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All-of-a-Kind Family #4

All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown

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Based on the author's family and childhood, these charming books capture the everyday life of a home with little money but lots of love and good times to share. Each book shares the ups and downs in the lives of this special family, through the eyes of Ella, Charlotte, Henny, Sarah, Gertie, and their little brother, Charlie.

160 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1958

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About the author

Sydney Taylor

30 books147 followers
Taylor was born on October 31, 1904 on New York City's Lower East Side. Her Jewish immigrant family lived in poverty conditions, but they felt great respect and appreciation for the country that gave them hope and opportunities for the future. This childhood led Taylor eventually into writing.

Taylor started working as a secretary after she graduated from high school, married her husband, and spent her nights with the Lenox Hill Players, a theater group. As an actress, she also learned modern dance, which she thoroughly enjoyed. After dancing with the Martha Graham Dance Company, Taylor took time off to have her one and only child, a daughter. As her daughter grew up Taylor would tell her stories about her own childhood. Because of her daughter's inquiries, Taylor wrote down her memories and then tucked them away in a drawer.

While Taylor was working at a nonprofit summer camp directing and choreographing dance and dramatics, her husband saw an announcement about a writing contest. Unbeknownst to his wife, he sent in her manuscript about her childhood. A short time later Taylor received word that an editor from Wilcox and Follett wanted to publish her work. Surprised and somewhat nervous, Taylor edited and revised her story, and All-of-a-Kind Family became a popular book. She had also won first prize in the contest. Taylor's success encouraged her to pen four more books in the series and write more short stories for books and magazines.

This author, actress, dancer, and choreographer then passed away from cancer on February 12, 1978. In her honor, the Sydney Taylor Book Award is given each year by the Jewish Association of Libraries to a book for young people that authentically portrays the Jewish experience.

In 2014, the All-of-a-Kind Family series is being re-released for another generation of readers to understand and appreciate Jewish immigrant life at the beginning of the twentieth century.

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Profile Image for Brina.
1,103 reviews4 followers
November 15, 2020
Raise your hand if you’re experiencing 2020 burnout! I thought so. I hit the wall about a month ago and am plodding along to the end of the year. Yesterday was a crisp, fall day where in synagogues everywhere in the world, we blessed the arrival of the month of Kislev. Kislev means Chanukah and that means miracles and light. I am beyond excited for Chanukah this year because I need something bright in my life even if it is only for eight days and nights. Last year on Chanukah I treated myself to the set of All of a Kind Family books by Sydney Taylor. They are the literally the books of my childhood, and I have been reading through them to bring a smile to my face.

All of a Kind Family was the first chapter book I read on my own. I want to pinpoint the date but I had to have been between six and eight. The original book came out when my mom was six and she grew up reading the series as well and passed the joy of it on to me. This series is about the daughters of Jewish immigrants from Germany and is the story of author Sydney Taylor’s family. Five girls all two years apart in age grow up in the tenements of the Lower East Side. The father runs a junk shop and the mother keeps an impeccable house that Jewish mothers of today would be envious of. Although poor, the family never lacked and the girls made up their own adventures and memories, so even in tough times, they never realized that they lacked for anything. Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte, and Gertie, a steps and stairs family that I grew up wishing I could be a part of.

In Uptown, the fourth book in the series, the family moves to the Bronx. Papa’s junk shop has been successful and he desires to move the family to better surroundings. The family purchases a seven room flat, sharing a home with their downstairs neighbors the Healys. Uncle Hyman and Aunt Lena move a few blocks away so the family remains close, and many other aunts and uncles get the idea to move from the tenements to the Bronx. The United States had been good to this wave of Jewish immigrants escaping from the revolutions and uncertainties in Eastern Europe, and now they could truly call themselves Americans. In this installment, Ella is nearly seventeen and preparing to graduate from high school. Her beau Jules enlists in the army, and this becomes a central storyline of the book. Although Taylor told most of the story through middle sister Sarah’s eyes, I could always relate the most to Ella- oldest daughter, loves being Jewish and teaches Sunday school, beautiful voice. As the oldest, she has more stories as her role is no longer completely centered on the family. This role becomes clearer toward the end of the book, and Taylor had this in mind as well as the last installment of the series is about Ella and how she intends to make her way in the world.

In the Bronx, Henny finds new ways to get into mischief although she happens to be the best at taking care of youngest brother Charlie. Sarah remains the model student, and Charlotte and Gertie are dutiful daughters who look to have bright futures. The Healy family have one daughter Grace who is the same age as Ella, and the girls become close friends, showing how people of different religions can get along when focusing on similarities rather than differences. Taylor teaches Jewish customs to her non Jewish readers through the Healys’ eyes in a way that younger girls can understand. Even one as now well versed as myself can appreciate the care it took to explain traditions to non Jews without treading on anyone’s toes. Even after many a reading these books remain the favorites they were in my youth.

With 2020 coming to a merciful end soon, I am all too happy to reread favorite books. There is no better feeling than curling up with a book I know the ending to and read about the adventures that I spent many hours with growing up. I only have one installment of the stories of Ella, Henny, Sarah, Charlotte, and Gertie left to read and I’m sure it will be my swan song to this year that can not end soon enough. Of course, that means that I will have to start the series and read it again as the girls’ stories invoke all of my childhood memories. My only regret is that Sydney Taylor did not continue the series with more stories about these girls as they navigated what it meant to be a Jewish American into adulthood and a new generation of children, both their own and the ones reading these wonderful books.

✨ 5 stars ✨
Profile Image for Abigail.
7,504 reviews229 followers
November 18, 2018
From the hilarious opening chapter to the triumphant final one, All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown draws the reader in, involving her once again in the lives of the eponymous All-of-a-Kind Family (surname: unknown). Having now moved to the leafier Bronx, the family are just beginning to find their way around, and the girls set out at the beginning of the book, together with little Charlie, to visit their Aunt Lena in her apartment, a few blocks away. Being unfamiliar with the way floors are reckoned in this new place, they make a mistake, one that is at first embarrassing, but that also leads to laughter, and to the making of a new friend. No sooner is this adventure over, than a more serious one arises: Mama must be taken to the hospital, in order to have her appendix out, and the girls (Ella in charge) must cope with running a house on their own. Ella's beau Jules, introduced in More All-of-a-Kind Family , returns here, and enlists in the US Army, shipping off to Europe to fight in World War I. Jewish holidays and customs - keeping the Sabbath, the P'Idyon Ha-Ben ceremony - still play a central role in the girls' lives, but their horizons expand in this new home, and they have new Christian friends, in the form of the Irish-American Healy family, who live downstairs from them. The book closes with the return of the soldiers from World War I, and their triumphant march through New York City...

Although there seems to be some disagreement, regarding the correct order of Sydney Taylor's series, given that the fourth book to be published, All-of-a-Kind Family Downtown , chronicles events occurring between All-of-a-Kind Family and More All-of-a-Kind Family , I have always considered this book, All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown, to be the third one in the series, rather than the fourth. Leaving that issue aside, this is one that is every bit as delightful as its predecessors, with a story that swings effortlessly from hilarity to pathos, chronicling the ups and downs in the life of one Jewish family, residing in New York City in the early years of the twentieth century. It was interesting to see the girls getting older, with Ella's romance becoming more serious, and Sarah struggling so to win her history prize. As a young girl, I found the romances between Ella and Jules, and Grace Healy and Bill, very compelling stuff, and I cannot read the chapter where the four young people ride around New York City on a double-decker bus, singing songs that eventually involve all the riders in an impromptu concert, without smiling in delight. Similarly, I cannot read the scene in which Ella and Jules are parted, or the one in which Bill is declared missing in action, without getting a shiver. Taylor has a light touch here, and one never feels overwhelmed with despair, but she definitely is as capable of evoking sadness and fear in her readers, as she is good humor and happiness. Highly, highly recommended, to all those readers that have read the earlier two stories about this family, with the further recommendation that, if you are not one of those readers... what are you waiting for?!?
Profile Image for Lisa Vegan.
2,856 reviews1,290 followers
April 19, 2013
I loved being back with this family.

Hilarious first chapter!

Henny grew on me a bit in this book because she’s the one who’s so good with youngest sibling and only brother Charlie. It’s always been Sarah & Ella and Charlotte & Gertie and now I feel as though Henny has a pairing too. Also, I admired Henny’s role in the play and her ability to work with others and help implement original ideas.

It was fun to watch the kids grow up. I’m still particularly fond of Sarah, and of Ella, but all the daughters had a bit of the spotlight in this book.

I’m still deciding whether or not to read the Downtown and Ella books. I’ve loved the original, More, and this Uptown so much, and I’ve been told the other two have a different writing style. They were written long after the three I’ve read. Some people have recommended I skip them; others have encouraged me to read them. If I do read the remaining two books, it’s likely that it won’t be in the near future.

In this book, I learned a bit about what the WWI era was like in NYC.

As with the other books in this series, this book would make for a perfect family (or classroom) and/or bedtime read aloud. Each chapter works wonderfully on its own, as a short story, while at the same time contributing to the novel as a whole.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
1,264 reviews117 followers
April 18, 2023
This was full of fun adventures! The focus is definitely shifting more to Ella in this especially with the U.S.’s entry into WWI and how that affects Jules and Ella’s friend Grace, etc. But the family is still at the heart of the story. I enjoyed the beginning as the girls have to work together while their mother has her appendix out. I loved the pancake story and the singing bus ride and Sarah’s studying for a history prize. Henny is a kick with her impulsive and headlong antics. She’s a bit like Anne Shirley. I love that she’s the sister most likely to care for Charlie. There is so much to love in this story. I saw that my Libby app has the audiobooks so I’ll definitely be listening to these in future!
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,933 reviews1,062 followers
November 9, 2022
I don't usually like series. Although I might love the characters, I find myself getting generally bored with the various plots, often mundane or regurgitated, that the author tries concocting to keep the books coming. Not so with this series! I love, love it!

The fourth book is just as wonderful, people!

Ages: 9 - 13

Children's Bad Words
Mild Obscenities & Substitutions - 1 Incident: stupid
Name Calling - 2 Incidents: stupid, rascal
Religious Profanities - 18 Incidents: Gee, goodness, Good gracious, Gosh, Thank heavens, Heaven knows, For heaven’s sake, Gee willikers, For goodness sake

Religious & Supernatural - 1 Incident: A father tells his son about the good and bad Sabbath angels.

Attitudes/Disobedience - 2 Incidents: A girl takes her sister’s dress without permission and learns a lesson. A girl is tempted to be dishonest and keep a nickel but she does the right thing.

Romance Related - 7 Incidents: There is boy and girl “romantic” interaction throughout the book. They hang out in groups, go dancing, etc. A main character is going steady with a boy, but it is told more matter-of-fact than mushy. A boy and girl go on a date. They stroll hand in hand, he squeezes her arm, they link arms. At the end of the date, he kisses her on the cheek (illustration too). A boy and girl hug. People go on a double date: “The couples snuggled czily on the benches just big enough for two.” “She shivered. Jule’s arm tightened around her shoulder.” Ella leaned her head on Jule’s shoulder and another boy and girl entwine fingers. A father teases that he’ll have to give up smoking to save for a dowry. "Breast pocket."

Conversation Topics - 2 Incidents: Mentions wine. Santa Claus is mentioned in one chapter briefly.

Parent Takeaway
A sweet story about a loving family and how the father and mother purposefully run their home. They are devout Jews so the mention and explanation of their celebrations and feasts is part of the story. The narration includes comments in the style of, "Henny knew she was being naughty and felt bad afterwards." There is always conclusions to wrong behaviors. There is dating and dancing in the book. The boy/girl mentions are not fantasized or lengthy.

**Like my reviews? Then you should follow me! Because I have hundreds more just like this one. With each review, I provide a Cleanliness Report, mentioning any objectionable content I come across so that parents and/or conscientious readers (like me) can determine beforehand whether they want to read a book or not. Content surprises are super annoying, especially when you’re 100+ pages in, so here’s my attempt to help you avoid that!

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Profile Image for Melody Schwarting.
1,865 reviews79 followers
March 11, 2022
Sometimes, when I re-read a book, I find new insights and understandings, almost as if I'm reading the same book for the first time. Sometimes, re-reading is like coming home, noticing all the familiar sights and sounds and smells, and smiling at the familiarity. Such was this re-read, a true balm for the soul.
Profile Image for Christina DeVane.
417 reviews46 followers
September 2, 2020
More classic stories! I laughed out loud when Charlie thought Santa Claus was the boogeyman. I had so much empathy for Sarah when she didn’t receive the award she worked so hard for -much personal experience there!😆 And I love Henny’s open and honest responses and sharing of her thoughts. I imagine myself as her when I was growing up. Some serious storylines as WWI has started.
Profile Image for PinkAmy loves books, cats and naps .
2,493 reviews239 followers
July 22, 2019
ALL-OF-A-KIND FAMILY UPTOWN finds the family settles into their new house. Mama has surgery and Ella and her sisters manage the house with some help from their family and friends. Ella’s relationship with Jules faces challenges when he enlists to fight in WWI.

I enjoyed ALL-OF-A-KIND FAMILY UPTOWN more than the other books as the sisters age and interact with more people outside of the family, including their first friends who aren’t Jewish. They see a Christmas tree for the first time and introduce their christian friends to Jewish traditions.

If I knew a young MG reader, I’d get her all of Sydney Taylor’s ALL-OF-A-KIND FAMILY books.
Profile Image for Rebekah Morris.
Author 112 books247 followers
November 13, 2018
Such a lovely visit with this family. Each character is unique, different, special. Ella has really grown up. Henny, well let's just say she still has some growing to do. And Sarah, Charlotte, Gertie, and of course, Charlie.
I enjoy the fact that they share different Jewish holidays in these books, not just the same ones over and over. They'll mention the others, but will dwell more on the new ones. This story takes place during WWI, so that's an added plus.

Enjoyable and recommended.
Profile Image for Melody.
2,663 reviews294 followers
March 4, 2011
Loved it! Loved it so much I started to wonder what happened to Taylor that her writing took such a nosedive in later years (when she went back to write All of a Kind Family Downtown?)

Such a wonderful story, with the romance and The War. I think Ella must be just a skosh younger than Betsy Ray of the Betsy-Tacy series. Henny remains, for me, the least likable of the sisters. Here she's up to her usual tricks. But Mama is magnificent, as always.

There's more of the Jewish religion explained- many customs and traditions are included here, much to the edification of young heathens like me. One assumes there are still young heathens to be edified.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Elinor  Loredan.
601 reviews27 followers
October 21, 2021
This one has more blending of light and dark. I laughed at a lot of moments and then mourned at others. I don't want to give away spoilers, but I'll just say that I feel things strongly along with the characters!
Profile Image for Melki.
6,683 reviews2,515 followers
July 7, 2020
Mama's hospitalization, and the First World War bring changes for the family, but every crisis is conquered with love, laughter, and understanding. A fine comfort read for troubled times.
Profile Image for Arielle Aaronson.
23 reviews8 followers
March 19, 2023
If the March sisters were Jewish and lived in Manhattan around the turn of the century...
Profile Image for Joan.
2,237 reviews
October 17, 2017
Looks as though I'm skipping around in this series. I went from the first one to the fourth one. It is nice but just doesn't hit all the perfect points that the first one did. I think the family doesn't feel quite as special now that it is more assimilated in American society. There were some great scenes though. The one where the kids in all innocence ate a meal at the wrong apartment is hilarious! So is the one of Ella and Jules eating at a restaurant for the first time ever. I was glad to see a few strictly Jewish scenes in the book. I suppose that is part of what I missed from the first book. On the other hand, it was a good explanation of what people went through on the Home Front in World War I and the anxiety of wondering about your boys in the army. Recommended more for American history in this case, than the Jewish experience in the United States.
Profile Image for Cynthia Egbert.
2,409 reviews32 followers
March 11, 2017
While the family is still adorable and made me laugh out loud more than once, this volume in the series is more real and sober. The serious illness for Mama and then WWI meant that the family experienced some serious angst. They weathered it all well, together and I am looking forward to the next installment which I plan to begin immediately.
Profile Image for Tena Edlin.
854 reviews
April 15, 2021
I just love these characters and how through their daily lives and adventures, readers learn about Jewish traditions. The characters aren't perfect, but the lessons they learn are universal and good. You can count on these books to have a happy ending in spite of whatever challenges are met. Sometimes I just need a "feel good" book, and these fit the bill.
Profile Image for Beth.
298 reviews5 followers
September 4, 2024
This is my favorite of the series. Ive remembered the chapter where Henny dyes her sister’s dress with tea to cover the stain ever since I read this as a kid, very fun to reread as an adult!
Profile Image for Eliza Noel.
Author 2 books94 followers
May 7, 2020
Now I really just want to time travel back to World War I and have a soldier to knit sweaters for and write letters to.
Profile Image for Dinah J.
68 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2024
I love the All of a Kind Family series!! I kinda read all the books in the wrong order... We don't have to talk about that! :-) I still read the first book first though! (:-D)
Love, and will reread again and again!! I'm ready for more!!!!
Profile Image for Rebecca.
411 reviews5 followers
December 6, 2020
I think this may be my favorite of all the books in this series. I always enjoy learning about the different Jewish traditions.
Profile Image for Sarah Sammis.
7,549 reviews244 followers
April 30, 2008
All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown by Sydney Taylor is a perfect illustration of why I recommend everyone try reading a book at random. There are some absolute gems out there that might be beyond your normal scope of view. In last month's trip to the library I chose three books by random: A Traveller in Time, All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown and The Light in the Forest. So far, they have all been delightful.

All-of-a-Kind Family Uptown is the third in a series of semi-autobiographical books by Sydney Taylor about a Jewish family living in the New York in the first half of the 20th century. Uptown takes place around and during WWI and it was the WWI connection that first caught my eye.

The war, while a setting for book is only one part of it. Ella, Charlotte, Henny, Sarah, Gertie, and baby brother, Charlie must help their father cope while their mother is in the hospital with appendicitis. As the children are learning how to run a house hold while dealing with all the other day to day things like school, holidays and boyfriends, many of the early chapters cover what it took to run a home back then especially on a tight budget.

Then at a third level, the passage of time is marked by the inclusion of Jewish holidays. These moments bring the family to life and make me wish I'd been able to read and review the book in time for the Jewish Literature Challenge! In fact, there's now an award for Jewish children's literature named in honor of Sydney Taylor. The award even has its own blog.
Profile Image for Aida.
120 reviews3 followers
September 26, 2015
I can't believe it! I read this series way back at the onset of the 60's, when I was in third grade! One of the first Hispanic families in the Bronx neighborhood where we lived, I attended parochial school with several Italian and Irish children from the hood. There was also a large Judaic community, with a large Synagog around the corner from where we lived. The children of these families attended the local public school, which was not far from where I attended. With only my street friends to expose me to cultural differences (whether positively or negatively), there was little I could find in school that I could relate to in terms of my own, as well as their culture. As a second language learner, it took me a while to grasp reading in English. However, once I did, I took every opportunity to go to the local library and/or took advantage of the 'bookmobile' when it came onto our street. When the librarian asked me what books I was interested in, she turned me onto this series. I was able to share these stories with my friends in and out of school. They helped me to better understand the Judaic faith and their life customs. Thankfully today, there is a greater variety of books available to inner city children that covers a wide range of cultures and religious faiths. What a great medium to teach the young about understanding differences among people and how to embrace those differences! (Back in 1960, by its standards, I'm sure the series would have earned 5*****. Not sure in today's standards how many stars it would earn.)
Profile Image for Michale.
862 reviews14 followers
November 5, 2014
SPOILER ALERT!!! I knew that I had read some of these books as a child, but never in the correct order, and I didn't recall finishing them all. Now that I've (re-)read this one, I understand. I don't think I ever finished it, becasue although I remember the tea stained dress, the rest is a blank. I think I stopped reading it at the point when Mama had to go to the hospital, which must have frightened me, although now it seems kind of tame. I must say that I wish the series was more well written, and now I see how selective Taylor was in choosing what about Judaism to include, and what to omit. So, in the series, she included a baby boy's Pidyon, but not a Bris, because that would probably have been too distressing/confusing for her intended audience. Finally, concluding that Bill must have "fascinating stories" to tell, "being in a [German] prison camp and everything" just strikes me as crass, even if it might have been how people really responded after the Great War when "our boys" came home.
Profile Image for Lesley.
562 reviews30 followers
December 11, 2008
World War I catches up to our favorite girls as Ella's beau Jules is sent overseas and the girls work to support the war effort. For the first time, the family has gentile neighbors, and Ella develops a friendship with the Irish-American Grace. Wartime sadness tinges this one with a bit more melancholy than the earlier books, yet it is full of the same lively humor, as each daughter gets her chance to shine.
Profile Image for Samantha.
674 reviews13 followers
August 12, 2016
sometimes I read this kind of saccharine stuff as a kid. I don't really remember it. in my head it's kind of lumped in with the betsy-tacy stuff I read. I think books like this are exactly why beverly cleary was such a breath of fresh air. I don't remember much of how I decided what to read as a kid; I don't seem to have been all that discriminating.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 156 reviews

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