not!).

Then we learn the kid was not his after she is born and OW dies. So as that wasn’t enough, author then decides to incorporate more crap by having Hero involved in said kid’s life because apparently she looks exactly like the dead ex and he has a connection & love for the kid as he still thinks of her as his. He only found out OW was pregnant when she was in a coma and he never asked for proof that the kid was his. He just assumed based on OM telling him they always wrapped it up. So he fell in love with the kid inside the comatose OW womb? He only got to meet his "daughter" and hold her only once right after she was born. 🙄 Please give me a break with this stupidity. My brain cells can't take it anymore. Lol.

What’s sad about this is that if you take all that crap away that I just mentioned, the romance between the H & h was amazing. They worked as a couple. They oozed with chemistry. They had fun together. They laughed, talked and had hot sex. They matched in every way. But by Author incorporating all that backstory about the OW who she made her out to be someone special of a sort, it unfortunately took everything that worked between the MCs away because as a reader I never felt he was over the OW. It was never distinguished how his feelings were different (more deep & special) for heroine then for the OW. He didn’t hate OW once he found out she cheated. He was deeply hurt & angry yes, but he still stayed by her side till the end and mourned her for years and even stayed in her kid’s life when he should have walked away. So that tells me that the OW was the love of his life, not heroine.

“What did you have for dinner?”
“Dinner? Nothing. I haven’t eaten yet.”
“Good. Neither did my Everly. She’s still in the office, so take her to grab a bite. And be nice. You’ve been giving her a hard time, and I know it. I can tell even though she covers for your sorry ass.”
I looked up and locked eyes with Evie. “How can you tell she’s lying about me being nice?”
“She oversold it—called you delightful. We both know that’s a load of crap. Now, are you going to do this for me or not?”
“Don’t you have some fourteenth cousin to bug?”
“Yes, and he might be going in my will if you use that tone with me much longer. Oh, and while you’re at dinner, give Everly the name of a bulldog lawyer. She needs one.”
“Goodbye, Grams.”
“Later, masturbater.”
The phone went dead, and I pulled it away from my ear and shook my head at it. “Aren’t people supposed to mellow in their old age?”
“Not Kitty, and she’d kick your ass if she heard you refer to her as old.”
“I’m starving and broke. Plus, I have questions about the hierarchy here at the company and the structure of compensation. I’d like to understand where all the different pressures come from.”
“What if I say it’s not appropriate for us to have dinner?”
She rolled her eyes. “You’ve seen me in my bra, and you told me you hired me because I was the least-competent person. Plus, this is a business meal, not for pleasure. You’re not my type.”
I felt oddly offended. “Why not?”
“Because you have a penis. At least I assume you do. And I haven’t forgiven your kind for all the wrongs they’ve caused.”
I couldn’t help but crack a smile. “Good. You’re not my type either.”
She batted her eyelashes. “Not into hot girls who are batshit crazy?”
I grinned. “Definitely not.”

Hero’s POV of first time he met OW:

The woman looked at me. She wasn’t smiling, but I could see it lurking at the corner of her lips and in the sparkle in her eyes. She tilted her head. “And how’s your dick?”

I shrugged. “Spectacular. You want to see it?” Her smile peeked through. “Maybe later. I’ll take all your money first.”

I might’ve been willing to hand my wallet to this girl right now, if that was all it was going to take. She had fire red hair, pale skin, and a few freckles on her perky little nose. Not to mention, the green tank top she had on made it impossible to not stare. “Sounds like a plan to me,” I said. “Except I’m pretty sure I’ll be the one taking the money tonight.”

Her smile widened. “Would you like to wager on that?”
I rubbed my bottom lip with my thumb. “I’ll give you the hundred if you win. But if I win, I want a kiss.”

Amelia’s eyes sparkled. “Deal. Let’s play.”
“I should at least get the kiss I bet since you already fucked me.”
“You didn’t earn it.”
“Let me earn it a different way,” I said. “Go out with me?”
She plucked the bills from my hand and tucked them into her front jeans pocket. “No thanks.”
“Why not?”
“That would be too easy for you.” She picked up her purse and pulled the strap over her head so it laid diagonally across her body. “But I’ll give you a consolation prize.”
“What’s that?”
“You can watch me walk out.” She turned and strutted toward the door, yelling back over her shoulder. “My ass is even better than my tits.”
She wasn’t wrong. But I was still confused as shit about what had gone down this evening. “Wait. What do I have to do to get you to go out with me?”

She stopped with her hand on the door but never looked back. “Now if I told you that, anything you did would be considered easy, wouldn’t it? Goodnight, Merrick.”
Let me take a look.”
I shook my head. “I’m just going to leave it.”
Merrick put his hands on his hips. “You’d rather leave a piece of glass in your ass than have me see a little skin? Pretend you’re wearing a bathing suit. Then strangers see half your ass.”
“I’d rather strangers see my whole ass than you see part of it.”
Merrick thumbed over his shoulder. “There’s an overpass a few miles away with a bunch of people living in tents. You want me to go get one of them to examine your cheek?”
I narrowed my eyes. “It’s not funny. This is all your fault, you know.”
“Would it make you feel better if I showed you my ass first?”
I tapped my finger to my lip. “Maybe?”
The corner of Merrick’s lip twitched. “Sounds like you have things under control.”
I squinted. “Just shut up and look at my ass.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“How’s Kitty?” I asked.
“The nurse told me that right before she went under the anesthesia, she asked the doctor if he could fix her up to be like a fifteen-year-old virgin again.”
I covered my mouth and laughed. “She’s such a trip.”
“I think it’s probably funnier when she isn’t your grandmother.”
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,488 followers
July 15, 2022
If you're a Vi Keeland fan, get ready for a new favorite! The Boss Project is one of my top Vi Keeland reads of all time, and I couldn't get enough of it!

The chemistry between Evie and Merrick was absolute perfection. It sparked and sizzled in an undeniably sexy way, but it was underscored with tenderness and a playful flirtation that made them the whole package. I loved how Merrick pursued Evie in a relentless, but respectful way. I loved how the walls she had didn't make her feel cold or distant. The way they both were wounded hit my heart in just the right way, allowing me to love them even during the times they hurt each other.

Even the conflict, which is the part in every romance book where I find myself anxiously skimming to get back to the good stuff, held me in thrall. It was true to character and it hit my heart in just the right way where it ached, but it understood and it wanted to bear witness knowing that the hits would make the reconciliation that much sweeter.

And, of course, it did. The ending was worth every bump in the road. It was adorable and heartwarming and sensationally sweet. I absolutely loved every minute I spent between these pages, I loved these characters, and I loved the story they were given. This is Vi Keeland at her best, and you need to read this book! ~ Shelly, 5 Stars


The Boss Project is truly Vi Keeland at her finest! It’s at the top of my summer reads! From their initial cringeworthy meet-cute to the very last word, I was wholly engrossed in Evie and Merrick’s romance.

After starting on the wrong foot, and stumbling a bit thereafter, Merrick and Evie totally found their way. There was a sizzling undercurrent of sexual tension, but also respect, trust, and a thoughtfulness to their interactions. I just loved watching how they truly came together in a total, loving, sexy partnership.

I loved Evie and Merrick’s banter. Loved how they just “got” each other—even when things got heated and hurtful. Their relationship had many twists, turns, and obstacles, but they resolved their issues like adults without games. And I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough to get to their happily ever after. ~ Missy, 5 stars
Profile Image for jessica.
2,591 reviews45k followers
November 22, 2022
i always know exactly what im getting when i pick up a VK book - something cute, sweet, and light. her books are always consistent and dependable.

and while all those things are true about this particular book, i didnt quite love this as much as i expected to. maybe it was just too simple? or maybe it felt a bit recycled? i dunno. there was just something about this that didnt quite click for me like her other novels did.

still nice and enjoyable, but not my favourite book of VKs.

3 stars
Profile Image for Crazy About Love 💕.
266 reviews96 followers
March 26, 2023
⭐️ one star -

In full disclosure, I only read to 17% and then I scoured reviews here on Goodreads to find out if I wanted to continue reading or not. Clearly I decided not to carry on.

I’m disappointed I didn’t enjoy this latest novel from Vi Keeland, as I generally do enjoy her work, but sometimes she will miss the mark for me. “The Boss Project” is one of those misses.

Side note: one example of Keeland’s work that I did enjoy is “Hate Notes”. I rated that one four stars, and you can read my review of that enjoyable read here 👉 https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...

My reasons for quitting and shelving “The Boss Project” to my dnf shelf are as follows:

1- boring, boring, boring

2- I did not like the heroine’s description of a woman that jilted her last fiancé at the altar AFTER she goes through the wedding ceremony. How am I supposed to buy the h’s character as a capable, functioning adult when she’s so unstable that she marries someone just to throw it back in their face immediately after they complete the marriage ceremony? Who does that? Crazy people, that’s who.

3- the opening scene with our h ruining her blouse before an important interview by eating cherries. Um, how old is she supposed to be? Twelve? How about sustain until after your important interview like a responsible adult? No? Too much for you? I can’t with this type of character description.

4- I didn’t like the inclusion of the h’s sister looking for a sperm donation. That’s a personal preference for me, and took me out of the story with this side bar. I personally think it’s a stupid move. If you waited too long to have babies, that’s on you. Either be a childless couple or seek out adoption. Sperm donation is just too much for me, and that’s my personal rant 😂.

* Reasons 5 and 6 are snippets I gathered from reviews (since I stopped at 17%), and influenced my decision to shelve this to dnf. These could be considered mild spoilers…


- I am not hiding my review because other reviewers here on Goodreads included these additions to their reviews, and if I had kept reading beyond the 17% I made it to, I believe that they would have shown up before the 30% mark


5- the OW in the form of a deceased fiancée that our H still pines for 🙄

6- the inclusion of said OW’s child, who IS NOT our H’s offspring. Why is this a part of our H’s story? It’s explained that he loved his ex so very much that he loves the child who looks like her. Ugh. No thanks. I don’t want a H to be in love with anyone except our heroine in my romances, so I’ll pass.



So there you have it. Another one bites the dust and hits the dnf shelf 💁‍♀️

On to the next. Save yourself and find something else. Try the author’s “Hate Notes” as recommended above.

One small star.
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,416 reviews1,487 followers
July 24, 2022
5 Stars!
(ARC provided by author)


Everly Vaughn is a newly single woman living in New York who has had a rough year. She’s stressed and nothing is going her way lately. She’s hoping her luck turns around soon, and that she can find a job. She just needs to do well at her upcoming interview, but things turn a little complicated when she realizes she’s already had a recent run in with her potential new boss. He’s a rude, arrogant, gorgeous jerk, and they clash at every turn. He seems to know just how to push all her buttons, yet she still gets called back for a second interview. She’s determined to prove herself and work hard to have everything she deserves.

Merrick Crawford owns one of the most successful hedge funds on Wall Street. As the CEO at Crawford Investments he is all business and often too serious. He doesn’t have time to waste and isn’t prepared for the insanely beautiful, strong willed woman that enters his office. Evie is bold, intelligent and full of fire. He has to be professional and ignore their undeniable attraction. When their connection becomes too hard to resist will he take a chance on love, or let the past destroy the future?


The Boss Project by Vi Keeland is a standalone, slow burn, office romance with humor, emotion, chemistry, fabulous banter and delicious tension. I adored Grams and was completely captivated by this couple together. This was a fantastic story I couldn’t put down! <333


Profile Image for Kim Whitehead.
2,612 reviews
July 10, 2022
Wow! Literally speechless! How can I describe the intense euphoria that comes along after reading one of Vi Keelands books? The Boss Project had me smiling from the first few pages! The humor and bantering was so entertaining that I had a permanent smile plastered on my face! The journey had some extremely emotional moments, which were evasive which caused my need for more information to increased ten fold, which in turn had me rapidly turning the pages! The wisdom, love and forgiveness was so powerful! Such an incredible book! Five phenomenal stars!! Over the top amazing!
Profile Image for Kindle Crack Book Reviews Cheri .
1,284 reviews1,075 followers
July 10, 2022

I don’t know how to write the perfect review for the perfect book. I seriously don’t understand how Vi Keeland creates magic in every book that she writes. The Boss Project packs the ideal amount of heart, heat, and Vi’s signature humor. Merrick and Evie are such fantastic characters. Don’t get me started on my love for Kitty. You guys are going to LOVE it. This book is boss. I’m still smiling days after reading this romance. If you’re going to read one book this July, you need to one-click The Boss Project when it releases on 7/11. 

The Boss Project is on my Best of 2022 list. The Boss Project might be my all-time favorite Vi books.
1,499 reviews6 followers
July 5, 2022
Amazing heartfelt read.

Merrick and Evie are afraid to move forward because of their past. Their story is a slow burn. Merrick owns his own hedge fund company. Evie applies for a job there. She is a feisty one. She decides with help from her sister that Merrick will be her project. There is one person they have in common. It’s a small world. They both open up, then something happens and he closes up again. The struggles are weighing them down and are real. Great writing through this whole story will keep your eyes glued to the pages. You won’t be disappointed with this story.
Profile Image for Seda.
568 reviews177 followers
July 16, 2022
Biraz fazla Patron’umsu olmasının ve karakterlerin yaşadığı bazı olayların benzer olması dışında bir sorun yoktu. Vi yine bildiğimiz gibi😍😍 Kitabın en sevdiğim yanı kadın karakteri oldu. Evie’nin yaşadığı onca zorluktan sonra bu kadar iyi kalpli, fedakar, yardımsever ve merhametli olmasına; aynı zamanda kendi ayaklarının üstünde dimdik durmasına bayıldım🫶🏻🫶🏻 Bu kadın, kadın karakterlerini şahane yazıyor🤌🏻🤌🏻
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews237 followers
July 15, 2022
Merrick and Evie are being match made by his cheeky grandmother and they have no idea what she is up to…

Evie is on her way to an important job interview when she has a wardrobe issue that has her needing to replace her shirt in a hurry. This is the first time she meets Merrick in a very awkward but hilarious way. The second time she meets him is at the actual interview, he could potentially be her new boss.

Evie has recently moved to New York after going through a very public break up the day after her wedding. Her heart was broken and this led to her making a decision to get revenge on her ex which kind of backfired a bit and now has him taking her to court. She needed to get away for a fresh start and is living with her sister and brother in law until she can find a job and her own place to begin again.

Evie really needs this job but once she realizes that Merrick is interviewing her and recalls their encounter before the interview she doesn’t hold out much hope. Merrick definitely recognizes her and enjoys toying with her a bit. The role of a therapist isn’t one he agrees with but due to issues in the company and pressure to do something about the culture in his organization he is reluctantly going along with it.

Seeing as Merrick has the final say, he figures he can choose the least qualified person and prove that they never really needed to employ anyone. He chooses Evie and thinks he has set things up to go the way he wanted. However, he completely underestimated how incredible she is at her job. She is professional, witty and brilliant at what she does. He feels so drawn to her and is trying to ignore the attraction he is feeling.

Evie is thrilled to have scored this job and the only challenge will be intense feelings she has whenever she is around Merrick. And then there is the connection they share to Kitty, Merrick’s youthful grandmother. Kitty and Evie’s grandmother were best friends and after her passing Kitty has become like a surrogate grandmother to her. Kitty is a great secondary character, age is but a number with her and she really does live life to the fullest, often over sharing her experiences - making Merrick very uncomfortable at times.

There is a slow burning romance simmering away between Merrick and Evie. He has his own personal stuff going on. His previous relationship ended tragically and his heart got broken twice over. It’s taken him a long time to work through the pain of loss and to be honest he hasn’t really gotten over it. However, being around Evie has him opening up about his past and he has never done that before with anyone. There is something about this extraordinary woman that has him peeling back his layers and sharing a part of him he has never shared before. He just needs to trust what is happening between them, trust her with his heart.

‘I’m fine, Grams. Really. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m not afraid to fall in love.’ Gram’s face turned serious. ‘Oh, I never thought you were, sweetheart. I think you’re afraid you won’t be loved back.’

Another fun romance story that had all the perfect elements that I enjoy. I loved the banter between Merrick and Evie. They had no idea they had been played but that old lady knew what she was doing!
Profile Image for Jena .
2,313 reviews2 followers
Shelved as 'avoid'
July 12, 2022
Self note avoid.
Dead ex trope no thanks.
He’s not over his first love the ow, and the h is his second best consolation.
The ow had a kid with om, but H loves her daughter like his because she looks like the Ow.🙄
Profile Image for Pilar S.C..
Author 10 books250 followers
August 1, 2024
Una historia entretenida, con humor ácido y su porción de romanticismo; perfecta para el verano.

Una lectura fresquita, muy recomendable también para leer entre libros algo más densos. Ideal para desconectar y no pensar.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,445 followers
July 13, 2022
This started out very slowly for me (beyond the H/h first meet). It was a slowwwww burn that built upon Evie and Merrick learning to become friends first. Both leads had a lot of baggage, yet Evie was doing a way better job dealing with hers than Merrick was. (Merrick’s was mostly tied to his ex gf—and I never understood what he found so fascinating about this truly damaged character). As Evie and Merrick’s relationship started to show signs of progress, the story became even more complicated, got way more interesting, more emotional, and that’s when I couldn’t put it down. So if you start out reading and wondering ‘is this going to lead anywhere?’, be patient, it’ll get there. I think it’s worth the effort. I didn’t always love Merrick, but I loved Evie’s resiliency, and her outlook on life. When Merrick finally came around and decided to make an effort to move forward with his life, I was 😍.

Lots of emotions in this story, some hot times and dialogue, some funny (and wise) characters (grandma Kitty had some great lines) (as did Evie’s sister), and lots of details and backgrounds about the characters that made you feel like you knew them. It wasn’t a bawl my eyes out story, but I did shed a couple of tears.

So push past the slow start and watch the story unfold. I thought it was worth it.

4 1/2 stars
Profile Image for Nainika Gupta.
Author 2 books92 followers
October 27, 2022
I didn't mind this. I thought it was interesting, and I liked the characters.

However, what was a little weird was every time we got a flashback from a chapter ending that was like *shock*, it was never explained how Merrick and Evie moved on. It didn't flow well enough for my liking.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews710 followers
July 12, 2022
It was likable...as usual, I love Vi Keeland's books BUT most of the time, they all kind of sound the same, or at least very similar...

I know, it's a tested technique and it's proven successful BUT you know, sometimes, one needs more, a factor X, a surprise, a twist, a pang...something NEW...

all in all, a classical enemies-to-lovers trope, with a background in a H's life that gives us an insight why he's the way he is...and then, well, it's the heroine that changes the odds for him and brings them both a happily ever after!
Profile Image for Canan .
968 reviews66 followers
July 15, 2022
Çok yormayan, sıkmayan, orta halli bir romanstı. Başlarda eğlenceli diyaloglar, merak ettirici unsurlar daha fazlaydı. Karakterler de çok gözüme batmadı. Bir noktada elbette arıza çıkacak ve çiftimizin arası açılacaktı. Sadece o sahne çok mantıksız geldi. Yani bizden olmaz dedi Merrick ama sebep pek bana tatmin edici gelmedi.

Düğünden önceki gece aldatıldığını şans eseri öğrenen Evie, damatla evlenir. Düğünde yapılan konuşma esnasında hediye olarak da bu görüntüleri herkesle paylaşma nezaketini gösterir 😁 Hoş bu bir sosyaledya çılgınlığına döner a neyse... Bir terapist olarak iş ararken yolu Merrick ile kesişir.

Merrick, hisse alıp satan, piyasayı takip eden bir şirket sahibi. Kurul, stresli bir ortam olduğu için çalışan terapistini zorla kabul ettirir. Sonucunda da en az tecrübeye sahip olduğunu düşündü Evie'de karar kılar...

Bundan sonrası biraz iş çekişmesi, aralarında gelişen duygular ve samimiyet. Ortak tanıdıkları Kitty de işin tuzu biberi 🙈
Allah korusun, büyük konuşmayı sevmem ama aldatılan kişinin karşı tarafı affetmesi büyük bir midesizlik🙄 İki taraf içinde 🤦🏻‍♀️ Bunun dışında sanırım sorunsuzdu diyebilirim. İlk uariyi çok hızlı okudum, ikinci bölüm benden kaynaklı yavaş bir okumaya sahipti. Belki bu yüzden biraz kopuk hissettim. Bende ortalama bir hissiyat oluşturdu. Belki siz daha çok sevebilirsiniz,🌟
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
July 12, 2022
Vi is one of those authors that hits it out of the park each and every time she steps up to the plate. The Boss Project is simply another fantastic story in a lineup of pretty amazing books, and she somehow manages to top the last perfect hero with one who is even better.

Merrick and Evie were a perfect, adorable pair. From their first meet-cute in the men’s dressing room to their subsequent encounter in Merrick’s office, the banter, snark and chemistry between these two had me giddy. Merrick came off as a jerk and Evie came off as awkwardly quirky, but initial appearances are deceiving and both quickly realize the depth of character in the other, which made their relationship so much more fulfilling. Two perfectly amazing people would be boring to read, but two people with so many layers to peel back and discover made this book one that I couldn’t put down.

Merrick and Evie were both flawed, both betrayed in the past by those that should have loved them, and both a bit gun-shy. But that just made the reward in the end that much sweeter. There were bumps in the road and surprise twists and turns (as in every book this author writes), but the journey is entirely worth it. There may have been insta-attraction, but the emotions that Merrick and Evie felt for one another took time to grow as each one learned to love and trust. The foundation building is one of the best parts and I thoroughly adored the slow burn.

With a crazy grandma and a sperm seeking sister added in for good measure, this story was charming, sweet, and had me smiling from ear to ear.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Fiebre Lectora.
2,105 reviews648 followers
August 4, 2024
Reseña completa: https://fiebrelectora.blogspot.com/20...

Evie tiene una entrevista de trabajo importantísima, se mancha la blusa de cerezas y un hombre, que resulta ser su futuro jefe, la pilla semidesnuda en el probador equivocado, lo que provoca una primera impresión terrible. Al parecer, la junta de la empresa ha obligado a Merrick, borde y atractivo, a contratar a un psicólogo para evitar demandas y renuncias de los empleados, y él no quiere, por lo que ha decidido elegir al candidato menos competente... y le da el trabajo a Evie. Ahora, ella está decidida a demostrarle que se equivoca, todo ello sin distraerse con lo que empieza a sentir por él.

Pues... exactamente lo que esperaba de este libro: una historia entretenida, con su toque cómico, tensión sexual entre los protagonistas, y un dramita por ahí por el cual uno de los dos no llega a abrirse al amor. Así que sí, ha sido una muy buena lectura para una tarde de verano.
Profile Image for Jamie.
940 reviews195 followers
Shelved as 'will-not-read'
July 12, 2022
Note to self…do I even need a note to self on why I won’t read this one 🙄 nope but I’ll do it anyway 1) dead ex of course does this author know any other way?🙃 2) it’s VK now c’mon 3) of course the ARC reviews are pretty much all 5 glowing, radiant, beautiful, wonderful, amazing, and touching stars
Profile Image for Lena Targaryen.
1,095 reviews515 followers
July 19, 2024
Sus capítulos iniciales me gustaron, tuvieron su punto cómico y de tira y afloja entre los protagonistas... pero más allá de eso, la historia ha sido demasiado soft y plana, no he visto química entre ellos más allá de un poco de amistad que sí, fluye bien, pero no ha hecho que me crea su historia romántica.
Profile Image for crystal.
618 reviews697 followers
August 1, 2022
workplace romance, boss/employee?! loved it!

evie and rick’s romance was too sweet. i loved how merrick went from a grouch to a softie for evie so quick. and the banter was so fun 🥰
Profile Image for Andi.
33 reviews8 followers
July 12, 2022
I used to love VKs Books but lately she's getting worse and worse.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,087 reviews

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