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Virgin River #9

Angel's Peak

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Four years ago, air force sweethearts Franci Duncan and Sean Riordan reached an impasse. She wanted marriage and a family. He didn't. But a chance meeting proves that the bitter breakup hasn't cooled their sizzling chemistry.

Sean has settled down in spite of himself --- he's not the cocky young fighter pilot he was when Franci left, and he wants them to try again. After all, they have a history ... but that's not all they share.

Franci's secret reason for walking away when Sean refused to commit is now three and a half: a redheaded cherub named Rosie who shares her daddy's emerald-green eyes. Sean is stunned --- and furious with Franci for the deception.

News travels fast in Virgin River, and soon the whole town is taking sides. Rebuilding their trust could take a small miracle --- and the kind of love that can move mountains.

373 pages, Paperback

First published January 26, 2010

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About the author

Robyn Carr

157 books11.7k followers
Robyn Carr is a RITA® Award-winning, eleven-time #1 New York Times bestselling author of over sixty novels, including the critically acclaimed Virgin River series and Sullivan's Crossing series. Robyn's new women's fiction novel, THE FRIENDSHIP CLUB, will be released in January 2024. The new hit Sullivan's Crossing TV series (season 1) inspired by Robyn's book series was released in the USA in the fall of 2023! Plus, season 5 of the worldwide fan-favorite Virgin River TV Series is now streaming on Netflix (July 2023) with two holiday episodes coming November 30, 2023. Both TV series have been renewed for another season!
Robyn is a recipient of the Romance Writers of America Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award 2016, and in 2017, VIRGIN RIVER was named one of the HarperCollins 200 Iconic Books of the past 200 years. Robyn currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. You can visit Robyn Carr's website at https://www.robyncarr.com/.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 827 reviews
Profile Image for peachygirl.
291 reviews840 followers
June 30, 2023
Worst book in the series!

Franci and Sean have been broken up for 4 years because of Sean's aversion to marriage. In the screaming match prior to their breakup, Franci disses him about everything except revealing the fact that he got her pregnant.
Flash forward four years, Franci is in a relationship with another guy and Sean wants a shot with her because he has apparently missed her inspite of his manwhoring lifestyle in the meantime. Franci doesn't even think before hooking up with her baby daddy, inspite of promising the other guy she'd remain faithful. She consoles herself saying that the guy doesn't let her order in restaurants!
I stopped caring.
I so badly wanted to DNF this book. Only because of the recurring appearances of the Virgin River residents, did I not. But Godddd this sucked.
Profile Image for Beatriz.
914 reviews824 followers
March 12, 2021
Este libro fue una completa decepción. La verdad partió bien, muy bien, pero después... sinceramente no sé qué pasó.

Durante el primer tercio, la novela me tuvo muy enganchada al reencuentro de Franci y Sean, y al descubrimiento de éste de que era padre de una hermosa niñita de casi 4 años (no es spoiler, lo adelanta la sinopsis del libro). Pero a partir de ahí, se empiezan a insertar historias de un motón de personajes secundarios que no tienen otra relación con la pareja principal más que vivir en la misma localidad. Hasta la mitad del libro esto era relativamente tolerable, ya que entre medio vemos como Sean pasa de su furia inicial a comprender y justificar la decisión de Franci de no decirle que estaba embarazada cuando se fue cuatro años atrás.

Sin embargo, pasada la mitad de la novela, si hay algún capítulo sobre cómo avanza la relación de la pareja es casi un milagro. Son páginas y páginas de historias secundarias que para mí no tenían ningún interés. Entiendo que esto puede deberse a que es el noveno libro de una serie (y el primero que yo leo) y que los personajes secundarios se vienen arrastrando desde entregas anteriores, pero aun así, todo fue en desmedro de la historia principal, a cuyo desenlace se llega sin saber como. No sé, la autora podría haber creado un libro precioso con la reconciliación de los protagonistas, pero da la impresión que no sabía cómo hacerlo o qué contar, por lo que se dedica a rellenar para alcanzar un número de páginas aceptable.

Las 2 estrellas son por las primeras 100 páginas, sino se habría quedado en una sola estrellita.

Reto #24 PopSugar 2018: Un libro con un elemento del clima en el título
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,444 followers
January 29, 2010
I keep wondering...when is Robyn Carr going to falter and write a not-so-good, disappointing book in the Virgin River series? I'm happy to say--not this time! This woman's on a roll, and she's showing no signs of stopping. Her books are becoming sure bets for me--I just know I'm going to like whatever she writes in this series. Even when her characters are not so likable or irk me in some small way (Abby and Vanni come to mind), the plotting is always good, characterizations and descriptions are just awesome, and the writing is so smooth it just seems effortless. You always feel like you know these characters personally. So, even though this book started out with a character that was a wee bit unlikable to me (sorry Sean), RC gave enough backstory for me to understand where he was coming from, and darn if it wasn't just a few short chapters later that I was falling for him!

This is the second book about a member of the Irish Catholic Riordan family (the first was Luke's story--Temptation Ridge), and it's 32 year old Air Force fighter pilot Sean's story. Sean's spending some vacation time that he's accumulated visiting his newly married older brother Luke in Virgin River. While hanging out at a bar in a nearby town, he has a chance meeting with the woman he used to practically live with 4 years ago, ex-flame Franci Duncan. Franci and Sean had a rather bad breakup when Franci, after 2 years of dating drew a line in the sand, asking commitment-phobe Sean for a commitment. And even though Sean loved Franci like no other, had fabulous adventures and good times with the beautiful air force nurse, not to mention a smokin' hot sex life, Sean did not want to get married or have kids. And Franci did. They said some regretably hurtful things to each other, and each went their own way, trying to move on with their lives. But Franci never really got over Sean, the love of her life, and Sean never found anyone who could measure up to what he had with Franci. So when he sees Franci again, it's like a kick in the gut. He wants her back. Now how can he make that happen without giving her a commitment?

Franci has a big, overdue secret to tell Sean, so she agrees to see him, hoping she can keep herself together and not fall for him again. Yeah, he wants her back, but he's still not quite ready to commit all the way. They have a scorching night together under the covers, but it's the morning after, and Franci's about to reveal the big secret. But the 'big secret' beats her to the punch when 3 year old Rosie comes flying in the door from an overnight stay with grandma, her red hair flying and Riordan-green eyes laughing. Now what will Sean do? Get mad? Propose marriage? Run like the devil?

I was a little surprised how Sean took the news that he was father. I expected him to be furious that Franci kept that info from him, but I thought he took it rather well and handled it in a mature manner. Of course, it helped that he had some counseling from Noah (Forbidden Falls) and that he apparently had done some growing up in those four years apart from Franci. And how could any man resist that adorable 3 year old moppet, Rosie? Or as she calls herself, "Wide Iwish Rose". I'm sure it was love at first sight for him. So apart from a few uncertain moments, Sean took to being a father like a duck to water. But what about being a husband and a family man--did Sean have that in him? Could he fully commit out of love and not out of a sense of duty? Because that was the only way Franci would accept him back in her life, and I really couldn't blame her for that, or for initially keeping the news of her pregnancy from Sean. So the rest of the book is basically Sean showing Franci that he is a changed man, and is ready and mature enough to settle down, and that he can't live without Franci and Rosie in his life.

As with all RC Virgin River novels, there are multiple plotlines. Not only do we get Franci and Sean's love story, but we get a budding romance for Sean's mother Maureen, a friendship between the 'grandmas' Maureen and Viv, catch up with honeymooners Luke and Shelby, witness the next step in Noah and Ellie's relationship, visit with 'Shady Brady' and Cheryl, get the usual appearances from most of the characters from previous books (but strangely enough, not a whole lot of Jack, and no Mel), and get a hint of brother Aidan's story (Moonlight Road) and hear about his future 'love interest'. There's everything else the reader comes to expect from RC--lots of detail on the comings and goings in VR, lots of community 'events' where we get to catch up with past characters, and lots of examples of how this little community works together and helps each other out. A couple of times I thought to myself "are these people for real" and "are there places where this kind of community spirit is still alive and well"--in some respects Virgin River seems to be a place that's frozen in time, with sort of a small town, 1950's feel to it.

So if you're a fan of this series, I've no doubt that you'll enjoy this latest offering. Franci and Sean have to work a little bit for their HEA, but it is so worth it and I was in their corner the whole way--they were a very likable H/h. There's plenty of lovin', a touch of humor, and some real swoon-worthy moments (ahh, the marriage proposal...and some of the things that Sean said just made me cry...). I wondered how Robyn Carr was going to top characters like Jack and Preacher (can't be done), and she's come awfully close with those smokin' hot Riordan boys. And just think--there's three more of them who need their stories told--I'm looking forward to reading all about them! As for this one? 5 stars, of course!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
August 12, 2016
I just love this series, and finished this in one day. Sean and Franci's second chance romance was wonderful and little Rosie was such a cutie!

I'm happy there was a little romance for Maureen (Sean and Luke's mom)! She definitely needed to loosen up.

Love seeing the continuing happy stories of previous couples, like Noah and Ellie and Luke and Shelby! Yay for both couples!

As usual when I finish a Virgin River book I want to sell everything and move there.
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,330 reviews2,023 followers
April 11, 2020
3 stars

Read all the books in order otherwise you’ll be bored.
There are so many characters in this one, you’ll get dizzy, and they all have their own chapters and point of view.

The writing is bland but I guess it can also be called realistic.. the story wasn’t bad, just not interesting enough and as I said it had too many storylines for too many people.

The best thing was the little girl Rose, so so cute!
Profile Image for Anita.
2,379 reviews195 followers
January 19, 2024
This is one tired trope. Let's see if Robin Carr can breathe new life into it. While the trope is old as the hills, Robin Carr does indeed manage to put a new spin on it, and we get both viewpoints on how the situation all came about. Franci and Sean are the primary romance in the book, but there is a secondary romance that played out along with it. Sean's mom, Maureen, and John Middleton find that you are never too old to fall in love. We also get updates on several of the Virgin River couples and that was wonderful.

Sexy Air Force pilot, Sean Riordan and Air Force flight nurse, Franci Duncan had a hot and heavy romance for two years and when she wanted more, he didn't. They parted ways with a lot of bitter words and animosity left behind. Fast forward four years and Sean is in a bar taking a break from his newly wed brother and his lovely bride when he sees Franci and the feelings are still there as hot as they ever were. Franci blows him off because she has a secret, a really big secret, and just doesn't know how to tell Sean he has a daughter.

Life has been rough for Franci, and she is just now beginning to date again. She doesn't want Sean to blow up her life again but knows she can't keep him from his daughter any longer. When they split Sean made is very clear he was not going to get married or have a family. Period. End of their affair. Now faced with a three-and-a-half-year-old redheaded, green eyed angel named Rosie, things are very different. Sean now sees the error of his ways and will do whatever it takes to have Rosie in his life and Franci back in his bed.
18 reviews
January 29, 2010
The series is going downhill fast. The characters are unlikeable (especially that dreadfully behaved little girl) and have nothing to do with Virgin River and all the original residents.

This one was really boring. I was disappointed.
Profile Image for Carvanz.
2,224 reviews823 followers
January 8, 2020
Audiobook: Narrator - Therese Plummer

I’m always blown away by this narrator’s performance of this series, but listening to this one when one of the characters, Art, was in distress, I was almost in tears by the sheer force of life and believability she put into his character. Bravo Ms. Plummer. Bravo!

I really didn’t like this hero much at all in the beginning and I was worried the author wasn’t going to be able to redeem him in my eyes. He didn’t cheat, but he was such a jerk and some of the things he said to the heroine and the way he said them had me pretty much hating him from the beginning. Add in his own thoughts and actions in the early pages and I almost DNF’d this one. But I decided to trust the series which has been pretty straight forward so far, and I’m glad I did. While I never fell in love with this hero, he did make some serious changes in not only actions, but attitude and there was no doubt that he ended up being a better man in the end.

Multi POV
Profile Image for Melody Cox.
1,499 reviews169 followers
September 27, 2022
Enjoyed this sweet story of past lovers reuniting with a few exceptions. There is a secret child, and others finding long earned happiness. The couple was separated for four years.

But, be aware that this hero, at least to me, appears very immature for his age and thought everything was someone else's fault, especially the ex-love of his life. It took a very good while before he owned up to the responsibility of what he pushed away and his wrong doings. He regretted it for years but only tried to call her twice...I think that says it all!

They split after two years together because she wanted some type of commitment from him (she was pregnant and he made it plain he never wanted marriage or a child...so she walked.) During the two years they were both faithful.

There is a major-man-whore alert for this hero. We don't have to witness him sexing other women but believe me, he did and it mattered not who it was. He was a horn-dog of the worst sort.

After these two run into each other again they were not with anyone else.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,804 reviews537 followers
February 11, 2010
I would give it 10 stars if I could! The best one yet in the "Virgin River" series. That little "Wide Iwish Rose" stole my heart! Just when I think the characters and stories can't get any better, another comes along and replaces the last favorite. Enchanting, amazing, humbling, loving, caring, etc. etc. Lessons can be learned in each read. Is it March yet?? I'll be rereading "Angel's Peak" again soon - very soon. If you are looking for a book to uplift your spirits, run fast and get yourself a copy and treat yourself to an afternoon in Virgin River! It just doesn't get any better. Congratulations to Robyn Carr for keeping the momentum going - stronger than ever!
Profile Image for Susan.
1,335 reviews210 followers
March 5, 2019
Angel's Peak

Robyn Carr

ANGEL'S PEAK is book 9 in the Virgin River series.

Franci Duncan has just arrived in Virgin River after she left a few years ago. She left after a falling out with her boyfriend Sean Riordan. She wanted a family and to be married and Sean didn't. Of course, one of the first people she runs into is Sean. Now Franci finds herself trying to figure out how to tell Sean about the secret she has been keeping from him! Hang on people, it gets crazy!

ANGEL'S PEAK had me up late reading, worried about what was going to happen to all of these wonderful people. I did not want to put this beautiful and fun story down. I also got to meet a few more new residents from Virgin River as we do with each and every book. I also love how you get to check in with the other couples from the previous books. It was also awesome to watch Sean grow up and take responsibility for his actions even though Franci didn't want anything from him. I loved how Franci and Sean finally started being honest with each other and figured everything out.

Every time I read a story from the Virgin River series I want to kick myself for not reading it sooner. ANGEL'S PEAK is exactly why I love Robyn Carr. It's no secret that she has been a favorite author of mine for many years. This story is filled with twists and turns that kept me flipping the pages like a crazy woman. The characters are not perfect, always flawed and you wont be able to help yourself from falling in love with them all. If Virgin River were a real town, I would have packed my bags years ago and moved there. All of its residents feel like old friends to me and it's always great to catch up with them with each book in the series. The only thing I can't understand is why it took so long to make these wonderful stories into a television series. It's going to be perfect. I'm so excited to continue reading The Virgin River series.
1,329 reviews23 followers
July 25, 2010
I have a hard time when the main characters hook up without ending the prior relationship they are in. No cheating for my hero/heroine!
945 reviews35 followers
July 12, 2013
(July) 3.5* In my world, there are only a few excuses for a Mom not to tell her Baby Daddy she is pregnant: 1) he is a pedophile; 2) he is Jeffrey Dahmer (or any other type of abusive/violent psychopath); 3) he is an uber-rich cold hearted certified crazy who will take you to court to get full custody and never let you see the baby just to make you miserable; 4) baby is a product of a one night stand where you didn’t exchange names and you have absolutely no way to find the dad or 5) you live in a Harlequin romance circa 1970s/1980s and the Baby Daddy is a Zillionaire Tycoon (bonus points if he’s from Greece) and he used you as his mistress but let you know from the very start you were not good enough for marriage and you knew if you ever let him know he’d either paint you as a whore who tried to trap him or he’d force marriage and you can’t imagine living w/a man you love whole heartedly but who has let you know he’ll never love you so you opt for single motherhood instead of heartache and misery at the hands of your one true love.

That said, I went into this book knowing I’d hate Franci. And lo and behold I did – at first! Ask a Mom about the best days in her life – she’ll tell you the first time she held the baby, baby’s first smile, she knows when baby crawled and walked and got teeth; she knows baby’s favorite foods and knows what causes tears. And Franci stole all of that from Sean – and his family. She was selfish, saying “I couldn’t be married to him if he didn’t love me” – well, it’s not about you, it’s about the baby. And sorry, but this is 2013, there is no such thing as “doing the right thing” by getting married when knocked up – I heard a comedian once say that’s like burning down the house when you spill grape juice on the carpet. Sean might have been a jerk, (although he was honest about what he wanted from the beginning – Franci wanted to change the rules mid-game), but he deserved knowledge. She stole Rosie’s chances of bonding with her dad, and I bet you anything any future children will be a lot more bonded w/Sean than Rosie ever can be, since he’ll be there from day one w/the others. When she knew she was pregnant, she forced a game-playing conversation w/Sean, basically setting him up for failure so she could justify walking away when he didn’t live up to her immature expectations. She seemed to do a similar thing w/T.J. – harassing him about “don’t you ever feel tempted by the young girls you work with?” Why? What was her point? Yeah, he turned out to be a sleeze, but she didn’t know that (but she should have – she put up with his controlling, jerky behavior).

I also found myself hating Sean at first. All I wanted to do was shake him and say Grow Up, are you kidding me – you are 32, plenty old enough for marriage and babies – stop acting like a child. Most guys I know were either in serious relationships or married by 32 – in fact, most were Dads by then.

Ok, so I started the book annoyed by Franci and Sean – and when he first tried to corner her at the store I thought “ok, he really is an idiot, to think this behavior is ok.” But, once the crazy was dialed back, and they started trying to really see one another as the people they are now vs. who they were, things definitely got better. I think things flew a bit fast for them, and I feel like some of their important dialogue was missing – just talking about what happened, and what they’ve been doing for 4 years – but overall I can say I believe their love will last.

This just, for me, did not feel like a VR book, though. Yes, we got to see Jack and Preacher, Dan and Cheryl, Ellie and Noah – but there was just something missing. It’s like the first few books were so tied together, meeting characters, following their love stories through several books – now all of a sudden we’re getting characters we don’t know meeting and falling in love w/no build up. That’s fine if that’s what RC wants to write, but to me the VR series ended once Rick’s book was written. The last few books seem to be taking place in VR but are not VR books, if that makes sense. The next book features two people who we’ve met but once again don’t have any real connection to(although I'm guessing we'll get more senior lovin' from Maureen and George, not sure if there are any other couples we have left hanging!). I will keep reading, but I’m not as excited by these books as I was at the beginning.
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
December 18, 2016

Angel´s Peak es el noveno libro de la saga Virgin River de Robyn Carr y tiene como protagonistas a Sean y Franci.
Despues de que el libro anterior me decepcionara tanto ( no lo pude terminar de leer ) fue muy agradable encontrarme con esta novela, que no solo vuelve a tener esa magia de los primeros libros sino que tambien resulto ser una de las historias mas ligeras y agiles de leer de todas las que llevo por el momento, ademas no hay tantas tramas secundarias, por lo que la relacion de Franci y Sean tiene un muy buen desarrollo y aunque sigue siendo una relacion un poco mas precipitada de lo que me suele gusta, fue una de las mas calmadas de Virgin River.
Este junto con Temptation Ridge son mis dos libros favoritos por el momento.

3.5 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,983 followers
January 9, 2020
4 Stars

These books are the perfect "getting into the holiday spirit" type of read. They have a quaint, almost Hallmark-movie type feel to them that leaves me feeling uplifted. That said, I don't think I'd have the patience to read them, as they're not as couple centered as I prefer in my romances. However, I've loved listening to them as I go about my day.
Profile Image for jenjn79.
723 reviews264 followers
February 8, 2010
Rating: 4.5 / 5

I really enjoyed this book a lot. It's always so nice to read another Virgin River book and get back to favorite characters and places.

Series Note:
This book could possibly be read as a standalone, but there's a lot of character connections that might have you wanting to read other books. Plus this is a great series and I highly recommend reading it in order.

Sean Riordan is on leave from his job in the air force and spending that long vacation in Virgin River with his brother. When he's out a bar one night, he's shocked to recognize a woman there as Franci Duncan, the woman he loved and lost four years ago. She'd wanted marriage and children and Sean had wanted to go on the way they were. He wasn't interested in all that. But since then he's begun to realize how much he's missed her and wants her back. So when he sees her again, he wants to try again, find a way to compromise on their difference of opinion on marriage and children.

Franci can't believe it when she sees Sean again. He nearly destroyed her and broke her heart when he refused to getting married years ago. The last thing she wants is him back in her life. But Sean is persistent, and it isn't long before he finds out the secret she's kept from him all this time...that she was pregnant when they broke up.

Shocked doesn't describe what Sean feels when he finds out he has a young daughter named Rosie. Suddenly, he's a parent, something he wasn't sure he'd ever want. His whole vision of his life changes and now it's more important to him than ever that he get Franci to forgive him. After running from committment for so long, now he desperately wants to be a family with Franci and their daughter.

I wasn't too sure how much I'd like this story because the storyline featured the whole "secret child" thing. I'm not a big fan of that type of story, usually because the female has dumb, selfish reasons for keeping the kid from the father and because rebuilding trust after something like that is a lot harder than books make it seem. So I didn't know if that story hook in this book would work for me. But I didn't mind it all that much. I thought it was done in a way that made sense for the most part.

Sean flat out told Franci he didn't want to get married and he didn't want kids, and she's standing there all the while knowing she's pregnant. She did what she thought she had to do. I still think she should have told him, but I can understand why she didn't.

One of the things I really enjoyed in this book was how Sean grew and changed after learning he was a father. His first few scenes with Rosie were so cute...especially that one where he fell asleep and Rosie did some, ummm, decorating. That was so funny. But it was great to see his character take responsibility and sort of revel in it.

I enjoyed the romance, as well. At first, it's easy to dislike both Franci and Sean...Franci because she hid the fact that Sean had a kid, and Sean because he'd been a jerk four years ago...but once you get to know them, you see where they were coming from and that they are sorry for the choices they made. The two had great chemistry together and really seemed to connect well.

The future for the family is a little vague when the book ends because of Sean being in the military. I wish it all had been a little more solid and that certain things weren't about to happen. But I suppose it's more realistic the way it was. For a romance reader, though, it's a little sad the challenges they were going to face.

For Virgin River fans, you get to catch up with quite a few past characters. Jack, Preacher and the original set don't have quite as big of roles as they have in past books, but you get to read about them. There's also a nice chunk with Noah and Ellie, and Luke and Shelby. And a little bit of Dan and Cheryl. There's also a bit of an odd storyline with the Riordan boys mother and Noah's friend George. Which even though it's not quite my thing, I thought it was well done by Carr and very realistic.

All in all, just another great installment to the Virgin River series. Carr really has created a great universe with this series and I look forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Beanbag Love.
566 reviews241 followers
May 8, 2010
I didn't dislike this book, but I can't rate it as highly as the others. I loved Sean in Luke and Shelby's book. What a stinker he was ... in an adorable, diabolical way. And his love interest is extremely likable.

But nothing really happens. It all just kind of lays there. One of the things I like about this series is how real it feels. But, maybe this one is too real. Too close to the mundane.

And when things did happen, like with Maureen and George, it felt forced. Like Carr needed a second romance in there so she pushed them together. Not that I mind the older romances, this one just felt too-much-too-soon. Especially with their different cultural backgrounds and outlooks. It could have been a nice through-line for a few books, but it all got shoved into one.

So, I'm actually going to pick up the next book asap because I still love the setting and I'm never ready to leave Virgin River when the book is finished. Even if I haven't loved the story itself.

This one isn't terrible or annoying it's just ... there. Too bad. Sean's story should have been a lot more fun.

Profile Image for Brittany.
1,094 reviews156 followers
January 20, 2020

Not my favorite of the series but still a fabulous read! Robyn Carrs Virgin River series is like coming home from the city to the peaceful atmosphere of simple living, good friends and beautiful landscapes.

4 Stars!!


Sean has settled down in spite of himself --- he's not the cocky young fighter pilot he was when Franci left, and he wants them to try again. After all, they have a history ... but that's not all they share.

Franci's secret reason for walking away when Sean refused to commit is now three and a half: a redheaded cherub named Rosie who shares her daddy's emerald-green eyes. Sean is stunned --- and furious with Franci for the deception.

News travels fast in Virgin River, and soon the whole town is taking sides. Rebuilding their trust could take a small miracle --- and the kind of love that can move mountains.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,127 reviews10 followers
September 6, 2015
This one had a great premise but it was WAY to TAME, not enough conflict.

This one has a lot of promise, but really fizzled out and read like a lifetime movie without the tears.

Disappointed when I compare it to a number of VR books. Even the sidebar romances were just as tame. Would have been a better Christmas novella.

Rating 2.25
Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,586 reviews111 followers
October 19, 2016
4 Angels Peak Stars

I was sooo looking forward to this book. Sean is Luke’s funny brother. I love that we get to meet all of them in his book. Aiden might be my favorite of the brothers so I can’t wait for this book.

Not only do we get Franci and Sean and there love story we also get Maureen, Sean’s mom and George. Not that they have a love story yet or anyting but the promise of it is just as sweet.

Ok back to Franci & Sean.
Franci has a secret and it’s not that I disagree with it or anything it was all the way it came about that I didn’t like.

I really wanted to like Fanci.. but I just didn’t.  I know terrible of me. But, my not liking her didn’t distract from the book. I am still going 4 stars all the way. Sean brought this book to life for me. He was just so dang awesome in so many ways.

I love that we get a little of each character from before.. but I am missing Jack and Mel a little bit and want more of them in the next books just so I can get my fix.

Again Therese Plummer does a phenomenal job. I can’t get enough!

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
Profile Image for Christine.
378 reviews
May 10, 2012
This one just ticked me off. Overall it was pretty meh. There's not much external conflict preventing the main couple from getting together, and the "hero's" personal evolution is more told than shown. And he still seems like a jerk in the way he blows off the woman he was dating before he ran into his One True Love again. Or in the way he talks about how that conversation went. But what really super annoyed me was the treatment of Art, the "man with Down's Syndrome." For a second there, I thought he was going to have some real agency--get to be a hero like the "real" Riordan "men" in these books. But no. He ends up needing to be rescued (and he has a 3 year old to thank for that! yay!); once again, just a grown-up plot moppet who's only there so we all know how compassionate and generous the people of Virgin River are.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,207 reviews
April 25, 2020
My two favorite stories points in this book were Noah and Ellie's wedding and George and Maureen's new romance. As the daughter of an "old school" Irish Catholic mother, I could relate to the Riordan boys plight. ;)

I just love this series. You can still visit with characters from the very first books through newer characters as the books move along. It's great.
Profile Image for BJ Rose.
733 reviews87 followers
March 16, 2010
On the morning after their wedding, Ellie and Noah are overwhelmed to find many Virgin River residents working on the renovation of the house they just purchased. Ellie turns to Noah and says, "They're so wonderful. How can they be this wonderful?" To which Noah replies, "I think they practice."

Oh, wait! This was supposed to be the story of Sean and Franci, but that one didn't take long to tell and wasn't enough to hold my attention: Sean and Franci were a hot young couple, Franci wanted marriage, Sean told her not to let the door hit her on the way out, so Franci didn't tell him she was pregnant, Franci disappeared, Sean went on to live the carefree life of a single man, and now it's 4 years later and Sean learns that he's the daddy of Wild Iwish Rose.

My problem? I just didn't really like either character all that much. Sean was still an arrogant SOB (until Rosie melted his heart, of course), and Franci's only excuse for withholding news of his daughter was that he would feel compelled to offer marriage. Things do work out for them - this is a Virgin River romance, after all - but the side stories about Ellie/Noah, Luke/Shelby, and even Maureen/George were much more interesting. Their segments brought my overall rating up to 3.5*. And I love Art!
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews373 followers
January 31, 2013
Angel's Peak is the 10th book in the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr. Sean Riordan is on leave, staying with his brother in Virgin River. One night he drives to a nearby town to find a bar and get a drink. While he is there Franci Duncan, an old girlfriend shows up. He reminisces about their time together and how much he regrets their breakup. So he tries to reconnect but Franci isn't going to make it easy. Franci has a new life and a secret that she isn't sure she wants Sean to know. Taking a chance on Sean could prove disasterous.

Another satisfying visit to Virgin River. We got a nice reunion and secret baby theme with Sean and Franci, in addition to checking in on Luke and Shelby and others in the Virgin River community. We also get a bonus romance but I won't mention who so I won't give any more spoilers away.
Profile Image for MountainKat.
2,212 reviews96 followers
April 18, 2024
Enjoyable as expected. But this book did what a couple of the earlier books did - it got about 3/4 of the way through it and then the couple in the story were mostly forgotten. Rather frustrating! I like that this series doesn't forget about the characters we have come to know in the past or continues to find new people for us to meet, but when the hero and heroine are ignored it bothers me. I haven't noticed it as much in the most recent books, but I did in this one.

That said, I really liked watching Sean and Franci come back together in this book and build a family. I thought their feelings were realistic and understandable.
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,336 followers
May 21, 2013
Reviewed for THC Reviews
A large part of the plot of Angel's Peak centers around the secret baby theme, which is not a favorite of mine. I have a hard time accepting the idea of a woman running away to have a baby and never telling the father, because it seems so unfair to the guy. Unless the man is a tyrant or otherwise a danger to the woman and her child, I usually don't feel like she has a good reason to do this, so this is a romance theme I typically avoid. However, with this being a Virgin River book and me being a huge fan of the series, I couldn't very well pass this one up. I figured if anyone could pull it off and make me like this type of story it would be Robyn Carr, and she definitely didn't disappoint. It was apparent that during the earlier incarnation of their relationship, both Franci and Sean were rather stubborn and immature. Franci tried repeatedly during their relationship to get Sean to commit to her, but he made it abundantly clear that he didn't want marriage or children. When Franci found herself pregnant, she knew Sean would probably step up to the plate and marry her out of a sense of obligation if nothing else, but she didn't want a marriage based on duty alone. She wanted to know that he would love her and the baby with his whole heart. She made one last-ditch effort to get him to commit without tipping her hand. Many angry words were said on both sides, and Franci finally split. She intended to tell Sean she was pregnant eventually, but one thing after another kept happening to turn her off to that idea, and the more time that passed, the harder it was for her to fess up, knowing that he would be angry with her for not telling him in the first place. I did agree with her mom that she should have told Sean long ago, but I felt like the author explained Franci's reasoning well enough for me to be OK with it. Not to mention, she and Sean grew and matured a lot during the course of the story, so in some ways the separation only made their reunion sweeter.

Franci and Sean were two wonderful people who made a lovely couple. They met in the Air Force where Sean was flying planes and Franci was a flight nurse. They connected on a very deep level and had amazing chemistry, but butted heads constantly about the marriage issue. When they broke up, Franci got out of the Air Force and went to live with her mom. She built a good life for herself and little Rose with her mom as her support system. When Franci left, Sean felt bad about how things had ended between them. He tried a few times to reach her, only to find out that she'd moved and no one seemed to know where she'd gone. Finally, he gave up and went on with his life, returning to his old playboy persona, but no woman since has made him feel like Franci did. When he chances to spot her in a bar with friends, he's instantly smitten again and refuses to let her get away a second time. However, she isn't so thrilled to see him after all this time and gives him the cold shoulder. Being a typical clueless man, he has no idea how to go about getting her back the right way, but I have to give him props for his persistence. At least he had the decency to admit that he had no idea what he was doing and that he was wrong to not commit to her. Although he was upset with her at first for not informing him that he was a father, he warmed up to little Rose and her mom pretty quickly, and grew into the kind of man Franci desperately wanted four years earlier. Eventually, they can't deny that the old spark is still there, and Sean begins to wonder why he ever fought it so hard. I have to give Robyn Carr kudos for not skimping on showing Sean and Franci's chemistry in their first love scene. Despite only being moderately descriptive, it was positively explosive and explained a lot about why neither had experienced anything else like it since breaking up.

As with all the Virgin River books, there are side plots aplenty. Most of the past heroes and heroines returned in some capacity, even if only as background characters. Some new characters were introduced as well and new relationships were formed. Robyn Carr continues her tradition of romance for the young at heart with Franci's mom, Vivian, and her boyfriend, Carl, who are looking forward to being able to spend more time together if Franci and Sean reunite. Sean's mom, Maureen is thrilled that one of her sons has finally given her a grandchild even if she is rather prudish about the way it occurred. She revels in her new role as grandma to Rose and gets acquainted with Noah's old friend, George. We learn that Dan and Cheryl are progressing in their relationship, but still taking things slow, one day at a time. Cheryl finally puts her old house filled with bad memories on the market, while Dan is building a new home that will be all theirs for making new memories. Noah is still a great friend, counselor and minister to the community. He and Ellie get engaged, plan and execute a wedding, and buy a “new” old house. I love how the whole town came together to help them fix it up enough to live in just in time for the holidays. Luke and Shelby play hosts to their family and have a big announcement to make. We also learn that Paul is busy doing a major rebuild/remodel on Ian Buchanan's old cabin (A Virgin River Christmas) in preparation for Marcie's sister, Erin, coming to visit as the heroine of the next book in the series, Moonlight Road. I remember Erin being rather fussy and snobbish as well as pretty bossy toward Marcie. I don't recall liking her very well, but if anyone can make me warm up to her, Robyn Carr would be the one to do it. Her hero will be Sean and Luke's brother, Aiden. I've always loved Aiden, because out of all those handsome Riordan boys, he is the one who longs for a wife and family but has had horrible luck with women. It's cute how excited he is about meeting his niece, and he's the only one of the boys who can keep their mom, Maureen, in line. He's definitely the peace keeper of the family and an all-around great guy who I look forward to seeing as a main hero.

Angel's Peak was another heartwarming read in the Virgin River series. This book was a little more lighthearted than some of the others in the series. It contained two of the funniest scenes that I believe Robyn Carr has ever written. The grocery store fight was absolutely hilarious, and Sean's first attempt at playing father to Rosie was truly endearing while also being LOL funny. As always, I loved the small-town atmosphere and all the people who populate the town. Their Thanksgiving gathering and how they all rallied around each other and helped those in need gave me lots of warm fuzzies. Angel's Peak was yet another winner from this talented author, and I can't wait to pick up the next book soon.
Profile Image for Kathrynn.
1,181 reviews
February 7, 2016
Fabulous book that rang my bells and whistles. Angel's Peak is set primarily in Eureka, California, but there are short events in Virgin River throughout the story. Previous characters have quick mentions--here and there--but most have no dialogue. Jack, Preacher, the General, Muriel, Dan Brady and a few others have short dialogues; while Noah and Ellie (earlier book) finalize "things," a new relationship develops between two consenting seniors, two new characters and their interracial romance is introduced (seniors), and the events are set for the next book in this series. :-) Primarily, this addition to the Virgin River series is focused on the Riordan family--5 brothers and one widowed mom (Maureen).

Enjoyed reading about Maureen and her relationship with her 5 sons. Her character comes to life and how she handles her "concerned" sons had me laughing. Enjoyed reading how the "family" tried so hard not to be a burden to their extended families, i.e., in-law drama, house guests, etc.

There were only a few trips to Jack's Bar, several trips to Noah's new church, time at the Riordan cabins....

What I enjoyed most was the main focus of the story: Sean, Francine and little 3 1/2-year old Rosie. Four years ago, Sean and Franci practically lived together for two years. Their relationship was good, but one-sided (Sean) and when the military told Sean he was going somewhere else, he felt Franci could come with him, but made plans without her and assumed she'd follow. Franci, who was a nurse in the Air Force, was leaving the military to pursue other interests. Early on in their relationship, she made it clear to Sean that she wanted long-term, commitment and marriage--eventually--and when two years hit it was time to firm things up or move on. Things happened, bitter words were exchanged and the couple lost track of each other.

Fast-forward 4 years and Sean is on leave/vacation in Virgin River staying with Luke and Shelby (newlyweds). In fact, this book takes place a few weeks AFTER their wedding (earlier book). Sean has not been able to find anyone he was as compatible with as Franci. He frequently thought he had seen her, but always turned out not to be her. Until...he does run into her, but she makes it clear she's not interested in re-ringing that bell. Her heart was broken and she had gotten on with her life. But, Sean becomes...obsessed. He tracks her down, follows her, parks outside her home, spends time in her neighborhood in hopes of running into her at groceries, bookstores, malls, etc.

How he worked his way back into Franci's life was inspiring and impressive. The surprise Franci had for him added to the character development that bloomed with every page. Loved how obstacles were tackled, and an outspoken 3 1/2-year old "princess" wrapped a (former) no-kids/no-marriage, flight jock, around her little finger.

It was so good! Robyn Carr is the engine that just keeps these stories alive. Another favorite for This Reader.
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