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From the Real Book Spy, Ryan Steck, comes another riveting Matthew Redd thriller.

On an island off the coast of Spain, Matthew Redd and his FBI fly team surveil a luxury villa in hopes of catching a high-value fugitive. But when Redd leads an unauthorized raid on the villa, he discovers they’ve been set up, and he is sent home to face the consequences of defying orders.

Meanwhile, Redd’s wife, Emily, is on a remote stretch of Montana road driving their sick baby to the doctor when she finds her SUV surrounded by a biker gang intent on harassing her. As the bikers pound her fenders and her infant son screams, Emily fights to keep the SUV on the road . . . and then suddenly the bikers back off, leaving her safe but shaken.

Redd returns home, suspended from his team and certain that he is to blame for Emily’s harassment after his run-in with the local biker gang the year before. Fearing that there is more to come, he prepares to defend his family. But Redd soon learns the gang is stronger in numbers than he could’ve imagined, and there is more behind their vendetta than he could’ve guessed. As his son’s condition worsens and his beloved ranch faces financial ruin, he finds himself fighting a war on multiple fronts―one he can’t win on his own.

384 pages, Paperback

Published August 8, 2023

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About the author

Ryan Steck

7 books420 followers
Ryan Steck is the author of FIELDS OF FIRE, LETHAL RANGE, REDD CHRISTMAS, OUT FOR BLOOD, and the forthcoming Alex Hawke thriller TED BELL MONARCH. He is also a freelance editor, the founder and editor-in-chief of The Real Book Spy, and was named an “Online Influencer” by Amazon. Praised as “One of the hardest working and fairest reviewers out there” by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Scottoline, Steck has “quickly established himself as the authority on mysteries and thrillers” (Author A.J. Tata). His books have been endorsed by major #1 New York Times bestselling authors James Patterson, Brad Thor, C.J. Box, Jack Carr, Mark Greaney, Nelson DeMille, James Rollins, Brad Meltzer, Kyle Mills, as well as Don Winslow, T.J. Newman, Brad Taylor, Gregg Hurwitz, and Steve Berry. Visit TheRealBookSpy.com or email him directly at Ryan@TheRealBookSpy for more details.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 122 reviews
Profile Image for Jeremy Peers.
224 reviews28 followers
August 4, 2023
Matthew Redd is on the hunt for Anton Gage with a FBI fly team when he is sent home and suspended for not following orders. Back in Montana, Emily and their son are threatened and almost ran off the road by a biker gang. Redd isn't going to put up with their crap and decides to take the fight to the bikers. Everyone knows this is a fight he can't win alone except Redd. Redd's crusade to keep the people he loves safe will take him down a road where there's more at stake than his family.

Ryan set a high standard with his debut, Fields of Fire, A real high standard. Lethal Range is better. I mean, two books in and both have been as good, if not better, than some of the biggest names in the genre. Blown away.

It rips from page 1 and doesn't stop. The pace is frenetic but doesn't feel rushed. The characters are well developed and have an aura of not only being important to Redd, but also in Ryan's day-to-day life. I'm not sure if I've had that feeling before in a book . If I have I certainly don't remember.

My one bugaboo is the dialogue is a little hokey. There is violence and mayhem and destruction all around and the characters are speaking like they live in Mayberry. It made me chuckle a bit.

Lethal Range should eliminate any doubts regarding Ryan's prowess as a writer and he should be listed among the genre's biggest names. Lethal Range has my highest recommendation!

Thank you to Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Lethal Range.
Profile Image for Abibliofob.
1,333 reviews85 followers
April 27, 2023
Ryan Steck is not only a great influencer and book reviewer (The Real Book Spy) He is also a great author, now with two books done he is a serial thriller creator. Lethal Range is the second book about ex maine corps soldier Matthew Redd. In this book he is on the hunt for the businessman responsible for the mayhem in book one. At the same time some new troubles occur at home when some bikers scares his wife and the bank wants him to pay his debt. He should be set with his ranch, new wife and son but I get the feeling that we haven't seen the end of complications on the horizon for Matty. I really like this new series and the characters and setting but I get somewhat fed up with Redds lacking temper. I find it irritating that he just storms into one confontation after the other and only makes things worse. Apart from that I am hooked on the series and will look forward to the next book. I thank Tyndale House and Netgalley for supplying me with this advance copy.
August 10, 2023
I could write a lengthy review about this novel, but to be honest, this novel is so pointless that writing a lengthy review would be a complete waste of time.
Calling this novel a spy-thriller, or even a thriller, is laughable. Also very misleading, as this is just a western-family-drama, and not even a good one.
Drawn out, boring, no tension, no thrills. If the plot could move any slower, we'd be traveling back in time. And for all his skills and experience, Matthew Redd is a dumbass who can't use his brains at all (and is not even good at using force. He's a hothead who can't plan and strategize). All characters are bland and one-dimensional, and some recurring characters from the first novel even regressed and became shadows of their former selves.

I would say this, though. The author managed to raise fillers and pointlessness into an art form, seeing how he managed to write so many pages with nothing happening in them, and just filling them with pointless characters who come and go and have zero impact on the "plot", and lazy, drab "dialogues" that even a 12-year old won't dare to put on paper.
I'm off this trainwreck.
Can't recommend, not even with a gun to my head.
Profile Image for Mark Easter.
615 reviews8 followers
August 7, 2023
A good second book, it is fun to watch this new author and reviewer we know so well find his author legs. While Lethal Range is 100% Steck, I was reminded of his love for C. J. Box as I noticed parallels between some of his characters and Box's, i.e., Matt and Joe and their father issues, Emily and Marybeth as strong and independent while supporting women, Mikey and Nate who have their friend's back, and the uncouth societal dregs as antagonists. Many of the characters from Fields of Fire are back, some with a vengeance. Rob Davis and team want a second shot at the Twelve and Anton Gage. Gavin Kline continues trying to support Redd and rebuilding a relationship. Enjoy.
Profile Image for Terri Gillespie.
Author 11 books182 followers
June 9, 2023
In Ryan Steck’s second book in the Matthew Redd series, LETHAL RANGE, we see our hero struggling with his obsessional hero personality, fatherhood, being a spouse, and his unresolved issues with his biological father. I happened to love that struggle—it is developing our hero’s character to be multi-dimensional and believable.

While it’s generally optimal to begin with the first book, it isn’t mandatory before getting wrapped up in book two. Especially when Matty runs into some old enemies.

LETHAL RANGE deals with those old enemies seeking revenge on not only Matthew, but his family. From the biker gang to Matt’s nemesis Gage planning a global terrorist attack, readers will get their fill of action, some mystery, and a lot of heart-pumping page-turning.

I highly recommend LETHAL RANGE for thriller junkies with authentic likelihoods.

I received an ARC from the publisher for my honest review.

Profile Image for Neil.
1,210 reviews15 followers
April 28, 2024
I found myself enjoying this book, overall. Some of it, though - sheesh! I am not sure about the character development - I would say Emily had better development than Matt, to be honest. I know others felt the story was slow in developing; I felt it developed at a decent pace. It held my interest throughout. The ending was a bit predictable, in parts, but still not quite what I expected. It did involve a bit more suspension of disbelief than I expected.

Matt was kind of annoying in this book, to be honest.

The whole Don't. Be. Stupid. mantra was funny and borderline annoying; more funny, though.

Part of the ending was both a surprise but not a surprise to me.

I know I've complained about this book in most of this review, so it probably seems weird that I am rating it three stars. I did enjoy it; I thought the author introduced some new perspectives and ideas into a novel that I had not seen before, so that was cool. The pace does pick up, in my opinion, as the story moves along and it did hold my interest to the point of not wanting to put the book down. It was a crazy quick read for me too - maybe six hours total? I know Matt is a fairly new Christian, so it will also be interesting to see how much the Bible, biblical teachings, and Christianity influence character growth in his life in future books (assuming it will be a series and not "just" a trilogy). I love Treadwell as a character; she is so cool and bad to the bone. I can't wait to see more of her in future books.

I did like the first book more than this one; I hope the author does not go the route of having a THIRD giant facing off against Matt in the third book, or even a pair of brothers who are giants - I do think that will be a little much. This book felt like a blending of the "technothriller" genre (because of the science involved) and a western (modern-day western?); like maybe it wants to be "Jack Reacher" but not quite "Jack Reacher". Maybe. Maybe not. There is something about this story that reminds me of some of the Jack Reacher stories I read before I quit reading that series; I am not sure why it does, but it does. In any case, I am glad I took a chance on reading this book because I did enjoy it.
Profile Image for Chautona Havig.
Author 266 books1,774 followers
July 5, 2023
With near non-stop action, Lethal Range takes you on a wild ride. Bring backup. You're gonna need it.

I hadn't realized I was reading book 2 in a series until about halfway through the book. Something clicked and I thought, "Wait...' All that to say, you don't need to have read the first one to get a full story here. That said, I'm definitely going to go back and read the first one, because yeah!

What I loved most about this book is also one of the things that annoyed me most (and it was supposed to). Matt Redd is a hot-headed, impulsive/reactive guy who needs to learn to think with his head instead of his emotions. I wanted to smack him so many times it isn't even funny. He seriously annoyed me with his stupid actions and his cavalier attitude. But here's the deal. That's what I'm supposed to feel! And Ryan Steck did a brilliant job making me react exactly as he expected.

If you're looking for rich faith woven into the story, you won't find much. That said, I think it's because Matt isn't there yet. His wife and her family obviously have a sincere and live faith that you get snippets of but since this is from Matt's perspective, I think we have to wait for that. What I don't know is if we saw why in book one or if it's a slow lead-in for book three, or if it just won't be there.

For those who are bothered by it, I did notice one use of a very mild expletive that many don't consider to be an issue. There may have been more that I missed during fight scenes, however. Because...

My only quibble (okay, aside from technical jargon I had to look up) with the book is one fight scene in particular (but another one pushed the envelope for me). The brutality of the scenes fit the story. 100%. I really think that if they'd been a punch or two and down for the count, the story would have been ludicrous. So points for authenticity. That said, Steck took the old "show don't tell" to very literal lengths in one scene in particular. I won't say that you can count every breath that the brawlers take between every recorded slug, kick, and throw (and I think he recorded them ALL), but nearly so.

I never thought I'd say a realistic fight scene "bored" me, but it became the thriller equivalent of describing every detail in a room for me. I started skimming. It's my only definite complaint, and I'm sure many readers would probably love it. I'm just not one. Obviously, I'm still a fan. I'm going to read the first one!

Recommended for lovers of westerns, action movies, and thrillers. This book won't disappoint.

I'd like to thank the publisher for a review copy. All opinions mine.
Profile Image for Jeremy Saldivar.
131 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2023
I could have finished this book in one sitting, but instead took my sweet time reading it in full. Ryan Steck is very good at what he does. Michael Redd is a character we can all root for. Emily is a little bit too stubborn for my taste as a character, she tells Redd that they will work “together,” but everytime he wants to protect her and their son, she refuses. Unnecessary pressure. Other than that, they make a good team. Mickey and Liz are friends everyone deserves. Good people to have in their corner. I personally like Kline. I know Redd doesn’t have the best relationship with him, but I think he has good intentions. Can’t wait for Ryan’s next book on the Michael Redd saga. Who is Aaron Decker and why did he turn a ghost.
Profile Image for Glen Guldbeck.
530 reviews7 followers
August 16, 2023
Lethal Range is an incredible follow-up to Steck's first novel, Fields of Fire. Matthew Redd is father, a husband, and a bonafide bad-ass!!! This is another reminder of why I love reading thrillers. Fans of Brad Thor, Jack Carr, Vince Flynn, and Mark Greaney will devour this second offering of the Redd series. Ryan, you seriously owe me sleep...lol. Highly recommended!!!!
Profile Image for N.Y. Dunlap.
Author 1 book38 followers
August 9, 2023
The cowboy versus biker scenario in LETHAL RANGE was like something out of the Hatfield vs. the McCoys—and Redd was crazy enough to be on a team of one. There were times when I could not read fast enough, especially all scenes regarding Little Matty—what a way to suck someone into the story. I must hand it to the author for not giving the hero an easy win. In fact, things were looking grim for Redd while facing off with the Infidels at his home.

A few points of view could be consolidated, with some of the others that were also sparse. Such as, the blonde special agent could have been condensed into Gavin’s POV. Although, I felt sorry for Bobbie Sue very quickly, which is testimony to how the author creates compelling secondary characters.

The story continued to ramp, and I was left with an action-packed, exciting climax.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for giving me an ARC copy of this book to read and review. All of these thoughts and comments are my own.
Profile Image for Andreas Tornberg.
174 reviews11 followers
August 2, 2023
Maybe not as good as the first book but still a very good thriller. It’s fast paced and Matthew Redd is such an interesting character. Highly recommend this book.
Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy.
83 reviews
August 12, 2023
Ryan Steck aka The Real Book Spy delivers another action packed novel. Matthew Redd returns in this intense thrill ride. Without giving away the plot or any details this definitely is a book that needs to go to the top of anyone's TBR pile. After years of reviewing books for authors, Ryan takes his turn in writing thriller novels and neither one of his books have disappointed. Ryan Steck is solidifying himself as one of the best thriller writers in the business. Well done Ryan, I loved this book and cannot wait for what Matthew Redd does next!
Profile Image for Staci.
2,041 reviews601 followers
August 30, 2024
Continuing to enjoy this series primarily set in Montana.

Matthew Redd stirred up the wrong crowd...a gang of bikers. Lots of action in the pages as he fights to save his family and ranch.
Profile Image for Kerry Mann.
189 reviews10 followers
August 10, 2023
I really loved this book, this story is one that will resonate with everyone. I enjoy stories that keep you guessing along with a few laughs and are you kidding me. Now this is the second Matt Redd Thriller I suggest reading both, but not necessary. Rad this book, you will thank me!
Profile Image for Ian.
Author 4 books48 followers
August 22, 2023
This story starts a few months after Fields of Fire ends, but you could read this one without having read the former. Matthew Redd is still chasing Anton Gage, the mega-billionaire who turned his world upside down in Fields of Fire. In addition, he's got the Infidel bikers gang on his back seeking payback for his interaction with them a year ago. Little does Redd know that his world is about to explode.

This was a good followup from Steck's first foray into the action genre. His storytelling is tighter and there's some good character development. I struggled once again with Redd's brooding nature and his willingness to tackle fire with fire rather than seek out an alternative solution. I get there are men like this but I found it a little dull with the repetition of it in the first half of the story. But I found the first half sets up a tense action packed second half which had me turning pages quickly and I enjoyed it immensely.

There is mention of this being Christian fiction, but it's not really. It's a story written by a Christian and there's mention of church going and listening to sermons but not a lot of evidence of God-changed individuals in the story. And really the overall premise of the story involves lots of killing, getting payback and protecting one's family with violence. But I hope that maybe a key element of Redd's character development through the series may involve him drawing closer to God and the ensuing impact his faith and relationship with God has on him.

This is a thrilling action-packed adventure and is set up well for the next in the series.

I was fortunate to receive an early ebook copy from the publisher via NetGalley with no expectation of a favourable review.
135 reviews3 followers
August 7, 2023
This mystery cum thriller will surely get your heart pounding and set the chills chasing and trilling each other up and down your spine; at least it did for me. I hope potential readers have good heart tickers. Ha, ha!

There's quite a concoction of FBI agents, serious damage biker gang that ought not to be messed with; a GMO crop distortion 'genius'; the latter groups of whom are on the war path against Matthew Redd, the hot head. Needless to say I found lots of action happening and with such groups employing their nefarious deeds, you can likely already imagine some of the scenarios, or think you might. Just when you think nothing worse could happen...

It wasn't really my sweet cup of tea but I can see how many guys would love all the action that could likely give them a good run for their money. The author really socked it to the characters - hmm, maybe that should read, the characters really socked it to the author. In my opinion, either way, there were no holds barred.

Added sweetness were the injections of Bible-based faith talk. Although there weren't many, which I found disappointing, they were there, just in under the wire.

4 stars from me.

~ Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger ~

March 2023

Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion bassed on the complimentary review copy sent by NetGalley and the publisher.

Profile Image for Todd Anderson.
40 reviews4 followers
February 1, 2023
First: I was provided a complementary advanced digital copy of LETHAL RANGE by Tyndall House Publishers.

Second: After FIELDS OF FIRE burst onto the scene, I was eagerly looking forward to Matthew Redd #2. I won’t dive into any details or spoil anything for you but I will say this: I couldn’t stop reading this book.

Ryan Steck has quickly established himself as a bona fide force in the likeness of CJ Box. It is evident Matthew Redd will be around for years to come.
Profile Image for Eric.
37 reviews4 followers
August 5, 2023
A good follow up to the debut Fields of Fire; Lethal Range builds on the characters introduced in the first book and the story gets going and doesn’t letup. Matthew Redd is out for vengeance after his family is provoked and the plot just builds from there. I look forward to finding out what happens in the next book after the way Lethal Range ends. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this in advance.
439 reviews4 followers
March 24, 2023
I love this series, and wow did this book bring it!
The characters are all beautifully written, the plot flows effortlessly from scene to scene. The story, which centers on revenge on Matt and his family from a Biker Gang, as well as the unfinished business of Gage starting a global terrorist act, is captivating from the start. Has everything you want in a thriller - action, bit of mystery, and lots of adrenaline. Already eager to read the next book. Highly recommend.
I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
371 reviews
July 15, 2024
4.5* This one was really hard to put down! Starting book #3 today :-)
644 reviews10 followers
July 9, 2023
I have never read anything by this author but will definitely be checking out more of his books. Since I didn't read the first book, it took me a little bit to get to know the characters. This book had me turning the pages as quickly as possible to see what would happen next. The characters of Mikey and Emily were my favorite.

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.
30 reviews
November 17, 2023
Unbelievably fast paced, adrenaline filled book 2. I regretted putting it down every night and am really looking forward to book 3. Both my husband and I loved it!
81 reviews8 followers
November 14, 2023
I wanted to like this book, but it’s just bad

First off let me say that I have been a fan of The Real Book Spy for years. The first book in this series showed promise, but the sophomore release is just a bunch of fiction tropes mashed together, and I am actually shocked a publisher printed it. Here is the list of the bad.

It feels like Steck took pieces from all of his favorite series and tried to roll them into one. Like if a CJ Box and Matthew Betley novel went into a blender, then it was reconstituted without editing you would have this book.

I HATE when fiction authors try and proselytize. You want to entertain, do that. You want to try and spread the word of god, do that. But you can’t do both.

This book has so many stupid tropes, I couldn’t count them all. One man taking on 20, on top of that with revolvers, is by far the dumbest. There is a fight written in this book like it involved comic book characters with no regard for how gravity, inertia, and basic engineering works. There is one other scene that is so dumb and campy, that I won’t describe so that I don’t ruin anything.

For a guy who reviews fiction novels all the time you would think he would be aware how critical a character is to the story, but somehow his main character Redd got WAY more one dimensional in this book.

Also there is one part of the plot that goes wholly unexplained yet a chapter is spent in the most obvious sales pitch for a third book I have ever seen.

This book would be bad if it was self published, but the fact that it had a publisher AND the guy is friends with the biggest names in the business BOGGLES me.

Here is the good….

At some point, it ends.
Profile Image for Kimberly McMillan.
Author 1 book41 followers
October 31, 2023
The Matthew Redd series has its claws in me! I love the levels of drama and danger that envelop the unique characters Steck created. In another modern day Wild West tale… Redd is still chasing Anton Gage (public enemy #1), but his attention refocuses on his family when he discovers they are the sole target of a deadly biker gang’s revenge plot. As danger increases, law enforcement is hesitant to assist Redd. Redd and his family face brutality beyond imagination from a gang of criminal thugs who take brotherhood-loyalty to a new level.
34 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2024
Redd saves the world - again!

I had a hard time getting into this book. I persevered and started enjoying it about halfway through. There are too many characters! Who is Aron Decker??? I still don't know! I thoroughly enjoyed Mr. Steck's first book, but I'm still not sure about this one!
4 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2024
I'm sad to not give 5 stars because Ryan Steck is a good dude, and his first book was great! But I'm about 75% of the way through Lethal Range and I'm ... well, bored. The reader, I think, is way ahead of the narrator, can anticipate what's coming, but chapter after chapter of suspense building that just doesn't really work. I'm excited for book #3 but this one is kind of a flop.
...Update - I finished the book, and as I thought, the action at the end is great! It's worth reading all the way through. But, my initial impression remains - this was nowhere near as good as Steck's first book, but I'm confident his novels will get better with time.
26 reviews
April 10, 2024
I really enjoyed this book and I'm hoping there is more to come. I'm so ready to read the third book I just found out it's coming out June 4 2024. Ugh
January 29, 2023
Dear Ryan Steck: from one Mitch Rapp Ambassador to another, one blogging/reviewing thriller genre partner to another, & as someone you know who calls the shots from the hip this was one hell of a fantastic thriller read.
As a newbie author I was expecting a mediocre book and man, I was pleasantly surprised.
I know we've always been competing against one another for the greatest in this genre but you my friend, should be applauded. You put your heart and soul on the line and it shows especially in your acknowledgements that required more than one Kleenex.
In fact, if I might be so blunt as to say this was one of the best thrillers I've read this year & I've read many of our favorites that we share in this genre.
I wasn't able to get my hands on a copy for your 1st novel in this Matthew Redd Series because I came on board too late but perhaps somewhere down the line I'll get my hands on a copy for Fields of Fire as I'd love to review that one too. This does stand well on its own without needing to have read the first one and it took me along for the ride quite well.
Matthew Redd is not too overbearing nor obnoxious with the ego filled -shoot everything up- nature that we see in many other works in this genre. For that reason alone is why I couldn't put it down.
At first the introduction I felt like perhaps you'd become too similar in nature to our fav C.J. Box but as it progressed you separated yourself and created your own niche.
Lethal Range was a fun filled, action packed, fireball that couldn't be put back down once you picked it up!
Suffice to say, it all began with Matthew Redd and the FBI team surveiling a villa in Spain to catch a fugitive. However, it may just be a trap!
Redd's wife -Emily- is taken over by the Infidels (biker gang) who surround her vehicle on a sick appointment drive to the doctors.
Redd feels compelled to blame himself for putting everyone in harms way while everything seems to be riding on his shoulders as the man of the house (cabin).
Strength in numbers is the name of the game as war rages on.
I enjoyed the settings, the fullness of the characters, the evolving plot that wasn't forced but felt naturally flowing freely.
As readers are met with one after another of high staked action that came at us from all angles.
The fact that their just might be a mole is equally engaging because it creates a new dynamic to the storyline. A mole in the FBI? Always being two steps ahead of Redd...it must be, Right?
The mission was to hunt down Anton Gage but as we learn pressure is coming up on all sides of the Montana Ranch that Redd owns.
"Stand Down" "Baby Boy" is a phrase I'd thought I'd never hear used simultaneously but it worked! Angry Johnny also was a firecracker and perhaps the buffalo stomping is just what we need.
With that said, there's no lack of luster as we continue to ratchet it up with another situation on the helm. Food supply disruption, drones, and of course, engineering efforts for profit.
The Infidels as they're known are not your average biker gang. They rise above law and order from a weakened society that prevents suppression. They're an outlaw group of criminals and must be stopped.
Redd knows this will take everything he has including life and limb to succeed as honor demands revenge.
I love the Bobbie-Sue character who was a gal with limited knowledge of the true actions behind the gang. A woman in a male dominated world in which brothers should never attack their own.
So, we're left to "focus, fight smart" and carry on carefully through every field and every step at or near their compound.
One wrong step could mean the end especially for the world's food supply.
Death by starvation? Could that be coming? Should we be concerned?
There's 12 members that may or may not be found but the thrill of the chase is what keeps readers glued to every single page.
The fact that the ranch also played a crucial role wasn't lost here. This ranch signified so much more than a mere location for Redd.
I won't spill out too much but will close with a quote, " But you'd do it for me and if a man can't fight for his friends and family, then what kind of man is he?"
My friend, I ask myself this question daily in more ways than one.
Congrats on this second in the series and thank you for this ARC in exchange for this honest review.
Give your 6 kiddos and wife all my love xo till we meet again.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 122 reviews

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