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Three Sisters Island #1

Dance Upon The Air

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#1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts, hailed by Publishers Weekly as "a storyteller of immeasurable diversity and talent" presents the first book in her mesmerizing new Three Sisters Island trilogy. Set on a remote, rocky island off the coast of Massachusetts, steeped in history, romance, and legend, Dance Upon the Air is an unforgettable tale of friendship, fate, and the mysterious ways of the heart.

When Nell Channing arrives on charming Three Sisters Island, she believes that she's finally found refuge from her abusive husband and from the terrifying life she fled so desperately eight months ago. But even in this quiet, peaceful place, Nell never feels entirely at ease. Careful to conceal her true identity, she takes a job as a cook at the local bookstore cafe and begins to explore her feelings for the island sheriff, Zack Todd. But there is a part of herself she can never reveal to him, for she must continue to guard her secrets if she wants to keep the past at bay. One careless word, one misplaced confidence, and the new life she's created so carefully could shatter completely.

Just as Nell starts to wonder if she'll ever be able to break free of her fear, she realizes that the island suffers under a terrible curse, one that can only be broken by the descendants of the Three Sisters, the witches who settled the island back in 1692. And now, with the help of two other strong, gifted women, and with the nightmares of the past haunting her every step, she must find the power to save her home, her love, and herself.

404 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 5, 2001

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About the author

Nora Roberts

1,766 books55k followers
Nora Roberts is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 novels, including Hideaway, Under Currents, Come Sundown, The Awakening, Legacy, and coming in November 2021 -- The Becoming -- the second book in The Dragon Heart Legacy. She is also the author of the futuristic suspense In Death series written under the pen name J.D. Robb. There are more than 500 million copies of her books in print.

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Profile Image for Jay.
222 reviews47 followers
March 22, 2017
Okay so this rant review is a little long because I had to copy large chunks of text from the book to prove the hero is actually a colossal dickhead (as well as the real villain).

I read Dance Upon the Air last August. It was at the beginning of my gigantic romance phase and since I was naive and innocent back then, I gave it 3 stars thinking it was a bit boring but "not too bad".

Now I know better than to give this anything more than 1 star and aggressively tap my Kindle until it is deleted.

Our heroine, Nell, faked her death to get away from her abusive husband. After being on the run for awhile, she feels drawn to Three Sisters Island so she settles down to start her new life. Blah blah, as a regular Mary Sue she is loved by all after just 1 day blah blah - the usual.

Then she meets Sheriff Zack Todd who's sweet and kind and sexy and who's supposed to heal her with the Power of Love™.

But wait!

Magic mirror, on the wall - who is the biggest dick of them all?


It's Zack!!!!

Congratulations Sheriff, please come collect your award while we look back on your lowest fucking moments!

(For context: so far Nell's been nervous and on edge every time they talked, she flinched when he touched her, had a panic attack when she thought people would be angry with her for forgetting to make a salad. Zack already put two and two together about her being abused.)

Page 90:
Nell: "....I don't want you to get the wrong impression about dinner, and… things. I'm very attracted to you, but I'm not in a place where I can act on my feelings. It's only fair to tell you that up front. There are good reasons for it, but I'm not willing to get into them. So, if you'd rather just go, no hard feelings."

Page 93:
Zach: "I should tell you something else. I plan on touching you. A lot. Maybe you could work on getting used to it."
"I don't like being handled."
"I didn't plan to start out that way. Though handling, on both sides, can have some satisfying results. I don't put marks on women, Nell. I don't use my hands that way."
"I'm not going to talk about that," she answered curtly.
"I'm not asking you to. I'm talking about me, and you, and the way things are now."
"Things aren't any way now—like that."
"They're going to be."

Page 95 (on the beach):
He scooped her up so fast her heart stuck between her chest and her throat. She could barely manage to breathe, much less scream. Before full panic had a chance to bloom, she was in the water. Zack was laughing, spinning her away from an oncoming wave to take the brunt of it himself. She was sliding, rolling, fighting to gain her feet when he simply nipped her at the waist and righted her.
"It's freezing."
"Balmy," he corrected.
"Your blood's just thin yet. Here comes a good-size one. You'd better hold on to me."
"I don't want to—" Whatever she did or didn't want, the sea had its own ideas. The wave hit, knocked her off her feet, and had her legs tangling with his.

Page 131:
"I'm not the mess I used to be," she said. "But I still have moments. Until I don't, I'm not prepared to complicate my life, or anyone else's."
"That's sensible."
"I'm going to concentrate on my work."
"A person's got to have priorities."
"There are things I want to do, things I need to learn. For myself."
"....Uh-huh. In a minute." He yanked her against him, jerked her up to her toes, covered her mouth with his in a hot, possessive kiss.

Page 151:
"What're you doing?" She jumped like a rabbit at the sleep-roughened sound of his voice, and the coffee slopped over onto the paper.
"Did I wake you? I'm sorry. I tried to be quiet."
He held up a hand. "Nell, don't do that. It pisses me off." His voice was thick with sleep, and despite herself dread curled in her stomach as he stepped toward her.
"There's one thing I'm going to ask you." He picked up her mug, drank to clear his mind and voice. "Don't ever mix me up with him. If you'd waked me up and it annoyed me, I would say so. But the fact is I woke up because you weren't there and I missed you."
"Some habits are hard to break, no matter how much you try."
"Well, keep trying." He said it lightly, moved over to the stove to pour a full mug for himself.

Page 211:
"I'm sorry. Zack, I'm so sorry. I can't marry you."
"I can't marry you, Zack, because I'm already married."
Nothing she could have said would have stunned him more.
"Married? You're married! For God's sake, Nell, we've been together for months."
"I know." It wasn't just shock she saw now. It wasn't just anger. He stared at her as if she were a stranger. "I left him, you see. More than a year ago."
He struggled over the first hurdle. The fact that she'd been married and hadn't told him. But he couldn't make it over the second. That she was married still. "Left him, but didn't divorce him."
"No, I couldn't. I—"
"And you let me touch you, you slept with me, let me fall in love with you, knowing you weren't free." (NOTE: she's been saying "no/let's slow down/I have reasons why a relationship is a bad idea for the past 200 pages)
As his anger grew, hardened his face, she felt the strength she'd rebuilt draining away like the color in her cheeks.
"You think that makes up for it?" he shot back, as temper and misery careened inside him. "You think taking the blame for it cleans the fucking slate on this? Goddamn it." He spun away from her and caught the way she flinched at the move.
"I'll yell when I need to yell. You're only making me madder standing there like you're waiting for a punch. I'm not going to hit you. Not now, not ever. And it's insulting for you to stand there wondering if I will."
"You don't know what it's like."

Page 217:
(Zack being a fucking hypocrite) "I'm not going to make her do anything, not only because I don't work that way but because I have a feeling the man she's married to did plenty of making her."

Page 222 (last one, I promise):
(After emotionally blackmailing Nell into telling him about her abuse)
"When he hit me… the first time it was a shock. No one had ever hit me before. I should've left, right that minute. Or tried. He would never have let me, but I should've tried. But I'd only been married a few months, and somehow he made me feel I'd deserved it. For being stupid. Or clumsy. Or forgetful. For all manner of things. He trained me like a dog. I'm not proud of that."

(And then immediately he goes:)

"I had a right to know, when things changed between us. I had a right to know."
"I didn't expect things to change between us."
"But they damn well did. And if you didn't know where we were heading, then you are stupid."

(Nell tells him not to call her stupid and continues with:)

"I'm telling you how it is. I did a lot of thinking since you walked out of the house yesterday. I'm not going to whimper and slide into the corner just because you're annoyed with me. That insults both of us."
"Well, three cheers."
"Oh, go to hell."
He turned completely around and stepped toward her. The dread curled in her stomach, her palms went clammy, but she stood her ground.
"It's a hell of a time to pick a fight with me, especially when you're wrong."

And this book actually has a 4.2 rating??? I genuinely cannot understand how people could overlook Zack's behaviour.

Fucking scary.
Profile Image for María.
144 reviews3,040 followers
November 20, 2018
Sin más. La historia es bonita, Nora es una buena narradora: la isla, el mar, la comida (que alguien me dé bollos de canela). Los personajes me han gustado, en especial las tres protagonistas femeninas: Nell, Mia y Ripley. Su relación es bastante sorora (aunque las dos últimas se piquen constantemente). El ritmo me pareció aceptable y la violencia de género se retrata tal y como es, cruda. Muy cruda.

El gran problema -para mí- viene con la historia de amor. Viviendo en un mundo machista y con una autora tan alienada como Nora Roberts, es difícil construir una relación sana. En el libro vemos lo que estamos acostumbrados a ver en películas, series y otras novelas: acoso. ¿Cuándo dejará la gente de creer en el mito del amor romántico? El sheriff de la isla, Zack, acosa a Nell desde el principio -aunque ella lo rechaza-. Va todos los santos días a su trabajo, pasa de noche por su casa e incluso de madrugada. A mí eso me lo hace un tío y voy corriendo a poner una orden de alejamiento. Iría a la policía, pero sorpresa, ZACK es la policía. A pesar de saber que Nell ha sufrido violencia de género (lo deduce enseguida) sigue y sigue presionándola. Gracias que al final, Nell le corresponde y la relación se "equilibra" un poco. Ah y la llama estúpida en una ocasión (10/10 Zack). Zack gana el top al peor novio junto con el señor Grey y Edward Cullen (aunque reconozco que el libro es bastante superior en muchos aspectos). Eso sumado a los comentarios machistas y sexistas del estilo "no se bañó con el jabón de Nell porque era muy femenino", "la gente normal se casa" o tratar a Nell como un trozo de carne, hizo que se me hiciera insoportable. Las tres estrellas se las he dado por pura piedad y porque la isla es mágica.

Creo que es una trilogía, he leído la sinopsis de cada libro y es básicamente una historia de amor por libro. Un poco repetir el esquema de este. Lo más probable es que no siga con la saga, así que agradezco que Nora le haya dado un buen final al libro (no como otros autores). Lo disfrutareis si os gustan las brujas, las islas, el mar y si buscáis sororidad. Pero si sois feministas os hará rechinar los dientes en más de una ocasión y rezaréis por la muerte de Zack.

Y recordad, el amor es precioso, pero entre personas libres y con relaciones SANAS.
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
May 26, 2008
I love this book. It was the first Nora Roberts novel I read and it got me hooked on her stuff.

I enjoyed every aspect of the book. One of my favorite parts is the simple, sort of true-blue romance between Nell and Zach. So often in romance novels these days the hero is a super-alpha, or a dark and brooding alpha or a tragic alpha - which there's nothing wrong with, I love a good alpha male; it's just nice to get some variety once in a while. And that's what Zach is. He's just your normal, nice guy. Sure he's got a bit of alpha in him, but he's not dripping with testosterone. I like that. It's great to read about an everyday-type hero for a change. And I love the romance between him and Nell. It's sweet and tender and something you can honestly picture in your head. Their story is one that makes me smile while reading it.

I also love Nell's overall story in this book. How she's managed to escape a terrible life and find a home for herself; somewhere where she belongs. Her transformation throughout the book is heartwarming to read. I'm a sucker for plucky heroines who turn their lives around against the odds.

And my other favorite part of the book is the lore and magic. White witchcraft is fascinating to me. So it's fun to read it in a book. Roberts weaves an excellent tale for Three Sisters Island, all the more enhanced by a great cast of characters. The story may not be fraught with suspense, but it draws you in with its earthiness.

All around, it's just a fun read; one of my favorites by Roberts and one that I like to reread from time to time.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews371 followers
September 26, 2019
Dance Upon The Air (Three Sisters Island, #1), Nora Roberts
Three Sisters Island book series by Nora Roberts includes books: Dance Upon the Air, Heaven and Earth, Face the Fire, and several more. When Nell Channing arrives on charming Three Sisters Island, she believes that she’s finally found refuge from her abusive husband—and from the terrifying life she fled so desperately eight months ago… But even in this quiet, peaceful place, Nell never feels entirely at ease. Careful to conceal her true identity, she takes a job as a cook at the local bookstore café—and begins to explore her feelings for the island sheriff, Zack Todd. But there is a part of herself she can never reveal to him—for she must continue to guard her secrets if she wants to keep the past at bay. One careless word, one misplaced confidence, and the new life she’s created so carefully could shatter completely. Just as Nell starts to wonder if she’ll ever be able to break free of her fear, she realizes that the island suffers under a terrible curse—one that can only be broken by the descendants of the Three Sisters, the witches who settled the island back in 1692. And now, with the help of two other strong, gifted women—and with the nightmares of the past haunting her every step—she must find the power to save her home, her love… and herself…

تاریخ نخستین خواش: روز بیست و ششم ماه سپتامبر سال 2003 میلادی
عنوان: ج‍زی‍ره‌ س‍ه‌ خ‍واه‍ران‌: رقص بر فراز آسمان؛ نویسنده: ن‍ورا راب‍رت‍ز؛ مت‍رج‍م: ب‍ه‍رام‌ ن‍ظام‌آب‍ادی‌؛ ت‍ه‍ران‌: ن‍وای‌ ش‍ه‍رام‌، 1381؛ در 269 ص؛ شابک: 9647711182؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده امریکا - سده 20 م

هنگامیکه «نل چانینگ» وارد جزیره دل انگیز «سه خواهران» میشود. در این مکان آرام و صلح آمیز نیز، نل هرگز احساس راحتی نمیکند...؛ او هویت واقعی خود را، پنهان میکند. به عنوان آشپز شغلی میگیرد، و آغاز به کشف احساسات خود، در مورد کلانتر جزیره: «زاک تاد» میکند. اما بخشی از خودش و یادمانش وجود دارند، که او هرگز نمیتواند آنها را فاش کند، او میخواهد همچنان از اسرار خود، نگهبانی کند. یک بیدقتی، یک اعتماد به نفس نادرست، زندگی تازه ای او را که با دقت برای خود ایجاد کرده، میتواند کاملاً خرد شود. نل آیا میتواند ترس خود را از بین ببرد؟، میفهمد که جزیره نیز تحت لعن وحشتناکی ست... او باید قدرت نجات خانه، عشق خود و ... را پیدا کند. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Brenda.
4,600 reviews2,883 followers
December 1, 2021
Three Sisters Island would be a sanctuary to Nell Channing – she could feel it as she arrived by ferry. She would find a job, somewhere to live and stay safe. If he came after her again, she would run. The bookstore-café where Nell found a job as cook and waitress was owned and run by Mia, a person she immediately knew she could trust. Lulu would need to be won over, but Nell was prepared for that.

As Nell learned the history of the island – the troubles that occurred in 1692, when witches inhabited the land, she felt an affinity. Sheriff Zack Todd and his sister Ripley also made her feel safe. And her little yellow cottage was perfect. She was happy. But would it last? Would she have the strength, the power, to stop her past overwhelming her again?

Dance Upon the Air is the first in the Three Sisters Island trilogy by Nora Roberts and I loved it. Air, Earth and Fire – the three sisters from 1692 were named for them. Nell was an exceptional character, as was Mia. I’m really looking forward to the second in the series and recommend this one highly.
Profile Image for Maria Clara.
1,122 reviews623 followers
February 7, 2017
Leer a Nora Roberts siempre es un acierto. Y, como no, en esta ocasión también lo ha sido. Me ha encantado leer de su pluma a las brujas modernas, con sus escobas y filtros y, también, el tema tan duro como es el maltrato.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,401 reviews106 followers
August 20, 2017
Took me awhile to like Zack. A few of his comments hit me wrong, especially when he asked her why she didn't just leave her abusive husband. Then her character went off track for me, too. She says she won't sleep with him because she is still legally married, then a few chapters later she jumping on him in the doorway.
But the story is wonderful! Full of magic and love. Also the two main characters become more likable in the end. 😁
BTW the audio is not great. She gives Nell a little girl voice that grates. 😬🙉
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,378 reviews328 followers
February 10, 2019
Nora Roberts este autoarea care, indiferent ce gen abordează, reușește să te impresioneze. O poveste de dragoste, cu suspans și pericol, cu magie și blesteme. A doua șansă la dragoste.
Profile Image for The Tick.
407 reviews3 followers
March 12, 2011
For the most part, I found this book very readable. I like the premise of the series, and I think she did a nice job with the setting. I also liked the overall writing style--it flowed very well.

However, I had a lot of problems with Zach, the "hero." When he first touches heroine Nell (on the hand or wrist, I don't remember) and she tenses up and becomes very uncomfortable, his reaction (instead of "Gee, maybe this woman doesn't want to be touched") is to tell her that he's going to make her like his touch. On its own, that would be off-putting, but not excessively so. It gets worse, though--later on, her picks her up to "baptize" her by throwing her in the ocean. By this point they're better acquainted, but Roberts shows Nell almost having a panic attack over it. Again, off-putting. But the real kicker for me was when he found out that Nell was still married (to her abuser). His first reaction is "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I've been sleeping with another man's wife!" Even if they were still legally married, I think the fact that she faked her own death to get away from her abuser makes them no longer husband and wife, at least in spirit. But no, the law is the law, apparently. What an asshat.

I am going to give Roberts another shot because this was the first book of hers I read, but...well, she's got some ground to make up here.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
February 7, 2018
4.5 Stars

This had a Sleeping With the Enemy vibe, you know that Julia Roberts' film from the 90's? I think this had a more lighthearted feel to it overall, but a similar concept. Loved everything from the setting of an East Coast island complete with lighthouse and witch-lore, to the food. Of course our lively heroine, who emerges from an abusive relationship, gets her confidence back, and falls in love was my favorite part. Zack, the irresistible Sheriff, came in at a close second.

Looking forward to Mia's story the most, but Ripley, Zack's sister, is next.
Profile Image for Jessica.
219 reviews85 followers
December 1, 2017
There were a lot of things I liked about this book. I liked the premise of the abusive husband. I liked the setting and the magic element. I really would have loved to see more magic in it because that part was lacking. I liked Nell (in all her Mary-Sue glory). For the most part, I liked Ripley, whose book I am anxious to read. Yet, I gave this book a one star. Why? Because I hate with a burning passion the "hero," Zack. You A-hole. You piece of abomination trash. You disgust me. I had to put this book down several times because I was so angry at this guy.

I have never hated a Nora Roberts character more. Her villains are easier to like than this guy because at least most of them are interesting characters. Zack is not interesting, he's not compelling, he's a douche. He is just as abusive as Nell's ex-husband, (and I consider him her ex) because he is a manipulative D and emotionally abusive. It scares me how many people enjoyed his character.

He clearly knows that Nell had run away from some guy who hit her. He talks about it with Ripley several times, and there is mention that he looked up statistics on abuse. How can he say things like 'you better get used to me touching you' and 'then you are stupid' to her. How, and this is spoiler territory, can he propose to her after knowing her a maximum of 5 months. They had never even discussed marriage. You should never jump into buying a ring for someone without at least talking about it first! He has no respect for her needs at all. If he had talked to her about marriage, then maybe she could've told you she was married. Or, since it is obvious she was a abused and wants to take it slow, you should get her story before you propose to her. Don't get mad at her when you find out she's still "married."

I also don't like how no one stood up for Nell during this conflict. Mia and Ripley both defended Zack's actions. Sure, I can understand Ripley doing so, because she's the sister. She's also the one that told Zack to go talk to her. But Mia, when Nell came to her for advice, told Nell that he was mad because she turned down the proposal. "Go talk to him." See it from his pov. What Nell should should have heard was he is being a jerk, he is wrong, and let him come to you. Or, better yet, find a nicer guy who's not going to manipulate you and take your strength away again.

But who am I kidding. This is a 'romance' novel. Of course the power of love defeats all in the end and Zack get's that ring on her finger. Another anchor to weigh the poor girl down. And I have to deal with them for two more books.
Profile Image for ✨ Gramy ✨ .
1,382 reviews
August 24, 2019
Welcome to the introductory read of the series - Three Sisters Island. This was my second read and I found that my tastes have changed since the prior read. I still liked the book, but not as much as I recalled from the first read.

When Nell Channing arrives on charming Three Sisters Island, she believes that she's finally found refuge from her abusive husband--and from the terrifying life that she fled so desperately from eight months ago...

But even in this quiet, peaceful place, Nell never feels entirely at ease. Careful to conceal her true identity, she takes a job as a cook at the local bookstore cafe--and begins to explore her feelings for the island sheriff, Zack Todd. But there is a part of herself she can never reveal to him--for she must continue to guard her secrets if she wants to keep the past at bay. One careless word, one misplaced confidence, and the new life she's created so carefully could shatter completely.

It is an entertaining adventure in a world most people are not even aware of, that may or may not even exist. The characters are extremely complex and the plotline strikes home for more people than they may care to admit. Almost everyone knows someone directly or indirectly that may have been affected by the compulsive behavior entailed here.

Just as Nell starts to wonder if she'll ever be able to break free of her fear, she realizes that the island suffers under a terrible curse--one that can only be broken by the descendants of the Three Sisters, the witches who settled the island back in 1692. And now, with the help of two other strong, gifted women--and with the nightmares of the past haunting her every step--she must find the power to save her home, her love...and herself...

it is able to stand on its own as each book focuses on a different heroine. However, most of the other characters carry over from one book to the other.

There is profanity and some mature adult scenes. The heroine gains confidence and strength in her ability to take care of herself. Under a tense confrontation, she must dig deep to hold on her newfound identity and not allow her past to redefine her again. Can she do it?

I would recommend for paranormal romance genre buffs.

Profile Image for Marniy.
Author 1 book16 followers
January 13, 2011
About half way through this book. It's a fantasy romance about a woman who escapes an abusive marriage and starts a new life across the country.
She is very nervous, distrustful, and not interested in another relationship.
The thing that is disturbing me is that the romantic interest seems to be following in the same steps as a typical abuser; he doesn't listen to her when she says she doesn't want to be touched, he violates her personal space even though it scares her, and other dick moves.
Her husband started out nice, too, but slowly eroded her confidence and sense of self. The husband is a controlling jerk; with the hero- he's doing it for her own good. *Swoon*?

The hero would probably work better in a story with out domestic violence as a central theme- as it is, I'm still not entirely sure he's not there to serve as an example for her to reject to show that she's grown and gained confidence enough not to be taken in again.
(Unfortunately, other reviews of the book show that he is, indeed, supposed to be 'the one'.)

It turned out ok, but not really interested in the two companion books in the series. It just didn't move me.

Profile Image for Cristina G. Leitón.
164 reviews279 followers
February 8, 2017
Si leer Romántica es ese pueblecito acogedor al que me escapo siempre que necesito confort, Nora Roberts es la casita con chimenea y una manta esperándome en ese pueblo. Sé que lea lo que lea suyo, sea mejor o peor, me va a gustar, entretener y llenar ese huequecito de mi parte lectora que disfruta como una niña con zapatos nuevos y brillantes. Y además, si la historia contiene magia ya me ha ganado para siempre.

Baile en el aire me ganó desde el principio. La idea de que tres brujas poderosas hicieron un conjuro hace siglos para escapar de la caza de brujas de Salem me gustó desde el primer momento. Las tres mujeres, desesperadas, consiguieron juntar su magia y separar un trocito de tierra del resto del continente y crearon la isla de Tres Hermanas, donde pudieron vivir sus vidas tranquilas... Hasta que algo ocurrió, y la maldición cayó sobre la isla y sus descendientes.

La historia empieza cuando Nell, una mujer asustada y valiente escapa de su marido, un maltratador que ha hundido su autoestima y su vida, para poder empezar de cero con una nueva identidad. Tras haber soñado durante años con un faro y una costa, no se piensa dos veces el mudarse a Tres Hermanas cuando ve un cuadro de su costa y del faro que preside la isla. Allí se encontrará en casa nada más llegar, y con su maestría y cariño en la cocina conseguirá un trabajo casi inmediatamente en el café de la librería loca.

Nell ha sido, para mí, lo mejor de la novela. Bueno, en realidad lo mejor ha sido el mundo en sí de la novela (la isla, su gente, la vida allí, los personajes secundarios, la ambientación...), pero Nell se lleva la palma, porque la novela es ella. Valiente y más fuerte de lo que se cree, pero asustada y perseguida por su vida anterior, de la que no quiere hablar. Entonces conoce a Mia, la dueña de la librería de la isla, y todo cambia. Poco a poco se va adaptando a la vida en la isla, aunque nunca baja la guardia, ya que sabe que en cualquier momento podrían encontrarla.

Su historia con Zack, el sheriff de la isla, me ha parecido preciosa. Sienten una atracción inmediata en cuanto se conocen —algunos dirían que es casi mágica—, pero su relación crece poco a poco, mientras la confianza entre ambos crece y Zack se abre paso a través del miedo y los secretos que Nell, que son más de los que ella misma sospecha.

Además, al tratarse de una trilogía en la que cada una de las mujeres principales —Nell, Ripley y Mia— es protagonista de una de las novelas, la primera parte cumple su función de introducir todos los elementos necesarios para que la historia general —la de la isla, la maldición, la magia y el destino— se vaya desarrollando poco a poco a lo largo de las tres novelas.

Sí, es Romántica. Y sí, me encanta. Pero es Nora Roberts, y eso siempre lo hace todo mejor.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,005 reviews71 followers
November 13, 2015

Enjoyable, but nothing more. It started off quite promising, because the basic premise of this is a Sleeping with the Enemy-type situation, which I'm kind of partial to.

I liked Nell and Zack, but it never went beyond liking; partly because I had trouble believing how easy it all seemed. I didn't buy the fact that she practically set up her own catering business in a matter of a week, previous experience or not. Catering a party with 100+ guests all by yourself while still working full-time elsewhere seems like it would be near impossible, yet it was described as being a piece of cake.

I would also like to actually see Nell attempt baking 10 different kinds of pastries every day in a small kitchen that is not well-equipped (her words) and a newly acquired kitten running around. Pretty sure most kittens would turn that process into somewhat of a nightmare for a baker, just saying.

It was a just a little too hapy-go-lucky for me, with everything perfectly falling into place, but I did enjoy it enough to be intrigued by the other two books. I'm looking forward to the other two, particularly Mia's book.
Profile Image for paige (ptsungirl).
764 reviews1,016 followers
January 2, 2024
"Nothing happens to us without purpose. What we do because of it, what we do about it, is the key to who and what we are."

Starting the year off with a re-read of Dance Upon the Air which is exactly what I did in 2020. I'm hoping, much like Nell's experience, the second chance I'm giving Three Sisters Island is worth the second chance I'm giving 2020. I won't be changing my rating from four stars, but I didn't much believe I would be changing this one at all.

Of the three, Nell's story is absolutely the one I connected with most. It has the most compelling storyline, and the loveliest of characters. She learns so much about herself in such a short amount of time and I am absolutely captivated by a story of such bravery and strength.

You see, Nell is running from an abusive relationship. She runs and runs until she falls upon a place she can't seem to leave, a place she always felt like was hers before it was possible for her to even understand what home meant. She grew up moving all over, an army kid, and never quite knew what a connection to land would or could mean to her.

Then she meets Zack, Mia, and Ripley and everything changes. Because not only is the land her home, but they are. In a way she never dreamed she could love or be loved. She finds her place, overcomes her fears, and becomes someone to admire and dream for. I'm so glad I gave this another read before slipping into book 2 and 3 because even if it isn't a favorite, it is undoubtedly a comfort.
Profile Image for Jonetta.
2,364 reviews1,191 followers
May 18, 2011
You have to admire a woman who decides to take control of her life no matter what...uses what skills she has and learns to follow her instincts. That's Nell's story in the first of this series. She runs from an abusive marriage and is drawn to Three Sisters Island.

Nora Roberts has done a commendable job of weaving the paranormal with ordinary circumstances in a beautiful setting off of the East Coast. Zack, the Island's sheriff and Nell's romantic interest, is a well defined and interesting character, even though he's lived his entire life on Three Sisters. You salivate over Nell's cooking creations and marvel at her ability to create home and serenity.

I loved this story and it's mix of characters, as well as the idyllic setting in Massachusetts. Highly recommend this book.
Profile Image for Dee.
1,500 reviews173 followers
December 21, 2015
This was an enjoyable read, a bit fluffy and very predictable......It is the same story as the movie 'Sleeping With The Enemy' mixed with the TV series 'Charmed' as these 3 sisters definitely have 'The Power of Three'
Profile Image for Ally.
916 reviews76 followers
March 5, 2010
I've just finished re-reading (for at least the fifth time) one of my favourite Nora Roberts books. Dance Upon The Air. Although I love this book for many different reasons, witches, love, century old curse, new friends etc etc.
The main female character Nell Channing is running away from her past. She's left her abusive husband tricking him and everyone else she knew into thinking she's dead.
She was known as Helen Remington. And as the story evolves so does the character. You see in a way as the character grows stronger and more confident in who she is she also grows into her changed name.
There's a few rather nice pieces about why she chose her name, and that "her name was Nell Channing now and always."
I also fell in love with Zack Todd who Nell falls in love with. As always Ms Roberts has written a beautiful timeless classic for her fans. And oh did I mention it's part of the three sisters island trilogy so you get more on Ripley and Mia! What more could you want.

Profile Image for CatBookMom.
1,001 reviews
October 6, 2022
Regardless of whether you read or listen to this little trilogy, it's worthwhile. Nell is *such* an appealing character, and the spooky bits come at the end of the book. As she meets Ripley (focus of book #2) and Mia (focus of book #3), you come to care about the inhabitants of this island. Just remember that it was written before cell phones, etc.

I always enjoy this series, and it's difficult to keep myself from downloading and reading straight through parts #2 and #3 of this trilogy, ignoring the other books I'm currently reading or listening to.

The narrator of the audiobooks is very good, distinguishing among the various female voices, though she's not quite so good at doing the few male parts. However, she gets a nice scary, manic quality in the voice she uses for Nell's obsessed husband.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Kat.
939 reviews
July 16, 2012
Moth-eaten formula writing. The pretty, but scared Nell flees from an abusive relationship and settles on a small island. Despite her mousy-ness, she's instantly offered a job, the handsome and persistent local sheriff as a love interest and a role as one of the three witches on the island -- The latter an unsuccessful attempt to elevate this dowdy romance from its category by introducing a dash of magic.
I constantly mixed up the storyline of Dance Upon the Air with various Lifetime Original Movies and eventually decided filling in the rest of it myself, without actually having to finish its 400 (!) predictable pages, would probably save me time.
Profile Image for Marta Marlau.
482 reviews10 followers
March 30, 2017
4,5 estrellas para esta historia tan preciosa. Amor y magia, la mezcla perfecta. Contado de una manera sencilla y perfecta. Me han encantado los protagonistas y cómo se desarrolla todo. Estoy deseando leer la segunda parte.
Profile Image for Ligaro.
578 reviews18 followers
February 16, 2020
Relectura de este libro tras muchos años. Tengo el recuerdo de que fue el que más me gustó de la trilogía, en breves lo descubriré 😜
Es una novela muy de Nora Roberts : contemporánea, trilogía/tres chicas, leyendas, brujas... Muy bien escrito y muy entretenido. Si a todo eso le añades una ambientación en un café - librería y un pizca de mar, te sale un libro redondo
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
758 reviews240 followers
April 3, 2017
4 Estrellitas bien merecidas, éste libro ha sido una joyita que no esperaba. Mi primer encuentro con Nora Roberts fue un libro paranormal que no me gustó nada. Aquí tenemos una historia sencilla con un ligero toque paranormal que no eclipsa la trama, y he quedado muy satisfecha.

La sinopsis dice que tres hermanas perseguidas por la caza de brujas, huyeron y con un conjuro separaron un trozo de tierra crearon la isla de Tres Hermanas, un refugio para ellas, y que posteriormente en nuestra época es una preciosa isla que vive de la pesca y el turismo. También es una isla con cierto misticismo, debido a la leyenda sobre la creación de la misma. Sus gentes no son supersticiosas, han crecido con la magia y la aceptan.

En el caso de éste primer libro, conocemos a sus personajes, o las tres brujas, descendientes de ésas primeras brujas que crearon la isla: Mia (Fuego) la bruja confesa, Ripley (Tierra) la bruja abnegada, y Nell (Aire) la bruja desconocida.

En éste libro, Nell Channing es su protagonista. Es una mujer que nació y fue criada en una buena familia que la quiso, pero debido al trabajo de su padre (era militar), no pudo establecerse en ningún sitio, su mayor anhelo era tener un lugar al que llamar hogar. Creyó haberlo encontrado, cuando se casó con Evan Remmington, pero lo que nunca pensó es que éste hombre tan bien parecido escondería un monstruo. Tres años de matrimonio le hicieron quitarse la venda de los ojos, su esposo la pegaba, la maltrataba y la humillaba, quería anular su voluntad y su juicio, hacer de ella una muñeca, un trapo al que manejar, si las cosas no eran como él quería, buscaba una excusa para golpearla. De modo que Helen (su verdadero nombre), harta de ésta situación fingió su muerte, se cambió de identidad y huyó, huyó hasta que encontró Tres Hermanas y le pareció que ése era el lugar destinado para ella.

Una vez en Tres Hermanas conoció primero a Mia, la dueña de la librería y el café del pueblo, le dio un trabajo y un lugar donde vivir. Por primera vez, Nell encontró un lugar al que poder llamar hogar, un lugar donde podría ser ella misma, donde dedicarse a lo que más le gusta, y también donde encontró lo que menos esperaba: el amor de otro hombre.

Aquí es donde entra en acción Zack, el sheriff de la isla. Zack es un buen hombre, un hombre íntegro y con honor, querido y respetado por todo el mundo. Cuando conoce a la nueva chica de la isla, no puede evitar sentirse atraído por ella. Lo que pronto empieza como una amistad y un inocente coqueteo, con el tiempo acaba convirtiéndose en un bonito romance.

Si algo me ha gustado de la historia de Nell y Zack, es que se ha desarrollado lentamente, y es totalmente congruente con la situación de sus personaje. Si hay algo que no soporto en una novela es que los personajes no se comporten como esperas que lo hagan personas normales, por suerte, éste no ha sido el caso. Nell es una mujer maltratada y actúa en consecuencia, al principio no tolera que nadie se le acerque a hurtadillas, es una mujer con miedo, tiene pánico a que su marido la encuentre y la mate, es una superviviente. Y otra cosa que es totalmente normal: no soporta que la toquen, después de lo que ha vivido, no es capaz de asimilar el contacto humano, y con Zack no será la excepción. Zack demostrará tener mucha paciencia durante toda la historia, aunque intuye lo que le pudo pasar a Nell, espera a que sea ella quien se lo cuente, y no será ni fácil, ni rápido, pero él la ama, y está dispuesto a esperar el tiempo que haga falta.

Como conclusión, el libro me ha gustado, me ha gustado mucho. La ambientación, los personajes, todos: incluyendo a las siguientes brujas, Mia y Ripley. La historia de los personajes principales ha sido preciosa y totalmente verosímil, se quieren en consecuencia, discuten por los problemas esperados, pero son lo suficientemente maduros para actuar en consecuencia y perdonarse. Quizás la única pega que pudo ponerle y no me permitido darle las 5 estrellas es el final: demasiado previsible, no me ha sorprendido nada porque me lo esperaba, además que ha sido demasiado abrupto y he echado de menos un epílogo.

Por lo demás me ha parecido una muy buena lectura, y próximamente leeré los siguientes libros.
Profile Image for Vanessa Menezes.
471 reviews161 followers
March 15, 2021
I enjoyed reading this! While it was a feel-good romance story, the settings and the inclusion of witchcraft in the plot were fascinating.

Looking forward to read the next books in the series!
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
April 14, 2011
This one reminded me of a cross between Sleeping with the Enemy and Practical Majic. Once it got to the point we all knew had to happen the anticpation was tense. But, the confrontation wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. Over all it was a feel good story, even though domestic violence is always a hard topic to read about. I am looking forward to reading the other two books in the trilogy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,266 reviews

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