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Scarlet Deception #1

Secrets of Bella Terra

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Three powerful brothers tormented by their pasts, a priceless bottle of wine, and a precious pink diamond lost for generations collide in this suspenseful new contemporary series from New York Times bestselling author Christina Dodd!

The Story Begins...

Brooding and sexy Rafe Di Luca has returned to his family's luxurious vineyard resort and discovers that a long-ago quarrel has ignited once more, forcing him to work with Brooke Petersson, the woman he seduced...and betrayed.

As the danger escalates and their passion threatens to rage out of control, Brooke fights her treacherous longing for a man who will never truly share his life with any woman. Remembering the anguish of the love they shared, she vows that Rafe may possess her body, but never again will he reach her fiercely guarded heart.

The peril they face will either bring them together, or destroy them both...unless they uncover the secret that will change everything.

421 pages, Paperback

First published August 2, 2011

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About the author

Christina Dodd

138 books5,643 followers
— Out now! A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA Historical Fiction "I’m the daughter of Romeo and Juliet. Yes, that Romeo and Juliet. No, they didn’t die in the tomb…"

Readers become writers, and Christina has always been a reader. Ultimately she discovered she liked to read romance best because the relationship between a man and a woman is always humorous. A woman wants world peace, a clean house, and a deep and meaningful relationship based on mutual understanding and love. A man wants a Craftsman router, undisputed control of the TV remote, and a red Corvette which will make his bald spot disappear.
When Christina’s first daughter was born, she told her husband she was going to write a book. It was a good time to start a new career, because how much trouble could one little infant be?
Ha! It took ten years, two children and three completed manuscripts before she was published. Now her suspense, paranormal, historical, and mystery novels have been translated into 30 languages and sold more than 15 million copies in print. Praised for her “brilliantly etched characters, polished writing, and unexpected flashes of sharp humor that are pure Dodd” (Booklist), her award-winning books have landed on numerous Best of the Year lists and, much to her mother's delight, Dodd was once a clue in the Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle. She lives with her family in the Pacific Northwest, where her 700 lavender plants share the yard with her husband’s various “Big Projects,” including a treehouse, zipline, and their very own Stonehenge.
Enter Christina’s worlds and join her mailing list for humor, book news and entertainment (yes, she’s the proud author with the infamous three-armed cover) at christinadodd.com. For more information on A DAUGHTER OF FAIR VERONA, visit daughterofmontague.com. Her legions of fans know that when they pick up a Christina Dodd book, they'll find the story, "Wildly entertaining, wickedly witty!"
Christina is married to a man with all his hair and no Corvette, but many Craftsman tools.

(Source: http://www.christinadodd.com )

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,378 reviews327 followers
January 31, 2021
Translation widget on the blog!!!
O incitantă poveste de dragoste, cu suișuri și conorâșuri. Secrete de generații întregi, ură perpetuată între vechi familii italiene chiar dacă acțiunea se desfășoară în America.
Rafe și familia acestuia se ocupă cu producția de vinuri — fratele lui Eli; au un complex renumit de relaxare de care se ocupă fratele cel mic, iar Rafe lucrează în securitate.
Aceasta este imaginea de fundal a acțiunii acestei cărți.
Rafe și Brooke sunt îndrăgostiți unul de celălalt încă de pe vremea liceului, dar soarta a fost tot timpul împotriva lor. Acum, odată cu întoarcerea lui Rafe acasă pentru a investiga atentatul asupra bunicii lui, cei doi au o nouă șansă.
Întrebarea este dacă vor profita sau nu de ea...
Recenzia mea completă o găsiți aici:
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
August 16, 2011
2 ½ stars. Neat characters. A lot of potential, but the story wasn’t fleshed out.

I was interested enough to keep reading to see what would happen, but when I was done, I realized it was incomplete. It was not full writing. Too many things were glossed over, not finished, or not shown. There were three bad guys but we are never shown any conversations among them. We are not shown enough of their interactions with each other, their motivations, and the things they did. The only things we are shown are at the very end when two of them get caught/discovered. I never learned why or how they killed two people.

Regarding the good guys, 80-year-old Sarah was attacked. She had a strong suspicion of who was behind it. But she let several days go by before telling her son Rafe who was investigating the attack. It would have taken her one minute to say “There has been a family feud since whenever. X is behind it because he wants a special bottle of wine that my family has.” But no, she says to herself I’ll tell him tomorrow, and then waits for several tomorrows.

Another problem was heroine stupidity. Two people have been killed. Heroine suspects it is X. She goes after X alone with only a bottle of champagne as her weapon. Of course something bad happens to her.

There is almost no relationship development. That’s an assumption that happened in prior years. Now she is stressed about something so he has sex with her to help her feel better. Gee how romantic. This book is mostly about the mystery.

The good: I found several of the characters very interesting: the De Luca brothers and their parents, Brooke and her mother, Jenna the spa manager who was hot for Rafe, Darren the hacker, Ebrillwen the head housekeeper, and a couple other employees. There was a lot of potential for interesting interaction.

Rafe and Brooke were best friends in high school. Later there was some sex, but Rafe left town for the military. When he returned they reconnected, but apparently Brooke’s mother guilted him into leaving Brooke again. Now several years later Rafe returns. He is drawn to Brooke, but she is reluctant to let anything happen. She doesn’t want to be hurt again. Brooke works as concierge for a resort owned by the Di Luca family. She is close to Sarah.

The book begins with Sarah (Rafe’s grandmother) being attacked in her home. Rafe takes a leave from the military to arrange for her safety, solve the mystery, and find the bad guy. He doesn’t trust the small-town cop’s competence.

The feud concerns two families who came to California from Italy to grow grapes and make wine (The Di Lucas and the Bianchins). In 1930 another winemaker gave a special bottle of wine to Sarah’s father (or grandfather). The current head of the Bianchin family is obsessed with getting that bottle for himself. It was hidden years ago, and Sarah doesn’t know where it is.

Story length: 421 pages. Swearing language: moderate. Sexual language: strong. Number of sex scenes: 4. Estimated number of sex scene pages: 10. Setting: current day Bella Valley, California. Copyright: 2011. Genre: contemporary romantic mystery suspense.
March 15, 2012
This review was posted at Under The Covers

Where to start with the things about this book that hit a great spot with me? Well, for one this series revolves around a family in a small town. However this is no ordinary family, their mother is a Hollywood star, they own a succesful vineyard, they're some of the most looking people in town, they own a resort, yeah, way above average right there. But they are all so nice and with a wonderful feeling of family unit.

They're of italian descent, and from the north of Italy more specifically. Me being northern italian and seeing a lot of people always show us with the wrong stereotypes, I was very happy to see that the ways this family was portrayed, the things they say, the way the act, and even the food they eat, was very accurate! And I enjoyed the food descriptions in the book, they were making me hungry!! Polenta, prosciutto wrapped canteloupe, and all with a nice glass of wine! *sigh*

Now the story is a bit of romantic suspense actually. Someone is after the Di Luca's, starting with the grandmother being attacked, a dead body shows up, among other things. Rafe Di Luca has been away for a long time, after being in the military now he has his own private security type firm. He comes back to investigate what's going on in his town and with his family.

To do this he enlists the help of his old high school flame and the girl he hasn't been able to forget. Brooke is now working at his family's resort and they're relationship had ended because she couldn't deal with his profession.

The sparks are still there between them, and between fighting them and giving in they will also have to catch whoever is after Rafe's family. Overall, I enjoyed the story, the intrigue, and the family most of all, so I am looking forward to reading the next book about the sexy Di Luca brothers.
Profile Image for Anita.
281 reviews21 followers
August 19, 2011
A great start to a new series. Really enjoyed this book. Three Italian families have been fighting for years over a bottle of wine. There are 3 brothers who have the same father but different mothers that were raised by their Grandma. This book is Rafe's. Former child star turned military soilder turned security expert. Ever since Brooke met him at school, she has loved Rafe. But it was never good timing for them. Now Rafe is back to find out who attacked his Nonna. This puts him back in Brooke's life. As the drama unfolds, dead bodies are found, a wine bar trashed, a missing ring, and many suspects to pick from. Brooke and Rafe work together to track down the killer. Eli's story is next and I have it preordered already! Can't waiit to see how the rest of the story unfolds.

Profile Image for Kimberly.
2,254 reviews89 followers
April 16, 2012
Blue Ribbon Rating: 5 out of 5
Original Review Link

Of the three Di Luca brothers, Rafe is the one who doesn’t want to stay put in their hometown in California’s wine country. But when his grandmother is attacked, security expert Rafe rushes home, intent on discovering her assailant’s identity. What he finds is that the attack was just the tip of the iceberg. A long-held secret in his family’s past has brought about new threats…and not just to the Di Luca family.

Brooke Petersson has been close to the Di Luca family ever since moving to Bella Valley as a teenager. But it was Rafe, in particular, who stole her heart all those years ago – and then broke it. Now she has to work with him to uncover the secrets lurking in Bella Terra, but being in constant contact with Rafe is hell on her nerves. The passion between them burns as hot as ever, yet even as she gives into the temptation that is Rafe, Brooke vows she’ll never again give her heart to him. Rafe seems equally determined to win her over, but with a dangerous enemy out to destroy everything the Di Lucas have built, Brooke and Rafe may not have a chance to find out if they’ll have a second shot at love.

Secrets and seduction make for a sinfully good read in SECRETS OF BELLA TERRA. The first book in Christina Dodd’s SCARLET DECEPTION series sizzles with passion, and Ms. Dodd keeps that hot blood pumping fast with a healthy dose of intrigue.

It was easy for me to become invested in Brooke and Rafe’s romance. Love has clearly never been a problem for them, but though they gave their hearts to one another at a young age, it’s clear they weren’t wholly ready for a forever kind of relationship until now. That doesn’t mean that Brooke simply falls into Rafe’s arms, no matter how fast the sparks between them fly. There’s a lot of past hurt to be dealt with as well as learning about the people they are now that has to occur. Ms. Dodd gives their relationship a wonderful sense of realism, which makes SECRETS OF BELLA TERRA even more engaging.

With the exception of the danger that the mystery of the SCARLET DECEPTION series brings about, the world of Bella Terra is lush and inviting; Ms. Dodd had me wanting to vacation at the Di Lucas’ resort. And speaking of the Di Lucas, the rest of the family was every bit as interesting as Brooke and Rafe. I adored Sarah, Rafe’s grandmother, sighed a bit over Noah, and holy mackerel, did the cliffhanger in SECRETS OF BELLA TERRA make me want Eli’s book! The only thing that disappointed me when I read SECRETS OF BELLA TERRA was that I finished it feeling upset that I did not have REVENGE AT BELLA TERRA on hand so I could keep reading.

I’ve loved Ms. Dodd’s books for over ten years and no matter what genre she writes in, Ms. Dodd wows me. SECRETS OF BELLA TERRA is an incredibly entertaining story that I’ll be re-reading many times over. In fact, I may just start a re-read right now. ;)

Note: My review was written for Romance Junkies and is cross-posted here courtesy of Romance Junkies.
Profile Image for Alexandra.
356 reviews12 followers
September 30, 2022
Ce a fost cu finalul ăsta? Eli, Sfinte Panda, în ce te bagi? 😱😱😱
M-a făcut atât de curioasă încât vreau să pun chiar acum mâna pe următoarea carte.

Bun, să lăsăm în urmă ultimul capitol al cărții care ne pregătește pentru volumul 2 și să revenim la povestea pe care tocmai ce am încheiat-o.

Pe scurt: a fost o lectură de 3 steluțe.

Pur și simplu ador cărțile în care se vorbește despre vin, podgorii, producerea vinului, familii vechi și puternice, tradiții de familie. Dios, este deliciul meu suprem. Mulțumesc Nora Roberts pentru asta. 😍

Deci, vă dați seama că am început această carte cu niște așteptări. Nu pot spune că nu mi le-a îndeplinit, dar clar nu a fost la înălțimea lor.

Misterul a fost bun, dar acțiunea prea lentă.
Nu am înțeles, știi un secret de atâția ani, ești aproape omorâtă pentru el și alegi să îl dezvălui abia la jumătatea cărții, după ce toată lumea a alergat după cai verzi pe pereți? 🤦‍♀️ Pe bune, buni? Bine că nu au dat "ortu' popii".

Relația dintre Rafe și Brooke a fost, ei bine, interesantă. Trecutul lor tumultuos nu le prezicea nimic bun asupra prezentului. Nu visau la aceleași lucruri și mereu au fost în genul 'persoana potrivită la momentul nepotrivit'.

Dar acum, când o situație neplăcută îl aduce pe Rafe acasă, iar Brooke este singura care îl poate ajuta să elucideze misterul, poate că lucrurile o să stea altfel. Poate. Poate.

Ca și prim volum, a fost destul de slăbuț. În momentul de față citesc cartea a doua și îmi place mult mai mult. Sper să nu fiu încântată prea devreme, dar îmi place de Eli mult mai mult decât mă așteptam. Când am început seria puteam sa jur că mezinul îmi va fura inima, dar cine știe? Poate că altfel vor sta lucrurile.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aarann.
859 reviews75 followers
January 9, 2023
Once again, another review Goodreads ate. I read this years ago (and I know I did because someone "um actually'd" me in the comments on the hero's name -- which admittedly I had gotten wrong). I'm so irritated. Swear, I'm one step closer to cutting out GR entirely and just doing a blog that no one but me will read -- but at least if something got eaten it would be my own damn fault instead of an increasingly shitty website that was once a useful tool.


GR rant aside (but seriously, get your shit together, GR!), I was going along, enjoying the re-read of this much more this time than I did the first time around (I originally had problems with the story being so different from the Dodd I once knew and loved, but my grumpier, older self was enjoying it). AND THEN...

At about 85%-ish through the book the heroine did something so galactically stupid I couldn't pick it back up again.

I'm marking this as "read" because 85% of a book is as good as done (plus, I've already read it once), but I was so irritated I DNF'd this thing THAT close to the end. I'm marking it three stars with a caveat. I liked the rest of the book and probably would have given it four stars. But that one stupid choice made by an otherwise intelligent person and needlessly placing her in danger completely ruined the rest of the book for me. There were other ways to get the end confrontation to happen -- Dodd didn't need to make Brooke suddenly (quite literally) too stupid to live.
Profile Image for Bungluna.
1,131 reviews
November 1, 2011
I'm always looking for contamporary romances that don't include serial killers or black ops and this one, in spite of having a 'security expert' hero, fit the bill.

Things I liked:
1. The setting was vividly done.
2. The interaction between the brothers was fun to watch.
3. Rafe and Brook have chemestry galore and their relationship seems real.
4. There were several interesting secondary characters.

Things I didn't like:
1. TSTL hero and heroine moments; I mean you find someone in the security room who shouldn't be there and don't even suspect them of anything? And a potential killer is going off into the depth of the cellars and you follow them armed with a bottle of champagne?
2. Coming from a hotel background, the way Brooks does her job bugged me. She wasn't a concierge; she was a general manager.
3. Nonna dragging her heels to 'reveal' what the heck is going on. I hate mysteries that get stretched by characters not saying things that need to be said for days on end.

Overall I enjoyed this novel enough to look into the next one, even though the set-up at the end sounded like one of my hot-button turn-offs: the dreaded deception for ulterior motives.
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,806 reviews537 followers
September 27, 2011
A great beginning to Christina Dodd's new series with wine country as its backdrop. Three handsome brothers, all having different mothers, are charged with caring for their elderly grandmother whom they adore. Murder and mayhem arise, of course. Bottles of expensive and historically acclaimed wines go flying from the shelves, employees go dumpster diving for diamonds and find dead bodies instead, romance abounds, and the continuing efforts to save the old Italian family business is front and center. Overall, a very captivating and enjoyable book. Looking forward to the next installment.
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews348 followers
December 19, 2011
I liked this in general. The setting was interesting and the De Luca family seemed richly imagined. However I felt that the relationship between the hero and the heroine wasn't all that believable. There really wasn't enough time spent on their relationship, more of the book was about the mystery. Somehow their love was just not that gripping. I didn't really feel invested in their relationship. The story was good but not great. I will continue with the story though.
Profile Image for Alexandra Alexyna.
449 reviews24 followers
September 15, 2020

The more I wanted to read the volume, the more predictable it seemed to me.
Sarah Di Lucca, 80-year-old Nonna of the di Luca family, is attacked in her home by what at first seemed a vagabond. Around her at the hospital gather her grandchildren Eli, Noah and Rafe also known as Raffaello, grandchildren who embark on a journey to find out who attacked the beloved grandmother. Grandchildren may be a little more generic in the context in which we see Rafe most involved. For him, the suspect was also Brooke, the woman he had fallen in love with and was still in love with. Brooke becomes an administrator in Bella Terra when the sick mother retires there and Brooke was accepted into the Di Luca family in such a way that she could be associated with adoption. Although we have the discovery of corpses, we have hackers, we have kidnappings, we find out again about the story of Massimo, a wine producer who offers one of his coveted bottles to the Di Luca family in bottles) causing animosities between the Biochin family and Di Luca (ok I see the place of the story in the first volume but its repetition in vol 2 no). The fact that Jenna, a Bella Terra employee and former schoolmate of Rafe and Brooke and inevitably attracted to Rafe, was involved in hurting Brooke seemed somewhat predictable to me, not to mention that it seemed different to me. filling the character. The fact that Brooke and Rafe are getting married seemed predictable to me. I would have gone further on the fact that Brooke would have wanted to go to Sweden and maybe Rafe would go after her. Why not ?
All in all a 4 star book with indulgence. It could be better
Profile Image for Christine (KizzieReads).
1,541 reviews106 followers
August 7, 2023
A few things bothered me about this, but not enough to make me enjoy this any less! I loved all the intrigue and mystery as well as the second chance romance. I figured out part of it very early on, but didn't know how things tied together. There are still some lingering issues and I can't wait to see how those pan out.

Brooke runs the resort for her ex's family and when he comes back, things heat up. Rafe's grandmother gets beaten up and no one knows why until she remembers about a long, hopefully forgotten grudge of her husband's elders along with another Italian family in the region. She had hoped that the grudge had been put aside. Other things start to happen at the resort, and Brooke and Rafe need to figure out what's going on and why before anyone else gets hurt.

Brooke's heart has been broken by Rafe several times in the past, as he keeps leaving for military and his security business keep him occupied. She swears to never it happen again, but when he is around, she can't help herself. With a little persuasion from him!
Profile Image for Sonja.
611 reviews27 followers
April 24, 2017
A little murder, a little danger, a lot of wine and serious chemistry! This was a fun series to read. Kept me interested and intrigued with some surprises as only Christina Dodd can do!
Profile Image for Mollie *scoutrmom*.
937 reviews39 followers
July 12, 2014
Oh, what a wonderful story! I stayed awake because I just had to keep turning those pages.

Let me say that I loved the setting, a resort set in a small town where most of the characters have known each other since school. The idea of the resort made me wish to be a guest. I've visited the wine country north of San Francisco where the mythical resort lies, and it is lovely.

There is an excellent plot, and the suspense elements are worth the cover price. The web of villains ran deep, I was as surprised by the last true villain as the heroine was.

I liked most of the characters.

We have Nonna, the wonderful Italian granny who claims that the injuries she recieved in an assault were really incurred in a bar fight. I wish there was more of her character, hopefully there will be in the coming sequels.

The hero of this book is Rafe Di Luca, a sexy Italian-American who owns a security business. His family runs a resort in the heart of the northern California wine country. His mother is a movie starlet. His father is an oft-married horn-dog. He once starred in a children's film. He is as clueless in the important things as many a guy. He leaves when he should stay. He shows up unexpectedly. He has loved only one woman for all of his life. So why has he done nothing but leave her? Twice? Dodd did not go very deeply into his motivations, so I liked him but did not understand him.

I was disappointed in the character of Brooke Petersson, our heroine. I think Dodd did not go deeply enough into her motivations to make her a sympathetic character. She seems in some ways to be the perfect career woman, indispensable to her employers. She runs the family's resort so that it operates like a well-oiled machine. She cares for a handicapped mother. She even teaches kick-boxing, for G-d's sake. A few imperfections, please? Even a bad habit? Kick a puppy?

In other ways, I wanted to slap her up side the head. I'd tell her, "Yes, you loved this guy in high school. He pulled a boneheaded move and broke your heart. He showed up again in college and tore your heart out and stomped all over it. How come you aren't dating? Were you just waiting around for him to come to his senses, all these years later? Why don't you just sleep with him again and let him totally trash your emotions. You dope."

The chemistry between these two characters, among Rafe and his brothers, and between each of them and Nonna makes this a much better book than the not-well-enough-drawn characters deserve.

One early fun scene has the brothers needing to blow off some steam, so they leave the nice wine bar they own and go to a dive, wanting to kick off a bar fight. When the bartender sees the mood they are in, he makes a phone call. The rivals show up, and the bartender starts moving the good whiskey off the top shelf to a protected place under the bar. It's not long before some idiot is thrown through a window.

"In about two minutes, the floor was slippery with blood, sweat, and snot. In about five minutes, Rafe's ears were ringing. No, wait. Those were sirens. The cops were coming. The evening had been, altogether, very satisfying."

This was a fun one I'll probably read again.
Profile Image for Lauren.
2,436 reviews159 followers
December 8, 2014
Secrets of Bella Terra
4 Stars

As a fan of Dodd’s paranormal and historical romance, I was eager to try one of her romantic suspense books and was not disappointed. Dodd’s writing is as captivating in this genre as in the others and the romance and mystery are highly entertaining.

Brooke and Rafe have captivating chemistry and the glimpses into the development of their relationship over the years contributes both to their individual characterization and to the complexity and intensity of their romance. The secondary character development is also excellent, and the relationship between the Di Luca brothers and other family members leads to some laugh-out-loud moments.

The mystery is intriguing although not very original and the background is unnecessarily dragged out - . Moreover, the hero and heroine exhibit some questionable behavior: Rafe is supposedly suspicious of everyone and everything but overlooks . Brooke is an intelligent heroine overall, but has one particularly TSTL moment when she .

The setting of an exclusive resort in California wine country is vivid and adds an extra dimension to the atmosphere of the story. The intro into the next book is very enticing and I look forward to reading Eli’s story.
Profile Image for Valia.
231 reviews2 followers
November 3, 2012
I loved this book.It is the first contemporary that I have read in quite some time that has fascinated me.
Its a story about Rafe and Brooke.I equally liked both characters.I liked the fact that they knew each other so well.The flashbacks provided,helped build their story and brought out the backstory without being annoying and excessive.
Rafe,he fell under the category of silent macho man(though he remedied it at the end).He didn't grate on my nerves as most heroes who are military men do.He was good,especially the shower scene-very touching.
Brooke,she had all the good traits of heroines with none of the bad.Her decision to move to Sweden when she realised she was stuck in the same cycle was rather courageous.I liked that she was never at any moment a damsel in distress waiting for the hero to save her.
This book was hot without bordering too much on the sexual side .There was also never a dull moment where I had to force myself to read the story.
All in all a superb read that I can definitely reread.
Profile Image for Oliviana Georgescu.
315 reviews24 followers
February 26, 2020
Bella Terra - o localitate viticolă din California întemeiată de câteva familii de italieni. Secrete vechi de câteva generații, bine ascunse, a căror forță distrugătoare lovește peste timp. Relații de familie complicate, sentimente puternice și un pericol real care își face simțită prezența atunci când Sarah Di Luca, cea mai vârstnică, iubită și respectată membră a familiei Di Luca, una din cele mai vechi si influente familii din Bella Terra, este atacată în propria casa atunci când, venită de la cumpărături, surprinde un răufăcător care căuta ceva anume, după cum va ieși la iveală mai târziu.
La toate acestea adăugați trei superbe exemplare masculine, Eli, Rafe și Noah Di Luca, nepoții Sarei Di Luca - crescuți de aceasta, acum bărbați în toată firea -, și o fierbinte poveste de iubire cu suișuri si coborâșuri, și avem toate ingredientele unei lecturi savuroase.
Profile Image for Eve.
370 reviews3 followers
October 2, 2011
Probably give it around 3 and a half stars, there were a few things that dragged it down for me. The main thing was that I felt I didn't really know his character, as the book mainly focuses on things from her point of view, but that's no excuse - you still don't really get a feel for who he is other than the superficial. In fact, a lot of the romance isn't really there when I look back on it, it relies heavily on "their past" which isn't enough for me. Focused mainly on the mystery aspect of it which I didn't really enjoy. Many loose ends, a lot of the characters drifted in and out with no real purpose, we didn't see the motivations for the killer(s).. overall I liked it but didn't love. Hoping the next in the series will be better!
Profile Image for Tammy.
808 reviews42 followers
October 10, 2011
I believe this could be the beginning of a good, new series. I loved this book and the relationship between Rafe and Brooke. It seemed like a real life romance that was on again, off again, on again, off again, and finally Rafe realized that he couldn't live without Brooke in his life. Starting Revenge at Bella Terra next. Can't wait to see what Eli's book brings.
Profile Image for Ginny.
248 reviews
May 13, 2015
Christina Dodd at her best. I voled this book, am looking forward to the next 2 in this series!
Profile Image for Gloriamarie.
721 reviews
May 28, 2017
Secrets of Bella Terra, Revenge at Bella Terra, and Betrayal at Bell Terra are a trilogy and the books must be read in order or the reader will never be able to follow the unfolding mystery which was never quite resolved as far as I am concerned. But I say nothing about it because "spoilers, sweetie."

I read these as part of an on-going project to vet potential additions to a booklist a friend is assembling as a service to the people in her group, adult children of parents with PTSD. The people with PTSD are the three male leads, brothers, and each stars in his own novel. By the time we readers meet them, these men have done their homework for the most part, with an exception and to be fair, the guy is in a trap. They all live on the family property, Bella Terra, and cherish their beautiful earth. Bella Terra is a fascinating place.

Something I appreciated is that one of the brothers voluntarily committed himself to psychiatric treatment and did hard work. Another brother dove into what he is really good at and broke the cycle. The third brother, well, he's trapped in a situation.

Very much enjoyed reading these and if there wasn't that one detail which I feel still needs resolution, I would have given it four stars. Of course, as I am of Italian heritage, I really enjoyed that it was important to the family to maintain their Italian heritage. Very enjoyable people with wonderful depth to their characters. The plot spanned three books and was complicated enough with lots of twists and suprises to warrant three volumes.
3,269 reviews24 followers
January 24, 2012
Setting - Bella, California. Central California, grape growing, wine developing valley.

Themes - deception, reconciliation, love, maturity, traditions (good and bad)

Background - The valley settled a century plus ago by 3 Italian families - the DiLucas, the Bianchins, and the mafiosa-like Marinos. They competed. During prohibition & the depression, the DiLucas split their property to develop a resort as the continued to grow grapes; the Bianchins put in orchards, and the Marinos running hooch. Massimo, a well known vitner, honored families with the gift of one of his wines to a newborn, to be drunk at his wedding, his 21st birthday, or some celebration. During prohibition, police raided and destroyed most of his work. He had only one bottle left with the Brianchins & the DiLucas both had a son on the same day... and though he liked the Brianchin's better, the DiLuca baby was 1st, so he gifted the wine to them. 20+ years later, when the sons were grown and loved the same woman, Sarah Marino married the DiLuca son (and was disowned by her family)... and at the end of the celebration the Brianchin's showed up and broke all of the wine, and The wine had not been brought out yet, so it was safe. the DiLuca son was shot, and made infertile - though Sarah was already pregnant. The wine was safely hidden.

Characters -

side characters:
Ebrillwen Jones - Danish born, militiristic head maid at the resort.
Madelyn - ran away from an abusive husband withher daughter, changed her name.
Marino brothers and cousin - Sephano, Greg, and Primo - rough and ready, ready to fight with the DiLuca's while expressing sorrow and concern over Sarah mid fight.
Zachary Adams - exconvict, head groundskeeper
Jenna Campbell - went to high school with the rest, head cheerleader, smart at math & computers.
Sherriff DuPey - went to h.s. with the rest - his father was sherriff, and was a cruel, bigoted sheriff. Seems kinda slow at first, but steps up and handles the investigations well.
Darren - Rafe's 17-year old hacker/computer expert.

Sarah - married the DiLuca son, they had one son, who grew up to be a self centered, egotistical, immoral, wellknown actor. He had 3 sons from 3 marriages, and was apoor father to them all.
Eli - the oldest - the award winning wine maker of the family. When young, kidnapped by angry mother, returned to grandmother - he never spoke of the years he was separated from them.
Rafe - middle - mother was an Italian actor - and he lived in the volatile household. at age 10 starred in movie about a dragon and became famous... after a few years, he decided fame was not for him, acting was not for him, that its all lies, so he insisted to be allowed to live with the grandparents at Bella. Wants to make a difference, plans to enter the armed forces.
Noah - businessman, runs the resort and their various investments.

Brooke Petersson - parents both army officers, moved a lot, parents fought. at age of 12, parents divorced, father admitted to having another family in Japan, she never saw her father again, mother took her to settle in Bella Valley. she and Rafe became friends... friends that held through high school until they became lovers in their senior year. they split (one connection her last year in college), and with her degree, she is now the head conceirge at the resort

Joseph Brianchin, inhis 70s, wants the Massimo wine, what he feels is his birth right. he sends thugs to ket it, no resmorse and get a deduction.

2nd thug,, while in Sarah's home's wine cellar comes behind Sarah when it is obvious she knows something is wrong, and hits her with a tire iron, breaking her wrist, and hitting her head knocking her unconscious. She wakes up 30 minute. later, calls for help Brooke is there first as an older gardener tells her that Sarah is hurt, and is acting guilty.
Rafe leaves a rescue of a helicopter pilot in Kassisbaczan to his grandmother. and he decidely determines he will need Brooke to help him solve this mystery. Their time together is bitter sweet - they both fight memories, they fight current attractions, they try to keep their emotions cold... but fail. When younger, he didn't talk... and she was taken by surprise by his hero / army plan, and left him as she knew she could not live that life again. In college, he returns home after being a prisoner, and finds healing and trust in Brooke's arms, telling her everything. But a week later, mom catches them in bed together, and privately tells him not to destroy her and leave - and he does so, again not talking to Brooke, and gets the psych help he needs, opens his own world wide security firm - hero on his terms. When Brooke is vulnerable after stepping into the decaying body of the gardner dumped in the dumpster - he takes her home, washes her body, and makes love to her when she asks him to help her to forget.

Finally grandma tells them about Joseph's desire for the wine bottle, and Brooke and Rafe work different angles to catch the bad guy. Rafe and Noah set up a trap, catch the garnder that Brooke has been watching, as he steals the bottle that they pretended was the one being hunted, filming him... he tries to use Brooke as a shield, but she fights back & gets free allowing Rafe to snag him. With Brooke safely in the hospital, Rafe debriefs his team who succesfully rescued the pilot finally, returns the next day to find an angry Brooke who thought he left again without talking toher. But before he gets to her (and her plans to move to Norway and start anew), the brains, who manipulated the cameras and bugged thephones, Jenna (who was angry Rafe didn't take up with her now or in high school) and who had gambling debts is going to kill Brooke - but Brooke fights her off, with Rafe bursting in right at the end of the fight.

And Rafe comes back after she has slept, after she has eaten, and brings chocolate cake and strawberries, and seduces her, and agrees to go to Norway with her (he has a office there), and hopes she is pregnatn, and asks her to marry him... ahhhh\

and Eli, in a wine conference in San Francisco, is approached by real Italian mafioso who wants his agreement to court and marry his independent minded, American granddaughter in exchange for biling out his vineyard (i'm not sure why the vineyard is in trouble, but Eli is hiding it from his brothers and is worried). hmmmm
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
99 reviews
December 22, 2021
I love Christina Dodd’s historicals for their emotional depth, and I found that sadly lacking in this book.

I found myself on surface level with both main characters. I felt very much that they were telling us their thoughts in an info-dumpy way. Not much showing but too much telling. Because of that, I was unable to sympathize or root for them. I just didn’t care.

One of the villains was also so unnoticeable that I struggled to remember when that person was mentioned. But I was so detached that I didn’t even look back to see those parts where this person was mentioned earlier in the book. There was a whole subplot about another murder that didn’t really tie into the main plot. So it was a bit of a mess.

Not recommended.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
393 reviews1 follower
December 26, 2022
I love the writing style of this author but far prefer her medieval romances to the contemporary ones, Candle in the window blew me away and have reread it several times but this one is just okay, rather than exciting it is actually a bit whiny and does not connect with the emotions. I honestly didnt care if the couple got together or not and the fact that jealousy is supposed to be the motive for the crime really didnt cut it and if they were actually trying to put the resort out of business why did they smash the bottles instead of just taking them? Would have been a whole lot easier and quieter to get away. Yes I know there are more books in this series to fill in some of the blanks but just left this reader feeling dissatisfied.
Profile Image for Irene.
529 reviews6 followers
May 6, 2021
I think the main problem for me and the reason for only 3 stars is that I was listening to the audiobook. And because it was an audiobook it seemed interminable! It is fun to listen to a book with a lot of action, but this wasn't one of those. So after the first half I started having an urge to rewind some parts. But I think if I was actually reading it myself, it might have been a solid 4* read.
37 reviews
March 22, 2018
Loved this. Great mystery, cute romance, wonderful characters and amazing setting. I'm always on a look out for a contemporary romantic mystery and this fit the bill perfectly. Thankfully I found the whole series in my library and can't wait to read the others!
Profile Image for Joanna.
113 reviews
February 2, 2019
2.5 stars.
The first book I have read by Dodd.
The plot held my interest enough to want to read the next 2 books because:
a) I want to find out how the mystery of the 80yr. old feud unravels
b) Eli & Noah's their back stories & the women that come into their life.
Profile Image for Sharon Eikenberry-Deary.
732 reviews4 followers
May 26, 2017
Another great read and one which keeps you wanting to read. All her books start out where you don't get bored.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 155 reviews

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