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見える子ちゃん #9

見える子ちゃん 9

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154 pages, Paperback

First published May 23, 2023

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Tomoki Izumi

22 books44 followers

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
May 6, 2024
Miko’s found a new best friend in Michiru, whether she wants one or not. It’s pretty awkward, since everybody sees Michiru as a beauty while Miko sees her as a mass of writhing tentacles. And those things don’t mask their emotions well at all…

This is a bit of a slight slump for the series, largely because this is still a middle section of the whole Michiru plotline and it doesn’t give up a ton by way of information. Instead, it opts to just keep ratcheting up the tension as an alternative. Still, it is incredibly good at pulling that mood off.

I do constantly appreciate the dichotomy between the core group, as Miko sees everything, Hana sees nothing, and Yuria sees just enough to be dangerous since she sometimes thinks she has a clue what’s happening.

Michiru is very intent on Miko and turns out to be psychologically and literally incredibly clingy. Amusingly, this allows the story to throw in some tentacle stuff that is not nearly as salacious as the initial volume but still harkens back to that vibe. It’s one of the few times I’ve laughed at fanservice, so that’s something.

The nice thing is that there’s no telling how badly this will actually get, so middle volume or no, I am quite interested in the climax to the arc. Michiru is protecting Miku from some supernatural threats, but she’s overprotective and smothering in the process.

Plus, even if Michiru ultimately means well, her doting sister (read: controlling and obsessive) is, if she’s not the ultimate problem, at least the catalyst that’s going to bring all of this mess piling upon itself. You can tell that the implosion is nigh at the end of the volume.

And, as usual, poor Miku is just caught in the middle of things she barely understands. She’s able to make a reasonable interpretation of how she should be handling things with Michiru based on some obvious tells about her moods, but that’s not always helpful.

The home visit at Miku’s between all the group and Michiru, arranged by the cat-loving teacher, is where the tension really starts getting pulled taut. Michiru’s protection involves a lot of consuming otherworldly entities, but Miku’s dad (still the best part of the first volume) makes a welcome reappearance.

And, as we know, her dad is very, very dead and Miku is clearly not okay with the idea of losing her dad for the second time, which is both tragic and stressful as she attempts to juggle all the forces at play here. Not to mention Michiru’s ongoing dislike of Hana.

Even with its wonderfully grotesque designs, I more often tend to think of this series as a supernatural story rather than a horror story, but boy it has its tendrils (!?) in both spaces this time. I love a good car crash in progress and, even if it doesn’t reach a conclusion, this is a solid start.

4 stars - the middle piece of a solid arc; we’ll see where the whole thing ends up, but I am fairly confident in this series by this point to assume that it will land well in some fashion or other.
Profile Image for Kassia.
11 reviews
April 27, 2024
This is getting kind of gay????? And we are back to full fan service in this one????? Idk man I love this series, what a WEIRD volume.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
June 13, 2024
Best volume since volume 2 or 3.

Basically you have Michiru wanting to get closer and closer to Miko. It's getting really weird when you learn how obsessed Michiru's sister is to her, even to go as far as showering with her. Creeeeeeeeepy. I also love how wicked and weird her sister is, by the end they amped up the horror factor nicely. I also want to know exactly what Michuiru is and why what's happening is actually happening.

Hana is also amazing as always and I'm starting to like Yuria.

A 4.5 out of 5.
Profile Image for Sheepy .
2,140 reviews13 followers
July 26, 2024
Interesting, next one is gonna be good I feel
Profile Image for Diana H..
201 reviews
February 13, 2024
sad Normal girl gets tormented by otherworldy horrors and supernaturals... 9/10
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.5k reviews410 followers
October 27, 2023
The 9th volume, and I am really not into Cthulhu-chan. I am not sure what is up with her other than her infatuation with Miko that is just WAY too much, yandere-levels. Plus, I would have liked some answer at this point on the tentacles/monster stuff that surrounds her. Also what is up with her sister? Is she the reason Cthulhu-chan is like this? Or is something darker at works? That last panel in this volume, NOPITY! I hope that in the next volumes Cthulhu-chan chills a bit + we get some more answers. Oh, and I am glad Miko's dad is OK, I was so ready to yeet a table at someone otherwise. Oh, and the ghosties were properly scary again!
Profile Image for Mersi .
276 reviews2 followers
May 16, 2024
I love this series so much! Every chapter just gets more intense.
Profile Image for Jú.
21 reviews
August 19, 2024
Profile Image for Sparkles Fantastic.
306 reviews1 follower
April 20, 2024
4.5 --vol. 9 = chapters 47-50 +bonus/extras, for those of you reading the Japanese chapter updates. Chapter 51 (which I believe will be in volume 10) was just released 6.14.23
Profile Image for Agung Wicaksono.
941 reviews16 followers
October 29, 2023
Obsesi Michiru terhadap Miko makin terlihat di volume ini setelah ia diajak menginap di rumah Miko. Ia tidak ingin ada siapa pun yang memberikan perhatian kepada Miko selain dirinya. Bahkan, Hana--sahabat Miko sejak SD--membuat Michiru cemburu sehingga Michiru berniat mencelakakan Hana. Ia pun diam-diam mengajak Hana ke gudang sekolah yang sepi untuk melancarkan niatnya.

Meskipun begitu, kita akan mengetahui latar belakang Michiru kenapa ia memiliki sifat aneh seperti itu. Informasi tersebut diceritakan oleh kakaknya Michiru ketika ia datang ke sekolah, disaksikan oleh Pak Zen dan Miko. Michiru merupakan gadis yang sangat setia dan ingin membuat teman-temannya menganggap dirinya ada. Namun, karena sikap Michiru dalam berteman sudah dirasa berlebihan, maka teman-temannya malah menganggapnya "cringe". Dari peristiwa itu, kakaknya tidak ingin melihat Michiru bersedih sehingga ia malah melarang Michiru berteman dengan siapa pun. Michiru pun hanya berteman dengan seekor ulat yang ia temukan di hutan dan ia pelihara di kamarnya. Dari informasi itu, Miko mulai memahami tentang sifat Michiru.

Kemudian, Michiru yang sedang berdua dengan Hana di gudang sekolah, mengungkapkan perasaan hatinya tentang Miko dan berharap Hana tidak mengganggu persahabatan mereka. Lantas, ketika momen Michiru seperti ingin menusuk Hana dengan pensil, Hana secara spontan malah memeluk Michiru dengan terharu. Hana merasa bahwa sikap Michiru akan sangat disukai Miko sehingga Hana tidak perlu lagi berpura-pura selalu ceria di hadapan Miko. Sebab, sejak ayah Miko meninggal, Hana jadi ikut sedih tetapi ia tidak ingin membuat suasana persahabatannya dengan Miko selalu diliputi kesedihan. Lantas, setiap hari Hana menunjukkan sikap ceria, berharap Miko juga selalu ceria ketika di dekatnya.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Doc.
1,919 reviews30 followers
May 24, 2024
Michuru's School Time Adventure

Wow, I know this series has some pretty fan service moments but having a shower scene with Michiru and her sister Yoh is one heck of an opener to a story that primarily revolves around trying to understand the enigmatic transfer student and showing Yoh's obsession over her sister. Good thing a moment between Miko and Michiru gets interrupted or this manga might have suddenly gone up to a much more mature rating as Michiru's tentacles find themselves around MIko.

The new girl Michiru is a mystery for sure just as her feelings for Miko are fairly obvious but with only Miko being able to see the strange spectral form around her face it is a constant game of explanation and attempted ignorance. Ignoring ghosts are challenging enough but what can a girl do when the ghost or whatever it is not only clings to a girl in love with her but might be a danger to ghosts and possibly the living. In fact one of the more tense moments of the volume is when Miko, Michiru, hana, and Yuria come to Miko's house to study and we get to see Miko's father once more as well as the strange beast that likes hanging out with him. I have a feeling that weird creature is some sort of guardian spirit like maybe a Zashiki-warashi but surely no child like spirit considering its size and unique appearance.
Profile Image for Ολυμπία .
218 reviews14 followers
September 30, 2023
It was fun, to say the least. I feel bad for Muchiru and I loathe her sister. It disturbed me seeing how she was treating her and even after learning the reason why she did it, I still can't excuse her actions. I have a sister and I can't even imagine me doing the same thing. It feels horrendous.
Back to the story, I have almost forgotten anything about the last 8 volumes so when I read this one, I couldn't enjoy it that much. And it feels as if the story isn't progressing that much, it's way too slow.
There were some highlights regarding some ghosts but other than that, there weren't many interesting things.
Profile Image for Mariána  K.
538 reviews1 follower
September 29, 2024
Is it romantic or is it creepy?

Well there is a bunch to digest in this volume. Tentacle girl seems to really like Miko a lot, maybe on a romantic level? In any case she seems to be very very fond of Miko. There was a small revelation about Miko's dad and his weird creepy friend, I can't help but wonder why Miko doesn't try talking to her dad. Maybe she's too intimidated by his sidekick? Despite all that though the sidekick seems to be not evil? I am just absolutely in love with this series and can't wait for the rest to come out! Completely binge-worthy I wonder how hard it's going to be to wait for the next volume...
Profile Image for Pieter.
1,033 reviews12 followers
April 26, 2024
What do those tentacles mean, protective, but aggressive and grotesque? What are they hiding? And what exactly is going on with that sister of Michiru? Even more so when Miko's behavior leads to all kinds of misunderstanding. The current arc is certainly an intriguing one. It takes its time for any answers, but that does allow us to get to see more about Michiru's personality and I find the depiction of the tentacles and how Miko interacts with them (especially when they block her vision) a great addition to an already tense story arc. Only that cliff hanger ending...
Profile Image for The Book Dragon.
2,249 reviews33 followers
August 13, 2024
Michiru is still the most worrisome part of Miku's life. But she... or whatever it is that Miku can see, doesn't seem to be evil. It reacts mostly to Michiru's emotions; her jealousy of Hana, her adoration of Miku, her agitation at her sister, and a desire to protect her friends from other spooky things.

Which makes the sleepover study session at Miku's house that much more stressful when Michiru comes close to killing her dad's ghost.
Profile Image for Joshua Jonah .
505 reviews17 followers
April 17, 2024
Another interesting volume that further expands what Michiru is exactly and why she has taken some sort of “guardian angel role” with Miko. I’m very curious to see what happens too if she ever gets bold enough to mention how much she likes Miko. Will it put them both in a bad spot? I doubt it will end well.
Profile Image for J-Lynn.
1,144 reviews4 followers
April 17, 2024
Okay…. I know the story isn’t progressing that quickly and updates are slow, but this series is so much fun for me! I love Cthulhu-chan and I love the yandere qualities shown by her and her sister…. Also, I like how we keep accumulating questions without any answers in sight. That was a joke; I want answers! Give them, please! ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ヽ(°□° )ノ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eva.
132 reviews3 followers
June 20, 2023
Há uma página em que a Hana descreve a história de um livro que estão a estudar na escola e, ou foi mal traduzido de propósito, ou é uma referência super óbvia à história da filha do Gascoigne em Bloodborne
Profile Image for Lupita Miller.
97 reviews
February 1, 2024
Me encantó, cada arco viene con más preguntas que respuestas.
Creo que este tomo lo termine el año pasado y ese mismo año comencé el 10 🤔
May 12, 2024
While the story and characters were good ... literally nothing happened. This series already moved at the snail's pace but this one was the worst. Shame
Profile Image for Mowgli Morales.
109 reviews13 followers
July 3, 2024
This entry has devolved into a girls' fight for attention over each other. Needs more monsters and bad stuff.
Profile Image for Mari Cheshire.
129 reviews
December 17, 2023
La trama avanza lenta pero poco a poco se van revelando secretos de los personajes que mantienen al lector emocionado, ya quiero leer el verdadero secreto de Michiru
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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