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Rogues #1

The Abduction of Julia

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an alternate cover edition can be found here

What can a respectable Regency miss do when kidnapped by a nobleman intent on marriage? Why, marry him, of course.

Julia Frant has secretly loved Alec MacLean, the wild Viscount Hunterston from afar. So when he accidentally snatches her instead of her lovely, scheming cousin for an elopement to Gretna Green, Julia leaps at the chance to make her passionate dreams come true.

Alec's in no position to quibble: if he doesn't marry by midnight and live scandal-free for a year, he loses his inheritance. At least marriage with do-gooder Julia will guarantee his fortune. But as his plain brown wren transforms herself into an elegant swan, Alec suddenly can't stay away from his last-minute wife--and when he kisses her, the inheritance is the last thing on his mind. Unfortunately, scandal can occur from the best of intentions...and Julia is never short of good intentions!

373 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published April 1, 2000

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About the author

Karen Hawkins

60 books2,869 followers
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Karen Hawkins writes novels that have been praised as touching, witty, charming, and heartwarming. A native Southerner who grew up in the mountains of East Tennessee where storytelling is a way of life, Karen recently moved to frosty New England with her beloved husband and multiple foster dogs. The Dove Pond books are a nod to the thousands of books that opened doors to more adventures, places, and discoveries than she ever imagined possible. To find out more about Karen, follow her at:

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86 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews
Profile Image for Huma Rashid.
866 reviews156 followers
July 22, 2016
This book was enjoyable enough, but also ... annoying. I have a few little issues with it.

* The chick, Julia, is surprisingly dim-witted and naive. It's like she was born under a rock and has no idea how real life works. Or, at least, her new life as a lady.

* Julia is always described as prim and proper, but she constantly blurts whatever comes to mind, even if it's shocking, and that's how her cousin describes her - that she's always blurting out shocking things. The back and forth is irritating: is she prim and proper? Or is she bold and outspoken? Make up your damn mind, author.

* Another glaring inconsistency as far as character development goes: Julia describes herself as emotionally staid. She says her father used to say that she was all blood and bones, and had no real capacity for emotion. She tells the housekeeper that she only cries if she's tired or on the rare occasion that she's drunk on rum punch. And yet, at that point, when she explained that to the housekeeper, about 120 pages into the book, she had already been in tears no less than three times, and that didn't let up by any means. It felt like every chapter had her getting teary-eyed. In case you couldn't tell, inconsistencies with character personalities REALLY irritate me. Make up your mind: is your character emotionally in touch and vulnerable? Or is she emotionally closeted and not given to tears? Hint: SHE CANNOT BE BOTH. God.

* A HUGE PET PEEVE: Julia says she's been in love with Alec for 4 years. Normally, I don't mind when mousy little heroines say they've been in love with teh dashing heroes for however long ... provided they've had at least some interaction with him! In Romancing Mister Bridgerton, one of my favorites, Penelope is in love with her best friend's older brother. The thing is, she's actually gotten to know him over 12 years, and so it makes sense that she's in love with him. In "Nine Rules To Break When Romancing a Rake," the ridiculously titled historical romance by Sarah MacLean, Callie has been in love with Gabriel for years, but they had a single conversation that really meant something to her and influenced who she was and how she saw herself. Not as good as Penelope's years of friendship wtih Colin, but at least Gabriel and Callie did have a memorable moment when she was an impressionable young woman. Julia, on the other hand, hadn't said one word to Alec until he accidentally grabbed her for the elopement instead of her cousin. It's RIDICULOUS that a reader is expected to believe that Julia has been in love with Alec for four years when they've never even spoken. It is RIDICULOUS that a reader is expected to take that emotion seriously. I know we're supposed to go, awwww, and marvel at Julia's capacity for love and think how lovely it is that the girl who was in love with the hot guy for 4 years finally got him in the end, but really, all I'm thinking is, HAHAHAHA SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM FOR 4 YEARS WITHOUT HAVING SPOKEN TO HIM ONCE - THAT CLEARLY MEANS SHE HAS NO IDEA WHAT LOVE IS. All it makes me do is want to mock Julia. Because she's too dumb to realize that what she feels for Alec, a man she doesn't know from Adam, is not love but lust. They've never spoken and he has no idea who the hell she is. She admits after they're married that she didn't/doesn't know him at all. That's not love, it's lust. And it's really, really lazy of Hawkins to think we wouldn't recognize the difference.

All in all, Hawkins is nowhere near as good or as polished as her fellow writers (Enoch, Kleypas, Quinn, etc) who do not make such glaring errors with their characters, but she does win back some points for effort, at the very least.
Profile Image for Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves.
1,385 reviews19 followers
August 1, 2019
Okay, so this book surprised me by having an overall upward graph. And I had to re-do my review -that I began writing in pique as the characters were annoying me and not behaving as per rote.
Grudgingly said but yeah, this book has some sweet, likeable, definitely charming bits.
And the do-gooder h grew on me. A little.

She is pretty annoying as the managing, sanctimonious reformist. Then she’s one of those overdone wallflower-bluestocking-plain Janes - not my kinda girl.
She had been secretly in love with her cousin’s fiancé, the H and when he abducts her my mistake, (instead of the treacherous ow), she’s the one to plant the idea in his mind that perhaps he could marry her (the h) instead and when the H warms up to the idea, she acts pricey and reluctant.
“This is absurd. It would never work.”

And then agrees only for half his fortune. Even though (or just because) she intends to spend this fortune on charity, it did not sit well with me. And to save his soul.
To help the women of the Society and to save Alec. She would be in the perfect position to show him the error of his wicked ways. He eschewed honorable endeavors, a rake ruled by his base passions.

But the H digs in his heels.
“Damn the woman and her moralizing ways.”
She was a total failure as a reformer. Not only was the Society still without a project to help the women, but Alec was just as sinful, just as seductive, just as prideful as he had been the day they had wed.

A blustering, almost bumbling but sweetish H who presumes he’s the man of the house (poor chap!), but is quite easily swayed and manipulated. More of a side-character/sidekick who enters now and then to say his lines.

And then that cousin of his - an alpha, golden, wicked, intriguing, mischievous, un-ignorable villain! Even the ow prefers his blonde hotness to the H’s dark charms. Overpowered the discourse completely. Unh-uh, should never have such a villain! Give him a book, yes, but don’t un-man a H!
They loved his face and craved his affection, but none had ever touched his heart, if he indeed possessed one. His soul was as dead as his heart.

A nicely fickle and greedy ow. She’s the only character who knew what she’s here for and plays her role perfectly. But yeah, could have salivated over the H a little more. An ow has that unique power of leveraging a H to super-god-ness and this lack can dilute his charisma to beta territory - almost.
There was something intrinsically forbidden about Nick (the om), something untouchable that made her crazy with lust.
So, you see!

Comparison by the H and the om, of the h to her beauteous cousin - both Frants, but the h is the lesser known Frant - are annoying too.
Frant blood hidden beneath her prim exterior and it was, frankly, exciting as hell.
…She possessed the wild Frant blood, despite her belief to the contrary.

Amidst the ire-some, some mild witticisms hit you out of nowhere .
“Perhaps I should call someone?”
“No,” she answered miserably. “Except for you, there is no one.”
There was a moment of silence before he replied, “I meant a maid.”

Lady Chambers took a sip of wine. “I do so love a well-cooked goose.” She regarded her husband over the rim of her glass, a dangerous gleam in her eye. “Don’t you, Alfred?”
Alfred being the cheating-and-just-found-out-husband.
Profile Image for Juliana Philippa.
1,029 reviews971 followers
May 19, 2020
Two very different reactions two years apart - first time loved it, second time ... did not

INITIAL REVIEW (May 28, 2009) - 4.5 stars
This book would get a solid 5 if it weren't for that the ending comes up and hits you like a wall that suddenly appears while you're going 60 mph on the highway ... would have liked to catch my breath after everything works out with "the obstacle" subplot (guessed the truth early on but was still well done and a nice twist) and enjoyed the at-last get-together and "I love you's" of the H&H—although it was jarring, I wouldn't complain if she had at least then given us an Epilogue, but nothing! Regardless: great read and had several laugh-out-loud moments—one in the middle of the book where I literally had to put the book down and wipe tears from my eyes because I was laughing so hard.

NOTE: I've since learned that the reprint edition of this book has a rewritten final chapter and an added epilogue ... so maybe this new reprint would be five stars in my book—we'll see!


UPDATED REVIEW (June 27, 2011) - 3.5 stars
I read this book again ... and I don't know if I had remembered it as so enjoyable that it was bound to disappoint or what, but was definitely not as I recalled. This time, I found many of the characters immature and a great deal of the book felt contrived and exaggerated.

I also hated—HATED—that Julia says she has loved Alec for four years, since she first met him. It's such a pet peeve of mine when authors have the mousy-wallflower heroine harbor this secret and long-burning flame for the hero for absolutely no reason. There are only one or two books I can think of where the author does this, but it actually works because the feelings are based on something substantial, despite the fact that he barely knew she existed.

When Julia met him—and up until she marries him—she didn't know him at all and all that she did know was that he was a rake, a drunk, and a gambler ... of course, what's not to love?!?! He's gorgeous, and let's be honest that's the only thing that could have possibly recommended him. Which makes her just as shallow as those guys we hate who judge women on their looks.

Even though I own the book, I got it from the library, because I wanted to read the reworked ending and the Epilogue ... very anticlimactic. The Epilogue was horrible and didn't add much. All in all, a disappointment. I should have left well enough alone, so at least I would have a fond memory of the book! There were definitely some good things—some of the supporting characters were funny, loved Lucien—but not that great; borrow, don't buy.
Profile Image for Carrie Olguin.
Author 20 books23 followers
March 8, 2013

I liked the setup and premise: Rake must marry into a specific family and remain without scandal for a year to inherit a fortune.

But as the story progressed, the heroine grated on my nerves. She's American but her father was English. She has no money and lives as an unpaid servant with uncaring relatives (that is becoming a bit cliche). Once she marries the hero with half of his fortune (and he has to pay for all of their living expenses, including her clothes and jewels) all she can think of is building a factory to employ wayward women.

Ok, factory conditions at the time were deadly and the pay was horrible. And she's a woman living in England who has to remain scandal free for one year for the Titled hero to keep his inheritance. (A gentleman cannot participate in trade). Stupid, ungrateful woman, thinking only of her unrealistic goals without a though for the man who married her.

Listening to the "Saint Heroine" determined to rescue everyone from poverty by building a factory was just so stupid and naive, I gave up. She's not a real person. Someone who has no money who suddenly came into a fortune wouldn't spend every cent on other people.

And once married, the hero didn't have to give her any money at all. Once married, he owns her. Not only that, but he's supposed to be a rake (a man without any morals) but he actually decides he can't seduce his wife? And if their plan doesn't work, they will just get an annulment? Really?

The situation and characters did not feel authentic. I have over 400 books on my TBR list. Moving on...
Profile Image for kris.
968 reviews213 followers
December 23, 2013
Let me be blunt: anytime an author chooses to villainize a female character because she is a sexual being, I will not be amused.

Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,681 reviews192 followers
December 4, 2015
ADDITION -- I changed the rating to 5 because I just found out this IS actually part of a series and both Nick and Lucien get their own books - so ignore the stuff about the epilogue below.

It would have been a 5-star rating except for the epilogue. The epilogue (to me) is to wrap up questions/events from the first part, to show how the HEA works and maybe to set up parts for a new book in the case of series. To me, this epilogue raised many more questions than it answered - i.e., Lucien -- twins -- dead wife?????? And the hero and heroine have no natural children but two adopted ones. Anyway -- not a very satisfying epilogue.

So, in order to inherit, Alec, Viscount Hunterston, must marry by his birthday. Not only must he marry by his birthday. He thinks he's convinced the daughter to run away and marry him only to find out that he has her cousin instead. He thinks he's lost it all until she lets him know that she also meets his grandfather's specific requirements and she's willing to marry him -- for a cut of his inheritance (she's a reformer and needs the money for her charities).

His cousin, Nick is the bad guy in the book (of course -- the heroine's cousin is a co-bad guy too). Nick does all he can to riddle them with scandal, etc. so that Alec and Julia end up in a scandal -- thus disqualifying Alec from inheriting and giving the money to Nick.

As with all of the Karen Hawkins books I've read, there are some really funny scenes in it. Like when she's rescued the urchin from the street and he's running naked through the house to avoid a bath -- or when she's brought an actress into their house to act as a maid and several of the male guests recognize her and nearly choke.

I know this isn't part of a series, but I'd like to see some sort of additional story about Lucien -- especially after the epilogue. I'd also like to see a story of Nick and his redemption. He had a really bad life and I'd like to see him find someone to love and get a HEA.
Profile Image for Lover of Romance.
3,363 reviews1,025 followers
January 10, 2016
Julia Frant, in a case of mistaken identity, gets taken by the one man that she has loved for over four years, Alec MacLean. Alec MacLean in order for him to get his inheritance and keep it from his cousin, must marry by a appointed day and live free of scandal for one year. Julia Frant see's this as a opportunity as her dream of being with Alec, whom she has loved for four years, finally coming true when she thought it would be impossible. She also after coming into a agreement with Alec will have access to funds inorder to help with her efforts to help those that are less fortunate than herself and in need of help to better their lives. For this is one of Julia's greatest passions in life. After marrying Alec, Julia goes through a wonderous transformation that stuns Alec, from a plan jane to a beautiful woman that stirs up every desire. Alec finds himself hesitant to be too far from Julia's side, and he cant help but want her, only her. Even though at time her do-gooder ways frustrate him to no end, her passion for everything in her life draws him like nothing else could.The Abduction of Julia is the first installment in the Abduction/Seduction Trilogy written by Karen Hawkins. As far as authors goes, this is one of the best in the romance industry, and you would definitely be missing out if you haven't read any of her books. The Abduction of Julia is about two people that are so much alike in temperment that they definitely clash heads, but the desire they feel for each other is just as strong, and over-rules any rational thought. Throughout the story we see two people, even though at odds for most of the book, they come together in the end, trusting in the love they have built, and definitely proves in this wonderfully written love story, how love does conquer any obstacle. The plot is filled with intrigue, danger, passion and a emotional cap to finish it with a wonderous story from beginning to end. Definitely kept me on my toes, and I could hardly read this book fast enough, it drew me in like a child to candy. One thing that I didn't like was the contention between this couple so much throughout the story, I kinda felt that there were times that it was petty, but this story was definitely filled with human aspects, that made it feel more real for this reader. So overall a good love story and looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the trilogy and by this author that I have yet to get my hands on!!!
Profile Image for Ruth.
592 reviews66 followers
June 24, 2011
This was a fairly good read. I really liked some of the secondary characters, which really held the whole thing together, from Nick and Therese to Lady B and Edmund. I did have some issues with it though, which took the shine off for me, and knocked it down to a generous 2.5 stars.

- It relies too heavily on a Big Misunderstanding, which doesn't pass muster with me. I completely struggled to believe that two people who completely lust over each other couldn't have actually realized they lusted over each other. They both thought their love/lust/whatever wasn't reciprocated, and, well, I just didn't buy it. For heaven's sake, you know if someone is giving you The Look That Says Sex, and it's written right all over the book that the hero and heroine are giving each other The Look left, right and center, and yet, oh no, they're feelings were all one-sided. Piffle.

- The heroine's transformation from dowdy spinster to beautiful leading lady of the ton was completely unnecessary. Why not just make the hero fall in love with the dowdy spinster without the whole Cinderella thing going on?

- The heroine, Julia, was just too perfect. Actually, she wasn't perfect. She was prim, prissy, obsessed with "saving" the hero, when he clearly was a decent and pleasant man, if a bit gruff, and yet, she still thought she was the only one with virtues. She reminded me of Emma in Jane Austen's Emma, except that Emma sees the error of her ways. I just can't bring myself to like either of them.

- The epilogue is pretty lame

So, although the plot was pretty good, and the hero was dreamy-wonderful, there was enough that irritated me that I couldn't quite feel the empathy with the lead characters that I like to, since it had three plot devices that I really don't care for: The Big Misunderstanding, The Dowdy Spinster Who Miraculously Becomes a Goddess, and The Perfect Heroine.
Profile Image for Dwayne.
143 reviews31 followers
September 22, 2010
Reviewed @ Girls Without a Bookshelf.

I used to shun Regency romance novels, preferring instead highland and medieval romances, but Karen Hawkin's The Abduction of Julia is a really good book that I think reading it might have led me to warm up to the sub-genre. It seems it only occured to me that the rigid etiquette of the ton and the double standards of their actions, not to mention the innumerable marriages of conveniences sets the scene for an endless array of hilarity and romance!

A marriage of convenience is exactly what ties Julia Frant and Viscount Alec Maclean to each other. Bound to a vow to his late grandfather, Alec finds himself eloping with and agreeing to marry Therese Frant, daughter of the Earl of Covington. To prevent his inheritance from going to the hands of his cousin Nick, he fulfills the demands in the will of his grandfather. Unfortunately, instead of Therese he finds his carriage carrying her cousin, the overprotective chaperone otherwise known as The Frant Dragon. Plain and spectacled, Julia does not catch his attention, until he finds that she was, once upon a time, the daughter of the other Earl of Covington. Hence begins the marriage and their attempts to engage with the ton and avoid scandals... not.

Not only have I warmed up to regency romances with this book, I appear to have also developed a penchant for regency romance revolving around marriage of conveniences! There is something absolutely delightful about regency wives and husbands fluttering about hiding their feelings for their loved ones, and I found that in The Abduction of Julia! I must say, the characters are every bit as loveable as the plot. Alec and Julia are both oblivious to each other's feelings, resulting in very comical but very romantic misunderstandings, which they make up for with some memorable scenes. I love Julia's transformation from plain to beautiful - it's highlighted, but not in a way which leads the readers to think that Alec's attraction it dependent on her beauty. It is clear from the start that it is her fiesty and compassionate attitude that pulled her to him. Alec can be insistent, insensitive and impulsive at times, but he carries the emotion in this book - quite a lovely character! The secondary characters deserve an applaud too, because they are a very entertaining bunch, from Edmund the excessive chatterbox to Burroughs, the old butler who never falters to bring Alex his warm glass of milk every night!

Despite the lovely characters and the fun plot, I found several loopholes in The Abduction of Julia. Firstly, there was a lack of detail surrounding the ton - I am fascinated by the ways of society and while I thought the book would focus a bit on it, it only passes over the detail very fleetingly. Secondly, the climax was not very thrilling, as it plays safe and stays on the romantic side. Finally, the ending is unsatisfactory and I did not feel that there was a resolution. Such a shame for a novel so fun!

Nevertheless, The Abduction of Julia is a wonderful indulgence in regency romance. Romance lovers would love this!
Profile Image for Lucina.
707 reviews69 followers
October 2, 2016
3.0 stars (I skipped part of the book after 140 pages)

I bought this book because the blurb sounded interesting but in my eyes the story turned out to be worse than expected. I read the first third of the book and NOTHING happened. Yes, they married but other than that Julias and Alecs relationship doesn't develop in any way. And I didn't see that Julia was secretly in love with Alec, she never talks or even THINKS about it. As it seems she told him shortly after I started skipping that she was in love for four years, without telling him she talks about him and he thought she meant someone else, obviously. I liked the writing style and I might read the other books in the series, those books have interesting blurbs, which doesn't have to mean anything, this one had an interesting blurb as well.

So what did I read other than the first third? While skipping I stumbled upon the first sex scene, which was wasn't very explicit, which I liked, although it wasn't really hot as well. But I'm not a fan of sex scenes that read like cheap porn movies. And I read the end which wasn't very surprising. The only surprising thing was how forgiving Julia is. She was a little bit too nice for my liking. Yes, one can be too nice. I liked her and I liked Alec, but their story was way too boring. And I don't have much free time so I'm not willing to waste my time on boring books. Ten years ago when I started reading historical romances I might have finished "The Abduction of Julia" but my time is scarce, therefore I skipped this one.
Profile Image for nurmawati.
516 reviews78 followers
October 14, 2011
ceritanya ttg miss julia frant yang suatu hari mengalami salah culik, dia di culik oleh lord alec, viscount of hunsterton...
tadinya alec mau menculik Therese frant, sepupu julia yang cantik dan culas karena alec mestinya merit sama therese buat memenuhi persyaratan almarhum kakeknya dimana dia mesti menikahi cucu dari bangsawan pilihan kakeknya dan hidup selama setahun jauh dari skandal kalo alec mau dapetin warisan yang gede banget, kalo gagal, warisan akan jatuh ke tangan Nick, sepupu alec yang jahat....
masalahnya si therese kerjasama sama nick, di hari H nya dia gak mau muncul, padahal kalo gak hari itu menikah, alec gak bakal dapat warisannya...
therese rupanya jatuh cinta sama nick dan dia mau dapat semua nya, harta alec dan gelar sebagai viscountess nya nick...
akhirnya alec menculik miss frant but bukannya therese tapi malah julia, cousin nya therese yang diperlakukan bagai pembantu oleh therese dan ibu nya....
julia frant adalah gadis yang berpenampilan gak menarik dan berkacamata, gak ada org yang menengok 2 kali ke dia secara penampilannya bener2 gak menarik dengan rambut di sanggul dan baju kusam...
nick nawarin julia merit sama dia secara sebenernya julia juga cucu earl frant krn ayahnya sebelum meninggal mendapat gelar earl selama 2 hari sebelum dia pergi menanggalkan gelar nya dan kawin sama ibu julia yang gak di setujui ayah nya..makanya gelar nya jatuh ke tangan ayahnya therese...
what julia to do ? nolak lamaran alex yang di juluki 'the devil hunterston' krn ketampanannya ?
gak juga hihihih....julia dari awal udah naksir si alec...tapi dari kejauhan krn alec bergaulnya sama perempuan2 cantik...
julia juga gak bilang ke alec, malah dia bilang syaratnya dia harus dapat setengah dari warisan alec ...
awalnya alec mengira julia mata duitan nuga, tapi apa boleh buat, daripada enggak sama sekali dapat warisan akhirnya dengan berat hati alec setuju, jadilah mereka ngebut ke gretna green buat kawin cepat2 krn waktunya tinggal beberapa jam buat ngeklaim warisan...
alec akhirnya tau kalo julia menggunakan uangnya bukan buat dirinya krn dia seorang reformis, anggota society yang menolong org2 terlantar terutama wanita buat memperbaiki hidup mereka dan mendapati pekerjaan yang layak...
alec gak setuju kalo uangnya julia abis buat amal, tapi julia sangat keras kepala, akhirnya mau gak mau alec terpaksa deh...
julia yang plain juga sedikit demi sedikit berunah penampilannya...dengan bantuan MAD MADDY, ladyof burlington yang eksentrik tapi punya kedudukan dan nama di kelas sosial tingkat atas, julia pun bisa masuk ke pergaulan atas sebagai countess of hunsterton...
alex pun semakin hari semakin tertarik ke julia, tapi dia merasa di cuekin krn julia nya cuma ngurusin amal tiap hari....
si alec berusaha cari kesempatan dalam kesempitan buat ngerayu julia secara pernikahan mereka cuma di atas kertas dan julia menolak tidur dengan alec krn dia hanya mau tidur dengan org yang dia cintai...
akhirnya suatu hari julia pulang bawa anak kecil buat di tolong dan bekerja di rumah mereka...anaknya bener2 bikin masalah sampe alec bilang itu anak boleh timgal di rumahnya setiap hari asal julia mesti cium dia setiap hari, kapan pun dan dimanapun alec mau ( ehem...asiiiik.....;p)
so mereka sering cium2 an deh...si alec lust banget dan si jualia melting tapi tetep aja jual mahal...
sampe suatu saat si nick, sepuipu alec yang jahat dan amat sangat ganteng (nanti ada bukunya sendiri) berhasil membuat julia terjebak dalam skandal...
dia membayar wartawan buat nulis berita yang jelek2 ttg kegiatan amal julia yang bertempat di bekas sebuah brothel dengan tujuan mereka lepas dari warisan krn udah bikin skandal..
belom lagi nick kerjasama ama therese ....therese kira kalo berhasil nick akan menikahi dia, tapi nick sangat dingn dan heartless....nick malah suka sama julia.....

alec yang mulai cinta sama julia (tapi belom sadar) cemburu banget sama si nick karena julia selalu baik ke nick dan alec kira julia mencintai nick...cemburu bangetlah dia....
julia sendiri ke nick gak ada perasaan apa2....
sampe akhirnya suatu hari after party si nick menculik julia.....dikejarlah sama alec yang udah sadar kalo dia cinta ama julia....
julia juga bukan ce lemah, dia malah bales balik ngelawan nick, mukul pake apa gitu sampe muka nick berdarah2 :p
jadi pas alec datang nyelamatin, sebenernya julia udah mo berhasil kabur dari nick....
sebenernya nick gak jahatm dari kecil dia di bawa tinggal bersama keluarga alec dan kakeknya tapi dia di cemoh karena ibu nya bagaikan whore...waktu ada kehilangan uang, nick di tuduh mencuri sama kakeknya padahal ibunya nick yang melakukan....
so dari kecil dia bitter banget, udah gak punya ayah, ibunya ninggalin dia begitu aja sampe akhirnya kakeknya nyuruh dia pergi sama ibunya krn dikira pencuri..makanya dia pengen dapetin hartanya alec....
tapi akhirnya karena julia, akhirnya alec dan nick gak jadi duel dan alec membiarkan nick pergi ke eropa (jadi gak ditangkep karn perbuatan2 dia menyabotase harta alec)

akhirnya alec pun tau kalo selama ini yang di cintai julia adalah dia dan bukan nic...

oh ya, adegan boboan nya gak banyak, tapi dari awal chemistry itu selalu ada, si alec yang kerjaannya mabok2 an karena selalu mikirin si julia begini-begitu dan julia yang walo lugu tapi ternyata pas adegan bobo nya wanton banget..
gimana KAGAK ? gara2 julia menolong seotang actress buat menemukan pekerjaan sebagai pelayan rumahdan bikin skandal, alec bilang kalo sampe si pelayan bikin masalah, julia mesti mau datang ke kamar alec buat ehem2....
ao akhirnya terjadi juga deh,malah jualia nya yang gak sabar, daripada ke kamar alec yang afgak jauh, dia malah panggil alec ke kamar nya...trus si alec kan walo horny banget tapi mau pelan2 dan hati2 banget krn julia masih vi, eh malah julia nya yang nyergap si alec sampe alec jatoh ke tempat tidur nya trus di 'serang; wkwkwkwkw......
so mana bisa si alec nya jadi sabar dan pelan2 ? duh julia...julia....
(adegan ini ada di halaman 260 an :p)

eniwei..prolog nya...alec mau bantu kegiatan sosial julia, mereka mengangkat beberapa anak angkat sambil menunggu kelahiran anak mereka ...so sweet ^^
Profile Image for Jessica.
115 reviews27 followers
June 6, 2012
Maybe a 3.5

Hawkins is a default author for me. Every time I walk into a bookstore or library, you can bet I am looking (after J. Quinn, James, and Kleypas) to see if there is an unread Hawkins book to unearth.

Her Scottish tales have been great to follow; I could basically say the same for this one. Julia Frant, the awkward chaperone to her cousin Therese, has a bit of a problem. One night, she is swept bodily from her home and taken across England on the desperate whims of Alec Hunterston. Alec, needing to marry before the night ends and his birthday dawns, had assumed the shallow Therese was in his carriage. After a verbal battle of ping pong, the two agree to marry to save his inheritance and embark upon their tumultuous relationship.

For the most part, Alec and Julia are entertaining to follow. They exchange some lovely dialogue and get into a few comical scraps. The biggest issue I had with this book was the utter neglect in communication between the hero and heroine. Now, I've read my fair share of romance novels and I know that the major conflict of "loving and being loved" must ensue, otherwise the plot will fall flat. However, I found it incredibly frustrating how uncommunicative the two were the entire time; there seemed to be no development to even mutual, open affection or companionship, let alone love. It made the resolution ring a bit hollow to my ears. Nevertheless, Alec and Julia had some interesting chemistry and whenever you throw in a dragon like Lady Birlington or a charming fool like Edmund, things are likely to be pleasant.

Not her best, mind you, but still- Hawkins' fans will be pleased overall.
Profile Image for Lori ♡ (Recovering DNF Addict).
1,051 reviews2 followers
November 20, 2013
I was excited to read this story, just going off the description on the back of the book. It started of... OK. But something never clicked for me with the guy and girl. She supposedly had been in love with him for 4 years, but for numerous reasons that I didn't buy, she kept avoiding kissing/contact with him, only wanted a marriage of convenience, spent way more time with her charity works.... I also felt that the author spent way more time telling us things instead of showing us those things thru actions of the characters. I finally gave up on the book 3/4 of the way thru, and up until that point I would not have classified it as romance. It was lacking a romantic spark or suspense for me :(
Profile Image for MasterSal.
2,163 reviews19 followers
October 13, 2019
Re-read in Oct 2019 - I finally remembered the ending. So have read this book before - yay me!

Anyway, I'm sticking to my rating of 4 stars as this was OTT fun. I really liked Julia and even though the abduction plot was hardly there, the lead couples antics made me smile. The plot is fairly predictable but tbh I really enjoyed the "villain" character, Nick, who I found to be more interesting than the leads. It is really for him that I added the extra star.

The rest of the novel is fun but not particularly innovative. Still this will make you smile and wish for your own Alec.
Profile Image for Jocelyn No.
124 reviews
January 7, 2010
About what you'd expect from a book I found on the lending shelf at a beach resort in Mexico. I didn't pack enough books! This one was pretty good, but the heroine was tooth-achingly good and sweet and pure, and the epilogue in particular made me want to kill people.

The hero wasn't bad. His evil cousin was downright interesting, and if he's redeemed by some other twit overly interested in charity work in a sequel, I hope I never find out.
Profile Image for Desi.
2,636 reviews85 followers
October 12, 2017
Leído en Dic 2010

El secuestro de Julia


Qué puede hacer una respetable Dama cuando es secuestrada con la noble intención del matrimonio? Porque se casara con él, por supuesto.
Julia Frant ha amado en secreto y a distancia a Alec MacLean, el salvaje Vizconde de Hunterston. Así que cuando accidentalmente él la secuestra en lugar de a su hermosa e intrigante prima para fugarse a Gretna Green, Julia encuentra la oportunidad de hacer que sus apasionados sueños se conviertan en realidad.
Alec no está en posición de objetar: si no se casa antes de la medianoche y no vive libre de escándalo durante un año perderá su herencia. Su matrimonio con Julia garantizará su fortuna. Pero al ver como su patito feo se transforma en un elegante cisne, Alec de repente no puede mantenerse alejado de su esposa a ninguna hora, y cuando la besa, la herencia es la última cosa en su mente. Por desgracia, el escándalo puede ocurrir por las mejores intenciones... ¡y Julia nunca ha carecido de buenas intenciones!
October 12, 2020
Was very very hard to get into at first. Took me roughly a 1/3 of the book to really sink my teeth in. Finished well, probably would have enjoyed a better epilogue.
Profile Image for aninha.
108 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2023
ruim demais vei a Júlia eh insuportável n sei pq insisti nessa bosta
Profile Image for Book Reading Gals  .
1,062 reviews38 followers
June 29, 2015
This is an oldie but a goodie. It started out a little slow for me but when it picked up, I really enjoyed it. Alec got schooled by Julia. Here's what I mean.

Alec McLean is desperate. He must marry before his next birthday in order to claim his grandfather's wealth. He promised his grandfather that he would keep the money away from his cousin, who wants nothing more that to do "mysterious" deeds with it.

Unfortunately Alec waited too long to claim his bride and he only had a matter of hours to wed in order to claim the money. He made arrangements with a woman to marry so that they can sprint of the Gretna Green, before it was too late.

Maybe because it was the black of night, but Alec unfortunately took the wrong woman, Instead of claiming the beautiful but scheming Therese Frant, he abducted her plain, stern cousin instead. What is Alec to do, with only two hours left on the clock?

Julia Frant has loved Alec since the moment she first met him. Knowing that she was no great beauty, she was content to secretly love him from afar. When she mistakenly took his carriage for a hackney, her entire world changed forever.

Now her far away dream , is up close and personal and for Julia it was a bitter sweet moment. Yes, she was able to marry the man she loved, and even claimed half of his fortune (you go girl!), but how was she to live, knowing that he preferred her beautiful cousin?

Things are not as they seem, but when Julia turned from plain to beautiful in what seemed, overnight, Alec does not know how to handle his new found attraction to his bride. Also, besides getting married, he must also stay scandal free for a year in order to keep the money.

How was Alec to do this with a scheming cousin out to ruin him, a wife that just won't stay home and his own urge to do unspeakable things to his own wife? Alec is in to a long but fun year.

+Karen Hawkins is an amazing author that makes it fun to read. Julia was very sweet and caring, but quite frankly she disappointed me in this story. All she had to do was stay discreet for a year, one year. That's all, but NO, she thinks that she is always right and did as she pleased.

Frankly I was not surprise that because of her and her doings that they lost the fortune. She was reckless and did not listen to reason. Alec tried to warn her, but........I'm going off topic. You guys are probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about, but I'm not telling!

I felt sorry for Alec, lusting after his own wife, but she won't give him the time of day. He tried to warn her and keep her safe, but to no avail. He gave up his pursuits to ensure that the money stays with them, but she thought that her actions were perfectly sound, even though it is frown upon in the ton.

This is a fun and compelling read that would have you laughing off your chair. It may have started off a little slow but it would be well worth it when you make it all the way to the end.

I want to say so much, but don't want to give much away, so all I can say is...


Thoughts: This is one of Karen's first books.
Grade: B
Review by: Nathifa
Profile Image for Dee.
261 reviews35 followers
March 17, 2019
This book had me at the first paragraph. Its a good read makes you laugh out loud at some of the thing the hero says.

Alec MacLean, Viscount of Hunterston, must marry or he will lose the inheritance left to him by his grandfather. But the will specify that he must marry the daughter of the Earl of Coverington. There's a problem he has the wrong girl.

" Perhaps there would be some benefits from this arrangement, after all. “You smell like heaven. Kiss me, sweet Therese.” She kicked him. Hard. “Owww!” Alec yelled, instantly releasing her. He bent to rub his shin. And froze. One of the many things his vain bride-to-be prided herself on was her dainty feet. The shoes that met his eyes were not dainty. Large and tightly laced, the heavy black boots reminded him of his old governess. The implication hit him like a cannon shot. This wasn’t Therese. He had eloped with the wrong woman. He straightened abruptly, the pain in his shin forgotten. “Who in the hell are you?” “I might ask you the same question,” his prim attacker stated."

Julia Frant also known as "The Frant Dragon" is livid to find that not only has she been kidnapped but also mistaken for her beautiful cousin by none other than the Devil Hunterston. But together they hatch a plan to get the inheritance but will it be more than they both bargin for.

Alec is a rogue and rake and I absolutely loved him. He's just so wrong that it seems so right. *sighs*

“Pleasure is so many things, Julia. A waltz on a balcony under the caress of the moon. The thrill of placing a bet you know will win.” His voice lowered. “The hint of mint in the air after a spring rain.”
“The highest form of pleasure makes your heart thrum so hard, you wonder if it will expire from too much feeling, too much sensation. It is more than a kiss.” “More than a kiss? Heavens,” she said faintly. Behind her spectacles, her eyes seemed unfocused, her breathing rapid and shallow. Alec trailed his fingers along the line of her cheekbone just below the rim of her spectacles. “As you can see, maraschino jelly doesn’t even compare.”

Alec is a sensual mastermind I don't know how Julia did it but he would of had me on my back with this seductive monologue. I know, I know, you don't have to say it, I'm hero whore. Its okay though we all have our flaws.😉😁

Happy Reading!!!! 😉
284 reviews19 followers
December 19, 2012
3.5 stars.

I have come to the conclusion that I am going through some sort of phase.Indeed,it seems I've become obsessed with historical romances these past few weeks,and especially the theme of arranged marriages/marriage of convenience. I was probably a very ambicious matchmaking mama in an other life. This is my first Karen Hawkins' novel,and the introduction to the 'Rogues' series.

Lord Hunterston or Alec,is a viscount who enjoys life's basic pleasures: sex,alcohol and gambling. He's also smokin' hot. His beloved grandpa' made him heir of a fortune, he would inherit only if he would marry an earl's daughter before his 28th birthday. He then plans on eloping with a spoiled,beautiful bitch and instead takes the wrong girl,her cousin the renowed 'Frant Dragon',Julia.

Julia Frant is an american,she's 24,plain and a 'reformer'. I had never heard of 'reformers' before in my life so permit me to enlighten you,if you happen to be in my previous situation. A reformer is basically the politically correct term for ballbuster. Indeed,if you haven't yet met a ballbuster in your life,this is basically what they do:they don't let you have any fun and have a annoying tendency to meddle in other's people lives. This is what Julia does,she decides to marry Alec and split his fortune in order to give ALL of it to charity and also tells herself it would be a great oppurtunity to 'reform' Alec. What the guy did in need of reforming,we don't know.

Anyway,the way the story evolved between Alec and Julia was cute,I wished there would have been a little more funny scenes with Edmund and his aunt,but overall it was good apart from something I really couldn't get.
How the hell are we supposed to believe that Julia was in love with Alec for 4 years? She never spoke to him. She could've 'lusted' for him I suppose,him being a sex god and all,but that's about it. It just didn't make any sense. Nick (the bad guy) was my favourite character,I'm probably gonna read it his story.
719 reviews3 followers
January 22, 2014
A viscount plans with his latest lady to kidnap her and marry on the quick so he can fulfill the stipulations of his grandfather's will. Alec discovers to late he has abducted Julia, the frumpy impoverished cousin and not the beautiful Therese. Julia has loved him for years and offers to marry him as the deadline is midnight. Alec agrees to meet her conditions- no sex and split the money 50/50 so Julia can donate to her charities. Despite her nicknmame of the Frant Dragon, Julia has beautiful grey eyes, intelligence and packs a powerful punch with kisses and fists. Alec's stipulations for marriage are that he can kiss her once each day.
He discovers Julia is stubborn, generous and he is hot for her enthusiasm.

They both have to remain scandalous for a year which Alec - a rake has no problems with, but Julia despite her selflessness does. She punches a man who is bullying a child appropriately named Muck, and brings the filthy boy home to be a servant. She also hires a maid who is an naive ingenue just waiting to be used by rich aristocrats. Alec's cousin who is desperate for money and Therese, attempt to have Alec disinherited by gossiping, scheming and eventually kidnapping Julia. Yes she actually gets kidnapped twice. Julia is such a goody goody she even sees good in Nick the cousin. He is attracted to Julia's goodness and Therese turns against Nick eventually.Therese had tried to cuckhold Alec by not being around the night they were supposed to elope and that didn't work out the way she thought it would. But having the compelling Nick prefer Julia was the last straw. Hell hath no fury...

I read this because Hawkins was recommended as close to Julia Quinn's style of writing. There was a very funny scene involving Alec and his wardrobe choices after sleeping with Julia, but I would give this a 2 and a half stars because Julia was annoying after a while. Not quite as funny through out as a Quinn novel, but a fun read.
Profile Image for MaggieReadsRom.
955 reviews116 followers
July 15, 2010
It took me a while, several chapters to be honest, to get into this book and I can’t quite pin-point why that was. The story was defenitely nice but still it didn’t grip me as some other books recently have done.
I was really at the verge of putting it down and picking another book to read and that would have been a first because I’ve never done that.. I always finish what I start!
But luckily I hung on and from chapter 6-7 I really got pulled into the story...
Maybe because the story really began to take form whereas it didn’t before.
Maybe because the interactions between hero and heroin began to sparkle and the witty dialogues started to kick in.
Maybe because the interesting secondary characters (Nick, Maddie, Edmund, Lucien) began to drop in now and then.

I find “The Abduction of Julia” a pleasurable, uncomplicated story with nice dialogues. I liked both hero and heroin, especially Julia because she’s so independent and determined to save the less fortunate ones in her world. She’s a heroin who’s very easy to sympathize with.
Alec is the dime-in-a-dozen Regency-rake, but nonetheless also a very aimable character in the book.

It's not a really good sign if (one of) the main characters are outranked by secondary characters and for me that was the case in this book.
In my book Alec was positively outranked by Nick Montrose, Earl of Bridgerton and his sinfully wicked cousin trying to trick the heritage right from under Alec. He’s the bad guy in this book but a bad guy you also admire and empathize with. So I’m very glad he has his own book: the third and last in this trilogy.
Can’t wait to get to that one because I really want to read what kind of hero he’ll be.
Profile Image for Iza Soares.
245 reviews8 followers
May 14, 2018
Rating 5 of 7

I really liked it, but I had a few problems with the plot. I think I was expecting more - since it's only my second Karen Hawkings (and I really loved Charlotte) - but I'm not sure.

I don't like the whole loving for years even if we don't know each other kind of thing, but it doesn't bother me so much cause I don't see it as love tbh it's like ffs there's no way you can love someone with whom you have never ever interacted. Like, no, no way. And I put it in the lady's naivety.

Julia made me pretty mad somethings cause honestly there were a few things that ffs no real people would be that naive or perfect. And I didn't love her which kind of is a pretty problem.

Honestly to god, I wanted to slap her with all the Nick it's not that bad - now unless I lost something, I must agree - but she didn't know better! She sounded like ownt it's family we have to forget his mistakes and it drives me crazily mad!

What I really loved in this book was Alec thinking she loved Nick. That was hilarious! The support characters were better than the main, but that's ok. I was my second KH and since it was written a long time ago, and - again - I loved Charlotte, I think it'll only get better and better

Side note: the 3th book is Nick's
Profile Image for Sarah.
110 reviews
June 27, 2019
DNF 78% I started out digging this book and it has just gotten progressively more annoying. Getting married and living scandal free okay but requiring they do it in the city is weird. The easiest way to be scandal free is to send them to the country. For once the heroine is American and doesn’t act American enough. I’m all for giving women respectable work but no self respecting household would take a maid who had even had a whiff of being on the streets. Why didn’t she think of making a seamstress/laundry service? Also why is she the only woman on the board. I’m sure it was common but I don’t trust the other board members. There’s internal dialogue about “oh can’t give in to this unreformed rake!” Except she’s already married to him. They could get it on in public and not cause a scandal. I understand Nick as a villain but I would have been more interested if she was only engaged to Alec, and they had their personality issues, and she was pursued by Nick. Because Nick actually has some growth potential. Far as I can tell Alec isn’t scandalous just pouty.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews

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