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Look Out For The Little Guy!

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This is the incredible story of an ex-con turned world-saving superhero.

In Look Out for the Little Guy, Scott Lang shares with the world a bracingly honest account of his struggles and triumphs, from serving time to being a divorced dad to becoming Ant-Man and joining The Avengers. These are stories of epic battles won and lost, as this everyman turned superhero finally tells all—from the official account of what really happened between The Avengers and Thanos to how shrinking down to ant-size really feels to the challenges of balancing the roles of hero and dad.

Across his many adventures big and small, Scott has gathered the wisdom of countless amazing experiences into this, the first memoir from a real-life Avenger. Once you learn the unforgettable details of his epic journey, you won’t need to be reminded… to look out for the little guy.

Introduces the man behind the hero, and the hero I call friend.”
—Bruce Banner, fellow Avenger

256 pages, Hardcover

First published September 5, 2023

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About the author

Scott Lang

2 books163 followers
Scott Lang is a scientist and inventor with a master's degree in electrical engineering. He has been an ice cream scooper, a corporate whistleblower, a consultant for The Pym Van Dyne Foundation, and an Avenger. He lives in San Francisco.

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Profile Image for :).
63 reviews
February 2, 2023
incredible story! it was really insightful hearing about the struggles that even superheroes like you face! i loved that you shed so much light on the that battle with the avengers and thanos! rip natasha and tony :(

keep up the good work and excited to hear more from you!
Profile Image for emily_oriley.
370 reviews2 followers
October 6, 2023
No audiobook which sucks but I get it

So this book was not what I’d been expecting. I was sort of hoping for some in between insights and while there were a few of those, this was mostly a self-help book with some movie summaries sprinkled in. Now that doesn’t mean this wasn’t a good book - it has a lot of very positive messages and some very healthy life advice - it just wasn’t what I expected and not what I typically read

The book is also written very tangentially- it bounces between moments a lot - which while a little unsettling does fit with the character of Scott Lang. Overall this very much felt like it was written by Scott so they did really a great job there. I do recommend reading this but just be aware of the semi-chaotic nature of the format
Profile Image for Alex | | findingmontauk1.
1,503 reviews92 followers
September 6, 2023
Couldn't believe this was a thing, but had to try it out. I don't think I have ever heard of or seen an "in-movie memoir" before? It's a fun time, but nothing mind-blowing. I think I would have rather had this as an audiobook and have him narrate it because that would have made all the difference. Better than Quantumania? Yep.

P.S. If this can be done then there is absolutely no reason we shouldn't have The Woodsboro Murders by Gale Weathers or Out of Darkness by Sidney Prescott.
Profile Image for Sue Miz.
519 reviews607 followers
September 30, 2023
Whoever thought of this idea is a genius
They were really thinking out-of-the-box🤣🤣
I wish every book mentioned by an author in a movie would be written
Like imagine we get the Misery books that triggered Annie Wilkes
Or Joan Wilder's books from Romamcing the Stone
God! That would be a dream come true

Anyway, I enjoyed reading the struggles of Scott and how he was juggling his life as a superhero and dad
For brief moments, I really forgot that this was not real 🤣🤣🤣
Profile Image for Scott Rhee.
2,064 reviews109 followers
March 22, 2024
I’m about to say something brutally honest and controversial: I am getting sick and tired of superhero movies.

Yeah, I said it.

Other then the recent “The Marvels”, which I enjoyed immensely (three reasons: 1) Iman Vellani (Ms. Marvel) is an absolute delight to watch, 2) My daughter really dug it, being a big fan of Reason #1, and 3) It was short, clocking in at about an hour and a half, which is almost two hours shorter than the last four Marvel movies), I haven’t really liked, or been able to sit through, a majority of the more recent superhero films of late. Marvel movies used to be my go-to, but even they are getting on my nerves. (See Reason #3.) And I’ve basically given up on the DC films. I literally can’t stomach the idea of watching “The Flash”, despite the fact that my favorite Batman ever—-Michael Keaton—-plays a significant role in it.

My biggest disappointment lately was my lackluster feelings after seeing “Quantumania”, the third Ant-man movie. While I was certainly entertained by it (not gonna lie: I’ve had a man-crush on Paul Rudd for years), it didn’t excite me at the level the first two did.

I think I’m just bored with superheroes.

So, the recent publication of Scott Lang’s fictitious memoir/self-help/movie-tie-in-meant-to-boost-Disney-Plus-subscriptions, “Look Out For the Little Guy!” didn’t do it for me, which is odd, considering maybe just five years ago, I would have loved it.

It was funny. Not rip-roaringly funny, but I chuckled a few times. It couldn’t make up it’s mind whether it was a fake memoir or a fake self-help book, which just ended up being boring either way.

My wife bought this for me as a Christmas present. I really hope she didn’t spend full price for it.
Profile Image for Aakanksha .
65 reviews11 followers
December 7, 2023
I see Paul Rudd's face, I give it all the stars! 🌝❤️
Profile Image for Maddie.
402 reviews122 followers
September 6, 2023
They actually made it a book?!?! 🤣🤣🤣

I may have to pick this up, just because.
Profile Image for Dimitris Papastergiou.
2,271 reviews75 followers
January 2, 2024
The events of this book take place before the Quantumania film

Such a fun read. Scott gets into his life, from the very beginning until now, and what the future holds for him. This is a memoir and as you will get if you know who that is, it's a humorous one with little truths sprinkled all over.

“We humans tend to get addicted to the familiar, even in nearly intolerable situations. We cling like hell to what we know.”

I liked the personal stuff and the advice here and there, which he would throw at you in random moments while going through his life's events, that's basically before his first appearance in his film up until his last.

“Nothing stays the same. Nobody sticks around forever. So we have a choice: We can spend our lives clinging to what we know, or we can grab as many memories as possible and move on to what’s new and maybe even better ahead of us.”

This book is a recap I would say, that takes you to the event after event and how they happened throughout the timeline of the MCU from Scott Lang's point of view. He's also talking to his daughter which the book is dedicated to and to us, his fans.

“You’re not alone. In this or anything.”

Nobody else is stronger than I am
Yesterday I moved a mountain
I bet I could be your hero
I am a mighty little man ♫
September 8, 2023
I thought this was fake news and was thrilled to learn it wasn’t. I preordered the book and eagerly waited for it. It started strong but as I read through it I kept thinking it was lacking attention to detail that marvel is known for. It felt kinda rushed as far as presentation. Images didn’t always make sense with the text. There was no thought put into the typography. I had such high hopes for this book. I am glad I read it but it’s like wanting shawarma and getting a gyro. It met my hungry but didn’t satisfy my craving.
Profile Image for Tony.
8 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2023
It’s unfortunate that 0 stars is not an option on Goodreads, so I have to give this a 1. If I asked an AI to generate a book about Scott Lang, it would write it a million times better than whichever ghost writer was, believe it or not, paid to write it. Even if Paul Rudd himself had half-assed a single paragraph it would’ve been a delight to read compared to this garbage.

The book is just a retelling of what happened in the Marvel movies, except there’s a twist: Scott wasn’t there for any of it! So we get a book comprised of stories from Scott told as stories from others from movies we have ALREADY SEEN. “Cap told me that in Age of Ultron, there was this one scene where Natasha said *insert quote directly from movie* and then Thor said *insert quote directly from movie* and then Cap said ‘yes’ and ultron said…etc.” Half of the book is just that. The other half is just random “motivational” words to fill up the pages. The amount of times the phrase “look out for the little guy” are said in this book is absurd. I am willing to bet that Prince Harry didn’t use the word “spare” in every other sentence of his book. The stupid “motivational” content gets repeated continuously throughout the book, so if you fell asleep earlier on, don’t worry! Just read literally any page of the book. In fact, a single page is all you need to fully have read this trash.

The writers’ strike going on right now is a shame for all of those who work on movies, but this one specific writer deserves to not be paid for their work. I feel like I require financial compensation after reading that. The fact that someone was paid MONEY to write this shit is astounding. I’ve seen Marvel memes on Instagram with better writing than this nonsense. They should’ve just put an ant at a typewriter and published whatever it came up with. I would be a lot more interested in reading that than this. It would at least be written well.

There is no emotion or anything else in the book. It sounds bland and boring and again, an AI could do it better. Never thought I’d find a human more bland than a robot but here it is. I hope that the author did not get paid because that would truly be a waste of money when a 2-year-old could write a better book.

The fact that the book is overpriced as well is crazy. $35.99 CAD for 200 pages of word vomit in size 14 font? I’ve bought longer books for less that have actually been GOOD.

One last note: I assumed Luis wouldn’t get mentioned in the book, but believe it or not, he gets mentioned more times than in Quantumania. So here’s a count of every page where Luis is mentioned (by name):

104 (1), 107 (1), 114 (1), 148 (1), 150 (2), 151 (5), 152 (3), 153 (5), 159 (1), 163 (1), 174 (1), 207 (1), Acknowledgments (1).

That makes a total of 24 mentions of Luis by name throughout the book, which is 24 more times than he was mentioned in Quantumania.

Overall, I would never recommend this shit show to anyone. If I were Paul Rudd I’d sue them for associating me with this crap.
Profile Image for Jayden Alvarado.
64 reviews32 followers
September 11, 2023
A Scott Lang tells all, AN ABSOLUTE MUST READ for Marvel fans. I loved this. It was fun. It was meaningful. & I got to read the entire book in the amazing author’s (Scott lang) voice. Marvel & the Avengers - thank you for this
Profile Image for Samara.
102 reviews10 followers
Want to read
May 5, 2023
this cannot be real. please tell me this is real
Profile Image for Irono Yami.
Author 1 book14 followers
September 6, 2023
Scott Lang is the connection between the Avengers and the civilians
and actually, if you take this book seriously, it is a very good advicer
Profile Image for Lauren Gibson.
65 reviews
October 18, 2023
this book speaks for itself, there’s no point in me writing a review.
Now if you’ll excuse me, i’m going to go stare at a wall and cry for a few minutes
Profile Image for milliereadsalot.
810 reviews174 followers
November 12, 2023

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

I do love Ant-Man so much, he's absolutely one of my favourite characters and my dad and I rewatch the Ant-Man movies all the time, so of course I had to read this! It did fall a bit flat - I was hoping that we'd get more in this than just recapping the movies, but we essentially only got a couple of new Ant-Man stories. However it is a very fun time and I just find it hilarious that I actually got to read the "in-movie memoir" from a Marvel film, it's just so random and bizarre I love it!
Profile Image for Thaddeus Tuffentsamer.
Author 14 books2 followers
September 7, 2023
So, Scott Lang - Ant-Man has gone from being my favorite superhero (aside, of course, for Spider-Man. Let’s face it, Arachnid Boy is EVERYONE’S favorite hero. So, he really shouldn’t even be on the list, we just pick those other guys aside from him. There are those who will tell you that he’s not their favorite hero, but they’re lying… But I digress..) to being my favorite author.

This book was like getting a personal letter from a beloved, dear friend. Except, in this case, the dear friend is a world renowned superhero who literally has no idea that I exist.

But beside that…

His candor is remarkable.

Chapter One sets the tone of why he was asked to write the book, why he agreed to, and the flutter of emotions that followed. And he sets the tone with some really solid advice.

At the end of chapter one, he says, and I quote;

…Because my life just like yours - loses half its value if we don’t find a way to share its lessons with others.
…what makes all of us giants is how much we look out for the little guy. How we help out our fellow Humans when they need it most. How our greatest super-power can simply be a listening ear, a concerned eye, or an outstretched hand.

So, that sets the tone of what’s to follow.

In Chapter Two he discusses how he’s had to start over several times in his life.

Again, I quote;
…quoting the old cliche, When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…forget the lemons. Life has already given you a you that’s like no other. And that’s what you’re better off making stuff out of.

The next several chapters explain his missed time with his daughter. How he dealt with prison, house arrest and a ex wife.

We get a first person perspective on the final battle with Thanos, but sadly, he didn’t reveal how he shrunk down, went up Thanos’ butt and became Giant-Man to end (see what I did there) him.

He also speaks about how each of us can look out for the little guy. We have a voice, and we have kindness, and we use it to help others. If you see somebody wearing a cool T-shirt, tell him how nice it is, that tells them that you recognize them and you see them.

He tells you how you don’t need a suit or aliens tech, or imbued powers to be a superhero.

If you help someone who is in need when they’re being harassed by another person, just stopping them on the tracks by telling them what they’re doing isn’t cool, shows them that you are on their victims side, and now their ‘victim’ is twice as big

And many other ways that you can be the hero.

This book is not what I expected.

It was so much more!

This book has a LOT of solid life advice.

Because after you read this, you’ll have a changed mindset and be more proactive in “Looking out for the little guy”

Profile Image for Marilee.
1,374 reviews
November 27, 2023
I felt like this had a lot of potential: A fictional self help book by "Scott Lang." The true author does a great job of staying in character, and I did laugh a few times. But the book really rehashes a lot of the movies, which makes the book drag. I guarantee there isn't a person who hasn't seen the movies that is going to pick up this book and read it. This is for the fans - I guess fans who need a little humor and self help? It's a weird niche book, but it was kind of fun.
Profile Image for Maddie.
693 reviews
December 10, 2023
I was expecting this book to be bad but it was actually so good for being a fake book!
Profile Image for Erin.
28 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2024
I love that this book exists, but I think I would have enjoyed it so much more as an audiobook
Profile Image for lucas!!.
8 reviews
December 1, 2023
Good book! If you want to learn a bit extra about the events of endgame, and how Scott became Ant-Man then I recommend!!!
Profile Image for ☮ morgan ☮.
727 reviews96 followers
September 16, 2023
"You never really know which moments of your life will turn out to be the ones that mean the most. So you might as well embrace them all!"

Ant-Man is one of my favorite characters is the MCU and I was so excited for this to be released, but it kind of fell flat for me with it's execution. This basically just recaps the movies and doesn't really add anything into the mix. Certain points felt like it was just repeating itself. It was a fun read, but I guess it just didn't live up to my hype.
Profile Image for ina.
7 reviews
July 28, 2024
ants are exceptionally extraordinary
Profile Image for Alex Sarll.
6,497 reviews326 followers
August 17, 2023
At first I feared this was going to be one of those disappointing reads where you really like a celebrity, get the impression they'd be fun company, but when you pick up their memoir it's too busy trying to be inspirational to let them be themselves. Possibly because - scandalous suggestion, I know - the person whose name and face are on the cover has not in fact written the book as such, and their ghost is so used to churning these things out that they've reskinned the same crappy template they use for the other no-marks. Fortunately, as I got into the rhythm of it, that dropped away. Yes, it's frequently cheesy, sometimes even irritating in an affable sort of way, but that's Scott Lang, isn't it? Right down to little annoyances like the overuse of "scare quotes", and always referring to Super Heroes rather than any of the less typographically irksome alternatives, which seems like exactly the sort of thing he would do. Sure, there are still things I would have preferred otherwise - there's far too much on the underwhelming 'Civil War' and not nearly enough Luis - but on the whole it's an entertaining read. Although I suspect the personality might come through a lot better in an audiobook version, and if Lang is too busy saving the world to record one, I'm told the actor Paul Rudd does an excellent impression of him.

(Netgalley ARC)
Profile Image for Alex.
248 reviews6 followers
November 5, 2023
First off I actually cannot believe this book is real. 10/10 just amazing. Okay onto the more important details…SCOTT LANG I LOVE YOU ❤️ I totally heard him narrating this book to me in my head. They need to release this in audiobook form for this to be real. This book was written in Scott’s voice and mannerisms and I think that’s what I loved the most. That and his repetition for his love for his daughter Cassie. The guy missed a lot of her life and while some of it was his fault the other half really wasn’t. This book shows how much he wants and is a superhero for his daughter.

Just remember everyone…

“Look out for the little guy. Make mistakes. Take chances. Because if there’s one thing life’s taught me, there’s always…room to grow.”
Profile Image for Sue.
2,175 reviews32 followers
January 7, 2024
This was an enjoyable little read. (See what I did there?) But seriously, folks, it was totally fun. You get all the trademark humor of the Scott Lang character as he answers FAQ's from fans, tells the inside story of the Avengers vs. Thanos, & gives us his outlook on life. It's a memoir of an Avenger, a self-help guide from someone with an interesting life resume, & an entertaining look at super-hero life. So many little gems if you know Marvel.
July 15, 2024
загалом, непогано, але я очікувала більшого. марвел/дісней не напрягались і просто переказали нам всі ті події, які ми вже бачили у фільмах, від лиця Скотта Ленґа/Людини-мурахи. ну типу ок?????? нехай?????? хотілось б дізнатись щось нове, але хоча б написано так, ніби це дійсно Скотт розповідає, багато жартів і тд, над стилем тексту постарались.
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