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Tomomi Nomiya is a young tough whose life goes horribly awry after he gets in an accident and causes a young woman to lose the use of her legs. After months of tormented soul searching, he sets his mind to face the two greatest fears of his life, getting back on the road to get his driver's license and visiting the girl whose life he has irreparably damaged.

216 pages, Paperback

First published November 18, 2005

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About the author

Takehiko Inoue

287 books1,279 followers
Takehiko Inoue (井上雄彦) is a Japanese manga artist, best known for Slam Dunk and Vagabond.

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Profile Image for Kesa.
579 reviews61 followers
March 28, 2022
Takehiko Inoue's drawings are incredibly realistic. You'll feel what the characters are feeling. Even if you haven't experienced something similar to the characters experience. This is what art is about.

"I need to stop focusing on what I can't do and start focusing on what I can do." - Takahashi Hisanobu

5,870 reviews141 followers
September 28, 2019
Real, Vol. 5 continues where the previous tankōbon left off and collects the next six chapters (25–30) of the ongoing manga series.

Tomomi Nomiya continues his existential explorations with little success as he gets rejected from ten straight job applicants. He soon realizes the common denominator for most jobs without a high school diploma – a driver’s license. Still scared from the accident, he manages to get his license and the first thing he did is drives to Nagano to meet Yamashita Yasumi and actually manages to confront her this time.

Kiyoharu Togawa continues to be a part of the Tokyo Tigers while still being considered for the Japanese National Wheelchair Basketball Team. There are five players left, but they are a belligerent group of players that doesn’t have basketball as the centre of their lives. Nagano Mitsuru eventually joins the Tokyo Tigers – the person that beat Kyoharu Togawa on a one-on-one match. He too is in consideration for the Japanese National Wheelchair Basketball Team.

Hisanobu Takahashi continues with his physical therapy and does so with gusto that he makes a marked improvement. He visits his old high school, but noticed how inaccessible it is for those in a wheelchair. This encounter makes him reconsider his social status in life prior to the accident he ranked himself as an A–, now he believes himself to be an E–. He also started his final physical therapy and counseling.

This tankōbon is written and illustrated by Takehiko Inoue. It mainly centers mainly on Tomomi Momiya and Hisanobu Takahashi with their existential exploration and physical therapy respectively. The confrontation between Tomomi Momiya and Yamashita Yasumi was well written as they aired hidden issues with each other. Kiyoharu Togawa has the smallest part in the tankōbon and shows his dedication to wheelchair basketball.

All in all, Real, Vol. 5 is a wonderful continuation to a series that seems intriguing and I cannot wait to read more.
Profile Image for Leonor.
364 reviews5 followers
July 27, 2018
En este tomo veremos cómo los tres protagonistas luchan para seguir con sus vidas:
- Nomiya logra sacar su carnet de conducir después de 9 meses de intentarlo, y va a ver a Nagano a la chica a la que dejó minusválida.
- Togawa sigue con los Tigers, al que se une el chico australiano que lo venció en el parque.
- Takahashi termina su terapia inicial en el hospital que trató sus heridas, y comienza con otra en un hospital más grande, cuyo objetivo es que se pueda valer por sí mismo en la vida.
Profile Image for Gustavo.
901 reviews12 followers
January 20, 2020
Nomiya y Togawa siguen avanzando en su deseo de ser mejores, mientras Takahashi se hunde cada vez más. En algun momento tocará fondo y podrá darse impulso, supongo, pero es una persona muy terca.

Me encanta este manga <3
Profile Image for Ricardo.
122 reviews
July 27, 2024
Another great volume by Takehiko sensei and my last book of 2023. One thing that made me love this volume is seeing Nomiya grow as a character. Does he still have miles to go to make things right? YES! But his mind is set in moving forward and fixing all his wrong doings and I’m definitely enjoying his arc, even though sometimes the bloke is too dense. On the other hand Takahashi is just an asshole and I can’t wait to see what Takehiko sensei has in store for him, ‘cause that boy needs some humbling real fast, especially after being so disrespectful to his mother. Yeah the same one who’s slaving away to keep them afloat. I know that he is going through hell but that guy needs some sense slapped into him. Seeing Hitoshi getting worse because of his disease and having a meltdown really broke me. Like I truly felt his pain and was as shocked as Kiyoharu and Azumi were. But that scene where Kiyoharu texts Hitoshi, obliterated me. Thank you Takehiko sensei ‘cause I’m still crying.
As always the artwork was a true delight. Takehiko sensei is so talented even without the story bubbles a simple scene can bring out of you so many emotions it’s like his illustrations come to life. I’m giving this volume 5/5 stars because it was the perfect read for the end of the year.
Profile Image for Iqra M..
571 reviews2 followers
December 15, 2021
TW: substance (alcohol & cigarette) , gambling, mentions of mental health / mental health depictions (depression, anxiety, PTSD & more)

This series is so raw and blunt. I love REAL because of how it makes me feel after finishing each volume. You will be overwhelmed with emotions. Volume 5 started off promising with the three young men doing swimmingly after the slight time jump ( Nomiya getting a driver's license, Hisanobu making progress in rehabilitation & Togawa preparing for the Tokyo regional wheelchair basketball tournament).

It's unclear as to which protagonist will be highlighted in each book but all three men have a fair semblance in this one. So far, only Nomiya has been seen with either Hisanobu or Togawa. I can't wait for all of them to be in the same panel one day. I have faith in Hisanobu's recovery!

On Nomiya
Nomiya is clearly still wrapped in guilt but I love how he is emotionally vulnerable. He is fully aware of his feelings and fears. It is so cute when he shows off his license proudly. I can't imagine being back on the road and behind the wheels, after being in such a terrible accident. He even expressed his thoughts and concerns to Natsumi (the girl he got into an accident with). Honesty is hard so I'm proud of him. What happened to Natsumi is irreversible but I'm glad that they're slowly getting along. I really hope these two would become proper friends as the story progresses! I love how we get to learn more about Natsumi in this volume too!

On Hisanobu
Hisanobu's mindset towards his recovery seems to improve after a visit from Nomiya in the previous volume (Nomiya used reverse psychology on him and the boy doesn't even know despite being a smart student lol). Everything is well until he is pressured to get back to school after being in the hospital for over a year. Of course, his mother is excited about this and they even consulted with the school to have the provision of disabled facilities to accommodate Hisanobu.

Hisanobu is coerced into doing something that he doesn't want and falls right back to square one. To me, what he did is justified. The high school experience will never be the same for him. People will treat him differently. What the mother did is also good; she only wants the best for her son. To her, Hisanobu going back to school and being independent meant recovery. It goes to show that it affects not just the victim of the accident but the loved ones too. I was deeply saddened when we were shown the mother living in filth. She finds comfort in alcoholism. Her quality of life greatly deteriorated after the accident of his son. What a terrible and sad sight. His father is back in Tokyo and I'm excited to see how that plays out...

On Togawa
Togawa has been dealing with his disability since middle grade (if I remembered correctly) so it's understandable that out of the three, he is the most "improved player" mentally & physically. However, it still can be too much to bear; one of his friends is on the verge of death succumbing to his illness. What's more, he is still so young. I am happy that he always tries to push himself to be better. I also love that he and Nomiya are becoming such great pals. They're both hilarious. I hope to see the funny side of Hisanobu someday too.

Ahhh so excited to continue!!
Profile Image for Babs.
1,367 reviews
July 31, 2019
Some guys make some positive moves, but Takahasi is not one of them. Definitely in a dark place.

The Tigers embrace their new team, surprise team member.

Nomiya brings the comic relief in this volume.
Profile Image for dami.
78 reviews
November 7, 2023
i love this series sm but when is hisanobu gonna get into his redemption arc? either that or have him stfu <33
Profile Image for Chydie.
73 reviews7 followers
June 28, 2024

[Relecture 28/06/24]

Les premières pages colorés sont si belles !!!!
De toute manière, plus on avance plus c’est beau à voir, plus les planches te font faire dire « Hmm quel talent ».

J’aime le fait de mettre en avant le manque d’aménagement pour les personnes handicapées dans les établissements (hors hôpitaux…). Parce que là il doit carrément changer d’école parce que rien n’est aménagé pour les fauteuils roulants et qu’ils n’ont pas d’argents pour les travaux. C’est n’importe quoi.

« Pour moi… Natsumi… Tu… Tu fais partir d’un ensemble qui comprend d’énormes remords et le souvenir d’un terrible accident. »

La relation Natsumi/Nomiya est très intéressante…
Un soir il a voulu la draguer et pour faire le fanfaron il l’a invité à monter sur sa moto et quelques minutes plus tard ils faisaient un accident qui a paralysé la jeune fille de 18 ans.
Il n’a plus jamais osé la regarder et lui faire ça. Elle n’a jamais tenté d’échanger avec lui.
Ça l’a impacté elle en premier lieu, mais lui aussi mine de rien… Ça m’a tellement traumatisée qu’il a tout saboter autour de lui en quittant le lycée, en se faisant virer ou refuser lors des entretiens, en arrêtant complètement le basket, en ayant peur de passer code et permis…
Puis il a rencontré Togawa et je suis persuadé que c’était son déclic. Chaque prouesse de celui-ci lui donne envie de faire mieux que la veille, mais surtout de jouer au basket.
Mais, en gardant contact avec Natsumi je pense que ça lui permet aussi de garder les pieds sur terre, parce qu’elle ose lui dire qu’il a gâché sa vie.

Yama me fait tant de peine… On est nous mêmes, entant que lecteurs, spectateurs de la dégradation de son état de santé… C’est affreux. Bah alors la planche sur laquelle on voit Togawa en pleurer, ça brise le cœur

J’avais oubliée le psychiatre… Eh bah c’est un des meilleurs personnages parce que dès sa première apparition dans le manga il réussi à choquer Takahashi. Il en a besoin, d’être choqué. Il a encore cet ego et cette fierté mal placé… Et il se trimballe avec toute la rage du monde pour en faire voir de toutes les couleurs à des personnes qui lui ont rien fait.

Takahashi vraiment moi j’sais pas… Regarde dans quel embarras tu me mets ???? Sale fou va.

En fait… Ce seinen est vraiment déprimant, donc peut-être pas le lire pour commencer dans la catégorie seinen et qu’on en a pas lu avant.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Philippe Lhoste.
381 reviews11 followers
June 9, 2012
Ce tome se focalise plus sur Nomiya le voyou au grand cœur et Takahashi le brillant capitaine aux jambes paralysées.

Nomiya est hanté par la culpabilité : il a dragué une jeune fille et a eu un accident de moto avec elle, provoquant sa paralysie. Il la revoit, tentant de renouer le contact. Il reprend aussi le basket avec Togawa qui a reconstitué l'équipe des Tigers après qu'elle ait été dissoute dans le tome précédent.

Takahashi vit très mal sa paralysie, vue comme une déchéance : il était brillant en sport et en classe, se voyant dans l'élite, avec l'arrogance qui va avec. Il se voit maintenant plus bas que la lie de la classe (Nomiya...) et désespère, sans perdre sa morgue, se montrant agressif avec son entourage.

Toujours fin et subtil, on se demande si Takahashi va évoluer au niveau caractère, un peu comme le jeune homme héros Sortilège.
110 reviews
June 17, 2013
Okay, honestly this probably deserves 4.5 stars. This is the first manga to make me tear up since Ai Yazawa's NANA volume 20.

Inoue's artwork is superb. I mean I just drown in it when I look at it. Often times when reading manga my concern is solely with the story; I don't often really pay attention to the art. However, Inoue's attention to facial detail... SWOON. Yes, I wrote SWOON.

Now onto volume 6 but I really don't want this to end.

Profile Image for La Revistería Comics.
1,604 reviews84 followers
April 1, 2016
Sea con las últimas Air Jordan o las más destartaladas sillas de ruedas, Inoue continúa trayéndonos el mejor básquet de la historia del manga.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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