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Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios

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A former Green Beret’s indispensable course in preparedness, teaching the keys to building a resilient and fearless life

Most people think that being prepared for catastrophe means stocking up on MREs and building a bunker in their backyard, but this approach leaves you vulnerable in the real world of car accidents, natural disasters, grid failures, and global pandemics. Prepared overturns today’s paranoid survival wisdom and teaches the foundational skills of preparedness that will not only help you build situational awareness and achieve greater mobility but that will also help you build resilient mental habits.

After 20 years in the US Army, Special Forces, and as a government contractor for the CIA, Mike Glover has trained thousands of men, women, and families in the art and science of survival. In this book, he shows you how  

• Harness your brain chemistry to eliminate the freeze response and increase your stress tolerance during a crisis
• Fortify your home by learning how to use and store essential foods, water, supplies, first aid, and ammunition in your everyday life
• Equip your vehicle with sufficient first aid, so you can respond to injuries even before an ambulance arrives—dramatically increasing your chance of survival in an accident

Drawing on Glover’s most dire experiences in combat and in the real world, this book shows you how almost no disaster is more powerful than someone who is truly prepared. For Glover, surviving catastrophe is not about fearing crisis, but creating more resilient habits so that you can be ready for whatever comes your way.

252 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 6, 2023

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Mike Glover

4 books17 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews
Profile Image for Yoseph Villafane.
Author 1 book1 follower
June 11, 2023
I must say that it was very different from what I was expecting. This by all means is a mentality book. Most obligingly, this should come as a first thing to have before actually going crazy and buying stuff you might not even understand how to use.

Having "x" amount of pricey things to survive will be worthless if you do not have the correct thought patterns and mental reflexes. Mike Glover emphasized on how to start building common sense and eliminating the nonsense that shows up in many survival/preparedness books.

I fully recommend this book, if you're looking forward to learn on how to really be prepared.
Profile Image for Mark Marchenko.
6 reviews14 followers
June 18, 2023
Well-written, focusing in the right stuff: a mindset of a person, who would like to be an asset to his/her community and a guardian for their family and friends. And only after that: EDC, bug-outs and the rest of the cool stuff.

Additional bonus is some great tools and gear recommendations.

All in all, a very practical and helpful little book that would be interesting for both beginners and those who are 'already there'.

190 reviews2 followers
June 26, 2023
This book is clearly centered on the American context where violent home invasions by gun-wielding thugs are commonplace (or so the author asserts). So glad I live in a part of the world where gun ownership isn't really a thing for the general population.

In that vein there's a fairly strong "paranoid" vibe running through this book. Not only could bad things happen to you, but they will, repeatedly , so you'd better be 100% prepared to administer high-level medical support or use lethal force or rush a gunman or abandon civilization – more than likely you'll have to do at least two before the week is out.

Also, products and services offered by the author were brought up enough times that this feels more like an ad for the extended Mike Glover Survival Universe than a stand-alone book.
Profile Image for Sarah Cupitt.
601 reviews17 followers
September 7, 2023
This book was VERY AMERICAN.

- With some basic savvy and supplies, you can turn unknown threats into manageable challenges (as much of a how to article that sounds like this book did cover a lot of good basics)
- PACE plan – Primary, Alternate, Contingency, Emergency
- Your home should be a place of comfort, not danger and worry (plans = peace of mind)
- While catastrophe can strike suddenly, this doesn’t mean we’re helpless in the face of turmoil

The main thing I actually learned from this book:
- Ever wonder why your heart races when you're scared? This is your sympathetic nervous system revving up for fight or flight. This half of the autonomic nervous system governs the body's response to acute stress. When a threat looms, it dumps adrenaline to mobilize energy reserves and ramp up physiological processes to maximum speed. Your pupils dilate, your lungs expand, and your blood pumps faster – prepping muscles for struggle or escape. Its counterpart, the parasympathetic nervous system, hits the brakes
- Excessive (or prolonged) stress can cause this balance between gas and brakes to falter. The sympathetic pedal gets floored, but the parasympathetic brake fails. Like an engine pushed to the redline, the system overloads
- What happens next? You freeze. Neither fighting nor fleeing, the mind shuts down even as the body remains tense. When you’re “in freeze” you can’t respond to a crisis. You can’t effectively protect yourself or those around you. Instead, you’re paralyzed, just when clear thinking and swift action are most needed
- The freeze response is, in a sense, part of every person’s biology. But with training, you can shorten this paralytic panic, recovering faster. You do this through controlled exposure. You need to expose yourself to different levels and varieties of stressors
764 reviews31 followers
July 1, 2023
I follow Mike on Instagram and really enjoy his posts. My law enforcement husband is very well prepared for most situations and really enjoys Mike too. Some really good and some super basic information, but also some advanced stuff too. I don’t feel as prepared and I should and this gave me some really good jumping off points. Also, he is very matter of fact and very knowledgeable, yet I felt like he was speaking to me as someone who cares about my safety. This is a really good book.
Profile Image for Yura Gavrilovich.
96 reviews7 followers
August 29, 2023
A lot of advice in the book seems too general to me and rather apparent, e.g. "make a plan", "make a backup plan", "store a supply of water and food for emergency", etc. And a big portion of more detailed advice I already encountered in YouTube videos.
Profile Image for James Horn.
276 reviews7 followers
April 13, 2024
I’m sure there are people who are going to view this book as Doomsday Prepper fear mongering, but I think that’s would be a narrow minded take on what is a valiant attempt at jarring the reader into realizing just how unprepared they might be for any type of catastrophe. The author has also been through the media rinse cycle for his American Contingency organization which is meant to be a place to help others find community and preparedness, so you may have some pre-conceived notions even looking at this book. What he (and by exetension I) ask/s is to keep an open mind.

I heard about this book from an episode of the Shawn Ryan podcast; a show I began listening to in an attempt to understand more about people who’ve made uniformed service their career. What I have learned in the time I have been listening to the show, is that the freedom and safety we take for granted on a daily basis is much more tenuous than many of us think.

The book makes a pretty succinct point that most people have not thought much about preparing for disaster and this is much to our detriment. It gives the reader a lot of things to think about and focuses a lot on mindset. There are some practical applications throughout the book, but what it is not, is a field guide to survival. A lot of it is challenging the reader to shake their own life up, which may be a tough pill for some to swallow. It’s not as extensive as maybe it could be, and some of it is based on the authors personal military experiences, which again could be a turn off.

All this said, I think it does a good job of laying out some basics and giving some good pointers, and I think is worth a read (it’s not particularly long) if only to get some conversations started with your loved ones, and give you some ideas that could one day save your life.
March 11, 2024
This book was a great book for anyone wondering about how to survive in just about an everyday life situation. Stocking on food , medical supplies , training purposes, etc .. you can find it all in this book! Mike did a wonderful job explaining and breaking everything down and even giving different scenarios and perspectives in certain areas of the book ! Definitely a great read !
Profile Image for Mandino Tan.
46 reviews3 followers
July 18, 2023

Depending on your expectations, you may or may not like this book. This book is built and centred around the mindset of oneself. It doesn’t go into details of prepping as compared to some other prepping books. Good read nonetheless.
40 reviews
June 22, 2023
This book was easy to read and thought-provoking. It laid out clearly and concisely much that I’ve seen about preparedness in an organized and systematic way. It’s not some doomsday-predicting, fear-mongering book, but instead encourages us to take responsibility for our own everyday lives and survival, whether it’s during normal life or if all hell breaks loose. I really enjoyed reading it the first time and I plan to read it again soon.
Profile Image for Jung.
1,484 reviews30 followers
September 8, 2023
"Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios" by Mike Glover offers a comprehensive guide to dealing with disasters and emergencies. The book emphasizes the importance of mental resilience, physical preparation, and practical skills for surviving various worst-case scenarios. It covers topics such as:

1. Mental Resilience: The book highlights the significance of maintaining a clear and focused mind during emergencies. It explains how stress affects the body and how to overcome the "freeze" response through controlled exposure to stressors. Techniques like controlled breathing and positive self-talk are recommended to stay calm under pressure.

2. Emergency Plans: Glover emphasizes the need for having a well-thought-out emergency plan. He introduces the PACE plan (Primary, Alternate, Contingency, Emergency) as a structured approach to handling crises. The plan involves identifying escape routes and practicing them with family members.

3. Everyday Carry: The book discusses the concept of "everyday carry," which involves carrying essential items and supplies to enhance personal security. This includes a first aid kit, medications, important documents, a flashlight, and versatile clothing. It also encourages the development of practical skills, such as first aid and wilderness survival techniques.

4. Situational Awareness: Glover stresses the importance of situational awareness, which involves being observant of your surroundings and knowing potential escape routes in places you frequent regularly.

Overall, "Prepared" provides readers with valuable insights and actionable steps to prepare for and respond to emergencies effectively. It emphasizes the importance of a clear mindset, structured planning, and having the right tools and knowledge to navigate challenging situations.
26 reviews
February 26, 2024
Bland and basic. If you're brand new to the prepping community, you may find some general information here. Otherwise, there isn't anything new or particularly useful in this book.
Profile Image for Sean Raftery.
12 reviews
July 4, 2023
Glover clearly draws on years of experience to surface valuable insights on preparedness and defense. However, this book could have easily been a podcast with a handful of suggested purchase and an invitation to a self defense class.
Profile Image for Sonia R.
51 reviews1 follower
February 4, 2024
"Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios" by Mike Glover is a comprehensive guide designed for those looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in survival and preparedness. Glover, with his extensive background in military and survival training, brings a wealth of experience and practical advice to the subject, making the book an invaluable resource for both beginners and more seasoned survivalists.

The book delves into a variety of worst-case scenarios, ranging from natural disasters to man-made crises, outlining practical strategies and techniques to navigate and survive these situations. Glover's writing style is clear and direct, making complex concepts accessible to readers of all levels. He emphasizes the importance of mindset, situational awareness, and preparedness, asserting that being mentally ready is just as crucial as having the physical skills and supplies.

One of the strengths of the book is its attention to detail and its comprehensive approach. Glover covers a wide array of topics, including but not limited to emergency planning, first aid, navigation, shelter building, and self-defense. The manual doesn't just tell you what to do; it educates the reader on why certain strategies work, grounding its advice in real-world scenarios and experiences.

While the book is rich in content and practical tips, it also maintains a balance, avoiding alarmism and instead promoting a culture of preparedness and resilience. Glover's expertise and authoritative voice lend credibility to the content, yet he manages to keep the tone approachable and engaging.

For readers who appreciate "Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios," other books that might be of interest could include "Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival" by Dave Canterbury or "The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way" by Joseph Alton. These books, like Glover's, provide practical advice and insights into survival skills and preparedness, though each author brings their own unique perspective and area of expertise to the subject.
Profile Image for Dalton Chamberlain.
134 reviews6 followers
April 26, 2024
I will be honest, my initial draw to “Prepared” was the sub author, Jack Carr. Since I deeply respect his work and writing, I assumed this book had to be of the utmost quality.

In a way, it was. For what “Prepared” is, it is a solid survival manual. Mike Glover’s goal of the reader being given ‘the mental and physical tools needed to live a prepared life’; was achieved. Although, I genuinely felt that even at only ~230 pages, this book dragged on a good amount. I think it would have been most effective as a “Field Manual” with larger print and more checklist stylized items and under 100 pages.

I specifically enjoyed more of the reaction to conflict and violence chapters in the beginning of the book, and hearing Navy Seals’ response to violence in real life, such as the excerpt from Jocko Willink. His perspective on avoiding most fights at all costs was actually slightly surprising but totally understandable and wise. Mike’s own description of the mental and psychological aspects of defending yourself if you were to harm, or even kill another person in self defense; was another critically vital piece of this book I highly respected and enjoyed hearing the reflection on.

The second half of this book started to lose me. The author mentioned at least 5 times that he was not a “Doomsday Prepper” and I genuinely don’t think HE is, but the people he’s speaking to that will empathize with not being called one, likely are. It got a little intense, repetitive and less useful.

For example, this is a direct quote:
“*Water is obviously a critical fuel source for human survival, but we've talked about it enough to this point that there isn't much left to say.”

More topics than just water were repeated to a point of redundancy and that entire section I believe could have been 15 pages (instead of 100).

All in all, the information was useful and I can confidently walk away from reading this book feeling more prepared and informed to take care of my family and myself.


“Self reliance is the goal. Survival is just the ancillary benefit of having more than you need the moment before catastrophe and crisis change everything.”
53 reviews
August 18, 2023
Most people think of preppers as the crazy "Doomsday Preppers" from the show a few years ago. That is not a proper caricature for the normal families who see the increasing rate and intensity of mob violence, drug use, wildfires, and storm patterns and merely want to be aware and prepared for the unexpected, often violent incidents in our current cultural moment. The way the everyone can get on the path of preparedness, and not be caught again without toilet paper, jumper cables, drinkable water, or a way to defend yourself in a violent situation is to read this book and get out and live a life of situational awareness, and mental and physical preparation.

Mike's experience and expertise in this area shines through. He discusses psychological and physiological preparedness by means of analyzing past disasters and analyzing the physical and mental responses of those exposed to extreme situations. The lessons are that exposure to physical and mental stresses ahead of time function as a type of innoculation against the extreme levels of internal physiological responses that automatically happen when disaster strikes. If you want to be able to function correctly- mentally and physically -in an extreme event, then you need to develop resiliency in every day life. This can be done by exposure to physical and mental stresses beforehand. Physical exertion and exercise, mental development and health are the fundamental areas of preparedness that other preparedness builds upon. After that beginning, Glover's recommendations for skills and equipment for every day carry, mobile prepareness, and homestead preparedness are practical and helpful.
Excellent book!
Profile Image for Matthew.
405 reviews10 followers
April 21, 2024
3 1/2 Stars.

There is nothing wrong with this book. It is aimed at introducing the concept of being prepared - not in the over-hyped, media ridiculed "doomsday prepper" type of way, but in a more reasoned practical sense of every-day preparation.

For those who are new to the subject, this is a fine primer, written by a knowledgeable author who runs FieldCraft Survival company. Again, it is not about primitive survival skills such as how to build a fire and hunt game. Instead, it is just more about being prepared a simple level: have a medical kit in your car, have not just a generator, but fuel for that generator, at your house.

There are some practical concepts and a few useful military acronyms (PACE = Primary, Alternative, Contingenct, and Emergency)

That said, the book is really an overview primer for those totally new to the concept and subject. It has a few specifics dabbled in at spots (e.g., an overview list of supplies the author keeps in his car) but it is limited at pointing people at resources to get into more depth on a variety of topics. (Even if he pointed to his own company, I think the book would be strengthened by having resources on at least some options on where to go to get more info. (Next level would be his reviews or thoughts on certain specific options)

Anyways, the book is decent, but I am not sure all that useful. (If you are willing to pick up and read the book, you might already agree that the mindset/overview is important, and be looking for either more depth - and the book is squarely set on a general overview. Still worthwhile, however, and perhaps a useful primer.
Profile Image for Greg.
Author 2 books10 followers
July 1, 2023
I wanted to like this one more, but some seriously bad self protection advice it contains causes me to question all the rest of the seemingly good content.

He advises college age women that a stun gun is a great option for defending against predatory males at a frat party. That is a truly horrible option. In the same chapter, he essentially blows off the effectiveness of pepper spray and other modalities.

His firearms advice is also questionable. He advises having night vision goggles for room clearing in his home. He says he keeps his NODs on his bedside table. His self defense pistol is a Sig 320 with white light. infrared light/laser for use with the NODs, and a silencer. None of that equipment is bad, but not many beginning shooters are going to be able to shell out the $6000+ it takes to mirror his equipment choices.

He eschews rifles and shotguns for home protection out of fear of bullets passing through walls and hitting his children. Yet in the next paragraph he tells readers that he loads his home protection handgun with full metal jacket bullets for better penetration in the event he has to shoot an intruder hiding behind a piece of furniture in his house.

His 9mm with FMJ ammo will penetrate more than twice as far through walls than a .223 rifle round will. His recommendations make zero sense. If his advice is so bad on that subject, it makes me wonder if his recommendations on other subject matter are equally flawed.

With all that said, the book was a fast read and I really liked his mindset and general preparedness information.
Profile Image for Ruth.
73 reviews
August 2, 2024
This book was all over the place when it comes to who it's for, one minute giving simple instructions to people new to the idea and next talking about defending your "homestead" from an enemy with tactical skills and experience by placing overlapping alarms and cameras. If you're likely to be in the situation of defending your actual house from an enemy with military tactical experience, I'd suggest doing something more urgent and physical than reading this book, like hiring armed security or something. Or moving country.

It may be difficult to know who the audience is, but one thing you'll always be sure of is the author's favourite brands as they're scattered liberally through the book. I found this annoying.

Finally some of the advice is either dangerous or weird. UK folk, ignore chapter 5 on weaponry as most of the advice isn't legal for us. All people should ignore the idea of carrying a fixed blade paring knife with you as you travel because it's somehow OK to carry in most countries. It isn't. I guarantee if you get in any sort of situation, the first question from the prosecution will be "And why were you carrying a 4 inch fixed blade paring knife in an easy to access place?" It may be tricky to answer that one, you get me.

And don't carry a tourniquet either, unless you actually know how to use it! Carrying a medic kit doesn't make you a medic! Nor will reading this book make you better informed so I wouldn't bother.
Profile Image for Jackson G..
30 reviews2 followers
September 14, 2023
This is some of the best content on preparedness and survival I’ve read to date.

Far from being a fear-inducing rant, this book lays out plain and simple the basic foundations on being prepared for catastrophe. Not just for your sake, but for the sake of others.

I’ve been practicing situational awareness and setting up PACE plans (see page 48) for about a week now, and it’s actually kinda fun the more you try it. Next step is to build my EDC kit! All that to say, there’s a lot of practical steps here that are beginner and budget friendly, so anyone can take something away from it.

Personally, I’ve come to the conclusion that preparedness is never meant to be just for yourself. Mike does an excellent job clarifying that very important truth, and I applaud him for that. We prepare ourselves to help OTHERS during the worst day of their lives just as much as (if not more than) we prepare to stay vigilant for ourselves. It’s a practical way to love your neighbor in their time of need.

“The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?” But the good Samaritan reversed the question: “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”

- Martin Luther King Jr., on the parable of the Good Samaritan
Profile Image for Ross.
7 reviews
June 24, 2023
A very good introduction to the basics of preparedness from a man who knows things because he’s experienced things. Often times, people like the author are viewed as some sort of extremist whack job who is paranoid about everything. In reality, just think about what has happened in our communities in the last decade. Rampant crime, natural disasters, government indecision leading to loss of pay or even life-savings and businesses. The fact of the matter is that life as we know it today is always an angel’s breath away from being disrupted or destroyed. This book gives the reader a basic introduction into some items/contingencies to consider before the unthinkable happens.

Although many of the concepts in this book are items I have already considered or completed, I still found benefit to reading and would recommend this book for anyone asking themselves “where do I start?” The book is written to the level of one who happily flips on the light switch every morning never once considering the entire chain of events that must occur for the light to turn on. Or opening the fridge never considering how it became full of foods you will likely throw out.
Profile Image for Jackie.
98 reviews
October 31, 2023
Mike Glover is an expert in Counter-Terrorism, Security, Crisis Management Operations and creator of Fieldcraft Survival (see FieldcraftSurvival.com).

In this book he outlines a holistic approach to preparedness with practical examples and relevant scenarios. The overall goal is to teach the reader not only how to survive, but how to thrive when the poopie hits the fan. He also addresses the stigma that surrounds ‘dooms-day preppers’ by pointing out one simple fact—if you’re prepared for a hurricane, power outage, or any other disaster then by default, you’ll be better prepared for any other kind of life threatening emergency.

We get in motor vehicles everyday and we’re surrounded by them. Knowing what to do and how to stay focused in a crisis situation should be as common and routine as the vehicle insurance we’re required maintain. In this world, taking actionable steps to protect yourself, your family, and your community shouldn’t be viewed as fear mongering, but rather wise.
Profile Image for Shelley Peterson.
18 reviews11 followers
February 17, 2024
I knew nothing about this author prior to reading the book, and while I did find myself becoming more aware of my environment and possible threats, my two biggest take aways were these: 1. On multiple occasions, the author insisted he is not a paranoid “Doomsday” prepper, and yet the more I read the more convinced I was that he just might be. 2. There is no way I would go to the lengths he is suggesting to “be prepared” and in a worst case scenario, I may just have to resign myself to the fact that quality of life may be more important than quantity of days, and if the only way to survive was to live every day in a constant state of preparing and lugging around everything he is suggesting (and at times marketing), I probably am a goner.
I am not judging those who do live this way and based on some of his personal experiences, I can understand why he does, but it is extreme and it does seem a little paranoid in my honest opinion.
166 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2024
Written by a retired Special Forces Green Beret/CIA individual. As such the author provides the reader with a roadmap to survive in several scenarios that can or coould life threatening. From Natural events like hurricanes, earthquakes, etc which could disrupt daily life. The book as stated is about being "Prepared". What you would need as an individual and for the protection and survivability of the family. He advises,if you will tools required, i.e. water needs, knifes, weapons (be it for hunting or defense), food, medical etc. It reminded me of the field manual for the Boy Scouts I had as a youth. With a refresher on basics but also detailed info on protection of self and family and property. Not a bad book and one in these uncertain times would recommend everyone read just to have a basic knowledge of things that would be beneficial to have.
Profile Image for Synthia Salomon.
1,024 reviews20 followers
September 7, 2023
To help yourself remain calm, you’ll use two simple techniques: breathing and self-talk. First, breathing. Take a deep inhale; pause, holding the breath in your lungs. Then take a long exhale, and pause with your lungs empty. Rinse and repeat. Then, begin speaking encouragingly to yourself. That’s right – out loud. Say, "I can handle this" or "I know what to do." It may seem silly, but it works. 

Conscious breathing and positive self-talk will help you stay grounded when you’re feeling overwhelmed. By breathing purposefully and verbally affirming your capabilities, you can calm your nerves and regain focus. What feels intimidating now will feel achievable with practice. Remember: have courage … and believe in yourself.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
223 reviews
January 3, 2024
I was disappointed with this book. Most of it sounded like he wrote this book to establish his credibility with the survival and preparedness community. It wasn't worth the money.

I also disliked his vulgar language. Too many authors from the ex-military think they need to use profanity to maintain authenticity or some other silly reason. Just cut it out.

Glover has chapters on The Resilient Mindset, Planning, Situational Awareness, Decision Point, Everyday Carry, Mobility, and Homestead. The first four chapters were mostly worthless and a waste of my time.

He does mention some things in the last three chapters, for which I wish he had supplied Internet links to the websites.
Profile Image for Jordan Valero.
264 reviews2 followers
January 8, 2024
Prepared: A Manual for Surviving Worst-Case Scenarios by Mike Glover

I don’t like to give ratings to nonfiction books in this area. Especially when it comes to being prepared and choosing what my family takes to use as information. But I will say that Mike Glover is a person my husband has followed for a while now and I found this book enlightening.

It is by all means more of a mentality book. Emphasizing on the first steps in being prepared by building up our abilities to take responsibility for your everyday life and survival, along with your loved ones. Whether it being during a normal day outing, in the home, epidemic, or natural disaster.

Overall, would highly recommend (even more so with the climate our society is in).
1 review
March 25, 2023
Mike Glover is a former special forces guy from the army also known as Green Berets, his book hasn’t come out from the time of this post however based on his podcasts, interviews, and videos of him on YouTube and his own company field craft survival I don’t thought for one second how good and informative this book will be. I have heard him say if he ever makes a book it won’t be a biography however will include necessary survival skills that he thinks everyone should know especially in these harsh times when being prepared is necessary for survival or to better thrive in disasters instead of suffering and being at the mercy of others which may or may not help.
Profile Image for Paige Gordon.
Author 6 books50 followers
May 23, 2024
Every man should have a copy of this book. Not because it is the greatest book every written on the subject, but simply because Mike has created an endlessly helpful overview of a life-long topic, and it is written in a way that makes it accessible even to guys who don’t consider themselves readers. If you value your role as a man and want to improve how you lead and protect yourself and those around you, go buy this book today.

Favorite Quote: “It’s impossible to be prepared for anything and everything, but it’s very possible to be prepared for everything that has any real chance of happening based on where you live, what you do for work, and how you live your life.”
Displaying 1 - 30 of 109 reviews

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