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Dark Visions #1-3

Dark Visions

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Kaitlyn Fairchild has always felt like an outsider. Her haunting eyes and prophetic drawings have earned her a reputation as a witch. But Kait's not a witch: she's psychic. Tired of being shunned, Kait accepts an invitation to attend the Zetes Institute, where she can study with other psychic teens and have a fresh start.

As Kaitlyn learns to hone her abilities with four other gifted students, she starts to discover the intensity of her power - and the joy of having true friends. But those friendships quickly become complicated when Kait finds herself torn between two irresistible guys. Rob is a healer - kind and gentle, he's surrounded by good energy, while Gabriel is aggressive and mysterious - a telepath concealing his true nature. Together, Rob and Gabriel's opposing forces start to threaten the group's stability, and when an experiment traps the five teens in a psychic link - a link that threatens their sanity and their lives - Kaitlyn must decide who to trust and who to love...

732 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1991

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About the author

L.J. Smith

282 books112k followers
I have a new blog about my Vampire Diaries fanfic.

L.J. SMITH, Lisa Jane Smith, is the New York Times #1 Bestselling author of The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions, Wildworld and Night World series. She has written over two dozen books for children and young adults, and has enjoyed writing every one of them. She lives in the Bay Area of California, with a backyard that is full of flowers, which she adores, especially with many different shades of roses.

She loves to visit a friend's little cabin in the Point Reyes National Seashore area, which has lots of trees, lots of animals, lots of beaches to walk on, and lots of places to hike. Once, while hiking, she saw a snow-white buck which allowed her to follow it nearly half a mile. She also likes to collect things: angels (they remind her of her late mother), tiny boxes from different countries or of fanciful shape, nineteenth century children's literature, and books about quantum physics--especially about the mystery of the dark energy in the universe. A militant optimist, she is also part of the Velociraptor Sisterhood (a fancy way of saying that she likes to read, write and discuss books with strong female characters), and she has traveled extensively in Europe and the Far East. The two countries she loves to visit most are Great Britain, with its historic monuments and amazing country landscapes, and Japan, with its bustling urban life and exquisite mountain scenery.

Her favorite current writer is Terry Pratchett, the author of the Discworld series, for its wild and witty satires on life, death, war, love, assassins, coppers, and Australia. Her favorite classical writer is Jane Austen. Her favorite poets are Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson. Her favorite movies are The Seven Samurai and Avatar (analyze that!). She doesn't have a favorite TV show, because she doesn't have time to watch TV (and only owns one for playing movies).

Her favorite people are her readers, each of whom she cherishes with deep and lasting affection.

Note: L. J. Smith wrote books 1-7 of The Vampire Diaries series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. wrote books 1-3 of The Secret Circle series. After that, a ghostwriter took over the rest of the series. L. J. did not write any of the Originals or Stefan's Diaries. These were written by Kevin Williamson and/or various ghostwritters.

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Profile Image for Kim.
742 reviews1,877 followers
August 17, 2017
2 1/2 stars. This 1/2 stars thing is becoming a trend in my reviews.

I don't want to give it 2 stars because the book kept me entertained. I don't want to give it 3 stars because it had too many flaws.

First of all: the main character, Kaitlyn: she raises the bar for all Mary Sues out there. She is the epitome of Mary Suedom. She's different from everybody else. A witch. An outcast who was so 'ugly' kids dared each other to run up to her and touch her (yes I'm being serious). No friends. People where scared of her because of the ~special color of her eyes. A loner who likes to draw and sees the world with an artist's eye. This girl will eventually blossom *insert hand gestures* and even turns into some kind of leader figure/heroine/here she comes to save the day-kind of girl. *facepalm*

Kaitlyn can see the future and because of her special ability, she is asked to participate in some sort of project for special kids. She and 4 other kids agree and they are sent to some sort of house where they all live together, so they can perform tests on them to see just how psychic they are. Each of them has a different power.

Naturally, Kaitlyn falls in love with the first boy she sees (Rob) and in return, everybody is smitten with her because she (what a surprise!) is gorgeous! Even the dangerous killer Gabriel, who killed 2 people so far (not bad for a 17-year old) BUT *insert music* the fact that he didn't mean to kill them... makes it alright! He couldn't control his powers! The audience sighs with relief. Yeah he's just a badboy, rawr.

Rob of course doesn't know what hit him because his mind doesn't work that way. Apparently. He doesn't think of girls in a romantic way. Boys at that age... Like Xander once said: looking at linoleum makes guys want to have sex. But thanks to Kait's dazzling looks and charming personality, Rob will quickly change his mind. The most logical next step is a jealous Gabriel etc etc blah blah. Two completely different guys fighting for the same girl. How original.

The funder of this little project turns out to be an evil mastermind who wants to use those kids for all kind of dark and illegal things (minds out of the gutter, now) but this all becomes clear pretty early on in the story. Kaitlyn, Rob, Gabriel, Anna and Lewis run away to find help, they get caught (more or less), meanwhile Gabriel goes back willingly and suddenly decides he is evil (Kait led him on, the little skank). Then Kait decides to go back and save him (she thinks she's the only one he'll listen to), but then it's her turn to be rejected. Some stuff happens then (boring things, mostly) and eventually Kait and Gabriel hook up. The end.

What I liked a lot was the psychic link between the 5 main characters. They hear each other's thoughts (thanks to Gabriel). You'd think the writer would have used this amazing little gem to build up the relationships, right? Well, she didn't. How she missed that home run is beyond me.

Side note: I know this makes me sound like a pervert but I think the idea of communicating with somebody on such a personal level is very appealing. I'd kill to have something like that with somebody (preferably the love of my life lol)

Let's see... There was a lot of lip curling going on (have you ever seen anybody do that in real life while being serious?), a lot of action, and I have to admit I stayed entertained. Conclusion: good storyline, not enough creativity, could have been something A LOT better. L.J. Smith, it was nice meeting you but I won't be reading any more of your books. I'm sorry, god knows I tried.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Merna .
111 reviews469 followers
February 18, 2017
I read this three years ago, but I suddenly have the urge to reread it, and that doesn't happen quite often with books I've read. Now that I think about it, I feel as if I should give this 5 stars. The pure enjoyment that I felt reading this was immense.

I read Dark Visions some time ago. I dived into the book of L.J. Smith (author of vampire diaries), not expecting by far anything, since I borrowed the book from the library to consume time. And time unquestionable did pass when I read Dark Visions. I had finished the book briskly, all three in the trilogy, without an ounce of boredom or weariness clutching in my emotions. Once complete, I was left with a ‘book hangover’ for a while. I was unable to read another book until I got over living in the Dark Visions world.

A little description of what Dark visions is about.

This Trilogy follows the adventures of five psychics who are fortunate and cursed because of their power. Five of the teens are invited to live together in a purple mansion called "The Institute" which is offered by Mr.Zetes to enhance their powers and be given the scholarship of a life time.

Yet, there’s a catch…

You’ll discover what that happens to be if you ever decide to pick this up.

When I read the synopsis, it did sound comparable to other YA books being printed too often. Although Dark Visions lacked in complete originality, it made up with entertainment.

For me the plot was the thinnest bit predictable, nevertheless, it never irritated me as the book was gratifyingly written. My eyes skimmed through pages energetically, and they stayed absolutely glued to the pages for one day.

I treasured each of the characters. None were self-centred or selfish except…well, Gabriel. But everyone has to make an exception for him as he strongly develops during the course of the trilogy.

I may despise love triangles, but I'm willing to exclude this. Gabriel and Rob were entirely distinct from each other. Both of whom held entirely different backgrounds that led to their very different behaviour and actions. Gabriel and Rob weren’t going insane and completely bonkers over Kaitlyn like many typical YA love interests, who are ridiculously obsessed with the heroine, so that was a plus.

Yes, read this.
April 18, 2016
Re-Read with Heather, Inge and Lynn..... July 15, 2014!

I have these three books in one but they deserve their own reviews, I think, ergo:

The Strange Power

This is the series introduction -- du'h! -- and it sets us up with our MC, Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is a witch, she sees things before they happen, and an outsider because she's different. And what's different is scary...

Different is pretty rad! And yes, sometimes scary, as we learn. Kaitlyn is invited to attend a school for others like herself -- like X-men, if you will, but on a much smaller scale.

Next we meet her housemates: Anna, Lewis, Rob and Gabriel. All gifted, all individually awesome.

My faves?!


I know, I know.... Lewis is Chinese AND Matsuda is Japanese.... I forgot and now my brain's casting is set.

Lewis has Psychokinesis!

And surprise, surprise...


Gabriel has..... well, we don't really know yet! Whatever it is is pretty powerful though ;)

This is the grabber story: it screams "come play here, it's fun...."

The Possessed

The second book in this series :)

Now I could go on at length about my love for this book but I'm not going to do that. I am going to talk about something that this story, and it's character Gabriel, remind me of.

It's discussed often that we are attracted to bad boys, in novels and real life, and perhaps there is some truth to that statement. However, I find that "the bad boys" in good YA fiction are seldom ever truly bad, instead they live in a place many of us are familiar with; the grey zone. And in living there, where morals are skewed and right and wrong aren't quite so crystal clear, they appeal to our own waffling sense of humanity. None of us are utterly faultless in life so why wouldn't we be attracted to characters with that same sense of both light and darkness? Of course we are, it's inevitable! No one is perfect, and characters like Rob Kessler remind us of how much we fail at that task while characters like Gabriel give us hope that our true selves are lovable even for their flaws.

The Passion

Let's talk about love for a minute, Okay?!

It comes in as many forms as there are people to feel it, and no two loves are exactly the same. There are loves that can save you, but they are snuggled in closely with the type of love that destroys you! Listen to This Song by The Proclaimers, if you want to understand how little we get love when we're actually in it!

In this matter I forgive Kait, I forgive Rob and I forgive Gabriel. Love is fucking messy! I am not a fan of love triangles! I am, however, a fan of characters who look within themselves and find their own personal strengths. Also, I am a fan of a person -- or character -- who understands, intrinsically, what they will and will not do for someone they love.

This book is far from perfect but I have a grandiose love for it! It's a nostalgia for me and the 20 year-old girl who was terrified that no one could ever love her particular breed of crazy!

Profile Image for Tatiana.
1,464 reviews11.4k followers
April 30, 2009
L.J. Smith really has great imagination and excellent writing skills to back it up. If the Forbidden Game trilogy was about the Shadow World of dreams, this trilogy is about psychic abilities.

Once again, L.J. assembles a cast of fascinating teenage characters who are written so well, you feel like you know them. They develop and grow throughout the books, and this is what I love so much about Smith's books.

The story is fast-paced, entertaining, and captivating. I am very happy this trilogy is scheduled to be re-printed this September.
128 reviews
July 12, 2010
This book was a sure winner as I loved the Night World Series.

Kaitlyn/Kait has psychic powers, she has precognitions and premonitions but she can only see them, and draw them, she can't stop them from happening as she can't control it. She has never been accepted in her home town but soon she is at an Institute with four other psychics learning to control their abilities, or at least they think that is what they are doing. Little do they know that Mr Z has other plans, plans that involve him controlling them for his own desires. They need to stop him before he destroys their lives as well as the lives of others, and the only way to do this is to run away and find the magic that can stop him, for only magic can fight magic. They embark on a journey to find the Fellowship, an old race who is calling to Kait. All their hopes and expectations are shattered when they find them, revealing themselves as a peaceful race. All that is left for them to do is fight Mr Z themselves, even if it kills them in the process.

But things aren't that simple. Gabriel, devastated they can't help them, more specifically him realises that the winning side is with Mr Z and betrays them all by returning and helping to destroy the members of the Fellowship, and his 'friends' if need be. But will his unexplained and uncontrollable love for Kaitlyn be his weakness? Well I can't say, I have already given too much away!

This story was split into three, like all the other bind ups by L J Smith, but this time it was a continuous story, which I loved. Like her other books there is a journey, a discovery and a love triangle, not to mention a mystery to unravel. All good things to make a book hard to put down!

I read it a second time and loved it just as much! The fight between loving the good or the evil, the choices. It is a book more than anything of self discovery, especially for Kaitlyn. It was fast paced, never dull and it grips you, i read it in 12 hours tops because it makes you want so much more.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mckenna.
15 reviews35 followers
November 27, 2012
One of my favorite books EVER.


So I found that I was getting tired of all the vampire romance books. I never really liked those insta-love books (that doesn't happen in life.) Sorry Stephanie Meyer, I only read your books because of Jacob.

Anyways, I loved Gabriel. I didn't like Rob. Kaitlyn kind of had the insta-love thing going on with him. Don't hold it against here though, it was just because she had never liked a guy before. She kind of worshipped him, called him and angel and the sun. Weird.

I started rambling. Sorry. So, I liked Gabriel cause he was all arrogant and distant, but he still had feelings for Kaitlyn. And they didn't have the insta-love, she actually developed feelings for him throughout the book(s), so THANK YOU L.J. SMITH. I loved how Kaitlyn would give her energy to Gabriel.

L.J. Smith just kept throwing twists and turns at me. It was awesome. You know how sometimes it's to much and you get confused? This book isn't like that. At all. When Gabriel went back to Mr. Zetes, I was just like a fish out of water, like WHAT?! NO! YOU LOVE KAITLYN! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! REDEEM YOURSELF!

That was during the middle of the night. Needless to say, I woke up several people. Back to the review though, it was just..... wow. I didn't see it coming. Spare me the hateful comments, I am not stupid. It's my opinion.

Loved the ending so much, especially when she chose him. Not gonna say who was chosen. Who am I kidding, it was G _ b _ i _ l. That didn't give it away, did it? Oh well.

I loved that Kaitlyn drew though. I finally found a main character to relate to. I draw, she draws. Relatable. I can't relate to Bella Swan. She lived in Arizona then moved to Washington, fell in love with a vampire, got married, got pregnant, died, became a vampire, kicked some but (in the mind sense of things.) I'm not going to apologize this time Meyer.

That's pretty much it. Friend me, unless you're a creeper. If so, and you try to friend me I will be forced to use my super spoon skills on you. (I dabble in spoon jitsu, doesn't everyone?)

December 14, 2011
This book had so much potential! And I was thisclose to liking it! Instead, it ended up being okay. There were a couple of main things I just couldn't get over...

The good points:

The story really develops and keeps you wanting more. You don't want to put the book down because there's a lot of action. The relationship with Kait and Gabriel definitely has its moments. It's the only relationship in the book that really develops to a point that makes sense/is believable.

The not-so-good:

In the beginning of the book, Kait was totally against boys, she thought they were all jerks. Then, after getting into the Institute she meets Rob. Literally, I don't think even 24 hours passes until she declares herself in love with him. Seriously, "IN LOVE".... no crush, she's full out in love. I had a HUGE issue with this. Sure, I love the whole love at first sight thing, but I don't think this was it. It wasn't real or believable. I'm pretty sure their only dialogue is saying I love you, multiple times.... and it sort of leaves you saying - what?! LOL. I think later on in the book you're supposed to think she's torn between Rob and Gabriel, but her relationship with Rob was so unreal that I couldn't believe it to begin with.

Another issue - there wasn't enough dialogue between characters. Going with what I said above, I couldn't see how Kait could be in love with Rob when they barely exchanged any words.

I also hated the point of view the story was told. It was just too direct for me. "And then Kait said...." And then Kait thought..." It got to be too much.

The book was less enjoyable because it seemed the SAME words and sentences were copy and pasted multiple times. Every description was the same... her aquamarine eyes..., ...her witch eyes with rings around them..., etc. I got it the fist three times.

My last big issue was in the "last book"... Kait mourns over the character Leshaun...the one who attacked her twice trying to get her attention. She later learns he's not a bad guy when she finds him and the other Followers in Canada... but I'm pretty sure her and Leshaun barely spoke. When someone dies, of course it sucks and is sad, but she got really, really upset over finding out he was dead, missing him terribly, and seeking revenge.

Overall, the story left me entertained and I really would have liked it a lot if there was more dialogue/more of a believable relationship between the characters.

The story has great action and development. It wasn't awful or something I'd read again, but it was entertaining enough to recommend to others.
Profile Image for Heather ~*dread mushrooms*~.
Author 20 books547 followers
February 19, 2015
Reread with Karly, Inge, and Lynn! 7/15/14

Here's some big news: I love this series! No, I never did a school project based on it, but that doesn't mean my love for it isn't valid.

My Cast:
Lewis. He gets so little love.


Rob. Does anyone care about Rob? This blond model I just happened to have a picture of on my computer will do.

Kaitlyn. I like Kaitlyn. She's bad, but "bad" in L.J. Smith land means "still pretty good."

Gabriel! Really, the best character in the series, and definitely a top contender out of all L.J. Smith guys (according to Karly, THE best L.J. Smith guy).

My favorite book of the trilogy is The Passion. There was something so intriguing about the "bad" psychics all together in the house, creating havoc and tagging "No Fear" on the bedroom wall (haha). And the ending! If that scene with Gabriel and Kaitlyn doesn't move you, well, you are dead to me. (Not really. But come on.)
Profile Image for Stormmyy...
16 reviews
July 20, 2012
This book is amazing!! The unique plot with extraodinary characters is one thingt that sets this book apart from the rest of the ever frequent fantasy books out right now. Dark Visions tell the story of a girl named Kaitlyn Fairchild who is born with the ability to draw the future. In a sheer suprise she finds herself being admitted into a institute specifically created to study and research those of her kind. Left to join the institute she finds herself making real friends for the first time in her life.
This storie's amazing and vivid twists entice the reader to remain reading in search of the answers to the ever impounding questions that make this book so interesting and quirky.

I absolutely loved the free state of the characters, with their personalities moulding almost instantly into you, allowing you to fully read and enjoy the beautifully created novel.

I loved this book and would recommend it to all of those who loved the thieves series by Ella West and also the House of Night series by P.C and Kristin Cast :))
Profile Image for Zarish Fatima.
148 reviews
June 24, 2015
This book was interesting. But certainly not my piece of cake. I read it mostly to finish it. Can't say i enjoyed it much.

Firstly: The main character Katilyn she feel in love a bit too quickly. Seriously "i love you" came so fast i was shocked. So relationship built up was poor, between all the characters.
Rob and Gaberial hated each other which was the most baseless thing in this book to keep up till the end. The hate on Gaberial side was built upon jealousy and envy and Rob side because he thought the other guy was evil. But seriously in the whole book Rob is supposed to be the goody-goody than why could he not show the same amount of compassion and tolerance towards Gaberial even when he figures out he is not evil.

Secondly The story itself was not so bad, the execution was questionable though. If the book was little more all rounder and all the characters got some space not just and not just Katilyn and Gaberial it would have been more fun.

Now probably if i had read this book few years back i would have enjoyed it more. The best part about this book was its cover :P

Profile Image for Julie.
59 reviews13 followers
July 13, 2012
God, this book took me forever to finish.

The first two books were okay, but they were kind of slow and not interesting enough to rate past three stars. See, what knocked it down to two stars was the third book.

I do like L.J. Smith. At least I think I do. I loved The Forbidden Game Trilogy and The Vampire Diaries is just about my favorite TV show (that kind of counts, right?). It's just that Dark Visions was not her best work.

What really turned me off about this series was the sappiness of the dialogue. By the third book, I had this overwhelming urge to throw the book across the room screaming "NO ONE FRIGGIN' TALKS LIKE THAT!!!". It's sad really, because before the page that caused said book throwing, I actually kind of liked the couple that induced those screams. Needless to say, I lost all hope for book enjoyment right then and there. But i picked up the book later that night and finished the damn thing because I'm a strong believer in finishing books. Then, I turned it back into the library and vowed never to pick it up again.

And that is why you shouldn't read this book.
Profile Image for ☣Lynn☣.
767 reviews220 followers
July 20, 2014
Final rating 4 stars

Buddy read with Inge, Heather, and Karly. :)

The Strange Power. 3 stars

A good intro to the trilogy, but definitely my least favorite of the three. I couldn't stand the insta love between Rob and Kait. They basically knew each other for a few days and apparently they are soulmates. -____- I get that its L J Smith, but its still irritating beyond belief. Back when I was a preteen I would have gave this five stars and my review would be all, ' OMG BEST BOOKS EVA! GABRIEL IS SOOO SMEXY LIKE OMG I WANT HIS BABIES XOXOXOXO

Now that I'm older it just sickens me how mushy the insta love is. Buuuuuuut, Gabriel is still sexy ;) Just not as sexy as I thought he was. Move over Rob! -__- Can't you see Kait belongs with Gabriel?!

Not as enjoyable as I thought it would be but still alot of fun. Very fluffy and a unique story.

The Possessed 4 stars

My favorite out of the trilogy. Loved it from the very first page. Couldn't get enough of Gabriel. *huge ass sigh*

The passion 3 Stars

I remember loving the ending to this years ago. Now it just seems like L J Smith played it pretty safe with this ending. I was bored throughout the whole book and wanted to just DNF it.

I do love. however. that her heroines aren't weak. Sure, Kait is beautiful, but she is also very brave and takes things into her owns hands. Very refreshing. And even though Gabriel is kinda a bad boy he still has flaws and I felt bad for all he went through in this trilogy. :(

With that said I'm glad I reread this, just sucks that I didn't love it as I did long ago. There was just too much cheese...ya I know its L J Smith but I can't see through the insta love...
Profile Image for ~Tina~.
1,092 reviews158 followers
March 24, 2010
I don't think I can win reading L.J Smith books. This is only my second time "attempting" to read her work and so far, it's not working.

While Dark Visions was better then Vampire Diaries, I still found myself easily and overly annoyed.
Smith has a strong simplicity in her dialog and writing skills that leave it lacking without any real spark. I wanted enthusiasm, more detail, in-depth characters, specially for these characters, and it just wasn't delivered.
I think this is what bothers me the most. Maybe it's due to the fact that all her books seem to be written a long time ago and are just now circulating again.
There is a really good story lurking in this book, I liked the concept of an institute and having special skills, I thought it was unique and I really wanted to just love it. But sadly, I couldn't get into this, so I'm not even going to try. This author isn't for me.
For any L.J Smith fans, this should be a treat though, the plot is intriguing enough for you to love.
Profile Image for Erin.
132 reviews68 followers
September 26, 2009
I can't lie - I was really into LJ Smith when I was in middle school. I think I found some Night World books in a used bookstore and went crazy from there. And then, sadly, I was packing for college and, seriously underestimating the power of nostalgia and importance of comfort reading, packed them all up and gave them to Goodwill. All of them! Night World, Dark Visions, Forbidden Game, Secret Circle! Everything! How foolish.

Fast forward a few years, and picture my (really embarrassing) excitement when I see the incredibly trashy reissue of The Vampire Diaries in a bookstore. I hadn't read them, but that had to bode well for everything else, right? Right! And so now I've got all my crappy teen paranormal romance in handy omnibus form, just as poorly written, formulaic, and close to my heart as ever. Except for the damn Forbidden Game. When do I get that one back, too?

I kind of think this particular trilogy is like the Platonic ideal of LJ Smith stories - a beautiful redhead torn between too-good-to-be-true blonde and snarky-because-he's-WOUNDED brunette, a group of kids fighting adults (some evil, some oblivious), some sort of soulmatey psychic connection? I mean, really. You can't mess this shit up.
Profile Image for Veronica Morfi.
Author 3 books410 followers
June 23, 2011
I think I have to review each book separately...

The Strange Power: Introduces us to all the main characters and the Institution where, Kaitlyn and every other psychic is going to spend the next year. After a few days the discover that not everything is what it seems. The book is really nice, I loved all the characters and the whole Institute life.

The Possessed: This is the second book and my least favourite. The characters are always on the run, but nothing really seems to happen. They are moving forward, but the story doesn't.

The Passion: Thankfully the last part was awesome! The Institute is BACK! New amazing characters mix with the old ones to lead us to an extraordinary ending. Loved it! And it made up for the boredome the second book put me through.

I would rate the book with five stars, but the second part really stopped me from doing so.
Profile Image for Sakinah Al Taleb.
469 reviews113 followers
April 18, 2016

I bought this book on a whim back in 2011 because it has a gorgeous cover and it was only with 2 dollars and didn't realize that it is actually a trilogy that compressed in one book.

And I am really glad that I ended up buying it. Its just A MARVELLOUS book.

Rating this 3 books separately would be not fair. I gave everyone of them 4/5 but overall if I look at it as one book with three part it definitely deserves 5 splendid stars.

I don't know why I didn't see many goodread's friend reading this. It is worth more shout out.

One of my favourite for this new year and very happy to start the year with it.
Profile Image for Myvampfiction.
210 reviews5 followers
November 22, 2011
review by Saluki

*Warning: possible spoilers ahead.*

The “Dark Visions” series by L.J. Smith is comprised of three books, “Strange Power,” “The Possessed,” and “The Passion”. In these books, a totally different type of vampire is explored: a psychic vampire. These vampires aren’t out for blood, instead they crave energy. However, their bite can be every bit as deadly as vampires that drink blood.

Kaitlyn Fairchild is a misfit. She has strange blue eyes and the ability to predict the future through her drawings. In her small hometown, these traits mark her as an outsider…a witch. So, she keeps to herself, does the best she can to stay invisible at school, and takes care of her father. She sees no way out of her life, until one day a woman named Joyce Piper gives her an offer that will change her world in ways she could never fathom. Joyce tells Kaitlyn that a Mr. Zetes, head of the Zetes Foundation, scoured the country for the five high school students with the most psychic potential. These five students would go to the Zetes Institute and be tested with the ultimate goal of proving that psychic ability exists. The offer: one year at the Zetes Institute undergoing testing and learning to control her talent, followed by a college scholarship that would allow her to go anywhere she chose. Despite her reluctance to leave her father, Kaitlyn takes the offer, pushed by her desperate need to escape the prison of her life. A new city, new friends, and a new life, what more could she want? So, suitcases in tow, Kaitlyn sets off for San Carlos California and the Zetes Institute.

At the Institute, Kaitlyn meets the other students recruited for the study and learns about their special abilities, Anna Whiteraven can speak to animals; Louis Cho, moves objects with his mind; Rob Kessler, can heal with energy; and finally the mysterious Gabriel Wolfe. Rob knows Gabriel from another psychic research facility he visited, but he doesn’t know his power. In addition, they learn that Gabriel was in jail, and Mr. Zetes was somehow able to get him released to be part of the study. From the get go, Gabriel is abrasive, rude, and appears not to like any of his new roommates.

During the course of the first book, the five psychic teenagers come to learn that Mr. Zetes does not have pure motives for bringing them together. While they try to learn more about his nefarious methods, Gabriel creates a telepathic link, which allows them to communicate without speaking. They soon learn this is a bond that can only be broken by death or great distance. One night, Kaitlyn has a dream that they are standing on a beach near an ocean and can see a white house in the distance. Of course, Anna, Rob, Louis, and Gabriel are in her dream. None of them can understand the significance of the dream, or why they were all drawn into it, but Kaitlyn can’t shake the feeling that it is somehow important.

A confrontation at Mr. Zetes’ house and the discovery of a large crystal leaves no doubt that they are all just pawns in some evil game. All five teens decide to flee the Institute to find the house that Kaitlyn had dreamt about, believing they will find the key to defeating Mr. Zetes there. Along the way, the characters grow closer, and Kaitlyn finally learns the truth of Gabriel’s power. He is a psychic vampire, who has to drain people of their psychic energy to survive. Much like a vampire that drinks blood, if he takes too much, his victim dies. Although Kaitlyn thinks she is in love with Rob, she finds herself strangely drawn to Gabriel. In fact, she offers herself up as a source of energy to Gabriel. In the end, it is all too much for Gabriel. His feelings for Kaitlyn and his dislike of Rob, coupled with a few other things that happen along the way, force Gabriel to run back to Mr. Zetes and his promise of power and riches.

They ultimately do find the vision in Kaitlyn’s dream, but are soon disappointed when they find out it wasn’t the salvation they were hoping for. As a last ditch effort to end Mr. Zete’s evil plans, Kaitlyn decides to go back to the Institute as a spy. Will she succeed in ending Mr. Zetes? Who will she choose, Rob or Gabriel? Will their telepathic link ever be broken? Well, you’re just going to have to read the books if you want to find out!

I liked this series for several reasons. First, the plot was very fast paced. L.J. Smith kept the action going from the beginning to the end. In fact, I read all three books in as many days. I never found myself getting bored, and just as I was about to put the book down, something would happen that would cause me to read another chapter.

Secondly, I fell in love with the characters. I think the author did a great job of keeping them realistic, despite their psychic powers. Of course, the three characters I love the most are Kaitlyn (girl power!), Rob (the Golden Boy), and Gabriel (The Bad Boy). What story wouldn’t be complete without a love triangle? Let me just say, for the first two thirds of the series I hated Gabriel. Now that I have finished the books, I puffy heart love him. But, I always end up falling for the bad boys, and believe me, Gabriel is a very, very bad boy. Over the course of the series, you see the characters growing up and gaining so much in both experience and personality. I would have liked to see more of Anna and Louis, but I understand why the author didn’t focus on them as much.

Kaitlyn is a girl who doesn’t know her own strength. She was beaten down for so long because of her differences that she never tried to venture out of the protective shell she had created around herself. She had no friends, was distrustful of boys, and no real life to speak of until she went to the Institute. She was really able to come alive at the Institute. I think this had to do with the fact that the other kids there didn’t judge her since they all had unique abilities themselves. Over the course of the series, she learns to trust herself and others, how to love, and how to forgive.

Gabriel is a boy in desperate need of salvation. He is jaded, trusts no one, and really doesn’t like himself very much, despite all of his bravado. Out of all five characters, Gabriel is the one who has an ability that has very few redeeming qualities. Really, what is good about being able to suck the life force from people? He resents Rob for his ability to channel good energy and for his “save the world” attitude. Rob is the exact opposite of Gabriel in every way and deep down I think he is jealous of him for it. Or course, Gabriel projects his fears and insecurities by acting like a complete ass. He is rude to everyone, picks fights at any opportunity, and never fails to mention the shortcomings of others. However, there is a part of Gabriel that yearns for love and understanding. There is a boy capable of tenderness underneath all the layers he has built to protect himself. In the end, Gabriel might be bad, but he definitely isn’t evil.

This is where the love triangle part comes in. Kaitlyn becomes caught between Rob and Gabriel and has no idea what to do. Rob is light and warmth, while Gabriel is dark and mysterious. Throughout the series, she is pulled between them, all the while wondering if it is right for her to love them both. I think the author captures Kaitlyn’s conflicting feelings in a very realistic way. I felt her angst at knowing that picking one boy would destroy the other. In the end, this love triangle is about more than just love; it’s about friendship, forgiveness, and learning to trust.

I really hope you all pick up a copy of “Dark Visions” and give it a read. For those of you that read the books when they came out in the mid-90’s, now is a good time to pick them up again. I guarantee you will still like them and probably see them in a different light than you did fifteen years ago. I give this trilogy 4 out of 5 fangs.
Profile Image for Josie Baker.
30 reviews
June 18, 2024
the fact that this is three books but Goodreads only counts it as one :(
Profile Image for Lauren.
378 reviews14 followers
January 26, 2014
Why??? That's the question I'll ask myself every time I look over at my bookshelf. Why did I buy this book? Why did I read this book??

I was tricked, lured in by 5 Star ratings from my Goodreads friends... & I swear, I was this-close to liking it! I mean, I like L.J. Smith... at least I think I do - The Vampire Diaries is probably one of my favorite TV show & that's pretty much the same thing, right?
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I think it was the writing that I didn't like, not so much the story - oh! & the characters, I hated the characters. I know many people love this book, but I just could not get into it.

I hated Kaitlyn. Hated her. She was such a freaking cliche! She is the epitome of Misunderstood Molly.... She's different from everybody else - a witch - an outcast - kids were mean to her growing up & she's never really had any kind of friendships or family life - boo-freakin-hoo poor baby!
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And to make matters worse - Kaitlyn falls in love with the first boy she sees! Seriously, I don't think even 24 hours passes until she declares herself in love with Rob! Before coming to the Institute Kait was totally against boys & dating. The girl was a Man Hater! Then she meets Rob & she's suddenly "IN LOVE".... not a crush, not in lust - this girl claims she's full out in love with this boy she hasn't ever known for 24 hours...
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I hate insta-love! It's so unbelievable for me & it always manages to ruin a story! At least Gabriel & Kaitlyn's relationship was more believable.

Like when Gabriel becomes evil because he can't stand being around watching Kait and Rob & their disgustingly fake love for each other because he himself really loves Kaitlyn. Their relationship just makes more sense than the "love" between her and Rob! At least her and Gabriel actually had bonded at one point!

As I said, I didn't like the writing, so much as the story. The plot of the book was pretty good... Kaitlyn and 4 other kids are sent to some sort of house where they all live together, & have tests preformed on them to see just how psychic they are. Each of them has a different power, which is pretty cool - or it would have been if so much of the books weren't weighed down with Kaitlyn's ridiculous boy drama. Learning more about their abilities should have been the most interesting part of the book but instead it just ended up being okay.
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Anyways, I would suggest you give it a try and form your own opinion about it. I hold character grudges that impair my judgement so Im probably not the best person to recommend a book!
Profile Image for Nicole.
Author 2 books80 followers
July 3, 2010
4-4.5 really. I really liked this book and almost loved it, but the only thing keeping me from this was that I didn't feel as attached to the characters as I would have liked. The only people I really felt for were Kait and Gabriel. Not even Rob, who was Kait's love up until the end. And that's not really a spoiler just because it's so obvious. I really enjoyed the concept of psychics though and how, as the cover says, not all vampires are out for blood. Apparently, energy is a very powerful thing that can build you up or break you, and both aspects were included here. One thing I was really happy about was that the whole trilogy was included in this one big volume because the first and second books left you with pretty decent cliffhangers that I'm glad I didn't have to wait to see resolved. The only thing that really bothered me (but in a good way) was that the chapters would end with a little cliffhanger where you HAD to go onto the next chapter and wait to stop reading until there was a quiet moment. All in all this was very enjoyable read. Truthfully, it was very hard to put down at times and I would probably read it again. Smith's writing style flowed easily through my mind, and that's what makes an author great.

I would just like to start by saying that I totally called the relationships and how they would be in the end. The first clue that gave away the fact that Gabriel and Kait were going to be together and her and Rob were not was the fact that some of the story was being told from Gabriel's POV sometimes and Kait's most of the time, so I felt like that kind of gave it away. And the way that Smith described both Rob and Anna as being purely good and full of light led me to the conclusion that those two would be together in the end. And of course Lewis and Lydia would get together. But, as I've said before in reviews of other books, I love it when the generally good girl is able to break the bad boy and turn him good. Make him want to be good, for her if nothing else. And this novel certainly satisfied me.

No offense, but it ended a little too perfectly, with relationships as I showed above and the plot in general. I did like how Gabriel saved Kait from insanity in the chamber. That showed how much he really loved her that he was willing to share his horribly abused past to keep her from losing herself and going crazy. But that was one of the few parts that actually gripped my heart and that didn't fit perfectly into the plot, in a good way. A lot of it was slightly predictable, but that didn't take away the enjoyment I felt and the satisfaction of the ending.

The mind bond the 5 of them shared was interesting. I would NOT want my thoughts broadcasted to my 4 closest friends, but in the end it was a lot more helpful than hurtful. I can't count how many times it ultimately saved them and there were very few times where it was a hinderance. That part of the book was left unfinished though, but it's not enough of an issue to write a whole other book about it, so it's understandable why that remained unfinished.
Profile Image for Raafia.
68 reviews
August 8, 2012
Oh God, I can't believe I actually own this!

L.J Smith has long been a Paranormal YA author and I thought I should give her a try. I could've read her vampire diaries series but I hated the show too much to even try to read the damn book, so that's how I picked up Dark Visions. The premise wasn't interesting but the cover was. Stupid me, fooled by the pretty cover.
Dark visions had potential. It could've been an amazing book with the crazy Mr. Zetes and greedy for fame Joyce. I actually found the whole thing pretty creepy, especially what Mr.Z did to Sasha and Petre. But then there were all these glitches that kept annoying me and I couldn't ignore them either.

In the beginning we come to know that Gabriel accidentally killed Iris and the police were after him. Even if he did kill the girl how could the police prove this? There were no bruises or blood. She was just dead. Child killing cases are pretty serious business. Lots of stuff is done to prove that the kid actually killed the person and even then lots of things are done to protect the child from going to jail/ mental hospital.
Kaitlyn has to be one of the most annoying characters I've ever had the bad luck to read. She is completely flat I know people say that a lot but she really is the most characterless character I've read about. She doesn't feel any regret or self loathing. She doesn't have a personality! When she came to the institute she hated guys then she falls in love with one in less than 24 hours. Seriously?
Whenever the author mentions Rob she mentions this golden light. That was super irritating by the end of the book I was actually imagining him as a light bulb.
The there's the writing. It's so boring. Kait thought, Kait said, Kait felt and just like Stephanie Meyer L.J. Smith has a tendency to repeat stuff. Kait's witch eyes, her red hair, Rob's honest face, his warm golden glow, Anna's serenity. If I hear any of these phrases again, I think I'll go insane.
Even though Kait spends the whole first book at the institute and most of the third there it still hasn't been described properly. Is it big, small? How does it looks from the outside...nothing. It's just been described as purple. yep that's write only one sentence has been written about it. The institute was purple Are you kidding me?
I don't recommend this book to anyone though if you're a fan of Fallen or Hush Hush Hush you might as well read it. It got two stars from me because it had potential. It could've been better.
Author 38 books58 followers
January 29, 2010
Strange Power
This is a very good book. The the vampire in this book ix very different. He doesn't suck blood, he sucks energy. All of the characters are very interesting. The book involves plenty of evil. The students really start to notice something terribly wrong. The book ends in a nice clip hanger. I couldn't put this book done. This is the first L.J. Smith novel I have read. I really think a lot of people will like this. I certainly recommend this to everyone. Kaitlyn is a nice girl that tends to run into a lot more trouble then everyone else. I thought it so romantic that Gabriel rescues her from the guy at the airport who shows up at the house. I'm surprised the grown-ups let the kids do whatever they want. The adults are very strange. Something is terribly wrong with the place and the people working there. Kaitlyn liked two of the guys involved in the experiments. Gabriel seems to dangerous. They all need to find help. The truths are hidden by lies. Lewis cares way too much to much about objects. He's so oblivious to everything going on around him. Many things start to unravel. You start wondering what the experiments are for, how the kids are going to manage their powers, and terrible evil lurking in the house. I think it is quite funny that Zetes have two small nasty dogs. They hardly seem real. The author makes you hate these dogs more than anything.
The Possessed
This was another great book of series. A lot of things happen in this book. There is a lot of suspense. The students are trying to escape Mr. Zetes the man who is trying to turn them into weapons or kill them. This one is better than first. I definitely recommend reading this one. The students show up at the house of protection and learn many secrets. They learn about their race and the mysterious crystal. They also are attacked by other people of their own race. Join them in the escape from Mr. Zetes.
The Passion
I really loved this book. The ending is perfect. Some of it you expect but some of it you don't. At first I though tit would be another vampire novel but it isn't. This is great for any teen to read who really likes fantasy. The book shows some evil, but it just briefly touches it. The book has some tense moments in it. I couldn't put this book down. I found this to be very exciting. LJ Smith has gotten me to read everything she has written. I didn't find a moment of dullness.
Profile Image for Talulah Mankiller.
62 reviews44 followers
September 8, 2010
Psychic boarding school goes horribly, horribly wrong!

Seriously, people. Haven’t y’all ever read Lois Duncan’s Down a Dark Hall? If you have psychic powers and someone offers you a scholarship, RUN FOR THE FUCKING HILLS!

Ahem. It never goes well. It’s always part of some government experiment/corporate money-making scheme/WHO THE FUCK CARES, JUST FUCKING RUN ALREADY. Really. By this point, accepting an invitation to attend one of these schools is like running UPstairs in a horror movie: everyone in the audience is screaming, “JESUS CHRIST, HAVEN’T YOU EVER SEEN SCREAM BEFORE?!”

So yeah. Besides the whole “wow, this premise is really tired” part, L.J. Smith continues to have squicky race issues. On the one hand, non-white characters finally get some action! On the other hand, said action only happens when the main girl has gone on to her real true love, leaving her first love in need of some comfort. Also, have I mentioned the fact that there’s an Asian male character, who gets like, zero plot time and whom the heroine automatically deems “safe” and “non-threatening” because he’s “so small”?


Yeah, and Smith can’t go two seconds without reminding us that the Native American girl is, in fact, Native American and all in touch with nature and shit. Y’all, one day I’m going to write a story starring a Native American woman who drives a fucking hummer and bulldozes down a forest to put in a swimming pool. THAT IS HOW TIRED I AM OF THIS STEREOTYPE.

Dear L.J. Smith: if you cannot write nonwhite characters without being RIDICULOUSLY offensive, how’s about you go get some racial sensitivity training? That, or set your books somewhere really, really white so we don’t have to deal with this nonsense from you anymore. We’d all be real grateful.

Recommended for: Skip!
Profile Image for K.
567 reviews
July 19, 2009
Dark Visions is another book which includes 3 stories: The Strange Power, The Possessed, and The Passion. As I have found Smith's books to be hot and cold, I was nervous about this one, but was determined to read it anyways as the subject matter interested me. And... I was pleasantly suprised to find that I loved it. By that, I mean the stories interested me so much that I couldn't put it down due to having to see how things worked out in the end. Trust me when I say no one could be more suprised by this than I am. Unlike the 3 books in the NightWorld series, I enjoyed all the stories and their characters. I found myself drawn to the story, and found the little plot twists suprising and unexpected. After reading this book, I will probably be more likely to give this author a chance. And for those of you who may be laughing at me, an adult, liking a book meant for a YA audience, all I have to say is don't knock it until you tried it. Besides, we all have our guilty pleasures. If it isn't obvious by now, I would defiantely recommend this book to other readers, young adults and adults alike.
Profile Image for Mizuki.
3,167 reviews1,328 followers
February 26, 2013
L J. Smith’s version of psychic YA story, Dark Visions contents three books: The Strange Power, The Possessed, The Passion. Basically it’s a story of good psychic teenagers with special abilities fighting the evil boss who wanted to use their abilities to make ton of money. AGAIN there’s a love triangle in the book but this one is OK, most of the main characters are also likable.

The only problem I have with the story is when those ‘bad’ psychic kids(who help the evil boss) show up, they were presented as your typical make-up wearing, untidy and rock n’ roll loving bad kids, while the good kids are the wholesome, clean-cut, all-American middle class/lower middle class kids. ARGH the stereotype. *sighs*
Profile Image for Mel.
239 reviews33 followers
April 14, 2011
I've read this book so many times it's awesome. I love the natural progression with Kait and Gabriel they didn't fall in love too quickly even though there were sparks within the first hundred pages. I loved Gabriel, he was this edgy bad boy but he was a good guy at heart. I'm glad Kait chose him, Rob was too good almost to the point of being dull, but maybe it's just me who gravitates to the brooding bad boys in books:) but this book is fantastic and highly recommended.
7 reviews
August 7, 2014
“She stood slim and proud as some medieval witch princess against the dawn.” (p.536)

This book has been staring at me for years, taunting me. I’ve tried reading it before but I couldn’t make myself read past the first book. Luckily after four years I’ve finally forced myself to read it cover to cover.

Summary: This series followed Kaitlyn, Gabriel, Rob, Anna and Lewis, a group of psychic teenagers that were gathered in the Zetes Institute so that they could learn to control their powers. However, things weren’t what they seemed in the Institute. When intentions were revealed, the group found themselves psychically linked and struggling to stay alive.

A series about psychic kids that fight against an evil mastermind that wants to exploit their powers should be an interesting read. Unfortunately the series as a whole was boring. The villain was obvious from the moment he was presented and was the most clichéd character of the bunch. The parts that were supposed to be intense and heart pounding were dull and short. This was basically my reading experience:

The Characters:
“You don’t invite the local witch to parties. No matter how beautiful she is.” (p.1)

Kaitlyn Fairchild was the “witch” from Ohio. Since she was a child Kait had been an outcast due to her strange ringed eyes and her ability to predict the future through her drawings. Kait had a negative opinion of men ever since she dated this one guy who refused to go out with her in public. She then decided that all men were scum who were only interested in sex. That, of course, changed when she got to the Institute and met Rob. Her opinion changed so fast it gave me whiplash. What happened to the “Three sloppy, meaty-handed, too-big-to-control, hormone-crazed Power Rangers.” (p.30) Kait? She forgot over the sounds of them praising her to high heavens. She was stubborn, prideful and somewhat unstable, but mostly unbearably annoying.
“A very masculine presence−if Anna was a cool wind, this boy was a golden solar flare.” (p.39)

Rob Kessler, the golden boy from North Carolina. He had the ability to heal people by manipulating their life energy. At the beginning of the series Rob didn’t know what girls were for due to an accident. But of course Kaitlyn’s specialness cured him of that.
He was a good southern boy, he respected authority and was polite to females. Of course he also knew Gabriel from the other research facility he was in, and of course he hated him. He was as interesting as white bread and such a goodie goodie it was irritating more often than not.
“He was startlingly handsome−but there was a cold wariness in his face and movements.” (p.45)

Gabriel Wolfe, the bad boy telepath who committed murder, a.k.a. the only character I actually cared about. He was perpetually snarling/baring his teeth/smiling disturbingly. Gabriel was the other part of the love triangle, the black hole to Rob’s sun. He hated Rob since they were in the research facility and more so after he realized he had feelings for Kait. Gabriel was the ambiguous character in the series, so his loyalties jumped around. I think I liked him since he didn’t like Rob. Even though he was an unreasonable ass from time to time, he wasn’t stupid enough to trust people immediately and he found a way−albeit mostly illegal−to get a task done.
“Peacefulness seemed to come from the other girl like a cool wind.” (p.34)

Anna Eva Whiteraven was the Native American with the power to influence animals. She was just there so Kaitlyn could have a girl to talk to about guys. Her involvement in the plot was minimal at best, I think she only used her power like twice. It also annoyed me that most of the descriptions that were associated with the girl included the words: calming, serene, peaceful or other synonyms.
“He wasn’t big and gross, but rather small and neat.” (p.35)

Then there was Lewis Chao, the other character who was just there. The Asian-American from San Francisco who had psychokinesis but barely used it. He was helpful every once in a while, which was more than I could say about Anna.

The Romance:
“She would never have believed she could fall in love on one day’s acquaintance. But there it was. And every minute she was around Rob, the feeling grew stronger.” (p.85).

I didn't like the romance at all. Kaitlyn fell in love with Rob after knowing him for twenty-four hours. A day! They hadn't even had a full conversation yet. When I read that I had to put the book down for a moment.description
Every time Kait went on about how much she loved Rob I wanted to jump into the book and slap her.

The Verdict:
I wouldn’t recommend this series. The plot was boring, the romance was cheesy and the characters aren’t compelling.

Profile Image for lisa..
244 reviews115 followers
July 23, 2022
omg. I remember reading this back in school every single morning before class started and wanting the FMC to end up with the morally grey love interest.

I had no idea this was the same author from the vampire diaries?!?!

This is genuinely such a blast from the past and I didn’t even realise it’s rated quite high lol. I kinda wanna re-read it.

The book was so
Now I know it’s because it was all 3 put together.

Profile Image for vicinthemeadow.
577 reviews104 followers
August 2, 2023
This might be my favourite LJ Smith trilogy to date! It follows a group of teenagers with psychic/supernatural abilities as they are recruited on a well paid scholarship to participate in studies on their gifts. But the leader of the study is corrupt and things turn awry fast. This is a YA read, and written in the early 90s but I loved it nevertheless! LJ Smith has a way of transporting readers into her magical universes. If you liked the vampire diaries books, this trilogy is a must!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,171 reviews

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