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Does it Count if You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? #1

Does it Count if You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 1

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Beautiful, brainy Tsuda Akane is indispensable at the robotics manufacturer where she works, but her colleagues never saw her private side. At home, Akane's a hot mess with an apartment that looks more like a landfill than a living space. When she drunkenly orders a maid to help her tidy up, the lady android who arrives is a horny hottie who's about to give Akane more service than she bargained for!

174 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 18, 2023

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Profile Image for Mark.
2,313 reviews200 followers
April 24, 2023
It’s the near-future and the cool and collected workplace heartthrob, Akane, is a messy drunkard on her downtime. A bout of drunken shopping delivers her a new maid, who turns out to be a sex robot with her finger on more than just the pulse of Akane’s needs.

Boy, this is… definitely a story for you, if you want to read about a robot that likes to have a lot of sex and use its programming to please her owner. Unlike the comparatively 600% more grounded My Wife Has No Emotion, this features a robot actually designed for sex, at least, and doesn’t feel like the poor thing is being forced into a role it isn’t designed for.

It’s not much better, that all being said. This is a sex farce, but not an especially good one, and I’m not going to pretend it can measure up to the shockingly well done Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels.

I suspect the difference is in the heart of it. This title is just ticking off a bunch of boxes so our lead character can get railed (to use the story’s own parlance) and generally pleasured by her very, very life-like new purchase.

Parts of it work, not going to lie. The running gag of Nadeshiko trying to trick Akane into registering herself as Nadeshiko’s owner/master cleverly steps around the whole ‘free will of a sentient robot’ quagmire and also just happens to require the owner to literally finger their sex doll, which is some bold next-level nonsense.

The way that Akane is super cool at work and has all the female staff clamouring for her is also predictable, but fun. When her co-worker realizes that she’s seeing somebody and makes a comment about putting all the juniors on suicide watch it’s some hilariously dark stuff.

It definitely has issues with the power structure of it all - Akane is the very obvious bottom here, she has the resistance of a copper pipe, and Nadeshiko certainly goes out of her way to be a little overboard with things at times. In one chapter she tricks Akane into a bath full of lube after feeding her aphrodisiacs and that’s not even as wild as it gets. At the same time, it never quite conveys a ton of excitement.

Maybe it’s the repetition - Akane is nothing we haven’t seen before, a 28-year-old virgin who must be a robosexual since she apparently has had one boyfriend in her life whom she wasn’t really turned on by and hasn’t apparently ever considered the notion of other females until this one shows up in a box. There’s a whole other (better) manga in there about her opening up to something that isn’t about to judge her, but that’s not this one.

(I’ll point out that there is absolutely zero reading of Akane being an asexual character either, like none, so I didn’t bother going down that route)

And while they do get into lots of smutty action - the mangaka basically admits that this woman-on-robot action is the whole reason this story exists - it doesn’t feel passionate just because I don’t care about Akane and, despite the attempt to build mystery, I don’t think Nadeshiko is interesting at all. She’s basically a vibrator with an attitude problem and boundary issues.

I hate to bring up Asumi-chan again, however that story’s just as smutty but twice as good. Largely because it makes Asumi into a real character and is interested in looking at the multitude of sexual possibilities. That manga feels like a sexual awakening, this one feels like a sexual sleepwalk.

The art is fine, it has a jokey tone at times that works, but this is clearly written with a desperation to get to the sex and very little time to spend on anything else. If it was making the most of that time instead of offering stale tropes in a sci-fi wrapper it would a better story.

2.5 stars - If this sounds like what you’ve been looking for, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. “Does what it says on the tin” is perhaps the best thing I can say about it and even some fleetingly clever moments just don’t compel me to come back again.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
1,158 reviews77 followers
July 15, 2023
I succumbed to my curiosity and read this. Was it basically porn? Yes. Was it also pretty cute? Also yes! It's nothing revolutionary but it's still pretty fun.
Profile Image for Ashley.
4 reviews
May 6, 2023
As long as you know what you're in for, this book is quite an enjoyable introduction to a sex-comedy story with heart.

Akane Tsuda is a twenty-eight year old girlboss with nothing going on in her life but her successful career. Her personality is realistic and really elevates the story; she's so single-minded that she's lodged herself into an unsatisfying life of work-booze-sleep, oblivious to any workplace sparks and even the admiration of her coworkers. She's lonely, but not socially inept, and she clearly uses her work as a crutch to avoid intimacy. It's the perfect set up for Nadeshiko to come crashing into her life - an (illegal!) sex android who's never afraid to say or do what she really wants.

There's little plot to speak of, but does there need to be? Android got consistent laughs out of me from chapter to chapter, and there's a thoughtfulness to the sexcapades that author Yakinikuteishoku creates for our duo to partake in. Akane's limits are clear to me and to Nadeshiko, who wants to help her "master" expand her horizons but never to a harmful degree.

The near-future setting works well and - thanks to Akane's occupation - the exposition never felt intrusive. Artwork is the most subjective thing about manga to me, but I really like Yakinikuteishoku's style and attention to detail (Akane's fashion in work-mode VS home-mode is a great gap moe). Visual gags were well done, especially when Akane was embarrassed or stressed out.

Android hasn't blown my mind. It's an unserious story that continues from chapter-to-chapter powered by sex scenes and punchlines. But since the author is so focused on those two things, it succeeds as a high-quality entry to this type of genre. If gay sex comedies are something you're interested in, then it's well worth a shot - just don't expect it to be grounded or self-critical.
Profile Image for Anne.
396 reviews152 followers
March 10, 2024
I keep hoping for a massive evil plot twist.
Profile Image for thea.
35 reviews1 follower
April 5, 2023
Not a fan of GL or smut. I dropped it in the first two panels. I thought there would be a little wholesomeness to it, but it is purely sexual.
Profile Image for TimeFliesAway.
434 reviews17 followers
November 20, 2023
This wasn't really what I expected. Was it bad? Not really, but also not entirely good.

What I expected was a sci-fi story, where it's normal to have sex with robots or own sex-robots. Maybe Akane couldn't get around a partner irl or wants to practice or whatever, and then has sex with that android.

Well, that kinda does happen but also not. Apparently, it's very illegal to own a sex-robot. Why? Isn't explained.
It does play in the future, but also not very far, as there aren't any human-like robots on the market (or, well, there are, but again very illegal) and Akane is surprised by the ai level of her robot, even though she works in robotics.

Akane also didn't want to have sex with a robot. She actually wanted to buy a maid-robot, but because she has a bad drinking habit and can't control her alcohol addiction, she somehow ended up buying this very illegal sex-robot with more than maid-services. There's a whole mystery around it, as the website, where she bought it, isn't loading anymore and she can't track her order back. She also doesn't remember paying 5,000 Yen for it.

The premise surely is interesting, and I didn't expect there to be that much mystery around it.
Though, while the interesting storyline serves as an argument for anyone who says this is just another "porn without plot" manga, and that is true, the author does focus much more on the sex scenes and only occasionally continues the story.

The sexual scenes sure are a bit different (sometimes) from "normal" mangas. For example, Nadeshiko goes to sleep-mode at night, and the only way to wake her up, is by giving her a kiss with tongue – because the turn-switch is inside the mouth, but if you reach with your fingers inside, you might damage something. Or, in order to register and use the robot's services to the fullest, you need to insert your fingers into her vagina, which will save the owner's fingerprint and register in the database. Because Akane refuses to do that (mostly bc of the legal issues), Nadeshiko labels her as a hopeless bottom and thinks Akane just needs to warm up to her more until they can go "deeper".
As absurd as that sounds, it also kinda works. The whole story is more comedy than romance/love, nothing meant to be taken seriously.

And while that part surely makes it stand out from other erotic mangas, the other parts during the sex scenes don't. Every sexual act between them basically starts the same: Akane doesn't want to, refuses to let go of that last bit of human pride she has, but also because she doesn't want Nadeshiko to win and make Akane fully registered (– seriously, either Nadeshiko is completely innocent and was only programmed to make her owner register asap, or Nadeshiko is even more human-like than we thought and might fr love Akane. Whatever is in it for her once Akane registers...). But Nadeshiko never listens to Akane, and touches her until Akane gives in to the horny feeling.
Sometimes it stops in the middle, with Akane realizing what Nadeshiko is plotting – and, again, everything about the technical/robotic parts make it interesting –, but overall it's not that amazing.

While it's also funny, how Nadeshiko takes literally everything in a sexual way, it's also a bit tiring after some time. Sure, she's a robot, so despite being very human-like, she does need to have some robotic features as well. But that aspect leads us back to "porn without plot". And Akane at some point gives up trying to respond normally or start a conversation, because *everything* turns sexual in Nadeshiko's mind.

If you're looking for some fun and kinda different erotic manga – and not anything "ground-breaking" –, then, sure, why not. Give it a go.
I too will check out the other volumes, simply because I want to know the mystery around it.

June 10, 2024
Girl on girl love in manga done right. Storyline isnt as cringy and its just a fun quick read.
Profile Image for Caleb Kovalenko.
121 reviews
July 3, 2023
This is just an android raping her owner for a whole volume, lesbians of tiktok have disappointment me when they kept recommending this.
May 1, 2024
When this began it felt like it was gonna amount to nothing more than porn. Thankfully, Akane’s workaholic with no life situation that leads to the shenanigans became endearing and oddly identifying for me. I get this high strung girl and what’s she’s going thru. Nadeshiko is a little harder to pin down. Is she sentient or just carrying out protocols? Not sure yet, but I’m invested. It’s not the deepest material, but it’s involving, funny and I’m ready to see what comes in the next volume.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
1,027 reviews39 followers
May 21, 2023
Another "I'm lonely and get blackout drunk after work every day" manga in which the MC makes a late night purchase of a sex android. This book tries really hard to be funny, but I'm not sure it actually is. It also feels weirdly not sex-positive? IDK, it wasn't as fun as I wanted it to be and I don't think I'm continuing.
Censorship level is the sort where you get lots of boobs and no genitals.
Profile Image for Cassie.
399 reviews
July 5, 2023
Not as fun as I thought, feels too weird morally with the whole robot thing
9 reviews
February 18, 2024
Better than expected

I went into this expecting it to to be pure smut but it's honestly pretty good. There's the trappings of a story here. Looking forward to the next volume.
Profile Image for Lexxi Kitty.
2,038 reviews468 followers
July 4, 2024
First work I've read by this author.

The graphic novel/manga reminds me of Tokyo Love by Diana Jean. Both involve women in the tech industry (Jean book involves a woman working on robots; this book involves a woman connected to work on AI) that live in Tokyo, and both find themselves unexpected involved with a robot. One, the woman in Jean's book, is described as being 'typical American woman', i.e., the stereotype that USA women are chubbier than non-USA women, while the one in this book is described as being a gorgeous Japanese woman, though one who has never dated (or, pulling in the title of this series, had sex - the Virginity part).

Regardless, this review box is about the "Does it Count" book. Eh, one more part: The woman in the Jean book ends up with a robot because her job assigns her one to test it out. The woman in "Does it Count" ends up with a robot through a drunken shopping spree.

Tsuda Akane, the main character in "Does", is either working hard at her job or . . . drinking a lot. To blackout excess.

All that and I don't know what all else to write here. heh. Right, so, as noted, Tsuda drinks. One night while looking around her incredibly messy apartment, she decides to hire a maid. Can't seem to find one (keeps finding "Maid Cafe's" or boxy non-humanoid robots). Gives up. Except . . . coming up tired from her latest long day at work, she finds a very large box blocking her door. Throws her back out getting the box into her apartment. So much so, she collapses onto her bed and sleeps. While she sleeps, the item in the box crawls out and it turns out to be a robot that looks very much like a human (if I recall correctly, the robot in the Jean book also, if I recall correctly, is human looking - looking like a next door woman to the lead character in the book).

Let's not go down a road of explaining the plot line by line.

Interesting characters, interesting plot. Story probably isn't any more erotic or graphic than many lesbian fiction works, but since it is a graphic work, there's a lot of nudity on display. So, that has to be taken into consideration if someone would want to read this book here. Is this "just porn"? No. Does it look like it? Kinda? What with the graphic displays of nudity and sex.

Rating: 4.15
July 4 2024

Profile Image for Rachel.
39 reviews6 followers
September 26, 2023
I enjoyed my time with this manga. Is it a lot of salacious and lewd content? Yes, and some people may find that off putting.

There is a story to this manga, though it is a bit thin. Much of it revolves around the main character and her moral dilemmas with having a relationship with an android. There are some genuinely thought-provoking moments, such as the one where she argues that Nadashiko and her should refer to each other by their first names. Though glossed over, there is a lot of insinuation that Akane is lonely and lives the mind-numbing life of a corporate drone. Throughout the first volume she is going back and forth arguing with herself about the fact that she does like "having someone waiting at home" and the fact that she feels she is in a relationship with Nadashiko but that it's overbearing and unexpected. Nadashiko is constantly overbearing with her very forward advances which is where most of the "cringe" can come from in this story.

There is also the fact that Nadashiko is an illegal android. While I'm not too fond of that aspect of the story it does sort of hint at the fact that the very nature of their relationship (two women being together) is an illegal act in many parts of the world. I'm not sure if that was a factor in the author including that aspect but it creates a moral dilemma within Akane who, at times, wants to fall into the relationship and give herself over to it but then sobers up after the fact and uses the illegal nature of their relationship as a way to stifle any emotional progress between the two. I may be, admittedly, reading into the story a bit too much but in parts of the world where same sex relationships are not accepted such dilemmas are very real.

Overall, I would like to see more depth for the characters as we progress in the story. It's worth the read if you find the premise interesting and are up for some very sultry imagery.
Profile Image for Zian B..
2,087 reviews31 followers
July 16, 2024
This volume is essentially hentai with a plot and I’m not mad at it. I like that Akane has a little fan-club at her place of work and that, which this volume can be seen as a bit futuristic with how much AI is used, it isn’t anything outta far ahead that, it could actually happen.
While I don’t like that much of the interactions Akane has with Nadeshiko do seem pretty non-con/dub-con (despite the positive response), I am extremely curious to see if the mystery surrounding where Nadeshiko came from will be revealed.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nymphie (Cynthia).
168 reviews4 followers
May 1, 2023
A very simplistic story that’s heavy on the fan-service, but if you enjoy that kind of thing every now and then, this is a good one to pick up. This concept has been done numerous times, but it’s nice to see it as two female characters this time around.
Profile Image for Marisol.
134 reviews6 followers
October 9, 2023
This reminds of a GL version of Absolute Boyfriend and I'm so into it. Give me more of this ridiculous concept.
Profile Image for Rin.
14 reviews
January 1, 2024
Excellent chemistry and pacing. The artwork is gorgeous and inspiring. Best read under a warm blanket with a close friend.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
112 reviews
January 7, 2024
Fun quick read, it was pretty much exactly what I was a expecting :)
Profile Image for Zayne.
676 reviews8 followers
February 9, 2024
Steam is real in this. It's pretty much just a smut manga but with some funny moments and cutesy art style involved.
Profile Image for Kat.
1,363 reviews10 followers
September 7, 2023
I mean...I'm obv not reading this solely for the plot. that being said, this had almost no plot (//▽//) I definitely enjoyed Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels more, which is equally sexy but has a much sweeter and more heartfelt plot with interesting characters I was immediately invested in. story here is extremely light and not very unique, but it's a fun quick read with some decent art and a rather ridiculous, silly premise.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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