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Wicca #4

Dark Magick

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Evil forces are after Morgan, forces connected with a dark wave of magick. And she knows something is wrong with the way Cal is acting, although she can't put her finger on it. Cal is definitely hiding something, but is he out to hurt her, as Hunter says?

192 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 25, 2001

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About the author

Cate Tiernan

87 books3,752 followers
"was born in New Orleans, LA, in 1961. New Orleans is one of the most interesting American cities, and it has an incredibly rich and exotic culture that had a profound influence on me. Kids in other cities have lemonade stands; we sold voodoo gris-gris and made wax dolls in the likenesses of our enemies. It's a very beautiful city, and the constant heat and humidity make gardens grow out of control. There's an air of lassitude there, a general acceptance of eccentic or flamboyant behavior--the heat simply makes people do crazy things.

I went to school in New York, and after school went back to New Orleans. Then I went back to New York (Manhattan) and got a job in publishing and started writing. My first book, a young, middle-grade chapter book, was published in 1990.

Living in Manhattan was incredible, even though I didn't have a lot of money. There was so much to do and see, and so many interesting people to watch. There was a lot of frenetic energy there, and sometimes that felt very wearing and hard to live with. After eight years I was ready for a change, and my husband and I moved back to New Orleans. (Are you seeing a pattern here?)

(While I was in NY, I helped edit "The Secret Circle" by L.J. Smith. I thought it was great.)

We stayed in New Orleans five years. By the time we had two small children we knew we had to find someplace safer to live. I was glad my children were born in New Orleans--I had been born there, and my father had, and his father had, and his father had and so on. There was something about the connection of generations of blood coming from one place that I found very primal and important.

Now I live in a cohousing community in Durham, NC. This is the most suburban place I've ever lived, and it's very different from living right in the middle of a city. For one thing, there aren't enough coffee shops. However, it's incredibly safe, and the community is very important to me. There are a lot of strong women here, and I find them inspiring.

Am I a witch? Well, no. Even Wicca is too organized a religion for me. I'm much more idiosyncratic and just need to do my own thing, which is kind of new-agey and pantheistic. It's not that I don't work or play well with others, but I need to decide for myself when I do a certain thing, and how I do it. However, I can really relate to Wicca, and I so appreciate its woman-centeredness and its essentially female identity. I love those aspects, among others.

I have several favorite writers. Barbara Hambly has been the biggest influence on how I describe magic. She's an incredibly imaginative and empathetic writer with a gift for creating a rich, sensual world. I love Barbara Pym, an English writer whose books came out mostly in the fifties. She was a master at describing the thousand tiny moments that make up a woman's day; how the seemingly small and inconsequential thing can suddenly take on a huge emotional importance. I greatly admire P.D. James. She's one of the very few writers who makes me actually look up words in the dictionary. She has a beautiful, precise, educated command of the language that leaves me in awe. I love Philip Larkin's poetry. I read a lot of nonfiction and also have some favorite romance writers. Before anyone groans, let me say that these women write really well about women trying to achieve emotional fulfillment, and that's kind of what we're all doing, right? I also just like reading about sex. Anyway, Jennifer Crusie, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, and early Linda Howard are my faves.

And then of course there's my dark side, but more on that later.

" -Source

Cate Tiernan is a pseudonym for Gabrielle Charbonnet

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 415 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,898 reviews1,375 followers
January 24, 2016

This was an okay story although the pace made it drag a bit, even though it wasn’t very long. We got some real revelations about Cal in this book, and this pair ended this book in a very different place to where they started it. I always thought that

6 out of 10
Profile Image for Dana Al-Basha |  دانة الباشا.
2,274 reviews925 followers
February 28, 2021
The end of book three was intense and bewildering. Obviously, Cal controls Morgan, it's not real love, I think that's why Hunter and Sky sigils her house so maybe she can see. I can't believe that Cal and Morgan might have killed Hunter, I suspect that he might be Morgan's soulmate!

So Hunter thankfully isn't dead, Morgan is so happy and relieved she didn't kill him, unlike Cal who wishes they did. Morgan starts seeing things in Cal she didn't like, when he tries to sleep with her, she can't do it, she keeps feeling something is wrong especially after her 17th birthday and she almost killed Hunter. Her friends in Practical Magick, David, and Alyce warn her to be careful and to ask for help. Morgan and Hunter share a mind connection and they both discover many things about each other, then she does it with Sky, they scry on Cal and Selen, and Morgan discovers many horrible things.

Profile Image for quinnster.
1,960 reviews24 followers
August 20, 2013
This girl's idiocy knows no bounds it seems.

When she goes to Practical Magick and David asks her who she can trust and she replies that she can trust herself. Her own instincts told her to run when Cal mentioned people who wanted to meet her. Her own instincts told her to get out of his secret room because the vibrations were bad, yet she thinks Hunter is 'misguided'. Any information anyone gives her she takes as they just don't know even though they've been witches their whole lives and she's been one for a couple of months. She's an idiot. During the chapter where she meets with David and Hunter I thought, finally, she's going to get her shit together....but no.

But truly, the line that made me laugh out loud was when she said, 'I'd always thought of Jenna as being kind of needy and dependent on Matt.' That is a perfect example of the pot calling the kettle black.

Awful things happen and the entire time I couldn't help but think that if she'd just listened to her instincts she would have avoided this whole mess and still have found out all about her birth mother & father. I just can't feel sorry for her, or think she's brave or smart because she's none of those things.

But now, because of all of this revelation business I'll have to keep reading so I know what happens.....*sigh*
Profile Image for Amber J (Thereadingwitch).
1,039 reviews72 followers
September 25, 2020
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. Unfortunately, there is still always a risk of slight spoilers despite my best efforts. If you feel something in my review is a spoiler please let me know. Thank you.

After the fight between Cal and Hunter. Morgan doesn't know if she killed Hunter or not. She desperately hopes not. She just wanted to save Cal, not kill Hunter. Meanwhile she deals with some changes in her relationship with Cal, still dealing with Bree and her family, learning more and more about magic and her power, and on top of everything she is finding it hard to know what is real and who she can trust.

~Possible changes in said romance
~Mystery and Suspense

~Books are to short

Oh, I loved it so much. Feels like such a severe plot twist. Can't wait to see what happens next. Also I gotta say. While I really hope that Bree and Morgan eventually make up and all, I really hope its not a case of Morgan taking all the blame. Cause Bree was being really crappy too. Like really really crappy. Especially in the first books.
Profile Image for julia ☆ [owls reads].
1,886 reviews392 followers
October 6, 2020
Changing my original rating from 3 stars to 4 stars because twists! discoveries! revelations! I was right!

I remember nothing from my first reread, but during the second one this definitely feels like a Great turning point in the series :D
39 reviews3 followers
October 28, 2007
Cal, how could you? How could you! *spoilers*

I don't think Morgan was wrong about not forgiving Cal for his betrayals. I would have forgiven him though, were it me.
Okay, i'm a guy so i'm biased but to Cal's credit:

He really loved her, he was willing to do anything to protect Morgan from his mother; kill her (a litttle extreme), sacrifice himself (which does happen) etc.

We were completely on Cal's side, the reader feels safe when they're around Cal. Things are less complicated; Hunter/Sky-bad people, Cal/Selene-good people. Cal is powerful enough to protect us from anyone.

Morgan can no longer run to Cal's house for safety. There is no safe refuge now. Even though Morgan's damage is more psychological than physical we are reeling from these betrayals as if he died.

Fantastic book which sets up the devasting end of book 6.
Book 5 is very slow in comparison.
Profile Image for Librarian   Bee.
222 reviews12 followers
September 28, 2022
This series just keeps getting better! I would say this book so far has the most amount of drama, adventure, and magic while the first three were just setting you up with the back story.

But Oh my Goddess, what is going to happen to Morgan?! I hope she and Bree make up soon, I hate to see such good friends be torn apart during such an important time in their lives. They need each other now more than ever.

I also love this magical world!

"Slowly gradually, I felt myself joined by other life forces, other spirits. The large oak lent me its strength, the pine, its flexibility. I took purity from snow and curiosity from the wind. The frail sun gave me what warmth it could. I felt a hibernating squirrel's small, slow heartbeat and learned reserve. A fox mother and her kits rested in their den, and from them, I took an eager appetite for survival. Birds gave me swiftness and judgment, and the deep, steady thrumming of the earth's own life force filled me with a calm joy and an odd sense of expectation."
Profile Image for #ReadAllTheBooks.
1,219 reviews88 followers
October 30, 2010
I do have to give the reader a potential warning: if you thought that you were addicted to the series before, you most certainly will be after reading this book!!

The story once again picks up on the very tail end of the previous book. In order to save her boyfriend, Morgan had to attack someone. Understandably traumatized, Morgan starts to distance herself from her boyfriend Cal after the event. When she begins to grow suspect of Selene & Cal's intentions, Morgan finds that almost everything she thought she knew is far from he truth.

This book was a little sad to read & since I don't want to give the plot away, I can't really post as to why. (If you've read the book you'll understand.) Still, we are left off with several interesting new plot developments for us to focus on & keep us incredibly riveted!
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
January 24, 2016
There were a few times in this where I felt quite bored, and I had to have a bit of a break from it as it was starting to drag. It was an okay read overall though.
Profile Image for Leoni Dempsey.
140 reviews14 followers
May 21, 2019
Another great read in the series - 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read! Loved finding out the truth about Cal and Selene’s dark motives and exploring more about Hunter’s background! Let’s see what book 5 has to offer! 😁
Profile Image for Samantha wickedshizuku Tolleson.
2,157 reviews61 followers
February 2, 2016
Ah so I see that Cal's true colors have been revealed. I swear that I saw this coming since the introduction of Selene in book 1. I knew something wasn't right with that woman. She was to fake and syrupy.
I feel really bad for Morgan, but at the same time I don't at all, for falling for Cal. For some reason I'm so reminded of Patch from Hush, Hush. There really isn't something right with the fiction for young adults. Do girls really find these situations romantic or attractive?
 photo mlfw4779_medium_zpse9af3923.jpg
Profile Image for Josh T.
305 reviews
November 17, 2020
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As of 2020 this is the fifth time I have read this book. I can't begin to describe how much I love this book. This book marks the turning point of the series. This is where things get REAL. The previous three are amazing, but things get serious. Things get dark. I implore anyone reading this series to make it to book 4, because once here, if you already don't wanna put this series down, you'll find yourself grabbing for each consecutive book onward, it's so gripping. My eyes were watering so much I almost couldn't read the last page!
Profile Image for Sabra.
969 reviews
August 26, 2016
Stupid, stupid girl. I hope she grows a brain, otherwise I'm not going to make it through the rest of this series. My eyes are going to fall out from rolling them so hard
Profile Image for Andrea.
1,172 reviews48 followers
August 28, 2020
Reread 10 years later review- 2.7 stars?
-I was right!!
-Morgan is so willfully ignorant, pigheaded, naïve, and in denial 🤬😑
-I really like Hunter 🥰
Profile Image for Cassidee Lanstra.
543 reviews60 followers
October 1, 2020
Oooh eee. This has always been one of my favorite books in the series and that hasn’t changed. The pacing and plot really picks up, we get way more insight into Wicca, and some light gets shed on the whole dynamic of Hunter, Sky, Selene, and Cal. I honestly don’t have many complaints about this book at all. I loved it. The writing starts to gain some maturity too.
Profile Image for Agnieszka.
117 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2020
Een hele fijne jeugdserie over wicca. Tijdens het verhaal over liefde, zoektocht leer je veel over natuurlijk wijzen van leven. Leest heel vlot en is moeilijk weg te leggen. Na Harry Potter is dit de tweede serie die ik al verschillende malen heb gelezen.
Profile Image for Kate Blankenship.
203 reviews
April 19, 2019
I took my time with this one. I didn’t want to get burn out on the series. But make no mistake, this one didn’t disappoint. It was just as thrilling and suspenseful as the other three were. Things are coming to light now and I’m anxious to read the next book. ❤️
Profile Image for Myra.
118 reviews49 followers
August 21, 2015
This review is originally posted on my blog:


I've been trying to keep interested in this story, but somehow I've been putting this book down a lot. I don't know why, maybe it's because the story-line is a little dragging without something really happening. So far, the spells aren't that interesting. I hope the rest of the book is more action packed with a better plot development.


So I will try to describe my feelings about this book. I tried reading it many times and each time I decided there was a more interesting book to read first. Each time I read about 30 % of the book before quitting.

The strange thing is I did enjoy reading about Morgan and her journey. Obviously I got a little bored reading the first part of the book multiple times.

So this summer I decided, no matter what, I will read this book! It's not like it's a long book!

So after reading the first 30% (again) it got interesting. The story builds and builds and we get to see Morgan grow into a more powerful witch and she also becomes more confident. I really like Morgan, she's a great protagonist of this series. The relationship with Call is very nice until it gets complicated..

The last 20 pages were so suspenseful, with plot-twists and intrigue. While reading this I couldn't understand why I didn't read this earlier! It is very entertaining to read! After reading Dark Magick I am so motivated and excited to read the other books in this series!


I'm so glad I finally finished this book! When I finished, I immediately started the next book, Awakening.
Profile Image for Natalia Paez.
779 reviews36 followers
December 23, 2015
My rating for this Book is 3.9 stars.

Aparentemente la historia fue muy rápida, es decir, la lectura fue muy fluida.

Veo como en cada libro la vida de Morgan poco a poco se va volviendo mas complicada, llena de problema tan mundanos como el novio abusivo de su hermana menor, Mary K.; hasta serios problemas que traspasan lo real como el uso de su poder como herramienta de destrucción.

Este libro esta lleno de fragmentos de LDS (Libro de Sobras) de Hunter, también conocido por su pequeños relatos al comienzo de cada capitulo Giomanach, creo que así se escribe, realmente todos los nombres de los personajes como Hunter, Cal y Sky son en idioma de Gales, así que por ende tiendo a olvidarlos un poco. En conclusión, me gusto la cantidad de situaciones a las que Morgan se enfrenta, como poco a poco empieza a desconfiar en Cal, en conducirse a si misma por el camino que ella eligió por si misma, el ver mas allá de lo que decían o le hacían ver. Su conexión con Hunter fue algo que simplemente fue genial desde ahí todo empezó a formarse.

El cierre del libro es algo rotundamente apropiado, la conexión de lo que podía a ver sido y sentido la madre de Morgan, Maeve cuando la mataron. Ahora Morgan esta en peligro si bien Selene tiene que lidiar con su hijo el psicópata, ella con sus ansias de poder buscara encontrar las herramientas de Morgan.
June 14, 2011
Today’s review is on Dark Magick by Cate Tiernan

Dark Magick is the 4th book in Tiernan’s Sweep series and I have to say that with each book I read in the series the more I enjoy them.

In Dark Magick Morgan finds out that Cal and his mother are also Woodbane witches and that they practice “traditional” magick. Traditional meaning that they practice dark magick. She also learns that Cal has been helping his mother find other Woodbane witches to join her coven. His job was to find the female witches, get close to them, make them fall in love with him, and bring them to his mother. His job didn’t include him falling in love with one, but he did fall in love with her.

When Morgan refuses to go with Cal to see his mother and the other witches, he locks her in his Seomar, his sanctuary in the pool house. The next thing Morgan knows is that the pool house is on fire. Sending out a witch message to anyone that could help her, she is rescued by Bree and Robbie.

Book 4 is packed full of adventure, suspense, and heart ache for Morgan. I could not put it down, anxious to find out how things would turn out. Thank the Goddess I have books 5 and 6 with me this week!

4.5 of 5 stars!!
Profile Image for Katrina.
675 reviews37 followers
December 17, 2015
Finally things are starting to happen. This was so much better than the last two books. I kind of had a feeling that Cal was a bad guy, and this book finally proved it. Hunter's character really interests me, and I can't wait to see what his role becomes in the next books, as he was portrayed as the villian for a little while. I'm exicted to see him as one of the good guys.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jess - The Hexed Library.
975 reviews126 followers
August 22, 2024
*Reread 8/22/24*


This has been my favorite of these so far! These books are so short it's hard to say a whole lot without giving the plot away but what I will say is that I feel like things are happening in the way I want them to and I'm excited to see where Morgan's life is going to go next!

Characters 4; Cover 2; Plot 4; Pace 3; Writing 4; Enjoyment 5.
Profile Image for Meg.
206 reviews12 followers
October 6, 2022
Reread for spoopy season
This series is my guilty pleasure ooof
Profile Image for Jessica Di Salvio.
Author 8 books64 followers
July 11, 2024
La traductrice a changé et ça parait. Le texte est beaucoup plus fluide et agréable à lire. Malgré quelques passages (qui sont peut être dû à l’autrice), le livre était une lecture dans la moyenne.

Il se passe beaucoup de choses, notamment le fait que Morgan ouvre enfin ses yeux à propos de Cal (urgh que l’amour rend aveugle quand on est ado 🙄)

Mais j’aurais aimé qu’il y ait plus la présence du groupe. Il y a beaucoup de personnages mais ils étaient extrêmement figurant dans ce tome-ci, c’était dommage.

Aussi, une affaire qui m’agace solide (surtout que j’ai commencé le tome 5 et que c’est pareil), ce sont les rappels constant des anciens tomes avec précisions. Je comprends la nécessité de rappeler certains événements lié au tome précédent, mais là ce sont des informations qui datent du tome 1 et qui ne sont pas toujours nécessaires. C’est agaçant, parce qu’on dirait une liste de rappel à même le début du livre. J’ai peu être cette impression parce que je les lis back à back, mais je trouve ça intense de parler de la crise de jalousie de Bree du tome 1 rendu à ce stade…

Ça reste addictif même si on est loin de qualité littéraire. C’est presque insultant pour mon cerveau d’avoir envie de ne lire que ça pour découvrir la fin de chaque tome (et de la série).
Profile Image for Ray.
859 reviews59 followers
January 21, 2022
I really enjoyed this installment. I loved the development of Morgan and her path of enlightenment. I think this is a fabulous series. It has surpassed my expectations and when that happens, it is literary Christmas. Opening each book brings a new spark and the content is very rewarding in my opinion. I recommend it. It isn't heavy, but the path it takes the reader on is subtly mesmerizing and enriching. Love it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 415 reviews

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