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Zorn Warriors #1

Ral's Woman

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Ariel never knew aliens existed until she finds herself kidnapped and taken from Earth. When the Anzon declare humans useless, she learns her fate — prize for the winner of a brutal fight between large, muscled alien men.

Ral is a Zorn warrior. He has also been kidnapped by the Anzon, along with his crew. Forced into slavery, he's got one thing on his mind — freeing his people. That is, until he sees the small human woman he's willing to fight to win. He doesn't just want her body, he wants her heart forever.

In the hands of a hot alien, Ariel is about to discover how pleasurable captivity can be.

112 pages, ebook

First published September 4, 2009

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About the author

Laurann Dohner

79 books8,546 followers
I had a rather short area here telling a little about me but then I had more than a few people ask me to expand it so... here goes. LOL. I'm a full time home 'supervisor' which is a nice word for saying I'm a housewife. I'm married happily, I met my dream guy 20 years ago, and we have 4 children. I live in Southern California and I can't function without iced coffee. I believe in romance, I've always been a daydreamer, and I'm a HUGE fan of books, always have been.

No, I didn't know that I always wanted to write. I inhaled books as a child. I read entire series (Pippi Longstocking, Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, Trixie Beldon, The Borrowers, etc) in a matter of days at a time. By the time I was nine years old I had an adult library card where I visited often. I moved on to John Saul, Stephen King, Richard Laymon, Agatha Christie, and then found romance. I was hooked. I wrote poetry in my teens and then moved on to short stories. My first book was started after I read a real bomb of a book that ticked me off with really horrible characters and a plot that was shabby at best and I thought... I could do better. LOL.

I wrote my first book which will probably never see the light of day in the early 90's. I wrote a series of a few books from it. I'm a series fan! I kept writing for fun, wrote MANY books and then in 2009 I decided to try to get published. I wrote my first Sci Fi romance and Ral's Woman came to be. I submitted it and with a little tweaking, Ellorascave sent me an acceptance letter. It was kind of a 'Cinderella' experience for me. It's been a terrific ride so far and I'm really happy that I finally had the time to commit to writing full time. It's a dream come true.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 660 reviews
Profile Image for Shanna.
162 reviews27 followers
October 1, 2011
OK, where do I start with this book? I downloaded this because Goodreads INSISTED I would love it. I should have learned my lesson on "recommendations" from Netflix, who once insisted I would love this French movie that had a girl who stuck earthworms in her vagina while on the side of the road (I'm not even kidding, it was called "A Real Young Girl" and you can Wiki the plot- it even mentions the earthworms). But, no. Goodreads says it's good reads and I blindly (or perhaps blondely) follow like a lamb to the slaughter and read it. In my defense, I finished it- I stuck it out to the bitter end. Also, in my defense, I *do* like paranormal (including sci-fi) romance and erotica.

Now, about the story:
1. The heroine made me roll my eyes. She was kidnapped from Earth by a race of aliens who needed breeders (this is a popular plot lately), who found she was incompatible, and ended up offering her as a prize to their slaves. She goes from terrified of basically being gifted to an alien to being completely cool with screwing the dude in about 5 seconds (boohoo...don't look at me...boo hoo...don't touch me...boo..ho.o.o.ohhhh, you have a penis? awesome! GET IT IN ME NOW!). Quick-onset Stockholm syndrome, I suppose.
2. I have to give it to the hero, Ral. He says his going to protect this woman he won and god help him, he does. He kills people who try and touch her. But when it comes down to the slaves gaining their freedom and her asking to go home, he's all "No way, minesies." At first this pisses her off, then she's all "Ohhh, I love a possessive barbarian!"
3. The story could use some meat on it's bones. The writing was base at best. The world creation was...OK. The characters needed fleshing out.
4. Editing? U can haz none. Improper words, improper punctuation, improper spelling. Bad, bad, bad.
Profile Image for Anna Serene.
563 reviews131 followers
October 30, 2021

I wanted to like this. I wanted to like this in a way that is cheesy and weird but still hot and sappy romantic...

This was not that.

This was one of those books where you go into it knowing it's going to be far from perfect. You know from the start it's not going to be "good", but it could be entertaining. Thing is, this failed at being entertaining. It was boring. I was in the middle of a 103 page book and I was checking to see how many goddamn pages were left.

It started out promising. I was getting a serious Dothraki vibe from the Zorn men. I thought, "Khal Drogo fanfic? Yes, please!" I can totally get behind that. I mean...

But then I remembered what happened in the second episode of Game Thrones after Dany and Drogo's wedding and the little issue of, you know, consent... Granted, it wasn't nearly as harsh as this:

But it's still not great. "We're gonna fuck whether you enjoy it or not so you better tell me how you enjoy it" is not exactly the best pickup line. And from there, they have hot monkey sex and are in LURVE! Why? Cuz. That's why.

Their relationship just sort of happened after they fucked. It just was. There wasn't any room for deviation. They were going to be in a relationship no matter how little sense it made or how screwed up. I get the whole "love" word being mistaken (kinda) in the way that Ral says it, but could Ariel really just not admit that she didn't explain it correctly? It's not like there was a language barrier at that point, only a cultural one. He's not a robot that doesn't understand feelings. You were just the idiot who told him a word meant something it didn't and then started to get confused with both the right and wrong meanings!

But really, their relationship made no sense. The only reason they even started this thing is because she was won to be his slave. If that isn't the start of a healthy relationship, I don't know what is. And you know, it's never exactly made clear to her (or me) whether or not she ever stops being a slave. I know she doesn't think she's a slave, but I think we've already established that she doesn't exactly have the best judgement. So let's look at the facts:

1. She was won as a prize.
2. She is forced to have sex with the prizewinner.
3. She can't leave the prizewinner.
4. She can't go home to her own family.
5. She doesn't do anything except wait around for her prizewinner to come home and have sex.
6. She is encouraged to wait around the house naked.

Honestly? I think she's still a motherf*cking slave!!!! She never really delves too deep into the fact that Ral won't let her go home. She knows he could if he wanted to, but he doesn't so I guess that's that?? And his really shitty explanation of that is perfectly acceptable to her for some reason..

I think the main problem I have with this book can be seen just by reading the title: Ral's Woman. That really tells you all you need to know about their relationship. Ariel's character is defined by being owned by Ral. She doesn't do anything except be his. She's basically useless, she has no backbone, and she's captivated by the magic of his penis!

I would also like to say that I find it deeply disturbing that Ral's semen "tastes like candy". It's just wrong. I'm sure that every woman and man in the world would like jizz to taste like candy, but the fact is: it doesn't. And somehow the thought of that is unsettling. Not sure why, but it is.

I could go into more of why this book didn't work, like plot-nonexistence, or clunky dialogue, or any number of things, but I'm not going to. Because that could have been ignored (mostly) if I had been entertained. But I wasn't. So...

August 5, 2023
Sexy alien romance!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: ❤️💙💚❤️💖
Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📘📙📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌏
Character development: 🤓😉☺️🥰
Narration: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Narration Type: Solo Narration

The heroine: Ariel - she was abducted from Earth, taken captive by the Anzon race of aliens. It feels like forever since she has been taken. She has been abused and feels that death is imminent when the Anzon decide humans are worthless and would die if they tried to mate her. So they decide to award her to one of the miners that are also slaves to the Anzon. The miners look like her though are much bigger.

The Hero: Ral - he is a Zorn warrior and a Prince, he and his crew were taken captive by the Anzon and had been working as slaves in the Anzon mines ever since. He plans to escape at the first opportunity. Whenever there is a chance to win something in a fight, he often competes and wins and gives away his prize but this time is different. When he sees Ariel, he wants to keep her.

The Story: The Anzon chained Ariel up in just her bra and panties, and told the miners, which included the Zorn warriors, that they were to fight for the right to have her. They fought in groups of four until only one was left from each group, then the winners fought each other until only one remained. The fights were brutal, with bones broken and blood spilled until a man named Ral wins.

This was definitely insta-lust. Ral immediately knows that Ariel is his and he wants to keep her forever and she is bound to him for life. Ariel is a bit more skeptical since she is from Earth. This book gets steamy right away and though it is fast, I liked that they talked about what would turn her on and their differences between the species (the Zorn females have a bundle of nerves in a different place than human women).

There were a bunch of intimate scenes early on in the story, but it got more interesting when they planned an escape. This was quite different than any other alien romance I have read before. They got translators when they were captured so could understand each other from the start, but later their translators had to be removed so they were already in love but couldn’t understand each other for a while.

The society was a bit to male centric for my tastes and even a bit misogynistic. Men kept two or three women at least and only paid attention to their women when they wanted sex. They could go out with the guys without bothering to call and let the women know they would be late, and much more. Ral behaved differently with Ariel, but also kept her home and kept secrets from her and didn’t want her to work when most other women did.

This book was told via solo narration in dual points of view and was narrated by Simone Lewis. She has a soft, feminine voice which is very pleasant to listen to. I have really liked Laurann Dohner series and have binged a few of them over the last month or more. She always has a solo female narrator and a different one for each series, but so far they have all been pretty great narrators.

Profile Image for Sammy Loves Books.
1,137 reviews1,642 followers
May 31, 2015
Another fun erotic read by Laurann Dohner. This was a free ebook that spiked my curiosity because I had been enjoying the New Species series. I am now a fan of the Zorn Warriors series also.


I was pleasantly surprised because this was not at all what I'd expected.

Ariel has been kidnapped by the Anzons, aliens that are looking to breed with human females. When they discover that humans are not compatible for breeding, they decide to pass Ariel along as a prize to another set of aliens they have stolen and forced into slavery. These are the Zorn. The Zorn are a proud, strong race that are forced to fight for the pleasure of the Anzon. Ral wins the fight for Ariel and is determined to keep her as his own...forever.

I am very much looking forward to reading more of this sci-fi series.
Profile Image for Carina.
31 reviews
December 28, 2012
Why oh WHY did I read this?!

If I could sum up the entire book in one sentence it would be: "Me Tarzan, you Jane. Uga uga!"


The hero is basically a Neanderthal, manhandling the heroine and pretty much raping her the first time they meet. He immediately decides she is his forever and won't let her go back to Earth.

The heroine is an empty vessel... we don't really know anything about her. She submits to the man immediately, accepts his violent ways and considers herself in love in no time. Considering all the things she went through in just a few days, it's unbelievable that she recovered from her fear and shock in no time.

There was basically no character development, specially regarding the heroine. How old was she? What was her job on Earth? Did she have any family? We know absolutely nothing! Nooooooooothing! And since it only takes her like 2 days to fall in love with her rapist and decide she won't return to Earth, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she doesn't even think about her family (again, does she have one?).

By the end of the book the other aliens from his planet, after watching a tape of the main couple have sex, decide that they're going to kidnap some human women to themselves since they're so good at sex. DEAR GOD! And our "heroine" makes one weak protest before agreeing to help them.
Profile Image for ValerieC.
1,336 reviews58 followers
January 19, 2011
Kindle Edition

This was a cute little read if you are into sweet 'cave men'.

Ariel was kidnapped from Earth by the Anzons, a dying race in search of breeding-compatible females.

Because she wasn't compatible with their race, they decided 'give' her to the man who could win her in a fighting contest.

Ral was also a captive of the Anzons along with others of his race who were taken from their hunting planet and put to work as miners. Ral was the Crown Prince of his world and was larger and stronger than the other Zorns, so he usually won these contests, giving the female to one of his men. This time, he was captivated by Ariel, and kept her for himself.

Ariel and Ral fall for other... their lovemaking was explosive and Ral 'bound her' to himself.

When the Zorn manage to escape the Anzons and return to their planet, the adventures just begin.

- Big, loveable, growling, protective hero (Ral)

- Level-headed and not irritating heroine (Ariel)

- Meddlesome family problems

- Brothers hot for an Earth woman of their own

- Language difficulties that don't overcome love

I am going to read this whole Zorn Warriors series!

The only downside to reading this series is the high price of the Kindle editions. The books are very high=priced for their length and are priced about the same as those on the NY Times Best Sellers list, which is way too high, IMHO.

Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
October 26, 2020

Fue una lectura entretenida. Como introduccion estuvo correcta, aunque me hubiera gustado saber mas de los Zorn, tal vez asi no me hubiese quedado con la impresion de que su mundo es bastante machista.

Las escenas candentes estan bien, principalmente porque Laurann Dohner es buena describiendo dichas escenas, aun asi, extrañe que no se centrara mas en la trama principal.

En fin, Ral' s Woman cumple con lo que promete, hacerte pasar un rato distraida. Se lee rapido y te deja lo suficientemente interesada como para continuar con los siguientes tomos.

2.5 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Stacie.
2,293 reviews257 followers
April 6, 2020
Latest read 4/6/20

Same thoughts. I love it!!

4 1/2 "Scifi Quickie" Stars!

I've read this story many times. I still love it. One of my first and favorite Scifismutty reads. Zorn men are hot... and tasty ;-) Happy reading!
Profile Image for Lindz..
1,024 reviews123 followers
December 5, 2012
Ok, these books are like a Planet full of Khal Drogo (Jason Momoa) Um.... I'm not sure why people would whine about that... Then again I'm totally partial to the whole barbarian grunting man thing. (shrug) And I'm totally comfortable with that lmao!

Yeah, the writing is a little choppy, but hey, she got into Ellora's Cave and the story is STILL good :-)
Profile Image for Nan.
316 reviews29 followers
October 25, 2014
"She is mine. Never roar at her again, Father." - Ral

I swear this book gave me a good laugh here and there.

Our male protagonist Ral kind of reminds me the guy from Conan the barbarian

His possessive, protective and insatiable. First time we see him, his fighting others of his kind to win her and then carries her off to his chamber caveman style! Ral, is a cutie (I don't know if I'm using this word out of context). He's really curious about Ariel and is eager to learn the ways of pleasing a woman of her species. He is super duper protective of Ariel and basically just kills any man who tries to take/hurt her. This is his mentality: She is mine. Don't touch her. You touch her. YOU DIE! I do understand why he has to kill those guy, it was for her protection but if I was her and witnessed that, I think I would be traumatised for awhile.

Then there's our female protagonist Ariel.

AHAHAHA sorry, but Ariel is a name I will forever associate with one of my favourite Disney movies, Little Mermaid. This Ariel in here ain't no beautiful red head, she's a blonde.

In my honest opinion, Ariel just looks better as a red head

Ariel has been kidnapped from Earth by aliens who want to breed with her! However, it seems she is not compatible to breed with her alien captors so what do they do?
Oh just strip her to her bare essentials, placing her on full display to another batch of alien species that look more like her. There is a contest to win her and of course Ral is the winner. He takes her to his room, absolutely caveman style and there was resistance from her at first but obviously they had hot sex. Then he starts claiming her that she's HIS.
"I think you do not understand. You are mine for life. I claim you. I won you. I will keep you. We will breed often and I am hoping you will take my seed to root" - Ral

There was this other hilarious part with Ral's family.

Overall I give this a 2.5. The book did give me a good old laugh at some bits but it isn't a book where I connected with the lead characters. The sex in the book was pretty hot but for me, there needs to be something beyond that.
Profile Image for Sophia.
Author 5 books374 followers
June 16, 2012
I love Sci-Fi Romances and I thought the blurb sounded interesting.

The story is about a gal who has been kidnapped by a reptilian like alien race who are looking for females compatible with their males. Ariel takes a breath of relief to discover that humans are not compatible, but only long enough to discover that they will not be returning her home to earth. They have decided to give her as a prize to one of their mining slaves a race much like humans, but bigger and more brutish looking.

Ariel is tied up and on display. She is forced to watch the big muscular men from Zorn fight gladiator style over her. She is won by the biggest and fiercest of them all, a warrior named Ral. Ral is the champion fighter of his people and he usually wins the discarded females, but hands them over to the other men. This time he keeps the spoils of battle for himself. Ariel is taken with Ral's beautiful eyes, but she is terrified when he takes her back to his room to have his way with her.

Ral is very taken with Ariel the moment he sees her. He is very gentle with her even as they embark on exploring the differences and similarities in their species through a night of sex. Ral is entranced and not only decides to keep Ariel for the night, but tells her that she will be his and his alone. He even protects her from a gang of men set to take her from him because there are only a handful of females for a large male population of slaves.

Not long after this, the slaves make their escape back to their home world of Zorn. Ral takes Ariel with him. And that's where it really starts to get interesting for her because the traditions of Ral's world are so very different from her own and she is looked on with suspicion.

The plot is not deep and the story is very much about the sexual encounters, but I did enjoy and appreciate that there was a decent plot and some world building that distinguished the species. I liked the characters of Ral and Ariel. Ariel is so brave and feisty once she and Ral are further into their relationship. Ral is understated and exceptional amongst his people since he can see something special in Ariel when everyone else just sees a weak little human.

I would recommend this one for the Sci-Fi steamy romance lovers out there.
11 reviews12 followers
March 4, 2013
I have to say that this is the worst written book I have ever read... and I have read some real trash. The sentences take the word "simple" to a whole new level. I couldn't help laughing when about a quatre of the way through the book Ariel says she hasn't been fed in days and Ral's only reply is "I hate them" in regards to their captures (excuse me if I didn't pay enough attention to remember their names). How much like a petulant child is that? "I hate them", no expansion, no indication to why he hates them, I cannot say that I finished this book because well, I didn't see the point. If it were not for the genre I would have though it to be written by a five year old, how on earth this author got published is beyond me, her writing style is truely appauling. and notice that I probably just used as many compound and/or complex sentenses in this one small rant as she did in the entire book! Don't be fooled by this book being at the top of some goodreads lists, if you want any mental stimulation at all, I would look elsewhere as you will not find it on the pages of this pathetic example of literature.
Profile Image for Inna.
1,602 reviews348 followers
November 16, 2020
2 stars. I’m feeling reallly generous with this one. The only redeeming quality is that it’s a novella and so I didn’t have to spend too much time on it.

The heroine of this book is TSTL, I couldn’t believe how much of a pushover and moron she was all throughout the book. Her comprehension level must have been of a 10 year old because she kept saying she didn’t understand the most basic of statements. The hero is a basic alien who is basically human. I mean... can we get at all creative? Here’s how these aliens are different from human men... 1. They are bigger & stronger 2. Their cocks are slightly bigger 3. They are a different color 4. They have pointy teeth 5. They like to have multiple women in their beds (even though the book says that men outnumber women in their world) 6. They growl.

Yep, so creative, I’m blown away by this level of imagination.

Also, they record the MCs having sex and it spreads to men on the planet... so now all the men are obsessed with getting a human woman. 😒

Safe (but still gross imo), no cheating. Heroine is nearly raped several times. Hero basically rapes her the first time but she’s not hard to convince. Once they get back to hero’s planet he is constantly offered OW (one comes and strips and asks him to fuck her in front of the heroine) and it seems like he considers it at one point, but ends up agreeing to be monogamous after the heroine throws a fit. This story made me uncomfortable with how poorly women were treated.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mara.
2,508 reviews254 followers
October 8, 2011
Chantal said it all:
Predictable. boring. poor description of sex scenes. character development is next to none. buildup of tension, love, relationship, etc is zilch. [...] all this talk of love, and that is happens so quickly and for now apparent reason other than hot sex, was just too hard to swallow.

Flat is the only adj. I can think of. Flat plot, flat romance, even flat(ter) sex.
Moreover, contrary to popular belief, I found no world building at all and many inconsistencies.

Profile Image for Pam Nelson.
3,586 reviews111 followers
November 17, 2019
5 Ral’s Woman Stars

I have read this series one other time, and I love it. I was trying to explain it to my husband, I like that Ral is other worldly and Ariel is human.

I liked their differences because they learned to love those differences. He was forceful but not, he never really made her do anything she didn’t want to. Because once she did what he wanted she got just as much out of it.

If you have ever read any other book by Laurann Dohner then you the best I can explain this is like her New Species books.

Again Simone Lewis is amazing I really like the way she narrates I can’t really explain what I like about it I just know that I do.

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*
Profile Image for Ari Reavis.
Author 20 books159 followers
August 17, 2016
2.5 stars

It was ok. Not as good as I had hoped, but still interesting. I didn't fall in love with Ral, so that affected how much I cared for the romance. I liked that he wouldn't let anyone hurt or insult Ariel, but other than that he was just... (shoulders shrugging).
Profile Image for Simply Sam.
850 reviews100 followers
June 20, 2017
Next up in the MacHalo's Summer Alien Love Fest

Sorry but I couldn't/didn't/wouldn't finish this one. Just not for me. Bleh. These summer reads have been the worst so far. Is it too much to hope that one, just one, will be worth it? Moving on and ever downward it seems this month....
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,028 reviews103 followers
December 17, 2013
Really hot short read. I love the alien premise but I found that the physical description of the Zorn was too similar to the "New Species"...growling included. As with all Laurann Dohner's books, I wish they were longer with more backstory and detail. Still really excited to start a new series though...
Profile Image for Kate.
2,204 reviews341 followers
August 14, 2015
I hate to admit this but I really enjoy these books they are a bit cheesy in places. Ariel is abducted from earth by an alien race called Anzons as they are looking breeding partners as their race is dying. Ariel is not compatiable and so she is handed over to the mine workers (in this case another species was abducted as well) they are Zorn Warriors big and very alpha male. Ral is their leader and he fights everyone but usually distributes the women between the most deserving workers but this time he keeps Ariel for himself. Ok realistically on Earth one hooks up with humans so obviously why shouldn't they be able to have sex as well straight away? Anyway they manage to escape and get back to their own planet. Ral and Ariel are bound now and Ral's father is not happy.He thinks that Ariel has chemicals that make Ral addicted to her. I found this book to be great fun and a goodread. I am difitnely going to continue with the series.
Profile Image for Megan Fall.
Author 13 books351 followers
April 8, 2015
I love big, alpha aliens. This was a great book and I'm glad I found another series by this author!
Profile Image for Chris ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥.
283 reviews4 followers
August 30, 2024
1⭐️ Dothraki vibes? 😏😳 Well, count me in! At least that was my first reaction to this book, until I started reading it. That’s when I realized I won’t like it. 😩 I did love the concept of the book, just not the execution of it. The plot and the writing were too simplistic and the characters lacked depth. It felt like it was written by a horny teenager. 🙈😂

Also, WHAT DO YOU MEAN she was in love with him after only TWO days of knowing each other?! A normal human being wouldn’t have been able to process and get over the shock of being kidnapped by freaking ALIENS and forced to become a sex slave during that time, let alone accept everything so easily and fall in love that quickly!!!! Like what?😂 I would understand if we were talking about fated mates..but this?? Yeah no, it’s too ridiculous.! I‘m out! Sorry! 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Ral gripped her face and studied her. “Do you in love with me, Ariel?”
She stared up at him. She knew what he was asking her even if his words weren’t exactly right. He wanted to know if she had feelings for him. She nodded. She wasn’t sure how it had happened but she did love Ral. He’d killed to protect and keep her. He made her laugh. He made love to her. How could she not love him?


This is the fmc‘s reaction after only 2 freaking days of knowing the mmc!😂 Pls tell me I am not the only one finding this weird and unrealistic!🙈😂
Profile Image for Beatriz.
915 reviews824 followers
August 14, 2022
Bueno… aquí estoy empezando otra serie de Laurann Dohner mientras espero a ver si se decide a continuar con Veslor Mates que, la verdad, me gustó bastante.

Me decidí por Zorn Warriors por cierta similitud en la trama, pero es una serie más antigua y se nota que la autora aún no había desarrollado completamente ese estilo que cautiva en sus últimas series. El argumento es mucho más simple y obvio. Es bastante más corto que sus últimos trabajos y con menos conflictos. Igual entretiene, así que voy por el siguiente a ver si mejora.
Profile Image for Viri.
1,235 reviews447 followers
May 30, 2019
Corto, fácil de leer, hot.
Estuvo entretenido pero hasta ahí.

Profile Image for Kelly.
5,242 reviews203 followers
June 21, 2012
I have to admit that my weakness for sexy sci-fi is something that I'll probably never outgrow. This book hit my sexy sci-fi spot (so to speak) and made me very happy. While there were a few things that made me cringe a little (Ral's syntax, upon occasion, is painfully atrocious), overall the book was fun and sexy and I'm already plotting ways to get my hands on the next installments.

Probably my biggest scrunchy face moment (next to the syntax issue which is really not an issue since there's the whole alien language thing and it made sense) came when Ariel explained the idea of love to Ral and he declared that they loved one another and that was that. Okay. Cool. I guess. I mean, it worked. I can't deny that. Ultimately, the length of this book didn't leave a lot of time for angsty soul searching so I can see why we jumped straight into the meat of their relationship, but at the same time Ariel accepted his declaration very easily whereas I would have expected someone who had been viciously ripped away from everything she'd known might have ... I don't know, fought against it. Maybe. Or maybe his bulging muscles and fabulous hair swayed her. I can't lie, those things would sway me. All the way. Rawr!

Although there were some minor editing flaws, the book was fun and it gave me the sexy sci-fi that I adore. Aliens with big muscles are all the rage in my head. And on my Kindle, apparently. *thumbs up*

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Just Josie.
1,050 reviews190 followers
December 13, 2018
2,5 “caveman” -stars

I was not completely sold by this story. I genuinely enjoy Dohner “Cyborg Seduction”-series, and even though it is not “five star worthy”-series they definitely captivates my interest.

This book didn’t start to interest me until 40 % into the book.
The main heroine Ariel was really frustrating to follow. I didn’t connect or particularly like her.

Ral, was slightly better, the caveman style really cool, and you felt the whole“ You, mine, me strong” feeling from page one.
The storyline was kinda 50/50. It held potential BUT it just seemed really flat. I would have liked to get deeper into the story. Into the world.

Everything aside I do think I wanna continue the series, because I liked the “Zorn” aliens, and I kinda wanna know what happens.

Read: 16/06/2018
Will I recommend: Argh... Not really, but at the same time
“ kinda”?
Bonus info: This has triggers for some people. Be aware before reading.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 660 reviews

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