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The Witch in Every Woman: Reawakening the Magical Nature of the Feminine to Heal, Protect, Create, and Empower

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Create the life you seek. . . discover a pathway to the powers within. All women possess the primal courage and strength of the Witch. In this breakthrough, life-altering new book, Laurie Cabot brings more than forty years of experience as a spiritual counselor and practicing Witch to cultivate and celebrate the secret, magical side of every woman's nature. Unfolding the wit and wisdom of ancient Celtic tales, as well as many stories of her own making, Laurie shows you how ancient truths can empower you during many of life's dark moments and lead you on a path of success and personal fulfillment. Through story, ritual activity, and spiritual communion, you will learn how to use your instinctual nature to achieve your goals and feel energized, strong, and capable in your daily life. Explore how to: Increase sexuality and bring into your life, and heart, the love you long for Uncover hidden strengths and overcome fear Protect yourself and loved ones from physical harm, deception, or betrayal Retrieve your inborn talent to heal ailments and diagnose disease Unleash creativity Enhance communication skills Sharpen your intuition about others and the world around you Enjoy healthy, productive dreams

239 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1997

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Laurie Cabot

20 books102 followers

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23 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews
Profile Image for Cori.
10 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2012
This was one of the most empowering books I've ever read. She is so passionate about her message, that she energizes you! She makes you feel like a goddess. She makes you feel powerful. I give no opinion on writing skill or formulation of content because I have no authority to judge that. However, the book not only held my interest, but I could not put it down. I read in when I was in my early twenties and am now in my mid thirties, but I'm sure If I picked it up again, I would enjoy it just as much. A must read for any female struggling with strength and is in need of inspiration, or any woman who needs to e reminded that without us, there'd be NOTHING!...lol...enjoy!
Profile Image for Persephone .
17 reviews
September 7, 2012
Great information, empowering, but also very hetero-centric. Also maybe a little outdated. An easy and enjoyable read though, and enough info in it that I will hold onto it for possible future reference.
Profile Image for Shannon.
83 reviews26 followers
December 27, 2015
I really wanted to like this book more than I did. I really like Laurie Cabot...but clearly just not her books. I've never skipped parts of a book before, until now; the witches legend exercises I found really tedious, and maybe it's me but I got nothing from them.

I also had tremendous issue with regard to her views of the "male witch". That said I agreed with her on notions of bringing the divine masculine and feminine into balance, but found her ideas of what men in alignment with true divine masculine contradictory...I feel like she could have spent more time with all of those ideas so that they didn't seem so confusing. I found her frustrations of women in the west just, but the way she sort of belittled men and their intuitive abilities...pretty much the same kind of shit women go through in various segments of society...It was pretty dubious argument.

She really emphasises Celtic mythology, and because of the complexity of Celtic myth, her retelling of it really (really) simplifies it. I have an inside joke with a friend of mine, which would only be funny to us, but it somewhat serves here too; everything in this book was "the Celtic", which while interesting, and easy to digest if you are new to Celtic mythology, but you can find better understanding of mythology, that is still easy to understand, elsewhere.

I think her building up of women and empowering them throughout the book was great, there were unfortunately many aspects of the book that I found contradictory and I skipped portions of the book because they annoyed me too much.

Profile Image for Annabell Champeaux.
16 reviews3 followers
July 18, 2024
I didn’t entirely agree with all that was discussed in this book, but I did enjoy some parts of it. The ritual with a sword in chapter 2 ♥️🫶 was nice. I also Enjoyed the stories, Spells, rituals, and exercises within the book. This is my first time reading a Laurie Cabot book and maybe I was expecting too much from it. Either way, It is worth a read. 😉👍
135 reviews
February 12, 2023
Eindelijk uitgelezen! Duurde even. In het midden een beetje m'n interesse en motivatie verloren, maar toen ik eindelijk verder ging met lezen, kon ik het niet neerleggen. In 2 dagen uit. Mss moest ik er eerst iets meer voor open gaan staan over tijd?
Veel interessante quotes, heel fijne kijk op feminisme en zelfcare, de rol van mannen/vrouwen/ouders/kinderen/ouderen in de samenleving. Interessant om te lezen over de oude Keltische verhalen. Een fijne inleiding in Wicca als religie, met de oude vertellingen, rituelen, en praktische dingen om zelf te doen. Maar al met al is het wel een beetje onsamenhangend nog. Ik voel alsof ik het begin van het begin gemist heb. Ieder hoofdstuk heeft een thema met interessante inzichten, maar overal het beginverhaal mis ik. +het is soms wel een beetje té nog als dit je eerste wicca boek is. Sterk geloof in verschillende mythische wezens, magie en zelf de wereld beïnvloeden. Wel verleidend genoeg om zelf meer hierover te gaan leren en lezen, met name ook de oude Keltische vertellingen. Groot nadeel is dat veel statements worden onderbouwd met 'een vriendin van me zei eens', 'een vrouw die ik ken heeft eens' etc. (maar dit kan ook enkel een bewijs zijn van mijn sterke indoctrinatie door de Westerse wetenschap ;))
Profile Image for Adelina.
44 reviews4 followers
June 19, 2020
I was very excited to read this book but felt it came up short on my expectations. I was hoping to reawaken the magical nature within or at a minimum to a new degree and I was curious on the mini stories of goddesses that could be applied to my life along with practical exercises along the way. This book is dedicated to sovereignty (from the very first page) but I didn't feel that when I was reading. I felt reminded of the magic I hold and that I am capable of being/doing.

I feel this book was amazing when it was first release in the late 1990's but the feminine archetype has changed so much since then- which, yes, is a good thing! But so much of the writing is about the suppressed feminine, our desire to work or have fair wages and responsibilities. All these things that have changed dramatically in the last 20 years. The writings on voicing your truth or standing up for yourself feels outdated after the "me too" movement. At it's time, I am sure this felt way more empowering than it does now.

That said, I had a hard time connecting the mini stories within the chapters to the themes for the chapters. A few stories I was able to stretch the imagination to understand what the author was trying to metaphorically emphasis but often the stories were so off, that even rereading the chapter and the mini stories a second time proved to be less than fruitful to see the connections. I did this book as a book club and even the group I as working with was struggling to make connections.

With a book like this it's nice to have the practical exercises at the end of each chapter to help bring the theme home with actual, physical "homework." I felt frustrated that I could not recreate many of the suggest magical workings because I don't have an oak tree nearby to get a slab of bark from. I know all work comes from using what you have but many of the ingredient are not easy to get and I found myself preforming very few suggested activities.

There are definitely moments when I felt a deeper, spiritual insight through the reading that gave me a lot to think about and to work on. Parts felt very empowering and a good reminder of all the magic that women hold just through healing, loving, and being apart of this world. Mostly this book is great for beginners or those just stepping into their sovereignty that don't want to rock the boat too hard or work too deeply with their shadow-self on their path while trying to find their feminine voice.
Profile Image for Kat.
939 reviews
February 9, 2011
During my teens I went through this phase in which I researched pagan religions with a passion. The Witch in Every Woman was right up my alley: No one ever taught this stuff in school!
I remember Cabot, keen on not scaring away those with an image of creepily chuckling women dressed in black rags burned into their retina, assured the reader that witches are nothing like that.

[image error]
Anyone else thinking about that Fleetwood Mac song?

A Wiccan bible this is not. Cabot merely focuses on empowering women by brewing a self help dish simmering in a Wiccan sauce. The Witch in Every Woman reads as a passionate plea, addressing women to take control of their own lives. As a rule, books have chapters, but Cabot doesn't necessarily follow hers: her writing style is not very structured. In fact, she has a tendency to ramble on: when she explains how patriarchal religion's (Christianity) are responsible for women's wretched position in society, you may find yourself reading about pheromones, summaries of Celtic myths and manuals to make your own dream pillow -stuffed with herbs - only minutes later.

Taking the great injustice that has been done to paganism - and women - into account, I cannot blame Cabot for ranting and for throwing in examples of women being ridiculed and brainwashed. She tells how powerful Celtic goddesses were transformed into obedient Disney princesses. How Barbie dolls have such monstrous proportions, that if they were to be real women their necks wouldn't be able to carry their heads and their wasp waists would push all internal organs either up or out.

Damn you, Barbie.

Depending on the path you are on and the phase you are going through you will either find Cabot's advice empowering and spiritually enhancing or rather obvious and far-fetched (for she does advice you to dance in front of the mirror naked, in order to help improve your self esteem. And she wants you to make sure to always be aware of feathers in front of you: they'll guide you through life's events) I suppose it's all good, as long as it helps you feel good.
Profile Image for Anne.
180 reviews5 followers
January 7, 2020
A bit outdated in the way to divide the world in male/female, but this book gives me insight into Celtic traditional saga and what it means to be a witch, so great introductions for me.
Profile Image for Cat Bennett.
26 reviews2 followers
February 1, 2015
Interesting read,filled with thought provoking wisdom regarding Women's extraordinary abilities to nurture and heal. Laurie Cabot brings forth how women who were once highly regarded in ancient culture, have been pushed back in our patriarchal society. The book includes ways to unleash our intuition, healing with herbs and aromatherapy. Rituals to protect yourself.
Also, incorporates how women were powerful in the site of the highest of high.
Profile Image for Ariana.
73 reviews
March 25, 2021
A little dated and very binary/Herero centric. I wanted it to go into more progressive women empowering interpretation and reinterpretation
Profile Image for Colubrina Laticauda.
149 reviews4 followers
May 23, 2017
Mi è piaciuto molto. Niente di nuovo sotto il sole in realtà, ma parliamo di un testo del 2007 quindi è "datato" per forza. NOn un libro di magia, ma un saggio sulla donna e il femminile, dal punto di vista della Strega Laurie Cabot, autrice della quale mi feci sfuggire millanni fa l'unico altro libro che pubblicarono in Italia e che trovai a un mercatino, ma ero giovane e squattrinata.
Bello che ponga fra i poteri del femminile, quello della guarigione.
L'autrice spiega il suo punto di vista attraverso storie e miti celti, a sua stessa ammissione, rivisitati per i suoi scopi esplicativi.
Ci sono anche degli "Incantesimi" e delle meditazioni, ma per la maggior parte poco fattibili a mio avviso, ma comunque interessanti.
La Cabot ha il pregio di essere amante della scienza ed una donna che studia e si informa quindi non ci troviamo davanti "solo" ad un testo romantico e fantasioso.
Io lo consiglio comunque (anche se per molti non sarà niente di nuovo) perchè comunque la lettura è molto piacevole. Spero traducano qualche altro suo testo :)
Profile Image for Swagatika Panda.
38 reviews16 followers
August 19, 2019
I have grown up in a goddess worshipping culture. Feminine is seen as strong and powerful rather than something weak, delicate. The more I became familiar with modern western world, the more I noticed the negative attitude towards femininity. And it bothers me. The fairy tales are about damsels in distress. Number of female leadership is less. Nothing much is heard of in their lores as well.

This book helped me move across times to find the stories, legends and fairy tales that celebrate feminine. The author also gives hints about historical events leading up to the cultural changes. I love the stories and anecdotes. It's a very empowering read.

Why 3 stars instead of 4 or 5? I found the books a little less engaging at parts. I couldn't connect with the exercises, so I don't think I am gonna follow them, and I tended to skip over them. I think rituals are personal,and what an object signifies to you, won't do so for another.
Profile Image for Rachel Shook.
130 reviews3 followers
March 23, 2022
Probably 3.5. Learning to reconnect with the divine feminine has brought my soul so much joy and healing, so Cabot is a great voice in opening that door of connection. I did find some of her teaching to be pretty binary focused and didn’t love the notes on how women and men have inherently different strengths, abilities, and tendencies. Overall, it was interesting to learn some of the Celtic roots and history of witchcraft and be encouraged to connect with the divine feminine that’s present in all of us.
Profile Image for Amanda Kingswell.
200 reviews4 followers
October 9, 2017
I am currently discovering my spiritual path and this book not only instilled in me the certainty of where I know I need to be but, it made me feel that I need to realize that I am a woman and I am powerful in my own way. Even if being going down the Pagan path is not necessarily something that you are looking for just, the pride and power you get from just reading how truly strong women our is amazing. It definitely gave me a different outlook about myself.
Profile Image for Tiffany DuBeau.
Author 1 book4 followers
August 27, 2019
The Witch in Every Woman is a great introductory book for any woman who, like me, is claiming their sovereignty. I particularly enjoyed the little spells and rituals throughout the book. It had a nice flow, from start to finish, with legends entangled in and lessons on how to honour your process. It was a reassuring and encouraging read. I’ve dog eared certain entries for later reference. A great book to add to my witchy repertoire!
53 reviews1 follower
October 16, 2020
This book was magical! And really helped me to reclaim my witch within. I liked how each chapter not only included a different “witch lesson” but also a story. It made me really connect with ancient folklore and different goddess archetypes. I enjoyed the whole book but the last chapters on creativity, healing, mothering, and aging were my favorite!
3 reviews
January 4, 2022
This is the first book I read about witchcraft and it opened my eyes to the fact that something was missing in my life. It is so empowering and well written. I think any woman who reads it will get something out of it even if you aren't into witchcraft. I will be handing down my copy to my granddaughters when they are old enough to read it.
Profile Image for AquaMoon.
1,591 reviews57 followers
February 12, 2024
Some of this was pretty dated. I mean, it was published in the late 90s, at the height of the Grrl Power Movement. And geared more for people just getting into Witchcraft or those still in the Broom Closet than people who have been into it for a while and proudly out, but still empowering and enjoyable. Every Witch can find something for themselves in this book.
Profile Image for Jess.
104 reviews2 followers
April 22, 2021
I just didn't rate this one as highly as her other book... I don't know, maybe less if the history and sociology type stuff that interests me? Could be empowering for some women though, especially women who have found themselves in relationships with men who don't deserve them.
16 reviews
April 8, 2022
Cabot deserves a lot of credit for publicly and volubly declaring her beliefs at a time (1970s) when they were considered even more "out there" than they are now. However, like many books about goddess spirituality, this book comes across far too often as a slightly absurd "cookbook" of spells.
Profile Image for Monnie.
17 reviews5 followers
February 19, 2019
I found this book very inspiring as I have recently left a emotionally abusive relationship and have been working on finding myself and my inner goddess.
Author 4 books5 followers
August 22, 2020
Gives one a lot to think about. Good historical account of witches and witchcraft - more about empowerment than magic.
January 5, 2021
Una lettura interessante e stimolante per iniziare un viaggio alla riscoperta del nostro spirito. Tra leggende e racconti è facile immedesimarsi nell'archetipo della Strega e della Dea.
Profile Image for Karen.
45 reviews2 followers
March 28, 2021
Seriously dated. Not worth reading unless you are trying to get a historical snapshot of witchy feminism at that particular moment in time.
Profile Image for Francesca.
21 reviews
February 4, 2024
Scritto molto bene, fornisce un valido metodo di studio anche attraverso alcuni miti che fanno da richiamo poi alla pratica
Profile Image for Christien.
235 reviews1 follower
April 7, 2021
Ergens rond 2005/2006 heb ik dit boek al eens gelezen. Omdat ik me er niet zoveel meer van herinner en het boek bleef trekken, het herlezen. Het was toendertijd een eye-opener, gezien de vele onderstrepingen (ja, ik schrijf en streep in boeken). Wel bijzonder om te merken dat ik veranderd ben. Ik haal nu totaal andere dingen uit het boek. De lessen van toen zijn het inzicht van nu.
Het boek bespreekt de vrouwelijke kracht. Vooral voor vrouwen. En hoe dat kapotgemaakt of tegengewerkt wordt door de huidige (mannelijke) maatschappelijke normen. Zijn er meer vrouwen die stuk lopen op het altijd maar presteren? Beter, mooier, knapper. Het is nooit goed. Het wordt een dagelijkse strijd. Duidelijk voorbeeld voor onevenwichtige mannelijke-energie invloeden in het samenleven.
Het boek neemt ons mee terug in de tijd dat vrouw en man evenwaardig zijn. En naar de periode dat vrouwen slechte, boosaardige wezens worden. Bedacht door (helaas) de man. Een beeld overigens dat hedentendage nog steeds rondwaart. Denk maar aan de (negatieve) associaties bij hoer, heks of maagd. Helaas zijn zelfs de vrouwen er in gaan geloven.
Profile Image for Margaret.
58 reviews4 followers
August 6, 2016
Very interesting book! It truly celebrates the goddess within us in an enlightening way. Shortly after I began reading this book I came across a lone crow feather in my yard which I've kept as my bookmark. Now that I've finished reading it, I am more aware and amazed at all the signs of the Goddess in my daily life. I thought perhaps I would like to look into becoming a witch. No, I don't have to. I already am.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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