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This cinematic tale opens surrealistically: with a traffic jam caused by a wounded elephant. Our heroine, Carice, abandons her car and walks trancelike through a wood to visit her husband in the hospital. Along the way she meets a few odd characters, including a blind pig keeper and an alien-looking baby. The surreal encounters do not stop there. The hospital is eerie and foreboding. When Carice’s whistling wakes up an apparently dead body in the morgue, she soon realizes that the aged cadaver she’s talking to is her future self.

Praise for Pachyderme:

“Peeters’ tale of self-discovery is enthralling; in the author’s hands, Cold War paranoia and thoughtfully subverted realist art provides commentary on other kinds of secrets, other kinds of betrayals and the conflict between duty and need.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)
“Peeters’ evocative artwork—inspired equally, it seems, by classic Hollywood and the great horror comics of mid-century—makes every page eye-catching.” —Slate

92 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2009

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About the author

Frederik Peeters

50 books208 followers
Frédérik Peeters (born 13 August 1974, in Geneva) is a contemporary Swiss graphic novelist. He received his bachelor of arts degree in visual communication from the École Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués in Geneva in 1995. Peeters currently lives with his partner Cati, her son, and their daughter in Geneva.

His autobiographical graphic novel Blue Pills received the Polish Jury Prize at the Angoulême International Comics Festival, where it was also nominated for Best Book. Blue Pills also won the Premios La Cárcel de Papel in Spain for Best Foreign Comic. This is his first work to be translated into English.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,669 reviews13.2k followers
August 9, 2014
Here’s the thing about Pachyderme: it’s a really good comic but it’s also weird and abstract and right there and then there are people reading those two words and immediately switching off after deciding this book isn’t for them - and I don’t want to turn people away from this kind of comic just because it’s a little different. It’s totally accessible, it’s definitely engrossing, and it’s a real page-turner. So long as you’re ok not knowing exactly what’s happening at all times and can go with the flow, you’ll get a lot out of this small book.

A woman leaves her car in a traffic jam in the country after discovering a dead elephant is blocking the road. She has to get to the nearby hospital because her husband has been in a terrible car accident. She traverses the forest to reach the hospital and discovers that she can’t find her husband. As she makes her way through this increasingly Kafka-esque place, she’ll meet an alcoholic surgeon who may or may not hold the key to World War 3 if the phallic-nosed ghost detective is right. Why do the walls have nipples, why is the forest full of babies, and how are the dead coming back to life? Maybe this is a dream. Or a fantasy. Or maybe she was in a terrible car accident and not her husband. Or does she have a husband? When did this happen and how did she get here?

In his illuminating introduction to the book, Moebius (aka Jean Giraud, RIP) mentions David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive as a comparison to Frederick Peeters’ trippy tale which is totally accurate, not least for Peeters’ cinematic art treatment of the story. There are parts of the book which you can follow and you think you know what’s happening and then suddenly Peeters will take a left turn and you’ll be somewhere else. And then another left turn, then another, and you don’t know what to think.

This might seem like an irritating form of storytelling - and it probably will be to some readers - but Pachyderme is the kind of well-crafted story which offers the audience multiple interpretations, all of which are valid. And it does so in a way that’s always keeping you engaged so that you’re not totally off balance but not fully in control either - and, it seems, neither is the author.

Again, it’s the kind of book where describing it makes it seem overintellectual, ungraspable and pretentiously arty that will completely isolate practically everyone - but it’s not. Pachyderme won’t be for everyone - what is? - but it’s the kind of mesmerising story that anybody looking for an original and fascinating comic will get something out of.
Profile Image for Shannon.
504 reviews13 followers
February 24, 2014
Not sure that I entirely get this one, but I liked the feel and style. Lots of 'silent action', well-paced, and intriguing storyline. Lots of undercurrents in the plot, and much of the plot is left open for interpretation. Will look for more by this author.
Profile Image for Dmitry Kolomiets.
27 reviews3 followers
April 19, 2015
Beautiful book. The one that stands out of the rest. It really feels that this is a French book - there is something gentle and mysterious about it. I enjoyed the story and the only thing I regret is that the book is too short :)

I grabbed it from a library, but this is the book I would like to have on my shelf.
Profile Image for Marina.
664 reviews126 followers
August 21, 2019
Me gustan mucho como dibuja y narra Peeters. Paquidermo no llega a la excelencia de Castillo de arena, pero tiene su própia maravilla. No es una historia original en resolución, pero me funciona perfectamente como tebeo onírico.
Profile Image for Theadora.
324 reviews
June 9, 2019
Not very impactful. Definitely weird, but I wasn't very intrigued by the surrounding story or characters.
Profile Image for Liz Tiethoff.
51 reviews6 followers
January 9, 2020
The whole time I was reading this I was wondering when I would know that was going on. Now I've finished it and I still don't know what was going on. But the art was really lovely so I'm giving it 3 stars.
Profile Image for Madison.
12 reviews
June 6, 2023
The use of color in this graphic novel sets the tone and highlights a timeline that is ever changing! Illustrations were very creative and shows off real talent!
Profile Image for Alastair French.
158 reviews5 followers
June 30, 2024

Although the tale was quirky and at times surreal, sometimes jumping unexpectedly from scene to scene, the larger story didn’t really pack any surprises.
Profile Image for Tyler.
219 reviews2 followers
October 12, 2017
And yet the goal of this kind of story is to lead readers astray, to rob them of all landmarks, make them struggle with something that comes from within themselves but isn't always easily identifiable.
I don't think Peeters himself could give us any explanations. That's what's beautiful about it. Above all, no explanations. Things happen, always leading us towards understanding something beyond explanation.
I want artists to take me far from every sensation I've ever felt before, into territory that is less the perversion than the reflection of some intimate, forceful urge. In Pachyderme lies something mysterious and obvious that must, above all, not be explained.
The end is release, liberation. But we remain in something just as mysterious as life. Things are benevolent. Period. There is no moral.

- MOEBIUS - Jean Giraud

I mean, yeah, exactly.
Profile Image for Nacho Cuadrado.
232 reviews5 followers
November 29, 2020
Albert Einstein dijo una vez: "La distinción entre pasado, presente y futuro es sólo una ilusión, sin embargo, persistente."

Dicha cita encaja a la perfección con lo que su autor retrata en esta obra. Desde una faceta surrealista la cual se mezcla con cantidad de guiños u referencias al hollywood de los años 40 y 50. Peeters logra adentrar al lector en un laberinto onírico en el cual entre mas se avanza, son mas los detalles que se nos presentan a la vista. Hasta finalmente concluir en un desenlace inesperado, pero que en lo personal me satisfizo.

Desde Kafka en la literatura y Lynch en el cine, no había tenido la oportunidad de toparme con otro artista que supiese transmitir también el surrealismo. Y es una verdadera dicha que en este, el noveno arte, haya encontrado a alguien digno para tal compromiso.
Profile Image for Derek Royal.
Author 15 books71 followers
October 19, 2013
Very dreamlike, very associative, very packed. This is one of those books that you can't casually read, but must give your full attention. I had to keep rereading parts whenever I picked the book after having to lay it down, and to discuss this on The Comics Alternative, I'll need to read it again. Also, Peeters art is outstanding.
Profile Image for Rick Ray.
2,809 reviews15 followers
September 8, 2023
Brilliantly surreal and cryptic, Frederik Peeters nails the style of storytelling honed by the likes of William S. Burroughs, David Lynch and Charles Burns. The narrative is highly nonlinear as it follows two individuals - a worried woman searching a nearby hospital for her husband who has been in a car accident and an alcoholic, womanizing surgeon who seemingly is in possession of something that could trigger cataclysmic global conflict. There's elements from classic film noir, horror and espionage thrillers peppered into Pachyderme, but it feels more cohesive than disparate. Coupled with Peeters' gorgeous artwork and vibrant colors, this is a splendid read. Highly recommended for readers who enjoy more absurd stories.
Profile Image for NoID.
1,309 reviews12 followers
December 22, 2023
Une histoire inclassable, avec un accident et une route bloquée par un éléphant. Un mari opéré dans un hôpital genevois, un chirurgien charmeur, des enfants… juste en rêve ? des mortes bien vivantes, des documents secrets que les russes convoitent et… et des événements bien curieux.

Faut-il vraiment tout comprendre, analyser les songes et décortiquer les messages cachés pour en saisir le sens profond, la métaphore ?

Cet album laisse le choix et sa lecture, même superficielle (et a condition d’accepter de ne pas tout comprendre) se révèle déroutante mais fluide et facile. Pour une compréhension plus approfondie, ma foi… je vais devoir vous laisser creuser

Profile Image for Jose Brox.
208 reviews23 followers
April 26, 2018
3.5 estrellas.

Surrealista pero sin pasarse de la raya, permitiendo interpretaciones lógicas de lo que podría estar ocurriendo, y con un toque cinematográfico estilo años 50 que acerca la obra al mainstream. De hecho, el mayor defecto que le veo es que el final está muy manido (¿cuál es la causa del surrealismo? Elige una: sueño, locura, influencia de las drogas, realidad virtual, coma, aliens, alguno otro método de descontrol mental). El dibujo y los diálogos son atractivos, manteniendo la tensión y haciendo la lectura bastante disfrutable (aunque yo he decidido leerlo en dos sentadas para no terminar aburriéndome).
Profile Image for Colin.
420 reviews4 followers
March 27, 2024
Great introduction by grandmaster Moebius that lifts the material a little higher. Like much of Peeters work, it's not for everyone. The muted tones and surrealism are jarring in the combination of realism and just straight up weirdness. It's a journey both deep and disjointed. It ends on a rather positive note though. The challenge of the illustrating the facial expressions is admirable enough and I suspect even the author isn't sure what some of it means, but it does stick together and it does leave an impression. If you prefer linear story telling, look elsewhere. I will have to read again, much, much later when I've forgotten enough to be ready for some wonder again.
Profile Image for drown_like_its_1999.
227 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2023
After a motor accident a woman struggles to locate her injured boyfriend and quickly becomes lost in a surreal dreamscape packed with strange yet oddly familiar characters. This environment causes her to unpack her true feelings about the relationship and discover why she finds herself in this mind-bending experience.

While the overall plot trajectory of this story is competent and the visual surrealism is quite compelling, I found this very predictable and uninspired. The plot goes exactly where you think it will and for what is narratively a mystery the story feels pretty mundane.

The art however is pure Peeters goodness and while it doesn't reach the splendor of Aama there are plenty of well developed visual metaphors that build an atmosphere reminiscent of The Shining.
Profile Image for Vittorio Rainone.
2,082 reviews27 followers
September 29, 2017
Peeters è maturato, come disegnatore, dai tempi di pillole blu. Quel suo stile debitore di Tardi come di Eisner si è pulito e adesso sa essere molto efficace, con belle inquadrature e senza confusione. La storia parte e si gonfia come un racconto onirico, che sa far montare domande nel lettore. Fino al colpo di scena / spiegazione che pone la giusta risposta e lascia finalmente scoprire il senso della stessa copertina.
Profile Image for Justin Labelle.
480 reviews20 followers
July 8, 2023
A beautifully told and wonderfully illustrated take on dream, dream logic and all things in between.
A mix between David Lynch, Wim Wenders and Jodorowsky.
Lots can be read between the lines as there is plenty of symbolism at play.
Aliens or aborted babies. An Inner voice or the Ghost of a future self.
Love, lust, passion, obsession and regret.
What more could you ask for in something so short and sweet.
A wonderful read.
263 reviews
February 27, 2021
Great art. Has some really interest themes on mortality grand aspects of life etc. A little bit what the hell is going on the whole time you are reading it. Not necessarily a bad thing, but if you like your stories to be crystal clear this may not be for you as it is in general very open to interpretation.
Profile Image for piangevole.
11 reviews
September 6, 2021
Siendo Peeters uno de mis artistas de cómic favoritos, era difícil que no me gustara. Es la primera vez que lo veo trabajar con el color, contrastando con el estilo de Lupus y Píldoras azules. Aunque quizás Paquidermo no me ha gustado tanto como esas dos otras obras, he disfrutado mucho con esta historia bastante más onírica y abstracta, que aun así no necesita ser comprendida al detalle para poder disfrutar de su ambiente, su ritmo y lo que narra. No es que me haya cambiado la vida pero estoy segura de que la releeré en algún momento.
Profile Image for Marek.
466 reviews2 followers
December 29, 2022
Well, well, well... Jest tu wiele intrygujących rzeczy. I nie mówię tu tylko o pojawiających się motywach czy postaciach, ale choćby tym, jak rozgrywają się poszczególne sceny i pisane są dialogi (rozmowa i taniec Carice z lekarzem!). Nie jestem zachwycony i mógłbym czepiać się paru rzeczy, ale jednak ciężko mi odmówić mówienia dobrze o tak pisanym - i tak cudownie wyglądającym - sci-fi.
Profile Image for o.
466 reviews
September 9, 2018
This was fascinating. It became hard to distinguish the real from fantasy, in a delightfully trippy fashion. Think Peeters has a particular talent for that sort of fiction, so can’t say I’m surprised! Onto devouring the rest of his works...
Profile Image for Sergio.
75 reviews
April 26, 2023

Me gusta lo que he podido ver de Peeters estos años, tanto a nivel narrativo como estilístico. En Paquidermo no se queda atrás, aunque creo que, al ser una novela tan corta, no nos permite hacer una lectura de ciertos elementos.
Profile Image for Neven.
Author 3 books411 followers
February 1, 2017
Beautifully composed and illustrated Lynchian story, wildly bizarre, but never annoyingly so—it's grounded in reality and resolved in the end just enough to be tantalizing.
Profile Image for Lina.
19 reviews
April 27, 2018
И в самом деле по линчевски.
Profile Image for Jason Bootle.
260 reviews10 followers
January 26, 2019
Really enjoyed this. Excellent illustration and great dream sequences but still a thread you can grasp. Avoid reading the Mobius prologue, totally pointless adding nothing but spoilers.
74 reviews1 follower
May 20, 2020
Muito foda! Cheio de surrealismo e muito bonito. A história é simples e ao mesmo tempo cheia de pequenos detalhes, te deixando bem atento. Bom demais.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 65 reviews

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