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Opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the resident wallflower of his new class in this heartwarming, slice-of-life school comedy series!

One lonely, gloomy fifth-grade girl is the target of her classmates' relentless bullying and teasing—that is, until a new kid arrives on the scene! Friendly Takada is as clueless as he is well-meaning, but somehow he possesses the magic ability to start drawing "Grim Reaper" Nishimura out of her shell. As the elementary schoolers experience all the fun of a childhood summer together—from going to the pool to picking sunflowers to watching fireworks—an unusual friendship blossoms!

288 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 7, 2023

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Taku Kawamura

40 books4 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews
Profile Image for Violet ♡.
272 reviews140 followers
September 20, 2023
What a cutie! 😍

The manga is now one of my happy pills! Nishimura and Takada are so adorable, I want to hug them. I did not expect to enjoy this at first, but it captured me. Their friendliness and positivism are contagious. 🥰

It kind of reminded me of the From Me to You franchise, but this one has younger characters. The bullying part is uncomfortable, though.

An absolute five-star read from story to art! I will definitely read its other volumes. And its anime is on my list to watch. ❤️
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
March 10, 2023
Because she dares to be different… no, wait, because some classmates need somebody to pick on, I mean, Nishimura’s an outcast with the nickname ‘Grim Reaper’. Enter the new kid, Takada, who’s as kind as he is oblivious. And he’s exactly who Nishimura’s needed this whole time.

At just under 300 pages, I had figured that this book was going to wear its welcome out pretty quickly, since it appears to be just Nishimura being picked on and Takada coming through for her where it counts. But it wouldn’t be the first time looks were deceiving in this story.

Things really just roar out of the gate and don’t stop, with our leads first becoming fast friends and then Nishimura’s teasing getting flipped on its head over and over again by Takada, who would be some kind of genius if he wasn’t so incredibly brainless. In a good way.

Takada’s clueless nature being a feature rather than a bug would seem to be a one-note joke, but it really continues to pay dividends because the circumstances keep changing and his enthusiasm for pretty much everything is infectious.

The story really sells the hell that is being the odd one out in a class, and for no good reason except as an other that lets the others join together. Nishimura’s a very nice person who just got the short end of the vicious stick that is school.

And if that’s all this story was, it would be quite good. But it’s not just that. This delivers a portrait of youthful silliness and friendship that is shockingly accurate and well-realized in how it gets the finer details just, just right.

It’s not like Takada and Nishimura are perfect together. No friends are, and they both have some really dumb moments where they are being stupid. Look, they are. Sometimes they realize, sometimes they don’t, but they ultimately figure out that they like themselves together much better.

The summer vacation sequence really deserves a huge call-out. It’s a wonderful multi-chapter affair that captures that feeling of when you’re a kid and the massive expanse of summer looms before you, brimming with possibilities of adventure.

And when our two leads are separated by distance and pining away, wondering what one another are up to, it might be the most I’ve ever approved of the guiding hand of fate stepping in to take care of two people like that.

It’s easy to wax rhapsodic about this story. There are some banger gags and the characters are so much fun. Takada’s friend whose one true love is, apparently, a tank top, somehow makes that simple joke work time after time. This is very sharply written simple.

Maybe you had a Takada in your life. Maybe you didn’t and you wanted something so idealized as the one person who thought you could do no wrong and always had your back. Maybe you were a jerk as a kid (hi!) and this reminds you of how stupid you were before you grew up. There’s something to this that’s kind of amazingly resonant no matter what angle you come at it.

The first crush aspect of all this is very cute and mostly hand holds and blushing. I mean, it feels a little precocious since everybody is rather young for all this, but it’s done with a deft enough touch that it just adds a little bit more.

As far as the art goes, excellent work. It reminds me of Mysterious Girlfriend X a little and you could do a lot worse than reminding me of that series. This is a lot more wholesome though, naturally.

And wholesome sums it up - there isn’t a moment where this story isn’t working hard to bring a smile to the reader’s face and it achieves this with a consistency that is astounding.

5 stars - this was great and such a smart revisiting of a time gone by for many of us. And even without the hooks of nostalgia there’s a lot to be said for how downright pleasant it is watching these two together.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
May 9, 2023
A super cute manga about a boy who's just pure happiness bundled up in a child. He's almost always positive and this poor girl who's picked on by everyone decides to talk to him and they become best friends. Leading to a lot of cute moments between the two. Very easy going and fun manga. A 4 out of 5.
Profile Image for D.T..
Author 5 books78 followers
May 31, 2024
Now, this series will either get majorly repetitive or be charming throughout. But I thought this first volume was majorly cute. Sometimes, you need a true friend in your corner.

Taiyo, the male lead, is so obliviously sweet. He looks at Nishimura like she's gold. Her confidence grows slowly from his resoluteness in being her friend. I'm sure her social group will expand as the series goes on.

I enjoyed the lighthearted premise and even felt some emotion at a surprise revelation at the end. I'll definitely read the next volume to decide if I'll continue with the series.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
550 reviews27 followers
July 24, 2023
Exactly like the anime

If you died from the cuteness of the anime you should prepare yourself to die again

I love how every time someone tries to bully her he just turns what they say around to a complement
Profile Image for Ken Yuen.
857 reviews10 followers
August 3, 2023
This was really sweet, loved it. A story about a girl who's being bullied and her extrovert new friend being her undaunting hype man. It really deal with the bullies and their behavior, but it shows how a good friend can really make a difference when someone is struggling.
Profile Image for Malapata.
667 reviews60 followers
December 26, 2023
Nishimura es una chica de quinto de primaria a la que sus compañeros hacen el vacío y la llaman "La Parca". Su vida cambia cuando llega al colegio Takada, un chico lleno de energía e ingenuidad que decide convertirse en amigo suyo.
Son historias muy cortitas y algo repetitivas, pero conforme avanzas les vas cogiendo cariño a los personajes y ya te da igual que te vuelvan a contar otra vez lo mismo, tú lo que quieres es darles un abrazo y decirles que todo va a salir bien.
Profile Image for Enairolf.
2,051 reviews18 followers
December 22, 2021
Je suis une grande fan des titres publiés chez Nobi Nobi. Je suis vraiment la cible idéale pour leurs titres. A chaque fois que je lis un manga de chez eux c’est toujours de merveilleuses lectures. Très souvent, ils deviennent les mangas doudous comme je les appelle. Ce titre là j’avais vraiment envie de le découvrir. Il me tentait vraiment énormément et surtout vu le thème abordé il me faisait encore plus envie. Au premier abord, ça avait l’air d’être un manga hyper touchant tout en étant rempli d’humour. Et j’avais plus que hâte de le découvrir.

On va suivre le personnage de Takada. Le jeune garçon vient d’arriver dans sa nouvelle école. Il découvre que dans sa classe se trouve une fille étrange Nishimura. Tous les autres élèves se moquent d’elle et la surnomment « La sorcière des ténèbres » . De méchantes rumeurs courent sur elle, si on la touche on est maudit, si on touche quelque chose qu’elle a touché on est maudit , alors qu’en fait elle a simplement peur de sa coquille. Mais toutes ces rumeurs sont loin d’effrayer Takada. Il n’en a rien à faire, il va devenir son ami coûte que coûte. Il va désarmer les harceleurs mais aussi Nishimura elle même!

J’ai vraiment adoré cette lecture! C’est limite un coup de cœur. On y parle harcèlement tout en y mettant une bonne dose d’humour. Et rien que ça j’ai trouvé ça génial. Ce manga est un vrai petit bijou. J’ai déjà hâte de me plonger dans la suite. Le personnage de Nishimura m’a fait vraiment beaucoup de peine. Elle est tellement touchante et voir toutes ces méchancetés que les autres lui balancent à la tronche ça m’a brisé le cœur. Elle mérite tellement pas tant de haine juste parce qu’elle a du mal à sortir de sa coquille. J’ai adoré le personnage de Takada. Il m’a fait tellement rire! Il est d’une naïveté incroyable et ça le rend adorable. Il est tellement naïf que lorsqu’il entend que l’on appelle Nishimura la sorcière des ténèbres il est persuadé qu’elle est vraiment une sorcière. Il prend tout au premier degré et ça apporte tellement d’humour à l’histoire. J’ai rarement vu un personnage aussi naïf que lui. C’est incroyable. Il est tellement drôle! Et en même temps j’aime énormément tout ce qu’il fait pour Nishimura. Le pire c’est qu’il lui fait beaucoup de bien sans vraiment s’en rendre compte. J’aime beaucoup l’amitié qui se crée entre les deux.

Ce titre est vraiment un manga absolument génial. J’ai vraiment hâte de me plonger dans la lecture du second tome. On y parle d’un sujet fort et important celui de l’harcèlement scolaire. Et en même temps on parle d’une belle histoire d’amitié. C’est repli d’humour et ça rend la lecture tellement géniale. C’est touchant et adorable en même temps. Ce manga est vraiment un petit bijou que j’aime énormément. Vivement le second tome!
Profile Image for El.
819 reviews32 followers
May 4, 2022
I loved this ! This was one of the most adorable things ever, I love the two main characters and their relationship. This is a mix between "Komi can't communicate" and "Teasing master Takagisan" ("Quand Takagi me taquine" in french). If you love these types of mangas (cute, slow-burn, just adorable and funny), go for this one ^^ !
Profile Image for Melainebooks.
1,868 reviews23 followers
June 30, 2023
Très bon début de série qui change des autres car elle se passe à l'école primaire.
Profile Image for Sara.
1,121 reviews30 followers
May 20, 2024
Read more graphic novel reviews at The Graphic Library.

Takada is a 5th grade transfer student, and Nishimura is a bit of a gloomy girl that everyone else calls "The Grim Reaper." Takada is determined to figure how what makes her so special to get such a cool nickname, and what he finds is an awesome friend and someone who makes him happy to be around. Other classmates try to make fun of Takada for being around Nishimura, but Takada's carefree attitude turns all their jabs around and makes everything backfire. Nishimura finds herself with a friend at last, but can't help feeling like her first friend is a little clueless to all the bullying going around. ​Takada likens several bully tactics to video game or RPG storylines, and the two also find out that they could have been childhood neighbors had things gone differently.

There is so much positivity going on despite the undercurrent of bullying that follows Nishimura, and the sweetness between the two friends has a beautiful message of acceptance. Takada is constantly building up Nishimura, but none of it rings hollow. This story has some nice, short chapters which are great for younger readers. Some of the beginning chapters have repeated information due to the original serialization of the story, but once readers get passed that, it's on to some hilarious comebacks to bullies from Takada, an adorable kitten, and some summer adventures for the friends. There are some growing pains of childhood friendships that might resonate with young readers who are probably navigating some of their first major friendships as well.

Sara's Rating: 8/10
Suitability Level: Grades 4-10
Profile Image for Niche.
718 reviews
December 23, 2023
As much as I love slice-of-life friendship, it felt like they just ran the premise joke into the ground. Just about every chapter followed the formula: shy girl gets bullied, pure boy defends her, blushing ensues. Sure, it's cute and sweet, but the repetition wore it out for me. I'll keep reading because if it manages to better it's narrative structure, it could be a Platonic gem or otherwise dull diabetes.
Profile Image for Liz (Quirky Cat).
4,709 reviews73 followers
May 29, 2024

They say that opposites attract, right? Well, perhaps that's why Takada instantly took to little Nishimura. As a transfer student, Takada had plenty of choices to make when finding a new friend.

Naturally, he chooses the girl known as the “Grim Reaper.” His reasons for this choice may be...unorthodox, but there's no denying that Nishimura needed a friend to stand by her side. Will their friendship blossom or live up to Nishimura's nickname?


I have to admit, My Clueless First Friend Vol. 1 is a pretty cute series. It has the perfect balance of cute, funny, and irreverent. We have a lonely little girl, a clueless dude (who may or may not want the powers of a Grim Reaper), and some unique secondary characters.

The plot itself is simple but effective. If you read the description above, you basically already have the essence of it. The plot revolves around this, making the point in different (but usually funny) ways.

So, it's not deep. But it is relaxing and cute. I'm not sure there's enough here to keep me invested in future volumes, but I am happy I took the time to read My Clueless First Friend Vol. 1.

Instant Friendship

Will I continue the series? Probably not.

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Profile Image for Beth.
1,213 reviews179 followers
March 13, 2023
Takada (M) is a transfer student at a school where Nishimura (F) has been the long-standing recipient of teasing by her classmates as a "grim reaper" because she's introverted, wears her hair over her eyes, and prefers dark clothing. He spontaneously befriends her, and defends her from the class's teasing by unthinkingly twisting their words around to mean that they were complimenting her instead.

The first half of this manga volume was just okay, with very short episodes that had more or less identical purposes and pacing. Once the author was given more pages to work with, it got a lot better, and there was even one episode in the "summer break" sequence in the latter part of the book that brought tears to my eyes.

I can easily imagine readers wandering off from this volume before it gets good. If they stick with it, they'll be rewarded with a sweet, cute and undemanding story. Takada isn't entirely convincing as a ten-year-old with an uncanny, uncultivated talent for conversational judo, but it's obvious he and Nishimura work together well as friends, so it's all good.
Profile Image for Greg(ory).
23 reviews7 followers
March 16, 2023
The premise for “My Clueless First Friend” is very cute and simple. There’s a girl in class with a bit of a dark and gloomy appearance, who’s being bullied by the other kids in class. They make fun of he, in typical fifth grader fashion, calling her names like ‘grim reaper’. Takada, the new kid in school, who moved in from the country, is a complete airhead, and doesn’t understand she’s being picked on – only that Grim Reapers are A W E S O M E!!! So, he’s quick to befriend her, and constantly presses the fact that he finds her wonderful in all different manner of ways. This series is super formulaic. XYZ happens which triggers Takada to say something completely outrageous that embarrass Nishimura, causing her to blush like wild. This is played out every chapter. It definitely can get a bit repetitive if that’s not your thing, but for the most part, I enjoyed this book. That said, not sure how I’ll like it after 7 more omnibus. Will definitely peep the anime though.
Profile Image for Anindita.
205 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2023
Volume 1 Chapters 1-18 Completed!
Gosh, Taiyo Takada is literally warm sunshine on a cold winter day. He is the absolute sweetest. Nishimura is also so cute and all the little kids are brats for being so mean despite not knowing her. They tease her, make fun of her relentlessly, and isolate her in class. Everyone needs a Taiyo or needs to be a Taiyo.
He's living his best life not caring a bit about others' prejudice and becoming friends with those who are kind to him. His using the bully's words against them is also so satisfying. It gives him leverage against them by using their words against them. Nishimura and Takada will be great friends so a long time (Hopefully, no unintentionally friend-zoning each other but in a safe healthy loving relationship in whatever form that might be).
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,797 reviews71 followers
February 16, 2023
I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't the elementary school, less annoying version of Komi Can't Communicate. Fifth grader Nishimura is bullied by her classmates, who all call her "the Grim Reaper" and make "jokes" about how they need barriers to ward off her curses. Enter Takada, the bubbly new kid who thinks that nothing is cooler than being a grim reaper and having curse powers, and he instantly both befriends Nishimura and skillfully (and cluelessly) repels her bullies. It's heartwarming, funny, and ultimately hopeful, its humor not detracting from the warmth within. I sure could have used a Takada when I was Nishimura's age. I'm so glad she has him.
Profile Image for John Ross.
181 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2023
found the anime first, went looking for the source

Cute slice of life about bullying, young kids and life. This book has 29 chapters and a bonus story, so many of the chapters are just 4 pages. I haven’t looked up how it originally came out but wouldn’t be shocked if it was a filler in a weekly print magazine so this book is about half a year of the manga. The slices are mostly light (the anime gets to pad out some scenes to give them more emotional weight, comparing the two means I will return to this with that in mind) but for all that I do recommend is.
Profile Image for Sol.
56 reviews
September 10, 2024
So repetitive. I found all the attitudes of the characters unrealistic, so it was hard for me to see any of them as believable. All the side characters (and really the main characters too) felt so flat, the main boy literally has a friend whose only interest is wearing tank tops. I also didn't really like the art. As a small pet peeve, I really didn't like how Nishimura kept being drawn doing prayer hands in front of her mouth -- it just didn't feel like a natural gesture for the character to make. Maybe a kid would like this manga, I don't know.
Profile Image for Mayar El Mahdy.
1,632 reviews1 follower
July 16, 2023
It takes a while for you to care about the characters, but once you do, it's such a wholesome and nice read.
Profile Image for Jack Syron.
141 reviews
February 1, 2024
The anime added an extra homage during the super emotional moment (if you saw the first season, you'll know) so I'm beyond pleased reading the first volume and will buy a copy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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