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Straton Family #2

All I Need Is You

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The head strong child of Chandos Straton and Courtney Harte, Casey Straton inherited her mother's eyes and her father's stubborn temperament. Despite her unladylike prowess at roping, riding and shooting, the responsibility of running her late grandfather's ranch was given to Casey's older brother. She's a beautiful young woman of marrying age, Chandos tells his daughter, and she should be looking to settle down--which only infuriates Casey, sending the high-spirited hellion storming away from her Texas home, determined to prove to her family that she can do much more than "woman's work."

Damian Rutledge III has left his home far behind as well. A successful New York businessman, he used important connections to gain a U.S. Deputy's badge.

And now he has come west to kill the man who murdered his father. But despite his powerful physique and unwavering courage, the handsome Eastern "dude" is like a fish out of water in the untamed and unpredictable country. And his inability to handle a shooting iron would have cost him his life at the hands of two desperate outlaws if it weren't for the timely intervention of a half-pint bounty hunter called "Kid" - a youngster whose cool head and lightning-fast draw Damian quickly decides will be valuable assets in his hunt for his father's killer.

But there is more to Kid than first meets the eye. For beneath a large hat and dusty poncho, and behind two blazing six-guns, is a stunningly sensuous young lady: Casey Straton. And despite Casey's resolve to maintain her disguise at all costs, the nearness of this proud, fearless and undeniably masculine gentleman has awakened the fires of her womanly passions and touched her vulnerable, aching heart--which could lead to serious complications on a rocky trail that winds dangerous duty to irrepressible love.

370 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1997

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About the author

Johanna Lindsey

163 books7,017 followers
Johanna Helen Howard was born on March 10, 1952 in Germany, where her father, Edwin Dennis Howard, a soldier in the U.S. Army was stationed. The family moved about a great deal when she was young. Her father always dreamed of retiring to Hawaii, and after he passed away in 1964 Johanna and her mother settled there to honor him.

In 1970, when she was still in school, she married Ralph Lindsey, becoming a young housewife. The marriage had three children; Alfred, Joseph and Garret, who already have made her a grandmother. After her husband's death, Johanna moved to Maine, New England, to stay near her family.

Johanna Lindsey wrote her first book, Captive Bride in 1977 "on a whim", and the book was a success. By 2006, with over 58 Million copies of her books have been sold worldwide, with translations appearing in 12 languages, Johanna Lindsey is one of the world's most popular authors of historical romance.

Johanna's books span the various eras of history, including books set in the Middle Ages, the American "Old West" and the popular Regency England-Scotland. She has even written a few sci-fi romances. By far the most popular among her books are the stories about the Malory-Anderson Family, a Regency England saga.

Johanna Lindsey died on Oct. 27, 2019 in Nashua, N.H. She was 67.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews
Profile Image for Pikolina.
841 reviews271 followers
August 13, 2020
La historia me ha gustado y me ha entretenido bastante, pero la historia de amor se me ha quedado un poco floja ... es mi único pero y eso hace que no le dé más puntuación.
Profile Image for Serena Loves Books.
1,678 reviews97 followers
November 1, 2020
Una lectura entretenida pero con un romance débil. No a la altura del primero libro.

All I need Is you/ El camino del amor de Johanna Lindsey serie Straton 2

Mí humilde opinión:

A finales de siglo y en Texas no es fácil para una chica demostrar su valía.

No obstante, la atractiva Casey está decidida a conseguirlo a toda costa para hacer cambiar de opinión a su padre, que se opone rotundamente a permitirle llevar las riendas del rancho familiar.

Pero Casey, una joven indómita, no se arredra ante nada, ni siquiera ante el principal obstáculo a sus aspiraciones, esto es, su condición femenina.

El camino del amor es la secuela de Corazón indómito, una historia situada en la Texas de 2892.

Si bien la protagonista es Casey también aparecen otros personajes del libro anterior y por supuesto Chandos y Courtney.

Es una lectura entretenida pero con un comienzo lento con subidas y bajadas. Tristemente no encontré el héroe ni el romance que esperaba.


Casey era digna hija de sus padres. Luchadora, práctica y diestra con un arma. Me agradó enseguida por ser valiente y pelear por lo que quería.

Mí mayor 'pero' fue que ella tenía un sueño y cuando se enamora de Damian solo piensa en casarse con él!?

Pensamiento aparte...

Chandos me dejó de piedra en cuanto a darle libertad a su hija con la excusa de que era joven. Esto lo señalaba mucho, entonces, porqué insistía en que tenía que casarse y asentarse? No podía dirigir un rancho porque era joven y no lo era para casarse y tener familia?! Me esperaba más comprensión y apoyo por su parte para con su hija.


Este personaje me frustraba.

Podría haber sido divertido pero no entendí porqué explotaba todo el tiempo. Era muy temperamental. Un tipo arrogante y rígido que solo le importaba la ropa y... no pensó que se le ensuciaria si iba al salvaje oeste? Creí que también era inteligente.

La historia de amor...

Llegó un punto en que Casey y Demian no me interesaban, su historia de amor es floja y no sentí nada especial por la pareja o que hicieron algo para enamorarme.

Me gusta un buen combate verbal entre protagonistas pero Casey y Damian discuten constantemente sin la tensión sexual que lo haga divertido.

El malentendido que había aquí fue una patada en el pecho.

Damian callaba cómo se sentía y Casey huía cada vez que podía.

Estas situaciones hubieran sido distintas si la autora le hubiera puesto emoción con los protagonistas haciendo algo al respecto. Lindsey ni siquiera trató de darle un giro. En cambio los dos se separan y sufren.

Hay muchas reflexiones internas y angustia, dudas porque piensan que uno no siente amor por el otro. Con ese pensar, esa inseguridad sobre sus sentimientos, tienen sexo y eso lo vi poco profundo y no se sintió bien.

No es mal libro, fue bueno en partes, hay forajidos, algo de acción y misterio pero el romance fue pobre.

No supera al primer libro. La historia de los padres de Casey me cautivó mucho más.

Profile Image for Heather.
243 reviews
June 8, 2013
I do love romances, but this one just missed the mark. Where the story lost points includes the following:

1. It starts out with the hero believing the heroine is a teenage boy called "the kid". He complains of his bad body odor and his bluntness, but yet finds himself oddly attracted to her/him.

2. It turns out the kid is really a girl around 18 years old who became a bounty hunter to prove a point to her father about being able to take on mans work. When proving how "grown up" you are to your parents, running away and taking part in a profession which could get you killed doesn't strike me as the best way to demonstrate maturity.

3. The hero, Damien, is a bit flat. There's not much about him that I found appealing.

4. Damien has so much wealth he buys train cars to ride in. Really? He's spending money like he's the kid who created Facebook. It's just a bit too unrealistic.

5. Despite a book full of gunfights, the hero and heroine do not take a single bullet (one gets grazed, but that's about it). They manage to get out of more sticky situations than McGyver and take down many many trained killers.

6. The romance is just weak. It's unclear what they saw in each other and Casey kept running away from him. For a brave heroine, she lacks all bravery when it comes to this. Damien is equally guilty. Their feelings are only expressed at the very end, and then in a rushed way.

7. The side characters fell short. All of them.

8. How did they keep finding the person they were hunting down? I have no idea. It was a bit too "lucky" to be realistic.

It's a readable book, but I wouldn't recommend this one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Zairobe25.
824 reviews
October 3, 2017
Segundo libro que leo de esta autora, me gustó, muy entretenido, al parecer la autora no es fan de la epílogos, en ninguno de los dos libros que leí hay epílogo, y los finales se sienten abruptos; apresurados, por lo demás muy bien, una agradable lectura.
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
October 30, 2014
Parts were fun, but it had the annoying big misunderstanding, and a bad audiobook narrator.

I was so disappointed at the no-one-says-how-they-feel-big-misunderstanding.

The first half was fun watching Casey, age 17, as a bounty hunter. Men think she’s a boy because she’s tall and wears men’s clothes. They call her Kid. She’s a fast draw. We don’t watch her hunt and catch outlaws, but we are told that she caught several. Most of the danger is when bad guys come to rob or kill her and she has to deal with them. And then the main part of the story is she and Damian travel together to find Henry who killed Damian’s father. During this journey they fall in love. But it lacked passion and chemistry.

I feel like the author was following a recipe. Put in a bunch of things that sounded good and called it done. There was no depth. Nothing special. But I enjoyed a lot of it. It was an ok way to pass time - until the separation. They both love each other, but each one thinks the other does not. No one says how they feel. They have sex twice, yet they each thinks the other doesn’t want them. There’s a lot of internal pondering and anguish about he/she doesn’t love me. They separate and are miserable.

She reads like she’s in a hurry. She doesn’t pause when she should. The worst thing was her voice for Damian. She lowered her voice in a way that made him sound weird, wooden, and constipated – and the emotional interpretations were off. It did not feel like Damian had interest or desire for Casey. His voice was monotone. This was not a sexy sound. Some female narrators can do a sexy man, but not Ms. Burr.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Unabridged audiobook length: 8 hrs and 32 mins. Swearing language: mild. Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: 3. Setting: 1892 mostly Texas. Book copyright: 1997. Genre: western historical romance.
Profile Image for ❆ Crystal ❆.
1,200 reviews54 followers
October 7, 2013
This is such a great book! I love it! Please read! There is a book before this one, but you don't have to read it to follow along... but I've read both books and love them both.

update 10/7/13... this book just gets better and better. I listened as an audiobook this time and it was awesome. 5 stars for the book and 5 stars for the narration.
Profile Image for TINNGG.
1,201 reviews20 followers
May 23, 2021
The current generation of historical writers…wel, writers in general, could take lessons from this on pacing. I’d guess the book takes place over a month but somehow the passage of time is done so smoothly that it…flows.(a lot of authors tend to do time jumps really jarringly). That said, it isn’t without issues, such as…how does a woman fall for a man she finds pretty but thinks incompetent?

There’s also the consequences issue - later books by said author had heroines doing all manner of outlandish things for the time period yet somehow never facing society’s scorn. Here, the H/h do the deed several times yet the thought of being fruitful and multiplying never crosses anyone’s mind. Given the time period, that plus the whole marriage/divorce fiasco with a rather infamous judge might have been cause for concern.

In any case, the h manages to locate the bad guy for the H twice, he reunites with his mom (parents divorced when he was 10 - in the 19th century), and he finally grows a pair and asks the h to marry him. Yay?

DidnI enjoy the book? Yes. I would have enjoyed it more if it hadn’t been a romance I think though.
Profile Image for VioletPetal.
93 reviews
December 8, 2011
Oh my… It's been a long time since I read a book from Lindsey and like it. She has so many interesting plot, but I always had problem with her hero's attitude which in the end made me hate the book. But definitely not with this one. I don't read a lot of historical romance that the setting was on America, because I like the European 'atmosphere'. But this is one of the book with American history setting and still can catch my interest pretty quick. I really like both the hero & heroine, as well as the story. They were smart, sweet, stubborn (in sweet & cute way. hahaha), and brave. What else can a reader ask? haha.

The super plus point in this book is the fact that Casey could do what even lot of men couldn't. AND Damian didn't hate it! He sure feel protective and often protect her from danger, but he didn't overdid it and still allow Casey to do the so-called-men-stuff. I also like what Chandos did, coz instead of force Casey to go home with him (which i think will only worsen the situation), he let her do what she want but still protecting her from not-that-far-place. kind of cool i think. Really recommended for all the historical romance lover :))
Profile Image for Isalum.
425 reviews
March 18, 2017
No he estado nada mal. Pensaba que me iba a gustar menos. Tanto Casey como Damian son dos protagonistas bien definidos, muy diferentes entre sí pero que se amoldan perfectamente a trabajar juntos. Cada uno tiene recursos y decisión suficientes para sacarlos de los aprietos en los que se meten involuntaria y voluntariamente. La ambientación también me ha encantado, ese oeste americano, no tan agreste como en la novela anterior de esta serie (la historia de Chandos y Courtney, los padres de Casey) pero que te transporta a esos pequeños pueblos casi con leyes propias y pleno desierto en otras ocasiones.
Para las fans de la Lindsey, este libro es una estupenda lectura
Profile Image for Ana  Fitriana.
160 reviews29 followers
June 13, 2018

Akhirnya bisa selesai jugaaa. Dari awal sampai akhir, ttp aku nge-fans sama Casey. Keren banget ini cewek! 😍
1,217 reviews9 followers
September 8, 2021
Loved the tenderfoot easterner with the daddy and fierce cowgirl 🤠 . Sweet 👍🏽👍🏽
Profile Image for Boo Boo .
113 reviews
April 27, 2023
Maybe it is just me, but this book did not feel like a normal Johanna Lindsey book. I found the characters to be annoying and unappealing. This felt more like a hostage situation than a love story.
Profile Image for Chumchum_88.
556 reviews46 followers
August 2, 2016
Johanna Lindsey's novels are starting to be more promising by the minute, since I'm liking the first series I read from her, I can't help but look forward to the next.

Casey was the daughter of Courtney and Chandos the main couple of the first book, she takes after her father in everything, in both looks and temperament, but that never stopped her being close to her mom which I thought was a nice touch because the differences between them didn't cause a drift or favoritism of a sort and I found her stubbornness is a bit over the top especially leaving her family home after a huge tantrum and wanting to prove herself only to work as a bounty hunter and no one noticing that she was a women , I thought that particularly far fetched a bit.

Damien was a bit of a fashion stuck up, I liked his insistence for vengeance, it reminded me of Chandos a bit, so I guess we can see a pattern here. couple of things annoyed me, which made me a tad protective of him, since obviously I'm a city girl, I hate it when people judge others just cause they hail from the city and don't know something doesn't make them useless, cause that's what Casey did for the most part of their journey, and her father did too, cause they kept thinking and making assumption that Damien can't take of himself, and Casey feeling that she's like a mother taking care of her child, oh pleeeeeeeeeeeez. Another thing, I haven't read about any guy main or secondary who blushes as the author made Damien blush here, it was annoying actually, keeping on reading about him blushing every time he couldn't do something.

Overall, *thumps up*
Profile Image for Susan.
1,368 reviews5 followers
March 9, 2014
I loved this book. The characters were rich and full with individual strengths and weaknesses. The story was full of excitement. The love story was unusual, with plenty of growth through the story. I was worried in a couple of places, but things do work out in the end. I enjoyed how Casey and Damian worked well together even though they did not try to or even know they were doing it. I also enjoyed learning how Casey's father supported her and watched over her.

A very fun read.

I have not read the 1st story but look forward to doing so.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,047 reviews9 followers
January 2, 2019
Bounty hunter with a point to make. Taught to ranch by grandfather as well as track, shoot & hunt by father.

A great adventure where a tenderfoot from the east hires KC to find his father's killer. Damian's well laid plans get screwed & his youthful guide constantly surprises him.

Heart warming, action packed & strong personalities clashing have you continually thinking what could possibly happen next? Enjoy.
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,831 reviews721 followers
June 15, 2015
Second in the Straton Family historical western romance series and revolving around the Straton family. The couple focus is on Chandos and Courtney's daughter, Casey, and Damian. It's 1892 in Texas.

My Take
How very disappointing. I expected so much more from Lindsey, but most of the story was tell with very little show. I was expecting a story more like A Heart So Wild , 1, in which Lindsey grabbed hold of me and pulled me in. This one? Well, I wanted to read more about Chandos and Courtney, find out how their lives turned out. They've got their HEA even if Chandos finds it boring. As for Casey and Damian, it is a cute read, and I do love a primary protagonist who will not accept second place — yay, Casey! As for love, well, there's that lack of show again 'cause I sure didn't feel it. I didn't feel much at all, really.

There were a number of places where I expected Lindsey to wring out that tension. Then I was expecting to read more about Casey's affection for Old Sam. Casey was all I expected in a Chandos-Courtney offspring — feisty, confident, and good with a gun. I liked her. She was TALENTED and, lol, spunky. I want her on my side.

Chandos, however, was not very believable. I liked that he was willing to give his daughter some space, but his insistence that she was too young…how old was he again when he first rode onto Fletcher Straton land? Then there's that firm expectation that she should up and get married? No. Of course, if she isn't old enough, ahem, to run the ranch, how can she be old enough to get married and start poppin' out kids? *eye roll* Hypocrite much? I do appreciate that Chandos rides out to keep an eye on her, and lets her roll her own way. Which is another lost area for tension.

Lindsey starts out a tiny bit slow as she sets the character of the characters and puts them in motion to encounter each other. It is a trope how they meet, but Lindsey twists it nicely and makes it fun. There are a couple of other tropes that she doesn't twist. They are minor and don't impinge much on the story. There were, however, a couple of tropes that did drive me nuts: Damian being unable to speak about his feelings and Casey running off every chance she gets. Lindsey didn't even try to put a twist on these. If she'd at least have given them some emotion, some show, had her characters agonize about what to do, it might have made a difference. Instead it brings the story down.

What was with Damian's temper? There was one mention that he used to bop kids in the nose when he was young, and his dad had a stern talking to with him, but otherwise nothing. He comes across as a cipher. Rigid, unyielding about his clothes. He seemed to be an intelligent man — and Lindsey TOLD us through his ignorance of camping and riding that he was a dude — but how can he possibly imagine that his eastern clothes will function well in the west? How does he not think that blending in is a better idea? Nor do I understand why he erupts so easily over everything.

It's misinterpretation and a good lesson in why it is so important to communicate clearly. The conflict between Casey and Chandos isn't the only misinterpretation when Damian ends up owing his life over and over again to a young kid he assumes is a bragging cowboy.
"'How dare you be a girl?''I don't think I had much choice in the matter.'"
We do find out that Fletcher died about a year ago, and that Sawtooth is currently in charge of the ranch. I'm surprised he wouldn't be willing to back Casey up. But what happened to Maggie? Not even a mention.

The Story
The fate of Fletcher's Bar M Ranch is in question, and Sawtooth has been, temporarily, managing it since Fletcher's death. It's Chandos' attitude that sends Casey out. It's a challenge, and she'll prove she's ready. She'll make her father eat his words!

Damian has his own quest. One of vengeance against his father's killers.

He's destined to keep gettin' in K.C.'s way, although he does have a few surprises for K.C.

The Characters
Casey, a.k.a., Kid or K.C., is Chandos and Courtney's seventeen-year-old daughter, and she's feeling her oats. Old Sam is the colt Casey raised and trained from age twelve. Tyler is Casey's older (by one year) brother, who is going to be a lawyer; Dillon is fourteen. Fletcher Straton was Chandos' father and the kids' grandfather. He owned the Bar M Ranch. Chandos and Courtney have been running the K.C. Ranch for years (read their story in A Heart So Wild ). Sawtooth was the foreman for the Bar M Ranch before he retired. Dr. Edward Harte is still alive but retired.

Damian Rutledge III, heir to Rutledge Imports, is a know-it-all Eastern dude with absolutely no clue about the wild west. Winnifred, the heir to C.W. & L. Company was the socialite to whom he was engaged. Damian II was our Damian's father. Henry Curruthers was Rutledge Import's accountant.

Out West
The fancy (and chatty) Luella Miller of Chicago is trying to get to Fort Worth. Billybob and Vince are the hapless stagecoach robbers. The Dalton gang includes Robert, Emmett, and Grattan Dalton (former U.S. marshals), Bill Doolin, Charley Pierce, and "Bitter Creek" George Newcomb. Mr. Melton is a horse trader. Judge Roy Bean is quite arbitrary and more interested in a buck than justice.
"If one of his pals shoots someone, he figures out a way to acquit them. In one of his … decisions, he ruled that the victim shouldn't have gotten in front of the gun his friend was firing."
Jack Curruthers is running for mayor. Jed and Jethro Paisley, Elroy Bencher, Candiman, and Mason are no-good gunmen who work for Curruthers. Larissa Amery is the schoolmarm who doesn't like Curruthers.

John Wescot is a dentist. Bucky Alcott is a range cook for a local ranch. Pete Drummond is a tenderfoot who now sells firearms.

Milton Lewis' brother is a mine of information. Margaret Henslowe is a rich widow.

New York City
Sergeant Johnson was with the Twenty-first Precinct in New York.

The Cover and Title
The cover is a soft gradation from a cold yellow at the bottom up to a soft orange at top. The author's name is the largest text and at the top while the title is smaller and at the bottom. Both use a gold embossed font in all-caps. Separating the text is a deep red, embossed and stylized sun.

The title might be better as "all I need is some show, instead we've got All I Need is You. Maybe Lindsey needs us to accept this story as is.
49 reviews
November 4, 2021
I believe that Lindsey writes the best historical western romances. Her setting, character chemistry, and enjoyable plot always come through.

Pros: Casey and Damien had a great connection. Damien, a city boy looking for revenge, and Casey, a wild west disciple looking for acknowledgment, blended together. The plot could have dragged and gotten convoluted, but it kept them together and explained the typical J. Lindsey trait of miscommunication between lovers. They were both likable, cared for each other, and really tried to picture a future together. I also liked the subtle inclusion of the first Straton couple (Chandos and Courtney). For her westerns, the families take a backseat for most of the book (unlike the Malorys).

Con: This is a typical trait of J. Lindsey in all her book- rushed endings. You never get the closure you want. For this story, it was disappointing because the plotline focused on their future- How did they unite their households and business? Is Casey still running the ranch? It would have been great to get a final 2 pager discussing the wedding and plans for the future and how the families all came together. It always feels rushed and you literally read the confession in one paragraph and the story ends. I didn't penalize this book too hard because Lindsey did this formula in most of her stories and you learn to get over it.

Overall, you will enjoy the chemistry, the uniqueness of the characters and the setting in this sweet western.
Profile Image for Susan Ross.
Author 8 books5 followers
August 17, 2020
This was not one of my favourite Johanna Lindsey books.

Casey, aka Kid aka K.C. takes off on her parents to prove she's as good as any man and capable of running her deceased grandfather's ranch at almost 18. She becomes a bounty hunter. And she is an exceptional one. For the most part, I enjoyed her character.

Damian comes across Casey's campfire after being robbed and left for dead in his overturned carriage. He eventually decides to hire her to find his father's killer. I liked Damian too although his reluctance to dress appropriately in the West was uncharacteristically stupid on his part.

Damian thinks Casey is a boy. I wish he had found out the truth on his own instead of being told by Casey. It would have been more fun.

Even though these supposed alpha types make love after getting married against their will by an unscrupulous judge, they still don't have the nerve to confess their feelings 'til the very end of the book.

I disliked that:
- the same judge dissolved their marriage, again without consent.
- Casey keeps running away from Damian, which is extremely annoying.
- neither declares their feelings 'til the end.
-Damian's estranged mother is really not a necessary part of the story.
- the ending was very abrupt. Damian's mother could have been involved in planning the wedding. At least her presence would then mean something.
-we don't get any perspective from Casey's father, who is following her as she chases criminals.
Profile Image for Cath.
47 reviews
September 23, 2024
Segunda parte de "Corazón indómito" pero que se puede leer independiente.

La historia se centra en Casey la hija de Chandos y Courtney.
Ella mantiene el mismo temperamento de su padre y fue criada para poder valerse por las suyas, Chandos le enseño todo para poder sobrevivir y como manejar un arma y administrar un rancho.
Lo que la hace una mujer independiente, llevada a sus ideas y con carácter.
La historia está llena de aventuras al estilo del viejo oeste, y Casey al estilo de su padre recorre los pueblos en busca de forajidos.

La novela me a gustado, hay momentos entretenidos, con diálogos que sacan un poco de risa. La descripciones de acontecimientos y tiroteos están bien (no fueron tan brutales como en la primera novela).
La lectura fue rápida, amena, para quienes conocen la pluma de la autora saben que no hay mayores giros de acontecimientos y el romance a pesar de no están tan explícito en este libro se entiende por como evoluciona.

Lo que me faltó fue un poco más de esa química sexual que otros libros tienen, aquí lo sentí un poco flojo, sobretodo en las escenas sexuales se me hicieron un poco planas.
La dinámica entre Casey y Damián fue a momento entretenidas pero siento que a él le faltó un poco más esa cosa machista, de dar a conocer sus sentimientos a ella, la mayor parte del libro ambos estuvieron indecisos y quizás por eso se siente un poco flojo el romance.
Sin embargo, la trama entretiene ya que hay mucha acción.
Profile Image for Launsett.
146 reviews
April 16, 2020
Empece el libro porque quería leer algo de romance y quede sorprendida de la independencia y la fuerza que se le dio a la protagonista, el ambiente de libro tampoco estaba nada mal, pero eso es todo lo bueno que puedo decir. El personaje principal masculino por otra parte; una pieza fundamental de la historia, me termino decepcionado. Era guapo; según el libro, pero llego a tocar de manera sexual a la protagonista mientras ella dormía, eso no es sexy ni un buen comportamiento. Se que el libro es algo viejito, pero aun así me da muy mal cuerpo eso. Como esta ambientada mas o menos en el viejo oeste, tiene mucha acción, pero la autora no crea; por lo menos para mi, un verdadero ambiente de tensión, por lo cual esas escenas llega a ser algo bastante aburrido. No voy a mentir, si hubieron pocos momentos que sentí suspenso, pero fueron muy pocas veces comparadas con la veces que se narraba la acción. El romance se me hizo poco creíble, en ningún momento vi que fue lo que hizo que se enamoraran, las escenas de cama no me emocionaron especialmente y mas del 90% de la historia no la disfrute. Las ultimas 40 paginas fueron las que se me hicieron menos pesadas y creo que fue porque había otros personajes ademas de los principales. Aun así rescato de libro al personaje de Casey, a sus padres. Ellos me gustaron bastante.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
480 reviews1 follower
July 3, 2022
I enjoyed this book very much, it reminded me of old-fashioned wild-west movies. Here, the heroine showed thy typical behavior of that genre, whereas the hero was a gentleman from the big city - New York.

I loved both main characters. The heroine, who ran away from her home to prove to her father, that she is more that a mere woman, is awfully competent in everything she sets out to do- I really was amazed by all she was able to do - and that at the age of 17/18!!!! And I loved her parent for basically trusting in her abilities to keep herself save - even if her father was never far away from her during the time she was away from home.

The hero was very likable, too. He only seemed inept and helpless, but his determination and courage helped him to master all the difficult situations he found himself in. And it was easy to see, why he fell in love with the heroine, but I could not understand- until the very end - why he was so hesitant to ask her to marry him…

The pacing was very good, the story interesting and most importantly for me: the hero was not cruel to the heroine - rather the opposite!!
Profile Image for Maria Pipan.
67 reviews
September 28, 2024
Tu ești tot ce îmi doresc - Johanna Lindsey - 308 pagini

Am decis să citesc cartea asta deoarece n-am mai citit demult ceva romance și dacă tot a apărut provocarea asta în grup am zis să îi dau o șansă.
Este povestea lui Casey și a lui Damian care în urma unor încrengături a sorții ajung să fie împreună.
Povestea se petrece în anii 1892, atunci când femeile erau doar instrumentul de făcut copii, când singurele lucruri pe care le făceau erau să aibă grijă de gospodărie și să țină patul cald.
Casey se hotărăște să plece de acasă pt a-i demonstra tatălui ei ca e suficient de capabilă pt a conduce moșia bunicului acesteia.
Damian pleacă din New York în Texas pentru a-l găsi și pedepsi pe contabilului care i-a ucis tatăl.
Povestea e cea clasică, Casey și Damian trec prin multe aventuri, ajung să se căsătorească și după aceste multe întâmplări au parte de finalul fericit.
Nu m-a impresionat așa tare, mi s-a părut plictisitoare pe alocuri poate din cauză ca m-am obișnuit cu thrillere care m-au ținut în priză pe tot parcursul cărții.
O lectură ușoară, bună de citit in vreo câteva ore.

2 🌟
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,018 reviews9 followers
October 20, 2020
It’s a tragedy that Romance publishers switched to Photoshop from the gloriously melodramatic paintings of shirtless Fabio look-alikes in gaudy makeup dipping a swooning maiden in clashing everything. That has nothing to do with this book. I just really appreciate those classic painted covers, and the fact that these old Johanna Lindseys still have them on the endpaper is making me nostalgic. Remind me to insist on them if I ever make it big in Historical Romance circles.

So apparently I went through a Wild West Romance phase and didn’t notice because after reading Angel last week, All I Need is You is another Johanna Lindsay set on the dusty, lonely trails. And Casey Straton likes them that way. The less people around, the more likely she’ll find her quarry: outlaws with bounties hanging over them. With one last big job in sight before she can go home and prove to her father that she’s self-sufficient enough to be trusted with the running of the ranch she’d inherited, she doesn’t need complications slowing her down. But New York tenderfoot Damian Rutledge costs her the big payday she was counting on, and he offers an apology of a ten thousand dollar bounty for the murderer he’d come looking for. Together they travel the train lines, chasing down sightings in little pop-up mining towns.

The plot has a good amount of frustration and danger to it and there was a decent twist thrown in, but only the bad guys ever get shot despite absurd odds against it, and the nonsense ‘romance’ sucked any potential for fun out of it. They have no chemistry. None. Their sex scenes were nothing but acts of convenience, they don’t show any affection for each other, and their confessions were thrown in at the end and felt like an afterthought. I’m going to give Casey a tiny bit of slack on this because I’m fairly sure I saw it mentioned somewhere in the book that she’s only seventeen and that explains so much.

Damian is fairly inoffensive but not very likeable. Mostly he’s just stubborn and out of his element, a little stuck-up, and maybe a bit of a dumbass. One thing that stuck with me was this line:

By being here alone with him, [Casey] broke all the known rules that he had been raised by, so which rules was he supposed to conform to?
(Johanna Lindsey, All I Need is You, p.128)

It’s a good point and I thought I understood him a little better for his hesitancy with her, but he apparently decided that the best way to figure out where he stood was to force himself on Casey while she slept. She woke up and gave him hell, and he made up some nonsense about sleepwalking. Of course he used 'not knowing which social norms applied' as an excuse to ignore all of them. I thought it was setting up for an adult conversation between them but I must have forgotten what genre I was reading.

Casey is more entertaining but at the same time I got the impression that she was trying too hard to be taken seriously as a gunslinger. The funny thing was that it wasn’t written like she was putting effort into it, it was more like she was putting on an act and hamming it up too much. She’s a savvy, argumentative show-off who talks a big game and can usually deliver, but makes a pest of herself with it. Actually, I just realized my mental image of her is akin to Betty Hutton as Annie Oakley from Annie Get Your Gun during her Doin' What Comes Natur'lly number: all dirty and scraggly, and talking with a hammy, overdone accent.

Also, I mentioned in my review of Angel that Johanna Lindsay loves the forced marriage trope, and guess what. I know I said it but even I wasn’t expecting two books in a row. It was uniquely done in All I Need is You , though. A funny situation, a great reaction from the characters, believable reasoning, and it comes back around in a way that I won’t get into but that’s even funnier than the first time.

Damian is fairly useless and Casey is a caricature. I couldn’t stand either of them. I’ll give a half star to Casey’s mother who isn’t a standout but is the most down-to-earth of the cast.

No chemistry. Frankly I’m just impressed she never punched him. Skipped the sex scenes.

The plot had elements of a great western story, but the ‘romance’ got in the way. I’ll throw on another half star for the clever use of Lindsay’s favorite trope.

Was Casey/Cassie just a really popular name in the area back then? Because it made writing these reviews back to back very confusing.

Another one I’ll be tossing in the recycling. This year’s Book Purge is going a little too well; my Romance shelf is getting a little empty.
Profile Image for Ez Man.
39 reviews4 followers
April 11, 2021
Loved the characterization! It was a nicely paced and them falling in love made a lot of sense. The only complaints are it was too much action for my taste and the epilogue needed to be longer.

Anyway, side note, the more I read romance, and the more I grow older, I realize what really makes a relationship special is not primarily the physical attraction, heart rendering big momentums, but how the people involved in that relationship respect and admire each other. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the once-in-a-lifetime true love like any other helpless romantic, but it needs to make sense. Period. On top of 'emotions' and 'attraction' that special something that is not describable, one needs to admire (not all but most of) the personal traits to really love them. I found it with Casey and Damian! They were respectful and took the time to know each other before even getting to the physical aspect of their relationship. Yea, it wasn't that angsty, but overall it was def good. Gosh I'm glad I got into the JL rabbit hole.
Profile Image for Simplekind.
665 reviews38 followers
January 22, 2018
I was disappointed with this book for a few different reasons:

1) It was boring. For a book that was full of gun fights, train robberies and murder I expected it to be exciting but it was just....not.

2) There was a lot of I like him but he doesn't like me. A lot of we are too different or I'm not good enough. I get that in YA fiction but in Adult Fiction? Casey seemed so sure of herself in the beginning but that changed pretty quick.

3) The main reason why I wanted to read this book was because of the earlier relationship between Casey and Damien. Casey pretends to be male to do her job and Damien find himself attracted to this 'boy' he has hired. Damien doesn't understand his attraction and questions it. I thought this could have lead to a really interesting point but it wasn't until Casey explained her actual gender that he understood his attraction. I wanted this to have a different ending. Maybe because this book was written in the '90s?
Profile Image for S.J. Tyson.
Author 1 book3 followers
August 2, 2017
I stepped outside of my element with this book. Western historical fiction is definitely not a genre that I like; contemporary is more my speed. But I did enjoy this book, even though I'd never read the first book regarding the Straton family (which I might possibly do now). The story was not a particularly exciting one, but it moved along nicely, and the Kid's identity reveal was somewhat unexpected. A little more communication between the two main characters would have sped things up a little, but it also might have resulted in a short story instead of a novel. Waiting for the two of them to get on the same page emotionally was starting to get a little irritating, but overall it's a story that will be appreciated by readers of western historical romance fiction, and even some who aren't.
Profile Image for Holly.
1,290 reviews27 followers
March 1, 2023
This is a historical romance set in the Wild West with cowboys, villains, and shootouts. To be honest, it didn’t feel like a Johanna Lindsey book to me. In spite of there being plenty of activity, there was never a sense of actual danger or real stakes for the characters. I also felt no real investment in the characters and the romance was non-existent. The story was rushed, it had no sense of time, and everything was just too easily resolved over and over.

I usually enjoy JL’s novels because they tend to be outlandish in the best ways. This one didn’t work for me and lacked the elements that usually make her books fun to read.

I also didn’t especially like the cowboy/Texas setting which is much different than JL’s regency romance series. This part of the critique is just my personal preference.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 176 reviews

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