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Park Avenue Elites

Cruel Intentions

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I used to be part of her world. She was the princess of the Upper West Side, and I, her dutiful knight. But that was then, before her family ruined mine. Now, I hate Devlynn Price and everything she stands for. The upper crust of New-York Society hiding behind her mask. I never thought I would see her again, but fate had other plans. This time, I am not walking away. Instead, I am going to get my revenge.

This story was previously published as Park Avenue Punk in 2020. It has been re-edited, recovered and has 15k of new material and is darker than the original.

142 pages, Kindle Edition

Published December 9, 2022

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Mila Crawford

96 books1,835 followers

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Profile Image for Darlene I read WAY to many books.
3,465 reviews2,030 followers
December 9, 2022
Devlynn and Elis

3.5 ⭐️

This is a second chance between Dev and Elis things are rocky since they broke up a few years ago, and now they met again. There was so much anger from Elis that I did wanna shake him since it wasn't really Dev fault what happened to his family. I get the bitterness, but honestly, it really wasn't Dev fault. But that's what he stuck with who doesn't love hate fking lol. The banter and back and forth between the two was good. I wish Dev wasn't as forgiving and wanted some grovling from Elis. Besides the mess from there past, the future was bright and dirty ;)

Steamy scene are always great when Mila writes them, and her food porn 💦💦💦💦 never look at food the same again, lol. We get a small hint of maybe the sister story? Seems like an older/younger couple ;)

No ow/om drama, no cheating, slight secondary character, drama, sexy times, no virgins

Heat level-🌶🌶🌶.5

Push away from both
Separation 2 years
Primal play
Spit play
Tiny Violence
Anal play/sex
Breath play
Food play
Mentions of suicide
No condom
Profile Image for Kaylee.
246 reviews6 followers
December 19, 2022
When I say this book ate I mean it ate. No crumbs. Poor street artist reunites with his ex "spoiled" brat girlfriend. For a short story it had so much plot that kept me hooked. The smut was fanfuckingtastic and don't even get me started in Elis. That man. Lordy. The way his mood goes from hot cocky asshole, to sexy dirty talk, to *cries in lonely* romantic. Love a good "there's a fine line between love and hate" book. The way I imagine him saying "baby" 😩 And his proposal... equal parts cute equal parts I choked on air reading it 😭. One of my favorite lines in the book, "Being with her was like the sun rising after perpetual night. I didn’t know what happiness was or how she was the pure joy lacking in my life until I saw her again." 💥💳
Profile Image for Jos.
1,755 reviews135 followers
December 18, 2022
4-4.5 star HAWT
Really loved this quick afternoon read! It was very sexy and hot with a whole lotta dirty!!!!!!
Profile Image for Judith/books.series.forever  .
337 reviews76 followers
March 9, 2023
⚜ “Park Avenue” → Standalone
Release Day / Publicación → December 9, 2022
Genre / Género → Enemies to lovers Romance
POV / Persona → Dual POV 1st
Length / Tamaño → 142 pages
Format (Obtenido) → ebook, Amazon

“Cruel Intentions” de Mila Crawford es un libro standalone que ha sido re-editado y modificado. Este libro anteriormente se llamaba “Park Avenue Punk” dentro de la serie “Park Avenue”.

Elis Brooks y Devlynn Price durante años han sido uno, y con los años se han estado construyendo mutuamente mientras estaban super enamorados, hasta que la realidad les despertó de esa vida idílica de adolescentes. Ahora, después de unos años, Elis quiere buscar la forma de hacer pagar a Devlynn por todo lo que pasó, aunque ella también haya sufrido las consecuencias.

Este libro fue mi perdición. De verdad, me quedé tan embobada leyendo que cuando me quise dar cuenta estaba en la última página. Quería más, quería que fuera una novela de 500 páginas, y estoy segura de que las hubiera leído sin levantar ni un segundo la mirada de este.

Estoy enamorada de Elis. No me puedo creer como ese amor-odio-amor que se ha transformado durante años, me mantuviera hipnotizada gracias a él. Esa manera de poner a Devlynn al límite, de vigilarla y tener que forzarse a odiarla aunque fuera incapaz.

Las escenas de sexo fueron uff de lo mejorcito, súper hot con las palabras que Elis le decía. No sobra ninguna de esas escenas, es más podría leer más si está Elis por medio.

Al final del libro, Devlynn ayuda a la hermana de Elis a encontrar un trabajo, que por la manera que se describía me estaba muriendo por leer. Indagando un poco descubrí que es "Park Avenue Daddy" de Aria Cole y Mila Crawford, así que ya tengo próxima lectura.
⚜ Rate ★★★★★ ⚜

"Cruel Intentions" by Mila Crawford is a standalone book that has been re-edited and modified. This book was previously called "Park Avenue Punk" in the "Park Avenue" series.

Elis Brooks and Devlynn Price have been a couple for years, and over the years, they've been building each other up while they were so in love until reality woke them up from their idyllic teenage life. Now, after a few years, Elis wants to find a way to make Devlynn pay for everything that happened, even though she has also suffered the consequences.

This book was my weakness. Really, I was so hooked reading it that by the time I realized it, I was on the last page. I wanted more, I wanted it to be a 500-page novel, and I'm sure I would have read it without looking up for a second.

I'm in love with Elis. I can't believe how that love-hate-love that has developed over the years kept me hypnotized because of him. That way of putting Devlynn on edge, watching her, and forcing himself to hate her even though he was incapable.

The sex scenes were the best, super hot with the words Elis was saying to her. None of those scenes are left out, in fact, I could read more if Elis was on it.

At the end of the book, Devlynn helps Elis' sister find a job, which by the way it was described, I was dying to read. A little research and I found out that it's "Park Avenue Daddy" by Aria Cole and Mila Crawford, so I've got my next read coming up.
⚜ Rate ★★★★★ ⚜
Profile Image for Lilylou426 .
378 reviews24 followers
December 7, 2022
This is a fantastic second chance, first love story with a terrific Mila Crawford twist!! Please check your trigger warnings! Mila is a master of the dirty, gritty super smut that we've all come to love and this is a new favorite!
Profile Image for j.bee.reads.
106 reviews28 followers
December 7, 2022

4/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
4/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Lovers to Enemies to Lovers

This was such a good spicy quick read! But also such a sweet story. The story from beginning to end is super HOT! 🔥🔥🔥 The MC Elis is dark and depraved. With a sweet and caring FMC. I love everything Mila, and she certainly does not disappoint.
Profile Image for Randi Nash.
515 reviews187 followers
December 6, 2022
Second chance romance, enemies to lovers, light stalking, somno.. I mean what’s not to like.

This one has some of the best spicy lines.

4 ⭐️ 3.5 🌶️
Profile Image for Oriana Reads.
3,927 reviews29 followers
March 20, 2024
Oh boy this story was a rollercoaster🥵 This story made me feel everything that there is to feel. I felt for Elis and how his world imploded 5 years ago and for Devlynn too. Devlynn and Elis lost so much 5 years before and it broke them. Now they meet again alby chance and all the old feelings resurface. Elis was so angry and bitter ,but so freaking in love with Devlynn that he couldn't control himself and his rage. Devlynn never stopped loving her one and only love and now the boy she knew is a hot ,bitter, grumpy , controlling, man that loves his woman and loves to make her his 🥵🥵 This was an awesome second chance at love story, sweet, dark, kinky, steamy, romantic, sad, bittersweet, made me angry,😉, happy, swoon and curse and had an awesome HEA😍😍😍😍😍 And I freaking loved that it was double virgins (yeah- I'm a sucker for that🙈) and that there wasn't another one (for both of them) while being separated 🥰🥰🥰
Profile Image for BrooklynBookworm.
456 reviews10 followers
March 6, 2023
Devlynn & Elis

*Devlynn & Elis*

There hasn’t been one book that I’ve read by Mila Crawford that I didn’t enjoy. She knocks those steamy scenes out of the ballpark in this spicy second chance romance novella.

Elis is the bad boy with a chip on his shoulder about what happened to his family and holds a grudge against ex-girlfriend, Devlynn. He blames her for what happened. Only problem is, he’s miserable without her and he can’t stay away.

One night, Devlynn runs into Elis while he’s doing his signature graffiti art and they both find they’re irresistibly drawn together and that’s where the spice begins.. and it is HOT!!! Mila never disappoints with the sexy scenes!! She even throws some food fun in there!!

If you’re looking for a quick and spicy read, this is for you!! Give it a read!

Second chance romance
Lovers to Enemies to lovers
Profile Image for Morgan Leigh.
777 reviews34 followers
December 9, 2022
Elis Brooks.
He’s broken, angry, missing the woman he gave up years ago... and when he bumps into her for the first time in a while he decides to take it all out on her.
Devlynn Price.
A princess of the Upper West Side. She never expected Elis to return to her life but when he does she’s shown a whole new side of him(and herself).

It’s a dark second chance, enemies to lovers romance that had my panties melting for the MC. The words that came out of this man’s mouth… ohhh.
I loved the epilogue! My favorite thing is seeing the couples future & this made me so happy!

Some fun things happen in this story but please check TWs.
Profile Image for Carolina.
283 reviews76 followers
October 2, 2023
𝑯𝒂𝒚 𝒖𝒏𝒂 𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒈𝒂𝒅𝒂 𝒍í𝒏𝒆𝒂 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒆 𝒆𝒍 𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒓 𝒚 𝒆𝒍 𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒐, 𝑫𝒆𝒗𝒍𝒚𝒏𝒏. 𝑼𝒏𝒂 𝒍í𝒏𝒆𝒂 𝒂ú𝒏 𝒎á𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒈𝒂𝒅𝒂 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒂 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒚 𝒍𝒂 𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒊ó𝒏.
Profile Image for Lori Rivera.
198 reviews29 followers
December 19, 2022
This books was dirty… filthy… and oh so delicious. This novella gives you a wild ride of emotions and one hell of a ride!

Ellis and Devlynn are so chaotic but have so much chemistry together. The twists and turns of this short story is amazing. If you’re looking for something quick to read but with a lot of dominance and some really good dirty talk… this is the book for you! Mila never disappoints with the kink or over the top descriptive s3x scenes! I will always read anything she writes!
Profile Image for Rosa Glez.
226 reviews2 followers
October 10, 2023
Okkkk, por favor alguien dígame que no fui la única que se dejó llevar con el nombre😅

No es que me disgustara el libro, simplemente no captó mi atención.
Es un libro más con el trope Rich girl+Poor boy. Y bueno, se trata de una segunda oportunidad.

Leeré el siguiente libro?? Nop. No lo creo.
Profile Image for Renee.
451 reviews23 followers
July 28, 2023
I love Mila Crawford and devoured this book.

Second chance romance between Dev & Elias.

6 years ago the two dated and were inseparable. A tragedy happens that causes Elias to break up with Dev.

One night after Elias is tagging a building he legit runs into Dev in Central Park . The cops stop them and Dev lies for Elias saying they were together the whole time.

Elias hates Dev and what her family did and stands for, yet can’t stay away.

With all Mila books we get so much freaking space that you’ll be 🥵🥵🥵

The dirty talk was top notch!!

Story 4.5⭐️
Spice 5⭐️🌶️
Profile Image for Katiie.
483 reviews4 followers
March 21, 2023
Loved this book!! I love anything by Mila crawford tbh!!!

Check TWs. This book isn't for everyone. If ur used to Milas writing u will LOVE it!!!
Profile Image for Elizabeth Park.
48 reviews7 followers
February 28, 2023
5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ - but only because Mila will never be able to top her Room 22 masterpiece for me :)

I received Cruel Intentions as an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Cruel Intentions is a short and spicy novella that you need in your life. It's a phenomenal second chance lovers to enemies to lovers story that I quickly devoured in a few hours.

Cruel Intentions gives us the story of Park Avenue princess Dev and bad boy Ellis who were cruelly separated from each other in high school by family circumstances. Ellis has grown to hate the world that Dev is apart of and wants revenge. Dev is dealing with her own baggage and yearns for the love she's been missing for the past 5 years with Ellis.

As with all her other works, Mila does everything to perfection and Cruel Intentions should not be missed. Definitely check out her trigger warnings at the front of the book or on her social medias. Do not go in blind as there are a variety of tropes and triggers in this amazing work.
Profile Image for Krystal.
553 reviews78 followers
December 7, 2022
There is now something with a Squash that will never leave my brain after reading this book😂.

This is a second chance romance that picks up 5 years after the couple originally break up. (the reasoning behind their break-up 😢). There is still anger and hurt on both sides but their attraction to each other has NOT faded one bit. Giving into that attraction is what ultimately brings them back together.

I LOVED how sweet Elis became towards Devlynn & the epilogues 😍

Second Chance
"I hate that I still want you"
C N C / D U B C 0 N
Food play

tw: Parental loss, mention of suicide (not MC's), mention of drug abuse (not MC's).
Profile Image for Amy.
148 reviews14 followers
December 5, 2022
Seriously Mila, I don’t know how you keep doing it, but please don’t stop! This book was so good.

From young love to hate and all the f*cking in between!

There’s a fine line between love and hate and Elis loves to toy that line with Devlynn.

The tension between these two was exquisite and the hate sex, OH my Gosh! The hate sex!

Also I think I’m ready now to write off all forms of veggies lol 😂 IYKYK

If you have loved any of Mila’s books before, this one will not disappoint.
🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ (too bad there’s not a butternut squash emoji lol 😂)
Profile Image for Blair Warner.
408 reviews19 followers
December 5, 2022
A quick little novella that will have you going 🥵. Devlynn and Elis were an item before something happened that tore the two apart. Now Elis, though he can’t stop thinking and wanting Devlynn, just tags buildings and rebels against everything he knew just to stick it to the upper class. I really love all of the books I have read by Mila Crawford. This book was no exception and i can’t wait to see what she does next
Profile Image for rosebt.
768 reviews2 followers
May 30, 2023
It’s short and to the point but I was bored and didn’t like the characters or the story.
29 reviews
July 18, 2023
Good book? Not at all
Hot? Meh... Not so much
Profile Image for kelly.
491 reviews4 followers
August 9, 2023
“Elis, you and I can never be friends.” “Probably not.” He leaned over, his face so close to mine. “Because every time I look at you, Princess, I want to bend you over and fuck the life out of you.”

“Oh, god.” I yanked her back, and her face turned crimson as I squeezed her throat. “You don’t call anyone’s name but mine, Princess. God doesn’t have anything to do with my cock splitting you open. God can never make you act like a common whore for him. Don’t give credit that belongs to me to some deity. I’m your god, Princess. I’m the one who will take you to heaven.”

“I love you, Princess. No matter what happens in life, I’m yours and always will be.”

“I can be gentle. I can be rough. I can treat you like my whore or my good girl. But know this, Devlynn. No matter what I do, you’ll always own me. I’m yours.”

“You are bright tonight and every night.” I placed a kiss on her lips under the starry night. “You’re like the sun and moon in my life—you shine brightness and warmth without even realizing it.”

Devlynn made me so fucking happy, and I owed her everything. She was my entire fucking heart. Sometimes it seemed like the waves were crashing and the stars were falling all for us. I couldn't wait to be with this woman forever.

- daddy, Somnoph!l!@, Degrad@tion, Prim@l Play, Praise, Sp!t pl@y, Breath Play, CNC, Dubcon. Exhibitionism, DP, Food play.
Profile Image for Heather Douglas.
363 reviews17 followers
December 11, 2022
Mila has done it again. Cruel Intentions is short, little sweet but spicy. Not her typical books that I've read by her, but I loved it all the same!

Cruel Intentions follows Devlynn (aka. Dev) and Elis in this enemies to lovers, second chance novella. Years ago, Elis broke Dev's heart by breaking up with her suddenly and completely ghosted her. She was hurt and angry but moved on in time. Elis had his reasons why and blamed Dev's family for breaking up his. But instead of talking it out with her he shut down and avoided her. Now it's years later and Dev goes for a walk to clear her head and literally runs into Elis as he's running from the cops. Of course, she helps him out and they "catch up" on the lost time. After they part from one another it's as if they are both fighting an internal battle within themselves. They each want to be mad at the other person but their love for one another never left and still dwells deep within. Can they truly get over the past and love one another again?

This novella was astounding! Right from the start I was captivated and didn't/couldn't stop until I was finished. It was the perfect blend of sweet and spicy. The banter between Dev and Elis is perfect which makes that hate sex just that more epic. Thank you, Mila Crawford for this ARC copy of Cruel Intentions. I kind of hope there's going to be a spin off book with Elis's sister and the lawyer. A nice little taboo book possibly.
276 reviews
September 8, 2023
I have conflicting opinions about this novella. It was just ok to me. Some of the stuff was just weird like the butternut squash - like, huh? It also felt like there were some contradicting stuff, early in the book Elis mentioned that Sarena was chasing status and watching rich old men's homes and kids and that he knew she'd end up a trophy wife on some old man's arm but, then later in the book when Devlynn was there Sarena was described as artsy and looking for honest work. Devlynn helped Sarena get her first nanny job. There were a couple other things like that too that just didn't quite make sense to me.

Also, this is totally 100% just a me thing and did not influence my overall rating of the book but, the whole 'God isn't doing this, I am, say my name' stuff in books gives me the ick and makes me roll my eyes - I always skim over those parts but, like...find another way to express that the MMC wants the FMC to say his name while they bone.
Profile Image for Madame Book Wh0re.
98 reviews5 followers
January 19, 2023
Cruel Intentions is the first book I have read by Mia Crawford. It is a quick read that is full of angst and lots of spice. I do suggest that you check the triggers before reading because of certain things that happen during the book. It isn't dark in my opinion but still good if your are looking for something to read quickly and that has a quite bit of spice. Elis is one upset guy and Devlynn is stuck in a hard place because even though what happens isn't her fault, Eli knows that but doesn't like the society she is part of. Given how short the book is, you still see the past and what happened along with the present and what is happening. The spice was more than amazing. Let's just say that whenever I see or think about squash, this book will be my first thought.
I enjoyed this book and hope you enjoy it just as much as I did.
Happy Reading! 😈
🖤Christian O. 🖤
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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