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Sweet as Sin

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She was made for sin. Sin was something he knew intimately.

John Murphy is tormented by nightmares. A bestselling young-adult author, he writes the ultimate fantasy: stories where good always triumphs. He knows better. His past has shown him the worst in people—and in himself. When he moves next door to the sexy, vibrant Livvy—a woman completely unlike his usual one-night stands—he's driven to explore every curve of her delicious body.

Pastry chef Livvy knows that giving in to the temptation that is John Murphy won't lead to anything permanent, but she deserves a passionate summer fling. John discovers she's as sweet as the confections she bakes while Livvy slowly unravels his secrets. But what will happen when she uncovers them all?

288 pages, ebook

First published January 31, 2011

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About the author

Inez Kelley

28 books462 followers

INEZ KELLEY was born and bred in the mountains of West Virginia. She currently resides there with her lumberjack husband, their teenage drama queen, Spawnetta, and the Demolition Duo – Damien and his twin, the Omen.

She is a multi-published author of various romance genres. You can visit her at her website http://inezkelley.com/ Follow Inez on twitter at @Inez_Kelley or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/inez.kelley

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Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,508 followers
June 9, 2015


This book is just a big WTF for me. I don't get what I'm supposed to like here, but it's definitely not making me want to read it to the end.

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Sorry to all the fans of this book, don't lynch me or something, if you feel you'll be offended by this review - just don't read it :D

Anyway, the book starts with them meeting and the HUGE attraction between them hmmmm I can't say sparkles, it pretty much explodes. And it keeps exploding every time they're near each other.
I guess the writing style doesn't really do it for me, because the constant flirting drove me insane!!! It wasn't just the normal flirt here or flirt here, it was over the top to the point that they didn't manage to have a single conversation normally, it was all full of outrageous statements from him, all low and seductive and rumbling.
It just drove me insane.

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So, they meet, they kiss, they agree to have a purely sexual relationship, I think this was the second day they knew each other.
Yep the second day.
Next thing you know, she sees him talking to a woman in his back yard and goes super-jealous, goes out with a friend that makes John super-jealous.
That was the end of day three I think :D

Here's a quote of what happens when John comes to her office to ask her about that man (I remind you, they know each other only three days).

John glared at her, his lips white around the edges.
“We have to talk.”
Anger turned his eyes almost cobalt and, despite her agitation, she found them hypnotic. “Livvy, I really think you’d prefer I say what I have to say in private.”
She flipped on the light and motioned him in with a steady hand. He stalked past her, turned and waited for her to close the door.
The instant the latch caught, he roared. “Explain to me what you were doing last night.”
He growled and stepped into her personal space, towering over her like a drill sergeant.
“Did he touch you?”
The question was torn from his throat.

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This was after THREE days and TWO kisses between them.
And I'm supposed to like that guy?
Hm I don't know. Some characters can pull off the being a jerk thing, but for me, John just ended being UBER-WEIRD!

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Later that day, after a kiss and an orgasm, Livvy goes to John's house and talks to his sister. Just to remind you that they've known each other for 3-4 days now. Only kissed a few times, and she got off on his fingers :DDDDD

“Murphy’s a grown man, Gina.”
“The question is, is he your man?”
The bold, direct query sucked the air from Livvy’s lungs. Was John hers? No, he wasn’t. They had something between them, something more than sex. She didn’t know exactly how much more it was. They hadn’t gotten that far yet, but oh, how she wanted to.

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Scuse me?????? You know the guy for three days!!! You never had a single conversation with him if it wasn't filled with flirting all over the place. You never even had sex with him, but you know you both have something MORE than sex between you??? When did that happen? In an alternate universe where time flows slowly and people talk telepathically so I somehow magically missed it??????

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And on top of that, his sister Gina realises John cares for Livvy (after the three days), you wanna know how??? He knew the color of her eyes!

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Look, I know he’s not an easy man on anything but the eyes, but he’s worth it. You mean something to him and I don’t even think he knows it yet.

I mean, maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't say stuff like that to a woman my brother met three or four days ago.

Anyway. I was WTF the whole time while reading this, maybe I should've swooned at those scenes, sadly I didn't. It was just weird and over-the-top trying to be sexy and flirtatious.

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Profile Image for Dina.
1,324 reviews1,315 followers
December 5, 2013
Don't let the title of this book fool you. This isn't a sweet and playful read. The story is dark, tough and unforgiving - and I loved every punch it threw at me.

John Murphy is a man tormented by his past. A bestselling young-adult author, he writes dark and frightening fantasy books about monsters where good always triumphs and hope can be found behind the darkness. What no one - except his sister Gina - knows is that those monsters are very real in his mind and hope has no real place in his life.

Pastry chef Livvy Andrews, John's new neighbor, isn't anything like his usual one-night stands and he knows better than to start any kind of relationship with her. He can't resist flirting with her, though. Livvy figths the attraction, sensing that John carries a heavy emotional baggage inside him. She's got her own baggage to carry and doesn't need the heartache that will be waiting for her if she gets involved with him. Nonetheless, involved with him she gets, even though she knows he isn't looking for forever or anything close to that. What she doesn't know is how to prevent herself from falling in love with him and how to protect her heart from the onslaught of his inner monsters when they rear their ugly faces.

I loved this book! Its title - yes, I was fooled by it - and its first pages made me think I was in for a nice and easy sexy read. Even though John was described as a man "tormented by nightmares" in the book description, his first appearances in the story led me to believe that his "torment" would be nothing more than a plot device designed to add some conflict to what seemed to be a fun story about a summer fling that eventually turns into love. John was cocky and flirty, with just a hint of darkness and secrecy in his eyes to make him dangerously appealing to Livvy - and to the readers too, of course. As the story progressed, the walls he'd built around his heart and his inner monsters started to crumble and I realized that I'd been completely mistaken in my first impression of the book and, for that matter, John.

Indeed, this read was anything but nice and easy once John's secrets were revealed. He was definitely a tortured and broken hero, traumatized by his past and imprisoned by guilt. His journey towards recovery wasn't an easy one and Ms. Kelley didn't give him a miraculous "cure" in the end, for which I was very glad. Not that I enjoyed seeing John suffer, but you know what I mean.

Compared to John, Livvy's life was a walk in the park, but she had problems of her own too. Having witnessed her father cheat on her mother for as long as she could remember, Livvy had some trust issues and was rightfully wary of John at first. On the professional front, her business was struggling to overcome the economic crisis: she was still in the black, but she needed to come up with something new to boost her revenue if she wanted to keep it that way. Little did she knew how much those problems would ultimately be used by John to hurt her... Oh boy, how I wanted to hurt him back for that! At the same time, I didn't want to hurt him either because I could see the reason behind his actions. I think Ms. Kelley's writing was great in the way she showcased John's inner turmoil. She made John call Livvy a f*cking b!tch - oh yes, he did! - and while I gasped in shock, I felt he didn't mean to say it. It takes some skills to write that without killing my sympathy/empathy for a hero.

John and Livvy had a sizzling chemistry and their love scenes were steamy hot. Based on their first encounter, I thought John and Livvy would jump into bed at lightning speed. Once again, I was mistaken - and not the least unhappy about it. Livvy's wariness about getting involved with John gave them the time they needed to know each other and made their first time together mean something more than the mere beginning of a summer fling. Not to mention, there's nothing like some sexual tension to keep the heart beating. :)

I found Ms. Kelley's writing very engaging, emotionally speaking, and I really liked the way she's inserted passages of the book John was writing into the story. John's book was as compelling and dramatic as his life. In fact, his book was a reflection of his life and provided an interesting insight into his feelings. Having said that, I must add that the way it was written, the epilogue didn't fully satisfy me. Don't get me wrong, I liked it and it gave closure to the story, but I wanted to see more of John and Livvy.

This was my first read by Ms. Kelley and I don't need to say I was very pleased to "meet" her, do I? :) (Uh-oh, did you hear that? It was the sound of my Wish List groaning in anticipation of the addition of Ms. Kelley's backlist, LOL.)

Note: I received this eARC from Carina Press via NetGalley. That had no influence on my review/rating.
Profile Image for Alex .
235 reviews28 followers
September 25, 2016
I'm done with this! Warning: a lot of 4 letter words ahead, so beware!

'Damn, I love this bra!', he says. Why don't you fucking wear it instead of her, you big pussy?? This guy eats sweets like he's a diabetic! And every fucking inch of that annoying woman's skin is compared to sugar, or sweets, or cream, or cookies, or cake!

What is she, a fucking ginger-bread woman?

I feel sick and nauseated from all this. I feel like I've gained 10 pounds since starting this book. And to think I actually liked the beginning. *slaps herself on the face*

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Profile Image for KatLynne.
547 reviews589 followers
February 25, 2011
“Once upon a time, in a land where dreams are real and wishes grow like flowers, there lived a dragon.....” -Inez Kelley, Sweet as Sin

I loved this book!

There is way more to this than just a sexy read - (even though the table scene in chapter 6 is pretty amazing)!

John Murphy fights his nightmares; Livvy has trust issues. Their story is heartwrenching and my emotions were on a roller coaster ride! I laughed, I cried and became so angry and by the end I found myself sighing in pure bliss.

This is my first book by this author and I can't wait to read more.

Updated review to add a link to the author's site. She has added more information about John and Livvy three years after their HEA. This would have been a great epilogue.

Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
July 31, 2012
Posted on Under the Covers

This book is a complete lie!

SWEET AS SIN starts off with John Murphy, a successful YA writer walking over to his neighbour’s home to return a scarlet demi bra that flew into his yard on a gust of wind. Naturally, the lingerie catches his attention and causes erotic fantasies to fly and rumble around in his head.

I had a similar experience as this, though mind you, mine involved hot pink panties instead of the scarlet demi bra but I can tell you my story didn’t end up as fabulous or as delicious as John’s trip to his neighbour’s.

Why, I must ask. Why does this only happen in books? Inez Kelley, please rewrite the pages of my life so that THIS happens in it.

“Yeah, it’s a neighborhood tradition. Come over. Bring your wife and kids.”
A twitch danced along his upper lip before he grinned. “Can’t. Don’t have either.”
Livvy lowered her brows. A shiver slid along her skin and she fought the shake. He was far too cocky to encourage. “Then bring your girlfriend.”
“No girlfriend to bring.”
“Bring your boyfriend then.”
A bark of a laugh rumbled out. “Sorry, honey, you’re just stuck with me.”
“I don’t want you,” she snapped.
John leaned close. The scent of sunshine, man and power wrapped around her. “Maybe I want you.”


But I digress.

In all seriousness, this book was a fantastic read that captured my heart from the beginning and never let go until the very end. I read this book in one night with tears running down my cheeks. This from an author I have never read before and had no expectations of. Inez caught me by surprise and I can tell you that she has gained a new fan out of me.

SWEET AS SIN follows Livvy, a pastry chef and the dark and tortured writer, whose past still haunts him daily. I didn’t expect the emotion that Kelley evoked from me. Touched by the love that developed between Livvy and John and heart-broken when things began to shatter for them, this book took me on a roller-coaster ride of emotions. I didn’t think I could come to love and hate a character in equal measures. John Murphy is an extraordinary character that really came to life. Even as his outbursts caused me to step back a little, I still loved him. I can’t remember the last time a character felt so alive for me.

And then there is Livvy who has a heart made of gold and a spine made of steel. What she endures in this book to be with John is hard but magical. In those steps, she is able to go from a reluctant lover who needed some urgings from her sexy neighbour to a woman in love, someone willing to fight for it all.

This isn’t an easy read, there are some really dark places that this book delves into, but if you are looking for a tortured hero, then look no further, no one is as tortured as John Murphy. Similarly, John isn’t always the wickedly charming man as I’ve exampled above. As layers to his character are revealed, other darker sides of him are exposed as well. He says and does some really mean things that I don’t think Livvy deserved but he did what was necessary to push her away. For John, only his monsters are his companions.

Speaking of his monsters, I really enjoyed the glimpses into John’s characters in his writing. Jondi, Thorn and Vory gave the book additional life and served as a great way to get into John’s mind and see how it works.

In the end, SWEET AS SIN has become my new favorite book. It is sweet and sinful, decadent and entirely satisfying. Definitely a treat to be shared and devoured by all. I loved it!

Favorite Quote: “Love him hard. And when he pushes you away – and he will – love him harder.”
Profile Image for Leslie.
Author 10 books199 followers
May 7, 2015
I absolutely devoured this book. The hero, "John," is a hot, flirty, ex-construction worker, who quit his job and becomes a wildly popular young adult fantasy book writer. (Although, most people don't know it as he writes under a pen name.)

The heroine, "Livvy," happens to be his beautiful, ginger-haired neighbor, which is almost too convenient, but Kelley's great writing makes it completely believeable. Once John and Livvy meet, sparks ignite and they experience instant attraction. The difficulties they face together and apart are what made the story for me.

A nice touch was also the addition Ms. Kelley made of intertwining John's fictional book characters with his reality as the excerpts provided insight to his tormented childhood. Really unique and interesting.

I adored this book and actually wish there were a sequel. The development of each character was exceptional and a perfect compliment to this wonderfully written love story.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
March 11, 2013
Loved this one. Very emotional. Hard to get through at times. Loved the Hero, John Murphy, with his tortured past. The heroine was great also, independent, sassy, sexy. But she wanted the white picket fence and John just felt he did not have it in him to give it to her. But Livvy soon broke down his defences and tried to get through to him. Loved the parallel story about his book characters. Was expecting a nice sweet read but this was nothing like that - tough to read in places but I kept rooting for Murphy and LIvvy as I knew they would get there in the end. Check out the "epilogue" on Ms Kelley's website, rounds the HEA up very nicely. And I do so like my HEA.
Profile Image for ~ Becs ~.
708 reviews2,154 followers
April 1, 2012
This was a totally absorbing read. At first glance it feels like it's just going to be a fairly erotic contemporary romance. Gorgeous ex-construction worker turned writer type guy moves next door to sweet Livvy, a baker - her bra blows off the washing line into his garden, he returns it and the touch paper is lit. They're deeply attracted to one another. She wants romance, Mendelssohn's wedding march and babies - he wants great sex and no commitment.

Livvy resigns herself to a summer fling with John Murphy and they both start to develop deep feelings for one another but John has grade A emotional demons and it's not long before Livvy starts to see the darkness within him. His past is slowly revealed and it's a shocker and the monsters he writes for a living are closely related to what's going on in his traumatised brain.

As Livvy and John get closer, he lashes out and hurts her with shocking cruelty but she is determined to see it through and stand by him until he hurts her in a way he knows is too close to her own emotional hangups from her past and she walks away, heartbroken.

So, what looked like an easy little erotic contemporary romance turned out to be a harrowing journey, one that brought tears to my eyes more than once. It's touching, heartfelt and beautiful and I will be checking out this author's backlist.

5 stars contemporary romance

Over on Inez Kelley's website there is a sweet little interview between John and Livvy that takes place a while after the end of the story - it would have made a great epilogue. Link below.

January 15, 2011
I am had a very tough time getting into this book. My problem with a lot of erotic & romance novels...and I read a lot of them, is that they "fall in love" over night, but I am forgiving if the story that follows is good!

In the beginning, I felt that I would have enjoyed the book better if John and Livvy had taken a little more time getting to know each other. They dove into a relationship that was not at all convincing to me. When people start dating, they are supposed to be giddy and elated and happy...they skipped that stage and jumped right into discontent. I just felt that it was too early in their relationship for them to be so familiar and volatile with each other. As the story progressed, I realized that even if the author, Inez Kelly had taken a little time to develop their relationship, I still would not have connected with the characters.

It felt a little awkward that although these neighbors didn't know each other, they embrace in a passionate kiss when he returns something that blew off her balcony. Then BAM! Over night, John is this alpha male demanding to know what other men she is hanging out with and she is a jealous stage 5 clinger! Midway through the book, I found it extremely agitating reading about her lounging in his home and in his t-shirt as though they have been dating forever, not 3 days. They both annoyed me and I just wanted it to be over.

There was also a disconnect with the intermittent bursts of storyline from author John's popular children's series. I understand she was trying to give us some insight to John's mind, but it just didn't work for me.

This is definitely not your fluffy little romance read, and that is okay with me if I can relate to the characters...it just didn't happen for me in this book.

**Advance Reader Copy courtesy of the book's publisher and NetGalley.com

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Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,803 reviews537 followers
March 23, 2012
Whoa! This one totally took me by surprise. Definitely didn't get to the "sweet as sin" until we waded through some really muddy waters. It was well-worth it. One of my favorite reads so far this year. Awesome new-to-me author whose backlist I'll be checking out soon.

A powerhouse contemporary romance that runs the gamut of dark, gritty and heart-wrenching emotions. It made me laugh, cry, broke my heart, and it also stole my heart. John is a very successful and popular author of YA books based on characters - some best friends - who just happen to be monsters. In truth, some are the very beings that provided John and his sister a safety net throughout their traumatic upbringing. John is a complex, bad boy with commitment issues, and for a majority of the time a not-so-nice kinda guy. Livvy, on the other hand, is the owner of a bakery who pours her heart and soul into her sweet treats. She’s a delightfully loving and giving person, although carrying burdens of her own. When John moves in next door, sparks ignite and they begin a steamy affair.

The title is misleading because you have to look long and hard for much sweetness other than from Livvy’s sugar-filled products. Yet there is so much to love and enjoy about this book. It grabs hold of your heart almost immediately and doesn’t let go until the very end. The stories in John's books parallel his life and will capture and hold you captive. Reading the parts of John’s past abuse and watching as he struggles to overcome his tortured past is not an easy read. And although the relationship between John and Livvy provides readers with off-the-chart sensual and breathtaking emotional scenes, within these moments there are still times when John strikes out against Livvy in horribly hurtful ways. Sometimes I found this is hard to forgive.

Kudos to Ms. Kelley for her amazing ability to write such an extraordinarily dark and intense story, while still satisfying the demands of romance readers with a sinfully sweet happily-ever-after. This book will stay with you long after the last word is read.
Profile Image for Splage.
614 reviews387 followers
June 3, 2012
5 BIG, BIG Stars

When I started reading this book I thought this would be a good read, pretty typical plot. Story line seemed simple enough, a sexy as hell, commitment phobic hero that wants the heroine in his bed and he won’t stop until he gets her there. It was a little stiff or clichéd dialog at the beginning, but probably 4 star read for sure.

I was WRONG! Let my kids hear me say this because it is very rare for me to be wrong. This book went in a completely different direction then I expected. It just kept getting better and better, building and building. It was sexy, wonderfully intense, hot chemistry between John & Olivia, emotional and heartbreaking...tears were running down my face. John had big emotional and mental scars from a horrific childhood and boy could he be a jerk. He was such a meany and broke Olivia’s heart, especially the last 70 pages, but I still had such deep feelings for him.

The seduction scene that Olivia set up for John was quite stirring and memorable!! Look for it...she drove him crazy!
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews727 followers
February 7, 2011
Favorite Quote: “Love him hard. And when he pushes you away – and he will – love him harder.”

Livvy has a new neighbor – a very sexy new neighbor. John is an author writing a very popular young adult fantasy series that he also illustrates. But he has been having writer’s block for the past month. Once he meets Livvy, the words start to flow. John grew up with an extremely abusive step-father and has many, many demons. He uses his writing and illustrating as an outlet. When he meets Livvy, their attraction is very immediate. They find this love together, but the demons do not always let the love smile upon them.

Livvy owns a bakery and when she meets John she decides it is time for her to have a passionate summer love affair. But she soon learns, that there is nothing easy going about John and her heart falls hard and fast.

I wish I could portray the amount of emotions I went through when reading Sweet As Sin. The depth of John really amazed me in this book. When you first read it – John is this really sexy neighbor who finds Livvy’s bra in his backyard (it blew off the clothesline) and I thought I totally had the book figured out – sexy neighbors will jump in bed together the end. Boy was I wrong. Because a few chapters later I was riveted to my Kindle and couldn’t believe what a complex character John turns out to be.

He has very dark demons. He is a very, very tormented man. He writes young adult adventure books, with furry little monsters, yet those little monsters are actually his dark, scary childhood rearing its ugly head. His demons present themselves in a variety of ways. From lashing out at Livvy, or at himself, or at his beloved sister. To closing down and not letting anyone near him. Cowering at an unexpected slight touch. There are points where he is SO brutal to Livvy. Yet, he can compartmentalize, pushing those demons to the back and can be a charming, loving human being. Livvy recognizes this from the start (maybe even a little too understanding) and decides she wants to be there for him..through bad and good. Livvy for the most part is an extremely understanding woman. She has a father who had numerous affairs, so her jealousy does come into play, but for a man who she comes to love quite quickly, she is extremely patient when his dark side comes out.

Even when John admits to being in love with Livvy, things are not magically better. Love does not cure the demons – his torture is still present, and it is just another reason why I think John is so well written. Bottom line is – John is not always an easy hero to like. But I believed in his pain, I believed in his demons. Therefore, I believed in his actions.

I wish the ending resolution would have played out just a little longer. John crosses some big lines, and Livvy trusts him very quickly again. I believe in their love for each other, I just would have wanted a little bit more time for them to evolve back into a serious couple. We also get a glimpse into the wonderful world John writes – it mirrors what is happening in his real life and I really think it adds so much to this story.

Sweet as Sin really blew me away. I loved it and I hope it finds its way to you.

Rating: A-
Profile Image for Michelle [Helen Geek].
1,772 reviews413 followers
February 25, 2012
02/25/1012 bumping this to 5 Stars. Months later I still think about this book often and have rec'd it to so many people. It is a hidden treasure. Very unexpectedly excellent.

A solid 4.5/5 stars. I really liked this book, but the cover and the title along with the "blurb" don't tell you anything about this books. It was NOT a sweet story -- not even close. It was a story of a man's journey to survive a horrificly abusive childhood; John. He was an author of YA Sci-Fi and created a monster world. You got to know this monster and exactly what he means to John. Livvie - she has suffered too and has made a comfortable life for herself. John buys a house and moves in next door. The story goes through their journey to find, trust and love each other. They seemed very real to me.

The cover -- isn't eyecatching, nor does it relate to the book much. The title -- Livvie is a pastry chef, but she is so much more in this story. NOTHING - nothing about this story is sweet. Enough about the marketing of this book.

This has been in my TBR pile for months. If I had known how much I would like and be touched by these characters, I would have read it months ago. I guess I'm mostly mad at myself ... I never dreamed. I really loved the monsters and thought they added so much to the story. Very unique blend.

A really good read. I'll read more by this author. Who would like this book? I really can't think of anyone who wouldn't like this story. Give it a try ... don't let the cover, title or blurb steer you away [couldn't help myself]. Overall, excellent work Ms. Kelley - Bravo!

Happy Reading!

STATUS while reading -- comments and other:
A real troubled man working his art to exorcise his demons. About 65% through this book, but it has been a real surprise so far. Unless it really tanks from here on out ... a definite 5 star read. More later. If you have read and appreciated "Heart on a Chain" by Cindy C. Bennet or other like books, you'll appreciate the power of this story. Stay tuned.
Profile Image for Michele ~ la Smoocherina.
380 reviews304 followers
May 3, 2012
This was a good read. It would be great for people who love YA, as there was a parallel story told because John write YA books and he is the characters n the books. It was definitely emotional and painful. And the bow at the end may have been a little too neat. I think I need to read some scifi after this.
July 6, 2012
Livvy and her sister, Andy, get a new neighbor, John Murphy, who from the get-go seems intent of getting Livvy. Livvy tries to resist him but her sister suggest she have a summer fling and why not? Little did Livvy know what she was getting into.

I have to admit that it took till about 20% for me to get into the story. It just seemed like a easy and somewhat erotica romance but then we got a glimpse of the real John and everything changed.

John had a rough upbringing to say the least and the way he helped his little sister and himself was through his stories. Years later, he decided to write the stories down and that lead to him becoming a famous writer. But he doesn't want a relationship, he really just wants a summer fling as well.

There is a story within the story, John's book, and at first, I didn't really care for it but as you read more of the story, you come to find out it's significance and it takes on a whole new meaning. I really came to love Jondi, Thorn and Vory almost as much as I love John and Livvy.

Livvy was also wonderful. I really enjoyed all the baking parts of the story. (Livvy owns a bakery called The Sugar Shack) She also has some issues in her past that don't always help in the relationship.

And there are some issues in the relationship ~ especially when you have two people with issues. John has a hard side that is a little scary. I don't know how Livvy stood up to him and took what he dished out.

There are a lot of great secondary characters involved. I got a real kick out of John's nephews...especially PJ. And both John's sister, Gina (I loved how she and John called each other sister-mine and brother-mine), and Livvy's sister, Andy, were great characters. Andy's fiancé, Tow, was hilarious...especially when he was helping Livvy "work" things out.

Definitely a great story with some emotional drama. Also, don't forget to check out the story mentioned in the book summary on the author's website. Here's the link:


Cover Talk: Ugh...I don't care for the cover at all. I really don't think it conveys what the story is really about ~ except for the sexiness of it. They could've at least shown more of Livvy's red hair.

Favorite quotes:

♥ "Betty Crocker had never been so arousing."

♦ "What am I, cattle? Back it up, cowboy."

♥ "I'm sorry, Liv. I picked the wrong side."
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,048 reviews940 followers
May 21, 2012
This story broke my heart, like proper broke my heart..it made me FEEL...it made me CRY...it made me ANGRY...it made me SMILE..it even made me laugh out loud. This is why it got 5 stars...Sweet as Sin is a deep, raw and intense read.

John Murphy stole my heart, from the minute his cheekiness brought him to Livvi's door. John is a tortured soul, emotionally scarred so deeply, by an extremely abusive stepfather. Those scars rule every aspect of his life. So much so that he is unable to have any form of long-standing relationship except with the sister he has always protected.

John is an author who writes a series about two monsters, Jondi and Thorn. These monsters came to life when he was a child trying to safe-guard his sister, telling her the stories late at night to help her (and himself) escape the fears and hurt from the mental and physical abuse they both suffered. Those monsters have protected him and given him a safe place to escape to his entire life. Until he moves next door to Livvi and everything changes....

Livvi is an extremely talented pastry chef and owner of the specialty bakery; the Sugar Shack. She is a very strong and independent woman, she knows what she wants. She too has had a tough childhood with a cheating father.

The chemistry between John and Livvy is yummy HOT! However, what starts off as a bit of a fling soon turns out to be much more, as both being damaged by their respective childhood, makes their connection that much more emotional and intense.

John and Livvi's journey is a beautiful story, it is passionate, emotional and very well written!

(When I started this book my amazing friend Jenny mentioned to me that once I'd finished reading this story, I should go read an update with John and Livvy a few years later on Inez Kelley's website. I asked Jenny to remind me of this cause I might forget. I DID NOT forget. It was the first place I went as soon as I'd finished..because I NEEDED to know. I needed that final confirmation that John and Livvy were OK...that they were happy...!!! So I say to anyone reading this book...don't forget..but I don't think you will..!!)

Profile Image for Paula .
704 reviews232 followers
November 5, 2015
Sweet as Sin took me by surprise. It’s a dark and intense well-written book. This story left me breathless and speechless. I was so enthralled by this book, I had the hardest time putting it down.

Livvy is the owner of a pastry bakery; the Sugar Shack. She is a strong and independent woman who is taken by surprise when she meets her new sexy neighbor John Murphy and his proposal of a Summer fling.

The chemistry between these two is sizzling. Combustible. They both only expect a fling that will last until it’s no longer fun, but what they didn’t expect is to fall for one another so fast and so hard.

John Murphy brought me to my knees. He is one of the most intense, complicated, and layered men I’ve read in a long time. He suffered abuse as a child that most people would never have survived. As a child, his way of coping with the monster who abused him are the imaginary monsters he creates in his head. As an adult, John took his imagination to a different level and started writing Young Adult Urban Fantasy books about his imaginary monsters, Jondi and Thorn. The way Inez Kelley integrates John's monster story into the love story is fascinating and original which also played an integral role into getting into John's head and what he is thinking. Until he meets Livvy, he has lived his life alone and made his prioriity to protect his sister. Being with Livvy has churned up feelings he has spent his life trying to avoid by only having friends with benefits or one night stands. He sees her as an angel and worries he will taint her with his dark demons. Livvy being the stubborn woman she is will not let him shut down or retreat when things get serious between them. While Livvy may have issues of her own, she is very understanding and patient with John even though he is a difficult man to love.

“Loving John Murphy was easy except when it was hard to love John Murphy.”

Livvy is fantastic. She's gentle yet stern with John. She stands up to him and his demons. She never downplays his issues. She learns early on from his sister that he needs to be loved hard and strong. That he will push her away and when he does to push right back and hold on tight. Such a unique and interesting couple. Light and dark. Happy and sad. My heart hurt for John but my heart also hurt for Livvy. I wanted this couple to be happy.

The emotional rollercoaster this story took me on had me laughing, crying, frustrated and angry. The emotional depth of the characters was incredible. John is not only a tormented soul but he is also cool, sexy, witty, and has a brilliant imagination on paper and in the bedroom. I’m not sure I will be able to look at another cupcake the same. Yowzers!

The end resolution wasn't perfect. I couldn't imagine this story being wrapped up into a pretty bow. It was realistic and I was satisfied.

I highly recommend this book. I'm already looking into reading other books by Inez Kelley.

-- A Romantic Book Affairs Review
Profile Image for Aму.
90 reviews50 followers
October 13, 2012
I need to pop a 'valium' after this emotional rollercoaster..

Everything was a metaphor. Between emotions, touches, and even a damn paper-weight was compared to something random but completely whimsical. So I wanted to hate the spew of similes, and trust me when I say I tried to, but then I would get so swept up in the point that the author was trying to get across, that I would forget my frustration. Way to play dirty Ms. Kelley.

My Rambles:
"John Murphy meet your match."
You go girl! Grab him by the balls and show him that us ladies can love just as hard! If the man would of pressed his thumb into my throat - I would of pissed myself in all honesty. So scratch the whole grab him by the balls remark, SHE has the balls in this relationship. (Calling that bitch Emily "Fifi." Class-ic! Utah had the right idea by singing "bowchickwowow".) Livvy does not give up on him easily and vows not to walk away; it worked well until he played on her insecurity. But I liked this aspect. I liked when Murphy would run, she would follow. It worked a lot better for me than books where the main characters are together then split, with the pattern repeating itself over and over. Exactly what John needed to face his demons and lay his past to rest.
I hurt and bled for the man as I read along, wanting to love him, to brush the lock of hair that tends to fall on his forehead aside and place a kiss right there and cherish him for everything he has been and everything he is.
He was dark, wounded, edgy, hardworking, creative, he could write, he could draw, he was sex-on-a-stick, basically he had all the things necessary to be tall, dark and handsome. Perfectly executed as to not be a caricature of a perfect man. Yes, my stomach sank about 5 feet when John told her to "Shut up, you bitch!". Then to make things even better HE SAYS IT AGAIN. Murphy!
But then I would think of toddler John in spider-man pajamas, demanding monsters to play Matchbox cars with him..This had me grabbing my little nephew and squeezing the daylights out of him.

Leo! My favorite character! x) Being a true friend to Livvy till the end! ..or until she pays him his well deserved three-bucks. He seemed like a very decent man and I would not mind reading a story about him.

There are no magical solutions to ANY of the problems discussed at length in the novel which makes it one of the utmost favorite erotic-contemporary-romances I have read to date. The characters from John’s tales lend something extra to the story giving it an edge that certainly makes one sit up and notice Inez Kelly’s ability to spin a tale worth re-reading from time to time. ❤
Profile Image for Diana~ (Kiss Me Books).
428 reviews157 followers
July 5, 2011
If you're looking for a book that will tear at your heartstrings due to the heartache that the H/h will conflict onto you... than you should definitely be reading Sweet as Sin. The cover and let alone the title may mislead you into thinking that this book is just another simple erotica romance.... but you're wrong. It was so much more. Another point to this lovely book is that if you're into tortured hero and a pretty strong heroine, this book embodies all of those qualities. This was actually my first read by author, Inez Kelley and I'm seriously glad that I ordered her other book Jinxed awhile back! ;) Now let's talk about John and Livvy, shall we?

Like every reviewer and reader, I was fooled into thinking that this book was another simple, easy, and sexy read. And boy, was I not disappointed. The book did start out pretty slow... but things start picking up when Livvy decides to agree to John's offer of a 'summer fling.' Soon, she not only falls hard for him but John eventually comes to realize that he loves Livvy and that she is also important to his very soul. Oh, and when they finally made love? It was very sensual and I'm glad they didn't rush into it. One of my favorite scene happened towards the end when Livvy decided to fulfill one of John's fantasy and whoo, what happened after that!

Our heroine, Livvy Andrews happens to be a pastry chef with her own store called The Sugar Shack. Her life gets turned upside down, in a good way, when John comes into town and moves right next to her house. Right from the very start, when Livvy and John meet, there was a sexual tension in the air that neither of them could deny. John Murphy is a famous author who writes tales about the monsters that resides in his very soul. It's really interesting to read about how Jodi and Thorn (the two main monsters in his book) resemble his personality and sides. The climax of the story probably happened when John realizes that he loves her... and decides to end their relationship along with it. And this my fellow readers, is when John excruciatingly breaks Livvy's heart to pieces. The way he broke her heart was just so cruel and hurtful that I was seriously wondering how this book was going to end when I was 90% finished.

Thankfully, the author gave this book a ververy satisfying ending that I really liked. I wanted an epilogue of these two together... but the story between Jodi, Thorn (they're both John), and Vory (who is actually Livvy in his book) was just as sweet! In the end, they're all bounded together through blood and I think that was the best symbol of their relationship. Overall, 5/5 stars!!
Profile Image for ~Megan~.
525 reviews73 followers
April 1, 2012
Wow! What an emotional book...I feel like I've been through a battle. John and Livvy certainly didn't have an easy road to happiness, and I'm still not sure when it ended that they would always be happy, but I felt like they could work through anything together.

John was tortured and beaten horribly as a teen, and his emotional scars and PTSD rule his life now. He meets Livvy and they are both attracted right off the bat. Their affair begins and it turns to love, which scares them both, but especially John. It is painful to relive his past and all of his torturous thoughts as the book goes on, but gah what a guy...he's one of those who thinks he's terrible, but is really amazing and sweet. Livvy was his angel, and he hurt her many times in his desire to do right by her. I just wanted to hold him like Livvy did, and tell him it was going to be alright. He finally believed her in the end, and it made me so happy.

Throughout the book, John is writing his YA Fantasy type novel starring his "monsters"...who are really extensions of himself. It is an interesting addition to be able to see his emotional journey through the symbolism in his book. I loved the epilogue, which didn't contain a sappy moment between John and Livvy, but was the ending of his monster story.

I just really enjoyed this book, even with its ups and downs, because I was completely invested in the characters. I was willing to take the journey with them, even though it wasn't always pretty or fun. Inez Kelley is a new author for me and I'm extremely impressed. If this is what all of her books are like, I'll definitely be reading more!
Profile Image for  ~V~.
1,022 reviews
July 6, 2012
What a sweet book! The whole "tortured bad boy/player who finally meets his match" storyline has definitely been done before, but i have to admit, i love it, and i thoroughly enjoyed this one! I really loved the fact that John was a YA fantasy author, it was really neat to read excerpts, throughout the story, of the book he was currently writing... to see how his characters came to life and how certain events and objects he came across would set the story on a certain path. I also loved Livvie's occupation, a pastry chef, and the names for all her desserts..those were a riot!

The romance was sweet and very sexy and there were some great emotional and angsty moments too, everything that makes a contemporary romance fantastic! The author also added a short story for these two to her website, that takes place 3 yrs in the future..i LOVED that!!! Even though it wasn't included as part of the epilogue in the book, it was soooo good that it actually bumped my over all rating up a bit..~sigh~...i love happy endings!!! It is definitely worth taking the time to go read it when you're finished with the book, you won't want to miss out on this!

Profile Image for Ann.
1,966 reviews41 followers
March 9, 2012
4.5 Excellent romantic drama. My heart went out to poor sexy, tortured, tormented bad boy author John "Murphy" in desperate need of saving by his neighbor Livvy. Liked both H/h which is unusual. More often than not I want to smack the h for something. Livvy was pretty but not gorgeous (except to the H) intelligent, sexy, sweet, independent and understanding with a little dose of good sarcasm every now and then, my favorite type of h. First time to read Inez Kelley - hope to find another bk by this author that I love just as well. Definitely recommend this bk.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
March 17, 2012
This was a pretty dark book which I wasn't expecting.

I thought this book was amazing. It was so emotional and seeing John deal with his demons had me riveted and I had to read in one sitting.

John is hot and sexy, but there were times he tried my patience and I wanted to slap him.

This is also a fun and sexy book as well as extremely emotional and one I won't forget.

Profile Image for MBR.
1,259 reviews370 followers
February 25, 2011
If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I would!

My emotions still haven’t settled down from the overload that Sweet as Sin subjected them to. My first encounter with Inez Kelley’s writing came about when I picked up her erotic contemporary novella Lipstick on His Collar which instantly shot her right into the list of authors that I absolutely must look out for. Even then, somehow I missed out on the fact that this was out until I saw someone on Goodreads who has read this story and fell head over heels in lust and in love with the book. And that is exactly what happened to me when I opened this sinful goody and delved into the very wonderful and beautiful story Inez Kelley has brought to life, that touched something deep inside of me & still refuses to let go.

John Flannigan Murphy is the son of a hooker and never knew his father. When Reverend Alan Warner marries John’s mother and decides to “save” her from herself and the world of sin, John’s life takes a turn for the worse when his mother dies succumbing to breast cancer. From 11 years of age till he had turned 16, John had borne the brunt of his stepfather’s hatred towards him and the constant physical and emotional abuse which had known no bounds. Protecting his half-sister Gina at all costs had been their mother’s dying wish which John fulfills too well when he is sentenced to serve time for manslaughter. Now a young adult fiction author who goes by the name of J. B. Flannigan, John is a tormented soul who lives at the very edge of the destructive path he has chosen for himself until he meets his new neighbor who manages to worm her way into his heart and other emotions which has no place in his life; until there is no place to run or hide from how feels.

Sexy, beautiful and vibrant pastry chef Livvy Andrews, owner of Sugar Shack knows from the first moment she lays eyes on the ruggedly handsome John Murphy with his deep navy blue eyes; a man she knows is made for hard work, hard play and heartache right in that very order, Livvy’s instincts are dead on when the first thing she wants to do is bolt and stay as far away from her delectable new neighbor as possible. But Livvy’s fascination for a man who makes her feel things that she has never ever felt before by just merely fastening his blue-eyed gaze on her propels her towards John and his lethal brand of seduction like a moth to flame and before she knows it, Livvy is hopelessly ensnared and head over heels in love with John against her better judgement as well as that of others who are close to her.

John’s only intention when he meets Livvy is to have a hot and heavy affair with her until their explosive affair runs its due course. But his best laid plans go all awry when his 38 year old heart begins to hope for the very first time in his life for things that John has long since decided he is not worthy of, and to him Livvy signifies everything that he doesn’t deserve right from the cinnamon colored curls on the top of her head to her delectable toes and every inch in between that tempts him unlike anything else has in his life.

Piece by piece, with the help of Gina, Livvy begins to piece together the complexity of the man she has fallen for, and is determined to stay beside regardless of whatever John might throw her way to run from the depth of the feelings that develop and overwhelm both of them within such a short span of time. And it is a battle that Livvy almost succeeds in winning until John throws in her face the one thing from her past that would serve as the deal breaker, breaking her heart and very soul in the process.

Told from both Livvy and John’s points of views, the story that unfolds right along with the sizzling attraction between John and Livvy is of the kind that you wouldn’t want to put down even for a moment. Inez Kelley certainly pulls no punches with this one, whether it be the intense connection that springs up between John and Livvy from day one to details of John’s past that are horrifying and heartbreaking to even think of. The side characters are well developed lending a rich feel to the emotionally gut-wrenching story that takes place which left me reeling from the intensity of each and every emotion that coursed through me.

Protectiveness for a boy who learnt to fight his battles from day one and learnt to deal with the evil side of life with his talent for spinning a dark tale to keep the monsters away, surged deep within me and am sure every reader that has picked up this book would feel the same way. I hurt and bled for John as I read along, wanting to love him, to brush the lock of hair that tends to fall on his forehead aside and place a kiss right there and cherish him for everything he has been and everything he is and so much more. Livvy’s character is so very endearing and so beautiful inside and out, and exactly what John needs to face his demons and lay his past to rest, because he deserves nothing less.

There are no magical solutions to ANY of the problems discussed at length in the novel which makes it one of the utmost favorite erotic contemporary romances I have read to date. The characters from John’s stories lend something extra to the story giving it an edge that certainly makes one sit up and notice Inez Kelly’s ability to spin a tale worth re-reading from time to time. I think I can go all night long rehashing what made this story work for me and why I would recommend it to every single person I know, because yes, it is that good. And I couldn’t have asked for more in a hero, a heroine or the very well done love scenes of the wicked and tender variety that took place leaving me hungry for more of the same from the author. If this is what Inez Kelley can do with a full length novel, I say bring it on! I would be one of the first ones to queue up to buy the book – even if it were to be sold in the remotest corner of the world.

For the review with quotes: http://bit.ly/hNHQxR
Profile Image for Julie.
535 reviews140 followers
February 4, 2011
I have read a couple of Inez Kelley’s books before. Both were erotica titles. Both were hot and steamy stories filled with characters I enjoyed. I found Inez’s writing voice to be lovely. So I had a good feeling about Sweet as Sin. I knew I’d enjoy it. But I was wrong about enjoying this book. Inez managed to totally blow me away with this one. I didn’t just enjoy it, I loved it.

The story starts with John finding a red bra on the lawn of the house he just purchased. Looking up, he realizes that this lacy little number has escaped from the clothesline next door. Picking it up, he decides to go and introduce himself to his new neighbour. Honestly, when I read that, I assumed that this book was going to be like the other books by Inez Kelley that I have read. I was queuing up the ‘baow chicka wow wow’ music in my head. But I quickly put that record away. There was so much more to this story than steamy lovin’. There was a depth of character I was not expecting and a charm that took me by surprise.

I want to start by talking about John. John Murphy. *sigh* I really don’t know where to start. He has had a shit life. There is no other way to describe it. But he loves fiercely. His sister is his life. That is until he meets Livvy, his new neighbour. He’s completely torn between what his head tells him and what his heart tells him and what his gut tells him. Really, he’s a mess. But when he lets himself go, even just a little, that fierceness transforms itself to something softer and he becomes such a lovely man. I completely fell in love with John. He is such a complex man and every side of him intrigued me and pulled me in.

One side to John that particularly drew me was his writer side. John writes pre-teen books. They are filled with monsters and magic. These books are the biggest thing since Harry Potter. Occasionally while you’re reading Sweet as Sin, the story takes you to John’s writing and you find yourself reading parts of his latest manuscript. You suddenly realize that the monsters in his books represent different parts of himself and you find that his stories intertwine with his real life. It fascinating how Inez has done this and it adds yet another level to the story that made me love it all the more.

Now on to Livvy. She is one of the strongest women I’ve read in a contemporary romance book ever. She could very easily say ‘screw you John’. She could easily think that her life should be light and easy. But you don’t choose who you love and you sometimes have to stand up and fight for it. Ooze so much love and strength of character that the other person just can’t ignore it anymore. She is one hell of a gal. Patient and kind, smart and adorable. Livvy is a perfect match for John’s tortured soul.

Inez’s writing in this book was beautiful. That is the only word that seems to work. Her words painted such lovely pictures. The feelings these wonderful characters were dealing with and the situations they encountered just jumped off the page. Their emotions full of life.

Sweet as Sin totally surprised me. I must admit that I had not read the blurb before reading this. I saw Inez’s name on it and that was enough for me. I was pretty much expecting a light steamy read. But instead I got a heart wrenching but heart warming story about a lovely and tortured man, his monsters and the amazing woman who dared love him. As I mentioned at the beginning of this review, this book blew me away. It left me with tears in my eyes that threatened to pour out many times but also left me with a huge smile on my face. This story is beautiful. If you enjoy a real story with rich characters and writing that sings on the page, this is a must read.
Profile Image for Jess M..
557 reviews394 followers
February 29, 2016
Read review here! --> http://www.gonewiththewords.com/2011/02/review-sweet-as-sin-by-inez-kelley.html

Upon first meeting John Murphy, I fell for him because he is hot, and he irritated me because he knows he’s hot. But John is also a writer. I love stories where one of the main characters is a writer, especially when it’s a guy and he’s attractive. I find intellectual hot guys irresistible, so I let his cockiness slide, just a little though.

There was no way Murphy was not going to fall for Livvy. Livvy is great! She is attractive, smart, funny, sweet and self-sufficient. She doesn’t need a man, but she wants one. She wants a marriage and kids and is aware that Murphy is not that guy. That doesn’t mean she’s not lusting over him as much as he’s lusting over her, and so her sister convinces her to have a fun summer fling with him.

Even though they enter this fling knowingly, Livvy is not prepared to immediately jump into bed with Murphy, which he takes in stride. The sexual tension build-up between the two is electric and soon enough, everything aligns and they give in. Without realizing it, especially on Murphy’s part, they begin to fall in love. Livvy starts to see below Murphy’s surface. She begins to see that Murphy’s pain runs incredibly deep and she coaxes some details from him but not many. I never anticipated just how damaged Murphy would be. I never thought his deep secrets would make my heart ache for him. No child should ever have to suffer like that. Murphy can’t fathom why in the world he keeps sharing pieces of his past with Livvy. But she is really easy to talk to, laugh with, care for and this begins to scare him. When they both finally give in to their emotions, and openly voice their love to each other I was so incredibly happy for them.

Then Murphy freaks. And he pushes Livvy away in an incredibly cruel way. To be honest, I don’t know how Livvy stood there and took half the things he flung at her. I would’ve walked away after the first. But she knows Murphy is not an easy man to love and she tries to make him see that she loves him despite his monsters. Of course, this only makes him push harder, and crueler, until he hits her in the one spot guaranteed to shatter her. In turn, my heart broke as well. I think I spent the last third of this book crying.

While all that is going on, we also get to read parts of the book Murphy is writing. It’s obvious that the characters in the book are all parts of Murphy, and so we get to in a way decipher his feelings by what the characters are going through. It was a really nice part of this book. I haven’t read any book with that particular aspect in it.

Sweet as Sin is my first contemporary romance read, so I can say with absolute certainty that it is the best one I’ve read to date! :) I loved it. I went into it thinking it was going to be a fun, sexy story, but it was so much more than that. It was so emotional! It was also a really steamy read. The intimate scenes are very well written and will leave you fanning yourself. I fell in love with ALL of the characters in this book, they were just so real that you can’t help it. I will definitely be reading this book again and again, so I recommend you give it a try.

(This book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley.com for an honest review)
Profile Image for Brianna (The Book Vixen).
676 reviews8 followers
December 13, 2015
Review copy provided via NetGalley

4½ stars

Why I Read this Book: Sweet as Sin is a book I read specifically because it was recommended to me as a ‘great emotional read’. If I were to have come across this book on my own and read the blurb, truth be told, I probably wouldn’t have picked it up and I would have seriously missed out – big time. Huge! Like the ladies in that Rodeo shop that turned Julia Roberts down in Pretty Woman HUGE. I love me a good emotional read (it’s why I read Nicholas Sparks’ novels) so I jumped on this like it was the last train coming out of the station.

What I Liked: The characters in Sweet as Sin felt so real and raw. John is quite a complex character. He’s a broken soul that comes from a tormented past. He’s so far broken that the shattered pieces still need to be put back together. He’s seems simple at first but once Livvy gets to know him, he’s tough to crack. I found myself constantly wondering if Livvy was going to give up on him.

I love, love, LOVE how the author incorporated John’s YA novel into this novel. The connection was powerful, seamless and, for me, an important facet to the main storyline. It was brilliant!

Sweet as Sin is a deep and intense read. No light reading material here. You’ll be completely engaged the whole time through. I was reading this one during my daily treadmill workout and let me just tell you how hard and awkward it was to be crying while on the treadmill. And I’m not talking about stray tears here. Full blown on sobbing people.

What I Didn’t Like: I’m an epilogue fanatic. For most of the romance novels I read, I look forward to (and need) an epilogue. I need that final bit of closure for the main characters. It’s nice to know that they get their HEA but I need to know how they’re doing in the future. In Sweet as Sin, there’s an epilogue but I wasn’t satisfied with what I got. It was an interesting epilogue but I didn’t get the closure I needed. I would have liked to have seen what was actually in the epilogue put at the end of the last chapter (because it was good to know how that story arc ended as well as the main story did) and the epilogue give me what’s going on a few years from where the story left off.

Overall Impression: Sweet as Sin is the first book I’ve read by this author. Inez Kelley blew me away with this book. Have the tissues ready when you pick up Sweet as Sin. There are demons (of the metaphorical kind), broken characters and lots of emotional issues and baggage in this one. Like I mentioned, I love good emotional reads; it’s why I read Nicholas Sparks novels. But one thing this book had that Sparks’ books don’t is love scenes. Hot, sweltering love scenes.
Profile Image for Kristiej.
1,390 reviews93 followers
February 23, 2011
I LOVED this book. I started reading it late last night. I reluctantly put it down and picked it up again today. I read it at the doctors office. I had to renew some prescriptions so after dropping them off, I read it in the food court while I waited. I read and I read and I read. I glanced up ever so often and there were 3 different groups of people at the table nearest me that came and went while I was absorbed in this book. I simply couldn't turn it off.

John Murphy has just moved into the neighbourhood when a sexy lace bra that blew off the line ends up on his side of the fence. He returns it and is smitten with it's owner, bake store owner and pastry chef Livy. They are instantly drawn to each other, but Livy is reluctant to get involved with John or Murphy as she calls him to avoid the Grease name similarities. He comes across as the typical 'bad boy' and that's not the kind of guy she wants to get involved with. But as they get to know each other, her attraction to Murphy can't be denied.

Murphy is broken almost beyond repair. He has suffered horrible, horrible abuse when he was young and that abuse has messed him up big time. It has completely warped how Murphy sees himself. He spent years protecting his younger sister from the monster that raised them. Once Livy begins to get a sense of what Murphy is hiding and what he has suffered, she is determined that nothing he does will drive her away.

Murphy, for his part, is heartbreakingly afraid to believe in love. For every little part of his heart he lets Livy into, he keeps her out of another. At one point in the latter part of the book, he really goes for the jugular in order to drive Livy away and if we, the reader, didn't already have our hearts broken by what he has gone through and if we didn't see how much pain he was in, it might be hard to forgive him. But because we do, we only want what he needs and that's Livy.

One of the fascinating parts of this book is the stories that John writes. Because he dealt with monsters as a child, he has made those monsters work for him in his professional life. He's a writer of YA fiction; a series about monsters and Inez Kelly also parallels the story of John and Olivia along with the latest book that John is writing and it's almost as interesting.

This is a book that will have me thinking of it long after I finished and that's the mark of a Real Good Book for me!
Profile Image for Jess the Romanceaholic.
1,033 reviews487 followers
March 1, 2011
Reviewed for The Romanceaholic
Whew! *fans self* This story was Hot with a capital H. The sexual tension between John and Livvy was incredibly intense, without being trashy or overwhelming the story.

What worked for me:

* I do love a tortured hero. John had a terrible childhood to say the least, and that still affects the man he is today.
* I love the possessiveness that each feels for the other, long before there’s anything more than an intended no-strings-attached fling.
* There’s just something primal about John being jealous that Livvy went out on a date with another man while “still wearing his mark”.
* I really enjoyed John’s talent for not only writing, which is fairly common in contemporary novels it seems, but also his talent for illustration.
* I really liked that both John and Livvy had “childhood damage”. His was much worse than hers, but her own unhappy childhood definitely left a mark.
* I enjoyed the little snippets from John’s YA books, as well as how the story paralleled what was happening in his own life.

What didn’t work for me:

Honestly, there wasn’t really anything that didn’t “work” for me.. There were a few points that maybe bugged me a bit at first, but in the context of the story, they really do work well.

For example,

* The details about the abuse that John suffered as a child were incredibly hard to read. Sensitive readers should be aware that some of the descriptions of they physical abuse can be a bit graphic.
* John fights so dirty that it frustrated me at times how forgiving Livvy was. At the same time, however, it worked for this story, because she’s right — when you love someone, you stand with them even when they push you away.

Overall, I really and truly loved this story. The chemistry between John and Livvy was amazing, and their relationship felt real. They loved hard, fought dirty, and made mistakes just like any other human, but in the end they both had to be brave and learn to trust the other.

A very solid 5 Stars.
863 reviews230 followers
June 24, 2012

*smile on face*

You know that "every love story"...the one where the broken man w/ a past falls in love with the perfect woman and he thinks he's not good enough for her so he sabotages the relationship only to realize he can't live without her so he wins her back in a tear-jerking, touching way? (<- how's that for a run-on sentence!?!)

Well, Sweet as Sin is that exact same story...and it's SO GOOD! It's impossible not to love John and feel for all the hurt he's endured in his life. And it's impossible not to adore Livvy and her sass ans spice and deep love for John. And then there's Jondi, Thorn, and Vory (yes, those are character names!)...

I loved this book. So sweet, so emotional, so predictable (hee!), yet so lovely.

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