Finding Giorgio, Found At Last Book 1, by Joe Cosentino, performed by Brian Cheney, published by Dreamspinner Press > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Joe (new)

Joe Cosentino My latest audio book release, Finding Giorgio, is a heartfelt story that will make you laugh, cry, and remember your first love. Thank you wonderful performer and friend Brian Cheney for bringing this special story to vivid life!
“Joe Cosentino has a unique and fabulous gift. His writing is flawless…will have you guessing until the very last page, which makes his books a joy to read. His books are worth their weight in gold, and if you haven't discovered them yet you are in for a rare treat.” Divine Magazine

message 2: by Joe (new)

Joe Cosentino Don't miss this entertaining and informative interview I did with Brian Cheney, fabulous audio book performer, for the release of my Finding Giorgio (Found At Last book 1) audio book! Thank you Bayou Book Junkie for hosting this special interview!
Dreamspinner Press
“Finding Giorgio is the first in a new series that will grab you by the heart, squeeze out those tears, and leave you heaving a satisfied sigh as you turn that last page. Wrung out, emotionally drained, but smiling and relieved that another well-deserved happy ending has been found.” -- Divine Magazine

message 3: by Joe (new)

Joe Cosentino Don’t miss my entertaining interview with Theo and Jamison, the two leading characters in my Finding Giorgio (Found At Last Book 1), now available as an audio book performed by the outrageously talented Brian Cheney! Thank you Lovebytes Reviews for hosting the interview. Dreamspinner Press
“Finding Giorgio is the first in a new series that will grab you by the heart, squeeze out those tears, and leave you heaving a satisfied sigh as you turn that last page. Wrung out, emotionally drained, but smiling and relieved that another well-deserved happy ending has been found.” -- Divine Magazine

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