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Mated to the Night #1

Outside the Pack

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I'm a wolf in human's clothing. He's the enemy alpha. And our attraction is forbidden...

All I’ve ever wanted is to be part of the pack, but it’s difficult when you’re human. It never stopped my adopted wolf mother from loving me, but now that the biggest bully of our pack Troy is about to become alpha, he plans to ruin any chance I’ve got of fitting in.

I’ve already got enough problems without adding ‘kidnapped’ to my list. But that's exactly what happens when we’re attacked and I’m taken captive by the alpha of the enemy pack.

I should hate Night, but he’s nicer to me than Troy ever was, not to mention a hell of a lot sexier. I know our attraction is dangerous, but our connection sparks something in me I never expected, revealing there’s much more to me than my human side.

When Troy hunts me down, it can only mean one thing—war. Now I must make an impossible decision between following my heart or remaining loyal to the pack that raised me...

345 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 5, 2022

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Lindsey Devin

39 books162 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 355 reviews
Profile Image for ❌ Book Hunter ❌.
208 reviews70 followers
January 21, 2024

I tried to love this, I really did but so many things didn’t make sense. Basically ruining it for me, I’m pretty easy going with reads but glaring issues as such is something I personally can’t get around.

1. Her mother knew about the abuse.

It’s not bullying at this point it’s just abuse, every single pack member hated her with a deep passion and the mother knew and did nothing about it! I’m sorry but what kind of fucked up mom let’s a child that she loves go through this? I would have understood if the mom didn’t give a rats ass but her mother loved her so much. ( the story would have made more sense if the mom didn’t care.)
As a mom myself, I found this awful. I would have moved, maybe the human areas where the mother knew and could teach her to survive. Instead of letting her daughter go through 20 years of abuse both mentally and physically.

I just didn’t get this at all.

2. When The heroine gets “kidnapped” she is screaming to go back to her pack.

The pack where she was seconds to getting raped and turned into a sex slave. I mean WHAT!? She had no common sense at all, no dignity. Night just saved your ass and your giving him mouth? I mean yea he’s taking you away from your home so he’s a stranger but anything is better than what was about to happen. Like anyyythingg. Come on girl think for one second.

Trying your best to go back to the place where they will capture you and do awful things to you.
For a mother who can do absolutely nothinggggg to protect you. This really was the icing on the cake.

3. The heroines common sense was zero to none.

She was so unbelievably stupid that I couldn’t feel bad for her. She kept saying she needs to escape so when she does she freaks out begging to go back to her abusers basically.

I can’t do stupid.

Sheltered and naïve I can do, but plain stupid….so her character was a no go for. I hated her, and if you hate a main character, 9/10 times you won’t like the rest of the book.

Points for creatively though.
Profile Image for O’rion Risher.
332 reviews2 followers
October 25, 2022
This book was actually pretty good, but it drags on into more books. Well, at least one more… I started on book two, but I don’t think I’ll be able to finish because there’s too much thought and explaining for my liking. I was already skimming by chapter two.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
August 2, 2024
Outside the Pack is book one in the Mated to the Night series by Lindsay Devin. I wanted to like this book, but no no no not for me.

It started out kind of interesting, but as the story went along it ended up having too many inconsistencies and stupid mistakes by the characters.

There is lots of repetitiveness. Especially in saying “I’m human” or “she’s human”. We get that she’s human, everyone gets it.

Another thing the rules in the world started off as one thing then changed. Example: In the beginning females are mated to their first sex partner for life. It’s massively emphasized, but in the end of the book that’s just a “tradition” and not a real thing.

Our lead female is ridiculously pathetic. I wanted to like her innocents and feel for her, but damn it got old fast. One scene had me rolling my eyes. She wanted to enjoy one last party in her pack; before leaving, but really why go instead of escaping. Her pack is mean and abusive to her her whole life. I just wanted to smack her at this point. WHY?

Then we have the adoptive mother: How absurd she is with her adoptive daughter in that she is wishing the best after two decades of seeing the abuse left on her kid's body. She kept telling her things will get better despite Troy leaving her bloody on multiple occasions and threating rape. REALLY!! WTF

All around this plot is off the rails and carries on with stupid behavior and choices. I took no joy in women getting raped, beaten, used and put in a place where the men are superior.

Outside the Pack was not the book for me. If the blurb intrigues you, I urge you to give it a shot. Just because it did not work for me does not mean it won’t for you.

Rated: 1 Stars

Profile Image for TheVelvetHammer.
61 reviews29 followers
January 22, 2023
Having gone through a streak of bad books, my standards were low going into this... but apparently not low enough.

The plot is so thin and one dimensional, we're forced to navigate through heaps of superfluous bs as the author tries to stretch 10 pages of activity to fill 100 pages. Lacking in every way that counts - not a drop of creativity, weak uninteresting characters, a flimsy world with ill-defined rules, conflict devoid of layers or complexity, lack of attention to details that actually matter... not worth my time.

Profile Image for Dew.
741 reviews56 followers
November 18, 2022
Not good

It’s not a good book. The quality of the plot and characters is low, leaving little to recommend it. There is a lot of content out there that is more worthwhile.
155 reviews
February 23, 2023
The story is not bad if you can get past the terrible writing

This book popped up on kindle as something I might like to read and it had pretty good reviews so I thought I would try it. I actually love the concept, the world and even the characters, although they were definitely underdeveloped, but the writing style, errors and inconsistencies made it almost impossible to finish.

The book is written in 1st person but it still has italicized thoughts which is weird. It also had a few big errors like “I looked at herself in the mirror last night”. I got the impression that it was written in 3rd and then switched to 1st. Pronouns were wrong in several places. This made it so sloppy.

There are so many inconsistencies as another reviewer said. I mean a lot! Her hair is dark brown, then chestnut, then light. It was frustrating. There were big things too like rules of the world. In the beginning females are mated to their first for life and this is massively emphasized but in the end of the book that’s just a “tradition” and not a real thing. What?

It’s also crazy repetitive. The same backstory is stated so many times. The word human is used 144 and I can promise that almost all of those are in sentences like “but I’m human” and “she’s human”. I ended up skimming a good bit of the internal monologues bc they were all the SAME.

The characters were insanely underdeveloped. They had literally not had one full conversation, not one or any positive interactions, until WHAM they are madly in love.

I will not read the next book but I’m sad about it because I like the plot/idea. The writing just needs a serious, serious edit. I don’t like leaving a negative review. I think this author has potential and I would be willing to try another of her books (if it was well edited).
362 reviews6 followers
June 17, 2024
The most ridiculously pathetic female lead made this nearly impossible to get through. I tried, I really did, but she was just far too pathetic and stupid. I mean, seriously, she wanted to party and didn't want to "miss out on one last night of enjoyment?" Seriously? What is there to enjoy when everyone in the pack does nothing but crap all over her and torture her on a daily basis. If you KNOW how cruel and dangerous the leader is, have forewarning that they PLAN to do you harm on a certain timeline, why stick around for even a second longer than you have to even if you love your adopted mother? Leave her a damned note explaining why you had to leave and apologizing if you must, but GET OUT while the getting's good, stupid! Then there's Bryn's pining for a guy who treats her like garbage (Night) and friend-zoning a guy (Jasper) who's actually kind, respectful, nice and attentive to her. Typical cliche about girls wanting "bad boys" all the while ignoring how terrible bad boy treats her and throwing away a really good person.

And let's talk about how daft the adopted mother is with her Pollyanna wishing the best after two decades of seeing the abuse left on her kid's body. HOW MUCH EVIDENCE DO YOU NEED BEFORE YOU GET A CLUE, especially if you supposedly love your child? I mean really, telling her daughter things are going to get better despite Troy leaving her bloody on numerous occasions and threatening to rape her, you got to freaking be kidding me, telling her daughter it's all okay when nothing, NOTHING is okay about any of it!

Then, to round out the list of stupid characters let's outline Night Shepherd. So you have a pretty solid plan for the challenge ceremony and you deviate because you want a snoop around a cabin, really? And from that point forward he just can't stop making crap decisions (not telling his mate crucial details, the delay with the claim) that nearly get everyone killed, but he's supposed to be a great alpha.

So what little "connection" you get between the two main characters is very sudden, relies almost completely on the trope of fated mates instead of plot and character development (without him having to do anything to really redeem himself and continuing to make really horrifically bad decisions in the meantime, by the way), and any joy or relief from angst is a tiny part of the book.

More effort and pages (literally half the book) were spent on detailing abuse to Bryn and Tavi (who got REPEATEDLY gang raped off page -- so you know it's happening when they drag her off into another room but it's not being detailed) than Night turning his treatment of Bryn around and redeeming himself -- we went straight from him treating her like trash to them having sex.

Let's just say this plot is off the rails and is carried forward by the stupid behavior and even stupider choices of every single one of its characters, because there's not an intelligent one among the bunch except Dom the beta of the Wargs pack.

I'd like to say it got better from there, but I can't. To finish out the trifecta of what's wrong with this book let's go over how the formatting is off with entire second half having the same page number (so every page in the second half of the book is labeled page 491). Then the plot errors -- at one point the author gets the main villain's name wrong, followed by the plot error where the author forgets that they described the female lead's arms being bound behind her back in one paragraph and in the next page saying she wrapped her arms around her knees.

Uh, I read for escape from the horrors of reality, and take no joy or entertainment from women getting raped and beaten, so basically the proportions of the plot spent on certain subject matter should have been reversed, with far less time spent on the beating and raping of women and more pages spent on their MC's relationship building, but that's not how this was structured. Besides not being entertained by reading chapter after chapter of abuse, torture, rape, I don't know about you, but I'm not into being around or even reading about stupid people -- in fact they drive me nuts -- so this was a no-go for me.
1 review
December 24, 2022
a whole lot of nothing

Nothing really happens and then you’re at the end. And you have to continue the story in another book. This story could be told in one book.
Profile Image for Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD.
604 reviews215 followers
July 8, 2023
Great start to the new series! A lot of drama. Lot of twists and turns.

FMC& MC are developed really well. The author does a great job of a slow build creating these characters. Quickly find yourself drawn to them.

Secondary characters are very strong. Anyone who knows me knows this is a big deal for me. I love series that include strong background characters.

Looking forward to book too!

Happy reading,
DD 🥂
512 reviews
February 16, 2024
DNF. There’s nothing worse than a stupid heroine. The evil guy basically explains to her what’s going to happen when he becomes Alpha, but she just wants to wait for the last second to leave because she wants to dance 😵‍💫. When something bad actually happens (shocking) she gets rescued but OH NO! I need to escape this guy who actually helped me 😒
Profile Image for Sasha.
399 reviews8 followers
December 4, 2022

I have trouble reading books where the MC is abused by everyone around her and he family does nothing to help. So I only read the beginning of this book. I can’t imagine a mother staying in a place that her daughter is bullied nonstop. It would have been better if the MC had no family, then I would have kept reading.
Profile Image for Angel.
1,011 reviews14 followers
October 20, 2023

Not quite a three but not a two.

I wanted to like this book. It was borderline slow burn. I wish it had more spice.
I liked it enough that I'm going to check out the next book.

I do however see what others were.saying where the author gives a lot more details than necessary...
43 reviews
February 22, 2024
DNF at 27%
Cannot stand the FMC and the MMC is not much better. The writing dragged on like no other. 27% in and practically nothing has happened. Plus, the writing itself could have gone through a few rounds of editing.
117 reviews
February 29, 2024
This story had a lot of potential but the author just dragged everything out and the characters, especially the female MC, became so annoying and made unbelievably stupid decisions. On top of all that, this is just book 1 of 4. The book ends on a cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Imee Benzon.
447 reviews19 followers
March 2, 2023

I didn't think this is a series, oh well now Troy have her and she is a wolf now. Night u dumb ass🙄
Profile Image for Shasta.
265 reviews5 followers
July 18, 2024
The concept of this book was awesome. I was not expecting the plot twist around half way and I loved the slow burn aspect of the book. The writing isn't bad.

The FMC turns from shy and finally begins to open up and tell people how she really feels. Night is your typical broody alpha

I think the problem with this book is it is very wordy. I think the story needs to be more fast paced. There are dull moments and a lot of over kill explaining the garden and the locking up part.
165 reviews2 followers
July 18, 2024
Troy’s continued aggression towards Bryn didn’t make sense. His obsession with her didn’t make sense either. 10 years later he’s still at her? Why? Not liking humans isn’t enough, she was found abandoned, no other details provided. Would make sense for him to be indifferent to her, his father was. Other pack members ignore her, bother her time to time, that makes more sense, but not having Troy still being an issue to the degree he’s portrayed.
And her mother was annoying and not protective. Why would she leave Bryn to go talk to others when she is well aware of how her daughter is treated? Why would she not have her come with her or get her started home first. Mother just excuses away the abuse of her child for all her 20 years. Convenience writing abounds with little sense to what’s written. Find something else to advance the plot.
And Bryn and her mother live on the outskirts of pack’s land, nearer to where she’d be able to runoff from, so why would she pack a backpack and have it in a nearby tree where the entire pack gathers, that’s easily visible in said tree? It made zero sense.
It didn’t make sense that Troy had anyone watching her, that he would need to drug and abduct her when he has never had any trouble getting to her at any other time. She has never tried to leave the pack before. He thought he was all that, so why would he need to do that? Again, convenience writing. It doesn’t match already established story. And again why? Troy returns to the home? More nonsense. I feel like there would have been a better story if the challenge had occurred, and Troy defeated.
Why is Bryn always saying she was kidnapped? She was rescued from certain rape and enslavement and was LEAVING THAT PACK ANYWAY!! I get she wanted to go her own way, but with what? All her stuff was taken. She had no clue how to get anywhere. Night, nor none of his pack were harming her, repeatedly said they’d keep her safe. Then she says how Night refused to let her go back home? Seriously? Bryn was increasingly annoying and didn’t seem to have intelligence.
And after finding Bryn as he did and knowing what was done and going to be done, he comes up with the plan to use her as a bargaining chip, expresses agreement to return her to her would be rapist? Seriously?! Why. Would. You. Write.That? He’s supposed to be the hero, rescued her only to talk about giving her back?
Why are there locks on the outside of bedroom door? Who just has a lock on the outside? How is Bryn able to be locked inside a room from the outside on a room that is a guest bedroom and there would be no reason for there to be a lock on the outside of, but conveniently there is one?
Why would Night not know that’s his mate, are there no mates in his pack, did no one ever tell him in his entire life what finding your mate is like?
The incompetence of supposed to be honed warriors is incredulous. They’re shifters with abilities that seem to go poof that was utter foolishness.
The story was a mess, and ENTIRELY too long, definitely should not have gone into a second book. Multiple skimming had to be done to get through most of it. Premise of the story was good, the execution was not good at all. There will be no reading of book 2, I skimmed and then skipped entirely to the end and just didn’t care really to finish these books. There is nothing about this book that is four or five stars. Three is generous.
Profile Image for Ashley Marvel.
60 reviews
January 25, 2024

Between terrible pacing and silly writing mistakes, I was floundering thru the first 100 pages banging my head on the wall. You can't harvest corn and pumpkins in the spring in montana... especially not when you just planted peppers... and a greenhouse that is 10 by 20 isn't going to feed an entire pack vegetables. And her adoptive mom never sticking up for her despite her status in the pack? Overall very shoddy. You can have unique ideas and still make them make sense!!! Dnf on page 250, whelich is either 25% or 50% idk because the counter is all messy up somehow??? Wanted it to be better. Was very disappointed
183 reviews2 followers
November 17, 2023

I stopped reading this book at 16%. The main characters were stupid. So I stopped. Instead of letting the girl go he ran with her, missing the alpha challenge. Stupid, I stopped reading.
Profile Image for Gabrielle Sampson.
4 reviews2 followers
April 6, 2024
Only chose this book for a mindless smut read. Plot holes and spelling mistakes aside, the romance/smut could not have been more disappointing. DNFing 600 pages in and waited 600 pages too long to do it
Profile Image for Lori Kays.
244 reviews14 followers
February 13, 2024
First of all, I read this book on KU and it had me thinking I had finally had a psychotic break. Last night I got to the last page of the book, even clicked on the "next book" link at the end, then went to bed and decided to read the next book today. When I started to read book two, I was completely lost because it felt like I'd missed a whole other book. The front page of the book says "Book 3" so I'm thinking, "oh, okay, I must have got the books mixed up" so I get out the next book and it's even FURTHER ahead than the last book, so I go to the cover page and it says book 1 😵‍💫 At this point, I'm completely lost and confused and I'm like "maybe I just forgot something from book 1?" So I re-downloaded book 1 and discovered that NOW had a whole part 2 that I swear on the book gods was not there yesterday! Not only that, but instead of the 345 pages that was supposed to be in the book, it now claimed to have 461 pages, not only that but the last 100 pages were ALL listed as page 461 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 All that madness aside, this book was a mixed bag. For one thing it should ABSOLUTELY not have been 3 books. It didn't even warrant all the pages that were in the first book! There was so much ridiculous filler that I found myself wanting to just skim to the next part. My next complaint was that for the first half of the book, the h was an insufferable idiot, a true TSTL heroine who was constantly trying to "escape" (that word was so over used) her rescuer to go back to the man who she KNEW wanted to rape her and keep her as a slave. This made zero sense and was just tedious. When she finally gave up on escape and became more bareable, suddenly the H is now a moron. It's like the whole book existed because the two main characters were 20¢ short of a full dollar. The premise started out good and I so badly wanted a decent shifter book that I suffered through it far longer than I should have, I finally reached the part where the bad guy was defeated and the two MC's were claimed and mated to each other and decided to get out quickly while I still could. I have no idea how much more of the book was left and frankly I have no idea what else could even be discussed for 2 more books.
Profile Image for Jagged.
874 reviews30 followers
July 11, 2024
Dnf 45%

Yeah, I can see why a lot of people didn't finish this or didn't care for it.

Bryn is supposed to be 20, but she reads as 13. Night is supposed to be 28 but reads as 16. So maturity wise, they kinda match. Outside of that, they have nothing in common. There is not enough interaction between them for there to be any chemistry.

Bryn is a hot mess. She is submissive in her home pack right up until she's picked up by Night. Then she's a completely different character that doesn't hold to her established character development. She is not skittish in the Warg pack at all, like you'd think she'd be given what she's been told about them, given that she's of the thought she's being kidnapped by crazy wolves, given that she's only ever known mistreatment.
She's only ever had bad interactions with Alpha's, and her immediate response to Night is to defy him and disrespect him in front of his pack.... while expecting to be listened to. It just doesn't make sense.

Then there's Night. He's supposed to be an alpha. Where is the proof of this? His entire pack ignores him or disrespects him. His mother doesn't respect his authority, and he doesn't behave like he's ruled a pack for 12 years. He supposedly doesn't know the signs of being mated.....I find that hard to believe.

So much time is spent on stupid shit that had nothing to do with anything. Mostly just Bryn whining or crying and thinking in circles.

Somehow, she falls in love with him without any healthy interactions. They literally just yell at each other and don't spend any time with each other to work the tension out and see each other for who they supposedly really are.

As for the werewolf aspect of this? It's lame. They don't do werewolf things. The culture is lacking substance. Everything is just so when it's needed.

Anyway, this is a torturous read, and I just can't continue.
Profile Image for Sakura.
100 reviews1 follower
November 8, 2023
That was... something

There are two books in one in this book. The first book was half decent, although the switch from enemies to lovers happened in an instant.

That was the good part...

The bad part...

I didn't like the FMC in the second book. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I hated her. She was weak. Period. End of story.

Spoiler Alert and Epic Rant:

Yes, she managed to take out the big bad all on her own... but then wouldn't finish the job. She felt that leaving him locked in a prison for the rest of his life was better than killing him.

In fact, she felt so strongly about it that she got into a fight with the MMC who pointed out all the ways that it could bite her in the ass.

But oh no. She wouldn't listen to the man that she "loved" who was the Alpha of his pack since he was 16 years old.


The woman who just became a temporary Alpha (don't get me started on why she didn't fight harder to be the actual Alpha... since she just rolled over and accepted it when the Elder said that a woman couldn't be an Alpha) disregarded everything and made him the bad guy.

But okay.

Bleeding hearts unite, the big bad and all his cronies get to stay alive.

And then she has to kill someone to protect her mate.

You would think that this would be her turning point. That she would understand that to protect the people she needed to protect, she might have to get her teeth dirty.

But no. She was upset that she didn't train hard enough to make it through the situation without killing anyone.

*sorry trying to take a deep breath*

Anyway. I don't like not giving 5 stars to a book because I know how hard the author worked to write it. I feel that even if it is something that I don't like, other people might and it is not up to me to sway their decision either way.

I, however, will not be reading the rest of this series because it was nothing more than pure stubbornness that made me finish this one.


Weak to strong (ha!)
Soul mates/fated mates
Bully (although not really by MMC)
Mentions of attempted r@pe/assult
Profile Image for Viv.
144 reviews7 followers
September 21, 2023
I'm on the fence!

This book has a good storyline, but for me I feel the author really over explains, to the point I found myself sadly skimming or skipping over some pages!
I'm in two minds whether or not to read the next instalment, but saying that, I want to know what happens next. Like I said, it has a good storyline!
Profile Image for Haydee Otero.
321 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2023

Wow!! I started this book yesterday and stayed up till 3am because I couldn’t stop reading! I almost took a day off from work just so I could finish it! But I did the responsible adult thing and went to work then rushed home after work to finish it!! This story is amazing!! So we’ll written and totally unique! I’m jumping into book 2 now!!
Profile Image for ✨Briana B..
93 reviews40 followers
November 10, 2023
definitely more pages then advertised. I found myself skipping pages and paragraphs to hurry up and finish the book. I liked the premise, and found it to be promising. Might give the second book a shot at a later date.
Profile Image for Judy Ferrell.
Author 20 books84 followers
February 18, 2023

Bryn always stood outside the pack. Never accepted as one of them. Till the day she is kidnapped by Night. Then she finds acceptance.
Profile Image for Louise.
1,062 reviews23 followers
July 14, 2024
I love dual POV but the H’s voice has to sound like a man. And I just don’t think a man would be contemplating his male friend’s dimples and mischievous smile. Also described a man as giggling. And I was out.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 355 reviews

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