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Roy Grace #3

Not Dead Enough

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On the night Brian Bishop murdered his wife, he was sixty miles away, asleep in bed at the time. At least, that’s the way it looks to Detective Superintendent Roy Grace who is called in to investigate the kinky slaying of beautiful young Brighton socialite, Katie Bishop. Soon, Grace starts coming to the conclusion that Bishop has performed the apparently impossible feat of being in two places at once. Has someone stolen his identity, or is he simply a very clever liar? As Grace digs deeper behind the facade of the Bishops’ outwardly respectable lives, it starts to become clear that all is not at all as it first seemed. And then he digs just a little too far, and suddenly the fragile stability of his own troubled, private world is facing destruction...

400 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Peter James

221 books3,367 followers
Peter James is a global bestselling author, best known for writing crime and thriller novels, and the creator of the much-loved Detective Superintendent Roy Grace. With a total of 16 Sunday Times No. 1s under his belt, he has achieved global book sales of over 20 million copies to date and has been translated into 37 languages.

Synonymous with plot-twisting page-turners, Peter has garnered an army of loyal fans throughout his storytelling career – which also included stints writing for TV and producing films. He has won over 40 awards for his work, including the WHSmith Best Crime Author of All Time Award, Crime Writers’ Association Diamond Dagger and a BAFTA nomination for The Merchant of Venice starring Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons for which he was an Executive Producer. Many of Peter’s novels have been adapted for film, TV and stage.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 701 reviews
Profile Image for Angela.
548 reviews185 followers
October 3, 2023
Not Dead Enough (Roy Grace, #3) by Peter James

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace thinks he's found a serial killer, but not everything is as it seems in Not Dead Enough, by award winning crime author Peter James.

A beautiful socialite is dead. Roy Grace’s leading suspect, her husband, was sixty miles away when she died, but all other evidence points to him. Has someone stolen his identity or is he simply a very clever liar?

Grace’s investigation and his budding new relationship are derailed after a reported sighting of his wife, Sandy, who has been missing for nine years. Grace desperately tries to cast light on the truth in both cases as his emotional turmoil – and the body count – grows.

My Thoughts /

Peter James comes through again. If you are looking for a good crime\mystery\thriller series to read, then James has written it with his Roy Grace series.

Book, #3 has Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and his team investigating the murder of a beautiful young socialite, Katie Bishop. It comes as no surprise however, when all the evidence points to the husband, Brian Bishop, as main murder suspect. Only thing is, Brian denies that he had anything to do with his wife's demise. He says he was [is] very much in love with his wife and would never hurt her. Grace does acknowledge that his shock and grief at the news that his wife was found murdered does seem genuine, but perhaps Brian's just a terrific actor.

When a second young woman is found brutally murdered in her flat in circumstances eerily similar to those of Katie Bishop, Grace is left wondering whether Brian Bishop is something more than a terrific actor, is he a serial killer? It doesn't look good for Bishop - he admits to knowing Sophie Harrington but denies they were anything other than friends.

Grace and his hand-picked investigative team which includes DC Nick Nicholl, DS Bella Moy, DS Norman Potting and his ever-present sidekick, DS Glenn Branson are under pressure from the higher-ups and Grace's boss, ACC Alison Vosper, to solve these crimes before the public get wind there might be a serial killer out and about.

James writes a good storyline and can ratchet up tension when it's needed and then throw in some unexpected twists and turns which all add to the intensity of the story. However, at 624 pages, I thought my Kindle edition was a little over padded. For example, when interviewing Bishop, Grace mentions that he watches the way Bishop flicks his eyes when asked a question. When flicking to the left he seemed to be telling the truth, but to the right there was some element of doubt. No doubt this is an interesting tell, but it was way over-used. In every interview, with any suspect, there were passages devoted to this plot point. Sheesh. Also, the descriptions of the interview rooms, and the police building droned on. It was impossible for Grace to walk down a corridor or enter a room without being told what colour the walls were and how many posters were hanging on the wall. Double Sheesh.

The characterisation seems to be moving along well. We know that Grace's wife Sandy disappeared nine years ago and there hasn't been one trace of her since the day she went missing. In this story, good friends of Grace think they have seen Sandy while holidaying in Munich. This possible sighting sends Grace into a tailspin, and he heads to Munich to see if he can locate her. How is that going to sit with his current love interest, Cleo Morey? I sense some disharmony on the horizon!

I must confess, that whilst not as entertaining as the first two books in the series, it is still a very worthwhile read. Looking forward to the next chapter - Dead Man's Footsteps next.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,138 reviews121 followers
May 25, 2022
Once in a while I like to reread favorite series by favorite authors, and Peter James's Roy Grace series certainly meets the criteria. As usual, Peter James has written a well plotted thriller with an elusive criminal who continues to wreak his havoc while being pursued by the intelligent and determined Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and his crew. The process involves several of the characters that we've already met in the previous books. His characters are smart, funny, and utterly human. No superstars here able to wave a magic wand and solve a complicated crime. It's all about hard work, ferreting out the facts, and working them together with his peers. Kinda like putting together a 1,000-piece puzzle. The problem with this case is that the pieces keep moving. It's fun watching Roy move the pieces around until he has the answers. I seldom recommend books since everyone has different tastes, but I diffidently would recommend this series to anyone that enjoys tense crime thrillers.
Profile Image for Yigal Zur.
Author 11 books144 followers
March 14, 2019
we quite early understand that Bishop is not the decent husband. but still very clever thriller with deep insight of human nature. great read. James is fascinating, clever and cultured writer.
Profile Image for Tessa Nadir.
Author 3 books346 followers
January 8, 2022
Peter James s-a remarcat in lumea cinematografica fiind producatorul executiv al filmului "Negutatorul din Venetia", iar ca romancier a devenit celebru pentru seria 'Roy Grace' care a fost tradusa in peste 36 de limbi si a primit nenumarate premii.
Prezentul roman este cel de-al treilea in seria 'Roy Grace' si evident ca eu nu le-am citit pe primele doua inca, dar consider ca acesta poate fi parcurs si fara a cunoaste evenimentele din primele doua volume.
Cartea are de toate, crima, actiune, umor, suspans, violenta, un erou politist carismatic si un criminal in serie interesant pana la un anumit punct.
In ceea ce priveste actiunea, politistul Roy Grace si echipa sa de la sectia de omoruri din Sussex cerceteaza o serie de crime ce au ca victime femei. Criminalul le dezbraca, le leaga, le pune o masca de gaze pe fata apoi le stranguleaza. Politistii il interogheaza pe sotul primei femei si cu timpul isi dau seama ca toate dovezile il incrimineaza. Acesta se comporta straniu si in ciuda evidentei politistii au o mare problema: cum poate un om sa fie in doua locuri deodata. Este ceva supranatural sau ceva logic? (da, este ceea ce credeti...)
Desi la inceput parea ca autorul reuseste un teribil mindgame cu cititorul, acesta fiind aiurit si aburit in toate partile, la un moment dat cel din urma va avea probabil un deja-vu si se va prinde de trucul pe care se sprijina toata intriga. Mi-a adus aminte de cartea/filmul "The Prestige" si cred ca am zis suficient cu asta.
Romanul pare foarte bine documentat si autorul chiar are o serie lunga de multumiri adresata politistilor din Sussex, asadar documentarea sa e bazata pe realitate, ceea ce confera mult profesionalism cartii si ne invata o gramada de detalii ale procedurii in cazul unei crime.
Am savurat si scenele bine descrise de la morga si despre activitatea legistilor. In mare parte cele 4 stele sunt acordate pentru acest lucru, desi finalul este dezamagitor.
M-a mirat faptul ca politistii iau paracetamol ca pe bomboane, cate doua deodata, de 4-6 ori pe zi, mai ales dupa betie.
Foarte interesant, la pagina 122 aflam ca un laborator universitar din Edinburgh a constatat ca oamenii clipesc de 24 de ori pe minut atunci cand spun adevarul si de 19 ori atunci cand mint. S-ar putea sa fie util de retinut acest amanunt daca reusim sa numaram fara ca noi insine sa clipim in acest timp :)
M-a amuzat faptul ca traficantii de droguri din carte folosesc ca parola la intalnire numele antipaticului ex-fotbalist Wayne Rooney, facandu-se apoi referire si la tragedia aviatica in care a fost implicata echipa Manchester United in 1958. Mi-am dat seama ca autorul probabil este fan al acestei echipe.
Mi-a topit inima gestul unui om al strazii dependent de droguri care a gasit un hamster aruncat de stapani si a avut grija de el, ducandu-l la veterinar pentru a-i pune o atela la labuta. Gestul este frumos mai ales ca el traia de pe-o zi pe alta si-si dadea toti banii pe droguri pana atunci, insa a prins drag de micul animal si a avut grija de el.
In incheiere va recomand cartea, este un roman politist bun cu multe detalii captivante, cu o ancheta a politiei profesionist desfasurata, in ciuda finalului lipsit de originalitate. Roy Grace este simpatic si merita urmarita soarta lui in toate cartile din serie. Atasez si cateva citate amuzante:

"In Italia, timp de 30 de ani, sub familia Borgia, au existat razboaie, teroare si varsare de sange - dar ei i-au creat pe Michelangelo, pe Leonardo da Vinci si Renasterea. In Elvetia a existat iubirea frateasca, 500 de ani de democratie si pace si la ce a dus asta? La ceasul cu cuc." (Orson Welles)
"Mustele de carne - sau mustele verzi, cum mai erau numite in popor - puteau mirosi moartea de la 8 km distanta. Cam aceeasi distanta ca reporterii, din a caror specie unul era deja afara punandu-i intrebari politistului."
"Sotul ei intampina tot timpul dificultati incercand sa inteleaga instructiunile pentru masina de spalat vase si cea de spalat rufe, sustinand ca erau scrise intr-un limbaj ciudat numit "femeiesc"."

P.S. In era moderna a fotbalului cel mai trist lucru la Manchester United mi s-a parut totusi retragerea din activitate a arbitrului de casa Howard Webb. ;)
Profile Image for Sophie Narey (Bookreview- aholic) .
1,045 reviews118 followers
March 4, 2019
Oh how I am loving the Roy Grace series!! This is the third book in the series and I can say it is just as good as the other two before it.

Grace certainly had to think hard about this case, the murder of 2 women, one suspect...only problem is the suspect was no where near the victims when they died and has a strong alibi. This story is one that keeps on your brain, keeps you thinking and wondering about who it could have been even when your not reading it (I admit while I was at work I was constantly thinking about the novel and wanting to be back home reading it)

I don't want to give away too much about the plot of the novel but it has a great depth to the book with the great descriptions of the characters and the writing technique of Peter James, he is fast becoming one of my favourite authors!
Profile Image for Marty Fried.
1,121 reviews115 followers
March 10, 2019
I enjoyed this book, as I did the previous books in the series, but I think it suffered from too much in one story. It was fairly long, and there was a lot happening, but it felt a little incomplete to me. It's as if the author had to either leave out a lot to keep it reasonable, or simply got in too deep and wasn't up to completing the loose ends.

I don't know how to explain further without giving away too much, but I thought one of the main characters simply disappeared at the end, and we don't know what happened to him. It wasn't important to the story, I suppose, but when you get to know a character, you like to know how things turn out for him or her.

Anyway, the book had a lot going on to keep it interesting, and has some interesting recurring characters, so I'm pretty sure I'll continue with the series.
Profile Image for Baba.
3,812 reviews1,273 followers
June 21, 2020
Roy Grace book 3: More compulsive reading is provided by the 3rd book in the series, as James maintains the quality. A gas mask wearing murdered wife, with prime suspect husband having a stone cold alibi; and a reported sighting of Grace's missing wife! As ever, James provides compelling mystery, great suspense and a knuckle biting finale whilst keeping the storytelling down to earth, the supporting cast multi-dimensional and most of all keeping Grace as more than just a cop. 7 out of 12.
Profile Image for Amanda McGill.
1,289 reviews56 followers
March 7, 2018
For full review and a super cute picture of my cat Heidi - The Limit of Books Does Not Exist

Not Dead Enough starts off creepy, with a man following Katie Bishop as she drives home one night. You know it’s not going to end well. It doesn’t and she is found dead in her house the next day. All signs point to her husband, Brian Bishop, but as Roy Grace does some digging, things aren’t how they appear.

The biggest problem with Not Dead Enough was that it was too long. There are just over 120 chapters and each chapter is around 5 pages long. There was so much back and forth, with different storylines and characters that it was hard to follow what was the main storyline. Everything did tie together at the end, but it made me question why the author needed 50 pages of a minor plot just for one event at the end of the book. The book would of been really good if there was 100 pages cut and there was more of a focus on the bad guy and the murder of the women.

What makes Roy Grace different from other literary detectives is that his wife , Sandy, disappeared 9 years ago. It is always in the back of his mind and in this novel there is a possibility that she may be alive. I hope that in a future novel, there is a story fully dedicated to Sandy and what happened to her. Preferably sooner rather than later.
Profile Image for MadProfessah.
374 reviews215 followers
December 7, 2020
Not Dead Enough is the third book in the long-running and best-selling Detective Superintendent Roy Grace series written by Peter James set in Brighton and Hove. These books are British police procedural novels in the mystery, crime, suspense, thriller and detective genres. After reading the first three books I have a growing admiration for the superior quality of the series. In the first three books, we have been exposed to three very different but compelling stories which DSI Grace has successfully solved. Happily, these are not simplistic portrayals of our hero cracking the case on their own, figuring out things that have stumped everyone else, but depictions of collaborative teams of investigators working together to try and bring perpetrators of horrible and horrific crimes to justice.

In addition to Grace, other interesting characters we spend a fair amount of time with include DS Glenn Branson (Grace’s best mate who is going through some marital trouble in Not Dead Enough and so the two are currently temporarily living together!), Cleo Morey (Grace’s new love interest) and a number of other police officers who are on Grace’s team (such as his frightful superior, the boorish DS Potting, the up-and-coming DC Nichols, etc).

The central mystery in Not Dead Enough is pretty interesting and intriguing. The wife (and mistress) of a successful local business owner named Brian Bishop are both found dead, naked, raped and garroted with World War 2-era gas masks on their faces within days of each other. It takes awhile for the police to even realize that Brian is related to both deaths, primarily because even though he is the main suspect when his wife Katie’s body is found (it’s always the husband!), he doesn’t appear to be lying when he adamantly denied knowing his mistress Holly and repeatedly claimed he loved his wife. And he has a pretty strong alibi since he was having dinner in London right before his wife was being murdered in Brighton. Similarly, although there’s an eyewitness saying they saw someone matching Brian’s description the afternoon before Holly’s body was found, Brian was being closely watched by Brighton police in that time period. So, police need to find someone who looks like (and somehow has easy access to significant quantities of Brian’s DNA.) James does a good job of providing interesting twists on the expected solution to this mystery.

Another thing the author does so well in Not Dead Enough (and the other books in the series so far) is to strategically provide the reader with information about the motivations of multiple characters (even the perpetrator!) This works frighteningly well when the characters we care about are placed in imminent danger and the suspense ratchets up to pulse-pounding levels. (Happily this time the source of suspense is entirely sourced not in the mortal danger to our main character. Overuse of this plot device is an annoying pet peeve of mine; far too many authors use it too often as a cheap means to engage readers in the story.)

Overall, Not Dead Enough is another excellent entry in the DSI Roy Grace series. We get advances in the lifestories of many of the main characters and they solve an exciting and puzzling mystery. This series is definitely on my list to follow to its conclusion.
Profile Image for Jim.
943 reviews2 followers
December 5, 2010
Substitute "good" for "dead" in the title. Over two hundred pages to not give a shit about any of it. (Didn't help that a reviewer on the Simon Mayo show pointed out she'd never come across such "new men" policemen, stating freely and boldly their love for each other, and bearing their emotions in public.) The main detective, who's bonking a fantastic, intelligent, utterly stunning, younger and available babe, drops everything to run to Munich to try and find a wife who dropped out his life years ago. Like you would, eh? Yes, for true love, of course. Not only that, you'd have a similar romantically inclined German detective willing to indulge this wild goose chase for True Love too! This underlined my own suspiscion - it was writing as wet as Brighton pier. (Also didn't help that the other book being reviewed was by James Lee Burke, who's main characters would eat their own testicles before they told their cop partner they even quite enjoyed their company. And even then, they'd shoot them immeadiately after it. In the balls. Just incase there was a suspiscion of homosexuality.)
Profile Image for Liz.
195 reviews62 followers
March 1, 2016
Not Dead Enough is the third book in the Roy Grace series by Peter James. I will say that this one isn’t quite as fast-paced and gripping as the first two but it still had me on the edge of my seat for much of the time. The reason I keep coming back to Peter James is because he has the ability to lead me on a merry chase and keep me guessing - every time. I am constantly trying to run through various scenarios and solve the crime but he stymies me at every turn. Just when I think I have it figured out… well. Let’s just say it’s a good thing I’m not a detective!

If you’re looking for well-plotted, thrilling British crime fiction, try this series and be sure to start with Dead Simple. Detective Superintendent Grace is a great lead. He’s a very human, moral and likable guy and, while he’s no superhero, he damn sure gets the job done.
Profile Image for Subaha.
100 reviews22 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 4, 2024
DNF at 40%

I don't often fat-shame books but this one could've been wrapped up 100 pages ago. standing at about 600 pages there wasn't much going on at all. the drag really killed the mystery element.

there were just too many people and their backstories. the main character wouldn't enter a single room without describing the pattern of the wallpaper to a T. I picked this book up from a second-hand pile and only found out after that this is apparently the third book in the series. no matter, it had an independent plotline but all the musings and thoughts of the main character about his wife? (missing for a decade) or whatever felt like such a bore. we would find something new about the case and in his mind, all he cared about was how he could be looking for her. because in my case I never knew her at all to sympathise with her disappearance or whatever.
Profile Image for Eglė  (IG-atgimusi_meile_knygoms).
283 reviews24 followers
June 4, 2023
Rojus Greisas kaip detektyvas ir pagrindinis veikėjas tikrai įsimintinas, tačiau man jo tyrimai atrodo per daug vienodo tempo.
Šį kart Greisui tenka keista byla. Pagal pirminį įspūdį, jaunos Braitono aukštuomenės damos Ketės Bišop žmogžudystė, kurią įvykdė jos vyras Brajanas Bišopas. Tačiau jis tuo metu miegojo savo lovoje už šešiasdešimties mylių nuo nusikaltimo vietos. Iškart kyla klausimas kaip įmanoma būt dvejose vietose vienu metu ir dar tokiu atstumu.
Rojui netrūksta patirties, kad iškart suvoktų jog tai misija neįmanoma. Detektyvas ima gilintis ir vis besirausdamas po idealiu Bišopų gyvenimu, suvokia, kad jo paties asmeniniam gyvenimui gręsia pavojus.
Šioje dalyje netrūko Rojaus Greiso asmeninių gyvenimo detalių, kas labai tikio prie šio tyrimo. Tačiau man šioje serijoje vis kažkas kiša koją. Laukiu to proveržio. O kadangi serija turi to cinkelio ją tęsti tikrai nesudėtinga.
Profile Image for LJ.
3,159 reviews308 followers
January 9, 2008
NOT DEAD ENOUGH (Pol. Procedural-DS Roy Grace-England-Cont) – VG
James, Peter – 3rd in series
Macmillan, 2007, UK Hardcover – ISBN: 9781845797058

First Sentence: Darkness took a long time to arrive, but it was worth the wait.

*** DS Roy Grace is finally putting his life back together and has a new lady love after the disappearance of his wife nine years ago. A friend calls saying he and his wife are certain they glimpsed Grace’s wife in Munich. That’s not the only threat to his new relationship as he investigates the murder of a woman. The husband is the obvious, and increasingly certain, suspect except that he has a very tight alibi 60 miles away. The husband’s mistress is murdered while he’s being held in jail and someone is stalking Grace’s girlfriend.

*** I started this 486-page book mid afternoon on a Saturday figuring it might take a two or three days to read. I finished it at midnight that same night. Now that’s an engrossing story. I’ve really been enjoying this series. I like the character of Roy Grace; he’s been through a trauma but isn’t angst-drive or alcoholic and his best friends and partner’s driving terrifies him. Even though Grace is the clear protagonist, the other characters are well enough developed that it creates an ensemble feeling. James’ writing is highly visual, almost too much so when describing the autopsy. The story is very well plotted. Even though you know where it’s going, and you think you know the twist, there’s still a bit of a surprise. There were a couple small stylistic elements in the writing that annoyed me—I really dislike portents and they were so not needed--but didn’t detract from the story. The crime was satisfactorily solved, but there is still the matter of the missing wife… Perhaps in the next book, for which I am anxiously awaiting.
Profile Image for Gary.
2,807 reviews402 followers
January 31, 2013
The 3rd book in the Roy Grace series by Peter James.
Having read the first three books in the series the characters are now developing very nicely which compliments the main plots.
There is plenty of side issues that are going on along side the main story and keeps you wanting to read more.
A good page turner and I plan to read the rest of this series.
Profile Image for Amanda.
947 reviews283 followers
December 26, 2016
After reading the first two books I was a bit disappointed with this one, still chilling but for me I guessed the ending and felt the story dragged on a little, that said I am still going to read his next book!!!
Profile Image for Charlotte.
31 reviews1 follower
February 23, 2022
Having loved every minute of the Roy Grace series, I was delighted to find that I’d (somehow!) missed out #3 when reading them the first time around.

I thought the plot was cultivated well as the book progressed, developing all the suspense that we have come to expect from Peter James, and there were twists and turns in abundance which helped reduce the predictability that can sometimes ensue in these sorts of novels. I did, however, think that there was perhaps too much happening for one book, but in the same vein it felt somehow incomplete - to me, there was excessive detail in some parts and vital information missing or incomplete in others (although it’s hard to expand any further without too many spoilers).

I still very much stand by the opinion that these books get better as the series develops, with the latest Left You Dead #17 as my firm favourite, but it was such a treat to throw it back to where it all began: Roy and Cleo’s early days, the start of his pursuit of Sandy, Norman Potting in his prime and a time pre-Cassian Pewe.

This has certainly heightened my anticipation for the release of #18 in late summer - I will need to clear my TBR pile to make way!
Profile Image for Bettie.
9,989 reviews
March 6, 2014

To Bertie, Sooty and Phoebe


Darkness took a long time to arrive, but it was worth the wait.

Became a little preposterous towards the end; happily I loved it!

4* Dead Simple
4* Looking Good Dead
4* Not Dead Enough
TR Dead Man's Footsteps
TR Dead Tomorrow
Profile Image for Eti .
458 reviews44 followers
September 11, 2022
Реална оценка 3.5★
Сюжетът беше достатъчно заплетен и се включваха нови и различни престъпления. Доста дълго време смятах нещо, което после се оказа грешно. А е трудно трилър/кримка да ме изненада.
Също така ми хареса, че има повече информация и развитие на личната история на детектив Рой Грейс.

Адски много ми напомни на The Third Twin от Кен Фолет 🤔
Profile Image for Helin Puksand.
976 reviews41 followers
April 27, 2021
Vaatasin lugerist, kas mul on seal krimkasid, mille autor on mulle võõras. Peter Jamesi pole ma tõesti varem lugenud, kuigi raamat on mul olemas juba ammu. Muidugi selgus, et tegemist on Roy Crace'i 3. juhtumiga, kuigi ega see raamatut vähem põnevaks teinud.
Millest siis raamat räägib? Rikka ärimehe naine leitakse surnuna. Kõik tõendid viitavad tema abikaasale. Kuid mida näitab põhjalikum uurimine? Komissar Crace hakkab uurimist juhtima ja kohati tundub, et polegi nagu midagi uurida, sest juhtum tundub selge. Samas lugeja pühendatakse ka teiste tegelaste tegemistest, nii et tekib kahtlus, kas politsei ikka kahtlustab õiget meest. Kuigi mõrtsukas oli tegelikult selge, siis lõpus läks lugu nii põnevaks, et enne ei saanud raamatut käest, kui läbi oli.
Loomulikult ei saa ükski krimka läbi ka uurijate eraeluta ja muidugi ei ei ela politseinikud harmoonilist pereelu.
Soovitan krimisõpradele. :) Ise plaanin millalgi ka Peter Jamesi teisi raamatuid lugeda.
Profile Image for Gavin.
236 reviews37 followers
February 16, 2011
I read three of these, but it was this one that stopped me dead as the titles. Throughout all three there were various, unpleasant "little England" views (he's got a black partner! Can't be racist!) and the author's weird paranormal beliefs politicising the prose (he finds the first book's victim via crystal dowsing. I am not kidding). However, up to this book Roy Grace was a surprisingly likeable protagonist. Life repeatedly put shoe to scrotum and he rolled with it with a kind of endearing hang-dog dignity. Was the fitty at the morgue flirting with him? Who cares! He had lives to save, dammit!

This one got on my nerves though, his partner's wife revealed herself to be the worst person in the world, and he just murps around after her buying horses as though it's meant to be funny. Which is bad. But when Grace enters a cringey, Dan Brownian wish-fulfilment relationship with a smoking hot, intelligent, wealthy woman 10 years his junior (replete with uncomfortable "the author is jerkin' it" sex scene), and then dumps her and his job for a week to fly to Germany looking for a woman he hasn't seen for 8 years I just gave up caring.

During my brief foray into crime fiction (these three, a Rebus and a weird book by a Yorkshireman about a 'sperger and racists that I can't remember the name or author of) these were probably the most fun I had, but that really isn't saying much at all.

Like with Horror, if good stuff exists please tell me.
Profile Image for Anete.
507 reviews73 followers
October 19, 2018
2,5 zvaigznes, patiesbā un tā 0,5 zvaigzne par pēdējam 10 nodaļām (no 122!), kas tiešam bija interesantas un airaujošas.

Kur lai sāk? "Nāvējoši dzīvs" ir 3. grāmata Roy Grace serijā - tas ir detektīva vārds, ja kādu interesē. Spriežot pēc šī parauga, 2 pirmās daļas netaisos lasīt, un tagad vēl domāju, ko darīt ar 4. grāmatu, kas man plauktā stāv....
Šī grāmata ir vismaz 200 lpp par garu. Daudzās sižeta līnijas un paralēlie stāsti... kur daudzu tēlu balsis īpaši neatšķiras viena no otras. Populārākais varoņa apraksts - apmēram 35 gadus veca sieviete. To šeit bija daudz, uz beigām daža neizskatīga pat uzradās. Roy Grace nešķita ļoti gudrs detektīvs, vairāk vīrs, kas peld apstākļos, kā pa miglu cīnās ar personīgo mistēriju - 9 gadus atpakaļ pazudusī/aizbēgusī sieva, kas iespējams pēkšņi pamanīta, un nejauši, kaut ar lielu apņēmību kratīdams sevi - tev taču ir atbildība pret upuriem, uzduras pierādījumiem. Sižets bija samudžināts, bet man par lielu nepatiku, lielāko daļu tā pagriezienu es paredzēju.
Pozitīvās lietas - interesants slepkava un detektīva jaunā sieviete, Klio, kas strādā morgā un brauc ar zilu, sportisku kabrioletu (MG TF 160), spraigas cīņas ainas.
Secinājumi - neiesaku.
Profile Image for Lisa M.
476 reviews28 followers
February 10, 2019
I feel a little like I'm doing this book an injustice with 2 stars as I had a huge (almost 2 month) break from it once I'd got 2/3 through. (I only stopped reading it because I was going on holiday and don't like to take massive books.)

However this meant when I picked it back up today I couldn't hugely remember some of the intricacies of the plot however I did thoroughly enjoy the ending and would pick up another of his books - everyone deserves a 2nd chance and so many millions can't be wrong loving this series!
Profile Image for KJ.
129 reviews10 followers
July 14, 2015
A real curate's egg of a book; some parts of it allow James to show off his obvious skills at creating scenes that can best be described as cinematic, while other sections are clunkingly clumsy. However, the unmasking of the villain should cause any self-respecting crime novelist to blush. Twins separated at birth would have been bad enough, but TRIPLETS? Really, Mr. James - you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,416 reviews2,028 followers
May 17, 2017
I have given this 4 stars despite the books flaws. First of all it is unnecessarily long. This is partly due to frequent repetition which I confess to finding irritating. I'm perfectly capable of recalling the storyline as I'm certain most other readers are too. However, ultimately I did enjoy it even though the story is rather far fetched. I do hope the ongoing mystery of Roy Graces wife Sandy is going to be resolved soon as he needs to get on with his life!!!
Profile Image for Vivian.
512 reviews1 follower
March 20, 2010
Book three in the Dectective Inspector Roy Grace series is another thrilling page turner. I love everything about this series, the characters, the setting, Peter James' writing and his inventive storylines. This one kept me reading far into the night and I've already started the next book in the series. Very highly recommended.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,366 reviews26 followers
December 3, 2017
I enjoyed reading this, the third in an excellent series. It got very exciting towards the end.
I guessed the twin thing quite early on and when the 'twin' was found to have died my first thought was triplets and can't believe that it didn't occur to anyone else. Apart from that little niggle I recommend the book.
Profile Image for Cathy.
2 reviews2 followers
March 24, 2021
Really don’t know what the fuss about this book, I didn’t find it long. I enjoyed this one from start to finish. Yes it might’ve taken a week, but worth the read! Looking forward to his #4 book in this series.
Profile Image for Kirstie.
722 reviews15 followers
June 25, 2020
He can do no wrong for me. Guaranteed to deliver 600+ pages that’ll keep you guessing

How can Brian Bishop have killed his wife when he had a rock solid alibi?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 701 reviews

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