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With Malcolm on forced bed rest and off duty, Detective Seong-Jae Yoon faces his first solo case since joining the BPD--and it's one that will challenge his morals, his sense of duty, and his insistence on adhering to the letter of the law, especially when his actions in the Bishop case leave him questioning his own integrity. When the supposedly accidental death of a husband and father points to foul play in the victim's family, how close will Seong-Jae look to determine if the ends justify the means...and will he be able to live with the choices he makes?

Especially when his mind is as far from the case as possible, and lingering on Malcolm Khalaji, Malcolm's ex-wife, and Seong-Jae's own conflicted feelings?

Audible Audio

First published October 10, 2018

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About the author

Cole McCade

72 books1,438 followers
Slender. Angry. (Part) Asian.

Yeah, that about sums me up.

Hi. I’m Cole. Xen. Whatever you want to call me; both are true, and both are lies. My pen names are multitudes, my nicknames legion. Tall, bi/queer, introverted author of a brown-ish persuasion made up of various flavors of Black, Asian, and Native American. I’m cuter than Hello Kitty, more bitter than the blackest coffee, and able to trip over cats in a single half-asleep lurch; I’m what happens when a Broody Antihero and a Manic Pixie Dream Boy fight to the death, and someone builds a person from the scraps left behind. Beardless, I look like the uke in every yaoi manga in existence; bearded or not, I sound like Barry White. About half my time is spent as a corporate writer, and the other half riding a train of WTFery that sometimes results in a finished book. Romance, erotica, sci-fi, horror, paranormal; LGBTQIA and cishet; diverse settings and diverse characters from a diverse author.

Sometimes I shout about things on the internet. Usually intersectional feminism and marginalized voices, and whomever’s punching down in those directions today. Sometimes human sociology, the psychology of sex and gender, and my own gender non-conforming arse (he/him, by the way). Sometimes I get really mad at Stephen Hawking and nerd out all over the place about hairy black holes, and believe it or not, that’s not a terrible pun or even worse innuendo.

That’s it. I’m a huge dork. My humor’s so dry it could empty oceans. I’m a native Southerner from the New Orleans area with zero Southern accent; I’m a mess of multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-lingual influences; I have two cats. I wake up at daft hours of the morning to go running. I crochet terrible, lumpy things that never really turn into anything. I’m older than you think I look. I’m much more shy than my fury makes me sound (signifying gods only know what, but probably nothing). Recently I decided, at 36, that I needed to restart my life and move cross-country, so I tossed 75% of my possessions in the trash and randomly trucked it to Seattle. I’m in love with books and music and technology, and they war with each other for dominance and sometimes come together in a beautiful confluence. Most of the physical books I own are strange, obscure, out of print, overseas imports, or any combination of the four. Most of the physical books I used to own were destroyed in Hurricane Katrina, and have been replaced with the infinite library on my Nook. My wallet has a dangerous attraction to anything with pages; it flirts and teases and gives its all, until there’s nothing left but emptiness and ruin.

There will always be things you don’t know, and I won’t tell.

But ask me late at night over live music in a seedy bar, and you might just get an honest answer.

...or you can poke me via:

* Email: [email protected]
* Twitter: @thisblackmagic
* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xen.cole
* Website & Blog: http://www.blackmagicblues.com
* Tumblr: http://thisblackmagic.tumblr.com/

And there's my Xen Sanders SFF / Horror profile:


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 375 reviews
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
December 6, 2021
Reread - December 2021

The sexual tension. GAAAAAAHH!! Is doing things to my body.

“My feelings are my responsibility to deal with. So I will deal with them, until they go away."

Oh! Seong-Jae, I don’t think that is how it works.

This one had all the feels.


Season 1 episode 4

MC 1 Malcolm Khalaji – That name is so beautiful. Mal is a Veteran and a former Criminal Psych Professor, currently working as a Detective with the Baltimore Police Department. He is charming, not by the book, sometimes gets too emotionally attached to the cases he is working on. Love him to the Moon and back. And he bakes! He freaking bakes!


MC 2 Seong-Jung Yoon – Transferred from LAPD and a former BAU member, currently working as a Detective with the Baltimore Police Department. SJ is an overachiever, by the book kind of guy, comes off as cold, antisocial and detached. Oh! and he outranks Mal. Yaap overachiever. Love him to the sun and back.


Mal and Seong-Jae are paired in book 1 to work together and when they prove they can, they become permanent work partners. Their work chemistry is off the charts. Mal and Seong-Jae work ethics are so different, but when combined works so perfectly.

These two also got some mad chemistry outside work. Gaaah! The UST is killing me slowly and I am really loving it.

The writing is so good, love the prose. I am glad it is not overdone. The pages flow so well and you can't help but keep reading. It is so entertaining.

In this one, Mal is on sick leave and Seong- Jae is working alone on solving a no-so domestic murder. I loved the case, from the beginning the reader already knows the killer. The prologue has all the triggers in the world, good thing the author warns us. As for me I didn’t mind it, the more gruesome it is, the more I will love it. It is one blurry line between right and wrong, was it justified or not? I vote for justified.

We also get to know Seong-Jae more and damn the man got lots of feelings, if only he had the ability to talk about them but nope that is not him.

The supporting characters are also so well written, and we get to know them too. I am happy the female characters in this series are so badass, classy and good. So far we don’t have the bitchy/evil mm female characters. Please let it remain the same. I know to some readers Gabrielle might come off that way, but to me she is just Mal's ex-wife and they have a history together.


And damn! Mal is one horny bastard.

Love me
Love me
Love me
Profile Image for Han.
327 reviews471 followers
March 18, 2023
3.75 I-Love-Them-So-Much-But-Can-They-Please-Pull-Their-Heads-Out-Of-Their-A**es Stars


Painnnnnn! I still thoroughly enjoyed this book, but after all the steps we took with Malcolm and Seong-Jae in books 1 through 3, we now took 10 steps back!

What I liked:
>Sexy Dream Scenes
>The first really interesting case since the start of this series.
>Cara (aka Stenson) has more appearances!
>More moments of SJ on his bike!
>Wholesome I made you food scenes from both idiot parties involved!

What I didn’t love (but not necessarily disliked):
>The case. Yes I know I put it in the reasons why I liked it, but it also involved no mystery because we knew exactly who the victim and murderer was.
>The Ex-Wife scenes (I said what I said. I know opinions moving forward in the series are subject to change.)
>More clues to the case that has been built up since the beginning, but zero understanding of what is going on or is to come. I need more perspective from the person who is leaving these “clues” for SJ to find so I feel more pulled in.
>Less scenes between Mal and SJ. This is the reason I am here! I need more!!!!!

Overall another fun (but angst-y) read in this series! I’m excited for the journey to continue because we needed more conflict between them prior to the big revelations to come (which I cannot wait for)!

Would I recommend this and to who:
Crime junkies and slow burn romance lovers
How did I discover this:
Lila and I have an addiction to them now because of her!
Cover thoughts:
POV: (single or multi)
Multi - Malcolm and Seong-Jae primarily

”I’m glad you called.” … “You are?” “I am.”

”the only people who get it are the ones who keep the night watch with us. The ones out there fighting the same fight we are.”

(I swear I was thrown into the book to say this part) “Because if the two of you don’t stop acting like assholes, I’m going to knock your heads together. Every fucking crime scene, I gotta watch you dance around each other. It’s giving me a headache. Maybe if you’d just f*ck, you’d calm down and do your damned jobs.”

“I think I understand you far better now, Malcolm.”

Death, Murder, Graphic Horrific Details, Swearing, Sexual Content, Injury, Gore, Toxic Relationships, etc.
Profile Image for Lau ♡.
449 reviews468 followers
May 8, 2021
Changing Faces (S1E4) it’s a bit different from other episodes. It’s a case of domestic violence and you know who is the killer from the beginning, for it’s meant to make you think and Seong-Jae decide what it’s the good/correct thing to do.

It was horrible and disgusting, yet brilliant, the way Cole McCade wrote the POV of the abuser in the preview. Since it’s a delicate theme and hurtful for some readers, there is a long list of trigger warnings at the beginning and you can skip the abuser’s POV. The author spoils you who dies in the trigger warnings so you don’t have to read his twisted way of thinking.

Apart from the case, Episode 4 is different because we get to know two awesome side characters, instead of being mainly about Malcolm and Seong-Jae. One of them it’s a spoiler, but the other is the forensic doctor, Cara, who was able to make social introvert Seong-Jae finally open himself and make a friend. Sassy and blunt, Cara gives the story a fun, lighter vibe to contrast how hard the case was. She also reads my mind:

“If you two don’t stop acting like assholes, I’m going to knock your heads together. Every fucking crime scene, I gotta watch you dance around each other. It’s giving me headache"

But I'm not going to lie... I'm loving it!! I can’t believe it’s already the fourth episode! I’m flying through this series, it’s the most addicting thing I’ve ever read!! At this point of my life I’m so hooked that I just fangirl over all the tiny things. The slow burn is so intense and awesome that I have mixed feelings between the need of seeing them together and how much I’m enjoying the wait! I acknowledge I’m a bit masochist, even though I like to tell myself I’m just a slow-burn lover :)

He rested his head between the handlebars, breathing fast and shallow and never enough, never enough air, and fuck him if he was not hyperventilating all because Malcolm Khalaji had said his name like it was a beautiful and painful thing. Like it was the string tying the pieces of Malcolm’s heart together, holding them all in one place.

Cole McCade is able to make you keep reading, more and more excited because you know it’s going to happen, but you don’t know when. It’s the best of the feelings, the suspense, knowing it can happen in any page, any episode, and want to keep reading and reading. The secret is that he’s always giving things, small gestures that show how they start to open and trust the other, and the undeniable chemistry they have together. At this point, I’m even a bit scared of finally seeing them together because the slow burn is *chef's kiss*.

Why, when he thought of himself in ten years, his home full of life and love and laughter and warmth and togetherness… Did he picture the eyes as black as night, glittering with silent amusement?

Profile Image for JAN.
1,197 reviews917 followers
August 21, 2020
**** 4.5 Stars ****

This is getting so good!

In this episode, Malcolm got hurt, leaving SJ to solve a murder case on his own. It gave us a chance to get to know SJ better and understand where he is coming from professionally with a glimpse of his past.

I loved the way the author approached Seong-Jae's struggle with his actions regarding the murder case, fighting with his conscience, integrity and ethic.

Secondary characters are growing on me too, really well represented, not just being there figurative for the sake of it—Cara, Captain Zarate Y Salazar, Sade and Gabrielle.

I can't wait to start the next!
I am completely hooked.
Profile Image for Drusilla.
672 reviews222 followers
June 6, 2024
Seong-Jae is now my favorite.

Human interaction was a frustration on even a normal day, but today everyone and anyone seemed to scrape his nerves raw with sandpaper, until just talking to someone was enough to make his teeth grind. 🖤🥀🖤

This book was over so insanely fast. And those little teases of possible bad things to come are really mean.
But every single moment between Mal and Seong-Jae is too delicious.

He hadn’t expected the strength of that grasp—or how it affected him. He was accustomed to being stronger than almost everyone around him; accustomed to having to adjust himself constantly for a world that he could easily damage, people he could easily hurt.
He was accustomed to being the strong one, the one that everyone reached for when they needed brute force or protection or just the intimidation of his bulk.
He wasn’t accustomed to the light, twisting, breathlessly vulnerable feeling of being held so easily by someone just as strong as he was.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,326 reviews17 followers
September 5, 2022
I wanted to bssh these men's heads so bad. But I sill Stan them.
He had never heard his name said that way. With such heartbreak, with such depth of feeling that surely he would drown in it....

“No,” he said, and the worl felt like glass shards piercing him. He pulled his hand free, stepping back, struggling to draw breath. “Malcolm, no."

Yes I finished another book in a couple of hours.

Yes I am obsessed

Yes, I will move on to book 5 at once.

Yes, I still STAN Mal and SJ.
SJ is just.....GAH! My poor baby need a hug!

Yes, I HATE that Mal's ex is back and living with him "platonically" because they are "just friends " but F@ucking hell Cole! DUDE!

Yes, the pining and the UST are off the charts. These guys....my heart just melts whenever they let their guard down towards each other.

Also, Mal baking for SJ....*cue violin*

Also also.... MAL YOU F@UCKING HORNY BASTARD. HOW COULD YOU! But.... I like you. Maybe.

ALSO³... SJ my dear.... you've got ALOT of baggage. But I like you too.

PS... #ladyblueballs are still in full effect. COLE YOU MEANIE!
Profile Image for Nicola.
1,390 reviews277 followers
October 23, 2018
Remember how the titles for each episode of Friends started with The One...? Well this episode of Criminal Intentions is without doubt The One Which Brings All the Feels and whilst the the suspense aspect is ever present, a little more focus is placed on Malcolm and Seong-Jae as individuals and their backstories. And I loved that.

description Whatever else happens, we’re together. We’re partners.”

With the introduction of new characters—new characters who I have no doubt will split opinion but in my case I‘m favouring their addition—a new dynamic is created bringing additional depth and value as well as moments of comedy and storyline direction I couldn’t have predicted.

description It’ll hurt later…but it doesn’t have to hurt right now.”

Once again I’m left dangling on the precipice of anticipation over what’s next in store as McCade has aligned everything perfectly for the next in the series. I have no doubt the wait for episode five will be worth it.

Profile Image for Rina Pride.
330 reviews87 followers
March 24, 2024
O Seong-Jae já era 100%interresante, depois desse livro subiu para 1000%interresante! Foi difícil ouvir o prólogo desse livro, pior coisa é macho tóxico como era a "vítima" desse episódio 4, menos um bosta no mundo. Seong-Jae e sua atitude só mostrou pq ele é meu fav dessa série de livros, ele decidiu o certo, nem sempre a justiça presta ( vejo isso direto no jornal). Só quem já aguentou macho tóxico em casa sabe como dá vontade de matar tipos assim, meu pai batia na minha mãe e teve um tempo que eu só desejava a sua morte. Então entendo o que essas duas VÍTIMAS passaram na mão desse merda, o meu a doença levou, já esse bosta aí teve que ir de arrasta pra baixo com métodos cortante 🤣🙏🏼 Já foi tarde.

Agora falando sobre o mistério de Seong-Jae, me dá até agonia em imaginar o que essa criatura misteriosa quer com ele, criaturas assim são como baratas (sempre voltam depois de pancadas).

Sobre o Malcolm e sua ex mulher, ainda não entendi o lance deles direito, eu meio que desconfio o que pode ter ocorrido no passado, mas Malcolm precisa colocar limites nessa ex relação, se deixar levar e dormir com a mulher de novo foi mancada pra caramba. O cara é gay é bi? Na dúvida 🤣
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
July 21, 2021
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*At Least I Felt Something?*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... It was better than the previous books. Here we got a TINY bit more personal and finally managed to bring out a feeling from me, even if it was just a sentence: “It doesn’t matter, Gabi.” He bent to take the bags from her and turned away, taking them to the kitchen. “He said no.” <- FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THIS SERIES I ACTUALLY FELT SOMETHING. So that is at least something. I don't know why, but the more I read this story, Seong-Jae's story, I keep thinking of The Mentalist with how Simon Baker is hunting for "Red John". Still a bit boring though. Overall, I was glad that this time around the detective part was more equally split with other things; it made the book more bearable. That said, I do hope book five will turn things around as I hear that is where people really get invested. Let's see if it's the same for me. I desperately need for things to get more personalized... I need to know the characters more. Though maybe this book was easier to read as it wasn't that long? Who knows.

The Characters:
The list is a bit long so I've put it in a spoilers tag.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary (Slow-Burn) Romance (M/M).
Series: - Series, Book Four.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Malcolm ‘Mal’ Khalaji.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yes, I think so.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Unsure.
Will I read this again in the future? - Probably not...?
Rating - 3/2.5 stars.
Profile Image for MarianR.
229 reviews68 followers
May 10, 2021
This time, Yoon has to solve a case on his own, questioning the "rules" he was taught to follow and what he feels he should do.

The writing style is still amazing. This time, the narration was more raw and I was completely captivated.
I loved that Yoon started making new friends, plus we learn more from him an his past❤️.

So uhmm Gabrielle is not a bad person... But Am I a bad person if I say that I don't like her being in his house? Because uh, what happened... Khalaji, I swear, I'm mad at you, your crazy masochist😤.
And I am sure that I will suffer more in the next one🤣.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
March 29, 2020
All the books are roller coasters but this one sort of leapt to another level ... I swear by the end of the book, I was holding my breath, waiting to see what was going to happen ... I mean at the end of the previous books we are left in limbo, so to speak ... like a TV series, we have to wait for the next episode to catch up!! I am glad I have the next one to jump into ... although at nearly two in the morning here, I better not start it tonight!!

The only believable lies are told by those who convince themselves that they, too, believe in them.

Another murder but Malcolm is not involved so Seong-Jae is on his own with this one. We get insights into the past of both men ... what or who has shaped who they are today?

Tonight was a night for too many memories ...

He had never heard his name said that way. With such heartbreak, with such depth of feeling that surely he would drown in it, a powerful current submerging him in the undertow and stealing the air from his lungs ...

I seem to have highlighted half the bloody book ...

Ice shot through Seong-Jae's veins ...

I won't say any more ... Cannot wait to see what happens next.

Profile Image for Gerbera_Reads.
1,512 reviews145 followers
October 11, 2018
** 4.75 stars **

This book gets a little up close and personal into lives of the MCs and those around them. Here we get a close look at inner thoughts of the captain Anjulie and a little glimpse of her life. It's safe to conclude that she is a troubled soul weighted down by everyday life and the service she provides to the city of Baltimore. Here we see her not only as a police captain but as a woman with feelings that has a life outside of the department walls.

Seong-Jae and Malcolm are nowhere near to getting together. These two are stubborn as a mule and a mountain goat. I don't know who is worse! They both hide secrets, they prevaricate and look for things that sometimes are not there only to find an excuse to not try and see what they can be together. Malcolm is injured and is on bed rest. His ex-wife Gabi shows up to take care of him and this fact is like flashing a red neon sign for Seong-Jae that he should keep his guard and walls around him up.

Seong-Jae takes a walk down the memory lane, he has to confront his past and when that happens we get a little glimpse of what exactly is tormenting him - but just a glimpse. It's bugging me already. I NEED TO KNOW!!! But I get the feeling that it will be a long and bumpy road to the Truthville.

Two things that I really objected to this time were the prologue which was extremely disturbing despite the author's warning - he has complete disclosure in the beginning as to what to expect in the book but still... I was blown away. He has a way with words that can leave me speechless. So the prologue is one huge trigger, beware. Another was Malcolm and his ex-wife moment (I will not tell, read yourself). I don't understand her significance in the order of things, why she was brought in and the only words that come after I read that moment are WTF? and Why? I already think that Malcolm spreads himself around a lot but why even more? That part is confusing.

The case this time is not about mystery but about Seong-Jae's integrity as a police detective and upholder of the law. He needs Malcolm's help to see inside himself and figure out whether he will do what he must or what is right. He struggles but in the end we see that there is more to him than cold and abrasive man, that he has a heart that bleeds profusely too. I loved Malcolm and Seong-Jae's interactions, I loved Seong-Jae without Malcolm's presence and how he dealt with people on his own - well it felt like a porcupine in the balloon shop but he managed. I loved this book and this whole series is really good. I am enjoying it immensely and I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for julia.
974 reviews149 followers
July 3, 2023
𝟬𝟰/𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬 - 𝟰.𝟱 ★
𝟬𝟵/𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭 - 𝟰.𝟲 ★

❝You will stay in that bed,❞ Seong-Jae said, ❝until you are dismissed by doctor’s orders.❞
Malcolm’s eyes glittered. ❝Is that an order, Sir?❞
❝You enjoy provoking me with rank far too often, but yes.❞

𝗥𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗼𝘃’𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝗹𝘂𝗱𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗖 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗽 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿

As I said in my original review, CHANGING FACES is most definitely Seong-Jae Yoon's book. We follow him as he encounters a case that tests his moral foundation. And it is here in CHANGING FACES that we learn just how… fragile Yoon can be sometimes. Also, we get to see Seong-Jae making friends, so that was a blast.

Meanwhile, Malcolm Khalaji is out of commission as he's recovering from the events that took place at the end of, book three. However, the unexpected arrival of Mal's ex-wife Gabbi causes Mal to deal with his past head on.

❝…Los Angeles no longer feels like home.❞
❝No?❞ A smile pulled at Malcolm’s lips, and he couldn’t stop it. ❝You’ll still be back Monday, won’t you?❞
❝I’ll be here.❞
❝I…❞ Seong-Jae trailed off, then muttered a quick ❝Good❞ that only made Malcolm’s grin broaden, before Seong-Jae moved on quickly.

— Once again Seong-Jae remains my favorite character in this series. There's something so complex and interesting about Seong-Jae Yoon. He's so multidimensional that he feels almost like a real person. CHANGING FACES really tested Yoon, in more ways than one.

— I loved how CHANGING FACES really forced him to think about his feelings for Mal. Seong-Jae has been denying that spark of something for almost three books, but in book four it seems he no longer can. However, even when he still continues to pull away from Malcolm, I get it. He's been burned before, and badly. He trusts Malcolm, probably more than anyone else, but he's still cautious.

— I also really enjoyed watching Seong-Jae grapple with the ethical dilemma of this weeks case. Seong-Jae was forced between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, he can uphold the law to the letter. After all, order and guidelines appear to be Seong-Jae's happy place. On the other hand, he can do what he believes is morally right. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

❝The masks people wear when they’ve been so hurt they have to lock everything away aren’t the same as the masks psychopaths wear to function within the cage of social norms, even if they look similar on the surface. I don’t believe you’re a psychopath, Yoon. You’re just struggling to survive.❞

— Malcolm, Malcolm, Malcolm. I love Malcolm, but sometimes I don't particularly like him. The shit he pulled at the end of this episode had me side-eyeing our mans here, hard. That said, I was really enjoying Malcolm for a majority of this episode (again, until the end). Because, come on, sick Mal is the most adorable Mal.

❝Everyone’s fucking nannying me.❞
Seong-Jae glowered at him. ❝You jumped in front of a moving vehicle.❞
❝I didn’t jump. And it wasn’t moving at the time.❞

— Now THESE are the kinds of cases I enjoy. I think COLE MCCADE excels when he's writing cases of a more intimate nature. This one may not have been much of a mystery per se, but I enjoyed the moral dilemma it played with. Watching Seong-Jae, Cara, and Mal all react to this case was wonderful. It not only gave insight into each characters psyche, but it also posed an interesting question to me, the reader. It's honestly funny because I said I was here for the romance, and I am, but I was also more than here for this case.

❝This is going to keep being a thing, isn’t it?❞
❝It helps me to visualize a scenario, and a living person is more useful than an anatomical dummy.❞ Seong-Jae swept him with a once-over. ❝Barely.❞
❝You do say the most flattering things.❞

— Mal and Seong-Jae recreating the murder.
— Cara and Seong-Jae bantering up a storm.
— Cara saying what we've all been thinking.
— Mal making cupcakes at three in the morning.
— Seong-Jae missing Mal
— Seong-Jae falling asleep next/on to Malcolm's hospital bed.
— That dream, though.
— The phone call.
— Malcolm's parents.
— Gabrielle
— Mal and Seong-Jae's romantic banter.
— Seong-Jae making Malcolm soup… from scratch.
— Seong-Jae attempting to talk to people.

… ❝Because if the two of you don’t stop acting like assholes, I’m going to knock your heads together. Every fucking crime scene, I gotta watch you dance around each other. It’s giving me a headache. Maybe if you’d just fuck, you’d calm down and do your damned jobs.❞


𝟭. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘀 - 𝟰.𝟱 ✩
𝟮. 𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗽 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲𝘀 - 𝟯.𝟱 ✩
𝟯. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗚𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗘𝘆𝗲 - 𝟰 ✩
𝟰. 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀 - 𝟰.𝟲 ✩
𝟱. 𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗳𝘁 - 𝟱 ✩
𝟲. 𝗪𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲’𝘀 𝗦𝗺𝗼𝗸𝗲 - 𝟰 ✩
𝟳. 𝗖𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 - 𝟰.𝟮𝟱 ✩
𝟴. 𝗖𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗗𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗲 - 𝟰.𝟳𝟱/𝟱 ✩
𝟵. 𝗔 𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗹𝗲'𝘀 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲 - 𝟰.𝟮𝟱 ✩
𝟭𝟬. 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸𝗱𝗿𝗮𝗳𝘁 - 𝟰.𝟱 ✩
𝟭𝟭. 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗼 - 𝟯.𝟱 ✩
𝟭𝟮. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲: 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗜 - 𝟯.𝟮𝟱 ✩
𝟭𝟯. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲: 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗜𝗜 - 𝟰 ✩


𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠 - 𝟶𝟺/𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶

4.5 stars!
Criminal Intentions: Season 1 Episode 4

Changing Faces picks up right where the wonderful book 3 left off and wow I literally raced through this one! Changing Faces was definitely Seong-Jae's book as we learn a lot more about him as a character and his past.

“Malcolm.” Seong-Jae met his gaze firmly. “I said I will not let you fall.”

I also really like how McCade not only has each episode focusing on an individual case but there has been an underlying thread throughout each book. And in episode 4 we found out just how connected everything is to Seong-Jae's past.....I just wonder if he's gonna talk to Mal about everything!

***OH MY GOSH I JUST GOT THE FIRST BOOKS TITLE! or maybe i'm just reading into it ;)
Profile Image for Ele.
1,311 reviews40 followers
August 17, 2021
*4.25 stars*

I love the UST. I don't know how I feel about Gabi. In general, I don't know what the f@ck is going on but I like it.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,860 reviews88 followers
November 9, 2018
4.5 stars rounded down because still no 1/2 stars here on GR and I'm saving that 1/2 star for when Soeng-Jae and Mal finally get together!!!

Sometimes it's not about who did it, it's about why...

Ok, I'm going to try and share something new and fresh here but I have to be honest this is book #4 Criminal Intentions Changing Faces, for this series and 'other than "ohmyfreakin'godthisis hella,hellaGOOD" I'm starting to feel like a stuck record but I'll give it a go anyways ok.

'Criminal Investigations' is a series with a slightly different form to it. The author's plan is to write this with a format that more strongly resembles a television show than a book series. As most of us know book series can vary in terms of when and how often they're released. I've read series where the books have been released almost all at once as was the case with Brent Weeks 'Night Angel' trilogy these books were originally released within weeks of each other (and no that wasn't an intentional play on words) other series may have months between each book or sometimes even years (let's think G.R.R. Martin here and still others have totally erratic release dates). Whereas with a television show we know that basically we're getting 13 episodes per viewing season (it use to be 22 but these days 13 seems to be the average). So the plan for this series as I understand is a possible 5 seasons with 13 episodes per season. So if you're planning on seeing this through to the end, as I and some other souls are want to do it's going to be like making a commitment to G.R.R. Martin himself the endgame is not for those in need of immediate gratification.

In order not to spoil this for anyone with a potential interest in following this series let me just say that...I'm not going to write spoilerish things in my reviews anything that I use that directly pertains to the events in an episode will also be found in the blurb.

Ok, so what am I going to talk about well the obvious of course why I'm reading this series. I love a good crime drama story, especially if it has a personal connection to it. With each episode of CI (yep, we're going to save me some typing and refer to this as CI for Criminal Intentions) anyways, with each episode there's a different crime being resolved and by different I don't mean same crime different faces I mean different crime with different faces and here in CI #4 what we were given was a case of domestic violence and while the who and why of who done it was apparent fairly early in the story. I was ok with that because while this was a part of the story it wasn't the focus this time around the focus was more about the impact that the case has on Seong-Jae one of the MCs in this series as he works to resolve the circumstances surrounding the victims murder... because we don't always live in a world of clear absolutes and sometimes upholding the law doesn't always mean adhering to the letter of the law and as an officer of the law Seong-Jae not only has to resolve this murder but he finds he needs to come to terms with that resolution...it's good stuff folks seriously thought provoking stuff because if you've read this and heard any news stories over the past few years I'm sure you'll agree with me that much of this story could have easily come from the pages of any newspaper.

And this leads to the next thing that I really like about this series and that's the strong undertone of realism that runs through these stories. This is not a light and fluffy series with sunshine, rainbows and lollipops. These stories deal with the dark side of human nature sometimes the lines between right and wrong become pretty fuzzy...just like in the real world.

So now onto my favorite thing about this series or I guess I should say things...Seong-Jae and Malcolm...these two men...sweet baby jebus!!! Let me just say this will test the patience of even the staunchest slow burn fan but it's going to be worth it...of this I feel certain.

These two men...I don't even know how to explain the dynamics between them other than to use a very cliche phrase and say 'It's complicated'. Seriously we're 4 books in and we'v basically gotten a couple of kisses that's it but..DAMN!!! I've read full on sex scenes that didn't radiate the heat that these two just begin in the same room...or even on a telephone together.

With every story we're given a crime drama that's resolved from start to finish but with each story we're also given a little more about Seong-Jae and Malcolm's past as they continue to dance around each other and there's an overlying storyline that's building and it's the one that keeps me coming back because in spite of the crime that's resolved the author leaves us with just enough answers to pique our interest while also adding just enough questions to tease the readers curiosity.

While this was probably the weakest of the stories in terms of the crime that was committed and resolved for me it was in fact one of the better stories from the perspective of personal relationships. It also seems to be a pivotal point as things seem to be changing both for and between Soeng-Jae and Malcolm.

I'm not sure what comes next for this series but I do know I'm on board to find out...episode 5 everyone 'It's Witchcraft' and it's happening tomorrow (November 10) and I'm so there! This series...very highly recommended! and definitely best read in order.


A copy of 'Criminal Intentions: Changing Faces' was graciously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,366 reviews554 followers
October 16, 2018
4.5 stars!

GAh!!! Malcolm and Seong-Jae are so frustrating! I just want them to get together already!! I mean, the author sure is succeeding in making this feel like a show because TV shows love to take forever to get the main couple together. ARGH.

This book still kept up with the past books, but I rounded down instead of up with my 4.5 rating because while it was still good and we still had delicious and awesome moments between our two MC's, Malcom was home resting from being hurt and Seong-Jae was on a case alone and it just didn't feel right, it felt disjointed. Just like if it was a TV episode, this doesn't work as well when these two aren't together.

Still really good and interesting, and definitely had a good plot to get through and advance others in small ways, but still missing a bit of that magic that Malcom and Seong-Jae have together.

We got, really, two scenes with them together - and alone - in the whole book, so that was a big bummer. Even though they thought about each other a lot on their own, I still wanted them together than apart.


Other than that though, the murder case was still interesting, the characters are all super interesting, they keep the story engaging and a page turner even when Seong-Jae and Malcom are not together, and their obvious pining for each other was so awesome read, and so delicious. Like yesss, you boys WANT each other so bad!

Also, Seong-Jae's past - and Malcom's to be honest - just make me curiouser and curiouser. Like whattt is going on?!

Can't wait for the next episode, because I need more, and I need Malcom and Seong-Jae to just get together already! Or at least give in to their burning chemistry, mmkay.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,509 reviews70 followers
February 21, 2019
*4,5 stars*

My heart is bleeding.

Ah Seong-Jae.
This is the episode where we get to know him a little better and are given some hints about his past. The inner struggle he is facing, the horror and desperation inside him. It was heartbreaking to see that he seems to believe he does not deserve someone's affection and warmth, and that consequently he never allows himself to act upon his emotions, however strong they are.

He… he was not someone for Malcolm Khalaji. He was not someone who could entice with wit, feint with flirtation, look at a man he desired with that knowing and sure confidence that that man desired him in return.

One thing's for sure: That "crow of a man" might be stubborn, arrogant and just downright incorrigible, but darn, does he need Malcolm.

“Seong-Jae…” He had never heard his name said that way. With such heartbreak, with such depth of feeling that surely he would drown in it, a powerful current submerging him in its undertow and stealing the air from his lungs—as much as did the touch of a broad hand, capturing his own.

And Malcolm?

Why, when he thought of himself in ten years, his home full of life and love and laughter and warmth and togetherness… Did he picture eyes as black as night, glittering with silent amusement?

He virtually aches for that man. Almost in a physical way, and any little touch by Seong-Jae sends him into emotional overdrive ...

Malcolm’s heart stopped so abruptly it felt like an iron spike driven into his chest to pin it into place, before accelerating in rough, stuttering, achingly erratic beats.

But then a simple 'no' ends everything. I had a funny feeling

It is brilliantly frustrating and wonderfully infuriating how these two guys manage again and again to circle each other and never meet in the middle.

Other highlights:
Rice pudding and amaretto cappuccino cupcakes.
Pep talks from good friends on each side (Love Cara!!! What a super star!)
A tiny bit of light shed on Sade's situation
Plus a major revelation about that mysterious stranger.

Amazing stuff!
Profile Image for vee.
885 reviews350 followers
September 16, 2021
'He had told himself he would not let himself become dependent on Malcolm, and yet…
He needed advice, in this moment.
But more, he needed that comfort and assurance Malcolm often exuded without even trying.'

here its more ab sj missing mal coz someone jumped in front of a moving vehicle last eps and is on bed rest. wanted more romance bcs no mal = no romance but i liked the fact that we followed sj instead of mal (hes the better pov to follow outta the 2 for me hehe)

“Take this,” he muttered, and turned his face away, glaring across the loft. Was that…a tinge of pink against the gold tinting those high, saber-sharp cheekbones? “My mother would make this for me when I was ill as a child.”
Malcolm slid his glasses back on just in time to catch the pot in both hands. He shifted one hand under it to support it, then lifted the lid and peered inside. Steam escaped, bringing with it warm, delicate aromas—rice, ginger, chicken. Inside, white rice swam in a sort of thick liquid, mixed with shreds of chicken and topped with diced onions, ginger, sprigs of parsley, a few other colorful bits of vegetables.
“What is it?”
“Jook,” Seong-Jae said. “Rice porridge. It is a good thing to eat when your stomach is delicate. Concussions can cause nausea.” Malcolm couldn’t stop the slow smile spreading across his lips. “You made this for me?”
“Shut up,” Seong-Jae snarled, and Malcolm’s smile only widened.
“Yes, sir,” he mocked, but then added, “…thank you.”
“Do not thank me. The sooner you are back on duty, the sooner I am not doing the work of two detectives.”
“If that’s your way of asking how I’m feeling, I’m fine. Not even dizzy. Just a little sore.”
Malcolm only laughed.

overall i liked the couple but im finding this series so slow? people r saying its addictive for them and they flew through it but it felt slow-paced for me n im annoyed. this was better than the previous one but not really engaging

Seong-Jae skirted around Malcolm, closing in on the door. “I shall take my leave now.”
He had never heard his name said that way. With such heartbreak, with such depth of feeling that surely he would drown in it, a powerful current submerging him in its undertow and stealing the air from his lungs—as much as did the touch of a broad hand, capturing his own. Malcolm’s fingers tangled with his, the lightest touch, yet holding him with the strength of iron. He turned back, looking down into a cracked and bleeding gaze that asked the question they had been avoiding in every moment that passed between them.
And suddenly Seong-Jae was afraid of losing more than his ethics, than his moral code, if he gave in.
He shook his head. “No,” he said, and the worl felt like glass shards piercing him. He pulled his hand free, stepping back, struggling to draw breath.
“Malcolm, no, I—”
The door swung open at his back, cutting him off. Gabrielle Leon-Khalaji stepped inside

also, this fucking cockblocker is getting on my nerves. fr get a hotel room or smth wht u doin' staying @ yo ex's house u freeloader

'She leaned over and rested her shoulder companionably against his arm. “You said he said no?”
“I…couldn’t even ask.” He leaned away from her enough to open the refrigerator and put the bowl of icing inside to cool and thicken, then settled at her side once more, leaning his back against the counter and folding his arms over his chest. “I tried, and he said no, and that’s the end of it.” Gabrielle rested her head to his shoulder. Her weight, her scent were a comfort, familiar things that, in this moment, brought up more memories of warmth than pain. “I’m sorry,” she said softly.
“It’s all right.”
“Mal…” Tentative, hesitant, a ragged edge to his name; she tilted her head back to look up at him, her chin resting to his shoulder, her eyes half lidded, smoky. “I’m not saying no."

dude? stfu

'And Malcolm, in this moment, was weak.'

AND YOU TOO omfgg couldnt keep it in ur pants huh?
Profile Image for ~✿ Tala✿~ .
164 reviews41 followers
May 22, 2021
The writing for this series just keeps getting better and better. Cole McCade did such a good job in the opening chapter putting us in the mind of an abusive misogynist, I had to take breaks reading the beginning because it made me so upset and uncomfortable. I liked that we got to see Seong-Jae's growth and empathy in this case. I also loved that Malcolm being on bedrest pushed Seong-Jae to create a friendship with Stenson.

As for Malcolm😠😠 *internally screams* The whole Gabrielle situation had me unimpressed!!! @MarianR was witness to my many complaints because ugh ?!!!!!! I need Gabrielle to move out 😐 Malcolm and Seong-Jae's miscommunications had me banging my head against the wall but I'm hoping their situation starts to improve. On to the next book!

Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
November 27, 2018
Ok, Simone. I did indeed throw a tantrum, because I freaking knew it, I knew it!! *fumes*

And now we have some of Seong-Jae's ghosts trying to come back to life?

Dammit, it these guys can't have something go right for them,my head is going to explode!

*looks at author* Cole McCade, don't make me come over there!
Profile Image for Preeti.
724 reviews
June 18, 2022
I didnt care for the case but Seong-Jae working alone gave us some perspective about his past. Plus, I love how his every thought revolved around Malcolm. And, ufff!!!!!! the feelings....
Profile Image for Linh.
288 reviews15 followers
October 17, 2022
There is a hole in my heart that will remain unfulfilled until Malcolm and Seong-Jae get together. 😭
Profile Image for oshiiy.
342 reviews53 followers
May 25, 2021
4 stars 💫

This time Seong-Jae solved a case on his own. Seong-Jae did his best to understand the entire case and I was very glad he took the right decision by thinking his heart. I know it was hard to go against the law. Despite everything, I saw his emotional side, and how he managed to go through it.

I swear to God if there is another word relating that I-only-want-to-care-Malcolm-bullshit-ex-wife in the next book, I'm done. WTH. I'm really mad at both Gabe and Mal. Why on earth did he sleep with her ex-wife WHILE HAVING FEELINGS FOR SEONG-JAE. 😤😤
Malcolm, you already broke my heart. Since now I don't want you in Seong-Jae's life. I can find a better and handsome person for Seong-Jae.

Who the hell is Sila? Is Sila he/she? Ugh. Help me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Deborah.
3,628 reviews477 followers
September 11, 2020

So I’m well and truly hooked on this series.
There’s so much here. As clues, hints and layers slowly reveal themselves.

That said. I didn’t like that Malcolm and Seong-Jae spend most of this book apart. Their relationship is moving far too slowly for me. But despite this. I do appreciate the incredible slow build simmering sexual tension.

That’s all you’re getting. I’m moving straight onto the next one now.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 375 reviews

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