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Wallflowers #0

La antigua magia

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Lady Aline Marsden estaba predestinada a contraer un matrimonio ventajoso con un miembro de su misma clase. Pero no pudo evitar entregarse a John McKenna, un criado de su padre. Como consecuencia de tan apasionada trasgresión, John fue despedido de su trabajo y Aline enviada a vivir al campo, lejos de los ojos inquisidores de la alta sociedad londinense.

Ahora McKenna ha hecho fortuna y ha regresado, más atractivo y seductor que nunca. Y decidido a hacer sufrir a la mujer que destruyó sus ilusiones. Pero la magia que los uniera en el pasado volverá a arder con más fuerza que nunca, y John tendrá que decidir si llevar adelante sus planes de venganza... o arriesgarlo todo por su primer y único amor.

352 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 29, 2004

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About the author

Lisa Kleypas

98 books30.1k followers
LISA KLEYPAS is the RITA award-winning author of 21 novels. Her books are published in fourteen languages and are bestsellers all over the world. She lives in Washington State with her husband and two children.

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May 25, 2017
4 Scars of the past Stars

 photo chelsea-says-enoy_zpsgp1hvwhm.gif

Again the Magic was a good read. It's has two love stories in it. This book kinda reminded me of 2 of Jane Austen's books. Pride and Prejudice because it has two sister's love stories in it. Aline reminded me of Elizabeth Bennet and Livia reminded me of Jane Bennet. It also reminded me of Persuasion with the second chance love story about the hero being beneath the heroine's station in live so he goes off makes something of himself and comes back to rub it in her face only to realize he still loves her. So yea I was feeling Jane Austen all over this book. Which is fine because I love me some Jane Austen. I enjoyed both couples in this book and the plot. I did take a stars off because Aline drove me crazy the way she kept pushing the hero away and hurt him instead of just being honest! Still overall a good read!
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,655 reviews4,712 followers
August 3, 2014
5+ stars – Historical Romance

I really enjoyed (loved!) this touching, emotional read of two childhood best friends turned sweethearts of opposing social classes whose love is torn apart by unfair prejudices, society rules and expectations, secrets, lies, mistrust, pride, and vanity.

I loved McKenna, even when he was plotting Lady Aline’s ruin and being a cruel alpha, and his volatile and intense emotional reactions were so brutally honest and heartbreaking. Aline’s staunch secrecy and foolish pride drove me nuts! I mean really, come on! You’re apart from the man you love for 12 years and then you finally have a miraculous, magical second chance, only you’re too chicken, distrusting, insecure, and vain to admit the truth and put your feelings out there?!? Arrrgh! Still, I was rooting for McKenna to soften his ways and for Aline to finally come to her senses and admit her “big” secret before it was too late because those two definitely needed and deserved a HEA! And I really enjoyed the sweet, steamy secondary romance between Gideon and Olivia, too.

It’s a sad, beautiful, affecting love story that stays with you once you’ve turned that last page.

These poignant lines spoken by McKenna to Lady Aline brought tears to my eyes and pretty much reveal and convey the heart and soul of the story.

“For thousands of nights I dreamed of making love to you. No man on earth has ever hated sunrise as much as I do.”

“I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses...the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face. I want to see you in the final hour of my life...to lie in your arms as I take my last breath.”

Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
September 29, 2010

Lisa Kleypas has done it again, and in a big way. Again the Magic is a wonderful story with so many dimensions and so much depth that I was up until the wee hours of the morning, unable to put it down. This story is actually a “prequel” to the Wallflowers series. While I’ve never seen it listed as a numbered book in the series, the characters in Again the Magic are featured heavily in It Happened One Autumn, book 2 of the Wallflowers, as well as in the other Wallflower novels.

There are so many good things to say about this book that I don’t know where to start. As usual with Kleypas’ writing, we have characters who are so well developed that they cease to be words on a page and become living, breathing people. We can imagine them as friends, family, lovers and even enemies.

Again the Magic actually tells 2 stories. There is the main hero/heroine theme revolving around Lady Aline and McKenna, and a secondary hero/heroine theme revolving around Lady Olivia Marsden, Aline’s younger sister, and Gideon Shaw, McKenna’s American business partner. However, I find it difficult to describe Olivia’s and Gideon’s part of the story as secondary because it was so full, so detailed, that it felt to me as though it were its own, singular novel. And that made me very happy!

I found Again the Magic to be refreshingly more honest than your usual fluffy historical romance novel. The reactions of the characters were more in keeping with what I would have expected given the depth of their feelings for one another and their lack of control over certain situations.

Anger and frustration are emotions that linger near the surface and are often the first emotions we feel when being faced with situations that are beyond our ability to change. Sometimes, for whatever reason, the people we love just can’t seem to trust us to love them enough to see past their flaws, be those flaws physical or emotional. Such is the case with Lady Aline and the scars she carries from an injury she received in a kitchen fire. I don’t want to go into detail here and give away too much of the story, but her shame over the deep, severe scars keeps her from accepting McKenna’s love. She just can’t seem to trust him to love her enough…

McKenna has no idea why Lady Aline keeps pushing him away, but finally he has had enough and is ready to return to America, alone, a heartbroken man. But through a unexpected intervention by an unlikely person, Aline is given the opportunity to finally unload her burden and tell McKenna the truth and I loved his reaction. He didn’t just pat her on the head and say “It’s going to be ok, love, I forgive you and we’ll get past this.” Nope, in fact, he let her have it with both barrels. He held nothing back when he described the hell she had put him through and this is the type of reaction I would have expected from a man so desperately in love. He made her listen as he poured out the anguish he had been feeling, and then he summed it all up in just a few simple words:

“My God.” The blood rose higher in his face. “What if the situation were reversed and I was the one who had been hurt? Would you have left me?”
“Then why did you expect anything less of me?”

The entire exchange was so well written, so perfect and exactly the reaction I would have expected (and hoped for) from a man who thought he had forever lost the love of his life. I was cheering him on with every word he spoke, and when he finally took her to bed I loved how he wouldn’t allow her to hide her scars from him.

And again we see, between Olivia and Gideon, the same honest reaction from Olivia regarding Gideon’s drinking problem when he asked her to marry him and she turned him down. She didn’t sugar coat anything, nor did she give him an ultimatum, but told him, “…I won’t subject myself to the process of losing you little by little, until you’ve either killed yourself or become someone that I don’t recognize.” Again, this is the kind of reaction I hope for from my heroes and heroines. She wasn’t going to sit by and watch the man she was in love with slowly deteriorate by his own actions.

As I said, there are so many good things about this story that I really don’t know where to start or how to cover them all. Suffice it to say that Again the Magic has a charm, an honesty and a depth and breadth to it that has earned it a place on my list of all time favorite reads.


Whether you’re looking for an excellent stand alone novel or want a series to read, I highly recommend Again the Magic and the Wallflowers. Reading order:

Again The Magic(While it is a stand alone, you won’t want to miss the Marsdens in the next 5 books)
Secrets of a Summer Night
It Happened One Autumn
Devil in Winter
Scandal in Spring
A Wallflower Christmas
Profile Image for Auntee.
1,335 reviews1,444 followers
August 2, 2019
Boy did I love this one, but the TSTL heroine almost ruined it for me! Oh Aline, what you put poor McKenna through...

My thoughts...

I should have known what I was in for, after blubbering and sniffing my way through the first 3 chapters--this was one angsty read! I totally fell for (John) McKenna, who went from bastard stableboy in love with a beautiful, unattainable daughter of a duke, to millionaire American in 12 short years. When 19 year old Lady Aline Marsden sent young McKenna away (and how she did it) after her father threatened to ruin him after their affair was found out, my heart broke for both of them. And when McKenna came back after 12 years, so cold and with a plan for revenge against his first love, I was disappointed in him (even though I could hardly blame him). But what Aline put him through? I wanted to shake that woman and tell her "tell him already, tell him why you sent him away and for God's sake, tell him what you're hiding from him!" I wanted her to be honest and put it out there already, and to believe in his love for her. But when she finally got McKenna to get over his revenge plan and declare his true feelings again, I thought this is it, this is what she was waiting for, to see if he still cared. And then she did the most asinine thing! Ugh! I said "No...you didn't just do that to him...again?"

Well, luckily for Aline she has a smart brother, who knocked some sense in her before it was too late. Thank you, Marcus, some very nice words of wisdom you imparted to Aline. And once the truth was revealed to McKenna about why Aline thought she couldn't be with him...I was sooo glad when McKenna let her have it! (in more ways than one...)

I adored the character of McKenna, and I loved the story of his childhood friendship with Aline and how it grew to a passionate, you're-my-other-half love story. And I hurt for them both when they were forced to separate. But jeez, I wanted to throttle Aline for not being honest and not really giving McKenna enough credit and trusting in his love.

I loved that this book was also a two-fer. I thought the other love story between Aline's younger (and wiser) sister Livia and uppercrust New Yorker Gideon Shaw was almost as exciting as the McKenna/Aline storyline. I liked the fact that LK gave the alcoholic Gideon a huge problem to overcome, but I was unclear about what drove him to drink so much. Was it his family's expectations of him? Or was it the fiancee who dumped him for a better offer? I guess I was waiting to hear a more tragic story about why he had to be drinking around-the-clock. I did like how Livia handled his problem (I swear she had way more sense than her sister Aline)!

There were so many moments in this book that had me tearing up. Some of my favorites were the poem that McKenna wrote for Aline, along with the 15 dozen roses and the case of gingerbread he sent to her; also, when Gideon was pleading for Livia to "just blink" if she loved him; and McKenna's declaration of love to Aline when he finally sees what she's been keeping from him (*sniff*).

This book is a 'prequel' of sorts to the Wallflowers series, so if you're planning on reading that series, you'll want to start with this one first. I just wish I had done that.:(

I love a book that gets me so involved with the story and characters that it can make me cry. Lisa Kleypas is a masterful, gifted storyteller--there was not a moment that I wanted to put this one down. No slow parts, and as usual, plenty of tidbits and anecdotes about 1830s England and America to make you feel like you're learning something too while you're enjoying your romance. If it weren't for that one frustrating moment with Aline, this would be a 5 star read. But for that alone, I've got to knock it down slightly to a 4 1/2.

My 'McKenna'...

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,023 reviews2,447 followers
August 6, 2022
Reread for book club August 2022

4.5 stars!

“Perhaps only those who had loved and lost could appreciate this magic.”

I think I say this in all of my historical romance reviews, but it's not really a genre I enjoy reading most of the time unless it is done well. Having been a history major in college it really grinds my gears when the suspension of disbelief gets to be too much. That was not the case with this book. I was easily able to take a step back and enjoy this angsty romance for what is was: a great second chance romance.

When Aline and McKenna were kids, they fell in love. By their late teenage years they both realized it was the forever kind and not a childhood fancy. Buy McKenna is a stable boy and Aline is a lady and it can never be, especially when Aline's father finds out and threatens to ruin McKenna. Aline strikes a deal with him, and McKenna is sent away with prospects, but never to return.

Twelve years later McKenna returns a changed man, a wealthy one. And he seeks revenge on Aline for breaking his heart.

This was a nice break from reality. I love angst so I ate that all up, but the steamy scenes not so much. Historical sex seems to be a bit too cheesy and romancey for me (shocker). I found this book to be very character driven which is why I liked it so much. I loved seeing the changes in them over the years and the whys and hows. Pretty much fantastic writing all around.

Thanks for the rec Christine!

Profile Image for Carol Cork *Young at Heart Oldie*.
428 reviews224 followers
August 28, 2024
If I were asked to choose one special book by my favourite author Lisa Kleypas, it would have to be AGAIN THE MAGIC, the prequel to her Wallflower series. The emotional impact of this powerful and moving love story never diminishes no matter how many times I read it.

Aline Marsden and John McKenna are young and passionately in love, but it's a forbidden love. Aline is the eldest daughter of the Earl of Westcliff while McKenna is a mere stable lad on her father's estate. Their happiness comes to an abrupt end when Aline's father discovers their liaison. In order to save McKenna from her father's terrible retribution, Aline must ensure that when he leaves Stony Cross Park, McKenna will never return. The only way is to convince him that she has never really loved him:

"You're a bastard, McKenna ..... you have no family, no blood, no means....... what could you offer me that I couldn't get from any other man of low breed? Go, please."

Devastated, she can only watch him walk out of her life. Shortly after McKenna's departure, Aline is injured in a terrible accident, which almost claims her life and leaves her badly scarred.

Twelve years have passed and Aline is still living at Stony Cross Park with her brother, Marcus, now the Earl of Westcliff, and Olivia (Livia), her younger sister. Marcus is entertaining Gideon Shaw, a wealthy American businessman, and his party, with a view to investing in Shaw's business ventures. Aline enjoys her role as hostess for her brother's guests but when she finds an old handkerchief left on her bed, she knows there is only one person who could have left it there – McKenna!

Now Shaw's business partner, McKenna is not the young stable lad she had loved all those years ago and has never stopped loving, but an arrogant, self-confident and brooding stranger with all the trappings of wealth. But what she sees in his eyes is not love but hatred, and Aline knows he intends to seek revenge for the way in which she scorned him twelve years ago.

Seduction will be a sweet revenge for McKenna:

He was going to make her suffer, weep, scream, beg. He was going to bring her to her knees. Break her. And that was just the beginning.

Aline wants to experience a taste of what might have been with McKenna and becomes his willing victim. Despite everything, McKenna accepts that he has never stopped loving Aline and, when he discovers the real reason why she sent him away from Stony Cross Park, he begs her to marry him. Can Aline find the courage to trust in McKenna's love enough to tell him the truth about her accident? Or will she watch McKenna walk out of her life again -- forever!

Lisa Kleypas has the extraordinary ability to draw me into her books and I always feel a deep connection to her characters. In AGAIN THE MAGIC, the scenes between Aline and McKenna are so powerfully written that it is as if I am part of their lives instead of a mere onlooker. They have each been through so much that I desperately wanted them to have their happy ending. Some scenes are so heartrending that quite often I found tears streaming down my face. Their passion positively melts the pages and Ms Kleypas definitely increases her normal heat level in the love scenes.

Oh, McKenna -- "how you devastate me" -- to steal Aline's words. In my opinion, Ms Kleypas writes some of the best heroes ever and McKenna is undeniably one of my favourites. He is the embodiment of a hero – powerful, brooding, handsome, and passionate but also tender and caring. I love the fact that he is not afraid to show genuine emotion:

Turning, she (Mrs Faircloth) held her arms out to him in a maternal gesture. McKenna went to her at once, his black head lowering to her soft, round shoulder as he wept.

I knew that he couldn't have stopped loving Aline in spite of what he says to the contrary. Why else would he have kept her handkerchief for twelve long years? When Aline tells him she wants a certain amount of finesse in his seduction -- serenades, flowers and poetry -- would a man, who is not head over heels in love, concede to all her requests, even the poem?

I empathize with Aline because not only did she suffer the anguish of losing McKenna but the accident then left her both emotionally and physically scarred. I appreciate why she has a lack of self-worth because of her scars and therefore why she acts as she does. It is only when McKenna declares his unconditional love for her that I really wanted to shake some sense into her and say: "Come on Aline! Here's a guy that loves you more than life itself. Do you really think those scars will matter to him?"

That said, Ms Kleypas more than compensated for my frustration with Aline by writing an unforgettable final love scene between them that melted my heart and some of the most memorable romantic words ever:

"I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses.... the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face. I want to see you in the final hour of my life.....to lie in your arms as I take my last breath."

I like the way in which the secondary romance between Livia and Gideon Shaw is interwoven and find it every bit as satisfying as Aline and McKenna's. It is an unusual pairing of characters and the issue of Gideon's drinking adds an interesting edge to the romance. It also has one of my favourite quotes:

She smiled at him, though her hazel-green eyes were wary beneath the brim of a sodden hat. Right at that moment, staring at her across the hall, Gideon Shaw, cynic, hedonist, drunkard, libertine, fell hopelessly in love.

I adore Aline's brother, Marcus, for being fair and open-minded, so unlike his father, and caring so much about his sisters even though, at times, he can be a "self-important interfering clod", to quote Livia. He is so cynical about love that you know when he falls for someone, he will fall hard:

"Poor Marcus ..... how I (Aline) look forward to the day when you fall under some woman's spell."

Me too, Aline. Me too!

The secondary characters all add depth to the story: Mrs Faircloth, the housekeeper, always ready with soothing words and a warm shoulder to cry on; Susan Chamberlain, Gideon's bitchy sister, perpetually looking down her nose at everyone; Adam, Lord Sandridge, Aline's friend and confidante, with a secret or two of his own.

My words can never do justice to such a wonderful book as AGAIN THE MAGIC. So bring a little magic into your life and read it soon


This review was originally written for The Romance Reviews
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,444 followers
September 25, 2009
This really should be a five star book, but it had a few issues that make it hard to give it a five star rating. Fundamentally, the secondary love story takes up way too much of this book. I believe that McKenna and Aline's beautiful love story deserves more time than was spent on it in this story. I have nothing against Gideon and Olivia, but seeing their relationship unfold at the expense of McKenna and Aline was frustrating to me. It was almost like LK was finding it too painful to delve into the angst of their story and switched the camera away to focus on Gideon and Olivia. If I had my way, I would have introduced G and O in this story, and continued their relationship in a short story. Instead, we see them go from strangers to lovers to in love (in my opinion in a manner that is much more convincing than the main couple's story).

But what about the characters that I read this book for? Well, there is the beginning of their starcrossed love: John McKenna as a 'lowly' stable groom, and Aline as a shy, quiet teen who was in love with McKenna from the get go. They were close friends who were on the cusp of being lovers and more. Unfortunately, Aline's awful dad finds out and kicks McKenna off the estate, and he's forced to make his way in the cold, cruel world. He thinks that Aline didn't love him and easily forgot about him, so he has driven himself to get revenge against her by making himself into a very rich, powerful man, no matter what the cost is. Little did he know that his leaving broke Aline's heart, and she is badly injured in a kitchen fire, which makes her unmarriageble in her mind. So life has not been great for Aline after all.

When they reunite, Aline is determined to enjoy her summer (in every way she can) with McKenna and watch him leave with no regrets. All McKenna's thoughts of revenge fade as he is reconfronted with the woman he never stopped loving. Powerful stuff. McKenna is an incredible hero. He is strong and driven. I loved him. Aline was convincing and sympathetic as a heroine. You can understand why she tries to keep secrets from McKenna. She doesn't want him to be burdened with an invalid wife. So she gives herself only sexually to him. How could I not love this story? If there was enough time spent on it. It was so frustrating to see this book barely scratch the surface of all the longing and anguish between them. Not to mention that they go off to America to start their happy marriage and we never hear from them again.

So I can't help feeling down about the way this story unfolded. Normally I love an angsty romance. So long as the end is fulfilling and I am fully convinced that the couple has made it past the pain and will have a happy, loving future together. In this case, there wasn't enough payoff. Deep down I still feel this uncertainty about McKenna and Aline. Are they truly happy? Is all well?

This book about forbidden love has a poignancy that is almost painful. It stays on your mind and you hope that Aline and Mckenna are having a very happy life together. They earned it. But I needed more of their story to be content with this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,315 followers
November 19, 2010
3 1/2 stars (but I'm rounding it down to 3 stars because I didn't like it as much as the other LK books I've rated 4 stars.)

I'm not going to write a review because there are already a gazillion reviews not only here but all over the internet. I'm just going to point out what I liked/disliked in this book, since I seem to be in the minority for not loving it as "everyone else".

- McKenna, Gideon, Livia, Westclif... In sum, every character but Aline (and her father, of course.)
- The beginning of the story: I could really feel how much McKenna and Aline loved each other, how hard it was for her to send him away and how devastated he became.
- The ending of the story, when Aline stops being TSTL and McKenna lets her see how much she hurt him.
- The love scenes, of course. ;)

- Aline and her ridiculous excuses for sending McKenna away (the 2nd time; I was OK with her reason for sending him away the 1st time.)
- Two romances crammed into one book: I wish LK had written Aline's and Livia's stories separately. As it was, both romances fell short and slightly rushed to me. I believe I'd have been more lenient towards Aline if I had spent more time with her.

Well, I think that explains why this book didn't wow me. I liked it, but I didn't love it.

Interesting tidbit: During their business visit to London, McKenna and Gideon stay at the Rutledge Hotel. Harry Rutledge, the hotel owner and a close friend of Westcliff's, is mentioned but doesn't show up in this book. Years later, he becomes the hero in Tempt Me at Twilight.
Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
265 reviews25.3k followers
October 11, 2014
*4 Stars*

An enjoyable, steamy escape!

This isn't exactly breaking news to romance readers, but Lisa Kleypas is a goddess in her genre. She truly excels in her steamy love scenes which are as passionate as they are explicit. Again the Magic is an edgy historical romance that offers a double dose of taboo love during a time where venturing outside of one's social class was not only unheard of, but inarguably forbidden.

Our main couple, Aline and McKenna, are childhood friends who gradually and helplessly fall in love. But Aline is the daughter of an insufferable Earl who believes the only purpose his daughter serves is to "marry well", and will not stand for her falling for a mere servant. Aline has no choice but to crush poor McKenna's heart and send him packing. But McKenna eventually returns with bitterness on his tongue and revenge against Aline in his heart...

Alongside Aline's and McKenna's romance runs a secondary love story, which is a little less forbidden but also holds a healthy level of "taboo". I initially wasn't sure I wanted my main couple sharing the spotlight, and although the additional romance ended up being a nice compliment to the story, I never found it entirely necessary.

I would have been happy with a little less sex and a bit more story, although it's difficult to complain about a book written so incredibly well. The element of tension did become a little redundant at times: miscommunication, withholding information, the denial and sacrificing of feelings ... however, everything held a purposeful place within the story.

What I loved most was how richly layered and deeply developed each character was — this is what brings a story to life for me. The romance had a "timeless" sort of feel to it, and I immediately knew that this would be one I'd remember.

If you're a fan of historical fiction delivered through eloquent writing, and looking for an extremely well-executed, sexually charged story -- don't pass this one up!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Book Stats:
▪ Genre/Category: Historical Romance
▪ Steam Caliber: Maximum steam and plenty of it.
▪ Romance: Friends to lovers, forbidden romance.
▪ Characters: Vengeful but lovable hero. Strong but reluctant heroine.
▪ Plot: Showcases a main forbidden love story, and a secondary character romance.
▪ Writing: Eloquent, fluid, graceful, steamy.
▪ POV: 3rd Person Perspective: Alternates focus
▪ Cliffhanger: None/ Can be read as standalone.
▪ Next Installment: Separate story in series.
▪ HEA?

Profile Image for Crystal's Bookish Life.
911 reviews1,615 followers
July 11, 2024
Re-reading in 2024 still 5 stars

2020 review: Absolute perfection. Honestly can not find really any flaws with it. That emotional payoff at the end was EVERYTHING.

Kleypas is a popular writer but I think she may be underrated at just how good she is at the craft of writing. No details were wasted here, every single gesture and glance was filled with purpose.

A masterpiece. Probably one of my favorites ever.
Profile Image for sraxe.
394 reviews457 followers
November 11, 2015
Oh yay...another book in which the hero doesn't remain celibate while the heroine does.

I really, really didn't like McKenna. My God, I felt like Leo Hathaway while I was reading this and thinking, Good God, this one’s worse than Harry. But you know? This was like a toss-up at the Asshole Olympics. What's worse? Being a hypocritical bastard, like Harry, and manipulating, publically compromising and then just forcing a woman into marriage (during a time when divorce wasn't a viable option for a woman)...or being a misogynistic bastard, like McKenna, who's out for vengeance against an Ex and decides he's owed sex, entertains the thoughts of a mistress arrangement rather than marriage, and is hoping to get a bastard child off her for good measure?

The only reason I've decided not to rate this a one star is because I actually enjoyed the beginning and all the parts with Gideon and Livia. This book should've been just about them because they were far more interesting as a couple and more deeply nuanced as individuals than the main couple, Aline and McKenna. In fact, Adam, Livia, Gideon...literally everyone was eminently more interesting than those two. Hell, even Mrs. Faircloth was more interesting than them!

Going into this book, I was dreading it but also looking forward to it. I should not have to go into every second chance romance with a feeling of apprehension, constantly bracing myself for the inevitable sexist reveal of the man having moved on while the woman hasn't. I thought this book would be different because Aline mentions more than one that she hates the thought of other woman touching McKenna. I thought that an author would do something different FOR ONCE and keep the man celibate. But no. We can't have that, right?

When it's first revealed that he didn't remain celibate, I was even willing to overlook it because I felt the author's reasoning was at least understandable. Aline wasn't nice when she broke McKenna's heart and I could understand him not waiting around for her. I could even understand Aline not having moved on, with the burns on her legs and all. However, even though I was left with sense of disappointment, I still decided to keep reading and not DNF.

Oh, and this is also ignoring the fact that him actually believing what she'd said when he departed Stony Cross was illogical. I understand his initial anger at the sting of her words and believing them at the time...but afterwards? After he's had time to think it over? Even twelve years later? He should've come to realize that his class meant nothing to her and she wasn't toying with him! Time and again, she offered herself to him...and he's the one who refused. She even suggested they elope...and he's the one who refused! Like...what is this shit? How is it that he still thinks she believes him to be beneath her? And how is that he still fell for that crap a second time?

Anyway. But then...oh man, but then we just had to KEEP HEARING about how he'd been with other women! It's mentioned more than once that he's had sex with other women in the years in between and we just aren't allowed to look past or forget this fact. It just started to aggravate me, especially considering what Aline has been through and how she had to suffer alone. She went through a near-death experience and is permanently scarred from it, having to live with that for the rest of her life. And then McKenna just comes back into her life and starts treating her like shit, with both his intentions and his words, telling her: “My lady, you’re about to receive an education in how to conduct an affair. Because for the duration of my stay at Stony Cross, you’re going to work off your debt to me…on your back, your knees, or any other position I desire you in.” So because she rejected him all those years ago, he's owed a sex debt from her and has to pay it with interest? Excuse me...what? And then it just got worse because she's got no spine and kept falling for him. Literally right after he spouts the above nonsense to her, she's already falling for him again.

And you know...I would've been able to look past all this crap if he'd just remained celibate. But no. Instead, we're constantly reminded about how he's had other women. Good God, during their big confession moment at the end, there's still mention of him having other women in his arms! Fucking hell, if it's too much to ask to just keep a man celibate...can't we at least be spared having to read mentions of past lovers? More than once? Especially while the h and H are confessing their undying love for one another?

“I’ve cursed every day I’ve had to live without you, and every night that I spent with another woman, wishing that it was you in my arms—”

Like, do I have to read that? And sandwiched between lines about how she's his heart and soul and he can't live without her? Really?

And then, just for good measure, it's mentioned once more at the end.

In the past Gideon had seen McKenna with women in far more licentious circumstances than this.

And a good chunk of this book felt like filler to me...which is ridiculous because it had two love stories going simultaneously. But seriously? I don't recall a Kleypas novel ever having as much as sex as this one did. Even if you just consider the amount of scenes between a single couple, there were still waaaaay more compared to the usual that I've seen in Kleypas's novels.

Oh, and while I really liked Adam and hope he got his HEA...can we just talk about how much of a POS Aline is for outing him to McKenna? Sorry, but that shit wasn't hers to tell. Actually -- no, I'm not sorry. Fuck her for outing him -- especially when he's been a friend to her for years and hasn't told a soul any of her secrets and has only helped her every step of the way. And let's not forget that her secrets aren't even as bad (burn scars) as his, him being a gay man of the peerage and all. I was just like...no, no...she wouldn't out him would she...? And then she did. Fuck her.

She doesn't know what McKenna would've done with that information because she has no clue how he feels about LGBT. And let's not forget that the death penalty for buggery wasn't even abolished until the Offences against the Person Act of 1861! This book takes place in 1844.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
August 12, 2016

"I’ll marry no man but you McKenna. And if you ever leave me, I’ll be alone for the rest of my life."
"Aline …. I would never leave unless you told me to go …"

Aline was his curse, his fate, his consuming desire. He would never stop wanting her, no matter what she did, no matter how many oceans and continents he managed to put between them.

"No man on earth has ever hated sunrise as much as I do."

"You sleep too," she said groggily, her hand creeping to the center of his chest.
"No." McKenna smiled and pressed a soft kiss against her temple. His voice was husky with wonder.
"Not when staying awake is better than anything I could find in a dream."

When I finish a book such as this I always say to myself, “Why do you read Historicals only now and again?” I must make sure I dip into them more often. A Wonderful read. I know I said in one status update that I did not want McKenna to be mean to her but I thought he could have been a bit more of an ass! I do like them to be like that but all in all it was a lovely read.
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,144 reviews6,461 followers
July 3, 2019
*.) Again The Magic ★★
1.) Secrets of a Summer Night ★★★
2.) It Happened One Autumn ★★★
3.) Devil In Winter ★★★★
4.) Scandal in Spring ★★★★


I definitely had some issues with this one, including my most hated trope of all time happening not once, but TWICE in this novel *facepalm*. I also had issues with the language regarding males 'posessing' and 'owning' women and consent (COZ Y'ALL. CONSENT IS IMPORTANT), but I read this in less than 24 hours and I couldn't put it down despite my frustrations. I grew really attached to the characters even though I wanted to hit them over the head multiple times. I hope the following books in this series improve on the issues I mentioned above, but alas, this is a trashy romance series, so we'll see how it goes!

If you're wondering what the trope is
Profile Image for Anna.
484 reviews370 followers
July 16, 2013
5 TAKE ME AS I AM ~ stars !!

Since the day that John McKenna had been brought to the estate at the age of 8, he and Aline had been constant companions for ten years, climbing trees, swimming in the river, and running around barefoot. But eventually things had begun to change between them. No healthy young man could fail to be stirred and set off-kilter by Aline, who at the age of 17, had become the loveliest girl on God's green earth.

Lady Aline Marsden

Warm, high-spirited, and beautiful in all ways. Aline's looks were the kind that caused the heart to stop and the breath to catch.


McKenna was her counterpart, her compass, her sanctuary. Aline was his curse, his fate, his consuming desire.

You think you want me now. but you'll change. Someday you'll find it damned easy to forget about me. A servant.....

This story was so damn beautiful. Young forbidden love. It captured me completely and I was in love ! I found myself gripped from page one and I kept bawling my eyeballs out! I love second chance epic love!!!

Their forbidden relationship was discovered and they are forced to separate. The way things ended at this point broke my heart. Their paths will not cross again for 12 years. McKenna comes back to the estate where he was once a servant, as a completely successful and rich businessman. He finds Aline still there... unwed and hears about a mysterious illness she had suffered from. He has a plan in action to prove his worth once and for all. She has a personal secret as to why she cannot give herself to him completely. They both put each other through the sweetest of hell. I was right there with them !!!!!

I could not stop swooning. There is just something about historical romances that grip me in a different way then modern-day panty ripping swooning.

I mean REALLY.

This story had my mouth watering and my heart in a tight grip. When you reach the happily-ever-after in this type of book you can literally hear the violins playing in the background and you can envision the couple running towards each other in a field of flowers...they embrace and he swings her round and round....catapulting your heart into the highest of highs...and then PROMPTLY BURSTING INTO TEARS !!!!!!!!!!! just beautiful!!! This is epic love!!!!

"I'll love you until the day I die. You're the only man I'll ever want, McKenna."

"No one will ever look at me the way you do. As if you love me with every part of yourself."

"McKenna promise me, if you ever marry someone else, promise me that you'll always love me best."

"I'll find a way to come back. I'll do whatever you ask. No matter where I go, I'll never stop loving you."

"You need a man who will match your will, own you, occupy every part of your body and every corner of your soul."

"Aline, I love you enough for the both of us. And there must be something about me worth loving. If you would just try..."

"You're the other half of me. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses...the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face, I want to see you in the final hour of my life...to lie in your arms as I take my last breath."

Ash ❤ thank you for this rec !!! I needed EPIC EPIC love !
Profile Image for preoccupiedbybooks.
491 reviews1,511 followers
February 12, 2021
A hot, emotional, and angsty prequel to 'The Wallflowers' series by Lisa Kleypas about forbidden love

A lady and the stable boy fall in love after being childhood friends, only to be cruelly separated. Twelve years later, McKenna and Aline meet again, with him hellbent on taking his revenge on her for his broken heart. Will he be successful, or will the magic still be there between them all these years later?

This was my first Lisa Kleypas book, and I enjoyed it! It was entertaining book full of drama and angst, which I read fairly quickly, a great bit of escapism! I liked that, not only did we get lady Aline's story, but we also got another romance involving her younger sister Olivia, BOGOF!! The Marsden siblings were adorable, and I loved how close they all grew as they became adults. They were good friends, as well as siblings, and looked out for each other. I really liked Olivia actually, and would've read her story, with her romance with Gideon Shaw on it's own. It was a really touching and emotional story, as he tried to overcome his demons, and she tried to move on from a past tragedy.

As for the main story, there was plenty of angst, and anger lay very close to the surface for McKenna, as he walked the line of wanting revenge, but still being drawn to lady Aline. Unfortunately, Aline did annoy me quite a lot! I am not a fan of miscommunication, or the withholding of information, and making decisions for the good of another person trope *sigh*

Aline pushed McKenna away, held secrets back, and lied to him. Sometimes I wanted to shake that woman!

On the whole, the writing was good, and I enjoyed my first Kleypas experience. It was emotional, and very, very hot! There were quite a few explicit scenes in there...🔥🔥🔥I will continue this series, and look forward to reading more about the characters in this world.
Profile Image for Korrie’s Korner.
1,268 reviews13.4k followers
July 22, 2024
Reread :

“He moved with great care, bringing her against his body until her face rested near his collar. The delicious smell of his skin drew a catch of pain from beneath her ribs, a sting that quickly eased into fluid warmth. It went far beyond sexual pleasure, standing there with his hands on her, one at her back, one at her nape. It was bliss. Completeness. The heat of his touch sank through her skin and leaked down into the marrow of her bones.”

McKenna owns me🫠

5+ stars!

I feel like I’m floating on a cloud, and I truly don’t want to come down. What an amazing book! I’m fairly new to all things Lisa Kleypas, but it is very clear to see the unbelievable talent she possesses!

Where do I even begin with this one.

Childhood/teenhood lovers. Stable boy and an Earl’s daughter which just about equals a flat out hell no during this time.

Father finds out. Wants to destroy the young man, and his daughter basically blackmails him after being struck in the face by him. She tells him that she hasn’t lost her virginity yet, but she will give it to any Tom, Dick and Harry if he doesn’t do right by McKenna. Father keeps his word. Aline has to break McKenna’s heart by pretending she doesn’t love him to get him to leave. After he leaves, Aline goes into a depression. Something tragic happens that brings her to deaths door, altering her for life.

Fast forward 12 years later.. “The Americans have arrived!” Boy were these some wealthy business tycoons, and one had a VERY familiar face. “They call him King McKenna..” He’s a handsome hard, Goliath of a man, but what brings him back to Stony Cross Park? Revenge. He may have plans to seduce and destroy, but gosh darn it if he still didn’t love Aline. They were bonded and sealed to each since they were young, and even though McKenna used women to fill a void in New York, nothing could ever compare to Aline.

If only Aline could or would truly allow him to come fully into her heart, but she’s got a secret, and thinks if he truly found out about what happened to her, and how it left her altered, then he wouldn’t want her. Y’all this book beats all, and is definitely a top read this year!

Not only do we get Aline’s story, but I quite enjoyed her little sister, Livia’s story as well. I love how it was equal parts of the story, and it didn’t make you feel like you didn’t get enough of either one.

This had passion, lust, major steam, some moments that made me squirm due to intense hotness. These men do not play, and know Full well how and what to do to a woman to bring the ultimate pleasure. What I loved seeing in the heroines is their abandonment to the passion. Letting themselves go, and doing what was desired. Sooo hot! I also love the introduction of the condom. I even had to look up, and do some research. I didn’t doubt Lisa, but my curious mind. Lol.

I will be thinking about this book for a long time.
Profile Image for Jessica .
2,322 reviews15.2k followers
August 4, 2020
This was one of the most hyped historical romances on my TBR. I know so many of my friends love this and it's a second chance romance, so I was excited and nervous to start.

When this started, I had no idea it was a forbidden romance and I was already feeling so many emotions only 20 pages in. I really loved how McKenna and Aline were in love as teenagers even though he was a stableboy and she was the daughter of an Earl. The circumstances that tore them apart were so sad and it was sad what then happened to Aline that only furthered their distance from one another. While I loved the angst of the romance, I did feel like the main romance was distracted by the romance between Gideon and Livia. Near the end when things were the most tense between McKenna and Aline, we got a good chunk of Livia and Gideon's romance that I feel took me out of that angst and took away from the connection I had with that romance.

While I completely understood Aline's feelings over not wanting to let McKenna in again, it did get frustrating by the end. He even said if the situation were reversed if she would feel the way she thought he would and she was horrified he would think that. I wish she was more willing to communicate, especially after he was back for so long. So while I really did love the angst and this romance, there was just a few things that kept me from giving this five stars.
Profile Image for Daniella.
256 reviews599 followers
November 30, 2015
“For thousands of nights I dreamed of making love to you. No man on earth has ever hated sunrise as much as I do.”

I would give this 10+ stars if I could, because Again the Magic is one of the best romance stories I've ever read.

What made this so impressive was the fact that almost all the characters were so beautifully written and well-developed. They were so alive. Even the secondary characters had depth. They weren't simply there to support McKenna and Aline, but they also had a lot to offer.

I appreciated Livia's forthright and no-bullshit attitude. She knew what she wanted out of her relationship with Gideon, and she told him so. And while I did not find Gideon to be as interesting as others claimed, I liked his good nature. There's no doubt in my mind that Livia was perfect for him; he needed her to finally get the strength to face his own demons. And when he finally did, I couldn't help but give a small victory dance.

Livia and Gideon's honest and open relationship was a good contrast to McKenna and Aline's romance, which was filled with secrets. McKenna's definitely one of the best heroes out there. His love for Aline had all but consumed his soul, and losing her had left him hollow. Yes, he was intense, dark, selfish and bitter. But he loved Aline more than anything in the world . He loved her the way a man should love a woman.

As for Aline, I have to admit that I found her hard to like. My knee-jerk reaction to her was to throttle her. I wanted to slap her senseless when she still refused to admit the truth to McKenna, even after he bared his heart and soul to her. But after thinking about what she's gone through and taking into account the social realities during that time, I think that she was justified in her actions. It's easy to label her as stupid, but if you really consider it, living with that kind of a burden in that type of a society would have severely damaged your self-esteem. It would have forced you to do the same thing.

And that's why I can't hate Aline. On the contrary, I've grown to like her because she clearly sacrificed a lot for McKenna as well. And she deserves to be happy with him.

Overall, this was an amazing read. I highly recommend it to fans of the Wallflower series out there. This will make you appreciate Marcus' character more, I'll tell you. He was adorable here.
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
November 11, 2021

Lisa Kleypas is simply a master Historical Romance writer!!

If you've read her, then you know what I mean. If you haven't, DO IT NOW!!! You're missing out on some of the most heartfelt, swoony, so-romantic-your-eyes-fill-with-tears stories. Seriously, I teared up at least three times while reading Again the Magic. My chest actually hurt. And these aren't sad tears. They're over the top girlie tears that only happen when I gain a new book boyfriend.

McKenna is a classic LK hero in that he rides the razor's edge of unlikeable for quite some time. But he just never quite inches his way across. And when he redeems himself, Aaah! He's been in love with Aline since childhood. And she with him. As they become young adults and more mature feelings arise, they both know that Aline, as an upper class lady, has no chance of marrying the hired hand. But their passion knows no limits...one thing leads to another...and they are caught. To save McKenna, Aline must make him go away. She is cruel and heartless in her execution and McKenna is crushed. His sorrow turns to bitter anger throughout the years. When he returns, he is rich, angry, and ALL GROWED UP!!

"She swallowed against the tightness in her throat, willing the surge of unruly emotion to recede. "McKenna," she whispered, "how you devastate me."

And I was also devastated. How does your heart break when something isn't even sad? Cue those sloppy, girlish tears!!! You know how certain authors words just speak to you? This author does that for me. I feel as if I'm not just an observer. I feel like I'm right there. Here is a part in which McKenna just holds Aline. Nothing more...it doesn't lead anywhere but comfort. If you've ever been held by someone that you know without a doubt loves you, there is such a comfort in that, and these words are that feeling on paper. I just think it's beautiful.

"The delicious smell of his skin drew a catch of pain from beneath her ribs, a sting that quickly eased into fluid warmth. It went far beyond sexual pleasure, standing there with his hands on her, one at her back, one at her nape. It was bliss. Completeness. The heat of his touch sand through her skin and leaked down into the marrow of her bones. His thigh pressed between her legs, nudging so gently, as if he know of the urgent fullness that was gathering in her tender flesh. And he held her, just held her, with his mouth against her temple and his hot breath blowing over her skin. Their bodies were so close, and yet not close enough. She would gladly give away the rest of her life in exchange for one night of pure intimacy, to feel the naked skin of his body, skin to skin, heart to heart."

Aline has her own issues. It's slightly spoilerish, so I won't put it here. Suffice it to say that she doesn't trust that McKenna can love who she is, the way that she is. She just doesn't understand what love is, and how it overlooks all physical flaws. And my GOSH! Does McKenna prove it to her! When he finally realizes why she's kept him away from her all of these years, the utter RAGE in him is magnificent! Rage is a passion, after all...and he is so very passionate about her. One more quote, and I'm done. It is taken from close to the end of the book, so if you don't want the HEA spoiled, don't read on:

"For twelve years I have been in constant torment, wanting you in my arms and believing it would never be possible. I want you for a thousand reasons...I want you for no reason at all, other than the fact that you're you. I want to shove myself deep inside you and stay for hours...days...weeks. I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses...the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face. I want to see you in the final hour of my life...to lie in your arms as I take my last breath."

I realize that this is a very quote-y review, and I apologize. There were just so many moments that I want to remember, moments that moved me. I can't recommend this author or this series enough. If you want a HR recommendation, read the Wallflowers series, starting with this book. It is one of my top favorite series of all time! And it segues into the Hathaway series, which is another favorite. So, so fabulous!!
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,061 followers
October 25, 2012
4.5 stars. The only thing which kept me from holding back on a 5 star is that I missed the frequent humor which I've loved in other books by this author. The reason I consistently recommend Kleypas to friends of mine who don't read historical romance is because many of her books have it all : good story, steamy romance, and plenty of moments which will make you laugh.

That said, this is still probably my favorite Kleypas to date. I had tears come to my eyes quite frequently while reading. From the very beginning, I was drawn into Aline and McKenna's story. The normal Kleypas romance formula of a slow-building relationship was ignored in Again the Magic. Within the first couple of chapters, we were witness to a strong and consuming love affair, told from the perspective of two childhood friends turned love interests.

As would be the case for a full-length book, it's rarely possible for true love's happiness to be obtained so easily. Circumstances forced this pair apart, and McKenna was only brought back in search of Aline to impart revenge for his broken heart and the bitter spirit he was left with when she shattered his world over 12 years earlier.

So often, misunderstanding and lack of trust is the main reason for couples in romances to ignore the truth right in front of them. I would like to assure you that this was not the case but then I would be lying. However, I was too caught up in anticipation of what was to come to even care. Aline carried fear in her heart that her former love would not be able to see past the scarred and burned body hidden underneath her clothing, so she kept the truth about her former rejection of McKenna a secret, in order to keep him at arm's length (you can guess how well that goes!). It's a shame when people can't trust in love, and I wish sometimes that characters would have more faith in the people who claim to love them, but then again, it would shorten the story by more than half, wouldn't it? The reward of seeing Aline and her love find a sweet reunion made everything better. In the case of this couple, they were one of the better matched pairings I've read in a book. Not once did I think one of them was better than the other. I love seeing two people become become such a perfect fit together.

There was also a side story of Aline's sister finding her own happiness. The story was pleasant enough to read, but I felt it an unnecessary addition.
Profile Image for Anto M..
1,067 reviews91 followers
May 29, 2022
Magico, incantevole, intenso!
Devo ancora trovare un libro della Kleypas che non mi convinca, ma questo è davvero sublime. Anche quando i pregiudizi sociali erano una barriera invalicabile, l'amore vero, puro, nato da bambini, trova alla fine la sua strada. Pagina dopo pagina la storia diventa sempre più intensa e coinvolgente, facendo provare mille sensazioni diverse. Mi è venuta voglia di rileggere la serie delle "Audaci zitelle" visto che, ho scoperto dopo, che questo sarebbe dovuto essere un suo prequel, e non è detto che non lo faccia.

6 stelle!!!
Profile Image for Emmy B..
580 reviews135 followers
February 10, 2017
I kept waiting for something reasonable to happen. It didn't. I kept reading because the basic premise of a love across classes is something that interests me. Unfortunately, this book was that premise but executed by someone who does not understand class, difference, conflict or erh- anything? Seriously: you have a stableboy and the daughter of an earl who are in love with one another. If you are sane and know anything at all about history, you could probably imagine the inherent conflict and drama in this situation. Not this author, however.


This stable boy is educated and well-spoken, for some reason, and they are able to actually carry on a relationship for a while. It starts off then, with the two of them in love, and he telling her that it cannot be (you know, because she, the daughter of a freakin' earl doesn't have any sense of that, like, at all!). So he is quite reasonable about it at the beginning. Then, suddenly, and without any warning to the reader, they are in love the way only people in books are in love: passionately, blindly and without any sense of their surroundings or the world or anything around them. Then they are discovered, and the earl quite naturally and understandably, demands the removal of the stable boy and asks his daughter to be reasonable about it. She isn't, but then she isn't reasonable about anything, so this is hardly surprising. Instead of being reasonable, then, Aline tells McKenna (ugh that name! He is a stable boy. He would be known by his first name. Surnames were for upper servants. But whatever, that is the least of this book's problems) something mean, can't remember what, but she intends to hurt him so that he does leave and does not come back. This makes no sense since he was the one who pointed out to her the impossibility of their relationship. Surely he would be the one to understand if she told him that they could not be together. It makes the weird and wildly implausible assumption that he, like a dog, would not understand her saying that he must leave for his own good or else he might find himself in serious danger from her father, and would keep coming back. At this point McKenna went from reasonable, flirty sort of stable lad, to Romeo, to some sort of moron who doesn't understand English. Until here, though the characters say and do stupid things, everything is still within the realm of being somewhat plausible. As in: if an earl's daughter and a stable boy were to have an affair, this is likely how it would end. But not in this book. This whole situation as described above happens in the first two or three chapters. The bulk of the book does not focus on this sort of conflict. No, indeed!

McKenna goes to America where he becomes very rich. Somehow he also turns stupid and evil in the process. Yes, that, my friends, is our hero's character arc! Because he spends his time in America brooding over being treated so shabbily by Aline. Yes, he blames her for being the daughter of an earl and not being able to go off with a penniless stable boy. He who was first to point out how impossible their situation was, now decides that it was Aline's cruelty and obstinacy that was at fault here. Anyway, not content with simply being stupid and evil, he becomes petty too. He travels all the way back to England with the purpose of ruining Aline and taking her with him as his mistress. Our hero everybody!

The reader, I think, is also supposed to think Aline a bitch at this point, because in order to make her sympathetic, the author maims her legs. So, she is keen to be with McKenna now, and McKenna is keen to be with her, although not entirely honourably. The only conflict between them remaining is... Aline's burned legs! Yes! Yes! Yes! Screw the plausible conflict of class differences! Step aside the Great Gatsby! Pride and Prejudice go away! There's a new master in town! I know this isn't supposed to be "literature" but come on! Are you kidding me, Kleypas!?!? It's like she thought that him being a penniless stable boy and her an earl's daughter was simply not dramatic enough. So added comes McKenna's uncharacteristic, unbelievable lust for revenge, and Aline's burnt legs! And, to make sure that conflict stays and isn't solved until the end, nobody is allowed to speak of Aline's maimed legs, so McKenna doesn't know. And the resolution? He finds out! Yes! He finds out and then suddenly all the other problems go away! She can now marry him, they can be happy together! The class thing was a mere nothing! ARFGH! Just... just... just what the hell!

I realise this sort of reading isn't supposed to be intellectual or anything, but I am not able to switch off my brain completely! If you mean to write a story where stable boy/earl's daughter isn't really that big of a deal then bloody write that novel about the present times! Or about the future! Not bloody historical England, are you kidding me!?
Profile Image for Warda.
1,263 reviews22.1k followers
September 20, 2024
“Loving you has been the most real thing in my life.”

Rereading this was such a good idea! The first time I read this, I remember feeling somewhat underwhelmed by it. And I don’t exactly remember why that was the case.

But reading it again now made a world of a difference. I loved this! Such a beautiful love story. 🥹

I remember binge-reading my way through the Wallflowers, Hathaways and Ravenels series one summer and having the absolute time of my life.

I’m definitely doing that again.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,582 followers
March 28, 2018
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: This is a hard one to rate tbh. It has two couples and two different storylines. While Aline and McKenna definitely take the primary position, I actually liked Gideon and Livia better. Both Aline and McKenna made some choices towards the end that was really off-putting to me. The ending was also lackluster in that I didn't get the closure I wanted, but I get that this is the beginning of a series so I'm sure these characters will show up in the later books. I wouldn't say I disliked the book, because I definitely enjoyed some parts, but I also didn't love it or think it'll be all that memorable in the long run -- so I'm going to go with a middle of the road 3 star rating here.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Aline, McKenna, Livia, and Gideon's story. Aline is a lady and McKenna is a stable boy, but that doesn't stop them from growing up best friends and eventually falling in love. An event separates them and breaks both of their hearts. About 12 years later, McKenna returns a new man with a plan for revenge along with his wealthy business partner Gideon. Gideon and Livia (Aline's sister) have a few encounters that prove that even though they are both broken they can still find live in each other. There are some big secrets revealed, some sad moments, and some sexy times...and they all get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between focusing mainly on Aline, McKenna, Livia, and Gideon in 3rd person narrative.

Overall Pace of Story: Good except for the abrupt ending. I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well otherwise.

Instalove: Not for h1 and H1 as they've known each other since they were children, but for h2 and H2 I'd say it all happened pretty quick so it was kind of instalove.

H1 rating: 3 stars. McKenna. I had a hard time with him and his revenge plot, but I'm just not a fan of revenge plots in general so that could be my problem.

h1 rating: 3 stars. Aline. I struggled a little bit with her (especially towards the end), but I also appreciated how she cared for the H1.

H2 rating: 4 stars. Gideon. I liked him. He was definitely a mess! I appreciated how he recognized that the h2 deserved better and became a better man for her.

h2 rating: 4 stars. Livia. I liked her. I felt bad for her past, but I appreciated how she cared for the H2.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. Both couples have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but not so much it takes away from the story.

Descriptive sex: Yes for both couples

OW/OM drama: Yes, but mild

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes for both couples

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had an abrupt ending with not enough closure for me for either couple. I would say that they all get a HFN ending

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews271 followers
August 9, 2021
OMG..! I have wanted to read the "Wallflowers" series for ages,ever since i finished the "Hathaways" series.Lisa Kleypas are one of my favourite authors,every book i read by her are a BIG 5-STAR read.As in "Again the Magic"...Just WOW is the simple word. A proluge book to the other books in the series we follow the epic love story of former poor stable boy John McKenna and the daughter of the earl he works for,Aline Marsden.These two are child-hood friends turned to lovers in their late teens,and through a great deception Aline will have to break McKenna`s heart to save his life..after 12 years he is back,this time a very powerful and ruthless businessman with the very idea of revenge in his mind.

OMG OMG!! How i utterly and totally fell in love with this book!McKenna and Aline loved each other so much,craved each other and they had always been one together.Kleypas describes their love so beautifully and enticing,and their passion towards each other was so great.McKenna are a hero to die for,OH HOW HE LOVE HER!Love his jealousy and possessiveness.He was a true Alpha-man!His vulnerable love-confession and proposal at the near end was so beautiful and i cried of frustration when she broke his heart this second time,and he actually cried!!OH MY MCKENNA!!!!!LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!

Aline was anyway a perfect heroine for him anyway,she truly loved him loyally and desperately. She was very brave to give in to her needs,and i loved the fact that she knew that McKenna was after revenge when he came back,but she still also knew that he loves her.She knew him more than he knew himself.Their chemistry are sexy as freaking hell,and i really enjoyed their steamy-scenes and romantic scenes.Kleypas always writes with such passion.

There are also a second love-story between Aline`s sister Livia and McKennas businesspartner and friend Gideon.Loved their romance as well.I know that Aline`s brother Magnus will have his own love-story in "It happened one autumn",really look forward to it,as i really liked his character.

Harry Rutledge was also mentioned!I JUMPED IN JOY!He were one of my favourites hero ever,as i read his story in "Tempt me at Twilight" a very long time ago.It was so cool to know that the main-characters in this book stayed in his hotel!!!GAHH how many memories!!!

"Again the Magic" are a perfect book for a romantic-lover like me,with a steel-minded but besotted Alpha-hero,a passionate and strong heroine,hot and angsty romance,a stead-fast plot with intruging characters...this one had it all in a unforgettable historical romance novel..!


“If you ever marry someone else, promise that you’ll always love me best.”

“Sweet, selfish darling,” he murmured tenderly. “You’ll have my heart always—you’ve ruined me for life.”

- Aline & McKenna


Re-read 2019-12-02
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
November 22, 2013
***4.5 From a stable boy to a king stars***


An orphan stable boy and a high class girl's friendship blossoms into a forbidden love. Aline's father does NOT find McKenna to be worthy of his upperclass daughter. He sends McKenna away.
"I'll love you until the day I did. You're the only man I'll ever want, McKenna, the only -"


McKenna is now an accomplished man who has revenge in his heart. He has returned Stony Cross. Aline has a cross to bear that leaves her physically and emotionally distant from men. Both of them have barriers that hold them back from committing to one another.

A side story was intertwined throughout the book. Livia, Aline's younger sister, has been involved in a scandal that leaves her seeking to be invisible from society. Gideon Shaw, McKenna's business partner, has his own demons that haunt him. When the two of them are together the pages of the book sizzle.

Again The Magic had hints of Jane Austen's beloved novel, Persuasion. Again The Magic is an enjoyable book and I look forward to more books by this author.

My observations about Historical Romances versus NA, YA, erotica and contemporary genres. They're all alike the only difference is the time period they are set in. Historical Romances have: cougars, gay best friend, scandal, parties, sex, revenge, etc... Give historical romance a try you might discover you like this genre.

Secrets of a Summer Night (Wallflowers, #1) by Lisa Kleypas It Happened One Autumn (Wallflowers, #2) by Lisa Kleypas Devil in Winter (Wallflowers, #3) by Lisa Kleypas Scandal in Spring (Wallflowers, #4) by Lisa Kleypas A Wallflower Christmas (Wallflowers, #5) by Lisa Kleypas
Can be read as standalones but it's recommended reading the series in order.
Again the Magic (Wallflowers, #0.5) by Lisa Kleypas
Wallflowers series is followed by The Hathaway series:
Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Seduce Me at Sunrise (The Hathaways, #2) by Lisa Kleypas Tempt Me at Twilight (The Hathaways, #3) by Lisa Kleypas Married By Morning (The Hathaways, #4) by Lisa Kleypas Love in the Afternoon (The Hathaways, #5) by Lisa Kleypas
Can be read as standalones but it's recommended reading the series in order.
A Hathaway Wedding (The Hathaways, #2.5) by Lisa Kleypas
March 9, 2016

“I want morning and noon and nightfall with you. I want your tears, your smiles, your kisses...the smell of your hair, the taste of your skin, the touch of your breath on my face. I want to see you in the final hour of my life...to lie in your arms as I take my last breath.”

This is my second historical romance this year and I've added it to my favourite reads of 2016. Lisa Kleypas where have you been all my life?! A few friends have recommended this series to me and I kept thinking..."Nah, it's not for me." And I could kick my own butt right now because I'm now reading the 1st book in the Wallflowers series (Again the Magic is a prequel of sorts 0.5). One thing I've come to realise is that Lisa Kleypas is one hell of an author and secondly... she owns the historical romance genre. Her writing captures the emotions of her characters so vividly that you can't help but get swept up in the story.

Before I get sidetracked let me tell you about my thoughts on Again The Magic. Our main characters Aline Marsden and John McKenna (also known as just McKenna) grew up together, they were inseparable despite their different stations in life. And when their connection grew into something deeper than just friendship they tried everything to make it work but when they're found out, Aline is forced to hurt McKenna in the worst possible way in order for him to lose all hope in them being together. Fast foward a decade and McKenna has become a successful entrepreneur, he never forgot about Aline and is determined to exact his revenge on her.

“No miles of level desert, no jagged mountain heights, no sea of endless blue
Neither words nor tears, nor silent fears
will keep me from coming back to you.”

Aline has so many secrets, she's become the best hostess for her brother's guests in their family home and despite being "on the shelf" men still admire her beauty. She lives a life of regret and loneliness until McKenna comes back and she decides that although they can never be together she will allow herself just one night with the only man she's ever loved. The wonderful thing about this book is that as the reader you're just begging the characters to sit down and just talk through their differences because obviously old misunderstandings would be put to rest and they could live happily ever after. But Lisa Kleypas takes the reader on a journey full of tension, sensuality and love that makes you hurt right along with the characters.

Apart from McKenna and Aline's story there is a subplot with Aline's sister and McKenna's good friend and business associate it was absolutely charming. This story was absolutely fantastic and if you aren't a Wallflower fan yet, I'd definitely recommend that you get on the bandwagon and start with this one! I'm off to finish Secrets of a Summer Night!

“Sleep, my love," He whispered, smoothing her long hair, lifting the damp locks away from the back of her neck. "I'll be here to watch over you."

"You sleep too," she said groggily, her hand creeping to the center of his chest.

"No." McKenna smiled and pressed a soft kiss against her temple. His voice was husky with wonder. "Not when staying awake is better than anything I could find in a dream.”
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