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The Hermux Tantamoq Adventures #2

Le sabbie del tempo: Un'avventura di Hermux Tantamoq

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Si chiama Hermux Tantamoq ed è un mite topolino orologiaio. Vive nella caotica città di Pinchester, ma cerca di sfuggire al ritmo frenetico della modernità. Ama il silenzio e i piccoli piaceri quotidiani, crede al coraggio, all'amicizia e all'amore e tutte le sere scrive pensierini di ringraziamento all'universo. È un topolino tranquillo, ma il destino farà di lui un eroe per caso. Queste sono le sue avventure. Età di lettura: da 8 anni.

299 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2001

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About the author

Michael Hoeye

17 books85 followers
Michael Hoeye has worked as a farmer, fashion photographer, stagehand and high-school teacher. He and his wife, Martha, live in a stone cottage in Oregon with their cat, Lionel. They enjoy the company of nine big oak trees, six bigger fir trees, three fat squirrels, a noisy family of woodpeckers and a travelling circus of nuthatches, blue jays, crows, finches and robins.

Michael's first novel for children, Time Stops For No Mouse, was a worldwide success. The Sands of Time is his second book.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 111 reviews
Profile Image for Soccerplayah07.
51 reviews
April 25, 2008
I REALLY liked this book.
Here is a review.

Our favorite mouse and watchmaker, Hermux Tantamoq, is up to his ears in trouble again. All of Pinchester is in an uproar over his friend Mirrin Stentrill's visionary new paintings--monumental portraits of CATS! The Pinchester Museum announces Mirrin's exhibition, and Mayor Pinkwiggin immediately vows to shut it down. After all, cats are not a popular topic in a city of rodents--and everyone knows they never really existed. While militant mice organize to stop the show, most of Pinchester's stylish set vies for invitations to the gala opening.

Then a mysterious old chipmunk appears in Hermux's shop with what he claims to be a map to the royal library of a prehistoric kingdom of cats. Before long Hermux is hot on a trail of treachery and deceit that leads all the way from Pinchester to an ancient tomb that lies buried in . . . The Sands of Time!

Profile Image for Francesca~.
175 reviews11 followers
January 30, 2023
Dolce, rilassante e divertente. Era esattamente quello che volevo, che mi aspettavo, e che mi aveva dato il primo libro, non vedo l'ora di leggere gli altri due.
Piccola nota: uno dei troppi pochi libri per ragazzi (e non) in cui i personaggi femminili sono sviluppati esattamente quanto quelli maschili e possono fare le stesse cose senza inutili stereotipi. Letteralmente il protagonista adora mangiare, cucinare, stare a casa tranquillo e la coprotagonista è un'avventuriera e aviatrice. Una scoperta bellissima dello scorso dicembre che se continua così avrà un posticino speciale nella mia libreria.
Profile Image for Jen.
292 reviews19 followers
January 13, 2023
Reread of a childhood favorite. This is a good follow up to Time Stops for No Mouse. The Sands of Time has a much stronger story and character development. I am considering reading the next book in the series although I didn’t read it growing up.
Profile Image for Felicity.
1,015 reviews27 followers
October 12, 2020
It has been years since I read the first book and I rescued this before it went to charity.

Hermux is happy working as a clock maker but one day a mysterious chipmunk turns up talking about something he needs Hermux to help him with. Before Hermux finds out what he wants the chipmunk disappears. He then attends his friend Mirrin's art exhibition where the subject matter look like cats. Except cats aren't real, are they? And even if they are you do not speak of them!

This book is great for younger children 7-12ish and Hoeye creates an alternative world run by mice. You can see parallels with our world when the politicians try to cover up that cats ever existed and they try to divide the mice with their propaganda. There was also a positive message about being true to yourself but that got a bit lost towards the end which I also felt was a bit rushed.

If you want an adventure story set in a mouse universe then read this book!

Profile Image for hal.
781 reviews102 followers
August 14, 2013
Wow! This book was SO, SO, SO much better than Time Stops For No Mouse. In this book, the city is in uproar over Hermux's friend, Mirrin Stentrill's new paintings. They are of cats! Everyone is shocked, and it being a city of rodents, you can probably understand why. The mayor wants to close her exhibit because he doesn't want rumors spreading. Everyone knows cats never really existed. Or did they? One day, a chipmunk comes into Hermux's shop. Claiming he has a map to an ancient kingdom, he shares a shocking secret with Hermux; cats DID, in fact, exist at one point in time! Join Hermux on another whirlwind adventure as he and his friends set out to re-discover the Sands of Time.

This book was so much better than the previous book- no dull or boring bits in this book! Overall, I feel like the Sands of Time was much better than the previous book.
Profile Image for Ilana Waters.
Author 21 books264 followers
May 12, 2013
An exciting follow-up to the author's first book Time Stops for No Mouse, this can definitely be read as a standalone as well. But do yourself a favor and just buy the whole series. I was very glad to see the sweet romance between Hermux and Linka rekindled. But some of the plot points had me confused. There seemed to a be theme of facing one's fears brought up in the beginning that drifted off as the book went on. Also (not to be a spoiler) but something happens that changes the characters' entire understanding of mouse history. I would've liked to see the mice population's reaction to this. All in all, it was a daring adventure of a book, and I can't wait to read more about the hero Hermux!
1 review
January 7, 2015
The book The Sands of Time was an alright book. The only thing is though is that I felt like it had some of the same characteristics as The Percy Jackson series. Both books had the main characters being someone who had a father who did some crazy things, but they didn't know about. Then theres the person that comes and tells them about it, then they go off on an adventure to defeat something or someone. Over all I would tell someone about this book if they hadn't read any of the Percy Jackson books.
Profile Image for Jillian.
254 reviews
January 29, 2024
Listened to the audio with the kids and we all loved it! This series is just delightful. The characters are lovely, the world is unique and detailed, and the adventure/mystery is exciting without being too high stakes. I think these books are great as read alouds or almost a bridge between the child and adult world because there’s so much for both to enjoy. Five stars from all of us!
Profile Image for Leo.
381 reviews53 followers
March 9, 2015
Read in Spanish a bazillion years ago, don't remember anything except that I enjoyed very much.
Profile Image for Kira Nerys.
619 reviews30 followers
May 21, 2019
I adored this series in 4th grade, so much so that my teacher had to talk me out of doing a project on Michael Hoeye, because he'd only written these first two Hermux Tantamoq Adventures and we had to choose an author who'd published at least three books. Eva Ibbotson ended up being my substitution, but I've always retained affection for this series--affection, I was pleased to find, that persists to this day. Tantamoq is a delightful character, humble, introverted, and rather shy. He loves clockwork and watchmaking but doesn't have much taste in clothing (fashion playing a large role in this novel). He comes off as eminently likable, a steadfast friend, in a novel full of posturing and protest. Hermux feels so genuine, especially in details like his notes of gratitude in his journal or his innocent affection for Linka, that he makes this whole book a treasure.

The Sands of Time reminds me vaguely of the Avatar: The Last Airbender episode The Library, but, in reality, is much more a commentary on Western archaeology, history, and storytelling. (And marketing and reputation and wealth and the like.) It's worth drawing a comparison to another well-known literary mouse, Geronimo Stilton, whose books I enjoy but, being for younger readers, lack the grace and subtle humor of Tantamoq's books. Next time I want to read about a delightful, refined city mouse, I'll turn to these books instead.
Profile Image for Danylo Bilokha.
76 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2020
The Sands of Time. I had expected to see the magic in this book, but what I found was not least magical.

The brand new world of "mouse", who sometimes called themselves (or author do) - people. There are a lot of parallels to the real world. Nobody believes (and even tried to, or gave a chance to) in pre-(their) historical times when Cats ruled the world. Everybody seems to know that "this world" is bad/terrifying/detrimental, but nobody could explain why. That happens all the way across their existence until one, the Chimpuk made an assumption that it was possible. He carefully scrutinizes hints and around this, the story is built.

The very same parallel could be drawn here and there in the real world. People resisted believing that Earth is orbiting the Sun until "cray" Nicolaus Copernicus rolled his theory out. Even after. That's not stupidity, that's the willingness to stay in laws of physics - motionless objects tend to stay motionless. We do not want changes, people do not. As far as we are here, right now, alive, it's safe to think this way. Although, the story is not about this.

It's a cheerful little story about friendship, willingness to explore: truth, the way world really is ...
Profile Image for Danielle Routh.
768 reviews11 followers
January 31, 2021
Taking a fiction break from Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus because John Gray is just not a good writer.

In my opinion, this is the weakest of the Hermux adventures I've read (I learned just recently there's a fourth installment), mostly because the setting is a desert instead of the mouse town, but it's still a fun adventure and read. For being a children's book, it offers some pretty quality commentary on how history, or how we perceive it, can shape our present more than we might think, especially if it reveals us to be the lesser party. Hermux also continues to bloom, showing bravery and determination more readily than in his first book, and it's always nice to see character development. Tucka is as extra as ever, naturally.

Rated "Not Too Scary" by the publisher. Great for middle and young adult readers.
Profile Image for Chazzi.
1,058 reviews12 followers
December 4, 2022
Hermux Tantamoq, a mild mannered watchmaker, is in hot water. His friend, Merin Stentrill, is having an exhibit of her new paintings. It isn’t the exhibit itself, but the subject matter of the art — CATS!

It doesn’t matter the Pinchester Museum is putting it on. It is the fact that the citizenry of Pinchester are rodents! Besides, it is well known that cats are a myth.

During this time, an old chipmunk shows up looking for Hermux’s father. The chipmunk had made a discovery many years ago, and his research has verified it is real. He wants to discuss it with his old friend, Hermux’s father. Instead, he has to settle for Hermux, as Hermux’s father has been dead for a time.

Hermux finds himself on an adventure to locate the location the old chipmunk had found. The catch is to locate the place before another group does.

13 reviews1 follower
October 27, 2017
"The Sands of Time" is a novel with an interesting concept. In this alternate world, mice are civilized and live just as humans would. The plot follows Hermux Tanatamoq, a watchmaker who is one day confronted by a mysterious chipmunk asking for his father. Throughout the book, cats are not something that should be casually mentioned in public, but the idea of felines play a big part in our main character's adventure. I think Michael did a very good job at and it served its purpose well. Overall, this book was light-hearted and an enjoyable read!
Profile Image for Josh.
857 reviews
April 29, 2023
If you have a problem with really silly names then downgrade this rating by at least a star. The previous book in the series was worse and the names now at least flow off the tongue a bit easier, but they are generally pretty silly and read like they were made up by a random name generator.

I found this a tighter experience than the first book in the series. The plot was predictable but quite fun and the characters were consistently "people" you want to root for. I read this book aloud to my 9 year old and I'd say that is about the right level for the target audience. As long as you are willing to put on your 9 year old hat and just sit back and enjoy the book it is quite fun.
Profile Image for Melodie Roschman.
325 reviews4 followers
June 21, 2020
Even more creative and weird and fun and charming than the first book - full of archaeology and linguistics and discussions of old money vs new money and the place of art in society, and second chances at love, and the stories we tell about history. And yes, I am still talking about a children’s book about a watchmaker mouse. Two things will always stand out to me from this book: the creepiness is the ancient Egypt-style cat tomb, and the wonderful restaurant with its cheese-bearing trains that I have always wanted to visit. It really is a shame that more people haven’t read these.
97 reviews1 follower
June 15, 2019
Charming fable, loved the details. Like the first book there is adventure and mystery. Not swashbuckling all out fighting, shooting and what not. Just cannot describe how it feels, coziness? maybe?
The characters are great with a great tongue in cheek to humans.
Great to read to children, fun to read myself.
Cons : hard to get a copy. So down to the secondhand shop, which is a great adventure as well, to get book 3 and 4.
Profile Image for Taimi Värva.
79 reviews2 followers
November 9, 2020
Veel parem kui esimene osa, "Aeg hiirte jaoks ei peatu", mis oli juba niigi tore. Seekordne ei pannud multikat silme ees jooksma, vaid tekkis pigem oma fantaasiapilt. Ei mingeid lohisevaid heietusi, aga ometi ka mitte pinnapealne; iga peatükk oli põnev, isegi rahulikumad neist. Tempo tõuseb juba üsna loo alguses, mitte nagu pahatihti paljude lugude puhul, kus tuleb 200 lk läbi lugeda, enne kui midagi üldse toimuma hakkab. Ja püsib ühtlaselt lõpuni välja.
Ja oi, kui hea tõlge!
Profile Image for Bee.
731 reviews
March 20, 2021
Why, why did I wait so long to read the second book in this series?! I forgot just how much I loved hermux. And I relate to his food obsession!

Like the first book I had trouble with the abundance of characters and their whimsical names made them even more troublesome to keep sorted, however that becomes less of a problem when the story turns focus on just a few characters.

Still throwing out there that Terfle, Hermux’ set ladybug, is my favorite character!
Profile Image for Kathy Lyons.
236 reviews
May 30, 2020
This would be a great read aloud for a family. It's for ages 8+ but a joy for all ages. Just the names of the mouse characters make it worth picking up this book!

I can't remember where I got this book.....Some of the best reads for me have been accidental finds. I really hope there's another novel.
Profile Image for Katie.
300 reviews10 followers
September 25, 2023
This was my favorite of the Hermux Tantamoq books as a kid, probably because I was also into Ancient Egypt (weren’t we all?!) and the theme of this book very closely mirrors that. I love the mystery that surrounds cats in this book. My only wish is that the adventure part in the desert could have been a little longer!!
10 reviews
February 6, 2017
I thought that The Sands of Time was a pretty good book with a mix of fantasy, adventure, and a pinch of suspense. With the characters being animals, there was a good element of comedy in the book, as well. Definitely recommended for those who like adventure.
Profile Image for Ramona.
1,009 reviews
April 24, 2019
An adventurous tale of mice, cats, squirrels, and mystery. A love story is thrown in, as Hermux becomes entangled in a dangerous plot to hide the truth about cats and does so with the love of his life, who is engaged to another! Are cats just a myth or were they real! Lots of fun and hijinks!
Profile Image for EMMA.
238 reviews
February 7, 2024
the mummy meets mother west wind's animal friends. so adorable and cozy. also a really great message about how we change history to suit our own narrative. i loved this series when i was a kid and it's lovely to revisit these books as an adult
30 reviews
April 18, 2018
This is the second book in a great series that I thought was fun and great!
Profile Image for Emily.
39 reviews19 followers
March 2, 2019
This is a sweet book, an easy read. Enjoyed it.
228 reviews1 follower
October 24, 2019
loved this book about the lost kingdom of cats and a missing person on a river boat who turns up 40 years later
Profile Image for Krysztyna.
456 reviews32 followers
April 28, 2020
One of my favourite books I've read at the end of primary school. I need to read it once more!
117 reviews
May 19, 2020
Much improved from the first book, with the same clarity of character and fun mystery plot!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 111 reviews

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