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The Inner Voice of Love: A Journey Through Anguish to Freedom

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This is Henri Nouwen's "secret journal." It was  written during the most difficult period of his life, when he suddenly lost his self-esteem,  his energy to live and work, his sense of being loved, even his hope in God. Although he experienced excruciating anguish and despair, he was still able to keep a journal in which he wrote a spiritual imperative to himself each day that emerged from his conversations with friends and supporters.

For more than eight years, Henri Nouwen felt that what he wrote was too raw and private to share with others. Instead, he published The Return of the Prodigal Son, in which he expressed some of the insights gained during his mental and spiritual crisis. But then friends asked him, "Why keep your anguish hidden from the many people who have been nurtured by your writing? Wouldn't it be of consolation for many to know about the fierce inner battle that lies underneath so many of your spiritual insights?"

For the countless men and women who have to live through the pain of broken relationships, or who suffer from the loss of a loved one, this book about the inner voice of love offers new courage, new hope, even new life.

118 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1996

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About the author

Henri J.M. Nouwen

321 books1,916 followers
Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen (Nouen), (1932–1996) was a Dutch-born Catholic priest and writer who authored 40 books on the spiritual life.

Nouwen's books are widely read today by Protestants and Catholics alike. The Wounded Healer, In the Name of Jesus, Clowning in Rome, The Life of the Beloved, and The Way of the Heart are just a few of the more widely recognized titles. After nearly two decades of teaching at the Menninger Foundation Clinic in Topeka, Kansas, and at the University of Notre Dame, Yale University and Harvard University, he went to share his life with mentally handicapped people at the L'Arche community of Daybreak in Toronto, Canada. After a long period of declining energy, which he chronicled in his final book, Sabbatical Journey, he died in September 1996 from a sudden heart attack.

His spirituality was influenced by many, notably by his friendship with Jean Vanier. At the invitation of Vanier he visited L'Arche in France, the first of over 130 communities around the world where people with developmental disabilities live and share life together with those who care for them. In 1986 Nouwen accepted the position of pastor for a L'Arche community called "Daybreak" in Canada, near Toronto. Nouwen wrote about his relationship with Adam, a core member at L'Arche Daybreak with profound developmental disabilities, in a book titled Adam: God's Beloved. Father Nouwen was a good friend of the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin.

The results of a Christian Century magazine survey conducted in 2003 indicate that Nouwen's work was a first choice of authors for Catholic and mainline Protestant clergy.

One of his most famous works is Inner Voice of Love, his diary from December 1987 to June 1988 during one of his most serious bouts with clinical depression.

There is a Father Henri J. M. Nouwen Catholic Elementary School in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

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Profile Image for Fergus, Quondam Happy Face.
1,179 reviews17.7k followers
September 10, 2024
Garlic and Sapphire in the mud
Clot the bedded axle-tree.
Four Quartets

Anxious? Worried? Depressed? Or perhaps you’re hyperactive without a root. Paranoid when the Bad Guys are getting vague and increasingly nebulous... not able to get your act in gear due to inner unrest?

Welcome to the club. For Father Nouwen (and myself) have been there and done that. And HE’s attained the summit of the mountain (not me)!

And found his work is only beginning. BEHIND the spiritual lines, as R.J. Ellis wrote.

When your creative sap refuses to flow, read this. Read it if you’re insecure and desperately uncertain about where all your possibilities have disappeared to.

READ this if you’re an anguished human being like so many of us.

We have to quit sweating the small stuff, for starters! The small stuff is just our neurosis about being so different from our friends (hint: our reading just makes us SEE more of ourselves, so why the insecurity, guys?).

Now, Nouwen’s not entirely pleasant to read. We don’t like being ourselves. With good reason - we don’t trust ourselves - or God!

Nouwen reopens old wounds within us we thought were forever healed. NOTHING wrong with that. Maybe THAT’s why we’re afraid of Love, too...

Guess what?

Our healing process takes ALL OUR LIVES. So take your time!

No, life’s not all fun and games.

But if you’re like I was many years ago when I started reading Father Nouwen, you’ve HAD IT with what most people call fun and games.

You want to find out how to live a LIFE THAT’S WHOLE AND REAL.

Your books tell you about it left and right. And you’ve decided to STOP LISTENING to the gloomy souls that scream at you you endlessly: Give it all up!

Give it all up? Stop DREAMING?

No way.

And Nouwen says, “You’re right, kid. There IS a way. It’s long and hard, but it pays off BIG TIME. Trust me. Better yet, let me take you along with my on my Quest...

“To start with, I’ll take you back to the moment in your life when you GAVE UP on your honest, real life. That’s gonna hurt...

“Then, TOGETHER, we’re gonna unlock ALL those Deep, Dark Rooms in your soul you locked and boarded up so many years ago (now, that’ll REALLY hurt!)...

“But, just trust me, cause I’ll ALSO show you the Eldorado of an essentially FREE AND STRONG HUMANITY within you - the Power of which you’ve never even dreamed of! I’ll show you how to REALLY DREAM again, too...

“OK. You ready? The Great Quest awaits. It’s starting right outside your door. And don’t bother packing anything...

“Cause ALL you need to bring along is Faith, Hope and Love!”

And you know what?

Nouwen’s RIGHT. There IS a Great Quest.

Those gloomy, hopeless TROLLS have got it all WRONG.

And you know what else? Our DESTINATION - and our Reward - IS HUGE.

So - let’s GET MOVING.

What are we WAITING FOR?!

This is IT.

Our NEW BEGINNING awaits us.
54 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2016
This is a book to be read and absorbed in small doses. It is a deeply personal and very honest book written during a time of great pain. But it is a hopeful book. It's as though Nouwen is writing to himself from place of hope. My sense is that, through effective advice and sheer force of will, Nouwen imagined a place of hope from which he could write to himself sitting in despair. From this imagined place, Nouwen looks back and sees a path to wholeness, a path to an existential, a real place of hope.

As is the case with all truths, there is no chronological to do list that gets you there. Instead, there are markers, guideposts, lodestars. By careful reading and thougtful discernment, we can benefit fromthese markers, guideposts and lodestarts to find our own path to wholeness.
Profile Image for Maria Abd almasseh.
3 reviews19 followers
November 5, 2013
كتاب من اروع ما قرأت ، بكلمات محددة و و قويةو رقيقة يدخل الى اعماق اعماقك و يتسرب بهدوء الى المناطق المظلمة فى حياتك ، التى طالما اخفيتها عن الجميع حتى عن نفسك !
خلاصة تجربة رائعة لحياة من الالام الوحدة و الفراق ، الالام الرفض و الترك و الهجر ، و اختبار بركات اعظم و حياة اقوى بجذور مبنية على ارض صلبة لن تهتز غدا و لا بعد مائة عام
من افضل الاعمال بل يعد الافضل فى مجال شفاء النفس و الجروح القديمة
Profile Image for Nermine Hosni.
59 reviews43 followers
May 6, 2014
يجب عليك الانتقال تدريجياً من البكتء خارجياً والصراخ لي الناس الذين تظن ان بإمكانهم ان يسددوا احتياجاتك ، الي الصراخ داخلياً الي الموضع الذي فيه يمكنك ان تري نفسك محمولاً ومسنوداً من الله

فأنت تعطي كل ما يسأله الناس منك وحين يسألون المزيد فأنك تعطي المزيد حتي تجد مفسك مستهلكاً ومستغلاً ومستنفذاً فلن تستطيع ابداً ان تعترف وتحترم وتقدر ايضاً حدود الآخرين قبل ان تتمكن من ان تضع حدودك الشخصية اولاً

انت تشكو من انك تجد صعوبة في ان تصلي وان تختبر حب يسوع ولكن يسوع يسكن في اعماق ذاتك الخائفة التي لم تشعر ابداً بالاستقبال الكامل فحين تصادق ذاتك الحقيقية هذه وتكتشف ما فيها من جمال وطيبة فإنك سوف تري يسوع هناك فيسوع يقطن في اكثر المناطق انسانية وضعف فيك في عمق ذاتك

ان الله لا يريد لك الاحساس بالوحدة انه يريد ام يلمسك بطريقة تجعل اعمق احتياجاتك تُشبع علي الدوام ، فالمقصود من الالم الذي تعانيه الآن يضعك في تلامس مع الموضع الذي تحتاج فيه الي شفاء، فالشخص لذي استطاع ان يلمس ذلك الموضع فيك يكون بذلك قد كف لك عن لؤلؤتكرلكثيرة الثمن

ما هو المك؟ انه اختبارك للحرمان من اهم ما تحتاج اليه انه الموضع الخاوي الذي فيه تشعر بشدة بغياب الحب الذي ترغب فيه اقصي ما ترغب

رغم انك تشعر بالصحة والقوة جسدياً وعقلياً إلا انك لازلت تختبر تياراً قوياً من الحزن يسري في داخلك فأنت تنام جيداً وتعمل جيداً ولكن قلما تشعر بهذه اللحظات التي يختفي فيها هذا الالم النابض بقلبك والذي يجعل كل شئ يبدو ضائعاً في الهواء

لا تتردد في ان تحب وان تحب بعمق ربما تخشي الالم الذي تحدثه المحبة العميقة ، حيث ينكسر قلبك متي تركك او رفضك من تحبهم بعمق ، لا ينبغي ان يمنعك ذلك من ان تحب بعمق فالالم الذي يأتي من المحبة العميقة انما يجعل محبتك تثمر اكثر فأكثر فهو كالمحراث الذي يشق الارض ليسمح للبذرة بأن تضرب بجذورها لتنمو وتصير نبته قوية ، وانت في كل مره تختبر فيها الم الرفض او الفراق فأنك تقف امام احد اختيارين ، ان تشعر بالمرارة وتقرر ألا تحب مرة اخري، او ان تقف منتصباً في المك وتدع التربة التي تقف عليها تزداد ثراء وقدرة علي منح الحياة لبذور جديدة

لكنم تحتاج ان تترك تلك الآلام تغوص في قلبك حتي تعايشها وتكتشف انها لن تقضي عليك فقلبك اعظم من آلامك

لقد تعلمت ايضاً ان ارصد الظلمة مبكراً وان لا ادع الحزن ينمو ويصل الي الاكتئاب

مابدا يوماً انه لعنه صار بركة كل الألم العميق الذي هدد بتدمير حياتي يبدو اآن كتربة خصبة لثقة اعظم وامل اقوي وحب اعمق

ان اروع المؤلفات الموسيقية واعظم اللوحات والمنحوتات الفنية وافضل الكتب التي كتبت غالباً ما كانت تعبيراً مباشراً عن الوعي بالانكشار الانساني
هذا الكسر انما نحياه ونختبره بطريقة شخصية خاصة جداً وفريدة فأنا مقتنع بشدة بأن كل انسان انما يعاني بطريقة خاصة جداً لا يعاني منها اي انسان اخر ، ونحن بلا شك يمكننا ان نعقد بعض المقارنات وان نتحدث عن الم اكثر من اخر والم اقل من اخر ولكن في النهاية يبقي المك شخصياً جداً والمي كذلك شخصياً جداً حاي ان المقارنه لا تجلب اي راحة او عزاء ، في الحقيقة اني اكون اكثر امتناناً للشخص الذي يدرك تفرد آلامي ، من ذلك الشخص الآخر الذي يحاول ان يخبرني بأن هناك كثيرون يتألمون مثلي وربما اكثر فكسرنا يخصنا وحدنا دون اي شخص اخر
Profile Image for Pishowi.
56 reviews52 followers
March 6, 2013
الكتاب الأول و الوحيد بالنسبة إليّ في مواجهة الألم. الكتاب خبرة شخصية للأب هنري نووين أو بالأحرى مجموعة خبرات عن الألم وعن الحب والصداقة والعلاقة مع الله. متنوّع وغني. كنت أبحث عن إجابات لما أجد لها ردود ووجدت محاولة الإجابة نابع من خبرة الأب نووين الشخصية.

Profile Image for Marina Emad.
134 reviews123 followers
February 3, 2023
إن الله لا يريد لك الاحساس بالوحدة، إنه يريد أن يلمسك بطريقة تجعل أعمق احتياجاتك تشبع. 🖤
Profile Image for Marina Hatem.
52 reviews37 followers
November 15, 2017
اوعي تقرا الكتاب دا إلا لو انتَ في الم عميق..
لو قريته وانتَ في حالتك الطبيعية غالباً هتعتربه كتاب عادي زي اي كتاب مشورة..
لكن لو كنت بتتألم فعلاً.. دا انسب كتاب ممكن تقراه.. هتحس كل كلمة حرفياً.. هتقف لثانية كدة وتشك في انك انتَ اللي كاتب الكلام دا مش هنري نووين من كُتر ما هو بيوصف كل آنة حسيت بيها بسبب اي وجع..
الكتاب مش تقليدي ابداً.. بيتكلم عن الألم اه.. لكن مش بيوجهك توجيه سطحي نحو الشفاء.. لأ هو توجيهه عميق لابعد مدي..
انا كان كافي بالنسبة لي احساسي وانا بقراه وانا عنيا بتدمع ان حد حس قبل كدة باللي انا حاساه..
بكرر : اوعي تقراه وانتَ في عهد ازدهار في حياتك.. مش هتحس بكل دا..
يستاهل يتقري ١٠ مرات ويتدرس كمان♥️
Profile Image for Eliana.
350 reviews4 followers
January 6, 2023
Wow. Wow wow wow.

I wish I could have found this volume in my deepest valleys over the past several years, paralyzed often by depression, drained by spiritual warfare, and haunted by grief. There is so, so much light in Nouwen’s words—journaled originally only for himself during his own treacherous journey through the wilderness—beckoning us home to Jesus. But I also wonder if, in my stubbornness, I would not truly have been able to receive these truths until I had seen those dark nights of the soul through to the other side. I needed to learn such lessons the hard way, and then remain postured toward remembering and relearning, for many of our particular darknesses, griefs, sins, fears, and wounds prove to be continuous spaces of earthly sanctification.

It is alarming in a nourishing way to find that even as I can look backwards and know these lessons to be true, I can also look forward with a greater awareness of them as applied to present and future scenarios. And while the particular depth of pain may rise and fall with context, it seems we are always in need, in one way or another, of the deep well of comfort found in being honest both about our weakness and God’s strength. I resonate deeply with Nouwen’s experiences, wrestlings, and eventual (re)discoveries of spiritual rest as written here. His specific circumstances, specific fears, and specific comforts mapped almost exactly against mine, and for that manner, the ones of many other stories and people I know. That is quite wild. I am often astonished at how, though the path of each Christian is varied and unique, we are all ultimately led to the foundational Truth and truths that prismatically comprise belief and faith in Jesus. And so to recognize the Spirit in another, whatever the form of conversation (book or brunch or beyond), is such a comforting thing even as it challenges us to pursue that Spirit more faithfully, no matter how difficult the road.

What a strangely cyclical world we live in. What a faithful Lord who reveals himself in that mystery.

Whether you are presently in the midst of a blinding storm, or have now a renewed capacity to reflect on the lessons gathered from winds recently weathered, I commend Nouwen’s meditations to you.
Profile Image for Belinda.
269 reviews9 followers
November 24, 2008
Tainted. My point of view is too tainted to look at this work objectively, and anyone who reads my review of this book should know that.

My reaction to this book was deeply personal and disturbing. This book is a compilation of Nouwen's journal entries over a series of months when he felt great dispair and angst. His colleagues felt the journal would serve as a great instructional tool for others, and hence this little book was born.

However, drawing from my personal experience, I could clearly hear the voice of a friend whose addictive and manipulative behaviors wreaked havoc in my life. This person sought out others to compel/impel love from/to them, and I could hear the same urgent, frantic need in Nouwen's words as he discussed not overwhelming others with his need for love and acceptance.

Also, as a refugee from the Catholic church, I know my perspective is tainted because I reject the notion of celibate priests making effective spiritual guides. As I would read these passages, I would think to myself, "this man needs 'real' issues to grapple with." As in, the kind of spiritual need one feels when holding an extremely ill baby in her arms. When the vows of marriage are tested. When the reality of grief, despair and loss all come thundering down on you. The fear of a deadly disease. As in, the "real world" pain and confusion that sets in when you live you life among others with real problems.

I like to think of myself as a thoughtful person, and part of me regrets that I cannot get to the meat of this book as so many others have. I'm glad others found enlightenment in this slim book -- for me, it left me cold and leery.
Profile Image for Emily.
1,929 reviews37 followers
July 15, 2020
I've been meaning for some time to read Henri Nouwen, a Christian writer I've always associated with profound spirituality, intelligence and wisdom. This book might have been a weird one to start with, but it does make me want to read more of his work. It's a journal he kept during one of the lowest periods of his life.
"Within me there was one long scream coming from a place I didn't know existed, a place full of demons."

It was written for his eyes only, short entries he calls "spiritual imperatives" that he wrote after therapy sessions. The journal was not published until years later when friends convinced him to share it.
I read a few of these "imperatives" each day, highlighted a lot, but in searching my notes, I don't know how much I can share that will make sense out of context. I did like this way of thinking about suffering.

...real healing comes from realizing that your own particular pain is a share in humanity's pain.

And I liked what he said in his conclusion.

There is hardly a day without some dark clouds drifting by. But today I recognize them for what they are without putting my head in them!

I saw a bit of overlap in ideas with Pema Chodron's When Things Fall Apart, which I read earlier this year, and I found that interesting. This is definitely from a Christian point of view, and some segments resonate more than others, because he was also writing from the perspective of a spiritual leader.
I'm glad I read it, and that it's in my kindle library so I can revisit my notes.
Profile Image for Jesús  Erro.
49 reviews36 followers
August 25, 2023
"The Inner Voice of Love" by Henri Nouwen is a deeply introspective journey through anguish and self-discovery. Nouwen, a Catholic priest, reflects on his own struggles with loneliness, insecurity, friend rejection, and the search for meaning. The book explores the notion that embracing our vulnerabilities and wounds can lead us to a place of freedom and inner peace. Nouwen's candid and heartfelt writings offer insights into the universal human experience of suffering and the transformative power of self-compassion. Through his spiritual reflections, Nouwen guides readers towards finding solace within themselves and connecting with a sense of divine love that can heal even the deepest wounds.
Profile Image for Lowry Edge.
6 reviews12 followers
July 5, 2021
This short devotional wrapped me in unconditional love and peace. Such sweet reminders and encouragement. I love Henri Nouwen’s outlook on faith and the gracious love of God for us!
Profile Image for Katie R.
4 reviews3 followers
August 29, 2019
The introduction implores the reader to take this book slowly. I have been reading this off and on for a while and I will say taking it slowly has helped me grasp the truth as well as pray and reflect on the themes Nouwen brings up in my own life.
Profile Image for Grace Hall.
47 reviews3 followers
August 4, 2023
I refuse to rate this book, due to its personal nature, but I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is essentially Henri Nouwen’s diary in his most vulnerable and painful part of his life. I read this book sporadically over a period of 3 years, which is how I believe it is to be read tbh. As he writes these short devotional chapters, you get a picture of sheer anguish, despair, and hope in a man fully devoted to God. Honest, heartfelt, and deeply emotional, I felt as though Nouwen was speaking to me directly in the depths of my despair, giving me guidance on how I could get through depression in a Christ like way. This book is a gift to the body of Christ and I highly recommend it
Profile Image for Sarah Winn.
9 reviews2 followers
February 21, 2024
I have been made more free with each entry. I am reminded by the power of the collective experience of pain and alone-ness.

“… It is this pain that reveals to you how you are called to live in solidarity with the broken human race.

the situation which brought about your pain was simply the form in which you came in touch with the human condition of suffering. Your pain is the concrete way in which you participate in the pain of humanity.”
Profile Image for Robin.
250 reviews2 followers
March 31, 2022
More like 4.5. This is a collection of Nouwen's journal entries during the most difficult season of his life. He is raw, honest, empathetic, and yet challenging and hopeful. He really wants us to hear the voice of Christ, the Man of Sorrows, and His love for us in the middle of our pain. The book is short and the entries are only a few paragraphs each, but I found I could not read through them like a regular book. I had to chew on each entry for a few days sometimes and journal. There were times I just sat and wept. The book gave me language for my pain, much like the Psalms of lament. It's that kind of a book.
Profile Image for Ethan Clouser.
52 reviews7 followers
February 8, 2024
The inner voice of love is a book that I am really thankful exists. Nouwen’s vulnerability to express his deepest wounds and struggles is much needed in this world. I know I was able to resonate with many of this letters, and I imagine there are plenty of other people that can too. Definitely a book I will recommend a few times in my life, depending on the person. It will be a great suggestion to anyone who feels extremely deeply.

I borrowed this copy from the library, but hope at some point to get my own copy and give it another read, making marks and highlights next time around. There’s a ton of good lines and tidbits that would be phenomenal to quote in pastoral ministry or even from the pulpit. Nouwen has a way of coming up with those one liners very well.
Profile Image for Lauren Rice.
165 reviews146 followers
March 8, 2023
This book is essential reading!

"God's love is all the love you need, and it reveals to you the love of God in the other. So the God in you can speak to the God in the other. This is deep speaking to deep, a mutuality in the heart of God, who embraces both of you."

"You have to begin to trust that your experience of emptiness is not the final experience, that beyond it is a place where you are being held in love. As long as you do not trust that place beyond your emptiness, you cannot safely reenter the place of pain. So you have to go into the place of your pain with the knowledge in your heart that you have already found the new place. You have already tasted some of its fruits. The more roots you have in the new place, the more capable you are of mourning the loss of the old place and letting go of the pain that lies there. You cannot mourn something that has not died."
Profile Image for Joel Christopher.
Author 2 books5 followers
November 9, 2021
Given this was Nouwen’s journal during his dark night of the soul, some of the entries were difficult to understand without more context. However, the majority of the entries were insightful and meaningful, and a dozen or so spoke directly to my own darkness and felt like a reflection of God’s heart. “Go into the place of your pain,” “Acknowledge your powerlessness,” “Seek a new spirituality,” and “Stay with your pain” were especially powerful, like Gods voice talking directly to the places of my soul that usually stay hidden.
Profile Image for Madelyn Koepke.
55 reviews4 followers
April 28, 2024
one that I did indeed return to again. And I am here to say that I will most certainly return to again (and possibly, again).
"Only by attending constantly to the inner voice can you be converted to a new life of freedom and joy" (6).
first read
one that I shall return to again (and possibly, again)
Profile Image for Carol nabil.
57 reviews44 followers
November 7, 2013
بالنسبة لي كان كتاب حي تفاعلي ملهم !
قريته علي فترة طويلة جداً وفي ظروف نفسية متباينة ..
في بدايته كان ممل وغير ومفهوم، لكن بعد كدة كانت كل مقالة بترد علي فكرة بتراوضني بشكل مخيف في بعض الاحيان !

a book to remember !
Profile Image for Youstina Talaat.
12 reviews2 followers
January 30, 2017
"الله وحده هو فقط من يستطيع ان يسكن هذا المكان العميق بداخلك.."
كتاب رائع ،عميق جداا وبيوصل لاعماقك بطريقه سهلة،تفكير مختلف ،مقنع ومعاش،وبيعبر عن النفس البشرية واحتياجاتها العميقة من خلال تجارب حقيقية
..يستحق القراية جدااا
Profile Image for Bill Kupersmith.
Author 1 book233 followers
December 30, 2021
One doesn't 'read' or 'finish' books of spiritual wisdom, one uses them, continuously or occasionally as part of one's spiritual discipline. This book is a series of brief meditations, mostly one or two pages with a heading alerting the user to the subject. For today I chose 'Avoid All Forms of Self-Rejection' because when I feel lonely or unsuccessful I usually blame myself for not being more lovable or trying harder. This struck me: 'When a friendship does not blossom, when a word is not received, when a gesture of love is not appreciated, do not blame it on yourself. This is both untrue and hurtful. Every time you reject yourself, you idealize others. You want to be with those whom you consider better, stronger, more intelligent, more gifted than yourself. Thus you make yourself emotionally dependent, leading others to feel unable to fulfill your expectations and causing them to withdraw from you. . . . Avoid all forms of self-rejection. Acknowledge your limitations but claim you unique gifts and thereby live as an equal among equals. That will set you free from your obsessive and possessive needs and enable you to giver and receive true affection and friendship."

Tomorrow some other passage may speak to me.
Profile Image for Allie.
5 reviews
March 15, 2023
I never write reviews, but I had to for this one.

This took me such a long time to finish, even though it was only 118 pages. It was raw, gut-wrenchingly real and honest. It was almost painful to read — convicting, yet beautiful. It brought such comfort and truth to my heart. This is a book I will reread over and over again, especially in seasons of sorrow when I need to hear God’s voice of love.

The ending chapter sums up my feelings quite well: “I have heard the inner voice of love deeper and stronger than ever. I want to keep trusting in that voice and be led by it beyond the boundaries of my short life, to where God is all in all.”
Profile Image for Sam Blades.
133 reviews2 followers
July 26, 2023
“But I have heard the inner voice of love, deeper and stronger than ever. I want to keep trusting in that voice and be led by it beyond the boundaries of my short life, to where God is all in all.”

Many, many thoughts and feelings about this book. Perhaps Goodreads isn’t the place for all of them. Nonetheless, these pages spoke with love to me along my own journey through anguish to freedom. For that, I am grateful.

Thank you, Henri Nouwen, for sharing your “secret journal” with me. Thank you, Katie Heckel, for recommending this to me and countless other Wesley Foundation folks.
Profile Image for Abby Moore.
46 reviews
July 27, 2023
This book was a perfectly timed read for me. Coming back from Uganda, I am feeling a lot of the same things that Nouwen describes as he reflects on his time in L’arche community. This book is raw and real - a true picture of vulnerability with one’s self. The entries were genuine journal entries that his close friends encouraged him to publish years later. When you read them alongside his other works, like In the Name of Jesus and The Prodigal Son, we see the hope and glory of God so clearly. Definitely a book that I will keep on my bedside table, referencing it often and digesting it slowly.
Everyone should read it!
Profile Image for Brandee Shafer.
324 reviews21 followers
August 8, 2021
This is a beautiful book of short and deep journal entries written by a priest in a great deal of emotional pain. In my current season, it is hard for me to focus when I read, but most of these entries are only a page or two in length, and that worked for me. If I couldn't get through one, I would try again, later, and in this way I slowly made my way to the end. And now I think I will start over, trusting that God will embed the ideas more deeply in me. This was my first experience with Nouwen. The Inner Voice of Love found me at the right time.
Profile Image for Demaree.
26 reviews2 followers
May 8, 2022
Ok I feel like this deserves 3.5 stars maybe. Honestly, I liked it! It’s a thought-provoking read and puts words to certain feelings and situations I haven’t been able to pinpoint. However, it’s not written like your average novel, but rather it’s like poems or imperatives. Now don’t get me wrong - I lovvvee me some poetry but this book writes in a kinda feel-good way while lacking the spiritual depth. Not sure if that’s the best way to describe it but I guess I prefer books where I’m learning something about God’s character or Scripture. Overall, I liked it and would recommend but maybe it just wasn’t my type of book!
Profile Image for Sarah M.  Adly.
185 reviews
June 21, 2013
سوف يرحب الآلاف من محبي هنري نووين بهذا الكتاب ترحاب خاص، فهو يضم جميع خواطره التي تم نشرها بموقعنا دورياً في باب "خواطر وأفكار". وأخيراً أصبح بين يدنا الآن. وسوف يقوم مكتب الخدمة، من وقت لآخر، بعقد حلقة مناقشة ومشاركة حول هذا الكتاب لطرح وتبادل الأفكار والمشاعر التي يثيرها نووين بداخلنا من خلال خواطره الفريدة هذه. وتعقد أول حلقة مع بداية الشهر المقبل (يوليو 2009) اضغط هنا للتفاصيل
تـُعد كتابات الأب الراحل هنري نووين (1932- 1996) من أكثر الكتابات التأمُّليّة المُعاصرة عُمقاً ونفاذاً لما تتميّز به من شفافية وقُدرة على الاستبطان بأدق المشاعر الإنسانية، ولقد شهد بذلك كل من قرأ له حول العالم. ولقد لمسنا بأنفسنا ذلك، في مكتب خدمة المشورة، مع العشرات ممّن قرأوا هذه الخواطر وشهدوا عن نفس الشيء، حتى قال الكثيرون عبارات مثل "إنّه يتحدّث عنّي"، "إنّه يتكلّم بلساني"، " إنّه يُعبّر تماماً عمّا بداخلي"، و"إنّه يصف ما أشعر به ربّما أفضل ممّا أستطيع أنا نفسي أن أصفه!"، حتّى أنّنا رأينا كيف بنى ذلك إيمانهم، فضلاً عن شخصياتهم التي وجدت سنداً ورفيقاً في هذه الخواطر، ربّما لم تجده مع أحد من قبل في وحشة هذه الحياة. وهذا ما شجّعنا أن نقوم بترجمة هذه الخواطر لتصل للكثيرين الذين ربمّا لن يجدوا أفضل من خواطر الأب هنري نووين لتُرافقهم وتهمس بداخلهم، في أشد أوقات الألم، بأنهم ليسوا وحدهم.

من الواضح أن سنوات عُمر هذا الكاتب التي لم تخلو يوماً من المُعاناة والألم النفسيّ حتى آخر كلمة كتبها، إنّما تقف بقوّة ووضوح شديد خلف رقّة مشاعره وعُمق تعاطفه مع محنة الإنسان، بل ربّما لا نخطئ حين نقول إنّها كانت السبب الأوّل في نفاذ شخصيّة وفكر هذا الكاتب وقدرته على الدخول إلى عقل وقلب القارئ بطريقة فوريّة كما لم يفعل الكثيرون من قبل.
(يُعتقد أن نووين قد صارع مع التساؤل حول ما إذا كان مثلي الجنسيّة أم لا. وبالرغم من أنّه لم يتناول أمر حالته الجنسية أبدا،ً بطريقة مباشرة في أيّ من كتاباته التي كتبها طوال فترة حياته، إلاّ أنّه أقرّ أمر هذا الصراع في كلّ من مُذكّراته الشخصيّة ومُحادثاته الشخصيّة مع الأصدقاء، وهو ما يرجع إليه مايكل فورد بطريقة شاملة في السيرة الذاتيّة التي نشرها عن هنري نووين بعد وفاته بعنوان "النبي المجروح".
يعتقد فورد أن نووين قد أصبح مُتصالحاً مع حالته الجنسية فقط في سنوات عمره الأخيرة، وأن الاكتئاب النفسي الذي كان يُعاني منه يرجع جُزئيّاً إلى الصراع الدائر بين عهوده الكهنوتيّة (خاصّة البتوليّة) وبين الإحساس بالوحدة والتوق إلى الحميميّة الذان كان يشعر بهما دائماً. ولا يوجد أيّ دليل على أن نووين قد كسر أبداً هذه العهود.)

"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_No... عن موسوعة ويكيبيديا"
ملحوظة: الميل الجنسي المثلي لا يعني بالضرورة الانخراط في ممارسات جنسيّة خاطئة.

كتب الأب هنري نووين هذه الخواطر - التي ترجمنا أغلبها وليس كلّها- في العقد الأخير من عمره، في فترة من أشدّ الفترات صُعوبة في حياته، (كان ذلك في الأشهر الستّة الأوُلى من عام 1988)، حيث يبدو أن حياته قد تعرّضت لانهيار نفسيّ حادّ، إذ فقد كلّ تقدير لنفسه وكل إحساس بأنّه إنسان محبوب، كما فقد كلّ طاقة للحياة وللعمل، حتّى أنّه فقد الأمل في أيّ شفاء واهتز أمله في الله ذاته. كان كل ما تبقى له في تلك الفترة ، بخلاف الحزن الشديد واليأس، هو تسجيل تلك الخواطر اليوميّة المُلحّة كمذكّرات شخصيّة بحتة، شجّعه بعض الأصدقاء والأشخاص الذين قاموا بتقديم الدعم المعنوي له في هذه الفترة على كتابتها.

ظلّ هنري نووين يحجب هذه الخواطر لأكثر من ثماني سنوات مُعتبراً أنّها صعبة جدّاً وغير صالحة للنشر، حتّى اطّلع عليها بعض الأصدقاء في أواخر أيّامه، وألحُّوا عليه أن ينشرها، إذ رأوا أهميّتها وفائدتها لحياة قُرّائه. فاستمع أخيراً إلى نصيحة صديقه الناشر الأصليّ، وقام بإجراء التعديلات اللازمة للقيام بنشرها. وربّما لولا هؤلاء الأصدقاء، لكُنّا افتقدنا كنزاً ثميناً يتمثّل في تلك المذكرات.
عمل الأب هنري نووين بالتدريس في ثلاث من أشهر الجامعات بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكيّة: نوتر دام، وهارفرد، وييل، علاوة على الجامعات التي قام بالتدريس بها في هولندا مسقط رأسه، إلاّ أنّه قضى السنوات العشر الأخيرة من عمره ككاهن في بيت خاص بالمرضى العقليين بتورنتو بكندا يسمى بـ الداي بريك أي "الفجر" والتابع لخدمة "لو أرك L’Arche"، حيث وجد هناك نفسه أخيراً عقب فترة الانهيار تلك.

لقد أضفنا في نهاية هذا الكتاب بعض الخواطر الأخرى من آخر كتاب قام بكتابته الأب هنري نووين، والذي نـُشر عام وفاته 1996 بعنوان "Can you drink the cup? هل تستطيع أن تشرب الكأس؟". وقد سمحنا لأنفسنا بعمل هذه الإضافات التي جاءت كخاتمة لحياة هذا الإنسان، لتُعطي نظرة ذات معنى وأكثر شمولاً على هذه الخواطر.
كتب الأب هنري نووين في حياته أربعين كتاباً تمت ترجمتهم إلى أكثر من 22 لغة، إلاّ أنّه لم تتم ـ للأسف ـ ترجمة أيّ من كتاباته إلى اللغة العربيّة، سوى كتاب واحد منهم بعُنوان "السعي إلى الأعماق" والذي يُعدّ بالإضافة لخواطره ولكتابه الأخير السابق ذكره، على قمّة كتبه عُمقاً وتأثيراً، (ومبيعاً كذلك). وقد أدرجنا أيضاً، بنهاية هذا الكتاب، بعض الخواطر من "السعي إلى الأعماق" ومن كتاب آخر له بعنوان "حياة المحبوب The life of the Beloved".

ومن الحريّ بنا أن نذكر أنّه رغم أن وفاة هذا الكاتب لم تتعدّ بحدّ كبير السنوات العشرة، إلاّ أن أربعة عشر كتاباً على الأقل عن حياة هنري نووين قد تمّت كتابتها ونشرها في تلك السنوات القليلة، هذا بخلاف الكُتب العديدة الأُخرى التي جمعها كتّاب ومُحرّرون آخرون، بناء على قُصاصات وتأمُّلات خاصّة لهنري نووين لم ينشرها هو بنفسه في أثناء حياته! هذا علاوة على المجموعات التي تم تأسيسها في أمريكا وكندا من خلال شبكة الإنترنت تحت إسم هنري نووين، بعد وفاته www.henrinouwen.org

إن حياة ومعاناة هنري نووين تضرب لنا مثلاً تحتاجه المشورة المسيحية، بل وأيضاً الحياة المسيحية عامة، في عالمنا المعاصر عن من يستطيع رغم وجود الآلام التي لا حل لها أن يعيش ويصبر إلى المنتهى ويبقى أميناً، وهذا كل ما يهم. إنه مثال وقدوة سوف يحتاجها الملايين في هذه الحياة.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 465 reviews

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