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Alex Cross #9

The Big Bad Wolf

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Alex Cross battles the most ruthless and powerful killer he has ever encountered - a predator known only as "the Wolf. "Alex Cross's first case since joining the FBI has his new colleagues stymied. Across the country, men and women are being kidnapped in broad daylight and then disappearing completely. These people are not being taken for ransom, Alex realizes. They are being bought and sold. And it looks as if a shadowy figure called the Wolf - a master criminal who has brought a new reign of terror to organize crime - is behind this business in which ordinary men and women are sold as slaves. Even as he admires the FBI's vast resources, Alex grows impatient with the Bureau's clumsiness and caution when it is time to move. A lone wolf himself, he has to go out on his own in order to track the Wolf and try to rescue some of the victims while they are still alive. As the case boils over, Alex is in hot water at home too. His ex-fiancee, Christine Johnson, comes back into his life - and not for the reasons Alex might have hoped.

400 pages, Paperback

First published October 13, 2003

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About the author

James Patterson

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JIMMY Patterson Books

James Patterson is the most popular storyteller of our time. He is the creator of unforgettable characters and series, including Alex Cross, the Women’s Murder Club, Jane Smith, and Maximum Ride, and of breathtaking true stories about the Kennedys, John Lennon, and Tiger Woods, as well as our military heroes, police officers, and ER nurses. Patterson has coauthored #1 bestselling novels with Bill Clinton and Dolly Parton, and collaborated most recently with Michael Crichton on the blockbuster Eruption. He has told the story of his own life in James Patterson by James Patterson and received an Edgar Award, ten Emmy Awards, the Literarian Award from the National Book Foundation, and the National Humanities Medal.

This author also writes under the following name: Džejms Paterson

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,490 reviews
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
September 23, 2020
The Big Bad Wolf (Alex Cross #9), James Patterson

The Big Bad Wolf is the ninth novel in the Alex Cross series written by James Patterson and was published in November 2003.

Dr. Alex Cross is in the middle of his training at the FBI when he is assigned to work on a kidnapping case. A federal judge's wife has been kidnapped, and Dr. Cross discovers that her kidnapping fits the pattern of other recent kidnappings.

عنوانها: «گرگ سیبری گرگ بد بزرگ»؛ «پرونده‌ ی دختر سفیدپوست»؛ نویسنده: جیمز پترسون (پاترسون)؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز چهاردهم ماه نوامبر سال 2013میلادی

عنوان: گرگ سیبری گرگ بد بزرگ؛ نویسنده: جیمز پترسون؛ مترجم جعفر کاظمی‌تبار، مریم کاظمی‌تبار؛ ویراستار مریم کاظمی‌تبار؛ تهران نغمه زندگی‏‫، 1391؛ در 312ص؛ شابک 9786002800121؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م‬

عنوان: پرونده‌ ی دختر سفیدپوست؛ نویسنده: جیمز پترسون؛ مترجم: مریم‌ کاظمی‌تبار؛ تهران آریاتبار، ‏‫1393؛ در 320ص؛ شابک 9786009435920؛‬‬

در این داستان دکتر الکس کراس در یک پرونده ی آدم ربایی کار میکند؛ همسر قاضی فدرال ربوده شده، و ...؛

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 01/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,654 reviews2,483 followers
March 7, 2017
James Patterson gets a lot of bad press for his books, and I can see they have quite a few faults. Nevertheless I still enjoy them so much I am willing to overlook a lot!
This was just so readable. Short chapters and lots of action always keeps those pages turning and I am pretty attached to Alex Cross and his family by now so that helps too. I lost track of how many people were supposed to be Wolf and then turned out not to be. In the end I gave up trying to follow all the intricacies and just let myself enjoy the story.
I think I have said this before but if you don't take Patterson's books too seriously they are actually very enjoyable. And there are so many of them to choose from:)
Profile Image for jv poore.
646 reviews241 followers
January 18, 2012
I haphazardly discovered Patterson's, Alex Cross, when I grabbed a worn paperback, Violets Are Blue, off of an overstock rack in a used bookstore. I had no idea that I had chosen a book that was the 7th in a series of at least 17. After devouring my first Patterson novel, and falling head over heels in love with John Sampson, Cross' best friend and partner, as well as becoming quite smitten with Cross, I knew that I needed to start at Alex's beginning and go through the entire series.

The Big Bad Wolf is the 9th book featuring Alex Cross. This story takes our street-smart, tough-as-nails, DC cop and puts him in the FBI. The differences highlighted between local and federal law enforcement were very intriguing; particularly when coupled with the Russian Mafia. I enjoyed the story-line; but I LOVE the cliff-hanger ending. I must get London Bridges now.
Profile Image for RJ.
Author 5 books88 followers
November 11, 2013
Here's an example of why I gave The Big Bad Wolf two stars. In one scene Alex Cross and his FBI boss track a man believed to be the most dangerous Red Mafiya criminal in the world, to his home in Miami, and arrest him during a party. Before slapping on the cuffs, someone yells, "Fire!" in the next room. Both Alex and his boss abandon the most dangerous criminal in the world, not knowing if there actually is a fire, enabling an escape. Is Alex drummed out of the FBI for gross incompetence? No. Instead, he's promoted to Assistant Director just a few pages later.
Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,341 reviews541 followers
May 13, 2021
The first section of the book had me a bit worried. Alex is now an FBI agent. Everything kind of glosses over his training and the lack of relationship-building he is participating in, and then bam a hostage negotiation.... that is over faster than any on record. I was worried that this might have been the fizzle of my beloved Alex Cross...

Enter the WOLF! LOVING this villain So much! He is despicable. He is narcissistic, and he is all of the things that you love to hate in a villain. James Patterson did a fabulous job allowing him such narrative freedom to really add depth to this series to reinvent the cat and mouse game in each new book.

Sadly Alex's character probably portrayed his stress and depression a bit TOO well, as it was bumming me out when it was his turn to narrate. The little Alex stuff was mostly making me mad, and I was trying to see things from all perspectives, but that end was brutal... I feel like Christine may be taken out at some point in the future since that seems to be the best way for Alex to get his way.... kill the adversary, hahaha. Sadly there wasn't much of Sampson as he is shacked up now.

The interwoven web of wondering who is involved and who the Wolf is will have your mind whirring. So many shocking reveals and twists that I really didn't see coming. Bravo, Mr. Patterson... Alex is back in the game and showing the feds that he can dominate on any playing field! I look forward to more action in the continuing chase of London Bridges (Alex Cross, #10) by James Patterson

5 solid stars from me!
Profile Image for Suzzie.
924 reviews171 followers
April 22, 2018
Not bad. Will be interesting to see where the little Alex situation goes long term. I found this crime plot only ok. I expected to like the plot a lot more than I did based on the description but honestly I only found it okay.

My quick and simple overall: an okay installment. Really getting into this series though.
Profile Image for Tim.
2,329 reviews271 followers
January 25, 2015
This series would be better served with less family drama and more detecting. It would also be better if bad guys didn't walk away scot free. 4 of 10 stars
Profile Image for Rob.
511 reviews154 followers
June 2, 2019
Book 9 in the Alex Cross series.

This has nothing new; the only new thing is the names of the characters.
This is nothing more than formula writing. The first two books were a huge success so why kill that goose that gave you these eggs.
The story staggers between gross violence and sweetly sick sentimentality.
Alex Cross is now the FNG at the FBI. Although he is still undergoing training the FBI feel he is the right man to take on the Wolf, who is one seriously sick individual.
If the intent was to show just how incompetent the FBI are then this is a roaring success. How many times can the FBI get it wrong? Endlessly it seems.
Every descent thriller needs some twists and turns but it is possible to get too much of a good thing. Accusing the wrong guy became so predictable you just knew where it was heading.
This is not a bad read, if this was your first venture into the world of Alex Cross you’d thing that it’s pretty good but after reading 9 of them they start to pale a bit.

If you’re are a devoted James Patterson fan, you wont be disappointed with this effort. It’s just more of the same that you have enjoyed in the past.

3 stars is the best I can do.

Profile Image for Mark Hebwood.
Author 1 book99 followers
December 30, 2014
I was planning to start this review with a phrase that was able to convey incredulity. Incredulity at the skill which James must have employed deliberately to deliver a novel so comprehensively lacking in quality that it manages to fail against any literary benchmark that I can think of. The development of characters is superficial throughout - not even clichéd, just insipid and uninteresting. Events don't make sense. Plot development is flawed. Attempts to give characters psychological depths are pathetic. As a craftsman, James simply failed to deliver a useable product.

So what was the phrase I wanted to use? It was "words fail me". But when I wrote it down, I discovered to my disappointment that it is impossible to use this phrase in a review. Writing it down is evidence that words have not failed me, and so the phrase doesn't make sense. And if words had failed me, I could not have written it down.

So let us pretend that I am starting my review now, and that I am inserting it in full within square brackets:

[ ]
Profile Image for Lisa.
899 reviews
February 27, 2016
The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson was okay for me felt the storyline fell a bit short for this fabulous series it fell flat in the middle he has done a lot better 3 1/2 stars
Profile Image for Brenda.
4,600 reviews2,883 followers
March 6, 2017

Alex Cross had joined the FBI and was in his initial training period at Quantico (which he barely needed after the years as detective on the police force) when he was called into a high profile case. Attractive, young, blonde white women were being abducted – some in broad daylight. When it came to light that there was a pattern involved, they knew they had a problem.

Sexual slavery run by one of the top mobsters in the world – a Russian nicknamed the Wolf – was behind the whole terrible business. Cross was working with the FBI but his rapid rise caused anger between some of the Feds; he found he wasn’t getting told a lot of details and frustration was high.
On the home front, Alex also had problems with his youngest son – tensions were rising; his anger and annoyance was high. Torn between his family and his work, he wondered if they would beat the Wolf? And what would happen with little Alex?

The Big Bad Wolf by James Patterson is another fast paced thriller centred on an evil, narcissistic killer who needs to be taken down. The novel has the usual short chapters which I enjoy; the good, the bad and the corrupt all fill the pages. Another great Alex Cross novel which I recommend.
Profile Image for John.
1,381 reviews108 followers
February 28, 2023
I understand why the Alex Cross series of novels are popular. They are deeply flawed with police procedural methods. A good example is when the Wolf escapes and why he was not handcuffed. The Wolf is an odd character which appeals and repels at the same time. Far fetched springs to mine. There is no intellectual challenge whatsoever in the story with its rollercoaster of short chapters. However, sometimes it’s relaxing to read a story without being challenged.

It’s odd the CIA know what the Wolf looks like but they fail to use that knowledge to identify him from all the suspects. I have read this book twice and wondering why. The Wolf escapes or is never caught and I must read the next in this series.

I would call the author the Coronation Street writer of thrillers as at times it reads like a soap opera with his 82 year old no nonsense Nana, the perfect children, an ex trying to get back little Alex and of course Alex Cross the brilliant detective who can be easily distracted when someone yells Fire!
Profile Image for ❆ Crystal ❆.
1,200 reviews54 followers
October 21, 2015
4 stars. The writing style seems different from the other books. I can't really put my finger on it, but just different. Maybe, the author is growing at this point. There was too much rushing at the end for me. I would have rather the book slowed down a bit with more details. But, still really liked it and give it 4 stars.

Venting - Christine's
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,683 reviews213 followers
December 14, 2017
The Big Bad Wolf had a lot of messes within this book. It constantly made me question what the hell Alex was doing. I get that he is in a new job at the FBI but he was a god damn detective before this .. so why the hell did he make so many mistakes in this book?? I have no idea but that's why I took a star away.

I also gave it four stars because Christine came back and I just didn't like her or what she did. I really hope she doesn't appear in the next book, like at all. Then there's the whole "Wolf" thing because you never knew who the wolf actually was. There were way too many suspects to keep track of and at one point I just gave up and didn't even try to predict how this book would end.

Other than that I really liked his family moments and how his family was adjusting to his new job. I love how Nana gave him crap about him working longer hours than he used to and for working more than he said he would. I just love Nana so freaking much.

I need more of Nana please. Also, can Alex stop messing up so much?
Profile Image for Cecily Black.
2,105 reviews21 followers
October 28, 2018
One of the better installments of the Alex Cross series. Maybe because it was a bit extra dark and twisted and was a bit of a cliffhanger so it makes me want to jump right into the next one.
I am starting to like Alex Cross more and more which took me longer than the Michael Bennett series. Good Read!
Profile Image for Benjamin Thomas.
1,982 reviews353 followers
June 3, 2019
Whenever I travel, I try to choose a book that I know I can read even while constantly being interrupted, jostled about, or otherwise distracted...and still grasp the plot, characters, deeper meaning, etc. James Patterson's Alex Cross books work for that purpose. I enjoy them on a basic level but I don't ever expect to be blown away by their level of quality.

In this one, we have a new serial murder puppet master character known as "The Wolf". Alex Cross has been recruited by the FBI but is still trying to find his feet as an agent. He comes with a good reputation from his days as a DC cop but finds he still has to prove himself with the feds. Mix in the drama of his personal family life and we have another reasonably good Alex Cross story, although similarities to previous novels make this one tip toward a formula production.
Profile Image for Russell Brooks.
Author 6 books107 followers
September 18, 2009
This is the first book that I have read by James Patterson and it will not be the last.

The protagonist, Alex Cross, has just been recruited by the FBI to investigate the kidnapping of a judge's wife. What makes the case more bizarre is that the kidnapper does not demand a ransome. When Cross discovers that this kidnapping is related to a few other recent unsolved ones, a Russian Mafya head that goes by the alias, The Wolf, becomes the main suspect. To complicate matters, the mother of his son makes a surprise visit and uses Cross's dangerous profession as an excuse to gain full custody. As Cross gets closer to discovering The Wolf's identity, more kidnappings occur and the lives of his own family are threatened. The pressure mounts on Cross to locate all of the kidnapped victims in a hurry before they're killed while trying to keep his ex from tearing his family apart.

For a first-time reader of James Patterson, I was hooked from beginning to the end. The story had all of the elements of a mystery thriller--it was faced paced and had chapters that ended in cliff-hangers. It also had an interesting protagonist that readers could love, and most importantly, a great villain that readers could hate.

Patterson's writing style is different from what I have read in other novels. Namely because the chapters are very short and were straight to the point. The story rhythm was on cue and never dragged. It almost read like a screenplay.

My only criticism, although not a major one, is about Cross's first assignment that involved a hostage situation in Baltimore. Although the scene was well written, by the end of the book I was left wondering why Patterson included that scene in the book since it did nothing to advance the storyline. I was expecting that somehow it would've been connected to rest of the story.

The subplot, although a good one, came a bit late in the story. With Patterson's talent of having excellent plot twists throughout the story which gave me several WTF momments, I'm convinced that he could have begun the subplot earlier in the story which would've added another WTF moment by the time that Cross's ex maked her surprise visit.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
May 12, 2018
This is a decent read. Things look full of promise for Alex Cross. His new job with the FBI is prestigious and exciting. But no sooner has he gone in for orientation, when all heck breaks loose.

An all-women team of kidnappers has been snatching successful, upstanding man and women right before their families eyes--possibly to sell them into slavery. The Alex Cross Series has been overall a good one, but there are times that Patterson does better writing than others. This one is pretty good.

As usual the case started almost immediately and while Alex Cross now works for the FBI and has a new environment around him it still felt like good old times to be back in this series, even though I kinda missed his former partner and friend John Sampson who only made a short appearance this time. Alex's knowledge of the D.C. streets, together with his unique insights into criminal psychology, make this case one that only he can solve--if he can just get his colleagues to set aside their staid and outdated methods. With unexpected twists and whiplash surprises, this is another irresistible audio program.

The story dealt with kidnappings of really beautiful women and a few men and human trafficking and had a good level of suspense. What bothered me most was that a lot of things happened way too fast and I sometimes had the impression that James Patterson didn't take enough time to thoroughly write some scenes (maybe because he is too busy publishing 8,323 novels per year). There were passages where Alex and his colleagues flew to a place, went on a mission and what felt like made it sometimes a bit hard for the reader to feel as if I a part of the investigation. Also it seemed to me as if Alex' and his team's progress was often based on luck and not on their skills which made the case appear a bit simple. I'm not very fond of Christine his former wife, but I love little Alex. So to see big Alex giving up his boy is really tough.

However I had a good time listening to the book and it seems as if Patterson has found a new remarkable villain with the "Wolf" and I'm definitely making progress. Recommend.
Profile Image for Lucy'sLilLibrary.
447 reviews
September 27, 2024
Not one of my favourites in the Alex Cross series so far but it was still enjoyable. It did keep me wanting to read on but I felt myself losing a little interest around the 3/4 point. It wrapped up so quickly too, the ending just was abrupt, I understand that things are never fully tied up in these as there is always another but this book felt unfinished.

Alex Cross's personal life is also in the limelight in this book but it felt so clumsy and out of the blue, I think it's a way of progressing his love life but it didn't feel right or in character. It was trying to be an emotional moment but again it was rushed and messy and Alex didn't seem effected as much as he clearly should be!

Some of the sicko's in this book were really well written and creepy - I wish we would have focused more on these people than all the other stuff. Kyle Craig was back in this book too and I don't think that we have seen the last of him which I am looking forward to. On to the next.
Profile Image for Cassie.
367 reviews68 followers
November 5, 2022
Never read JP before until now. My coworker said he’s her favorite author and let me borrow this. I probably never would have read one of his books if not for her tbh. His stuff has never really interested me.

Now, this wasn’t a bad book. I can understand why he’s a lot of peoples favorite author. But, like I figured, it wasn’t really my cup of tea shall we say. It was mostly bland for my personal taste, but it did have some surprising moments in it. The writing was so easy to read and I loved how short the chapters were.

Overall, not a bad story but not my favorite thing I’ve ever read. I probably won’t ever think about these characters again. However, I will continue to read JP if my coworker brings me more of his books. They’re easy to get through and are still thrillers, so, can’t really go wrong there, right? 😆
Profile Image for Carl Alves.
Author 21 books175 followers
July 7, 2012
Big Bad Wolf had a sufficient amount of tension and moved along at a nice pace, but what it suffered is that neither the plot, the situation or the characters were remotely believable. The Wolf is an ultra shadowy Russian mafioso who is invisible, omniscient and omnipotent. He can do anything he wants, any time he wants, and has no limitation on reach or resources. He's not a credible character. If you look at the history of law enforcement, the law officers know who the bad guys are, but they often can't build up enough evidence to arrest and convict them. The Wolf is built as this hands on character, who gets in the middle of all of this shady business, but nobody knows who he is or what he looks like. The plot disintegrates into ridiculousness by the end, when The Wolf has all of these impersonators and just when it seems like they are going to nail him, guess what, it's not The Wolf. I wasn't buying any of it, and although the story was reasonably entertaining, it wasn't very good.
Carl Alves - author of Two For Eternity
Profile Image for Baba.
3,814 reviews1,275 followers
April 27, 2020
Alex Cross - book No. 9: Rich, young, beautiful, sexy women are being kidnapped and there are no ransom notes, no communication, they simply are gone! Alex Cross has finally left the Washington PD and joined the FBI, and before he can finish training he is already involved in trying to find the Big Bad Wolf... the man behind kidnapping to order! Back to Patterson's trademark page turning style with this episode of the mega best selling series. 6 out of 12.
Profile Image for Amina.
71 reviews28 followers
April 4, 2017
Soo, I read the book even though I didn't read 8 prequels. Still it was readable. I like how James writes, it's thrilling and exciting and you can't wait to read another chapter.

This book was awesome, I'll try to get my hands on more Alex Cross.
Profile Image for Crime Addict Sifat.
177 reviews95 followers
July 21, 2017
Alex Cross has left the Washington DC police office to join the FBI. He's still in preparing, however his notoriety goes before him thus he is tapped to lead a noteworthy examination concerning an abducting ring. The criminal driving force behind the seizing binge is a Russian Mafia boss called The Wolf. Splendid, merciless, clever, and staggeringly rich, he is constantly in front of the FBI who blunder along committing a great many mistakes. Just Alex Cross appears to have any brains among his new accomplices.

Talking about which, Patterson's plot is brimming with botches, openings, subplots that go no place, and a conspicuous set-up to proceed with the lucrative establishment. In any case, I need to give the person acknowledgment for having the capacity to make anticipation. He has aced the class; short sentences, short passages, short parts that dependably end just before the peruser is fulfilled, all signify a recipe that keeps you turning pages.

Fernandez and O'Hare make a solid showing with regards to of voicing the many characters. My primary grumbling about the book recording is the gooey "anticipation" music and profound studio-upgraded voice that declares every part as though one's life relied upon this data. At that point there's the significantly cheesier "delicate" music alarming us to a delicate scene with Cross and his youngsters. Puh-leeze!
Profile Image for Laura.
45 reviews20 followers
July 31, 2010
Dear Mr. Patterson

While this book was an easy read, I must say that it must have been easy to write because you have done this 19 or so times before. This book was predictable up until the end. I do not appreciate the ending hanging there so that people will buy the next book to find out what happens. Sorry but that ploy will not work with me. I will not buy the next book. This cheap ploy to get me to buy book number 20 will not work. It wasn't even that good. And talk about drama, seriously you could write romance novels or for soap operas.

Sorry if these words offend, but I can't understand why you are a best selling author. Unless you were only best selling for your first novel


PS the only reason I read this one was because my mother sent it to me and it looked interesting. However, it will go where the other books she sent me will go, in the free bin in my condo's lobby.
Profile Image for Jasmine.
175 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2022
Good book and a quick read even though there were a few things I got a little mad about. One thing was little Alex’s situation. I’m not going to spoil what it is for those of you who might not have read it yet. For me, there were some surprises towards the end. I couldn’t believe who had done what and what had happened.
Profile Image for Shah Si Pencinta Buku.
339 reviews25 followers
December 20, 2023
Baru sahaja menjejakkan kaki ke FBI, Alex sudah ditugaskan menyiasat kes kehilangan. Dan ini membawa mereka kepada Wolf yang dikatakan misteri dah berbahaya. Dan kemunculan Chritine secara tiba-tiba juga mengusik ketenangan hidup Alex.

SH marah sungguh yea dengan Christine. Dia yang tinggalkan Little Alex selama setahun dengan alasan ingin menjauhkan diri dari Alex, tiba-tiba muncul balik semata-mata inginkan hak asuh anak. Dia sangat pentingkan diri sendiri. Setahun masa yang lama untuk Alex sekeluarga membina hubungan batin dengan Little Alex. Tiba-tiba hubungan yang dibina ingin direntap begitu sahaja.

Dan melalui naskah ini membuatkan SH tertanya-tanya tentang kredibiliti seorang FBI. Sebab hanya beberapa orang termasuk Alex yang cekap dalam tugas mereka. Yang lain-lain seolah-olah terlalu mengikut buku. Tidak praktikal. Tahulah cerita ini berkisahkan Alex tapi watak-watak dalam FBI seolah-olah terlalu lemah, tidak cerdas dan sering teragak-agak. Sedangkan FBI adalah sebuah nama besar.
Profile Image for Jerry B.
1,432 reviews136 followers
July 20, 2010
"Untidiness" spoils otherwise great Alex Cross thriller!

Patterson's latest is typical of his best work: furiously paced short chapters; an edgy plot that keeps the pages inexorably turning; and thrills and chills galore as the scary action rarely pauses for us to breathe. And for Alex Cross fans, it's good to have him back, even though this book marks the start of his FBI career, a start that wobbles a little bit. For good measure, some family stuff is worked in, especially a surprise visit from Christine Johnson, little Alex' real mother, who seems to have custodial intentions despite abandoning the kid for more than a year.

The plot, about a ruthless Russian Mafia type ("Wolf", now operating here) who seems all powerful, is more than adequate to sustain entertaining reading til nearly the end. However, some of the untidy turns of events, especially the loose ending, will cause chagrin and disappointment to many readers, regardless of whether a sequel looms (seems likely). We predict most will enjoy this fast read and tolerate the shaky ending in anticipation of more to come. We might have preferred another 50 pages or so to just wrap it up and give some closure to an otherwise good story. Enjoy, but be warned.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,490 reviews

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