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The Hathaways #3

Tempt Me at Twilight

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He was everything she'd sworn to avoid.

Poppy Hathaway loves her unconventional family, though she longs for normalcy. Then fate leads to a meeting with Harry Rutledge, an enigmatic hotel owner and inventor with wealth, power, and a dangerous hidden life. When their flirtation compromises her own reputation, Poppy shocks everyone by accepting his proposal—only to find that her new husband offers his passion, but not his trust.

And she was everything he needed.

Harry was willing to do anything to win Poppy—except to open his heart. All his life, he has held the world at arm’s length…but the sharp, beautiful and beguiling Poppy demands to be his wife in every way that matters. Still, as desire grows between them, an enemy lurks in the shadows. Now if Harry wants to keep Poppy by his side, he must forge a true union of body and soul, once and for all . . .

373 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published October 1, 2009

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About the author

Lisa Kleypas

98 books30.1k followers
LISA KLEYPAS is the RITA award-winning author of 21 novels. Her books are published in fourteen languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband and two children.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,978 reviews
Profile Image for Navessa.
449 reviews165 followers
April 15, 2018

Let’s make one thing clear; this book is an HR duck. It looks like one, it talks like one, and it walks like one. Is it formulaic? Probably. Should I have enjoyed it as much as I did? Probably not. Am I giving it five stars anyway? Absolutely. Why?

Because fuck you, that’s why.

I should start posting disclaimers at the top of my reviews for HRs stating that my opinion probably shouldn’t be trusted.

For those of you who know me, you know how many literary pet peeves I have. For those of you who don’t know me, I have a lot of literary pet peeves. Too many of them in one book and I’ll start docking stars.


I’m a little embarrassed to say that I actually…look forward to overused themes and tropes in HRs. If they’re not present, I’m usually disappointed. Most of the time they don’t even have to be well written and I’ll still enjoy the hell out of them. What can I say? It’s my guilty pleasure genre.

Well, this book IS well written. It’s also well researched. I’m a history geek so I’m always happy when an author sneaks in some real facts about the time period and setting. Kleypas included quite a few without overcomplicating the story.

The plot is a popular one in this genre. The female lead, Poppy, gets trapped into marrying the devilish Harry Rutledge after being caught in a compromising position with him.

Other well executed tropes include the “I’m so damaged, no one will love me” male lead, the Mary Sue female lead who’s different than her peers because she’s intelligent and not afraid to own it, the meddling family, the silly misunderstandings, the witty banter, the HEA, the list goes on and on.

And you know what? I enjoyed every damn minute of it. If you’re a Historical Romance fangirl, you should give this a try. Or if you’re just in the mood for something fun and entertaining, you should do the same.

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
April 14, 2019

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! Tempt Me at Twilight, (stand-alone). The wicked, ruthless & unforgettable Harry Rutledge sets his sights on Poppy Hathaway!

“In the fairy tale you mentioned last night, I would probably be the villain. But it’s possible the villain would treat you far better than the prince would have.”

Books in Hathaways series are stand-alone, but most enjoyed if read in order:
Book 1: Mine Till Midnight
Book 2: Seduce Me at Sunrise
Book 3: Tempt Me at Twilight
Book 4: Married By Morning
Book 5: Love in the Afternoon

Tempt Me at Twilight (stand-alone) opens up to Poppy Hathaway spending her third season in London in hopes of catching a husband. Her unconventional upbringing, scholarly personality and desire for a dull husband has complicated matters. But finally, she has a suitor lined up until an mysterious stranger rattles and intrigues her in equal measures.

A chance encounter with hotelier, inventor and business man Harry Rutledge will change everything.

Harry has never met a problem he couldn’t solve, opportunity he couldn’t capitalize on nor a woman he couldn’t bed. What Harry wants he gets and he has set his sights on Poppy. The story goes on to follow them as Poppy is pulled into Harry’s game of scandal and seduction. But before long lines are blurred and crossed until it’s no longer clear who is the seducer or seduced. Let’s hope they can both escape with their hearts intact.

“The third time, I’m going to do things that will mortify you when you remember them tomorrow.” He kissed her gently. “And you’ll love that most of all.”

Nine words to describe (Jay) Harry Rutledge: possessive, devious, determined, mysterious, broken, aloof, selfish, blunt and ruthless.

“She was yours, if you’d truly wanted her,” Harry continued, a pitiless smile touching his lips. “But I wanted her more.”

Seven words to describe Poppy Hathaway: smart, outspoken, charismatic, naïve, good-natured, insightful and trusting.

“You have experience with hedgehogs?”
“No.” He slanted a smile at her. “But I have some experience with prickly females.”

Tempt Me at Twilight, told from multiple POVs in third person, is butterflies-in-your belly romance at its best; sexy, funny, suspenseful with a pinch of angst. I'm happy to report it is just as good this time around - one of the best historicals I have read with Harry Rutledge as and all-time favorite hero.

“Trying to understand Harry Rutledge was like taking apart one of the intricate clockwork mechanisms he had constructed. One could examine every gear and ratchet wheel and lever, but that didn’t mean one would ever comprehend what made it all work.”

Hero: ★★★★★
Heroine: ★★★★★
Plot: ★★★★★
Storytelling: ★★★★★
Sexual tension: ★★★★★
Sex scenes: ★★★★★
Story ending: ★★★★★
OVERALL RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Darkness: | LOW FOCUS |
Humor: | HIGH FOCUS |
Kink: | LOW FOCUS |
Romance: | HIGH FOCUS |
Sex frequency: | MEDIUM FOCUS |
Suspense: | MEDIUM FOCUS |

Thank you Liz for an amazing (F)BR!
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,315 followers
January 3, 2010
What can I say? I just love Lisa Kleypas's writing and, as far as I know, she can do no wrong. Okay, I haven't read all her backlist yet, but almost everything I've read so far was excellent. The only exception was Mine Till Midnight, but even so it was good enough and definitely worth reading.

Poppy Hathaway is in London for her third season and, as it has become usual, she's staying with her family at the Rutledge Hotel. As the story opens, she's chasing her sister Beatrix's ferret, trying to recover a love letter the mischievous animal has stolen from her. The last thing Poppy needs is to have the love letter she's received from her secret beau, the Hon. Michael Bayning, falling in anyone else's hands and becoming public, so she has no qualms leaving her private room unescorted and following the darn ferret through the hotel. On her merry chase, she ends up meeting the reclusive and mysterious Harry Rutledge, the hotel owner, and the course of her entire life is changed.

Harry is a very successful self-made man who always gets what he wants, no matter what. And the moment he meets Poppy, he decides he wants her. So he sets out to get her. Thanks to some luck and some ruthless machinations of his part, he doesn't waste any time taking her secret beau out of the picture and planting himself firmly on his place. Poppy is hurt in the process, but that was bound to happen eventually even without his interference, so Harry is convinced it's all for the best.

In a short time, Harry gets what he wants - that is, Poppy - and they get married against her family's objections. At this point, Harry's part in ruining Poppy's relationship with Michael is known to all the Hathaways - Poppy included - so they neither like or trust him. But Poppy goes along with marrying him anyway, basically choosing the lesser of two evils. Harry's determined to win his wife's affection - not her love, because he doesn't know what that is - while Poppy's decided to keep her distance. Well, we all know how this ends, because there's no resisting a Kleypas hero. ;)

The Hathaways are an "eccentric" family, to say the least, and Poppy has always been the "odd one out" to me because she doesn't embrace her family's quirkiness and craves a "normal" and sedate life. That doesn't mean she's estranged from them or that she's ashamed of them, but she dreams of a different life for herself. That's why I fully understood her infatuation with Michael, the son of a viscount and the epitome of everything proper and traditional. And that's why I cut her some slack for taking so long to let him go from her heart and accept Harry.

Notice that I used the word "accept" and not "forgive", because I really don't think there was anything to be forgiven there. Harry didn't lie, although he didn't always reveal everything he knew, and he didn't force Poppy to kiss him to compromise her. On the contrary, she was fully enjoying his kisses even though she thought she was in love with another man! Okay, Harry was ruthless and manipulative (but not cruel), went after what he wanted with determination and took advantage of the situation, but he didn't make anything up. He only accelerated the process, so to speak, because that weakling Michael would never be brave enough to go against his father. Poppy deserved someone who loved her above everything else, and that man was Harry. I simply adored Harry! He's way up there in the altar of my favorite heroes, along with Sebastian, Lord St. Vincent (Devil in Winter) and Derek Craven (Dreaming of You). Not by coincidence, all 3 of them are perfect examples of how good a "bad boy" can be when he finds the right woman... Hmmm, do I see a pattern in my "obsession"? ;)

As in all the previous books in the Hathaways series, there were a lot of scenes that weren't solely focused on the H/h's interactions. That bothered me when I read the 1st book, Mine Till Midnight, but now I think they're part of this series' charm and those "secondary scenes" add depth to the story. In this particular book, I got to know and understand Harry much better by learning how his employees saw him and that was a plus. I also got to know something very interesting about Ms. Marks, Poppy and Beatrix's former governess and current companion and chaperone, and I can't wait to see her bring Leo to heel.

And last but not least, the now (in)famous cliffhanger... I loved it! I know a lot of readers were annoyed by it, but I thought it was delicious. I'm not ashamed to say, I closed the book with a sigh and a a smile.

Great story, to-die-for hero, lovable heroine, witty dialogue, steamy love scenes, funny and charming secondary characters... This was an excellent read.

And just because I love quotes, I'm going to finish my review with one of my favorite passages in the book:

"I want you any way I can get you. Not because you’re beautiful or clever or kind or adorable, although the devil knows you’re all those things. I want you because there’s no one else like you, and I don’t ever want to start a day without seeing you."

As Poppy opened her mouth to reply, he smoothed his thumb across her lower lip, coaxing her to wait until he had finished. "Do you know what a balance wheel is?"

She shook her head slightly.

"There’s one in every clock or watch. It rotates back and forth without stopping. It’s what makes the ticking sound... what makes the hands move forward to mark the minutes. Without it, the watch wouldn’t work. You’re my balance wheel, Poppy."

Call me crazy, but I thought that was one of the most romantic declarations of love I've read.
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,444 followers
September 7, 2010
Ahhh....I don't even feel like writing a review for this one except to say "Move over Cam, and make room for Harry!"

I found out something about myself--I love a romance where the hero really needs for someone to love him, whether he realizes it or not. And handsome hotelier Harry Rutledge (early 30s), who both wanted and feared affection (due to a heartbreaking childhood)--he captured my heart. Yes, he started out as a manipulative, selfish devil, (the way he got Poppy (23) to marry him), but how he ended up, while absorbing Poppy's love and affection...*sigh*. Enough said.

Here's some of my favorite scenes/quotes in this one:

*Dodger the ferret--so cute, so mischievous, so smart! Are ferrets really this smart, or is Dodger a mini-dog?:)

*This quote from Harry to Poppy about letting him court her, reminded me of a scene from Gone With the Wind, where Rhett speaks to Scarlett about marrying him...

"You were courted by a boy, who had to do as he was told." His hot breath feathered against her lips as he whispered, "You should try it with a man, who needs no one's permission."

*Seeing all the Hathaways again, and seeing how Leo, Cam and Merripen were willing to physically do battle with Harry to protect Poppy. Love that family loyalty.

*When Cam told Harry that Poppy was "part of his tribe'. Yeah.

*When Harry's hotel staff, who loved Poppy, plotted to make sure that Harry and Poppy 'consumated' their marriage.

*That same hotel staff, discussing the state of the Rutledge's sex life:

The chef looked deeply concerned. "You think there's a problem
with his carrot?"

"Alors, he is a virile man...she is a beautiful woman...why
are they not making salad together?"

*When Poppy sprained her ankle and Harry used his influence to get special chocolates made for her. Aww...the beginnings of Harry allowing himself to care.

*Poppy and Leo's conversation about Harry's 'masculine problem':
"Damn it. What exactly are we calling a 'masculine problem'?
Did he have trouble running the flag up? Or did it fall to
"Do we have to speak of this metaphorically, or--"
"Yes," Leo said firmly.
"All right. He..."Poppy frowned in concentration as she
searched for the right words,"...left me while the flag was
still flying."

*The hotness that was Harry and Poppy together:
I'm going to make love to you all night, Poppy. And the first time, you're going to feel very safe. But the second time, I'm going to be a little bit wicked...and you'll like that even more. And the third time---" he paused with a smile as he heard her breath catch. "The third time, I'm going to do things that will mortify you when you remember them tomorrow." He kissed her gently. "And you'll love that most of all."

Well there's plenty more where that came from, as well as plenty of chuckles, laugh-out-loud moments, wry humor (especially from Leo, who I've grown to appreciate), amusing moments with Beatrix and her menagerie, catching up with the whole Hathaway clan, and a tad bit of suspense near the end. Yet again, LK made it all fly by so fast. I've come to adore this quirky Hathaway family, and I'm in a bit of a panic knowing I only have two more stories to read. Lk reveals even more about Catherine Marks (Beatrix and Poppy's companion)--the mystery builds--what did happen to her? And you can see that Leo is finding himself more and more attracted to her....I can't wait to read their story!

This one wasn't as complicated, angsty, or dramatic as some of the other stories in the series, but I was still entertained. It must be that Kleypas magic that gets me to fall so easily for her characters. I was in dire need of reading a book that could 'take me away', and Tempt Me At Twilight certainly did that. Thank you, LK. 5 stars

My Harry...
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
April 18, 2022
My new favorite in the series!!! I was so obsessed with Poppy and Harry! I loved how they first met and Harry immediately knows that he wants Poppy. Then, this turned into a marriage of convenience and I was obsessed. Both Harry and Poppy declare they will never love each other, but they'll have a good marriage. Well, of course they start to fall for each other! I really enjoyed learning more about Harry's past and why he's so closed off to people. I loved how he was morally gray and even admitted that he is always the villain in stories. Even how their marriage of convenience came about showed that Harry gets what he wants. There was also a bit of suspense at the end, which showed the couple how much they really cared for one another. As usual with this series, I loved the family dynamics and how much we still saw of Poppy's siblings and their significant others. And this made me even more excited for Leo's story!!
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,444 followers
February 22, 2010
What can I say about this book? After reading the last pages of this novel, at approximately 1 am, I set it down, knowing I couldn't possibly be ready to write a coherent review. Reviews are like soups or dishes with tomatoes and hearty seasonings. They should sit and rest, letting the spices and the tomato paste mingle together, so that the flavor can be maximized. Accordingly, I let myself ruminate in a bovine fashion about what I would write in my review of the latest historical by one of my favorite authors, over the far too short weekend.

First and foremost, Ms. Kleypas wrote yet another wonderful book that cements her place on my keeper and favorite author shelves. Secondly, she took a concept that I thought I was familiar with, but managed to surprise me, and keep me on my toes as I read. I thought I had this story all figured out, by some of the comments from my Goodreads friends, and in Amazon.com romance forum discussions, and my own preconceived notions based on the blurb, and what I know about how Ms. Kleypas writes books. But, I was still surprised.

Harry Rutledge: This is a hero that is very hard to define. At times, frankly, I disliked him. I thought, he's not a nice man. He's very cold, and he's ruthless. But I loved him, at the same time, for being all the things I mentioned. He is definitely a standout for me because of the complexity of his nature. And I loved how Ms. Kleypas was unstinting in showing Harry in the worst light possible. She didn't go the heavy-handed route, in steering us into loving him because he was the hero of the story. And I respect her for that. In fact, I am glad for the naturalistic approach she adopted. Because, as I read this story, the man that Harry is, deep down, the man he wants to be, shows through. And for that, I have to give this author a high five. Harry is a carefully engineered survivor. What he went through in his childhood is not even close to the worst I have read about in fiction. However, for this admitted idealist who believes children should be loved and cherished, valued and tended carefully like the creations of beauty and worth that they are, it was pretty awful for a child to suffer that way. Harry grew up priviledged, but he was neglected in all the ways that count. If that wouldn't make a social maladroit out of a person, I'm not quite sure what would. But, at the same time, Harry managed to make something of himself. He didn't become a shiftless dilettante who did nothing but drinking, fornicating, and spend other people's money. He became a brilliant inventor, businessman, and empire-builder. Even a few of his enemies respected him enough to name their children after him. To be able to do that, I have to respect him. He was a monolith of admantine will, but so vulnerable in some ways, that few were privy to. In truth, only Poppy, that I could perceive, reading this story.

When Harry Met Poppy: We all have defining moments in our lives. Harry had several. But the one that would change the course of his life irrevocably, was when he encountered Poppy. Ever wanted something so very much, the fierce desire for it burns like thirst in a parched throat? That's how Harry wanted Poppy. And that motivated him to do some very lousy things. In his mind, it was okay because Michael Beyning didn't deserve her. I think that he was right about the last part. Beyning didn't deserve a woman that he wouldn't fight for to all the heights and depths of his available resources. He barely even tried for her. And Harry's actions proved that. In medical terms, he performed an elective surgery that was more agressive than needed, but achieved results that no one could argue weren't successful. Yet, there were some significant side effects. For one, Poppy married him with the cold precision of a general going to war, and told him that she would never love him. Not the ideal way to start a marriage. Yet, in Harry's unfathomably analytical mind, he didn't care, because all he needed was her as his wife. The ends justified the means.

What does a man do with a wife? What does a wife do with a husband that didn't fit her expectations of the husband she always wanted? Harry and Poppy had to learn these things. He couldn't put Poppy into a little cubbyhole to take out and amuse himself at his limited leisure. He couldn't wind her up like an automaton. Poppy was a living, breathing, force of nature, that would settle for no less than what she deserved. At times, Poppy came off as immature, in a sense. Hanging onto a fairy tale dream of marriage. But, I had to admire her for sticking to her guns about what she would and would not tolerate from her husband. She needed to do that, because Harry was very used to getting exactly what he wanted, by using the powerful force of his personality, and threats, if necessary. And Poppy did show that she could compromise and surrender in the ways that were important to make a marriage work. It's about meeting each other half-way, and they both had to learn to do that. I liked the dynamic between them, how they danced around each other, getting to know each other as husband and wife. Although the circumstances are purely out of romantic fiction, I think that aspect of marriage is very true to life. A young couple has unrealistic expectations of what they will experience in marriage, and the first year is a wakeup call, as they realize that real life isn't as cut and dried. Marriage takes compromise, time and energy, and lots of communication. You could see this being played out between Poppy and Harry. This is one deeper level that took me by surprise, although, knowing Ms. Kleypas, it probably shouldn't. She writes extremely romantic stories, but there is always some degree of realism in the intricacies of interpersonal relations that play out in her stories. I think she writes married stories very well, but then, she's been married for a long time, so she probably draws on the bank of that experience to develop such a rich narrative.

Family, the Beauty of it: I realize that the Hathaway books aren't high on the list of some of Ms. Kleypas's fans. But, I love this series. It was like going to visit some friends in their family home, and seeing their family interactions, reading this book. So intensely familiar, and heart-warming. I was immersed in the love and the chaos that is the Hathaway family, which is ever-expanding. I got the opportunity to visit with some characters that I easily grew to love in prior books: Cam (he is such a show-stealer), Amelia (the mother hen), Beatrix (how adorable she is with her animals, and her sharply- perceptive understanding of human nature), Kev (intense and forthright, as always), Win (sweet, loving, and peaceful), Leo (who is really coming into his own, has a wonderful sense of humor, and a surprising strength of character that I love), and Catherine Marks (she is shaping up to be a very tortured character who has me very intrigued).

Rounding up my thoughts: Tempt Me at Twilight turned out to be a very satisfying but hard to define read for me. There is something seemingly basic about it, compared to some of Kleypas's other books, but complicated at the same time. This book really is a book about marriage, and about letting the fairy tales go, and embracing the beauty in what is real, and accepting that your destiny doesn't come in the pretty packages that you shop for. Also realizing that the pretty possession that you wanted so bad, comes with a cost, and takes an emotional price in return. I feel that this book presents a deeper message about how your destiny comes exactly the way it's supposed to, although it may take growth on your part, and the partner that fate has decreed for you, to fully realize the potential that is there. As usual, Ms. Kleypas nails the Victorian period with the beauty of an Impressionist painting, not heavy, bold strokes, but with a light, careful, bright, and dreamy touch, that is all the more captivating to me as a reader. The end of this book marks the beginning of the next arc of this story. I am full of some reservations, and fears that my gentle heart is going to face some anguish ahead. I have questions and theories that have been brought to life by the conclusion of this story, if you can call it that. I suppose I will have to remember the adage to all readers of series: Keep Reading. I trust that I will be in for another delightful reading experience if I am able to do exactly that.
Profile Image for Christina ~ Brunette Reader.
187 reviews347 followers
October 3, 2019

An elegant and bustling hotel in the heart of Victorian London, a lively heroine, an intriguingly remote hero, a meet-cute thanks to a mischievous ferret... and then it all went down the drain. Fast.

As of lately I haven’t been impressed with Kleypas’s recent series, The Ravenels, I decided to backlist among her older titles. Her books have always been a hit-or-miss with me, but since I’ve loved some of them in the past (probably Dreaming of You and Devil in Winter the most) and especially after having enjoyed the Wallflowers series not too long ago, I went into The Hathaways with higher hopes.
At first I thought I’d found the same or similar mood and style that had previously worked, but soon the characters and storyline took a downward turn and never picked up, reminding me of all the reasons why The Ravenels have been such a letdown, the same problems outlined here as well.
Again a glaring uneven pace in the narration, with the slow-moving first 2/3 and then a rush to the end with added, apparently indispensable, absurd plot-twist in the very last pages. Again more or less clichéd characterisations with often exasperated traits. Yes, there were some sparse endearing moments, but as a whole the constant lack of meaningful communication and the juvenile push-and-pull between the leads ruined it for me.

The moment Harry sees Poppy he goes into "Mine! Want!" mode, though in a sophisticated caveman (!) obsessive kind of way, and what ensues is a manipulation-fest in which our hero brazenly disregard the heroine’s feelings, who’s supposedly in love with another man for half the book, scheming and plotting to trap her into accepting his marriage proposal in the span of a few weeks. A hero whose sudden redemption I am then inveigled to believe because he doesn’t know how to express his finer feelings, but you see the heroine’s lurv will teach him and love cures all!... Well, you get the idea.
Instead I was wincing and shaking my head through most of their exchanges, from the awkward sex-scenes to the corny dialogues, which as a side note also sounded way too contemporary to ring true, while Poppy wavered between quirky and doormat all along. There was nothing romantic or spontaneous in the development of their relationship, no real humour, chemistry or self-awareness.
A cast of predictable and trite secondary characters and a pointless epilogue completed the picture.

So the two stars go solely to the technically solid prose and to the fact that I managed to get interested enough to read on in order to see where this was going, though in a detached and dispassionate manner.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
914 reviews824 followers
September 7, 2021
Relectura de uno de mi favoritos de Lisa Kleypas, en que encontramos al que es probablemente el más villano de sus personajes masculinos. Me gustó tanto como la primera vez.

Reseña 1a lectura:
Insisto! Lisa Kleypas nunca defrauda. La verdad, no tenía mucha expectativa con esta novela ya que Poppy es la integrante más “normal” de la familia Hathaway, sin embargo, me encuentro con una historia terriblemente original para el género, en que tal como se lee en sus páginas “el villano se queda con la princesa”.

Me encantaron los personajes principales y sobre todo la tenacidad de Harry para lograr sus objetivos, aunque sus métodos sean bastante poco ortodoxos. También me gustaron mucho los personajes secundarios y, por supuesto, la historia en ciernes que se advierte para la próxima entrega entre Leo y la señorita Marks.
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
October 20, 2019
Re-read Oct'2019:

I still loved it, but I liked Mine Till Midnight and Seduce Me at Sunrise better this time rereading the series. The Hathaways is absolutely one of my all-time favorite series! Still big 5+ stars!

Original read/review Jun'2010:

5++ stars – Historical Romance

“Her chances of a decent marriage were about to be dashed-and all because of a ferret.” And thus begins the wonderfully romantic third installment in the saga of the eccentric Hathaway family, Tempt Me At Twilight.

Poppy Hathaway loves her quirky family, but she yearns for a conventional, quiet, normal, stable, peaceful, predictable, albeit boring, life. She believes wholeheartedly that she’s found her true soul’s desire in her beloved Michael Bayning, who’s courted her in private but has so far withheld a proposal due to concerns over his father’s likely disapproval over the match. When fate (in the form of a wily, on the loose ferret named Dodger) results in a clandestine meeting with mysterious, wealthy, powerful, reclusive, hotelier Harry Rutledge, Poppy’s future is forever altered.

Harry, owner of London’s most famous Rutledge Hotel, lives a rather solitary existence and never expects or desires to fall in love, but he’s immediately enamored and infatuated by lovely, intelligent, spirited Poppy and sets out to win her for himself. Poppy’s heart and devotion belong to Michael, but she still can’t help but be a bit intrigued and flattered by the enigmatic and dynamic Harry, especially with his persistent courtship and shocking proposal.

When Poppy finds herself heartbroken and her reputation and future security at risk, she accepts Harry’s marriage proposal, but then painful secrets are revealed that shatter her trust and wound her aching heart even further. What does a woman do when she finds herself married to the villain?

Kleypas is a master at turning tortured, cold, manipulative, cynical, ruthless men (even near villains) into the most sigh-delicious, swoon-worthy heroes in romance. Harry reminded me a little of Simon Hunt from Secrets of a Summer Night, only with a strong dose of Devil in Winter St. Vincent’s ruthlessness and vindictiveness thrown in. And sweet, caring, smart, bighearted, exuberant Poppy was the perfect compliment and match for cold-hearted, jaded, intrinsically lonely Harry...I just loved them together!

Although I enjoyed Mine Till Midnight, mainly for dreamy, yummy Cam Rohan, and loved Kev’s and Win’s achingly beautiful romance in Seduce Me at Sunrise, Tempt Me At Twilight, with its compelling, unforgettable story, beguiling, complex characters, strong depth of touching emotion, and lush sensuality that’s all blended together brilliantly, is vintage Kleypas and my favorite of the Hathaways series so far. It’s a splendid, moving, heartfelt, and utterly romantic read that’s completely riveting from beginning to end and just sheer historical romance perfection. Big 5 stars!

Here are some of my favorite moments/lines:

***************Possible spoilers ahead***************

Harry to Poppy:

“I’ll never be sorry about it. Because if I hadn’t done it, you’d be his now. And he only wanted you if it was easy for him. But I want you any way I can get you. Not because you’re beautiful or clever or kind or adorable, although devil knows you’re all those things. I want you because there’s no one else like you, and I don’t ever want to start a day without seeing you.”

“Do you know what a balance wheel is?” She shook her head slightly. “There’s one in every clock or watch. It rotates back and forth without stopping. It’s what makes the ticking sound...what makes the hands move forward to mark the minutes. Without it, the watch wouldn’t work. You’re my balance wheel, Poppy.”

“I have so much love for you, I could fill rooms with it. Buildings. You’re surrounded by it wherever you go, you walk through it, breathe it...it’s in your lungs, and under your tongue, and between your fingers and toes...” His mouth moved passionately over hers, urging her lips apart. It was a kiss to level mountains and shake stars from the sky. It was a kiss to make angels faint and demons weep...a passionate, demanding, soul-searing kiss that nearly knocked the earth off its axis. Or at least that was how Poppy felt about it.
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,060 reviews153 followers
April 3, 2018
Re-read with Lacey, who unlike me, loved this! As did all my friends. Seriously, I'm not hating on anyone who loved this, I just couldn't stand this book.

Down-grated from four to one stars after re-reading it again after about 4 years. All I can say is, my tastes have changed dramatically since then. There are a few things I no longer tolerate, and Harry basically did everything in his power to piss me off.

a) He breaks off Poppy and the man she loves and is engaged to on a whim, uhm, because he "wants her more than the other guy". And therefore he deserves her more which makes it perfectly reasonable to go behind the other man's back and blacken Poppy's name with his pompous, blue-blood obsessed father who won't let his son marry a nobody.

b) He's possessive, controlling, manipulative, and manages to make Poppy believe that everything that goes wrong in their relationship is her fault. No, I do not find him romantic. Apparently I'm in the minority with this... (And please don't get me started on his redemption. Too little, too late for me. Leo at least changed over the course of three books, but Harry did a complete 180 within the last four or so chapters.)

c) The wedding night from hell and other things that made me furious:
Poppy sacrifices herself, saying she just "wants this over with".
Harry: "At least give this a chance."
Poppy: "I can't. Not when I remember that I should be doing this with him."
Harry: "Then I'll see if I can put him out of your thoughts..." The charming man then proceeds to touch a woman who would rather be with someone else. But, of course, we can't have him actually abuse her, so he stops at the last moment. Saying, "I won't force the rest of it on you tonight ... You want to have done with it so you'll have nothing more to dread. But I've decided to let you dread it a bit longer. Just remember that if you have any idea about requesting an annulment, I'll have you on your back and divested of your virginity before you can blink."

A few days later:
Poppy: "If you keep your promise to Sir Gerald, I'm going to leave you."
Harry: "That's not a choice for you." ... Leave him, would she? Not in this life, or the next. She thought him a monster. Well, he would prove her right...
And then basically forces himself on her. But she loves it of course, so that's ok? He takes her virginity, she cries and is in pain, he walks out because he can't be bothered to deal with all those feelings, and she then proceeds to blame herself for his treatment.

I could rant away about how I'm not ok with this, but I'm too tired. Suffice to say, I didn't think Harry was a mysterious, brooding anti-hero, I did not like him, I was not convinced by his redemption, and...

Oh well. Now I'm off to re-read Leo's book.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
November 20, 2015

Harry Rutledge was both a neglected child and an abused child. The only son of an aging hotelier, Harry wasn’t raised in a home where a youngster could run and play, laugh out loud and just be a kid. Even at 5 years old he knew the rules: The Guests come first. Stay out of sight. Don’t make any noise. Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t…don’t… don’t. Is it any wonder that as an adult, Harry is so rigid, so disciplined and so aloof? One of the richest men in London and one of the most mysterious, he often comments that his enemies like him better than his friends do.

Poppy Hathaway is in her third London Season and as in the past, the family has taken rooms at the Rutledge Hotel because their home, Ramsay house, is too far away to travel to and from the many balls, parties and other events the Season has to offer. But following the Hathaways like mischief and misfortune often does, Poppy has found herself in an awkward position when Dodger the ferret, one of Beatrix’s pets, is on the loose in the hotel with a very important letter, one that simply must not be seen by anyone. It’s from a man who, if word got out of his affections for Poppy, would likely find himself in hot water with his father. His very rich, pompous, demanding and manipulative father – who would take away his title, his properties and everything else a man of the ton must have.

And who do you suppose happens to run across Poppy in her pursuit of this rambunctious rodent? Why, none other than Harry Rutledge who finds himself more than a little captivated by Miss Hathaway and her furry friend. And so this is where the story begins. Will Poppy allow herself to be wooed by this man who no one really knows and can Harry allow her that part of himself he’s never given to anyone before - his heart?

I think I’ve decided that Poppy is probably the most “normal” of all the Hathaways, and Harry Rutledge the most “normal” of all the men in their lives. Good thing they found each other or they probably would have gone through life alone because I can’t imagine anyone, except themselves, who would put up with the each other. Did that make any sense at all?

And I was thinking… now, stay with me here… it seems as though the males in most historical romance novels have serious issues. So let’s explore the criteria for being a great hero, shall we?

1. They can’t be tamed.
2. They’re into trouble all the time.
3. Always taunting the women around them.
4. All about having a good time.
5. Charming.
6. You just want to hold them.
7. Adorable
8. Handsome or at least cute.
9. Maybe unsure of their parentage.

So, in keeping with these hero characteristics, I suggest that Dodger get his own story! Don’t ferrets deserve a happily ever after, too? And if there’s any ferret deserving of one, I’d say it’s Dodger! And with this in mind, I suggest we begin a letter writing campaign to see if we can encourage Ms. Kleypas to find it in her heart to give Dodger a book of his very own. I say she should call it called Sleepless in the Slipper Box. What say you, dear readers of this review?
Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
April 1, 2019
***5.0 "The Villian always gets the girl" stars***
I absolutely love the Hathaways!!! And Harry and Poppy are the best!!!
“In the fairy tale you mentioned last night, I would probably be the villain. But it's possible the villain would treat you far better than the prince would have.”



I stayed up all night reading to finish this book. I loved Cam and Amelia, but Tempt Me at Twilight turned out to be my favorite of the series. Cam was so damn perfect. I mean there wasn't a thing wrong with him. Whereas Harry was flawed in a way that pulled at my heart!

“I've never wanted to be loved. And God Knows no one's done it yet.”

I love this family and Beatrix always makes me laugh so hard! She's the very opposite of lady like, but so darn practical and observant.

“And Poppy, remember that someday you will meet a frog who will turn into a handsome prince."
"Good," Beatrix said. "Because all she's met so far are princes who turn into frogs."



Poppy is naturally sweet and kind. But when she is forced into a marriage with a man she doesn't love, she doesn't mince words. She wasn't a doormat for Harry to walk all over and I loved that about her. She had that smug confident Harry feeling unsure and insecure.


The Hathaways give me such joy. They are unconventional and carefree. They love and support each other. And they make me laugh when I least expect it!

Best Laugh out loud moment of the book:

“Did it fall out?" Leo asked. "Is she bald?"
"No, not at all. It's just that her hair is...green."
To look at Leo's face, one would think it was Christmas morning. "What shade of green?"
"Leo, hush," Win said urgently. "You are not to torment her. It's been a very trying experience. We mixed a peroxide paste to take the green out, and I don't know if it worked or not. Amelia was helping her to wash it a little while ago. And no matter what the result is, you are to say nothing."
"You're telling me that tonight, Marks will be sitting at the supper table with hair that matches the asparagus, and I'm not supposed to remark on it?" He snorted. "I'm not that strong."

Oh and that Epilogue has me craving the next book!! Finally, Leo and Cat!!!
Profile Image for  Lady Jayne *~*The Beach Bandida*~*.
118 reviews388 followers
January 20, 2011
(4.5 Stars - Edit: Revised on further consideration to 5 Stars)

I really enjoyed Harry and Poppy’s story. But I did feel there was a little something missing, hence the 4.5 Stars. (Edit: But now in looking back, I can't bear not to give 5 Stars to each and every Hathaway book, so while I acknowledge there was a little something "missing", I loved it and will definitely read it again!)

I especially loved how the description of Harry Rutledge conjured images of Richard Armitage. *sighs* He's so villanously handsome and sexy! ^_^

"He had heavy, well-cut hair, black as midnight, and a fair complexion in which his dark brows stood out in striking contrast. And he was handsome as Lucifer, his brows strong, his nose straight and defined, the mouth brooding. The angle of his jaw was sharp, tenacious, anchoring the grave features of a man who took everything - including himself - too seriously."

I was a wee bit annoyed with Harry through parts of the book, but I do love him and LOVED his declarations. He was so determined to win Poppy, no matter what. And to be compared to a "mechanism"? How can one resist?! LOL

Edited to add the quote (Copied from Dina's review - Thanks, Dina! ^_^):

"I want you any way I can get you. Not because you’re beautiful or clever or kind or adorable, although the devil knows you’re all those things. I want you because there’s no one else like you, and I don’t ever want to start a day without seeing you."

As Poppy opened her mouth to reply, he smoothed his thumb across her lower lip, coaxing her to wait until he had finished. "Do you know what a balance wheel is?"

She shook her head slightly.

"There’s one in every clock or watch. It rotates back and forth without stopping. It’s what makes the ticking sound... what makes the hands move forward to mark the minutes. Without it, the watch wouldn’t work. You’re my balance wheel, Poppy."

I think the something “missing”, for me, may have been how fast (time-wise) it seemed that Poppy and Harry resolved their issues? Or the seeming lack of build-up/tension in the middle of the book? And also, the suspense towards the end seemed unnecessary, to me. Although, going back to the resolution of that, I realised it was to tie back to the "fairy tale" metaphor. I did enjoy the cliff-hanger lead-in to Leo’s book though. Makes me even more excited and eager to read it!

Overall, though, I really did enjoy the book. I loved all the scenes with the Hathaway family. I adore this family! I laughed out loud quite a bit in this book. The Rutledge Hotel staff’s discussions were funny, especially the "vegetable-talk". *wiggles eyebrows* Can’t wait for Leo and Cat’s story! Look forward to finding out her secret past and what happened between Leo and Cat (maybe something compromising that they will end up “Married by Morning”??) Also, looking forward to Beatrix’s book, Love in the Afternoon! Can’t wait til “Summer 2010”! Thanks, LK, for 2 Hathaway books to look forward to in one year! ^_^

My Harry Rutledge (Richard Armitage):


Yes, I know, I KNOW! I went a bit overboard with the Richard Armitage pics! LOL But I just ADORE this man. *MELTS*

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: I do not hold the copyright to any of the images used in this review. They are posted to add visuals to the review and for fun. If any of these images are yours and you would like me to remove them, please let me know, and I will do so as soon as possible. If I can identify the copyright, I will do so.
Profile Image for Somia.
2,065 reviews156 followers
June 10, 2023
This is my zillionth re-read of Tempt me at Twilight and it remains one of my favourites in the Hathaways series, the backstory for this one was compelling even if the tone is different to what comes before and after this book. The relationship within the Hathaways family felt real and was lovely to see, they’re one family I always love going back to.

Poppy as a heroine was a lovely blend of witty, intelligence and kindness. Harry I also overall liked as a hero within the book, he’s more of an anti-hero/villain than a hero, and does a number of underhanded and manipulative things to ensure he gets what he craves – Poppy.

Whilst I still love this book, there are a few issues I am now aware of that may peeve you off/or make you think that was quick, things that I couldn’t see as potently when I first read this book years and years ago:

1) The tipping point in Poppy and Harry’s relationship does occur a tad too quickly – it needed to be teased out more.

2) Harry is a douche when it comes to the wedding night even if he does stop, he threatens Poppy - ‘[…] Just remember that if you have any ideas about requesting an annulment, I’ll have you on your back and divested of your virginity before you can blink.’ Not the best way to get your wife on side.

3) The redemption of Harry needed more layering and depth.

Nevertheless, despite the above points I still love the book.
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,464 reviews85 followers
August 28, 2015
Okay, there is something above adoration???
Because i can assure you that i'm crazy about the Hathaways and their mates.

Every book is a new apocalypse and i'm never satisfied...
I want more and more and more...

Is it possible every story to be loved more than the previous??? For me, it is!!!
The first book worked as an introduction for me and then i fell in love with Ken and Win and i thought that this couple was my favorite...
But now after this book i think my favorite couple is Poppy and Harry...

But i think that i have to finish and the two next books and after to stable in which one of them i love more...
But i'm pretty sure that i will love them all for different reasons...
And i really loved Poppy and Harry....

Poppy was the most quiet from the Hathaways.
She knew that her family was noisy and eccentric and she was seeking a normal life.

For the last three years, she was seeking for a husband and when she finally thought that she found the perfect man that she will offer her the calmness and normality that she was longing for, a ferret complicated her life....
Why a ferret??? You remember Dodget??? He was Beatrix's pet...
A ferret who stole many things for fun and one of that was a love letter for Poppy and that fact forced her to chased him all over the Rutledge hotel...
And she got to adventures since she met the unknown, mysterious and handsome Harry Rutledge, the owner of the hotel...

And Harry was charmed so much by her that he manage to stole a kiss that change the course of their lives...

Harry wasn't believe in love.
His past prove him that love wasn't exist...
He was intelligent, beautiful and very successfull businessman. He had a brilliant mind that never stop working...
He didn't like publicity too much and he never wasted a glance to Poppy Hathaway before they come face to face and heard her talk unstopable about things that no other woman could talk!!!
And that was his condemnation... He was infatuated by her and he couldn't let her married someone else.

So his dominate, manipulating and ruthless nature took action and twisted the things into his favor until to earn what he desired. Poppy Hathaway as his wife...
So he involved her in a scandal to persuade her that the best for her was to proceed in a marriage with him... and he worked very hard to succeeded...
But when Poppy found out the truth, she became furious with him and her stubborness got between them with intensity...

So Harry had to change his ways to earn his wife back...

I won't lie to you. I love the complicating characters and Harry became my favorite...
I liked his anorthodox ways to take what he wants... and i liked the fact that he was honest.

From the first moment he warned Poppy about him... He never presented himself as the prince charming but he described him as the villain...
I liked his transition from the villain to a "dark" prince and i liked the way that he welcomed this unknown feeling that they called "love"...

And i think that he fitted quite perfect with the Hathaways... He finally found the family that he never had...

As for Poppy, i liked her as all the other Hathaways.
She was different and lovely. She was sensitive and she was caring for everyone.
And i know that from the first moment, Harry charmed her more that the"perfect" Michael...
But her mind was stucked in the idea that Michael could give her a perfect and easygoing life and when everything turned out differently that she was expecting, she prefered to accuse Harry and to fighting her feeling for him.

But they were so perfect and lovely together...
The princess that manage to love a villain who thought that he was worthless of love...
A villain that manage to concrete the heart of a princess...

Damn!!! With that epilogue how can you not continue to Leo and Cat's story????
I'm so curious about what happened between them after all this phenomenal "hatred" between them!!!
I don't think i can ever stop reading about those strange and eccentric Hathaways!!! I love them!!

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
June 11, 2018
3.5 stars

“In the fairy tale you mentioned last night, I would probably be the villain. But it's possible the villain would treat you far better than the prince would have.”

Not bad.... but also not amazing. I've been on a Lisa Kleypas binge and I'm on the Hathaway's series. I actually am liking it more than the Wallflowers (please don't throw the tomatoes!) but this one wasn't as good as the others. I'm not saying it was bad either, but it fits perfectly into a 3.5 rating where I did enjoy the book, but it's nothing special to me.

The premise is amazing, a secretive rich hotel owner falls in love with Poppy Hathaway and will literally do anything to have her. Tricked into a marriage she didn't expect, Poppy tries to make the best of her situation, but may be dealing with a man she doesn't understand.

I thought this was a sweet story, but it really could have been developed a lot better than it was. It went from distrust to love way too quickly to me. I felt we could have gotten more on Harry's background to understand how he was. But it felt like one sob story and one confession and suddenly everything was resolved.

I am very much looking forward to the next book because it's Leo and Miss Marks, hopefully it lives up to my expectations.

“I want you any way I can get you. Not because you’re beautiful or clever or kind or adorable, although devil knows you’re all those things. I want you because there’s no one else like you, and I don’t ever want to start a day without seeing you.”

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Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
July 11, 2021
I really should be giving this 3 stars since it wasn’t by any means perfect and the backstory to the hero was introduced far too late for my liking and there was a lack of Hathaways and I wanted more, but I still enjoyed this so bloody much! I devoured it, though my feelings whilst reading the story would fluctuate between disinterest (because the character/their relationship was so closed off) and warmth.

Let’s settle on 3.5 🌟.

I’m still enjoying the heck out of this series.
Profile Image for Vivian Diaz (semi hiatus).
622 reviews111 followers
September 18, 2023
4.5/5 ⭐️ I think Harry is one of my favorite Lisa Kleypas heroes. I LOVED how ruthless and determined he was in his pursuit of Poppy. He didn’t give a shit. He wanted her so he was willing to do anything to have her and that’s my favorite type of hero 🤭.

I really loved their meet-cute! It had me smiling so much! Poppy and Harry were just perfect together. I adored them both.

They went into their marriage determined not to fall for each other but when they did, it was so beautiful 😍.

Harry was so intrigued by Poppy. When she babbled a lot and he told her he could listen to her talk all day, I swooned 🥹.

I also loved all of the Hathaways! Their relationships were so wholesome and sweet. They all cared for each other so deeply. I wish I was part of their family 🥺.

And I can’t wait to read Leo’s book!!! I loved his banter with Ms. Marks!

I could have done without the chapters that were told from the POV of the side characters, but other than that, this was such a great read for me. I loved Harry and Poppy together ❤️. Their romance was so cute!
Profile Image for Melanie THEE Reader.
358 reviews51 followers
January 27, 2024
Solid 3 star read. Kleypas is a magician so she’ll never completely miss. This definitely isn’t one of my faves….

While I love Poppy and the rest of the Hathaways, Harry did not do it for me 😂I don’t mind a ruthless, ambitious hero (I still kneel at the altar of Tom Severin) but he better not do anything to hurt the heroine. Harry did some messed up things to secure Poppy as his wife and I did not like that one bit! And he’s not even remorseful. This is why I’m rarely a fan of a possessive/obsessive hero because you can easily end up with a hero who’s just a possessive jerk. I also feel like Poppy and the rest of the Hathaways let Harry off the hook way too easily. Basically, this book just made me want to reread Chasing Cassandra for the umpteenth time 😩😭

However, Leo Ramsey remains one of my favorite big brothers in historical romance. He’s protective but he trusts his sisters enough to support their decisions. ❤️
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,343 followers
December 29, 2017
"Perhaps Harry was becoming-or would become in time-the man he had always been meant to be. Because he had finally found someone who mattered."

Tempt Me at Twilight is the third book in The Hathaways Series. The series features the lives and trials of the Hathaway family. Each book can be read as a stand-alone. Set in 1852 in London, Tempt Me at Twilight is the love story of Poppy Hathaway and the mysterious Harry Rutledge.

"And whenever your wife is angry...for God's sake, don't try logic."
Poppy has been a loyal sister to her family. Working hard to be a lady, she has been secretly courting an Englishman in hopes that his family will be willing to accept her and he can take her as his wife. When Poppy accidentally meets Harry Rutledge, the owner of the hotel her family is staying in, Harry sets his sights on Poppy. In order to win her over, he will do whatever it takes to make her his. As Poppy is placed in an impossible position, she knows her only choice is to accept Harry's proposal and leave her love behind. Harry is an impossible man who has always been able to solve any problem. When the problem he needs to solve is winning over his wife, the predicament proves to be more than he could have ever imagined.

"Love, there's hardly any place it can't be done. Against trees or walls, in chairs or bathtubs, on staircases or tables...balconies, carriages-"
Told in dual POV, Tempt Me at Twilight is a romantic tale set back in time where reputation is everything. The plot is complex as Poppy must learn what it means to be a wife to a man who has never experienced love. I adored her spunk and tenacity throughout each and every moment. Poppy and Harry are stunning together and the dynamics between the push and pull they both experienced was intense and quite enjoyable. The relationships between the Hathaway family is truly remarkable as they love and protect each other fiercely. I was so taken by all of the characters, I decided that I must invest more time in this world immediately. The picturesque setting is described in such detail that I felt as if I had been transported back in time. One might assume that passion did not exist back in those times and yet, Harry and Poppy, I feared, would set my Kindle on fire! Lisa Kleypas has created a beautiful world with unforgettable characters.


Overall, I never imagined myself to become a fan of Historical Romance and yet Lisa Kleypas has made me a believer! I am so thankful to my friend SueBee who introduced me to Harry and Poppy. I look forward to reading all of the Hathaway Series. A trip back in time has never been more sexy and sweet!

*This was an (F)BR with my girl SUEBEE in honor of HiShhtorical Week on Shh...!

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April 4, 2017
4 The Princess and The Villain Stars

“Harry. You’re not supposed to court a girl by telling her you’re the villain.”-Poppy

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“I’m sure I’ve read too many fairy tales. The prince is supposed to slay the dragon, defeat the villain, and marry the servant girl, and carry her off to his castle.” “Fairy tales are best read as entertainment,” Harry said. “Not as a guide to life.” -Poppy and Harry

Temp Me At Twilight, the 3rd book in The Hathaway Series, was a great read. 3 books into this series and I am still all smiles. What can I say I love the Hathaways. Every one of them. And with each new book I read in this series my love for them grows. I love that even though Poppy and Harry's love story starts out rough, and Harry wasn't really a sweet romance guy that I still fell in love with this couple. And I love that their love story starts with a mischievous ferret.

“If I were going to molest you,” he pointed out, “I would have done so by now.” Her flush deepened at his bluntness. “So you say. But for all I know, you could be a very slow molester.”-Harry and Poppy

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“You were courted by a boy, who had to do as he was told.” His hot breath feathered against her lips as he whispered, “You should try it with a man, who needs no one’s permission.”-Harry

I really enjoyed that the hero was more of a villain in this book. Harry wanted Poppy so much that he wasn't above cheating, stealing, and fighting dirty to have her. Harry met Poppy after Bea's ferret ran off with a love letter from Michael to Poppy. Harry wanted Poppy and when he found out Poppy had feelings for another man, Michael(who had been secretly dating Poppy because his father wouldn't approve of the match) he did what any good, kindhearted man would...... He told Michael's daddy! Daddy disapproved and Michael being the little bitch that he was didn't fight for Poppy, but instead broke up with her. Leaving Harry to swoop in and take her. I loved that Harry wasn't your typical hero. Harry had been raised with no love and neglected so he didn't show emotions. He came off as cold, selfish, and hard at first. But as the story goes on you can't help but fall in love with him. I also loved that even though he softens with Poppy's love, he never regrets how he stole Poppy from Michael.

“I’m everything they told you and worse,” Harry said without hesitation. “But what they didn’t tell you is that you are the most desirable and fascinating woman I’ve ever met, and I would do anything to have you.”-Harry

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“I will never forget that you took away the man I loved and put yourself in his place. I’m not certain I can ever forgive you for that. The only thing I am absolutely certain of is that I will never love you. Do you still want to marry me?” “Yes,” Harry said without hesitation. “I’ve never wanted to be loved. And God knows no one’s done it yet.”-Poppy and Harry

Poppy just wanted a normal, calm life. She thought she would have that with Michael. She loved Michael and it crushed her that he broke off their relationship. When she went to a ball to show everyone that she wasn't Michael's off cast she ends up dancing with Harry. Getting upset and not wanting to cry in front of everyone she asked Harry to take her for fresh air. While outside Harry kissed Poppy and they were seen. Leaving Poppy with the choice to be a fallen woman or to marry Harry. She married Harry even after finding out about Harry telling Michael's father, but deceit made for a rough marriage. I loved that it took awhile for Poppy to give her heart to Harry. She didn't just forgive him and hop into his bed. She didn't even kiss him. And she let her displeasure of his actions be known. But Poppy was a loving, happy kind of person and the more she was around Harry and saw the real him when he let his walls down the more she fell in love with her husband.

“I can’t. I’ll never be sorry about it. Because if I hadn’t done it, you’d be his now. And he only wanted you if it was easy for him. But I want you any way I can get you. Not because you’re beautiful or clever or kind or adorable, although the devil knows you’re all those things. I want you because there’s no one else like you, and I don’t ever want to start a day without seeing you.”-Harry

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“I want you to be happy, you exasperating man. I want you to understand that I love you for exactly what you are.”-Poppy

I loved that Harry and Poppy's love was slower to come. The lust was there but Harry had to earn her trust. When the love came it was beautiful, full of passion, and kindness. Love changed Harry for the better. I will be honest, I didn't feel the least bit sorry for Poppy's ex Michael. A real man wouldn't let daddy stop him from being with the woman he loved. I couldn't stand Michael. I thought he was a coward, and was glad that after Poppy married Harry, he suffered. Just sayin! I loved getting to see the other Hathaways in this book and getting to catch up with Cam, Amelia, and their son. There was some big and happy news for Kev and Win too. I was really enjoying the playing between Cat and Leo. I'm excited to start their book. I missed Bea a bit as she and her animal freak show kinda took a backseat in this book. Bea's story is the one I am looking forward to most. Great read, great series!!

“Because I have so much to lose now. But I’m going to love you anyway, because there doesn’t seem to be any way to stop doing it.” He kissed her forehead, eyelids, cheeks. “I have so much love for you, I could fill rooms with it. Buildings. You’re surrounded by it wherever you go, you walk through it, breathe it . . . it’s in your lungs, and under your tongue, and between your fingers and toes . . .”-Harry

Profile Image for Monique.
411 reviews
January 3, 2021
I've re-read this now...I don't actually but it's a lot.

I binged the shit out of Bridgerton so was in a historical romance mood but I actually didn't like the books Bridgerton was based off so I went to the Queen (imo) of historical romance and that is hands down Lisa Kleypas.

I've realised with her H's I'm actually drawn to her industrialist, self made men and not the Dukes or Viscounts. There's something sexy about a man that's fought his way to the top and doesn't give a shit about the rules of polite society.

Harry is the epitome of all of the above plus he's wicked, conniving, ruthless and probably one of my favorite Kleypas H's (there are a lot of them though, let's be honest)

It was also pointed out to me recently that this is a loose retelling of Persephone and Hades (which I'm obsessed with) so it now makes sense why I've been so drawn to this story time and time again. I do love a H who "steals" away his bride with underhanded tactics.

If you've been drawn into historical romances after watching Bridgerton then you MUST read Kleypas. While she has series (Wallflowers, Hathaways, Ravenals) her books are pretty standalone but honestly once you start you'll want them all.
Profile Image for Marisa Sauco.
303 reviews302 followers
June 25, 2017
¡Cómo me gusta esta serie! ❤️

«—¿Dirías que eres un buen hombre, Harry?
Él meditó la respuesta.
—No —dijo finalmente—. En el cuento de hadas que mencionaste anoche, yo sería probablemente el villano. Pero es posible que este villano te trate mucho mejor que el príncipe de la historia».

El personaje de Poppy me sorprendió mucho y me encantó.
Harry me pareció un “villano” adorable.
La historia es preciosa y muy original.

El Epílogo (con el adelanto de la historia de Leo y Cat) me dejó… ESTUPEFACTA. ❤️
Profile Image for Darien.
861 reviews322 followers
August 19, 2022


Audiobook: 4 ⭐️

The Hathaway's are back and better than ever. This is the third instalment of this quirky, fun and unconventional family,that everywhere they go a scandal follows. This is one is about Poppy the intelligent and beautiful sister who is in London searching for a husband. The hunt is on!

Harry Ruthledge is an enigma in London everyone wants to know who is, where he’s from. Not everyone is privy to that information and that’s how he wants to keep it. He is a famous Hotelier a very rich business man . He keeps everyone at a distance so they wont get too close. So in other words he is a very lonely man, not something he would admit to but its clear for everyone to see. There is only one person who lights his fire and that is Poppy Hathaway. This strong willed independent woman needs a strong man who can appreciate her for who she is, and Harry feels he is just the man. Seems her heart is set on someone else, and Harry will have to use every under handed trick in his book to have her even if she ends up hating him.

Poppy knows she scares men away because she tends to chatter away and bring up subjects that are inappropriate, plus she is intelligent. No man wants an intelligent wife its just not done. So Poppy is in love with a Michael Bayning and he is going to offer for her, he just needs to convince his father that she is his perfect match. You see no one wants a Hathaway as a member of the aristocrat because of the scandals and two of her sisters are married to gypsies. So said proposal does not go through and in sweeps Harry who charms a very sad Poppy and leads her into one great big scandal. So in order for them to diminish the scandal a wedding needs to happen pronto. So Poppy is now getting to a man she hardly knows and has no idea if she even likes him. Love matches are for fairytales and marriages of convenience is the norm.

This marriage is built on lies and both Harry and Poppy have to come to trust each other and then will they realize that they are perfect together. Lets say that the rest of Poppy’s family did not like the scheming way Harry made Poppy his and they let him know it. Which was hilarious, there’s nothing like having two gypsies threatening your life. The ending was very anticlimactic which I expected more but it doesn’t take anything away from the book. So a woman who has always known love teaches a man who has never had it.

I love Lisa Kleypas she knows how to write a ruthless bastard, plus the Hathaway’s as a family is pure genius. They are funny and they just don’t give a damn about society’s norm of how they should be. Plus Beatrix is the funniest of the lot, the younger sister who loves animals and treats everyone she encounters as such, I can’t wait for her book. Even if you are not a fan of historical romances you will appreciate this series for what it is, a great and fun filled read and sexy men in breeches.
Profile Image for María Ángeles.
431 reviews76 followers
February 18, 2019
Pues no tengo más remedio que darle 5 estrellas!!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!
Me ha encantado. Porque la protagonista Poppy quiere a otro, porque el protagonista Henry es un cabezota que hace lo que sea por conseguir su objetivo, y porque una vez conseguido, se comporta como un real caballero capaz de enamorar a un témpano. A mi las dificultades me encantan...
El que más me ha gustado (aunque aún me queda el último).
Profile Image for Matilda.
269 reviews2,632 followers
January 13, 2022
4 stars 🍒

when he wants you, but you're already in love with someone else, so he manipulates you and the OM into breaking up. then ruins your reputation at the ball by kissing you in front of everyone, forcing you to marry him 🥰

book 1 review
book 2 review
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ms. Smartarse.
644 reviews329 followers
February 10, 2022
Lisa Kleypas was my introduction to the Historical Romance genre, and to this day, the vast majority of such books I read are 'penned' by her. The Hathaway series as a whole, is not my favorite. So much so, that for a long time I even refused to read the last book in the series out of spite. I've since read Love in the Afternoon, and joined the hype like the rest of the (civilized) world.

determined sigh

Wily businessman Harry Ruthledge has decided to marry. A chance encounter with the unconventional Poppy Hathaway convinces the mysterious hotel owner, that he just has to have the girl for his own. So he proceeds to woo her rather aggressively, even going so far as to skillfully remove Poppy's "secret" admirer.

Poppy for her part, bears her beau's sudden departure rather stoically, trying to make the best of her new suitor. When she eventually finds out the truth, right before her wedding ceremony, she is not exactly thrilled. Demure and serious, our heroine goes through with the wedding, but vows to repay her husband with as chilly a demeanor as possible.

quiet anger

Despite all the excitement I recall from my first read, I was rather disappointed this time. Harry was basically a jerk, to whom young Poppy is meant to bow down. Good thing she doesn't really stand for his boorishness for too long, which also eventually prompts him to change himself.

Their chemistry was.... okay, I guess. Certainly not awful, but nowhere near the excitement that Sebastian and Evie provided in Devil in Winter.

Score: 2.7/5 stars

The reading experience was fine I guess, but it was definitely clear to me that Regency heroes of Ruthledge's ilk don't really appeal to me anymore.

Review of the 2nd book: Seduce Me at Sunrise
Review of the epilogue of the 2nd book: A Hathaway Wedding
Profile Image for h o l l i s .
2,606 reviews2,228 followers
May 30, 2018
This review can also be found at Romantic Historical Reviews.

Tempt Me at Twilight, book three in Lisa Kleypas' The Hathaways series, is a little different from the previous books in the sense that we're no longer dealing with a couple where one comes from a different, or diverse, background. Amelia and Winnifred both found themselves marrying Romany men (Romany men who happen to share more than just heritage in common, but that's a spoiler!) but it's Poppy, the pretty but socially awkward sister, who is looking for a partnership that is a little more conventional and more traditionally stable.

Having grown up in a family of scholars, eccentrics, and unique personalities, all Poppy wants is to be normal. She doesn't begrudge her family for being who they are, but she wants less of the reputation of being one of 'those Hathaways' and instead wants a quiet family of her own. The problem is that for all her beauty, she's still one of 'those Hathaways' and as a result is awkward because she is intelligent and prefers to speak on topics most women her age know nothing about – or rather, know enough to not speak on, as is more appropriate. Nonetheless she's being covertly courted by a man she loves, and who loves her, and is only waiting for the right time to broach the subject with his father – a peer – and she feels her forever happiness is within her grasp.

So, naturally, it's at this time that she stumbles into the path of Harry Rutlegde, the wealthy and rather mysterious owner of the famous Rutledge Hotel. Not knowing who he is, she charms him by being herself, intelligent and willing to speak about anything if given any encouragement, and Harry finds himself wanting her. Wanting her in the ways he wants all pretty and clever things. And like all men who are used to having, and getting, their way, he's not above manipulating matters to make it so that she will be his.

Harry is ruthless, manipulative, and totally unapologetic about his machinations to ensnare Poppy. The way Kleypas writes him, at turns shining a light on his kindness, his willingness to court Poppy, and then twisting it so she's unable to refuse him, is.. well. I think that in the hands of another author, Harry would have been easy to hate. But he isn't at all. I was totally fascinated by him, just as Poppy was, and he really carried the story for me. He's relentless in keeping his hotel running, pushing his employees, pushing himself, and he's creative, inventing ways to improve all manner of tasks. He is certain he can never be loved, because he never had been, and so is not remotely dismayed to know that by having Poppy as his wife, he will have her body, but she will never give him her heart.

Poppy, on the other hand, confused me. She's smart, kind, caring, but also.. I don't know. I couldn't envy her situation – torn from the man she wanted and bound to the one who caused her such upheaval – but at the same time, she's equally manipulative and also unkind to Harry. At least in the early to middle section of the story. But when they finally come together, when Harry is pushed into chasing her, when she lets him in.. they work. He's a man who needs so desperately to be loved, to be chosen, and Poppy eventually realizes he's the man she would choose above all others.

The best part of this series, though, is that when there's a lull in the romance, or something irks me or doesn't work to my full satisfaction, there's the rest of the supporting cast ready to pick up the slack or distract me. Because this family is one of the best fictional families I've had the pleasure of reading about. Cam and Amelia (from book one, Mine Till Midnight) are present and being lovey-dovey and adorable with their new son. Winnifred and Merripen are still new-in-love and tender with each other. There's Leo, causing mischief yet also managing to be selfless and supportive when his sisters need him to be, all the time antagonizing the governess/family's companion (and hoo boy is there a nice surprise in Catherine's storyline!), and finally, Beatrice; who, even as the youngest, somehow manages to be insightful at the right times, adorable, and is always chasing after the mischief her array of pets gets into.

For all that I've wanted to drag out my (belated) reading of this series, it's hard not to rush into the next book. They're compulsively enjoyable, with a good mix of emotional arcs, humour, heat, and sweetness. I'm so looking forward to seeing where this family ends up next. And as for that ending to set up Cat and Leo's book? You, Ms. Kleypas, are a dirty tease.
Profile Image for Bubu.
315 reviews386 followers
July 25, 2016
2.5 stars

This is my least favourite of the The Hathaways series, whereas I know a lot of people (including many of my GR friends) loved Tempt Me at Twilight.

I think between Kev and Win's heartbreaking tale and Leo and Kat's almost screwball-y relationship, Poppy and Harry's story remained somewhat bland. It didn't help that the pacing felt uneven, especially after their marriage. Poppy's character seemed inconsistent. I don't know what it was but I simply didn't get her; her feelings for Harry going back and forth between anger and lust, I didn't see how she'd fall in love with him. Harry is a whole different topic, though. LK's heroes are usually great, either leaning towards darkness (Derek Craven) or sarcasm/irony (St. Vincent), but Harry remained, like Poppy, quite bland. I know he was supposed to be something of an anti-hero, but I missed the edginess that would come along with such a character. All I could see was a manipulator who did things simply because he wanted it that way.

This is what happens when I have nothing substential to say about the MC's of a story. I sit here and my brain goes blank. I remember thinking 'I'd rather read Leo's story now.'

Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,978 reviews

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